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B&B Group 1 OOC

Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Oi, isn't save against sleep a Will Save? Not a Fort save?

Ah, disregard that. Noticed it wasn't like any standard save in the book anyway.
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Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Oi, isn't save against sleep a Will Save? Not a Fort save?

Ah, disregard that. Noticed it wasn't like any standard save in the book anyway.

Yeah, I'm generally going with 'whatever feel right' for saves. If you have a pretty good argument for another stat/skill an write up some rp for it, we can run with that instead most of the time.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

The house rules for added mild convenience.
This module reworks Heroism and Metamagic to give bonuses for dynamic description, in character play, and climatic scene; similar to Stunts in a system like Exalted. Each class and race has its own criteria for making use of Heroism and Metamagic, described later. The DM may determine how often players may make use of Heroism or Metamagic, but it’s important to not allow particularly verbose or creative players to use these rules to dominate the game. As a general guideline, I’d suggest allowing the players to tap their Heroism or Metamagic once per combat freely, and allowing more in the case of climactic scene, dire need, or to make up for abysmal luck with dice. Out of combat, allow it perhaps once to thrice per session, depending on how many checks are being made out of combat, with again an additional uses in the case of climatic scenes or emergencies. Whatever you decide, don’t let players just reuse qualifying descriptions; make them use the situation or come up with something novel each time.

---Note: These rules are intended to be used to allow players to engage in worldbuilding; allow them to use them to make up (within reason, and without blatant contradiction) new world, history, backstory, or creature elements. If you feel that a given description is stepping on your toes a bit too much, give suggestion for editing the narration rather than denying it outright.

Heroism: Non-caster classes, Bards, and to a limited extent Clerics may make use of Heroism. A character’s Heroism bonus is equal to 5+their level. Heroism may be added to any Attack Roll, Damage Roll, Saving Throw, or Skill Check. If the player is able to make up a quality Heroism qualifier on the spot, they may add their Heroism after a test has been rolled.

Metamagic: Caster classes, including Bards, may make use of Metamagic, using the Spell Modifier rules in the Expert Rules section. Metamagic used under these rules does not require extra HP to cast, but should not be used in conjunction with the standard Spell Modifier rules.

---Note: With the exception of Bards and to a limited extent Clerics, caster classes may not make use of Heroism, only Metamagic. Bards, uniquely, may use either whenever they qualify to do so.

Heroism/Metamagic Criteria by Class
-Fighters: When the character engages a problem with an impressive feat of strength, toughness, mettle, prowess, or menace, add Heroism.

-Rogues: When the character engages a problem with a gambit making use of a clever trick, observation, or weakness that makes the task easier, add Heroism.

-Mages: When the player describes the character casting with a complex and interesting invocation for their spell, cast with Metamagic.

-Clerics: When the character preaches a bit of scripture or prayer relevant to the spell being cast or current situation, cast with Metamagic or add Heroism to a Turn Undead Attack Roll. Clerics may not use Heroism for other purposes.

-Paladins: When the character delivers an impressive speech, challenge, prayer, or holy oath, add Heroism.

-Rangers: When the character cannily uses a relevant bit of knowledge or wisdom about people, the world, or its creatures to engage a problem, add Heroism.

-Druids: When the player describes the character as casting a spell by calling upon the local plants or wildlife, natural powers, or spirits of the world in a unique and interesting way, cast with Metamagic.

-Illusionists: When the character casts a spell making clever use of the local environment and/or a target’s weaknesses to enhance the spell's effectiveness, cast with Metamagic.

-Bards: When the character sings or tells a relevant and clever bit of verse or story, add Heroism or cast with Metamagic.

Heroism/Metamagic Criteria by Race
---Note: Regardless of racial criteria, a character may still only use either Heroism or Metamagic, based on class, with the exception of Bards and to a limited extent Clerics.

