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Atlantis (Space and City Side)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Atlantis. The former crown jewel of the Lantean civilization sat on a lush planet, made of mostly water. The city was floating in the middle of a massive ocean that spanned close to half the planet in size, with a large continent well off to the West of it.

Atlantis was enormous, having needed to be this large to sustain a population numbering in the millions at it's heyday. It resembled a gigantic snowflake, with massive skyscraper towers scattered about. Some were near each arm of the city, but most were near the central nexus point of the city, where the command tower and primary jumper bay could readily be identified by it's top, and structure if one knew what to look for. The Stargate was also located in this central command tower, which stood taller than any of the rest. It was a place that currently held a decent number of people, albeit nowhere near the amount the Ancient's had 'crammed' into it. Even still, there were plenty of places for Zaleia to relax and collect herself, to recover and possibly recapture who she'd once been. Of course, knowing the woman and her history, there were also plenty of things she could get herself into trouble with too, such as the power conduits and relays.

((Good to go Shrike, sorry for the Delay))
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

((Sorry for the wait, i was expecting folks to chat amongst themselves as well. Ah well, best move it along before it dies, if im jumping the gun, the chat can continue in the former thread.))

Ariana's ship arrived in space above the planet, having been in transit between the galaxies for just short of a week. The trip itself had been uneventful, even boring, with only the four beings on the trip. They signaled Atlantis as they entered the atmosphere, coming to settle on one of the large pads on an outer arm of the city.

The woman had spent most of the trip nearby, though quiet, available should her guests need anything, but otherwise keeping to herself. She seemed awkward around people, and somewhat insular.

Once the ship had landed, the ladies departed, this time accompanied by Alberik with his usual cloak and walking staff, Ari peering around with an impressed look. "Reminds me of Planet Los Angeles. Fancy tourist trap." She said with a smirk.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Most of Sho's time had likely been reconnecting with her sister and Ian's would have been, like, Ariana, being nearby but out of the way. Though there seemed to be the desire to chat with Zale, he kept it to a minimum, not wanting to overwhelm her too much and too quickly.

"Y' talkin' an actual planet or the city itself?" Ian asks with a chuckle as their pilot makes the comparison.

Sho just seems grateful to be able to stretch her legs. She does tend to get a little antsy on-board ship, even with them making the journey in the larger vessel. There's a stir of a breeze around her as she exits. "First order of business should probably be to report in. Then lodging. Then I'm for food. All in favor?"
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"A planet. Though I'm told it was named after a city. Most of the planets I know of are, really." She answered with a shrug.

"You folk are free to use the ship for lodging, as long as we're here, at least. I am definitely all for some off-ship food, though."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"They can usually set us up, especially if we're going to be here for the duration, but thanks." Sho will flash the other woman a smile.

"Yeah, we've got a Los Angeles on Earth. Nevah been m'self, save a layovah a time or two. Least it's not Las Vegas. We'd go blind from all the lights."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Zale wasn't hungry. she wouldn't be hungry not in her current state at least not the way the others might after departing the ship she felt the power from the place all around.. Her time away as it was seemed to have changed much of her hunger for energy she would have had before now she started wandering following all the lines of energy she could feel around her not really paying attention elsewhere as she was very much distracted by her own form of food for now.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Sho would definitely notice her sister's wandering. "Hey, Ian, see if they can set me up in the usual suite, 'kay?" She gives him a salute along with her amused request and for now, is content to let Zale go, just making sure she's with her, she doesn't cause any issues, and they can find their way back to civilization when they need to.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Those who went to the control room would meet up with Colonel Grant, who was now in charge of Atlantis. Upon seeing Ian, he nodded to the man.

"Welcome back to Atlantis. Word was sent ahead to me, am I to understand this right, Zale found you folks through some kind of anomaly?"

((Small, but ought to get this moving and leave it open as to who is where)).
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

*Zale continued her follows of power conduits and the flow one way or another probably she would begin tracing them to the source of their power curious of it..unless someone tried to dissuade her or stop her she would most likely not even acknowledge anyone on her search as she moved. it was very easy for her to gain a one tracked mind right now as she wandered the little energy bolts on her skin shifting in intensity back and forth as she hunted,*
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

((I am presuming that Sho knows what and where are off limits, even if I'm not 100% on that.))

Sho will continue to follow her sister to make sure no trouble pops up while they're exploring, though it's probably not likely that she can see what Zale is following, hence the "What'cha got that so interesting, Z?"

