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Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle having stopped Kalna and Flame from attempting a sneak attack had some explaining to do. They were simply not pleased with being prevented from intiating the attack. Their faces changed from negative sneers to almost instantly getting what Oracle was thinking. Oracle would produce the Scroll of Firebomb and it became instantly clear what they should do.

Foxy really did little more than moan as the demonspawn inside of her was becoming very active and was seemingly drawn to the demonic energy in the room. If anything Foxy was going to stay on the higher ground, maybe allowing them to escape as she could easily lift anyone out. The rest would prepare themselves as Oracle would throw the scroll allowing Flame, Kalna and the squidcat the follow up attack once the chaos was started by the scroll.

(Using Heroism to apply toward "To Hit", 4 get barbecued the other 2 survivors take 11 each)

Oracle just got herself free of a situation where she was sucked into an idol and shown just how useless she is to the rest of the team. Grasping the scroll of Firebomb, Oracle needed to prove her worth. Right here and right now. She knew she could do this, and even with the extra level of concentration she would need the sharkmen would not know what was coming until it was mostly too late. Two of the sharks would become aware of Oracle, as one had caught the scent of the girls up in the crawlspace leading into this area of the temple.

"Artemis, great and Holy, hear my call. Grant me the power to smite the evils of this world." As if Artemis were already there, the scroll would burst into flame. Oracle far too lost in her own concentration to realize that the scroll was little more than ash at this point, she would shoot a fireball forth down at the sharks. for they were instantly incinerated. The two remaining sharks were able to get themselves out of the blast, but not before getting cooked up pretty good themselves.

Kalna and Flame would drop down and being their clean up assault of the sharks. as she dropped down on top of one of the sharks writing in pain as they were almost instantly cooked. Flame would not be able to take advantage . Dropping too far away from the sharks to be effective. The squidcat seemingly inspired by the display Oracle put on, would perform quite the feat of acrobatic skill, killing it almost instantly.

The stage was set as there was simply one Sea Devil remaining after Oracle's display. She was so determined to show that she was just as valuable a member as Foxy or Flame that she almost singlehandedly solved a problem with the usage of a scroll that Kalna and Flame would have likely put themselves at great risk to take all 6 of the Sea Devils head on. Whatever these priests were summoning into the world was likely going to have to wait for another day.

The remaining Sea Devil would likely have something to say about it, but as it was nearly already fatally wounded there would be little more than a token level of resistance offered. Foxy was already trying to riffle through her backpack to set up a rope so that everyone else could get out of there. Maybe once the demonic ritual were stopped she would be able to concentrate on what she was doing long enough to be able to do something productive herself. Oracle's resolve to prove her worth was likely the deciding factor in this confrontation.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

That was easy thought the girls as they effortlessly finished off the last of the Sea Devils in a spray of salty black ichor. Now all that was left was to pry that gem out of the statue. The girls made their way over the the imposing stone god and stared up into the baleful eye above, already dreaming of the money they were going to make...

Foxy was the first to notice the rumbling behind them. She spun, and gasped as she saw the last of the dark spirits of the slain creatures pouring into the netherworld portal. A great webbed claw shot from the shadowy depths, followed shortly by a great horned head and muscular, rubbery grey and white body. Thick tentacles writhed from the great demon's back, and his great toothy maw grinned. The shark demon seemed pleasantly surprised.

"Do my eyes deceive me?" rasped the creature, his rumbling voice like sandpaper, "An offering, for the first time in a century? And you've destroyed those bumbling priests for me. This is truly a gift you've given me, young mortals. Which of you shall now carry my child, and which of you shall I grant a wish?"

All the girls knew of demon wishes, how they would twist anything you said to turn in against you, but still... the temptation was terrible.

[Skipping stage 1 of the fight, straight to 'dodge the demon and run'. You're actually in good enough shape to try to take him if you want though. I'll come up with some reward if you succeed. Or you could take up his offer :D]

---Son of Sekolah (HP 93/93; AC 12; Toughness 20; Cleverness 12; Will 15)

[The demon is stuck in his summoning pit, but can hit much of the room, and cast spells where he can't hit. If you distract him, you could go for the jewel and run for it with other characters.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Lol, I get a few decent rolls and I am gonna get delusions of grandeur now?.. Maybe.)