-Humans: When the character engages a problem by combining his/her own specialty with knowledge or skills picked up from another character with a different specialty, add Heroism or cast with Metamagic.

-Dwarves: When the character is described as being spurred to over-the-top action due to his/her greed or honor (or family’s, clan’s, friend’s, or dwarfkind’s honor), add Heroism or cast with Metamagic.

-Elves: When the character imparts or makes use of a relevant story or wisdom from the ancient past, add Heroism or cast with Metamagic.

-Halflings: When the character is described as talking themselves up and gathering their courage to face adversity they would normally shy from, add Heroism or cast with Metamagic.

-Gnomes: When the character invents a strange or whimsical solution to a problem that is nevertheless reasonable, add Heroism or cast with Metamagic.

-Half-Orcs: When the character is described as being spurred to over-the-top action due to unreasonable or unthinking anger, add Heroism or cast with Metamagic.

-Half-Elves: When the character is described as making use of the superior natural abilities granted by his/her mixed heritage in a novel or impressive way, add Heroism or cast with Metamagic.

-Lizardfolk: When the character imparts or makes use of primal skill or wisdom that the more civilized races have forgotten, add Heroism or cast with Metamagic.

Other House Rules

-If your total stat bonuses before modifying for Race total to less than +2, you may re-roll. If your highest stat bonus before modifying for Race is less than +2, you may re-roll.

-Level 1 HP is the character’s full STR stat+6. Your additional HP each level is 1d6+STR bonus.

-Signature spells cost 2 less HP to cast, instead of 1.

-Rangers, instead of Fighters, may apply their DEX bonus instead of STR to light weapon attacks.

-Fighters’ bonus to attack and damage rolls applies specifically to melee attacks. The damage bonus is doubled if used with a two-handed weapon.

-Rogues may also receive their sneak attack bonus by being described as taking advantage of an opening created by another character’s action or their own previously established plan. They may add their Sneak Attack bonus to all attacks made in a round.

-Clerics may also use Turn Undead on demons and other supernatural creatures of evil.

-The Paladin’s Detect Evil is constant, but can only detect supernatural creatures of evil. Paladin Lay on Hands pool is (2*level)+MND HP/day. You can also spend 5 HP to heal a special effect, like poison or paralysis.

-Druids get Shapechanging at Level 1, and gain access to Large forms at Level 7, and Huge Forms at Level 15. They may not cast spells while Shapechanged.

-Ranger bonus with ranged weapons and dual wielding improves by +1 at levels 5, 10, 15, and 20.

-As an Action, Bards may grant all allies within 30’ +1 to all rolls until their next turn. This improves by +1 at levels 6, 12, and 18.

-Illusionists may add their Subterfuge rank to damage rolls against creatures currently being tricked by their illusions. They may add their Sneak Attack bonus to all attacks made in a round.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Adding to the houserules: casters can use Heroism until they hit level 5, since their good spells don't really kick in until then.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I think you forgot about damage dealt by Arkeia, or my spell HP costs.

Scratch that, just my HP costs.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Excuse me, but did someone miss my character casting a bloody sleep spell on the nun? I think someone did.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Also, it lists Karaz as entangled when in what seemingly happened her goblin pushed her out of the way.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Oops. Sorry, I was tired as I made that post. Fixed.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

What about the sleep spell Alia cast on the nun? Does it have no effect?
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

What about the sleep spell Alia cast on the nun? Does it have no effect?

Sorry, I just kinda skipped over it. You should roll against the enemy's Will score when you cast Sleep. It's faster and easier than me rolling saving throws. You can either edit it in or I can do it.

Basically: roll against AC for effects that have to be dodged, Toughness for physical/poison/disease effects, Cleverness for trickery, and Will for any othe mental effect
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Nothing to do but try again this turn!
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Crit fail: Your entire party falls asleep and wakes up as eternal slaves.

GJ mage.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

The next turn is up, in case it wasn't clear. Mamono is the only one who's posted an action so far this turn.