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Ashley (Tassadar)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Ashley woke to a dimly lit room. Shakily standing, she took note of her clothing, or lack of rather. She was completely nude, no sign of her clothing anywhere and a note was taped to her left breast. Taking it off, she read the following.

"Welcome Ashley, to the Citadel of Corruption. I have brought you here to amuse myself as you struggle to escape from here. Know that you must defeat a total of five bosses in these caves to reach my city. Once there you must defeat another five bosses. If you manage to get past all of them, you will face ME in the flesh. I guard your only way back to your home, your own planet. Let the fun begin!"

Try as she might, she couldn't remember anything before waking up here, save that she had been on her way home before blacking out.

The room seemed to be lit by a eighteen torches, and it appeared to be part of some kind of cave network. With three exits before her, and nothing else of interest in the room, there was a decision to make. Should she choose to leave and try this challenge, or stick around here in the slim hopes of someone rescuing her? It didn't seem like she'd get home without trying, so was there really any option?

Available Actions:

Stay in the room.
Take the left exit door.
Take the center exit door.
Take the right exit door.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"What in the hell? Why am I naked?" Ashley says out loud, the sound of her voice magnified by the surrounding silence. Wincing at how loud it was, Ashely reads over the note again, and says, more quietly; "Defeat bosses? reach the city? What is this, Mario Land? Might as well try to get out of here, sitting here's not likely to solve anything. She decides that straight through the middle would be the quickest way. "Dropping me naked in the middle of some abandoned building, probably gonna get rabies from some rat or something.........." she grumbles on as she proceeds.

(Take center exit door.)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley walks through the door and enters a room that seems almost identical to the one she just left as far as size went. The only two exceptions to this were that it was completely empty, and there was only one exit on the far wall. Otherwise, she almost would have thought she hadn't left her previous room.


Leave through the door.

Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

'At least nothing's crawled out to try to eat me yet. Maybe I can even find some clothes before I get out of this dungeon,' she thinks, as she continues onward, now moving quietly.

Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

((What the flying fuck, two empty rooms in a row? I'd say your lucky as hell, but then again you have no map pieces so your really going no where.))

Once again Ashley enters yet another empty room. She might begin to wonder if this was just a joke here and if the whole place was empty and just part of the t.v show "Scare Tactics."

She took note of two staircases, both leading down. One seemed to branch off to the left side, while the other branched off to the right side.


Take the stairwell to the left.

Take the stairwell to the right.

Wait and pray.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(Lol, guess the dice love me tonight.)

'I hate that show. If someone jumps out at me in a crappy costume, I'm gonna break their nose, knees, and elbows, before leaving them to wiggle on the floor. Might as well keep going, but which way? I'd rather not be going down, but I'd rather not turn back. Hmmmmmm, lets go with left.' Ashley thinks to herself, still trying to remain quiet and vigilant.

(Left stairs.)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

((We spoke too soon I think.))

Ashley's Stats: 0/500 XP, 0/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 25
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 30

HP: 75/75
Stamina: 55/55

Ashley enters the room and spots several things. First she spots some kind of freak in the center of the room, back turned to her and facing the only exit to the room, a door in the center of the far wall. Finally she noticed a medium sized Iron head Mallet laying in the corner of the room.

Unfortunately she failed to notice the small section of floor in front of her was slightly raised and rigged to a spring until after she had stepped on it and tripped it. Instantly she felt numerous vines wrap around her body, yanking her up against the wall. She was quickly pinned back side to the wall by the vines, restrained by dozens of leafy, fleshy tentacle vines. As she tried to worm her way free, she saw one of the tentacle vines with a small mouth like ending to the tip line up, and then before she could do anything more, it thrust deeply inside of her pussy, filling her insides up immediately as it began pumping in and out of her body.

The creature in the center of the room whipped around at the sound of Ashley's flesh slapping against the wall and smirked at her. His voice was somewhat raspy and he appeared to be something of a freakish hybrid between a human and some kind of insect. "Well well, what have we here, fresh prey? Too bad you fell into that trap though, but I suppose it will just warm you up for me. That is, IF you can escape it."

Any reply Ashley might have was cut off at that exact moment as her body writhed in the grip of the vines, suddenly wracked by a powerful orgasm. Despite how her body thrashed due to the orgasm, the vines firmly kept Ashley pinned to the wall, not that it mattered now since her legs and arms had gone limp from shock.

