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ACT Loli [ベェーカリィー ] 神隠し しょぅじょ贄 (RJ286597)


Demon Girl
Apr 8, 2011
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No Picture due to loli.

Mostly mouse based, hold right click to see where you can move, hover over a location and release to go there. basically everything is mouse operated.

Some of you may remember marunomi, or alternatively chimera breed (or whatever it was called), where you player as the monster, hunted down little girls and had your way with them. Today we have gotten another offering from the makers of these games, which follows in much the same vein. You play the part of an ancient japanese Kami/god/spirit of the land, who demands a yearly sacrifice from the villagers under your protection. Said sacrifice is a little girl for you to rape and then eat. Unfortunately, immediately after having your meal, you're rudely interrupted by a Miko who whoops your ass and seals you and your loyal fox minion away.

Fast forward a few centuries to the present day, and you somehow reawaken, hungry for nubile flesh, which just happens to be wandering all over your mountain and the surrounding countryside and town. There does seem to be moer to the plot than this, my translator picked up hints that even before the reawakening people had been going missing, and that apparently another god had taken up shop one you'd been sealed away. Given the fact that the demo shows each girl has two scenes, and going by how the previous game ended, it's entirely possible that this game will also have a "good end" with less rape and eat and more love, actually helping your girls, and babymaking.

This dev has a reputation for doing different things each game, with Marunomi being sort-of rock/paper/scissors, and chimera breed being a top down action fighter with body part equipment and special abilities. This game continues that trend. Upon attacking a girl you will start creeping up behind her. Holding the LMB will move you closer, and the goal is to sneak up to her (thus filling your sneak bar), before she fills her own alert bar and flees. As you do this, the girl will transition from facing away from you, to looking around, to facing you directly. The last one is bad, because it stopps your approach, slowly reverses it, and charges a skill that rapidly filler her alert bar.

What you need to win is use your skills to control the girls actions, and earn power orbs, which can be spent while she's facing you to make her turn away without raising alert, or spent while she isn't facing you to rapidly approach her. After the prologue/tutorial, you can unlock more of these skills, often by using your current ones a certain amount of times, and swap out skills for new ones. Girls can have skills of their own: the bugcatcher girl has a trap-type skill that makes her face you instantly if you use a visual skill while it's active, while the dark-haired girl has a slow-charging skill that raises her alert, but can be disrupted by mental skills.

It's very worthwhile experimenting with different skills and combinations, as there are some crazy synergies. I had a sound-based skill that gave power whenever other sound-based skills granted you any power, and build a deck around keeping the girl in the facing away position, where I had lots of sound based skills to use. The complexities of the skill system do basically require you to have a translator, thankfully as a unity game, reipatcher works.
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Any walkthrough guides? I've gone through a few loops already and seemingly just doing the same things each round.
you want to press the right mouse button on the dot with kanji bellow that arrow. God me stuck as well for a bit,
Well now this game is pretty difficult. Holding LMB makes you approach the girl which increases your blue gauge from 0 to 100, whilst the girl's red "suspicion" gauge steadily increases to 100 at which point she runs away. Above the gauges are your skills, and they basically do stuff like cancel the girl's statuses or increase your special gauge in the right situation (indicated by the skill being on "fire"). When your special gauge is filled out you can use to rapidly close in on the girl, or if she's fully facing you (at which point you slowly retreat) you can use it to make her turn around again

Tutorial demonstrates the basic gameplay mechanics:
Middle skill you use when the girl is fully facing away from you
Left skill you use when she's looking sideways at you
1st right skill you use when she's saying certain things (basically when she's suspicious there's something behind her)
2nd right skill when she's about to face you.

Problem is that there's a whole bunch of skills to unlock and all the girls have different strategies so without understanding the descriptions it's little more than trial and error lol
the trial was reasonably entertaining. there seems to be something where you emulate a girl's emotions to recreate a scene i'm not quite sure what the deal with that is but it got it after finding some of the ghouls at night.

I doubt it'll ever get an full fan translation but reipatcher ahoy i guess. the skill descriptions are still a bit confusing :(
I've been having some serious issues with Hime (the pink stand-offish looking girl) and it's mainly because i'm not quite getting how her 'foot' trap works, can anyone offer some clarity?

Also it seems I've locked myself out of pretty much anyone else, can't do anything with the purple haired miko and her younger sister's dreams don't seem to go anywhere.

