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Ark City, Central District

Re: Ark City, Central District

Max Tolzen groaned slightly, pausing in his work and stretching. Time to call it a night. I'm not getting anywhere with this right now. He'd been working on trying to fix a component from one of the manufacturers in the Western Industrial District for the whole day now, and had made only slight progress.

On top of the slow progress, it seemed that one of his headaches he had been having to deal with since the accident was starting up. He reached up to rub his forehead as he pushed his chair back from his workstation. After switching the sign he'd put up to its "closed" message, he tried to decide what to do for food, easier said than done, given that it'd gotten later than usual for his supper. After a moment, he left his shop and headed out.
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Re: Ark City, Central District

While making his way home from a particularly unnerving session of bogs and beholders at Crits and Bits, James Sampson paused for a moment before passing by The Broken Shillelagh Pub. It had been years since he'd last stepped through those doors, he wouldn't let tonight's events break his stretch.

Thinking to himself as he neared his apartment in the western district 'That guy playing the succubus is getting a little TOO into it... I think I may need to find a new group, having a 300lb guy with a neck-beard tell me he wants my holy avenger of thickness +2 penetrating him is NOT what I signed up for'.

Coming to an abrupt stop he threw his hands in the air exclaiming "Fuck it! I need a drink... or two" and with that headed back towards the pub.
Re: Ark City, Central District

As he approached the pub, James saw a rather unusual sight: a petite teenage girl with a left arm and leg that were glaringly, obviously mechanical.
Re: Ark City, Central District

James stole a quick glance in an attempt to calculate the necessary current needed to fry the motor control circuits in this cyborg's? prosthetics before attempting to continue on his way nonchalantly.

This wasn't any of his business, and he'd rather not have to use his abilities out here in the street, for every cell-phone obsessed child to record, without anything to hide his identity. But if it came down to it he wasn't going to trade his life for that secret.
Re: Ark City, Central District

The girl apparently didn't even notice him, just kept going toward the theater complex.
Re: Ark City, Central District

Max made it back to his shop, and went to an out-of-sight room in the apartment section above. Within was held his armor suit and its gear.

After suiting up, he started back towards the theater, stopping about a block or so away to hide and activate the suit's "cloak" before heading back in...