The battle was won almost before it ever started. Oracle having solved the problem before it was ever truly an issue, she eliminated the guards with one fell swoop using a scroll where conventional swordplay likely would have resulted in failure. The Priests and remaining Sea Devil were promptly routed while Foxy found a suitable anchor point for the rope. Oracle would climb down joining Kalna, Flame and the squidcat.

Flame almost immediately would set her sights on the massive jewel held by the statue. Kalna would help Oracle down while the squidcat started to paw around at the ashes floating about the room, simply chasing after the ashes as they fell to the ground. Foxy would be the first to realize what was happening. The ritual albeit incomplete was still successful. Spirits of all the slain creatures were pouring into the portal at an alarming rate.

First a webbed clae, then a horned head, and finally a pretty muscular body would emerge from the portal. Tentacles were apparent on his back and a grin on his face as if he were pleased that an offering were being made.

"The last "Wish" that was granted left me stranded and trapped in here. What makes your "Wish" any different? A fool's bargain you present."

Kalna would almost immediately speak out. She had a great sense of just how evil this Demon was. Knowing full well that the "Wish" was more of a double edged sword than anything, she would urge the Amazons not to listen to this preposterous offer. It was in fact a wish made by one of the other members of her previous party that had left her trapped where she was liberated by the Amazons.

Flame really wanted that jewel, and Foxy would take the opportunity to slide down the rope as well now that Kalna had spoken her piece. As she was the defacto leader of the group of Amazons, it would be her call as to what they ended up doing. seemed to just look around at her handiwork as Foxy drew her weapon. This demon was going to be in for a fight.

Taking a rather direct approach, Kalna also choosing to take the thing on directly would . A glancing blow, but it was still obvious that it did some level of damage. Flame would try to creep around the Demon, in finding an opening she would deal a pretty large amount of damage getting in for 12. The squidcat seemed to want to engage the tentacles on the back of the Demon as they squiggled about. Leaping at the tentacles, the squidcat . Latching onto a tentacle and starting to thrash about.

(Wow, 28 damage that round. Now to see how bad I get hit on the crack back. Probably gonna call it a night soon as well. Kinda just still staring at the screen going what the hell just happened as I was watching the football game.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

"Brave, but foolish! Fighting spirit such a your will make wonderful children for me!" the demon bellowed as dark blood began to drip form his wounds. Flames flickered and the room darkened as the hellish creature spoke harsh syllables of the demon tongue, calling upon the forces of evil to imprison the girls in a watery hell. A great tide of water ripped the nearby girls off their feet, flinging them into a swirling pillar of thundering dark water, where the press of the arcane tide threatened to choke the consciousness from them!

: 3d6 11
(Foxy, Flame and Kalna take 11 damage, but can make a DC 15 STR+Physical test for half damage. Failure also traps the girls in the whirlpool during the next turn. Another girl can use her turn to pull a trapped character out, but trapped characters otherwise can't do anything. Squidcat has to roll a simple 8+ to escape, but he can't be damaged by it. Oh, and Oracle can't heal people still trapped without risking being trapped herself.)

(Foxy 12 or 17/23 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Flame 1 or 6/20 HP; 7/14 STR)
(Oracle 12/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round)
(Kalna 10 or 15/22)

[All the girls except Oracle, plus the squidcat are caught in a massive whirlpool spell]

---Son of Sekolah (HP 65/93; AC 12; Toughness 20; Cleverness 12; Will 15)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The Demon would hold the girls in pretty high regard, it was not often that a challenge was presented once the Demon were summoned. That did not seem to stop the girls from attempting to slay the monster, and they did some pretty good damage with their opening salvo. After praising the girls, the Demon would go on the counterattack and unleash a whirlpool that had started to engulf Foxy, Flame, Kalna and the squidcat.

The intention of the whirlpool was clear. Try to choke out the life of the girls so that they could not resist the demon claiming them and using them for a vassal to hatch more demonic offspring into the world. Cats generally do not like water, though this is a special cat as it was in getting free of the whirlpool. Oracle was far enough away that she was also not affected, but her cries were for the squidcat to use its tentacles to try to pull the girls out of the whirlpool. seemed to be able to gather their bearings easily enough to get free from the current before it became too much to handle. however was in trouble as she was completely unable to keep her footing or find something that could help her get free.

