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Another RP Idea


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
So I've been considering a potential three way crossover RP idea for some time now (a few weeks or so), and I've come up with an idea.

Checking interest in a semi sci-fi/survival horror mixture RP. It would combine elements from the Parasite Eve games, the Resident Evil Games and the new Sci-Fi series Warehouse 13.

The beginning concept would be that you, the player, work as part of a secret organization who's purpose is to handle various tasks, such as stopping global bio-terrorism and the like. Due to a unique resistance to various viruses or elements of mind/body control, you'll have been selected to work on a different special task force who hunts down artifacts that can be extremely dangerous if left in the hands of the general public. Along the way, you may find that some problems your sent to investigate actually aren't the work of artifacts, but of bio-terrorism and viral experimentation.

There would also be the possibility of coming across virus created enemies who have been affected by certain artifacts that might make them less inclined to kill and more inclined to make the attempt to ... pass on their mutated genes ... through YOU.

Depending on if any interest is shown I'll start formulating beyond the first stage of this, which would be where the characters each become part of the "Warehouse" team. Characters will be allowed to have certain special abilities of their choosing, within reason.

IE: You would be allowed to have say a vampire's ability to increase your speed, but it wouldn't be a max level at first. Along the way there would be certain plot line developments that allowed said power to be developed further.

I will probably use a variant of Wesker for my GM character, though he won't be using the majority of his abilities at first, due to his need to be more of a watcher than out in the field. This of course does not mean he WON'T be out in the field, it means he might take some time to show his true colors to the rest of the group. Eventually there may even be a situation where an enemy is encountered with abilities rivaling even his own, which will require a level of trust built between him and the characters, and working together as a team, something he's not ever had to do before, and won't be exactly thrilled to be doing off hand. Alas, orders are orders, and even he has a boss.

On a secondary note, Wolf will most likely be the co-gm to this rp if it gets off the ground.
Re: Another RP Idea

Intrested. I'd be able to morph Sarah into that sorta setting easily, using her 'serum' idea I've kept with her as her 'power' so to speak
Re: Another RP Idea

Re: Another RP Idea

dammit, this sounds interesting, I'm in.
Re: Another RP Idea

Count me in. It'll be a great chance to introduce my newest OC.
Re: Another RP Idea

Ok the basics for now on character sheet.

Char Name:



Background History:

Powers to be conducted through PM with me ONLY, do not place in signup sheet.

Note: I may even include some aspects of Sanctuary in this, though not 100% sure yet. Also, for characters appearing to be less than human, you will need a way of concealing your otherworldly appearances to the general population without mind control or the like.

Happy creations!
Re: Another RP Idea

Since we already discussed this...

Name: Sean Galloway

Age: 30

Appearance: Extremely pale, with completely white hair. Ice blue eyes. Approximately 6'2" and 185 lbs.

Background History: Born in Lincoln, Nebraska. No juvenile records. Attended Vanderbuilt University in Nashville, Tennesse pursuing history degree. No available employment records prior to six years ago. Excellent memory in regards to job, but can be somewhat absent-minded otherwise.
Re: Another RP Idea

Char Name: "Kevin" Anderson ((First name unknown))

Age: 29

Appearance: 6'3" with brown hair, no longer than a few centimeters. Wears a gray trenchcoat with extended sleeves to cover his hands and legs, has a high collar that reaches up past his ears, with black skin-tight pants underneath the coat. He also wears an old gray Fedora hat that covers his short hair and leaves his face completely shrouded in darkness.

Background History: Kevin was born in Detroit, Michigan, and lived there for most of his life without trouble. When he was 18, he left Detroit and joined the military. He served an extended term of ten years, but lost his memory during a certain "incident" before being honorably discharged. After that, he joined the FBI in order to track down his memory. For the last year, he has been rabbit-chasing after his memory, finding bits and pieces of it as he goes.
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Re: Another RP Idea

Char Name: Sarah Miranda Quintex

Age: 22

Appearance: Blonde hair, Red eyes. Usually wears a tattered trenchcoat over average clothing. Often misjudged as just a moody teenager. Usually seen carrying around an old carpet bag, where she keeps her gear.

Background History: Lived in Malton, England during a viral outbreak that lasted for several years. During that time, she developed various mutations and special scientific researches, that when it was finally contained, she was originally researched as a scientific experiment, but now works for the group to limit others like her. Tends to be moody and not team-oriented, rathering to work alone.
Re: Another RP Idea

Ok, I'm posting my sheet for my main character up right now, though as you'll see, his info is sketchy at best. This was done on purpose to keep with the whole "top secret" bit. Eventually the characters will discover his powers and his past, but not to begin with.

Char Name: Chris MacLeod

Age: 36 but appears to be only in his 20's.

Appearance: Chris is usually seen around the Warehouse in a tank top and shorts during the summer, and long jeans with a sweat shirt during the winter.

However, when he's outside of the Warehouse, he wears much different clothing.

