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Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko


Tentacle Monster
Oct 23, 2015
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Anyone who had learned of the conquest of Raothland knew of the great battle of Arhoth Point, and as the Amazons made their way across those barren coastal cliffs, they could still see the ravages of the powerful magic unleashed against the monstrous hordes here. Great teeth of stone grew from the earth where Saint Amesha conjured holy wrath to destroy the temple of Arhoth and it's slimy and scaly defenders, opening a great chasm and casting the entire structure into the darkness below. The temple, and it's treasures, were thought lost forever.

But there were rumors, and tales. Savage corsairs once brought the spoils of their piracy to the temple, giving gems, silks, and breeding slaves to the priests in exchange for their sea god's blessings. Priceless artworks, magical treasures, and, of course, the great emerald eye that once adorned the idol of Arhoth. And there were other rumors: that the monster infested, tide blasted sea caves that lined the walls of the Arhoth cliffs led down into the darkness where Saint Amesha banished the monster temple. It was there that the Amazons would make their fortune, or failing that, monster spawn...

Oracle was the last one down the rickety makeshift ladder, dropping into the algae-coated cavern mouth as a frigid blast of sea spray pricked her back. It had been two days, but this was finally it. In the dim grey light she could see the wall scrawling of some savage creatures on the damp walls, and ahead, opposite a yawning chasm, was signs of a carved passage, unfortunately blocked by long-fallen boulders. A smaller passage led off into the darkness to the right, but of course, the chasm could be the way forward as well; after all, the stories did say that the temple was cast into the deepest womb of the earth...

Room Actions (one of these per character; you should roll in your post, and narrate the action. You get +1 if you make it particularly interesting and/or sexy; it's up to you to decide if you feel like you've made enough effort to deserve a bonus):
---MND+Survival DC 12 to spot any tracks or other markings. DC 16 identifies the creature that left them.
---MND+Knowledge DC 14 to translate the glyphs carved into the walls.
---STR+Physical DC 18 to move the boulders blocking the finished passage.
---DEX+Subterfuge DC 10 to scout through the side tunnel (or the finished tunnel, if successfully opened; you can't scout the chasm). DC 15 to set up an ambush of anything beyond. Under 10, and you risk being spotted if there's anything there!
---DEX+Physical DC 12 to set up a knotted rope in the chasm, to allow descent.
---Something else (If you have something you want to do that's not noted here, describe it and make whatever roll you feel appropriate, and I'll narrate it in the next post. I'm pretty permissive on this, but be aware that you might not accomplish anything, even if you roll well, so generally only use this if you have a clever idea.)

(For all 'scouting' options, if you succeed and there are enemies in the next room, you can choose to either engage them or avoid them once you're in the room; you can choose to move to the next room in the same turn with no penalty.)

The women light their torches, casting an orange glow across the slimy sea cave and illuminating the paths ahead of them. What do they do?

Party Actions (one of these):
---Take the side passage
---Lower yourselves into the chasm (with a successful test to set up a knotted rope)
---Go through the finished passage (with a successful test to remove the boulders)
---Take your time examining the room, and opening all the passages (All 'thorough search' options like this will allow you to automatically succeed at all room actions you wish to perform)
---Rest for some reason? (Heals 1d4 per level+4 HP to each character; unlike magical healing, this does restore HP lost to spellcasting)

(Thorough Search and Rest actions will always take a substantial amount of extra time, which will usually have consequences attached later in the dungeon. The consequences will tend to start negligible, but can grow if you use them too often.)

---You're starting off with five total out-of-combat Heroism/Metamagic uses in this dungeon, to be split up however you wish. Metamagic uses can always be used to modify a spell to do something somewhat outside of it's normal effect, so long as it's logical.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Hearing rumors, and being contracted for a large sum of money to recover whatever they able to find. The Amazonian trio would set off to find a shrine that was very likely little more than ruins at this point around the area of Arloth Point. At least given a point of reference to use, as there was a great chasm formed in the aftermath of the battle. Saint Amesha conjured a holy wrath that had split the earth, swallowing the temple within.

Two days worth of travel from the last town they visited and their search would find something of a lead. An algae coated cavern mouth was what greeted the trio as Oracle would descend the ladder and allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness within. Foxy and Flame being far more athletically gifted had already entered into the cavern.