Ian will give the Colonel a brief salute, though far from military proper, though still in deference to the man's rank. "Guess ya could say that. She...popped outta one," there's a pause, "right afta a t-rex. Took us all a bit to figga out it was her. Sho's with her right now. Ah don't think she knows how ta people at the moment, so we're sorta just lettin' her go at her own pace."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

*Would stop for a moment turning to look at Sho though she would make another step closer to the power conduit she had been following. In days past she was strictly electricity..her time being in a realm of pure energy though she had..evolved so to speak. While her energy still very much looked and acted like electricity she was far from only limited to the electrical type now. lights around the area might flicker and dim very briefly but a small little shift and arc or energy came from the conduit directly to Zale's outstretched hand. After the extremely brief arc the little lightning bolts across Zale's skin surged in intensity as if she topped off her power supplies once more with a tiny little sip. The flow of power would find itself returned to full after that briefest of moments but who knows if it was even noticeable. Though in response to Sho on a verbal point Zale would only say one word* "food."
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Grant blinked several times at the mention of the T-Rex.

"OK, that didn't make it through the rumor vine. Seriously, a T-Rex on an alien planet? That's ... new."

He chuckled, laughing it off for now, turning more serious as the conversation went back to Zale.

"Probably for the best to let her go at her own pace. From what I've read of Siphon's own odd journeys, if she turns out anything like he did coming back from ascension, assuming that's where she was, trying to push it can make things bad, really bad. I'll help get word out she's here, but that it'd be best not to crowd her and let her come back to normal on her own terms. Dr. Rivers might also have found something you folks might be interested in. There's a holographic chamber as you know, but recently we've uncovered a section of information previously hidden. The real interesting part is that the program they're tied into seems to have an English translation matrix, which I find odd. I'm no scientist or linguist like she is but even I know enough to know English wasn't around when Atlantis was abandoned. So who made it, and why?"
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Watching the display and then her sister's response, things click, at least somewhat. Granted, she'd known Zale to subsist on more than that in the past, but there was no denying something about her had changed. What she witnessed on the planet was enough evidence of that. The simple response gets a nod out of the dark-haired woman. "Got your fill or are we hunting more down for you?"

"Guess Ah get to be the bearer of int'restin' news, then. Couldn't figger out where it came from, though, since, like you said, alien planet. No dinos roamin' around back in the day." He listens to the remark about the chamber. "That's a puzzle, idinit? How old's the program? Maybe it's somethin' a later explorer tacked on." A pause. "Ah take it it hasn't been played yet."

((Ian doesn't know about the Normandy, so he won't be able to make comments about the different anomalies.))
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

*shook her head some and moved to walk back by Sho* "full.."

*She looked about where they were nothing meaning anything to her it was all just unknown as far as she could tell or remember*
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Grant shook his head.

"No, hasn't been played yet. As best as we can tell, the recording is the same age as some of the other most recent ones, about ten thousand years old. I will say, there are recordings that seem to be far older, millions of years old even. There's even some that show what Earth was like back during the Ancient's time there."

((Figured he wouldn't. The debate now for me is to bring an anomaly into play here, or wait til later :p Has to be one at some point, but ... not sure where or how many yet lol. So be on your toes! :p))
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Then why don't we head back to the command center? We can go from there, get you set up with a room so you can have some quiet space if you need it." Sho's been keeping track, thankfully, so she can lead the two of them back from whence they came. Or if Zale seems to want to explore further, she'll continue to follow, marking the way back.

"Well, we can always play it. See what the gist of the message is and that might give us some clues. Then again, that'd be yer call. Ah'm not in charge." He grins a little.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

*would seem to look at Sho curiously perhaps considering what to do before finally just giving a simple nod and then seemed to be waiting for Sho to lead the way. Zale once again having a full charge seemed to have an air of energy about her almost static in the air near her. *
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"This way, then." She'll indicate the way back for the two of them, turning to go and there's a quick glance to make sure Zale's coming with her. If she's trailing behind, Sho will drop her pace to match her sister's stride. "We're going to try and keep it to a minimum, but fair warning, there's probably going to be quite a few folks that're happy to see you. How comfortable are you with conversation?" This is also, it looks like, her feeling out Zale's capacity for it, too, since she's mostly been getting short answers. Doesn't seem like she's expecting more, but it's nice to know the level of functionality you're dealing with.
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

*Zale tilted her head a bit she could barely remember that she knew Sho she had no idea who else knew her here or why they would be happy to see her. so she simply shrugged her shoulders some "i don't remember anyone...who knows me?" She would keep right on Sho's heels for now where ever they went but she wasn't sure if she was going to be any good talking with people she had no idea of.*
Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

The colonel smiled slightly in return.

"Originally I was going to have her report back to me after going through it, but once we heard you folks would be coming by, I asked her to wait on it. She's extremely talented, but she does have a tendency at times to be distracted easily and forget to report on these things. Not that I blame her any, this place is nothing short of amazing. Been here a year already, still not used to it. If you want, she's in the hologram room now, you could go join her. At least you'll come up for air to report later."

The last was said with a good natured chuckle.

((Guyver, you and I should talk at some point I've some ideas for Zale. In addition, prepare to have the return of a name you'll recognize Copper, but Ian won't as of yet since they haven't been introduced yet. :p))