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Atlantis (Space and City Side)


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

He'd keep the numbers in mind. It would give them an idea of whether or not the Klarnell managed to make off with any prisoners or not. Then, of course, the gunfire.

"Looks like we caught 'em. Let's go. Hit hahd. Hit fast. Don't stop. Ah'll be throwin' 'em inta the walls." Which, of course, would likely make him a target but these guys needed put down and fast.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

A collective nod went through the soldiers, as they raised their weapons. Moments later they came around the corner to a most interesting fire fight.

A dozen or more creatures were closing in on a group of men and women, some of whom were firing back. There was no sign of the missing women though, which caused Samantha to cock her head slightly.

She got an answer to her unspoken question moments later as suddenly some kind of energy beam lashed out from seemingly thin air. It struck one of the female soldiers, who literally seemed to vanish before their eyes. Her weapon, remained on the ground, falling from where her hands had once been. However, when a second shot struck one of the men, it tore a hole through him, dropping him dead instantly. In that moment, it clicked to Samantha what they'd just seen. Quietly, she whispered to the others.

"There's something over by the far wall, something cloaked. I think the weapon I just saw either transports women through that open anomaly somewhere, or maybe works like a Wraith dart storage buffer. Either way, we have to stop that thing. Can you grab it with your powers when it fires again, back track it's shot and keep it from moving so we can hit it? If we can even disable it's cloak, at least we'll know what we're up against."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Let's hope it's the lattah," Ian mutters, keeping his voice down despite the fight going on. "Tricky, but Ah think Ah can do it." Given there were two shots, he sort of focuses on where it was then but if whatever it was were smart, it wouldn't stick around to get pot-shotted by those doing exactly what he was. That whole 'three matches on a cigarette' adage holding true in this instance. "Guess now it's a mattah of gettin' its attention."

Given the ramifications of missing this thing--abduction for the woman, death for the men--missing grabbing it for longer than one or two more shots really wasn't an option. He also hoped it wasn't precise enough to hit on every shot but when you're cloaked, lining up was a bit of a luxury, which was what he needed to do, too. Instead of joining the fray or the distraction, he hung back. His personal feelings protested this but he couldn't very well track shots if he was being surrounded by them. At the moment, he had to trust the soldiers and wait for the moment when he could best help.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Samantha nodded.

"Leave that to us. Ian, Renyolds, target those creatures, whatever they are from cover. I'll see if I can entice big ugly to reveal itself. Ian ... good luck. If it gets me with that thing ... I need for you two to drop it and get the others attention to fire on it. With any luck ... it's not wearing bullet proof armor. If it is ... well, I guess we're totally screwed if there's no weak points. At the very least, maybe we can disable it's cloak. Here goes nothing."

Taking a deep breath, she stepped out into the open in such a way Ian had the best field of vision possible, and opened fire on the closest creature. From behind one of the walls that had been damaged, and had holes in it, the two men took up shop, and then fired short bursts, ensuring the attention would, hopefully, remain on Samantha.

At first it seemed like perhaps the creature had taken off despite there being two other women in the group ahead of them left. Then, without warning, a blast of energy came flying out from near one of the far walls, a faint outline of something huge visible for just a moment as the shot fired. It came screaming at Samantha, who, surprisingly, was able to avoid directly being hit by it, albeit just barely. It did however pass close enough to her that she staggered slightly, nearly falling as it seemed to have an almost stunning effect on her. She caught herself, but if it got a second shot off, it was doubtful she could avoid it.

((Up to Ian now)) :p


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Ian's not stupid enough to stay close to Samantha, giving her room to dodge, but he also has to keep within line of sight of the fire-fight so that he's able to see where the beam comes from. What he's waiting for is that initial flash of the beam, not to mention quietly praying that using it distorts the cloak enough for him to get a bead on the creature. Especially if she were able to hopefully spot it previously.

As soon as he sees it, he does his best to force himself to something of a tunnel vision, focusing solely on the spot where the beam originated from. Given that Samantha dodged, hopefully that meant it would be moving and lining up for another shot, which would distort his vision enough for him to pinpoint it.

Given those factors, he hopefully has a chance to grab it, yanking the thing away from the wall and upward, feet first mostly, to not only immobilize it but to hopefully disorient it enough that it won't be able to make any further shots. Provided it's sturdy enough, it might even get slammed into the ceiling, though he's a bit reluctant to do that, since he doesn't know where the girls are.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

The creature made it's first mistake of the day. Clearly, it was over confident in it's technology, or that nothing posed a serious enough threat to it. Whatever the reason, it barely bothered to move at all, firing a second shot off at Samantha. While Ian was able to grab it while it distorted and briefly became visible, the blast it fired slammed full on into the staggering Samantha, dropping her instantly with a cry of surprise.