Now that Flame was swept away by the whirlpool, Flame would have to hope that the squidcat could get her free before anything worse would happen to her. and Kalna would look to engage the Demon again directly while Oracle attempted to use Turn Undead. If the squidcat were able to pull Flame out, she might just be able to get in an attempt at an attack before the Demon were able to respond. Foxy would lead out with a massive swing that . Kalna would try to capitalize on the momentum, but to land her strike. Oracle however was on a streak as she was still inspired to do everything she could to help the team now. Attempting to cast Turn Undead it was a doing damage to the Demon.

The squidcat was standing at the edge of the whirlpool while Foxy would flail about being caught up in it. It was almost a scene from one of the crane games where the squidcat would try to lash out a tentacle to snare Flame out of the whirlpool. After a few unsuccessful tries, Flame would realize that she was being hit by something every so often. She would be able to use the tentacle as almost a guide and she would reach out and finally grab hold of one. The squidcat having snared Flame out of the whirlpool was not quite done yet as it would fling her over toward the Demon, allowing her to attack while she flew through the air. Flame and hit for 12 again after making a pathetic attempt to hit with her first attempted attack. Her second go at things with the dagger in her other hand combined with some mid air acrobatics allowed her to strike where the Demon was least expecting it. The girls were making some good headway on the demon, though with where Flame had landed she was very much so exposed to anything the Demon would do in the way of a counterattack.
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Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The powerful demon roared as the sacred moonlight conjured by Oracle seared is flesh, exacerbating the heavy wounds already inflicted on him. The battle was going badly for him, and as as frustrating as being summoned on a nightly basis by undead priests was, being banished for a year and a day was far worse. Not to mention the humiliation of being defeated by a handful of human girls, two already pregnant!

Flame grinned. Victory seemed well at hand! Some demon stuck in a well was no match fo- The thought was suddenly cut short as everything went black for the rogue, a massive fit pounding her into the earth, instantly knocking her unconscious! No sooner had the darkness fallen across her mind that the demon's foul powers broke through her meager mental defenses. Flame's eyes snapped open once more, an ominous blue glow flashing in here irises and a strange and horny smile spreading across her otherwise blank face. Utterly under the aquatic demon's thrall she stumbled forward, casting away her makeshift clothing as she approached her new master, nectar already dripping from her snatch with anticipation. Her mind was nothing but utter arousal, visions of bouncing on a massive, infernal cock forever, her amazon oaths cast aside for an eternity of mindless pleasure. The demon reached down, and picked up is new slave, and Flame screamed with joy as she saw the demon's twin cocks emerge. She spread her legs wide as the two oversized manhoods slipped into her pussy and asshole.

The demon groaned as he slipped into his newest toy, his muscles rippling with arousal. Several nodules opening themselves on his back and black ink poured into the room in a dark fog, blinding the other fighters!

: 1d20+8 17 2d6+6 12 (Flame take 1 damage and 11 INT damage! Flame is defeated and will be impregnated next turn regardless of you actions)

(Foxy 17/23 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round; Blind -4 to attack rolls; DC 14 MND+Subterfuge or Survival ignores, but does not cure)
(Flame 0/20 HP; 7/14 STR; 0/4 MND - Defeated!)
(Oracle 12/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round; Blind -4 to attack rolls; DC 14 MND+Subterfuge or Survival ignores, but does not cure)
(Kalna 15/22; Blind -4 to attack rolls; DC 14 MND+Subterfuge or Survival ignores, but does not cure)

---Son of Sekolah (HP 25/93; AC 12; Toughness 20; Cleverness 12; Will 15)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Lol, more like inactions... Yes, both rolls were 1s, never underestimate how bad the dice can screw me because they just do at all times ever.)

Flame was flung toward the Demon by the squidcat, having done some damage she was unfortunately left in a very vulnerable position. Confident that victory was in hand, Flame was almost blindsided by the fist that slammed into the ground next to her. Having little to no defense against a mental attack, Flame was enchanted by the Demon to become its next fucktoy. Having claimed Flame for its own purposes, the Demon started to envelop the room with a dark ink not dissimilar to a squid's defense mechanism.

both felt something inside of them react to the sensation of pure bliss that Flame was now feeling. Only Kalna and the squidcat had any chance of doing anything, though it was likely not going to be enough to save Flame from the Demon.

did not seem to be affected by the ink being injected into the room, at least for the time being as she was able to see just where the Demon was. , Kalna was not able to effectively strike though her attack was on target. The squidcat would paw about at the smoke trying to slash through it not really knowing what to do.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Kalna's rescue attempt was in vain, as above the cloak of black ink, Flame's moans continued to echo across the long dead temple, the demon's every stroke into both her holes eliciting a shriek of pleasure as the too-thick cocks spread her snatch and ass to their limit. Somewhere, deep in Foxy's mind, her spirit continued to fight against the demonic domination that was forcing her to surrender her body to a man, the greatest insult! She struggled against the vision of an eternity of blissful slavery in the watery hells, dreading that soon her own belly would be as round as the facsimile in her mind.