When leaving the Warehouse, he will sport all black. Black Kevlar Jacket, black Kevlar jean type pants, black stealth gloves and a pair of black sun glasses. The reason for the shades is apparent if you view his eyes outside of the warehouse, though most never have the

Background History:

Not much is known about this man other than he runs some top secret place in South Dakota. Any background checks that are run will show this person came into existence about six years ago, and began
working with the U.S Government and the BSAA. Beyond that, he doesn't appear to have existed at all. No known family, lovers or anything, this man appears to be a true lone wolf.
Re: Another RP Idea

Char Name: Kelly Dexter, a.k.a. Dex

Age: 29

Kelly's golden blonde waves are gathered in a loose ponytail and cascade down her back. Several strands frame her round face. Her eyes are blue, with specks of green embedded. Dex' frame is curvy.
When on missions that don't require infiltration, Kelly wears a short-sleeved dark blue shirt under a black combat vest and black denim pants. Her gloves reach up past her wrist, allowing her to store her pocket pistol in an inconspicuous spot.

Background History:
Dex, born and raised in NYC, joined the police early in life and quickly worked her way up into "a federal agency". While working for "them", she has shown considerable skill in stealth, infiltration and clandestine operations. She excels at remaining incospicious and diverting attention from her person. Not once in her several years of service she has been captured, and she has even managed to keep a very low body count.

Extra information:
On the offense, Kelly is not as proficient as other agents and tends to stick to her as a last resort. When confronted with several (aware) opponents at once, Kelly is more likely to try and run. In all-out combat, rare as it may be for her, Dex tends to salvage an enemy's arms or use improvised weapons (she tends to tell a story about an ill-advised mugger that she incapacitated with his own wallet chain). This allows her to move light and quietly. When not working undercover, Kelly feels most comfortable with recon and sabotage.
Re: Another RP Idea

Alrighty, I'll get the PMs for powers and stuff going shortly, but I must now leave for work.

Char Name: Ellen Carbon
Age: 27

Appearance: About 5'7", with shorter, black hair. Eyes are almost always hidden beneath shades, but if seen, one is brown and one is ice blue, like a wolf's. She has pale skin, though not to an unhealthy extent, and is usually cold to the touch. Usually wears baggy, nondescript clothing, such as a hoody and sweatpants. such is always dirty and usually a little ragged, and she wears a police-issue kevlar vest underneath.

Background History: From what can be determined, Ellen does not exist in records, anywhere. She doesn't seem to have a permanent place of residence, no social insurance number, no vehicles registered under her name, and no bank account. She wanders the country, moving from city to city every few weeks, and occasionally spending long stretches in the wilderness.
Re: Another RP Idea

Char Name: Connor Blair

Age: 26

Appearance: Connor sports short red hair, which he takes the time to spike up a bit. His eyes are bright green, and aside from some hardly noticeable freckles, his skin is mostly pale. A little over 6 ft, he almost exclusively wears long, loose-fitting cargo shorts of differing camo designs, as well plain dark colored tees.

Background History: Grew up in Lakewood, Washington, excelling through his classes, even going through college a lot of his college years early by taking extra classes each year, and summer courses. He had earned himself a masters, but took a break from school to work on more personal interests. Feeling he had become a bit of a bookworm about everything, knowing but not much experienced, he had spent the last two years working physically, even becoming a volunteer policeman for a neighboring town.

iz all coolio?
Re: Another RP Idea

Indeed. Send him on over to the warehouse, I'll have Claudia meet him :p
Re: Another RP Idea

Char Name: Roger Jacklin (Aka, RJ)

Age: 23

Appearance: Roger has shaggy, brown hair, and ice blue eyes. He's almost always seen wearing baggy, casual clothing, often the color brown, usually in sizes much larger than his own, which forces him to wear a belt in order to prevent the embarrassing event of his pants falling down. He's of an average build, usually not working out very often, but not so much that he'd not be healthy.

He's a slightly tanned, Caucasian man, and appears to have some Asian ancestry, as his eyes are slanted so that his icy blue eyes peer out only slightly from his eyelids.

Background History: Roger was born in Atlanta, Georgia, and lived there for the majority of his life. He was apart of a gang known as the, "Wicked Clowns," and many of his friends would refer to him as a, "Juggalo." In this gang, around his early teens, he came into ownership of a gun from one of his gang affiliates, and often engaged in gang wars over territory. He quickly learned how to use that gun over the course of the unoccasional gang-bang, and it wasn't long before he had gained respect among his fellow gang members.

However, unfortunately for him, the cops had managed to apprehend one of the gang members, who happened to be his friend. And contrary to the gang's teachings, where they would call each other brothers, and swear to die for each other, his friend snitched on Roger, in order to evade time in prison. The police quickly found, and apprehended Roger, taking him into custody, and dooming him to a life in prison, for disturbance of the peace, resisting arrest, and murder.

However, as Roger sit in his cell, awaiting his sentence, he received a call, offering him an escape from that doom, and offering a chance to use his misplaced talent for dangerous situations, to come and work for a certain organization...

"... How could I refuse?" he said into the receiver, and agreed to work for the organization.


Would this be fine?
Re: Another RP Idea

Yes, sounds typical of a "join us and have an out or sit and rot" military type thing.
Re: Another RP Idea

As a note for future posts: Be aware that there are two doors to the entrance of the warehouse, the outside normal door, and a scanner door at the end of the hallway beyond the outside door. That scanner door always closes behind people, and only those who are registered in the system can open it. Currently, that means Sean (my character), Chris, and Claudia.
Re: Another RP Idea

I figured, since Roger would have been right at the door, Sean would have had the door wide open as he was coming out. I played it out as Roger just slipping by Sean through the door he had held open as he was coming out.
Re: Another RP Idea

Not how the scanner door works, I'm afraid. Plus, Sean's just a little too perceptive for Roger to slip past, as the fact that he was aware of Roger's presence outside.