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Ark City, North District


Official Curmudgeon
Aug 20, 2013
Reputation score
21 April 2038 - 1900 hours

The three materialized on the transport pad in the office of Ravenstone Academy - fortunately, alone; no one was present to notice their arrival.
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Re: Ark City, North District

After his 'arrival', Max staggered slightly, and seemed to be taking several short breaths. After a few moments, he straightened up. "Well, then... That happened."
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Re: Ark City, North District

Upon phasing back in James began rubbing his gut.

"Are we there yet? -Hurrrp- A little different than what I'm used to... -Hurr- Nope, not gonna puke. Not doing it. -uhhhhhh- Alright, I'm good."

After a quick scan of the room, which revealed far more about the devices' operation that the pad in the clinic did. He checked his companions.

"You guys ok? Nothing missing or worse, where it shouldn't be?"
Re: Ark City, North District

Kelly didn't look at the others, but took a deep breath and said, "I need to tell you something, but what I'm about to say is a really big secret...The girl we're looking for, Desirae Belladonna, is actually a succubus. You're going to have to fight to stay focused around her...Even if she's not 'your type.' I've seen gay guys get hard and horny just looking at her..."
Re: Ark City, North District

"Whoa now, I thought we were here to fix ARTEMIS...?"

Seems kind of silly to keep someone like THAT at a coed school. How the fuck do they expect the guys to learn anything?

"Well, is she really gonna try to get with THIS?"

James motioned to his out of shape form. Cocking his head to the side.
Re: Ark City, North District

"It's not like that. She can't control it. She doesn't know how. There are safety systems in place in here that are supposed to suppress supernatural and metahuman powers - except in the labs - since students aren't supposed to be using special abilities outside of certain classes, but with the disruptions, I don't know if things are running the way they're supposed to be. I can't risk you getting caught off-guard, not under the current circumstances..."
Re: Ark City, North District

"No honey, I mean I'm no rapist. So unless she's actively trying to get in my pants... Though I appreciate the heads-up."

I don't like the sound of this. Being without my powers, what if their suppression system doesn't work on any foes we encounter.
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Re: Ark City, North District

A muttered "Great." was Max's reaction to the heads-up about Desirae.

A sigh, then... "Well, let's see about getting things handled swiftly. Faster we can get done, the less time something nasty has to interfere."
Re: Ark City, North District

Kelly thought for a moment. "Okay, here's how we'll do this. The nearest ARTEMIS node is just outside, past the athletic fields. You go see if it needs to be repaired, I'll look for Desi. Probably be safer that way..."
Re: Ark City, North District

Max started to move, then stopped suddenly. "Uh, question. In case we run into staff... Any way to identify ourselves as being supposed to be here?"
Re: Ark City, North District

"Doubt they'll care at this point, North District was hit the hardest. The prospect of aid should be enough to get us past anyone."
Re: Ark City, North District

"Well, we don't know. ARTEMIS couldn't get a good read on the district but that doesn't mean tha-"

Kelly had started to step out into the hall, but suddenly stopped with an "oh, shit" look on her face. From out in the hall, a deep male voice sounded.

"Mau ake, little one! No one's allowed to go outside. There's been an...incident."
Re: Ark City, North District

Max stepped out of the office into the hallway, turning towards the direction the voice seemed to come from. "We're aware. Miranda, from the pub, and a black armored figure she seemed to know well, sent these two," he paused to gesture towards James and Kelly, "...to try to repair the ARTEMIS linkages, which apparently were damaged in the incident. I came along as backup... And support, if needed."

He paused for a moment, then clarified, "I've got paramedic training."
Re: Ark City, North District

James leveled his rifle at the doorway.

"Fine then, back off and we'll just head back where we came from..."

"Just remember this for later, when they count up the people that could've been helped if ARTEMIS was working properly."

Don't know if I actually care that much. Kinda pisses me off that I'm being told what do like one of the students though.

He checked to see if he could generate a charge.
Re: Ark City, North District

The man in the hall turned out to be a very large Maori in rugby gear. He seemed very surprised to see the adults with Kelly.

"You're not alone? Wait a minute...that means...KELLY RYAN. You didn't use the pad?!"

Kelly cringed. "Mr. Naholo...Allen, it was an emergency. The pub's been attacked; some kind of EMP followed by a bunch of robots. ARTEMIS lost the control linkages, and then-"

"And then there was an eruption from the Chimney. Wait, the pub was attacked?"
Re: Ark City, North District

Max nodded in response to the question. "Yeah. Some guy in a cheap costume... A copy of someone else's. Had a bunch of... Well, junk-looking robots with him."

Max drew in a breath, then added, "There was an... accident during the resolution of the attack. Someone named 'Becca' was involved."
Re: Ark City, North District

That got both Kelly and Allen's attention.

"What kind of 'accident' are we talking here?"
Re: Ark City, North District

"Well, apparently, there's an extra heavy guitar in the pub that Becca started swinging around. Connected with the attack leader's head, which kind of ceased existing. That happened right before the sky started going weird shades and the... wave. Whatever that was."
Re: Ark City, North District

A small spark leaping between his thumb and index, appearing to be no more than static, let James know the suppression field wasn't working. At least here. He dropped the rifle to his waist and exited the pad room.

"That's a pretty brutal way to go."

"So... coach, know if anything came out of the 'heckgate'?"
Re: Ark City, North District

"Not a clue. But I'm not a mage. Look, as long as you're all here, there's work that needs to be done. Just before you...arrived, the whole place went into lockdown mode. That means that something nasty's outside, so yeah, that might be your 'gate-traveler..." He paused, staring pensively at Kelly. "Guess it's my turn to break the rules...If Becca offed someone, that's at least two bodies so far. I think that this might just call for extra help. Go on, little one, gather as many students as you can find and move them to the auditorium. I'm going to see if I can find out what's out there." As he hustled off, he activated his own communicator. "ARTEMIS, register Tangaroa active."