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Basic Diplomacy (Fish)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Lenya had learned early that she had a knack for words; a light tongue, as the Elder called it. She cherished her ability to turn a phrase, or ramble off long tongue-twisters that villagers, let alone other Descendants, couldn't even attempt - and she loved it. She wasn't very sturdy, and often needed escorts out of the village; One of the frequent body guards was a Huntress named Janna, a tall brunette that tried her best to keep Lenya safe, often leading to arguments between the two on how to best keep the half-elf from hurting herself. It was during one of these spouts that they met the Loup people.

Lost in the forest, Lenya did her best to bicker with the Huntress, who tried to keep her quiet, not wanting to draw the attention of any predators - but they were far too late. Wandering into another part of the forest, they sprung a trap, and were quickly surrounded by canine men and women. Partly fearing they were the rumored beastmen, Lenya began to talk quickly, and soon found they were something completely different - an intelligent race, who believed in honor above all else. They gladly helped Lenya and Janna back to their village, and invited the two to visit them at any time.

She hadn't taken the Loup up on their offer; and that had been months ago. Now, with the Elder's desperate plea, Lenya felt that it was time to ask the creature's for help. Janna had gathered with the villagers, but looked rather disinterested in going out and adventuring...

[Janna, the Huntress:]
Re: Basic Diplomacy (Fish)

It wasn't Lenya's fault Janna had a bit of a temper, or just lack of patience, but it was her fault that she was a little too curious for her own good, often asking a few too many questions, and maybe at inopportune times at that; she had gotten a little better in recent months though, following the meeting with the Loups, and the incident that had made such a thing possible. More than a few times the Half-Elf had wondered what it'd be like to learn more about those odd canine-people, but she had kept herself close to the village, tending to those in need. Be it her healing or her 'healing' they sought from her. She had no qualms about the pleasures of the flesh, but she had gone a little too dry for a little too long for her tastes as of late.

Time to change that! With a sure stride to her steps, she would approach Janna, humming softly, a bad omen more so than anything else as far as the huntress might be concerned, as such cheerfulness was a sure sign of the Half-Elf having trouble on her mind. "Hey, Janna? Mind if we walk and talk a bit?", Lenya would give the Huntress' shoulder a slight nudge, and then motion for the woman to come and walk with Lenya as they spoke. If she could pry Janna away from the other villagers, that'd be wonderful, but she wasn't afraid of voicing her thoughts openly either.

Likely she would be questioned for intentions, to which she'd bluntly respond to, "Remember those dog-people we met, a few moons ago? Loup, I think? I've been thinking about visiting them, and perhaps see if they'd be interested in trading.", and she'd likely say it anyways if Janna only looked at her warily.
Re: Basic Diplomacy (Fish)

"Hm?" The Huntress paused in mid-step, looking at Lenya cautiously. After a few moments of inspecting the Descendant, she nods. "Alright, but no funny stuff, alright?" She starts to follow the half-elf, swinging her spear onto her shoulder, watching her carefully.

"...So... What do you need me for?" Came the eventual question; and when the answer came, her eyes bulged a bit, staring at the woman. "You mean the ones that said you and I would look good on their..." She glances about, leaning in to whisper, despite the fact the half-elf's ears would have been able to pick up the sound easily, "...You-know-whats. Why would we go visit them if they're so... so..." She trails off, frowning.

"I'll go with you if you need me to, Lenya."
Re: Basic Diplomacy (Fish)

Lenya smiled widely, perhaps unnervingly so, as the Huntress so warily spoke of what the Loups had implied to them last time they met. "Yes, the very same, and we're going to visit them to see if we can establish trade. I'm sure that could benefit us, some way, and I for one am curious and want to know more about them.", the Half-Elf smiled giddily as Janna agreed to come along. "I will definitely need you watching my back, Janna, you know that I am not a warrior. I couldn't defend myself if I were ambushed by slavers or the like.", Lenya spoke rather freely and openly about such terrible fates, she knew after all, that she was a prime target. She wasn't bad looking, or so she thought at least, and her combat prowess was non-existential to make matters worse.

"We might have to figure out what our village have to offer the Loups first though, we can't visit them without knowing what we have to offer, right? Perhaps we should speak with the Elder first?", Lenya looked around herself, humming merrily, eager to set out, but she wasn't stupid, there was preparations to be made before the trip after all.