Edit: Oookay I got past her after understanding her mechanic. For others who have trouble, all her green foot thing does is slow you down, the bigger deal is that when she has the heart up (i think it was pink i can't remember) it activates if you try activating any skills to give her massive boosts in escape.

The little sister with her dog shows up first thing in the afternoon (third time cycle) at the entrance to the shrine, and this one is the new one giving me trouble though xD

Edit 2: Okay I didn't realize you could click on their skills to pause the game and read what they did she's actually pretty easy. You do have to have sound on to hear the dog's barking though, because it'll cause her to turn to face you if you activate a skill when it is, and it'll cause a jump in escape if you use a skill when it's fully facing you.
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the dream's just for some background info i think, you can capture the little sister in town once you do you'll be locked into a fight with the blue haired miko in the mountains. After beating her you'll get into a story loop that resets the story but the fox girl left you.

not sure about hime since she's one of the ones i missed out on in lap 1
I got a bit confused with girls with the red heart like glasses and parasol for a bit so I'll also share this little tidbit. Use the blue heart skill it makes it go away, and I'd also suggest combining with the green...gust skill that speeds up cooldowns.\

Edit: Okay for Nanase (Parasol) apparently she counters the blue heart so I'm gonna have to figure out how to deal with that
Maaan, the psychological horror aspects of the story are just great, girls that get "hidden" away by the god you're playing as get full-on unpersoned from reality, with everyone else rapidly forgetting they ever exist; their name, personal belongings, every trace of them disappears. Just got the Miko's second scene and now I'm feeling bad because her grandma has forgotten she had a second granddaughter and her sister March is freaking out in her emptied room.

Lots of the second scenes seem to be dream-related. I got bugcatcher girls after luring her out to hunt bugs at night, her skills changed and i got her second scene. There's several other dreams where you can try to lure out others at night, but they seem to have have other requirements I haven't met yet. Probably need more words or emotions unlocked.

Only one I haven't gotten a scene for so far is Princess/Hime, who I haven't actually found yet.
If you'd like a hint, you can actually follow her from the abandoned village (or at least that's what Reipatcher calls it) to the Tunnel in the evening and that's where her dream can be found at midnight. I can't find either of the fox girls' scenes, I feel like I'm CLOSE with Amy's and Kokoro's, but Nanase, little sister, Ai (the goddess...fairy thing), and the little girl who for me was like a secret character who I think was translated as...Shun? Oh and glasses. Yeah I'm pretty bad at this lol. Oh! I also don't have the very FIRST girl's second scene either.
Foxgirls first scene can be gotten by taking the second option at game starts, to free the fox, which you can first pick on lap 2. You then need to find Ai and the shadows at night, which lets you start finding foxes memories around the forest at night. Find them all and Fox girl will reawaken. you can then find her and hunt her for an ending.

So here's the second scenes I've collected so far:
Black haired tanned tomboy: known as Poetry, Uta and Ta-chan
To get this scene you need to enter her dreams, so wait until you've got that unlocked, then find her, her sleeping spot is in the bottom right corner. When you first try to enter her dream she's angry, and immediately throws you out. Turns out the person you're impersonating really pissed her off, and she's waiting on a major apology. Thankfully you can solve all these issues by erasing the person in question. Go find glasses girl and nom her. After that you'll be able to get further in Ta-chan dream. after doing so, you'll get a scene of her getting spooked out by your dream visit, and some other spooky stuff unrelated to you will happen, leading her to move across the map. Follow her for another scene. Then it's just a matter of bouncing between her dreams and following her to this event location until she turns up at night, figures out that the person invading her dreams (you) and the person on the phone (Yu, glasses girl) aren't the same person, gets spooked and tries to run. Hunt her down.

Suzuko/Nanako: Bugcatcher girl
Pretty easy one, invade her dreams, get through, and mash random options until you convince her to go out at night, then hunt her down.

Not sure how i triggered this one, but i know I DIDN'T hunt her sister, as this seems to trigger an event chain for her sister that likely leads to her own second scene. Basically I found her out at night, possibly happens after hunting a few girls or finding some spirits, i'm not sure. But beating her there gave me scene.
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So with Amy (blonde) I've figured out that first you catch the bug girl, then you wait at the inn until night and then she leaves, then during the day she'll meet the little girl (this can happen in a few places but one of the forests seems like a good spot) and then she'll go to the road to your shrine (two spaces back from the reset point). Then there'll be a scene with them again and the little girl will talk about her secret hideout and they can both be found during the day hanging around the abandoned village. From there I'm stuck x3 Oh, I did find the fox girl's first though so thanks for that~
Alright, I'm on 85% for both style of playthroughs and apparently I've gotten a special ending which added something to the game end screen. But I'm calling it quits for today, will try to complete it tomorrow.


