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Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

After getting some info on how to sign up for a mission, Lin signs up and goes to look for teammates by sitting down on the couch located near the mission board.(She's lazy remember?)

*Lin signed up for the "Late night at the museum of war" mission!*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River watches as Lin signs up for the mission and signs up herself, the medic mission didn't sound to interesting anyways.


"Hi, I'm River." She says calmly, introducing herself.

*signs up for museum mission*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Hi, so you signed up on the same mission?"Lin asked, before introducing herself as Lin.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

One more volunteer for, "Late night at the museum of war" is needed before the scenario can begin.

(Contacts don't count as part of the group, only players. That means, in case you might be wondering, Caliber will still show up when needed.)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Christie, not really liking the idea of going out there with the monsters just yet, decides to look around the inn a little more.


"I've been to the weapon shop and the armory so far. Let's see what the flea market has for sale. Maybe I can whip up something nice..."

*heads to the flea market*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Yeah, I was looking at it before, but the only other person here wasn't interested." She says, motioning to Azure, wrapped in her sheet.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

"Oh I see, well I will just wait here I guess, tell me if you find someone else."
And as River walks away, Lin fell asleep on her couch...
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Iris got to the mission board, now ready she signed up for a mission having something to do with war and a museum.

*Iris signed up for the "Late night at the museum of war" mission!*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

((Umm... 'Motioning to Azure' meant I was pointing to her, though not necessarily with a finger, just a tilt of the head or somesuch. No worries though, I was planning on heading out for some shopping anyways :) ))


"I will, don't worry. They have to stop by here to sign up for it anyways. See you in a bit." She says, giving Lin half a wave and heading off to the weapons shop.


"Hey there, what's for sale?" She asks once the shopkeeper had a moment.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(Gah, I'm back, I am remorsefulness)

(Okay, so let me get this right, Iris, River, and Lin? If that's the case, the mission can begin.)

(However, I need confirmation via PM that every member of the party is ready, so we can begin. Or else as soon as I make it, it'll just sit there, waiting for those people to log back on. :\)

The weapon's dealer was caught off guard again, which sent her checks red with embarrassment.


"Y-yes, here's the things the Director has allowed me to let you buy"
32. Caliber handgun = 250 FP
9 round magazine = 25 FP

Short sword: 50 FP


"There's also some 9mm ammo, costing 50 FP per magazine."


Christie visits the flea market, aside from food and the like, there's mostly junk, things that even she couldn't make into anything.

But there are some items for sale that might be useful.

First Aid kit = 100 FP
The all purpose first aid kit. If they get afflicted with toxins, or if you need to slow the progression of a pregnancy, this item will save the day.
(Can be strapped to your back)

Survival Rations = 10 FP
If a mission lasts too long, the effects of hunger will start to show. This little bag of magic contains lots of nourishment!... But it tastes bad.
(Can fit into a pocket)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin suddenly pops up behind Christie, and asks for the 1st aid kit.

"This might come in handy can I take that?"
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

River just looks at the shopkeep blankly for a moment.


"That's it? They want us to go out where the monsters are, and don't let us even take a decent handgun with us? Really? How many people have you passed a .32 to that have gone out for a mission, and you've never seen them again?"

*try to shame the girl into letting her have a 9 mil :)*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

This is what I was looking for.

Jillian says as she picks up the first aid kit. Looking around for a counter she tries to find who she can buy it from.

(I am presuming Jill was in the flea market since you never gave a response to my post)
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

Lin having nothing to do, checks up on her teammates, to see if they are ready.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

(( Hey everyone. Iris is waiting at the mission board. Just letting you all know. ))
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

"So you signed up?" Lin asked Iris before introducing herself.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Hmm... hmmmm... hmmmmmm..."

Christie exaggerates her actions as she looks over what the flea market salesman has available. She never really paid attention to those first aid lessons she took, so the first aid kit probably wasn't going to help her much. Rations? She didn't plan on being away from this place long enough to even think about possibly, maybe, having an off chance of being hungry.


"Nah, no thanks, nothing here I want."

With that, she heads back to the mission board and takes another look at the missions. Guns in a museum? Nah. Taking out a den full of monsters? Are you crazy? Hang on... helping out a medic? That one had potential for not getting her killed.

*inspect "The medic needs a medic"*
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]

~~~The medic needs a medic~~~

One of our most talented doctors, has vanished.

We have strong suspicions that she wasn't abducted, else we'd have seen signs of a breach in the building.

No, it's quite obvious she left on her own accord, and we'd like to see her back to safety before she meets unfortunate consequences.

~The Director

Threat assessment: Low
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


"Three guesses why the medic left."

Azure mumbled under her breath as she read the information, she was stalling for a better mission. One seemed way too dangerous, the other would only strengthen the powerstructure here, something she was against already, that director was way too into her newfound power.

Without thinking twice, she signed up for the mission to help the medic.


"If the medic really needs help, she's going to get it. Wether it helps this place's self appointed leader or not."

She said it only to herself with a slow nod, looking around to see who else would want to go on this mission with her.
Re: Apple Inn[Safe Haven]


Purchasing the first aid kit, Jillian then proceeds over to the mission board to see what there was. If she couldn't find anything, she could always look for the medic and offer to help out.