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Ashley (thetwo)

Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley wanders the labyrinth for a while, turn after turn passing behind her as she lets her natural sense of direction take hold.

Spying something off about the floor in front of her, she realizes that it's actually a pit, looking down, she sees it filled with wigging members of all sorts. Almost as soon as she leans over, some of them start moving upwards towards her!

Tentacles 4/4 HP
Ashley 5/5 FP

(Ashley acquired trait: Polearm Expertise 1 | +1 to combat rolls when weilding polearms, double bonus on defense.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley didn't need to stretch her imagination to figure out what those would do to her if the managed to catch her.

Frick, really wish I hadn't freaking looked in that pit, those things are... no, don't think about that.

She backed away slowly, hoping that they wouldn't see her. Of course, the thing made entirely of rope and the slime beast had both managed to see her without eyes, so this probably wasn't much of a hope, and he held her spear ready to attack the first one to get within range.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

14+1 vs 6+2
Waiting for the first of the tentacles to pop up, Ashley thrust her spear forwards to meet the first encroaching tentacle. The tentacle withdrew, unhappy that it was speared, that was its job, after all.
4+2 vs 11+2
The tentacles set on their assault, but Ashley was prepared this time, she was not about to let another thing violate her today. Weaving and dodging the incoming members, she easily held her ground without being overwhelmed.

Tentacles 3/4 HP
Ashley 5/5 FP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Ha! Got you, abomination!"

Encouraged by actually managing to damage the thing without being grabbed, Ashley darted forward to hit the next one before they all attacked at once. Her suddenly improved talent with the spear hovered in her mind as an incongruity, but one that she decided could probably be explained by the peculiar game-ish mechanics. Maybe just using the spear for a while had made her better at it, or maybe it was a balancing mechanism for getting defeated. Or maybe she was imagining it, and she had just improved naturally.

Either way, she was going to use it.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

7+1 vs 2+2
Ashley manages another blow on the tentacles, slashing though multiples with the sharp side of her spear, watching as the others retreat in pain, but not for long.
12+2 vs 5+2
The tentacles surge forward again, using their numbers to their advantage, one of them grabbing her legs, she feels as though the tentacle is slimy, but it seems her denim is a bit resistant to the dissolving, at least, for now. It gives a tug and she falls over, the tentacle is trying to drag her into the pit!

Tentacles 2/4 HP
Ashley 4/5 FP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"No! No, I really don't think I want to go in there..."

Ashley struggled to sever the tentacle that had grabbed her, hoping to halt her progress on the way to the pit as quickly as possible, and maybe even convince the things to let her go. After all, if this was a game it must be possible to win. Heck, there had even been a higher difficulty!
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

6+1 vs 13+2
Ashley tries to cut the one grabbing her foot, but finds herself unable to get good enough leverage for a blow...
9+2 vs 2+2
And just as more tentacles start to wrap around her, another one grabbing her other ankle, and one going around her chest and arms, holing them.

Tentacles 2/4 HP
Ashley 3/5 FP (Ensnared, -2 to attacks)
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

"Oh frick!"

Ashley abandons her plan to cut the tentacles and just tries to get free, putting all her energy into the struggle to pull the tentacles off her and stand up. And every second she fails, the pit looms closer. She can already feel a warmth between her legs, as her sore pussy starts making itself ready for what may be to come.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

18+2 vs 12+2
Managing to get herself free from the tentacles, as the missed chance of an attack. But she managed to regain her footing, getting a good grip on he spear.
20+2 vs 16+8
It's for naught, sadly, as the tentacles manage to get her once again, the entangle her around the legs, pulling them together at the knees, she walls over, hitting herself hard as she lands.

As they start dragging her back to the pit again, she feels really aroused...she knows she doesn't want to go in...but she can't help wonder exactly how it will go.

Tentacles 2/4 HP
Ashley 2/5 FP 1/4 AP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley somehow manages to keep her head through all this, and again tries to hit her attackers with the spear, fearing that if she keeps trying to get away they'll just wear her down. Her mind tries to wander to thoughts of what it might be like to get pulled into the pit, but she focuses on the slime's treatment of her and fights all the harder to avoid it happening again.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

17 vs 10+1
She takes a stab at the tentacles holding her legs, and gets lucky as she neatly severs it, the member falling limp as she stood up and readied herself again. It looks like the tentacles were wavering, she probably needed only one more solid hit...
18+2 vs 13+1
But the tentacles didn't withdraw, managing to grab her again, they wrapped around both her ankles this time, she flipped as she fell, being dragged face down towards the pit, she wasn't far away now...she felt a wave of arousal, but managed to avoid getting anymore flustered...just one ore hit...

Tentacles 1/4 HP
Ashlet 1/5 FP 1/4 AP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

One more hit, oh frick this is going to be close...

Successfully ignoring the tiny voice that argued in favor of letting the things take in favor of the huge screaming voice that said she didn't want to get raped unconscious again, Ashley flipped back over onto her back and tried for one last blow on the tentacles that already almost had her legs over open air, and willed her spear to strike true with her entire mind.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

14 vs 16+2
She missed! The spear stroke air as it flew past the tentacle! She was worried...this might be the end...
10+2 vs 12+1
But it wasn't, as she managed to drag herself back with her hands for the moment, the tentacles a little too weak to make the final pull. The excitement was getting to her, being on the edge, was she going in, or would she go free? She became wet just thinking about it...