Oracle and Foxy would take notice of the wall scrawlings, both the dampness of the walls around them and the creatures depicted as well. Flame seemed oblivious to it and simply wanted to bust some heads.

"Let's get on with it already, huh. Flame would say as she was looking at a side passage while Foxy and Oracle were still yet to reach the main entryway.

As the trio would make their way into the entry way, There were three paths that were immediately evident to them. The first was blocked by boulders, the second was a smaller side tunnel, and the last was the chasm below.

Not seemingly interested in exploring the chasm as of yet, Foxy would give a hand signal to Flame. Oracle was interested in looking the glyphs over one last time.

"I'll see what I can do with the boulders." Foxy would declare.

"These glyphs interest me, I am going to look them over again." Oracle would declare.

(Contingent upon what they would find, I will omit the party action)

As the trio set upon their tasks, they would meet back up in the common area to decide on the best course of action.


Foxy: 11+8 = 19 Pass

Flame: 17+8 = 25 Pass

Oracle: 13+5 = 18 Pass
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The glyphs were a warning and a curse in the tongue of the anura, the toadmen. They invoked the wrath of the 'sea devils' upon those who would violate the tomb of the temple of Arhoth. Probably bound spirits of some sort, or demons. They were quiet old though, and judging by the newly uncovered passage, a tunnel of stone chipped away by magic and crude tools, they were probably defending a back entrance to the temple back when it was still on the surface.

Flame peered down the passage, and smelled the fishy creature before she saw him. The rubbery yellow flesh of the large, simian creature was covered in patches of irregular grey scales, and spiked fins lined the membranes between his fingers, arms, and feet. A marrow, a sea troll; a stupid but vicious creature. Horny too, judging by his industrious efforts to masturbate his thick, warty cock with his rough and clearly frustrated hand. A dangerous opponent, but easy to ambush, given his current preoccupation. With a clever plan, it might be possible to slip past him instead...

[I can see when you reroll things on orokos ;)]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(top lels, I rolled 1d10 then the correct 1d20, much herp many derp, wow)

With Oracle able to translate the runes, she was able to tell the others about the glyphs on the wall of the entry way. Mostly a warning that there was a curse of some kind. Foxy and Flame tuned out about halfway through the explanation of it all.

With Flame finding a lone lizardman in the side passage. This looked like the best way to proceed. As it was currently pleasuring itself, the trio would put their plan of attack in motion. Using Oracle as bait, Foxy and Flame would attempt to fight battle the lizard. Sneaking past seemed like a valid strategy, but knowing it was for now only a single enemy. Foxy who was the defacto leader decided that they were gonna take this thing down.

Oracle would go in first, trying to turn his attention away from Foxy and Flame as they set themselves up for an attack from the lizard's blindside. Oracle would circle around to the right side while the other two circled to the left. Once Oracle would draw the attention of the lizard, she would attempt to communicate with it. Essentially offering herself to the thing, it would be up to the other two to prevent that from happening.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle would stick out like a sore thumb. So she would be the bait, while the other two tried to sneak around the other side to gain the initiative in combat.


Oracle: 17 +5 = 22

Foxy: 1 .. so fail

Flame: 19 +8 = 27

Oracle seemed to be undetected as the lizard was working its member rather quickly. Oracle would try to hurry herself to the one side of the room and get the attention of the lizard. Able to translate the glyphs previously, she had at least some level of comprehension of the language. It was a little clunky but she was able to convey her intentions rather simply. She wanted to finish the lizard off for him.

All the while this was happening, Oracle was moving herself into position getting on her knees. Foxy and Flame would move to get behind the monster. Flame would move with little issue and position herself fairly perfectly to backstab the thing once it let it's guard down. Foxy however forgot the minor little detail of how long her sword was, and as she crouched downward the sword impacted the floor making a sound loud enough to echo throughout the whole place. If anything was able to hear it, they would know the girls were there.

If Oracle was good enough, maybe the lizard allows his desires to override the need to figure out what the noise was. Though if anything else possibly heard the sound Foxy's sword had made, that was another problem altogether.

