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B&B Group Arjay OOC

Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

By rolling initiative and cutting off the limbs of the one who survives.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Christ, you lot are useless. I though I was the only one who has no idea what to say. Unless we're playing the slut card again, but that might require cooperation from the group this time.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Perhaps you could convince them were suppose to be brought to the chief, or something along that line if you want to do it diplomatic without the slut card
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

I suppose. Drawing a blank on how to pull it off. And anyway, once we're brought to the chief, what next? We'd have to somehow convince them we're supposed to be here, but in a way that doesn't restrict our movement or compromise the lie.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Just have them convince that Gimgir is suppose to guide us to the chief, I mean hopefully they are stupid enough to just let us go through, if it doesn't work we can always just play the slut card after or just kill them if need arises
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC



I swear to fucking god, RJ's luck on initiative rolls is something I'm starting to despise.
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Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

I would like to surrender consider our parties HP and situation, as this fight would've been difficult without them getting the drop on us. However if someone fights I will join them, though I believe our only chance would be Celeste escaping then helping malivre so she can heal up with the potion, then after that helping me out, as I am pretty sure Alia won't survive another turn.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Actually, Alia's at 18 HP and 2/15 Pleasure, which means she'll likely last longer than any of you lot. That being said, we've already taken damage and are at a disadvantage. Anyone who frees herself will likely have to fight through her goblins first before helping anyone, which will take time and force them to take damage. Not to mention, everybody is without armor, which means lowered AC. From a pragmatic standpoint, it'd be easier to surrender now, then get away or turn the tables later. As RJ stated, we'll have full HP for that.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Indeed I didn't think we already counted as rested, I still vote for surrender as things look very bleak, though fighting seems like it wouldn't end to bad. Since you could probably save both Celeste and Malivre with a sleep spell after that things should be easy, though we will be battered a little bit and me getting wounded a bit more doesn't matter as I can just keep shooting arrows from the back-line.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Problem is that if we fight, I suspect RJ will have us continue with at least some of the injuries sustained during the battle. And considering everybody has low AC now, that'll be a lot of hits. So if I can't pull off something like dropping everybody with Sleep again, I fully expect at least one char to go down in a turn or two.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

I'll go with what you guys decide.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Sounds like we're not fighting then since I'm leery of it and if you guys aren't into trying then well...
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

I'll say it: Lyna is a trap for the goblins to fuck more and more girls.
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Good fucking luck with anybody getting free there, not without convincing a stupid goblin or outside intervention. Fucking Hell, a DC 20...
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC

Where did you see a dc 20?
Re: B&B Group Arjay OOC


It's time for more LEROOOY JEEENNKINNNNSS!!!1!