I'm short the 2nd picture for glasses, umbrella, fox and maid and tutorial character. Does anyone need explanations for skills and their unlock/upgrade requirements? I've gotten everything unlocked and 2 skills short of upgraded.

Anyways here are the steps to getting that special ending (to the best of my memory), this ending also gets the 2nd pictures for Miko's sister March, Blonde, Chibi and the other spirit that's not a fox.
1. Defeat the older Miko. March might need to have been already convinced to walk her dog. March will stop walking the dog for awhile after this.
2. Capture Bugcatcher. I did the second capture, but maybe the first capture works too. This'll trigger Amy to start appearing.
3. Amy will meet the Chibi and they'll talk about retrieving some hidden texts. Trigger this by first finding Amy randomly in the forest, then finding her at the spot 2 spaces before the newgame shrine.
4. At March's shrine there'll be an event with Amy, Chibi and March.
5. Then at Chibi's house there's be another event with the 3 girls again. After this all 3 girls will disappear from the map.
6. At night or midnight I can't remember. March and Ai (the non-fox spirit) will be traveling together in the forest. Once you take this battle, the in game clock will disappear and you'll be locked in.
7. Winning this battle yields Ai's 2nd pic.
8. Next battles are Chibi, Amy and March. Can't remember the order but these battles are tough, I had to create a different combination of spells for each battle.
9. They have a power that will empty your blue circle and all your purple stones the first time you reach 100, and drop you to 50.
10. Complete all for this end.
I think you mixed up events 4 and 5 but other than that pretty spot on this helped a lot!

Out of curiosity what were your loadouts for Amy and March?

Edit: Nevermind, for Amy there's actually an easy trick you can do so long as you hold onto the orange eye skill in the third phase (which I had to grind the pink eye trap skill to unlock first lol) and then you pretty much insta capture. Noooowww for March and her little dog!!!

Edit 2: I finally beat her! Basically brute forced my way with a ton of hearing skills and stuff xD Now I'm looking at the same exact screen, and if you look at the locks it says 'reach the final table' and since the first one is called 'Table village' i assume it means to get the true ending there. Hell if I know how to do that though |3
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Out of curiosity what were your loadouts for Amy and March?

Sorry bout not replying, I had turned in by then. I'll assume you don't need em anymore with your success!

Anyways I return with great news. I've gotten the 2nd picture for 2 more girls, umbrella and glasses. You guys might be familiar with their fighting styles, often having a buff with the heart icon that needs to be displaced by your own abilities. However it turns out their 2nd endings revolve around not removing the buff and actually winning despite it in play.

It all relies on this particular ability [心を覗く]. Unlike other heart abilities, it doesn't dispel the 2 girls heart buffs, but actually changes them. If you're curious about the lore and story, basically the skill literally means heart(心) peeking(覗く), so you discover the true meaning behind their heart buffs.
1. Take the battle and make sure you have the ability I circled.
2. When the heart buff appears, use it.
3. The real battle begins, you must not dispel the heart buffs. Yes I said buffs, they will spawn until there are 3 of them constantly barraging you with reds.
4. It all revolves you drafting a deck that can deal with and reduce red/tension.
5. Win this battle for 2nd pic
A B C D E referring to abilities from left to right.
A) You must have this ability for 2nd ending.
B) The crux of the first part of the battle revolves around managing tension. So knowing there's definitely unavoidable tension in play, I chose an ability that gives erosion based on existing tension.
C) Skill to manage tension, it does give her escape, so I try to only use this as a panic button.
D) Another skill to manage tension, but it does cost some erosion, thankfully, skill B is an easy constant stream of erosion. Safer skill to manage tension.
E) Cooldown reduction, again this battle is solely about managing tension, so keeping D off cooldown is key.