Tentacles 1/4 HP
Ashley 1/5 FP 2/4 AP
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley didn't waste another second wondering if she was going in or not. Far better just to make sure it didn't happen. And so she trust out with her spear yet again, glad she had managed to hold onto it so far. Her arousal was still a mild roar, but completely insignificant to the too-familiar exhaustion. One more solid blow from her might defeat the tentacles, but another from them would surely render her in no state to resist, and they could take their jolly good time dragging her down into the pit and... well, time enough to worry about that when (IF!) it happened.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

1-1 vs 11+2
Clang! The spear struck stone! Ashleys face sank, this was it...she was going in the pit, she just knew it...
17+3 vs 13
Yes...here she was...in the air above the pit, about to fall to the waiting members of the tentacles below...some tears forming, the sadness of yet another rape vs her anticipation and hope of tentacles and their being gentle.

Tentacles 1/4 HP (About to have fun)
Ashley 0/5 FP 2/4 AP (About to be the tentacles fun)
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Re: Ashley (thetwo)

As her spear missed the beasts, Ashley let out a scream of frustration that turned to terror as she dropped into the waiting tentacles. As her spear fell out of her reach, and she looked at the walls that she would be unable to climb, she finally allowed herself to imagine what would come. They would strip her or destroy her clothing, and there was a fat chance that they'd be polite as the rope thing and only penetrate her in the natural way (as far as 'natural' could be said to apply to a tentacle monster). No, they would fill every orifiace she had, and rub her everywhere at once.

But what then? Would they do as the rope thing had, and rape her only gently and for a short while, or would they imitate the slime and make her scream in pain for hours before tossing her to the floor? Ashley wasn't sure she wanted to find out. The rope thing might have been pleasant, but only if it had been consensual, if she hadn't been bound in place. This would be forced, and it wouldn't just be a single phallus either.

She closed her eyes and wished she hadn't given her word so easily.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

The tentacles started off somewhat gently as they started to grab her every limb, moving her around into different awkward positions, seemingly trying to find the one they liked the most.

The tentacles seemed to settle on holding her upside down, legs spread above her and arms pulled behind her back, held tight at the elbows and wrists. Before this though, they had stripped her of her clothes completely, letting her keep her underwear.

The tentacles started to play with her now, two of them wrapping around he breasts, squeezing, another set playing with her nipples. She felt one rub up against her lower body through her panties, feeling the tentacle was somewhat calloused, bumpy and hard. She started to moan, the hold exciting her now as the tentacles toyed with her everywhere on the body, trying to make her want them.

Eventually, as she wondered just how long it would take, the tentacles move aside her panties, she closed her eyes in anticipation, expecting it to be as bad as the slime. It wasn't quite that bad, however, although she was held somewhat painfully, the first tentacle took it's time entering, somewhat large, but not enough to cause major discomfort, it was the calloused hard one she felt earlier. It felt so good when it entered her that she orgasmed immediately, juices dripping down her back and into her hair. Another one prodded on her, somewhat smaller, but also hard, entering through her rear, she could feel the two tentacles rubbing against each other inside, as they alternated her thrusts. She gasped at the sudden pleasureful violation and another member entered in her mouth, though not going so deep as to choke her.

She felt other smaller tentacles poking into her pussy and rear, and she started to wonder if they would enter her too. They did, as smaller one entered, the four tentacles inside her below started to alternate, one thrusting at a time. It was too much, she orgasmed again, as the tentacles went in deeply one last time, filling her with a monumental amount of cum.

She was starting to fade now, but felt as the tentacles lifted her out of the pit and deposited her on the ground.
She woke up a while later, almost laying in a pool of cum that had flown out of her. She looked around, spotting her clothes and equipment nearby.
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Re: Ashley (thetwo)

While the tentacles hadn't been quite as rough with her as the slime had, they did have their own particular horror. The feel of being positioned until they found a way they liked made her feel like a toy, used for a while and then tossed aside. The puddle of sticky white goo that had apparently poured from her body certainly didn't make that feeling any better.

But at least it was over, for now. No pounding multiple penetrations, no more breathing around a tentacle that was raping her face. And certainly no more moaning and wishing they would start already.

Ashley cleaned the cum off as best she could before slipping on her clothes, but there would be no helping the smell. She also ate her final two rations, aware that she was still tired even afterward. That wasn't a good sign.

At least I don't have to worry about getting pregnant, that's a blessing at least. If I woke up in the real world with semen pouring out of me, I'd be in a panic however it happened...
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Although the tentacles spunk was a little dried, she managed to get most of it off without much of a problem, her hair was entirely full of it though.

As she wandered through the labyrinth, wondering if it even had an exit, she found herself in front of the door to another room. An actual door, made of wood, with hinges and a doorknob, she could walk away, or she could see what was inside.
Re: Ashley (thetwo)

Ashley paused at the door. On the one hand, something terrible could be on the other side. On the other hand, it could be the exit. And what exactly could there be that was worse then what had already happened to her?

She was quite sure that she didn't want to know the answer to that question, but since she had no idea what the exit looked like, she decided that the risk of "something worth" was less then the certainty of wandering around the dungeon forever because she was afraid to open doors.

She opened it, holding her spear ready to defend herself from nightmares.