The demon looked down at the furious Kalna, casually swiping at her with a gasping tentacle, easily dodged. He laughed, the rumbling crash of which drown out even the agonized moans of the rogue still bouncing on his cocks. "Watch closely now, knightling. Soon you will share in this fate!" the Son of Sekolah called down to the valkyrie as he gripped Flame with both hands, trusting into her with increased fervor as his peak rapidly approached. Flame screamed out in her third and final orgasm, the demon's cock piecing her dilating cervix as an infernal and liquid heat spread through her womb, the virile seeds of corruption sown in her body. For severl seconds, Flame cried out her joy, but the cries quickly transformed into terror and hatred as the rogue finally overcame the demon's possession, albeit too late.

Flame was tossed to the ground with a thud, the inky blackness now surrounding her doing nothing to disguise the hot stream of white goo pouring from both her holes, nor to keep her from seeing the glowing purple rune in the shape of a shark's maw that had suddenly appeared over her womb...

: 1d20+6 11 1d8+3 9

(Foxy 17/23 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round; Blind -4 to attack rolls; DC 14 MND+Subterfuge or Survival ignores, but does not cure)
(Flame 20/20 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round; Blind -4 to attack rolls; DC 14 MND+Subterfuge or Survival ignores, but does not cure)
(Oracle 12/12 HP; Pregnant - 25% chance of being unable to act on any given round; Blind -4 to attack rolls; DC 14 MND+Subterfuge or Survival ignores, but does not cure)
(Kalna 15/22; Blind -4 to attack rolls; DC 14 MND+Subterfuge or Survival ignores, but does not cure)

---Son of Sekolah (HP 25/93; AC 12; Toughness 20; Cleverness 12; Will 15)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Kalna did 5 to the demon last turn so I am assuming it is at 20HP remaining instead of the listed 25.)

The Demon would claim Flame as it's prize, Kalna's efforts simply too futile to have done enough to rescue her from the Demon impregnating her. The imagery flowing through her own head as Flame cried out in ecstasy from the Demon's dicks filling both of her holes was enough for Kalna to realize that she was next. Able to recover in time to avoid the stray tentacle that was aimed at her, the Demon would all but announce that she was next in line for the Demon.

would remain unable to act. The demonic energies around her too much to bear for most of this battle. was starting to intensify as the other three girls started to lose track of where exactly they were. The Demon focused on Kalna now, would not quite realize Flame being overcome with rage that she was impregnated as well. would hit for 10 as the Demon did not see her coming from the side, the rune over her belly actually serving as a light to guide her. Kalna using the fear inside of her would finishing off the Demon. (Even if it were still at 25, CLW would do the last 2 but fluff is better.)

Oracle was readying a spell as Flame and Kalna would be able to do enough damage to seriously injure the Demon. Now defenseless as the mist it was injecting into the room would give way to a Divine Light summoned by Oracle to completely eradicate the Demon from this world. It may only be banished for a year and a day, but all in the room would know it was Oracle that was the one to banish the demon this day. Manifesting a ball of pure divine light over her head, Oracle would shoot the light straight through the heart of the Demon. Her chanting the spell was completely inaudible between the sounds of Flame moaning and the sounds of battle. The ray of pure Divine Light caught Kalna by surprise as it flew within a foot of her and pierced through the Demon defeating it this day.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The demon roared and bellowed as the divine light crashed over him, the sacred moonbeams spinning and weaving into chains as weights as the fiend's physical form began to dissolve, the holy energy pouring dragging his screaming spirit back into the waters of the netherworld as they poured away in a massive grey whirlpool, leaving nothing but solid stone behind. Nothing, that was, except for a large, gleaming shark tooth, so sharp the very air hummed around it.