After dropping to the floor, she didn't move at all, seeming to be completely immobile, or worse, out cold. The two men with him though didn't miss a beat, and the moment the creature was partially visible, and Ian's power yanked it, they opened fire on it.

There was a hum of energy, the creature probably trying to fire at Ian, but one of the men scored a lucky shot. There was a sudden flash of energy, as if something had exploded, and suddenly it's cloak failed. At the same time, a piece of what was clearly a weapon flew off to one side, possibly from being struck as it discharged.

Now visible, the creature was huge. It was massive, easily over eight feet tall and probably well over four hundred pounds, but powerfully built. Ian might have no doubt this thing could snap a human in half if it chose to, with it's bare hands. So this was what had been causing the women to vanish?

It let loose a roar as it tried to break free of the hold, and once it realized it couldn't, there was some sort of sound issued from it. The moment it did, every single predator in the area snapped it's attention towards Ian, and began coming for him. The remaining people opened fire on them, but they couldn't possibly down them all before they reached Ian, which meant he'd either have to split his focus to try and contain those that got through, or drop the creature he had currently in order to protect himself, which left it free to do gods knew what.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

He was hoping that whatever broke off was either the cloak or whatever was holding the women. They'd have to check later. Thing needed dead first.

Filing away that they could communicate with the predators like that for sometime less immediately life-threatening, his mind snapped back to the fight at present. Unfortunately, the Klarnell itself was a task and a half, even for his powers. By itself, it would be fine. Splitting his ability between it and the pets wasn't going to be able to happen. Even he had his limits.

So, the choice was made. He allowed the Klarnell to drop, instead using his powers to snag the predators. Of course, they were getting flung at the Klarnell because why inconvenience one enemy when you can take care of both. Of course, there's a lot of critters, so he's essentially playing defense in the hopes that the marines can unload enough lead into the things to take them down. If he has a moment with any individual one, he tries a vicious twist on the thing's neck, hoping to snap it. He's also trying to keep an eye on the Klarnell, to try and trip it up, throw it into the wall, or whatever he can to keep it from charging. Or shooting. If it goes for the piece that broke off, though, Ian will snag that and pull it behind himself and the other marines. He's not letting the Klarnell have it again.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

The moment the Klarnell was free, it raised an arm, appearing to try and fire another hidden weapon. When nothing happened though, there was an angry roar from it, a seeming check of something, and then it began to weave through the flying bodies. It took a moment to realize that it wasn't trying to attack, but rather was looking to leave.

Bullets continued to fly as now those who hadn't been taken out from the group ahead began to unload on the predators along with Ian's own companions. Unfortunately, they moved so fast, that unless he was holding one in place, they were having a tough time landing a hit on them. It was then that Ian saw one of the soldiers pull out something that looked like a stun grenade, seeming to contemplate if it was safe to toss it, or if it'd cause friendly fire.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Do it!" Ian yells and hopefully the man's got enough sense to at least 'fire in the hole!' Not that it will do much against the blast of the grenade but they could at least partially shield from the optic part. And it would hopefully stun the predators as well. The Klarnell, looking to flee, though, wasn't good and there'd be a "Covah me!" from Ian as he flung the current predator he was holding into another one and reached out to grab the fleeing hostile again and throw it back to start, so to speak. If nothing else, hopefully it would be within the blast radius and the stun grenade would slow the bastard down.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

The guy didn't need to be told twice, throwing the grenade at the same time he yelled out, "Stun in the hole!"

A subtle difference to fire in the hole, but enough that the others were able to react appropriately to the grenade. Ears covered, eyes closed and mouth open slightly to nullify most of the blast, they were prepared.

The predators however suddenly froze in place when the grenade went off, their senses seeming to have been overloaded. They were still upright, but not moving. The soldiers took advantage of it after getting their weapons, beginning to drop Predators like clockwork with them sitting targets now.

The Klarnell roared when Ian focused on it again, flailing about. It seemed to be reaching for something when suddenly it's entire body stiffened, as if it were being jolted by an electrical current. Moments later it went limp, a liquid oozing out from beneath it's armor. It seemed somehow, it had just died.

Movement caught his eye from one corner, and when he looked, he saw a woman he recognized staggering towards them. It was Cassandra, or Cassie as she like to be called. She appeared either hurt from the way she moved, or perhaps she'd recovered from being blasted by the Klarnell earlier. Either way, she was half staggering right towards it. It appeared to be dead, but was it truly?


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

So long as the predators are down, Ian will focus on the Klarnell. Given he has his zat and it is now a prone target, it is now going to be a zapped prone target. No chances. The soldiers are also free to double-tap as they see necessary but at the moment, his focus is on the girl coming into the fray.

"Cassie?" He seems...surprised to see her, especially here, of all places, and given the situation.

