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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

"Is that so?" Alia responded, raising an eyebrow. "Look around you. What is left here to protect?" She raised her arms in an encompassing gesture, pointing out the scene of carnage and desacration. "You know that those artifacts will not remain safe if left here. And whoever it talking to you, can you tell what they are? We've braved the trails below. We've met Saint Tylia. And we came out bearing the remains of her legacy, so that they might be protected. We even saved a member of your convent, have we not?" She pointed at Darla.

"You've seen us, seen what we did. What of your mysterious friend? What can you tell about them? Are you even aware of who they are? Can you be sure they aren't the ones lying here? We could have simply said nothing and left with the relics, yet we've honestly told you about them and offered to help you move on in peace. Is this the behaviour of a thief?" The mage pressed. "Do not be decieved by their falsehoods, Mother Ylana! Demons seek to trick you, to use you, but you are better than that! Fight their infuence, not listen to it!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"No! My angel wouldn't lie to me! She's watched over me since..." the ghostly nun looked over at her corpse, still lying on the altar, short sword in a rigor mortis frozen hand. "Yes, yes they must be lying!" she said to the spot above the altar, turning back to the girls, once again reassured by a voice only she could hear. Where could the demon be hiding? Clearly they would get nowhere until it was exorcised.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia frowned. The nun seemed to be stuck in a loop, not really listening to them. Unless the influence of the demon that wormed it's way into her mind was shaken off, it was unlikely they'd be able to get through to her with words alone. Stepping back, the mage silently cast a detection spell. She couldn't pinpoint evil creatures, but she could detect magic. And she was willing to bet that the damned creature responsible for this was hiding itself through magical means.

Alia casts Detect Magic.
Re: Battle & Breeding

The nun's sword, holy symbol, and censer glowed with magical energy.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia grumbled. Well, she now knew that the nun had magical equipment. Probably blessed. Still, nothing to pinpoint the demon's current location. Taking a deep breath, the mage focused. If spells didn't work, then she'd have to rely on good old-fashioned mental scan. Unlike magic, which simply involved using arcane energy to achieve a fairly simple effect, this was a methodic search that required constant focus, since it involved using one's psychic ability to find the target. Thankfully, Tervin was an adept of magic. A profession that required a well-honed mind. And while it took her a moment, soon enough she knew where the demon was hiding.

Re: Battle & Breeding

Yes! The demon was infesting the blade, the only non-holy implement. Now it was just a matter of somehow exorcising the blade without the Mother Superior noticing until it was too late.
Re: Battle & Breeding

Apparently Arkeia has a knack for this.
Use heroism to hopefully make it work? I think I have one left. If not, count it as my combat one used if we get into a fight or something, iunno.

As the spirit reeled, Arkeia's eyes trailed after hers, following her gaze... To the item that hovered over the space she sighted, carefully measuring it and figuring out which of her items had been corrupted.

Edit: Dammit, did that while I was posting. Gimme a second.

Arkeia glanced at Alia, meeting the mage's eyes, seeing that she had already seen what she had seen. She nodded, directing the mage to continue speaking, to offer a distraction, and when she did Arkeia ghost slowly around behind the ghost, measuring her distance carefully... And when she thought she was in range the piratess lunged and plucked the possessed blade up, tossing it towards the dwarf hilt first. "Karaz! It's possessed! The axe! Use the axe!"
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Re: Battle & Breeding

Alia stepped behind her comrades, whispering quietly so that only they would hear. "Found the demon, it's in the blade. If you can get close enough to purge it somehow, then we might be able to free the nun from it's influence. The axe is holy, so it might do the trick, and I believe someone's still got some holy water, right?" She glanced at Arkeia. "Think you could maybe sneak in close and dump some if we gave you the vial?"
Re: Battle & Breeding

fail by one.

Lunging for the blade, Arkeia made to pour holy water over it, hoping that she hadn't been noticed by the spirit and that she was quick enough...
Re: Battle & Breeding

Everything was going super fast for Faeyna's damaged brain to follow. But she managed to vaguely get that there was a Defiled in the sword. Evidently everyone was going for it now! Still, she had nothing to actually help them here. She had nothing to block the Lost spirit, and she had nothing to cleanse the sword. So she sat and waited for an opportunity to do something to help in some manner.

Maybe if the Defiled got exposed she could strike at it, but until that time...
Re: Battle & Breeding

With the blade at her feet, Karaz channeled the spirit of Saint Tylia. "Saint Tylia! Hear ye! Grant me the power to cleanse this FUCKIN' DEMON!" she shouted, before dropping the spear tip of the axe onto the blade in an attempt to purify it of the demon that whispered within.

Re: Battle & Breeding

The tip stuck the ground with a spark of light, and suddenly a screaming devil, blue skinned and spidery lay writhing and impaled on the ground. His flesh began to char and flake away were the holy touch of the axe pieced him, and within moments the demon was nothing more than dust.

Mother Ylana stared at the dissolving demon in shock. "It... can't be. I'm so ashamed. I'm... I'm sorry."
Re: Battle & Breeding

Seeing everything well in hand, Faeyna spoke up. "Is fine. All better. Now stop being Lost. Return to the cycle, as the god/dess intended. Follow proper voice. Can hear, if you listen."

She watched, head tilted as she remained in a crouch for now. After all, something new could pop up before long. Did have one stop to make before they left. See if the imp and ex-nun had left yet. And pick up tiny... green... Grifbo! Yeah that!
Re: Battle & Breeding

"No! Not yet. I can't leave my church like this... defiled..." the Mother Superior said, her proud face now lost and seemingly on the brink of tears. "Incense. We need incense. Cleanse the altar, please!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

"We all make mistakes. Sometimes it's easier to make them, especially when you've got someone messing with your head." Alia shrugged, watching the remains of the demon idly before turning her attention back to the mother superior. "In the end, you've done us no harm so there isn't really much to forgive." She frowned at the mother superior's distress. Well, they did promise they'd lay this spirit to rest. "Um, where exactly can we find some? I assume you've stored it somewhere around here."
Re: Battle & Breeding

Faeyna frowned, trying to remember how this worked. Wait, she didn;t need to, the lost soul probably knew. She just needed to get the things. She began sniffing at the air, trying to scent any insense, preparing to move off in fast pursuit of said materials.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"The workshops. We make... made our own, from the saps of the nearby trees.
Re: Battle & Breeding

To the incense! She began moving for the workshop, trying to recall the way hazily, but mostly following scents to her destined location!
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Ha-ha! HAHAHAHA!" Karaz laughed aloud after vanquishing the demon. "This axe is AMAZING! Kills demons dead!" she cheered, twirling the axe over her head before brandishing it stylishly.

Then, she got onto the topic of the mother superior wanting to cleanse this place. "Speaking of cleaning up, where shall we bury your body, ungi?"