Foxy would freeze herself once she made the mistake, so that at least Flame was still hopefully able to be in a favorable position if the lizard turned to figure out what the sound was that Foxy made.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The marrow could hardly believe his eyes at the young woman offering herself to him. He stalked towards her slowly, as if convinced he would wake from this wonderful dream at any moment. He hesitantly reached down to touch her, and a wicked grin crossed his face as he realized she was in fact real. The oversized yellow cock in Oracle's face began leaking copious precum as her partners suddenly attacked from behind!

---Marrow: 33 HP; AC 15; Toughness 16; Cleverness 10; Will 14

[Despite Foxy's mistake, Foxy and Flame get to act twice due to surprise. Oracle is a bit occupied at the moment, and can't act this round.

---Roll your attack roll and damage if you hit, and include the results of your strike in your description, including killing them/knocking them out if they hit 0 HP.
---Remember to describe your positioning and action in detail! It'll determine how I make the monsters act. eg. if Flame gets between him and Alia, they won't be able to charge Oracle
---For non-basic attacks, roll against AC for effects that the enemy would have to dodge (including most damage effects), Toughness for effects that they would resist with strength or constitution, Cleverness for things that disorient, trick, or control them (including sneak attacks!), or Will for things that frighten, provoke, or transform them. You can use whichever feels most appropriate, so long as you describe it that way in your actions.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle seemed to be convincing enough. So much so that Foxy screwing up and rapping her sword along the ground did not seem to deter the lizard from lining itself up to ram home it's member inside Oracle's face. This would allow the girls the element of surprise as they had the initiative due to Oracle's clever ruse.


Foxy Attack: 2+5 = Miss

Flame Attack: 5+4, 12+2 = Miss

Foxy Attack: 10+5 = Hit

Foxy Damage: 8+1 = 9 Damage

Flame Attack: 18+4 = Hit, 2+2 = Miss

Flame Damge: 1 Damage

Total damage: 10 to the lizard. Best laid plans...

With this the plan would be set in motion. The lizard was ambushed from behind by the pair of girls laying in wait. Their first attack with the element of surprise was quite ineffective. Their blows simply bouncing off the lizard's scales. While still surprised either by the ineffectivelness of the blows or the wonderment of Oracle's acting, Foxy and Flame would attack once more.

This time they found some softer spots to attack, with each landing a blow against the beast. Since they were still for the time being behind the lizard, it would need to turn around to attack back. Then again it would only need to thrust forward if it so chose as Oracle was on her knees still lined up with the lizard's member a few inches away from her face.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

[Foxy adds her strength bonus and Flame adds her Dexterity bonus to weapon damage, and Flame gets her Subterfuge bonus because of sneak attack, so Foxy hit for 12 and Flame hit for 9 this turn!]

The Marrow bellowed with fury as the amazons' blades dug into his rubbery hide. He turned on his attackers, striking wildly with his vicious claws!

: 1d20+5 20 1d8+4 8 1d20+5 13 1d8+4 8

Foxy's shield guarded her from the sea troll's revenge, but the wild blow caught Flame across her midriff, slicing a long slit into her leather armor, driving the beast wild with a glimpse of the flat tummy where he intended to put his kids.

Unfortunately, the girls noticed that the marrow's wounds were already beginning to close, a product of both it's reptilian and troll heritage. Perhaps there was hope though: stories across the land told of trolls' fear of flame... (Marrow regains 5 HP)

---Foxy 12/20 HP

---Marrow: 17/33 HP; AC 15; Toughness 16; Cleverness 10; Will 14

(Armor damage is strictly cosmetic so don't worry about it. Stripping is just sexier than gory wounds.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Heh, I can roll with armor being decimated. Quite fond of animes like Queen's Blade and the like where armor lasts about 2 seconds in a fight. So, I can run with this for sure. Also I have no idea how to make those shortened links.)

Oracle seeing that the plan was a success, or at least moderately so also noticed that the lizard like creature was able to regenerate. The idea would creep into her head that if she could just pick up her torch and attempt to thrust it into the lizard that it would prove far more effective than an attempted bonk with her mace.

Foxy was able to get her shield up in time to deflect the swipe, though Flame would recoil backward a bit as her corset was almost slashed completely in half. This would not deter the pair, as their assault on the beast would continue.


Foxy Attack: 20 +5 = Critical

Foxy Damage: 8+4 x 2 = 24?