The dungeon was empty, there was plenty of time now. The emerald was pried from the statue's socket, silks and gold were taken, and from the charred grip of the chief priest, a rune-etched censer filled with dark incense. A powerful treasure, but dangerous.

[You got 1000 gp worth of treasure, a Devilfang Dagger, and a Sorcerer's Censer.]

[The Devilfang Dagger always strikes for max damage, you don't need to roll the d4. One a critical hit, in triples the damage from the hit instead.]

[The Sorcerer's Censer can be used once per dungeon to summon a demon to accomplish a room action for you. You have to replay the demon with sex that drains the girl of 1 stat point per 5 points of DC.]

All that remained now was deciding what to do with the squidcat and scum women, and to figure out where the girls would recuperate before their next adventure.

[You can keep the squidcat as a follower; you can have one active follower at a time, and can switch between them when you rest. They have different talents; most are non-combat. Also, give the squidcat a name!]

[What you do with the scum is just RP, but may have minor benefits or consequences later depending on how you treat them.]

[Any suggestions on what themes you'd like in the next dungeon, in terms of monster types? I'll make the next one while we're doing town RP.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Oracle would finish exorcising the Demon from this world. The portal sealing itself as the Demon would fade from existence in this world. All that would remain was the solid stone and a tooth that Flame would pick up. The tooth seemed like it was the perfect size and weight for a dagger, and as Flame started to swing it about a small hum would emanate from the tooth as it effortlessly cut through the air. Flame would also notice that the coloring of the Rune on her belly had started to fade, leaving behind something that looked almost like a Henna tattoo with the image being that of the Demon that violated her.

Kalna would look through the bodies along with Foxy and Oracle. Kalna would find a censer with some incense in it. Her ability to detect evil was what brought her right to it as her senses could almost feel the evil energies coming from it. It was likely the censer that was used to conduct the ritual of summoning the Demon forth into this world. Thinking to destroy it, Kalna was stopped as the incense could be removed and the censer itself sold for a pretty price once they would return to the nearest town. At least for now, the incense was separated from the censer so that they did not need to deal with the accidental summoning of another demon into this world.

Between the emerald taken from the statue, there were silks from the priests that were pretty valuable along with a few other trinkets that could easily be moved for a good price. All told Foxy would estimate the value at around a thousand gold. This voyage into the temple was a rousing success though it also came at a great cost. By her estimate, they would be able to come out of this at least two thousand gold ahead. Having salvaged what they could from the area, it was time for a well deserved rest before heading back to the village to sell their findings.

A few of the scum would be around as they started to leave the area they were previously confined within. They would greet the girls as they emerged back into the area that was a makeshift barracks so that they could properly rest themselves. The intentions of the Scum were clear and still evident to Foxy. They were not going to allow her to leave if they could help it before she gave birth. The demonic energy she was subjected to in the last encounter seemed to act as a catalyst of sorts as she could feel that within a day at most she would likely give birth.

Oracle however would not have to wait so long for her pregnancy to come to term as she started to rest, she could feel the little cats inside of her starting to move about. Oracle was going to have her pregnancy come to term and Foxy was likely going to be having her delivery soon thereafter. The Scum girls did not seem to interested in Oracle, but they would all gravitate to Foxy and help her along. As the pain of the birthing process would come to bear on Oracle, Flame would take her spare dagger and simply put it in Oracle's mouth to bite down onto. The screaming would at least be muffled by having the dagger to bite down on while the Squidcat started to dance about full well knowing what was going on.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

The birthings were not as painful as they expected. Oracle reach out, grasping Foxy's hand as the pain breathed deeply, their bodies writhing with contractions. Oracle felt the small, slippery lumps of her children travel slowly down her birth canal, her womanhood spreading open as the tiny mewling squidcat issued forth, followed by his brothers and sisters, six in all. The tiny amphibians were already climbing up her to lap at their mother's breasts by the time Foxy cried out with her own birth.

Slippery yellow-green tentacles slipped from between Foxy's pussy lips, writhing around in triumph as she heard the chuckles of the reborn aboleth in her mind, thanking her sarcastically for his swift and comfortable rebirth. The fish creature was somewhat larger than a human child, but the birth was made substantially easier by the newborn monster's ample slime. Within a matter of minutes, the creature had wriggled itself free of it's mother's snatch, and was immediately yanked away by the attending scum woman, each eagerly offering her tits to nurse their reincarnated master, his old body not even yet rotten in his lake.