The creature simply tilted its head back and roared with laughter. "Seems you couldn't resist having an orgasm from the vines. You should know that every time it causes you to orgasm, that little mouth tipped tentacle inside of you bites in some and drinks your blood, draining your life force. Same as I will when I get my turn at you. Do try not to let it have all the fun and die on me in it's loving embrace. HAHAHAHA!"

She would note that he was telling the truth, she could still feel where the tip had pleasurably bitten into her insides, drawing a small amount of blood from her during her orgasm. In the meantime, the creature remained away from her, content to see if she could escape since he couldn't really rape her too with her back to the wall.

Enemy Stats:

Level 1 Drayne Hunter.

Drayne Hunter: Standing six feet six inches tall, they are stronger than their seemingly frail bodies would suggest, and can be tough to kill. Sickly teal colored skin along with ridges are their trademark appearances, and they appear to be some kind of cross between bug and human. They also have
short cropped white hair.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 94/500 KP

HP: 69/75
Stamina: 31/55


Ashley is unable to move, escape or resist the trap's sexual touches and advances on her next turn due to her orgasm.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(Ouchies. Lucky streaks gotta end sometime.)

Moaning, half from pleasure and half from surprise, Ashley struggles against the tentacles surprisingly pleasant intrusion, until her orgasm makes her scream and sends her limp. "Uhhhh, oh god........."
The bite inside her makes her jump back to reality long enough to hear, well whatever it was' melodramatic speech. Hoping she could resist the continued assault long enough to get out of the trap, and maybe get to that mallet.
'At least it's not scare tactics. Wait.......'

(Action: Wait. God damn 50 dexterity was supposed to keep me from getting hit in the first place, my vitality sucks too much for prolonged encounters.)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

((Normally it would keep you from being hit in most cases. Unfortunately when your INT roll failed to see the trap, it got you. In the cases of traps once they are triggered, they auto hit since on INT opposing roll fails you don't see the attack coming at all, and it's right there before you can react to it. Against actual enemies, it probably will suffice unless you get a spectacularly shitty roll. Like the one time I needed a 10 to avoid an attack and rolled a fucking ONE.))

Ashley's Stats: 0/500 XP, 94/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 25
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 30

HP: 69/75
Stamina: 31/55

The tentacle just kept thrusting rhythmically in and out of Ashley, while the other tentacles kept her restrained against the wall. It wasn't long before she once again felt the pleasure building up to explosive power, and just when she thought she had avoided it... her body betrayed her and released her pleasure in the form of a second powerful orgasm, the mouth tip biting into her again as she orgasmed, fueling her pleasure. The sheer pleasure from it was too much for her to handle, and she passed out in total bliss.

Meanwhile, the bug hybrid creature sat there and started masturbating to her
screams and moans of pleasure, and clearly was enjoying watching the plant dominate her and warm her up for him.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 176/500 KP

HP: 65/75
Stamina: 0/55 (Passed Out)


Ashley has passed out, and when she wakes up will still be held tightly in the trap's vise like grip, the tentacle still thrusting in and out of her body. She will be unable to fight the pleasure or attempt escape due to her orgasm.

((Bad luck to get two types of enemies in the same room that drain HP when you orgasm too. Hopefully you can resist an orgasm somewhere and break free and get away, otherwise Ashley is in major trouble.))
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Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

(Lamesauce. No reflex saves?)

Screaming in pleasure, pain, and frustration, Ashley convulses as she orgasms again from the tendrils thrusts, starting to almost enjoy the feeling until she feels the painful bite again. Her last thought before she passes out is; 'I hate this show......'

(Waiting again. Jinxed the dice. Going to bed for the night.)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley's Stats: 0/500 XP, 176/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 25
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 30

HP: 65/75
Stamina: 23/55

Ashley wakes up to the tentacle still thrusting in and out of her, seemingly to no end. She shudders in pleasure as she builds up towards another climax... and somehow barely manages to hold back from having an orgasm. Unfortunately she does pass out, but the most important thing to her right now is that she managed to resist having an orgasm.

Adjusted Stats:

0/500 XP, 214/500 KP

HP: 65/75
Stamina: 0/55 (Passed Out.)


