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Battle & Breeding

Re: Battle & Breeding

Spider sleep was a strange thing, it had to be said as the giant, horrifying creatures clinging to Karaz and Arkeia suddenly froze up, falling off of them as though dead. They lay completely unmoving as their victims struggled sleepily against their bindings, unable to fully escape.

Alia shouted as a burst of sticky web slashed across her, solidifying in seconds to become thick, restricting strands. The mages wriggled, desperate to maintain her spell in the face of her entanglement, as another dog-sized spider rushed towards her, sinking poisonous fangs into her leg!

[One spider webs Alia, the other bites]

: 1d20+4 20 1d4+3 4 (Alia takes 4 damage and is Entangled and Drowsy)

Faeyna dodged away from the vengeful bite of the spider she had struck, only to step into the recently spun web of his fellow, his many glossy red eyes staring lustfully at the lizardwoman as she stumbled into his trap!

[One spider webs Faeyna, the other bites]

: 1d20+4 14 1d4+3 7 (Miss)

[Arkeia 8/15; Entangled (-2 AC, can't engage new enemies; DC 14 DEX+Physical to escape); Drowsy (-2 to STR and DEX based saves; DC 14 MND+Survival to overcome)]
[Alia 12/20; Entangled (-2 AC, can't engage new enemies; DC 14 DEX+Physical to escape); Drowsy (-2 to STR and DEX based saves; DC 14 MND+Survival to overcome)]
[Faeyna 11/26; 12/13 DEX; 6/11 MND; Entangled (-2 AC, can't engage new enemies; DC 14 DEX+Physical to escape)]
[Karaz 12/25; Entangled (-2 AC, can't engage new enemies; DC 14 DEX+Physical to escape); Drowsy (-2 to STR and DEX based saves; DC 14 MND+Survival to overcome)]

---Giant Spider x7: HP 12/12, AC 14, Toughness 10, Cleverness 7, Will 6 [The four engaging Karaz and Arkeia are asleep (-4 to AC)]
---Giant Spider: HP 5/12, AC 14, Toughness 10, Cleverness 7, Will 6

[Two sleeping spiders each are engaging Arkeia and Karaz, and two each are engaging Alia and Faeyna (the injured one is engaging Faeyna)]

(cross_grave: don't forget to re-roll your spell vs Will test against the sleeping spiders each turn to maintain the effect.)
Re: Battle & Breeding

( Easy pass)

Faeyna deflected the spiders attack at her, before stepping back on a web. She gave a unimpressed hiss and simply yanked her leg up, snapping the web. "Alia, keep doing that, it works good!"

She glared down at the spiders, cracking her knuckles. "You think you can hold me?! Lizards eat spiders!"

( Crit, dropped one, Hit, 6 damage)

Faeyna snarled and lunged forwards, before booting the one she hit before up into it's own ceiling web. After all, spiders could get trapped in webs too if they weren't careful. She promptly then span around, smacking the other spider with her tail.

"You wanna keep goin?! Faeyna can keep this up all day! Submit already before she decides she has to start getting serious!"
Re: Battle & Breeding

will save heroism for later unless RJ demands otherwise. Edit: Use it to hit, and RJ seems to think to succeed on the saves too? I dunno.


Twisting out of the webs and shaking off the poison by pure adrenaline, Arkeia hissed and plunged both blades into each of the nearby sleeping spiders, prying both apart and separating their thorax from their abdomens. There were still more, so many more, but Alia had seemingly put enough of them to sleep that maybe with some luck the tide might turn...
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Re: Battle & Breeding


-2 from Drowsy but still passed.


Alia swore as the spider shot it's web at her, wrapping thick sticky strands around her body. They didn'y last for long, the mage tearing through them in short order, but they were enough of a distraction to make her vulnerable. The mage let out a hiss of pain as she felt the spider's fangs sink into her leg, the venom quickly beginning to work. Her whole body began to feel heavy, but she was able to fight off the mental influence long enough to keep her spell up at least. Snarling, the woman tried to hit the offending arachnid with her scythe, but her attack was too slow to connect.
Re: Battle & Breeding

A high-pitched shriek went up, and the surviving spiders began to scurry away, back towards the safety of their webs. "Take the girl, take the girl, leave us!" one screamed to Faeyna as she fled. It would be a simple thing to finish off the spiders if they wished, those who weren't still entangled by webs, at least.

[Arkeia 8/15]
[Alia 12/20; Drowsy (-2 to STR and DEX based saves; DC 14 MND+Survival to overcome)]
[Faeyna 11/26; 12/13 DEX; 6/11 MND]
[Karaz 12/25; Entangled (-2 AC, can't engage new enemies; DC 14 DEX+Physical to escape); Drowsy (-2 to STR and DEX based saves; DC 14 MND+Survival to overcome)]

---Giant Spider x3: HP 12/12, AC 14, Toughness 10, Cleverness 7, Will 6 [One engaging Karaz is asleep (-4 to AC)]
---Giant Spider: HP 6/12, AC 14, Toughness 10, Cleverness 7, Will 6

[One sleeping spider is engaging Karaz, and two are engaging Alia, and one injured one is engaging Faeyna. Arkeia is unengaged.]
Re: Battle & Breeding


which she will.

While their apparent surrender and retreat might signal that the fight was over, neither Arkeia nor Karaz seemed to think so. The dwarf drove her axe down onto the other nearby sleeping spider, and Arkeia pinned one of the fleeing arachnids to the wall with her rapier and then jabbed her shortsword through its thorax just down from its mandibles, effectively decapitating it before retracting both weapons and flicking the dead creature aside, already looking for a new target.
Re: Battle & Breeding



Alia shook her head again, trying to clear it. Unfortunately, the poison was still working it's way through her system, making it impossible to shake off it's effects yet. Angrily, she swung her scythe at the nearest spider, missing by a wide margin as she tried to get a hit on it and swearing. She didn't notice that they were retreating, her focus occupied entirely by fighting. She did notice that her spell was undone when Karaz squished the last sleeping spider, though, since she could feel the thread of magic disappear when the last affected arachnid died.
Re: Battle & Breeding

"Good! Get outta here! Uh... Cus apparently everyone else doesn't like mercy!," roars Faeyna after them, though pausing to observe her fellow adventurer's actions. Well, she wasn't exactly going to lose sleep over it. Death was to be struggled against with combat and survival skills, but if one died it was simply natural. Their souls would return to the cycle and be reborn as new entities.

Well, such was life. She herself paid little mind now and simply moved over to the girl, working to saw her down. There certainly would be more spiders, since she had a job to do. Though given everyone elses attitude, speeding her gestation might be best to do once everyone calmed down. She had enough cognition to recognize the others anger at least.