(Running it out just in case I screw up something with foxy, plus overkill!)

Flame Attack: 20+2, 13+2 = Crit + Hit

Flame Damage: 2+4 x2 = 12 , 3+4 = 7

24 + 19 = splat?

Foxy and Flame would both find weak spots to attack after the lizard flailed itself about in rage from the surprise attack. As both would find unprotected spots in the hide of the beast. With the assault very likely able to drop it down to below 0 hp, Oracle would finish it off by thrusting the torch she was holding into the beast.

With the lizard simply immolating into nothingness, the group would take a few moments to compose themselves before moving on.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle set the torch against the recently removed head of the fallen marrow. It burned as fiercely as the rest of it did. With victory in their blood and not much worse for the wear, the women looked around the sea troll's layer. There wasn't much to take in, other than the doubly fishy smell of the marrow and his oft-deposited cum. His bed was little more than a pile of reeking seaweed, and the bone-and-junk pile was little than a maggot ridden mess. A handful of old, crude, heavy gold coins was the only thing of value. They didn't appear to be any denomination the amazons recognized; they were probably of the local monsters' own manufacture, from before the conquest of Raothland. Maybe they'd be worth something to a collector, or maybe they'd just be worth the price of the gold.

(You found 100 gp worth of treasure!)

A small vertical crack on the cave wall could be a passage forward; it was too small for the Marrow to have possible used, but the women could probably slip through, slowly and with some effort. A large chuck of driftwood formed a makeshift door into another chamber, carved with some crude claw mark denoting the marrow's ownership. Maybe the beast kept his more valuable loot in here?

Room Actions (one of these per character):
---STR+Athletics DC 14 to find something in the junk pile without becoming ill.
---MND+Knowledge DC 13 to find a bit of magic.
---DEX+Physical DC 14 to wriggle through the small passage without making yourself vulnerable to anything on the other side.
---MND+Survival DC 11 to listen through the door to the 'cellar'
---MND+Subterfuge DC 12 to find something hidden.
---Something else.

Party Actions (one of these):
---Head back and try the finished passage instead
---Head down into the Marrow's 'cellar'
---Crawl through the small tunnel.
---Take your time examining the room (complete all room actions)
---Rest (Heals 1d4 per level+4 HP to each character)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

As the trio would watch the Marrow burn into oblivion, Oracle would start to feel up Flame. Hitting all the right spots, Oracle would cast Cure Light Wounds on Flame. Exchanging her energy to restore Flame's. Once the spell was cast, each of the girls would set off exploring the room in various ways.

Foxy would try to investigate the junk pile. Trying to see if there was something more than maggots that could be found. Flame would see if she could get herself through the small crack. Oracle once she was done looking at Flame's ass as she started to crawl through the hole would start to feel a magical presence in the room and try to detect the magic around the area.

As Foxy was the only one to be successful with her selected task within the room, she would be able to pretty throughly search the remains while keeping the maggots away with her sword. Sorting through the rabble, hopefully she could find something.

A few moments later Flame would start wriggling about, as she had gotten herself stuck trying to get through the small passage. Apparently it was a little too small for even her to get through. Foxy was at least able to grab one of her legs after some flailing about to pull her back into the room they were all still in. If she was even able to see anything as to what might have been on the other side, it would certainly be aware of her presence now with all the squealing and flailing about she was doing.

Oracle would stand about and pretty much look useless as she was unable to gain any level of focus. Likely because she was far more interested in Flame's ass to concentrate enough to feel about the room for any manner of a magical presence.

With all that being done, Foxy would decide the next order of business was to explore the door that seemed to be marked by the lizard they had just defeated. This room could be a storage closet that was filled with riches or a room filled with hostile creatures. Whatever was on the other side was going to be their next conquest.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Deep in the disgusting rubbish pile, Foxy suddenly discovered something that made her smile. She withdrew her arm, and with it a beautiful pearl the size of a grape!

(300 more gold worth of treasure!)

Flame returned from her rather loud expedition into the crack: there was a hall on the other side, but anything there now knew of the girls' presence, even if they did squeeze through. The amazons decided to put off pursuing that route for now, and instead removed the wooden 'door' from the cellar. What they found was exciting.

