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B&B Group Arjay OOC

Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

You guys can have em :p
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Nah, I'm aiming for quadrupeds and tentacles, not filthy goblins.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC


Maybe if I could get him trained as a rogue. Not sure if RJ would allow the bugger to have class levels.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

"Goblin too stronk, please nerf"
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

So I was thinking of adding Mokou as a prisoner in the goblin's place in need of rescue. I'll just slide them in along your path, if that's fine with you guys.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

No problem.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Which way do we go? Straight for boss and then try to clear out the bonus treasures if we have the strenght for it, or do we attempt to claim the extra treasure first?
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Go get the new member, first of all.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

You will come across me no matter what direction you go, personally I think the extra treasure might make the boss fight easier, so it's probably better to go for that first
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Usually I just give you more cash and stuff for going off the beaten path.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

It's not necessarily making anything easier, and god knows how much damage we will take on the way. Then again, it's not certain whether we will be able to visit those places after smashing the boss, but nothing so far suggests otherwise. Right now it's probably just a matter of agreeing on a single direction, hence my question. You want to to after the boss, or the treasure first?
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

I don't mind doing it either way, so I vote on whatever the majority wants.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

The enemy isn't alerted for the time being. And the treasure may assist in taking down our opponents. We may as well go that route.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

You guys going to let the goblins go or kill them before they leave?