Oracle nursed her newborns for some time. They were cute, it had to be said. Even Foxy couldn't stop herself from helping with the nursing briefly; the motherly instinct was simply too strong. Eventually, the already rapidly growing squidcats joined their father, and the girls set out back for town.


Rigas, the largest city in northern Raothland. Once it was a large trading town for the various monstrous corsairs of the coast to trade with the orc hordes of the south, but that all changed one hundred years ago with the holy conquest of the entire region. Still, here and there remnants of the city's savage origins remained; old standing stones, too cumbersome to move, remained in green spaces, snippets of orcish could be spotted in street names, and the fortifications were still the patchwork of dark stone favored by the monster races. Today, many wealthy merchants lived in the city, becoming fat and rich off the northern sea trade, now mostly purged of pirates. While the city was still ostensibly under the control of the Order of Saint Amesha, the merchant councils now controlled much of the city while the order was stretched thing, repelling monster attacks. It was a good city to stay a while and recover, and an even better one for finding employment.

(So I can start working on the next dungeon while we do RP here, here's some ideas:
---'Civilized' (human/elf/dwarf/halfling/ect.) bandits along on of the trade roads have taken to kidnapping women offering her for ransom back to her family, or as a slave to monster tribes, and often manage to create a bidding war between the two.
---The quarry town of Hezria is being plagued by basilisks and other dangerous, petrifying monsters coming up from the caves.
---A cult of monster worshiping witches have taken up residence in the buried ruins of old Rigas.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

It was a wondrous occasion, both Oracle and Foxy bringing new life into the world. Oracle would likely feel better about it afterward as she were at least able to nurse her young for a time. Foxy almost immediately would have the newborn Aboleth taken from her, though all she really needed to do was think about the fight for a few minutes as she would think about how violently the Aboleth had taken her. All told she was relieved more than anything that it was done with.

Oracle had a tough time with it, but the decision was made to leave them to their own devices as the Scum would take their new master back into its lair in the lake and the Squidcats would run off into the wild almost by instinct. As it was now free and not being simply kept as a pet, maybe they live on and maybe they do not. That was trivial compared to all the loot that the girls had now. What had to be at least two thousand gold could put down the money for an unused guildhall or similar structure that they could repurpose into a museum. Though for now that was likely a pipe dream more than reality. It would not stop them from looking though.

Kalna would take the girls and point them in the direction of Rigas, the simple description given was that it was a trade town along the norther coast of Raothland. Reaching the town, the girls looked more like refugees than the well kept warriors that they were. The guards almost not even letting them into the town because they looked more like working girls beaten and left in the streets than treasure hunters. Flashing a few of their trinkets that were found on their last adventure would convince the guards to allow them into the city.

The first order of business was to find themselves a good inn. Maybe a good tailor to weave the silks they had found into some elegant clothing as well perhaps. Flame being pregnant still made the journey to Rigas rather taxing so she would simply rest. Foxy and Oracle both knowing her body rather well would have little problem giving a tailor the proper measurements. Once they were presentable, Foxy and Kalna would try to work together so that they could build up something of a rapport between the two. The Amazon women clearly had a natural distrust for men, while Kalna not sharing their beliefs would handle most of the talking. Foxy would start to refer to Kalna as "Valkyrie", preferring to give her something of a nickname along with the rest of the girls instead of using their real names.

Oracle knew she needed to become better, so she would take some time to herself to train her mind and body to become less of a burden to Foxy and Flame. She would look to find herself any way she could train herself to become better. Maybe she could become more adept at using the mace, as well as sharpening her mind to more easily overcome any enemy that would stand in her way. as she was able to over the course of a month or so make significant strides in becoming a more complete adventurer. Oracle figured there was no expense she would not pay to get the best training possible for her, as her survival.. no the group's survival may well depend on her abilities going forward.

(Oracle is now MND 16, STR 14, DEX 11. Will change her sheet accordingly.)