A round room of rough masonry; far to advanced for a marrow to have had anything to do with. This must have once been part of the temple, though broken off from the rest, judging by the way the doorframe opposite led into solid rock. The room itself had been ransacked, and more piles of rotting seaweed and bones were all that greeted them at first glance, but perhaps a real search was called for.

Room Actions (one per character):
---Search the piles near the entrance (auto-succeed)
---Search the piles near the back (auto-succeed)
---MND+Subterfuge DC 13 to find something hidden.
---MND+Knowledge DC 13 to find some magic.
---DEX+Survival DC 14 to find something else hidden.
---MND+Survival DC 11 to find something important. DC 16 gives a bonus.

Party Actions (one of these):
---Wait and see what your search turns up before deciding what to do.
---Go back to the first chamber and go down the finished passage
---Go back and go through the small tunnel.
---Thorough search isn't available at them moment. You can choose to do so after your initial search.
---Rest (Heals 1d4 per level+4 HP to each character)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Hmm, guess I will do this one at a time, but I'd like to do all the searches unless of course..)

Foxy was rather pleased with what she had found. This pearl would go nicely into the next outfit she had made as a centerpiece. Who would end up wearing it was another story all together, but damn that pearl was massive. Flame and Oracle were not very successful in their respective endeavors, but at least Flame knew there was some kind of hallway on the other side of the ruined wall section.

Choosing to move into the new section, they seemed to encounter a room that was certainly already looted. Foxy would search the piles near the back, hopefully able to capitalize on her previous success and find something else of value. Flame would try to find Something Else Hidden and simply search the room in general leaving the piles to Foxy. Oracle again would still have the feeling that there was some manner of magical presence in the area. Hopefully with out Flame's ass in plain sight she could concentrate a little better this time.

Foxy - Auto Success

With Flame not able to see or find anything as she looked about the room, Oracle would catch another glance of her and lose her concentration wholly yet again. With the pair simply shrugging their shoulders at each other they would give up their particular tasks and await Foxy's command before moving onto another thing that they might be able to do within the room.

Almost thinking that this could be too good to be true, Foxy would have her blade at the ready almost expecting the bones to animate themselves somehow as she would set up on searching them.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Distracted as she was, Oracle failed to notice the subtle, bubbling growl issuing from beneath one of the piles she walked past. Something slimy and heavy tackled her to the ground, writhing it's tentacles around her supple body. The hideous creature was some unholy combination of wildcat and squid; a scaled feline head and forebody giving way to a disgusting mass of black tentacles instead of a rear half. Fortunately, the creature hadn't yet decided what he wanted to do with his new prey, and merely batted at her playfully as it's tentacles entwined her legs!

: 1d20+4 5 1d6+5 9 (Critfail!)

(Oracle is Grappled, and must make an STR or DEX+Athletics DC 12 test to break free. She can act while grappled, so long as it makes sense for a woman with her lower body held my a tentacled monstrosity.)

As the other girls turned to see what the danger was, another such beast dropped from an unseen stone shelf above, issuing a deep, seductive purr that vibrated through the Amazons' bodies, sending sparks of need across their pussies.

(Foxy is Aroused, and must make a MND+Communication DC 14 test to overcome their horniness. While aroused, she may act as normal, but suffers -3 to all AC and Saves (except the save against Arousal) against the creatures while she is distracted by fantasies)

---The Marrow's Pet #1: 19/19 HP, AC 16, Toughness 12, Cleverness 13, Will 10

---The Marrow's Pet #2: 19/19 HP, AC 16, Toughness 12, Cleverness 13, Will 10

[Pet #1 is on top of Oracle in the middle of the room. Pet #2 is prowling behind Foxy at the far end of the room. Flame is across the room from both, , and must spend a turn getting to one of them if she wants to fight them in melee.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle would get interrupted first by Flame's ass again. Rather enjoying the view she was completely defenseless when a monster ambushed her. A feline/squid thing descended upon her and entangled her legs. The monster attempted to swipe at her, but instead of doing anything harmful it seemed to be playing with Oracle for the time being.

Being the submissive of the group, Oracle would make a token attempt to struggle away. Almost inviting the monster to rape her instead of attack her spreading her legs open inviting the creature in. She knows damn well that getting free is going to get her in more trouble than simply letting the monster have its way with her.