He'll also gesture for at least one of the soldiers to go join Johnson and Vickers, given the fact that there was still the anomaly to deal with and the more they had watching it, the better.

"Hey, sheila. Y'all right?" Ian will approach her slowly, tucking the zat away for the time being. Even without a weapon, he wasn't ever really unarmed.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

A few more rounds went into the thing to make sure it wasn't just playing dead, but the liquid suddenly oozing from where it's face should be under the mask seemed pretty clear evidence it wasn't getting back up.

Cassie blinked, looking up at Ian.

"Oh ... Hi Ian. Uh ... I wouldn't ... I wouldn't touch that thing if I were you, might still be contagious. Oh boy."

Suddenly her legs gave out, and she toppled over into him, seeming to have passed out, or be in some other way exhausted and unable to stand.

What had she meant by contagious though? Had she unleashed something that had killed the creature? If so, how? As far as anyone knew, she didn't possess the ability to do something like this.

((They don't know about her possible past at this point, all they know is Nirrti killed her entire race off, or so they think. Just decided now that they wouldn't have reached the point we were in on the last run through.))


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

(Okay. Still would be odd for him to find her *here* of all places.)

Well, questioning her was going to have to wait, seeing as how she was unconscious. And they had wounded and missing to deal with. For the moment, he'll guide her gently to the floor and out of the way, likely using a little teke to keep from jostling her too much.

"Headcount?" Ian asks of the soldiers, glancing around. He also brings over the whatever it was that they knocked off of the Klarnell's armor to see what it was and if it might, at all, be what was holding the missing women. "An' any sign of any more of 'em?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

((True, though my comment had nothing to do with that bit, was just establishing what he would and wouldn't know of her. As far as he knows, she's not capable of what just happened.))

One of the soldiers they'd helped finally answered him, after having conferred with several others.

"Ten missing, twelve confirmed dead. And that gun you picked up there, that looks like a reverse engineered variant of a wraith storage device. It's still active too. No sign of any more so far."

Sure enough, it still had energy running through it, though the barrel seemed obliterated. At the same time suddenly their radios came to life.

"This is Colonel Grant calling any team out there, can anyone hear this?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Ian chuckles wryly. "We might have ta reverse-engineer this thing." Given the barrel likely isn't capable of removing anyone from the gun. He's still careful with it. "Or maybe hook the storage mod up ta a dart or somethin'. Willin' ta bet our missin' are in heah."

As Ian lacks a radio, he's going to have to let the soldiers answer the colonel, but from the look of things, now that the Klarnell is gone, or possibly the anomaly, they can at least communicate with the others again.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

One of the soldiers reported back in to the Colonel, while another nodded at him.

"I'd be inclined to agree with you there. We should try to get someone familiar with Wraith technology in here to assist with that though. Let's get it back to the Colonel first."

At that point the other Soldier who'd been on the radio with the Colonel came back over.

"Colonel want's us to check on the people left by the anomaly. We still can't raise them on the radio, could be interference, or worse. But hey, is it just me, or did our radios start working again the second that behemoth over there was dead? Seems a bit odd doesn't it?"


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

"Ah wouldn't call it 'odd,'" Ian remarks, not sounding too pleased at this development. If the Klarnell could jam their radios, that was going to be problematic. "But definitely worth notin'. We'll get this back ta HQ," which sounds interesting due to the accent, "an' see if we can't get one-a the Wraith on it, maybe? Talok was on Peltas, last Ah knew."

Given the corridor wraps around, pending on whichever was the shortest distance back to the anomaly would probably be the better option. Ian will check on Samantha and take charge of Cassie so the soldiers don't have to worry about toting the civilian back and hoisting their weapons at the same time.

"Hopin' it's just the magnetic field of the anomaly, but we'll find out when we get there, hopefully."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

By the time Ian got to Samantha, she was coming around. A few moments later she opened her eyes, and slowly sat up, groaning as she did.

"God that hit me like a truck, what did I miss?"

Cassie however was still out cold.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Probably for the best on Cassie's end of things. Granted, hiking back to the Command Center with her was going to be difficult but he could manage.

"One the size of a Klahnell," Ian replies with a bit of a grin. "It's dead. And it's pets. We think we got the missing gells but we're gonna need ta reverse tech some Wraith stuff, we think. Radios work again, mostly. And we found a suhprise." He indicates the unconscious Cassie with a cant of his head.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Atlantis (Space and City Side)

Samantha blinked at the sight of Cassie.

"She covered a ton of ground in a hurry. Last I knew she was on the opposite end of the city working with a team to clean up water damage. They'd reported in they thought they'd found some kind of storage unit that didn't belong there, and then we lost contact. She must have made her way back this way but ... why'd she come here and not to the control tower?"