As Oracle went about her training, she would come back to the inn every night and feel optimistic about her training. It was no joke as she was seemingly stronger, faster, and smarter and making leaps and bounds forward in her training. Oracle even started to get close to one of the younger girls as she would tell stories of her adventure during her time in the mage's tower. After some time, Oracle and the girl would start to travel to and from alot of places together. It would seem that the girl looked up to Oracle and they befriended each other rather quickly. Her name was Tabitha Aimes, and she fancied herself as a mage. What better way to make a name for herself than to go out on a grand adventure she thought. Oracle would try to arrange the meeting between Tabitha and Foxy so that she might well become one of the group almost in the same way that Foxy took in Oracle.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

While nowhere near as extensive as the great mage guilds in Aram, Bullhead, Olm, or the other great cities of the west, the Rigas guild was far from tiny clubhouses that passed for guildhalls in most of the towns out here on the border of civilization. The low, flat building was built not of the limestone pulled from the quarries near here, but from basalt, taken from the sea and transported at great expense. It bore the marks of savage manufacture, and Oracle could feel the thrum of leyline energy pulsing through the walls. Probably it was once the temple to some monster god, or the dark palace of some sorcerer king.

It was here, in the dark chthonic halls that Tabitha had lived for the past seven years, once an apprentice, now at last a journeyman. Alchemical scents and muted incarnations wafted though the low hallways of the structure, other mages living their quiet live of experimentation and learning. Guilded mages tended to look down on so called 'walking wizards', but they also recognized that sometimes, wealth and knowledge had to be sought out in the real world.

In a secluded alcove, for the entire structure seemed to be made of secluded alcoves, the amazons sat around a small table, interviewing their potential new recruit.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(Heh, Running out of colors! I might change the color for her if its eye cancer, please let me know if it is hard to see.)

Oracle had set this up, her training had drawn the attention of one of the other fellow students. Her name was Tabitha and she unlike Oracle, was a mage. Not interested much in the healing arts, Tabitha was one to cause harm instead of prevent it. She was certainly curious about the outside world, and talking with Oracle would only end up with Tabitha wanting it more every time they would talk Oracle would have a small story to tell further egging Tabitha to want to see the outside world.

Flame, Oracle and Tabitha were now sitting inside a rather mundane alcove within the guild. It seemed to be used for primarily meetings as there was little inside save a few tables and chairs. Tabitha was already waiting as Foxy and Oracle would meet up with her.

"Hello, I am Tabitha Aimes, one of the mages here within the guild of Rigas. I have been training alonside Oracle for the last few weeks in basic magical studies and I must say Oracle has been progressing in leaps and bounds with my help. She had alot of the basics down already and it truly was only a matter of getting her to refine her skills and gather her positive energy and confidence. She also would tell me stories about her adventures in the past, which means you must be Foxy?"

A bit longwinded Tabitha was, but it gave Foxy time enough to sit down with Oracle and assess her. She certainly had the looks, Short black hair with a modest chest, she was wearing a pink outfit with green accents. Her staff seemed a bit mundane, but it was almost as useful to her in melee combat as it was to focus her spells. Foxy would counter back with a few questions of her own, really no idea what to do with a mage as they were not often seen in Amazon lands.

"I see you are at least what Lili here describes. What makes you think that we are not just random travellers and Oracle simply lying to you to make herself seem like more than what she really is? Even more importantly, what if we were adventurers? We just got here so it should be obvious that we just finished our adventure and at the least would need to find another one to go on."

Foxy still wearing the Aboleth's cursed pendant could see into Tabitha's mind. Tabitha seemed to be entranced by both Oracle and Foxy, she would not need much in the way of prodding to "experiment" with either of the girls. Apparently being holed up in a mage's guild for 7 years would deprive her of any ability to find a sexual release.

"I think I can help with those, and I think I might be able to help with that pendant you are wearing as well. I could tell it was cursed the second you got within about 5 feet of me. Pardon the assumption, but normal people do not walk around casually with cursed necklaces on them and not have control of their own body very often. Have any of you been to Rigas before or know the history of this city?"

Tabitha would allow Foxy or Oracle a chance to reply, giving a fairly longwinded history of the town to the pair. Tabitha would get to the good part as she started to talk about the rumors of what had happened to the old town. A blighted land now "Old Rigas" was mostly unexplored as the rumors were vast and as far fetched as anyone could imagine. The most popular being that a cult of witches had moved into the buried ruins and were using the rumors to conduct their rituals in relative peace as no one dared to go into that area anymore.