On the other side of the room, another one of these creatures would drop down and emit a sound that affected Foxy and Flame causing them to become rather aroused.

Foxy was unable to resist as she turned to face the beast. Making it harder for her to resist any advances made against her, she could still try to kill the thing. Flame did not seem to be affected as she really is just too stupid to be affected by a mental effect. As Flame would survey the battlefield, she would attempt to help Foxy as she knew Oracle was fine with getting herself raped. Maybe she could even hold out long enough for Foxy and Flame to take the second one of these things out.

Foxy would already have her sword at the ready, and attack the beast now directly infront of her. Knowing that Flame would help her over Oracle any time that they were both in trouble, Foxy would attempt to maneuver herself up against the wall so that Flame might just well be able to attack from the back side of the monster as she comes across the room.


With any hope, Oracle would find a way to use her body to convince the Squidcat to continue playing with her in some way while Foxy and Flame would engage the other Squidcat. Foxy was still feeling the effects of arousal, and would not defend herself if the second Squidcat chose to have its way with her, though she would defend herself from a physical attack.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The beast continued to bat at Oracle, trying playfully to elicit a response from his captive.

: 1d20+6 8 1d6+3 8 (Miss!) (Oracle is still Grappled; STR or DEX+Physical DC 12)

The horny aquatic animal was already leaping onto the young fighter even as her blow dug deep into his side. With a vicious gnashing of teeth, Foxy's armored skirt and leather thing were ripped away, revealing her already blooming flower to the monster, her copious nectar rich with the scent of fertility. The amazon watched with conflicting desire and horror as the monster's tentacles wrapped around her nude thighs, and stared transfixed as a slimy, spined, grey-purple cock slowly emerged from a fleshy pouch just above the monster's tentacles.

: 1d20+4 21 (vs -3 AC) 1d6+3 9

(Foxy 6/20 HP; Foxy is still Aroused: MND+Communication DC 14, and Grappled: STR or DEX+Physical; DC 12 (with -3 penalty to the escape while Aroused))
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Lol, I healed the wrong girl before.. whoops, I thought Flame got hit before when it was Foxy blargh!)

Oracle seemed content to simply maintain the status quo. Trying to make a token effort to escape and simply occupy the beast while Foxy and Flame were to hopefully deal with the remaining adversary. Since Flame had gotten into range, hopefully this plan would work out for Oracle.

As she got herself free of the tentacles binding her she would try to bonk the squidcat with her mace. Critfail as the 1s are strong with Oracle. Simply flailing about uselessly she would realize she was likely in less danger while the thing had her grappled.

Foxy would trade blows with the other squidcat while Flame was in range now to assist if neccesary though still within range to move to help Oracle if Foxy could somehow take the thing down before she ended up being a cat toy.

As she was able to get her mind clear of the aroused feeling, she would come to her senses enough to break free from the tentacles as well. (assuming the -3 doesnt apply to the second roll anymore here, feel free to correct this)

As she started to recoil in fear of what was about to happen to her, Foxy was off balance and unable to attack accurately.

As she flew across the room Flame would lead out with a dagger that crashed into the beast for a critical strike that would do 12 damage. Well more than enough to finish the beast off.

With one of the beasts defeated. Foxy would not be deterred from attempting to combat the other squidcat. Flame was ready as well to launch herself back into the fray. Oracle at this point would be looking to retreat herself toward the pair so that they would hopefully suffer it's wrath instead of her.

If the opportunity arose, Oracle would attempt to feel up Foxy in an attempt to heal her wounds. While Foxy and Flame would set themselves up to engage the remaining squidcat.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

At last, the hunt was on! Oracle's pathetic attempts to fight back excited the sea beast, as he bounced back and forth, making false, easily dodged lunges. He hadn't seemed to notice the death of his companion, but for whatever reason, didn't seem particularly aggressive towards Oracle...

: 1d20+4 9 1d6+9 10

[In honor of this squidcat's apparent basic lack of aggressiveness and ability to hit, Oracle and the other girls can convince it to tag along as an ally for this dungeon if you write up a ero scene in which the girls make him think of them as his mates. Or you could just kill him if you don't want to bother.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Foregoing rolls cause smut)

Oracle would back away a bit from the beast. Foxy and Flame having finished off the other monster could barely believe their eyes. Oracle not only got away but had charmed the beast with how vulnerable she was. The squidcat would emit a low level purr similar to the now deceased squidcat that affected everyone in the room.