Ashley has passed out, but when she wakes up she has two options. Either to attempt to escape the grip of the plant, or let it continue to pleasure her.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"Damn....... too much............ please........." Ashley moans, the squirming of the tendril in her pussy almost making her cum again, before passing out again.

When she wakes up, she'll try to break out of the trap.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley's Stats: 0/500 XP, 214/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 25
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 30

HP: 65/75
Stamina: 48/55

Stamina Regen Roll:

74+12=86% 86% of 55 is 48 rounded up from 47.3

Escape Trap Roll:

Plant: 45 Vs. Ashley: 30+40=71

Grapple Attempt!

Drayne Hunter: 50 Vs. Ashley: 50+32=82 (No chance in hell.)

Ashley bucks wildly right after waking up, and with a slurping noise as the tentacle falls out of her pussy, she manages to rip herself free from the trap. The Drayne Hunter charges at her, but she easily ducks under him and he goes flying and lands flat on his face, missing her by a mile.

Ashley's stats don't change.


Grab the Iron Head Hammer and Leave.

Grab the Iron Head Hammer and attack the Drayne Hunter.

Attack the Drayne Hunter without the benefit of a weapon.

Attempt to run like hell and escape the room, leaving the weapon and the enemy behind.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Deciding that she was either insane, dreaming, or having a really fucked up day, Ashely rushes for the hammer, hoping to turn Mr. Bugs head into a gooey pulp.

(Grab hammer and go Thor on his ass.)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley's Stats: 0/500 XP, 214/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 25
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 30

HP: 65/75
Stamina: 48/55

Attack Roll:

Ashley: 50+20=70 Vs. Drayne Hunter: 63

Damage Dealt: 7+6(strength bonus)=13x2=26 (hammer bonus = x2)

Ashley swings her hammer down and connects with the Drayne Hunter's head, hitting him for 26 total damage. The Hunter growls in pain and tries charging her again.

Grapple Attempt:

Drayne Hunter: 79 Vs. Ashley: 50+50=100 (You lucky bastard, max roll!)

The Hunter once again goes flying past her, unable to get a hold of her.

Ashley's stats don't change.


Leave the room.

Continue to try and use "Thor's" Hammer on the bastard.

ID UNLOCK: All Melee Weapons do 2x the damage you normally do, after strength rolls factor in.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Seeing how fast he is, Ashley makes a mental note to be careful, and swings at the creature again, this time going for one of it's limbs, hoping to cripple it.

(Attack, by Odin!)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley's Stats: 0/500 XP, 214/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 25
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 30

HP: 65/75
Stamina: 48/55

Attack Roll:

Ashley: 50+42=92 Vs. Drayne Hunter: 44 (OMG Crappy ass roll LOL)

Damage Dealt: 48+6=54x2=108.

The Drayne Hunter tries to duck the blow and instead takes it on the back of his head. A CRUNCH is heard, and he drops to the floor, dead.

Ashley gains 50 XP and has killed the Drayne Hunter!

Adjusted Stats:

50/500 XP, 214/500 KP

HP: 65/75
Stamina: 48/55


Leave the room through the exit.

Wait and regenerate lost HP/Stamina.
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

"YEAH! WHAT NOW! WHOS BRAINS ARE SPLATTERED ON THE FLOOR!? BITCH!" Ashley shouts at the bug-mans corpse. She finishes panting, and decides to get out of here before the bug man starts to smell bad, keeping the hammer with her.

(Leave the room through the exit, if the next room is empty rest there.)
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)

Ashley's Stats: 50/500 XP, 214/500 KP

Strength: 30
Dexterity: 50
Vitality: 25
Energy: 15
Intelligence: 30

HP: 65/75
Stamina: 48/55

((Lucky you.))

Ashley enters a room that is lit well, but is completely and utterly empty of anything except another exit, a stairwell leading up.


Wait and Rest.

Move On.

((Have to have you post there to keep with continuity on her decisions.))
Re: Ashley (Tassadar)


Ashley decides she needs a break, and sits against a wall close to the center of the room to rest, but keeps her eyes on the stairs leading up and holding onto the hammer, glancing back the way she came every once in while. Better safe than sorry. She also examines the hammer, wondering why it was sitting in that room, and tries to determine if she'd damaged it in the fight.

(Wait and rest.)