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Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Uh Grave, Max is looking for medics and Jack is supposed to be protecting the flanks. You sure you haven't screwed up?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Stating how far Max is from the group would help, I think.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Sorry about that, but I did say he went to go search for some medics, which would mean he'd have left the party.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Whatever, I've deleted the post.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

"I'm female, but I'm quite find of either gender, which I suppose is strange but..."

Did you mean 'I'm quite fond'? And if so, is she fond of being either gender or is she bisexual?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

yeah, fond, ugh, lemme edit
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Okay, as for the two people on medic duty, you're dealing primarily with lacerations. Cuts and gashes.

For those on the line, Oni says the tech level's about WWI, so that's about what you're going to have lying around, weapons-wise. Distance to the undead is about 150-200 yards.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Okay, I've been thinking about the gloves that some of the characters have and the properties of them and how they can be made better. Anyway, here's what I've decided.

Ignition Cloth gloves will now be fire resistant to coincide with them being about to create a spark to make fire. Spark Cloth gloves will insulate the wearer from most electrical shocks that's centered at the wearers hands. This of course is nullified if the wearer is soaked.
OOC Messages Bin

The shit has hit the fan IRL, so I'm gonna have to back out for a bit.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

*Pokes RP with a sharp stick*
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

That wont do any good, Wolf hasn't been online for a while and he's the one who deals with the military-side of things. All I do is the alchemy stuff, I'd move us along but I'm not sure where he would want to go with this. If you've got any way of contacting him could you see what he wants me to do?
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

unfortunately I don't x.x

Wait, Siphon has his number. *makes a phone call*

EDIT: apparently Wolf is job hunting and it'll be a while.
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

Hmm... No one around to hear, but a Xingese tribal arm banding worked for Scars brother... And soon after Scar himself!

And with the Melee weapon skill, could one transmute a different weapon than his norm should the situation call for it?

Blades are good up close but a polearm can double as a tool!

Anyway, I'll check back after my sleep cycle...
Re: Another RP Concept: FMA meets Zombie Apocalypse

You've made one critical error; you've posted in the wrong thread. This has been dumped into the archives because it's not being used anymore. I'll answer your question in the 'FMA Renewal' thread.