"You can take him.. Or more you should just let it take you, Lili.

Flame would confirm that Oracle was on her own for this one. Foxy and Flame were going to be a little busy with each other to "help" Oracle. They needed to help each other first. Flame would start off by unhinging Foxy's top. Enough about them for now, Oracle would charge forth into battle one more time. The monster was easily able to counter Oracle's futile attempt at an attack and tripped her to the ground. Oracle would feel a few of the tentacles about her body, and one good solid pull later her breasts were liberated from the confines of her armor. Oracle would keep up the struggle and again get back to her feet. Now topless she would make one last attack.

Foxy completely naked now would start to scissor Flame, the tribadism pose was perfect for pleasuring each other as they moved rhythmically back and forth. The pressure and grinding would cause both to start moaning as the buildup continued. Oracle would unleash her final attack on the squidcat and again find herself on the ground. Attempting to roll away this time, Oracle was caught by the tentacles of the monster. One of which almost immediately homing in on her panties and sliding them down her legs leaving them around one of her ankles.

A few seconds later another pair of panties would go flying as Flame would remove hers and fling them about the room in some random direction. Foxy and Flame were now 69'ing each other having built themselves up a little scissoring each other. Oracle was "helpless" and would offer up enough of a struggle to keep the squidcat interested in her, but not so much that she would break free. Realizing that it had won, the squidcat would unsheathe its member from the protective pouch. Oracle getting her first look at it was taken aback by it's size. Unlike the other squidcat that had a barbed member, this creature had more of a ribbed member that would be rammed into Oracle's face in due time.

As the squidcat had full control over Oracle and could move her about at will, it would choose to have Oracle suck her off while the girls were eating each other out. The moaning from the girls was starting to reach high levels, they were getting close to their peak while Oracle and the squidcat were just getting started. Oracle would have the member rammed down her throat, knowing full well what to do Oracle played along sending a wave of pleasure through the squidcat that was visible as the tentacles had released themselves for a short while from Oracle.

As the squidcat recovered, the tentacles would pull Oracle away. Oracle not wanting to let go would lunge forward but be denied. She was turned upward and her legs spread. It was now that Oracle was going to be taken by the squidcat. Foxy and Flame meanwhile were moaning like the cheap whores they were as they would reach their peak. Not quite in perfect unison, at least Flame was able to hold on long enough to set Foxy off into orgasmic bliss as well. Sensing the vibe in the room, the squidcat would ram its member home into Oracles flower. The audible yelp Oracle let out being the sign that the squidcat had taken her, the tentacles would serve to help gyrate Oracle up and down the member. After about thirty seconds Oracle would start moaning uncontrollably and experience orgasm. The squidcat still had a bit left before it would pop, but with Oracle nothing more than putty at the mercy of it's tentacled grasp it would not be denied release.

As the squidcat would reach its peak, it would pull out of Oracle and shower her with it's seed. Seemingly a mating ritual, the squidcat was marking its mate. Foxy and Flame just starting to recover from the arousal the squidcat caused now would see that Oracle was successful in "taming" the beast. This beast was no threat to them and likely was going to travel with Oracle having mated with her and claimed her as it's mate.

At this point, Oracle would summon pure water to clean herself off and the whole party would take some time to rest and recover themselves. Foxy would recover her armor and Flame's panties that were scattered about the room and redress herself as Flame would do the same. Oracle would heal Foxy again while she had fastened Oracle's top armor back on. As the group recovered from that little episode, if they had the time and where withall to do so they would complete their search of the room. Though Oracle might well still be distracted to figure out what the magical aura was that she could ever so faintly sense.

(Oracle would cast Cure Lesser Wounds on Foxy before resting to get maximum value and waste less time resting/exploring the room. Head back to the first area with intent to go down the bouldered path next. Unless I missed something inbetween of course. Hope it was good enough.)
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Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Works for me! Also, I forgot to mention it, but I did apply the first Cure Light Wounds to Foxy also, since I just assumed you got the names confused. Don't forget that you can do a thorough search of this room; there is a lot to find. Alternatively, you can head back to the crack you have to squeeze through, or to the boulder passage.)