This would certainly interest Foxy and Tabitha made no bones about it that they would never find the entrance or whereabouts of the ruins of Old Rigas without her. Foxy just needed two things, She was going to test Tabitha in a mock battle between the two to see what she would do in a real combat situation. After that, she needed to think of what to call her while they were outside, anyone that was part of the group had a nickname.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Enchanted torches lit themselves in sequence as the Foxy and Tabitha entered the round chamber. Oracle and Flame settled in the observation deck above as the portcullises on either side of the arena slammed shut. Magical runes flared into life as multicolored mist began to pour across the floor, swirling and combining at first into vague clouds, and then into illusions of solid magic, not unlike the shade wall the aboleth had guarded his lair with.

Tropical flowered bloomed under the girls' feet, and thick dark tree trunks extended up into the illusory canopy above. Tiny, colorful, and hideously poisonous frogs bounced happily across broad, wet leaves, and ominous shadows rustled in the underbrush. Vines writhed of their own accord and oversized flowers opened their slimy maws. Soon the two combatants had lost sight of each other entirely, separated by thick foliage and dangerous snares. Clearly, the mage guild believed in arena hazards...

[How you want to run this is up to you: we can either just take turns writing, or you can write the girls doing a flurry of action, then I'll introduce arena complications. There's no reason this couldn't end up as a lesbian scene either.]
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

(not quite what I had in mind, but a lesbian scene? sign me up! I think taking a few turns each might make things more fun?)

Foxy was expecting something rather mundane when Tabitha took her into one of the arenas that were used to test the skills of the mages. That was not what Foxy would find here as this was a mage's guild afterall. The portcullis on each side that Foxy and Tabitha would enter from would shut and a rather majestic display would take place. Oracle and Flame would join some of the mages from the guild along the observation deck as the contest would begin.

Foxy and Tabitha both were wearing mostly plain clothing so neither would have an advantage with having armor while the other did not. Tabitha had braided long blonde hair with a few ribbons near the bottom. Her outfit was pretty standard fare for the mage's guild. A simple one piece outfit with a bolero like jacket overtop. Each would be afforded a simple staff once they entered as their weapon. It was a mage's guild afterall so Foxy would have to make do with a somewhat unfamiliar weapon.

The whole of the arena would start to take shape in front of their very eyes. Magical runes started to flare as a mist would pour out along the floor. The illusions of what was likely solid magic were not unfamiliar to either as the Aboleth had a similar shade wall protecting it's lair. The mist wall was to serve as a boundary of sorts while the rest of the arena would take shape. Flowers would bloom along the grassy plains while dark tree trunks would extend upward. The hazards were being put into place as Foxy and Tabitha would lose sight of each other on the other side of the arena. It would seem that this would not be a simple contest between the two as the environment would play as much a part as the combatants themselves would.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

She had a magic amulet on, didn't she thought Tabitha as she began to stalk through the bushes. Could I detect it? No, the illusions would make too much interference. Better to just be safe and alert then.

The mage began chanting the words of power was she walked, conjuring invisible force over her body. This Foxy was probably a better fighter than her, but she had come in without armor. This should even the odds.

Tabitha adjusted her lenses as she slipped into a patch of colorful flowers. With luck, this would let get get the drop on the woman.
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

Tabitha would have the advantage of being able to sense the cursed amulet that Foxy was wearing. Foxy would be able to sense what Tabitha were thinking, if it wasnt for there being a whole bunch of thoughts being introduced almost jamming her ability to sense what Tabitha was thinking. The thoughts in her mind would at least not overwhelm her but simply act more as white noise similar to a crowded street.

The goal here was to subdue Tabitha, not kill her or wound her it was simply a test of her ability. Though it was seemingly almost more of a test of Foxy's abilities as well as this was certainly not what she expected. The weapon afforded her might prove more useful to fend off the environment than to hurt Tabitha. Foxy knew that she wanted to find Tabitha before Tabitha found her, so she started to move in the direction that she remembered Tabitha likely entered from.

(Up to you if you want to throw a few parts of the environment at Foxy or if you want her to just find her way to where Tabitha is hiding so she can ambush Foxy.)
Re: Battle & Breeding (Microlite20 PbP): Freeko

A scream echoed through the chamber, revealing Tabitha's position! She must have run afoul one of the hazards! No sooner had Foxy set off towards the noise that she felt a sudden weight on her shoulders, and a hissing serpent's fangs in front of her face. Some constriction had dropped down from above, intend on restraining it's prey!