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B&B Group 1 OOC

Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Does Sleep affect just one creature, or can it hit multiple ones? The "4HD of creatures" suggests it's the latter.

The latter. The spiders are 2HD, and you can metamagic Expand it to affect 8HD if you want.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

If you can use heroism to secure a hit, just do it. Don't wait for a big moment.

Getting their numbers thinned down early is better than securing a kill on one last spider.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Both my attacks would have missed even with a heroism bonus.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Especially since when we thin their numbers down, we can start ganging up.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

When I stop and think about it, isn't ten spiders with AC 14 and 12 HP a bit much. I don't know what to-hit values everyone else has, but isn't it something like a 50% chance to hit each time for anyone that isn't Karaz?

I mean, I ran this for LDF and presented her with two Human Commoner template enemies (HD 1d8+1 (5 hp) AC 12 Dagger +1 (1d6+1)), and they did significant damage to her. Depending on what our to-hits are, it's seeming like this encounter is one that's almost always going to beat us unless we get lucky early on.

I'm actually worried that encounters are designed around Karaz's stats, which means everyone else is sol.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I'd need to roll 11 or above to hit, basically. One attack per turn. Need two hits to kill unless I get lucky and roll max damage or crit, and magic missile deals a lot less damage. At least three to kill, even with max damage rolled.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Well I'm not so sure about this game but in pathfinder at least yeah this would be a pretty major encounter. Thing is though, it's only as threatening as we let it be cus wizard.

I mean, nothing is really stopping Alia from just spamming sleep spells and us just crushing each one individually. If Faeyna wasn't currently brain fucked and thus pretty useless as a spellcaster more than usual I could have entangled the whole lot of them, or dropped mist so Arkeia could hide with relative impunity. I'd rather use the mist against archers though.

In the grand scheme of "I hit you, you hit me" Nobody is going to beat Karaz out on it for certain, that's sorta the only thing the fighter has. but if we start leveraging combat advantage, where spellcasters excel, we can easily start punching above our weight limit so to speak. So don't worry too much about hp, as casters go, Alia can basically end fights before hp matters and my jobs mostly utility and buffs. Well, once they come online. Cmooooon Barkskin!
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I can spam it as long as my HP holds out. If I keep getting hit, that's not gonna be long. Right now, we're still at serious disadvantage unless we break out and start killing those shits fast.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

This encounter is meant to showcase Alia and Faeyna's crowd control a bit, compared to the tougher enemies you fought in the other big fights where Karaz and Arkeia have great damage output. Faeyna should really try using her Entangle spell on some of the spiders too...
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Good fucking luck getting Zilrax to cast anything.

Also, do I still have combat heroism? I passed the sleep test, but missed drowsiness save by one.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

RJ: Tass, you have +3, and zil has +5. Versus AC 14. Ten of them. Zil has a 27% chance in one turn to insta-gib a spider. You have a 22% chance
RJ: This fight was seemingly designed to be a battle of attrition, we aren't statistically able to clean these guys up easily.

Karaz meanwhile stands at a 65% chance to insta-gib a spider.

So, the most probable result is we wipe out one spider a turn, which is what happened. They have roughly a 50% chance to hit us for an average of 5 damage. 50 damage from ten spiders divided by 2 is 25 damage, enough to 100-to-zero one of us in a single turn, or just poop on more than a quarter of our total health pool as a party.

So, I'm hoping that whatever is hit by Alia's stuff is considered dead, because she's the only one who can make this encounter winnable when it's seemingly originally designed to wipe us in all likelihood. If they make a single good save before we thin them down, we start losing quickly.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Not to mention: this isn't like regular dnd where going to 0 HP takes you out of the fight, and stat damage resets if you get knocked up. Basically there is no permanent penalty for what in a normal campaign would be PC death, and nobody ends up being unable to play at any point regardless, so I can make the fights a bit nastier than I would in a normal game. That also gives us more smut, which is kinda a goal here.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Also, why do webs automatically hit?
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Good fucking luck getting Zilrax to cast anything.

Also, do I still have combat heroism? I passed the sleep test, but missed drowsiness save by one.

No, your metamagic counts as a combat heroism.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Dis some shounen manga shit.

Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Also, why do webs automatically hit?

They don't really. I'm not actually counting them as being on you until you fail a save against them. Think of it as me asking for a saving throw, but rolling everything that round under the assumption that you've passed, to speed up the game.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

My dc right now is 9. It's really not worth spending a turn doing.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

I nearly died each time.

That reminds me. We're all level 1 and we've been set against Mr.Popo's cousin and various demons. It felt like we were on the normal level 1 path before we suddenly went into the end game zone.
Re: B&B Group 1 OOC

Tass, RJ already told you NOT to save up heroism. Kill ASAP.