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Another RP Idea

Re: Another RP Idea

Aw, shame.

However, it's a funny thing, to think of Ellen's blood as some kind of love potion. :p
Re: Another RP Idea

awwwww shit. I didn't know you could heal people :(
Re: Another RP Idea

Better than being able to only destroy.
Re: Another RP Idea

Shit, I'm starting to think I should have made a Setite, eh Wolf ;)

There's quite a few benefits to drinking vampire blood. You can use it to heal yourself, power supernatural strength, speed, or resilience, and more. As long as there's vampiric blood in someone's system, they do not age and require less sleep and food. There's probably some more too, but I'm tired and can't think of anything else.
Re: Another RP Idea

Claudia's going to be remaining out cold for a bit in case anyone is wondering.
Re: Another RP Idea

Hard to say on your comment, Shrike...

Anywho...Let me get caught up here...
Re: Another RP Idea

As for the whole thing with the door: It's in the Bed & Breakfast, because she was trying to get in the scanner door that links the Bed & Breakfast to the Warehouse, not the main scanner door.

Also, Siphon and I had a plot-based deal going on in the warehouse, and kind of needed no distractions at the time.

As your characters haven't had the chance to be entered into the system, they can't access the doors without help. We're trying to correct that, but the doors aren't malfunctioning. Like Sean said, they're kept shut for a reason. That reason is to keep random people from just walking in. And there isn't a "shut but unlocked" mode.
Re: Another RP Idea

Me thinks the other players may be ready for the next day, their time, of course.
Re: Another RP Idea

Double post because I want.

C'mon now children, the B&B thread needs to move on, or else Roger's gonna be stuck in Atlanta forever.
Re: Another RP Idea

Bah. I'd be more helpful if my character weren't so quiet half the time. And if I hadn't taken my vacation last weekend. >.>
Re: Another RP Idea

Hey, be careful, you pretty much said you didn't enjoy your vacation, and dem's fightin' words where I come from. ;P
Re: Another RP Idea

*grins widely and adopts an irish fighting stance and a horrible accent*

Ah, ye wanna fight, do ye bay?
*starts bouncing back and forth*
I'mma mess ya up so bad ye oun montha wonnaevan ragounni-*devolves into babble*
Re: Another RP Idea


*Begins a slapfight, smacking Shrike's face like a pansy*
Re: Another RP Idea

((I live under a rock, who is Heathen Breck?))

*eeps and slaps back, using the female bitchfight technique*
Re: Another RP Idea

( It was drunken speech. Translation would be, "Fighting's like breathing-!" and Beck would be a made up insult. :p )

*suddenly backs away*

"That's MY man!"

*smacks Shrike across the face*