Additional Notes
Once you survive the barrage, her buffs disappear to be replaced by a singular one, that constantly gives you huge erosion bubbles. So even if you're pretty far, the surplus of black/purple orbs will let you catch her in no time.
If at any point, she gets 100 tension, it might be better to just restart the fight. The +25 to her fleeing, potentially shrinks the window enough that the fight is impossible to complete. Ergo, before the barrage even subsided she'd already fled.

I always gotten weird vibes from Umbrella girl, just from the way she spoke to Amy in the dream. Reminded me a lot of the stereotype where girls act extra friendly to girls they actually dislike. Surprisingly, this ended up becoming a plot point!

Umbrella will take 2 runs.
The first run must be one where she's already actively walking around on her own.
The 2nd run will be of the other type, where she's not walking outside at first, but her dream can be accessed.

1. 1st run, take a battle and make sure you have the ability I circled.
2. Use the ability and win the battle.
3. Winning the battle will still give you scene 1 but also gives you a new word to use in dreams. The word is hate/dislike [嫌い].
4. In the 2nd run, talk to her in the dream, and when she asks you (posed as Amy) if you love her, choose this new option, it should be left most. You should see her facade fall apart. Now you can lure/invite [誘い出す] her out of her house.
5. Take a battle. It wasn't particularly difficult so I won't be sharing my build unless someone really needs it. I actually just used one of my older builds, didn't need to craft one specifically for this battle.
6. Win it and you'll see her in complete panic, no longer her ufufu self. You won't get the scene yet, but it's a matter of just passing time until the cutscene outside the guesthouse.
With these 2 done, the run of the 2nd type (right) became 100% clear for me.
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Nice! so for くねくね how do you unlock it? I have the preceding skill but I'd never figured out how it works to gain the 1000 erosion it needs to awaken. Thankfully I know I have the rest x3 Thanks in advance!
Nice! so for くねくね how do you unlock it? I have the preceding skill but I'd never figured out how it works to gain the 1000 erosion it needs to awaken. Thankfully I know I have the rest x3 Thanks in advance!

The preceding skill is gotten by not moving. It only generates erosion if you are not crawling, finger off that left click!

Success! Alright time for my late game guide. Gosh I'm not into loli but the gameplay looked so interesting that I just had to try it. Such a creative dev, I have to try his previous work chimera.

First you must know how to get the 2nd pic for Ai (Blue/Spirit), Bugcatcher, Amy and Chibi. The series of actions taken to unlock the 3rd type of playthrough (Remember the fox) very closely follows this. Instructions are here:
Anyways here are the steps to getting that special ending (to the best of my memory), this ending also gets the 2nd pictures for Miko's sister March, Blonde, Chibi and the other spirit that's not a fox.
1. Defeat the older Miko. March might need to have been already convinced to walk her dog. March will stop walking the dog for awhile after this.
2. Capture Bugcatcher. I did the second capture, but maybe the first capture works too. This'll trigger Amy to start appearing.
3. Amy will meet the Chibi and they'll talk about retrieving some hidden texts. Trigger this by first finding Amy randomly in the forest, then finding her at the spot 2 spaces before the newgame shrine.
4. At March's shrine there'll be an event with Amy, Chibi and March.
5. Then at Chibi's house there's be another event with the 3 girls again. After this all 3 girls will disappear from the map.
6. At night or midnight I can't remember. March and Ai (the non-fox spirit) will be traveling together in the forest. Once you take this battle, the in game clock will disappear and you'll be locked in.
7. Winning this battle yields Ai's 2nd pic.
8. Next battles are Chibi, Amy and March. Can't remember the order but these battles are tough, I had to create a different combination of spells for each battle.
9. They have a power that will empty your blue circle and all your purple stones the first time you reach 100, and drop you to 50.
10. Complete all for this end.

You must also know how to clear Nanase (Umbrella)
Instructions are here:
I always gotten weird vibes from Umbrella girl, just from the way she spoke to Amy in the dream. Reminded me a lot of the stereotype where girls act extra friendly to girls they actually dislike. Surprisingly, this ended up becoming a plot point!

Umbrella will take 2 runs.
The first run must be one where she's already actively walking around on her own.
The 2nd run will be of the other type, where she's not walking outside at first, but her dream can be accessed.

1. 1st run, take a battle and make sure you have the ability I circled.
2. Use the ability and win the battle.
3. Winning the battle will still give you scene 1 but also gives you a new word to use in dreams. The word is hate/dislike [嫌い].
4. In the 2nd run, talk to her in the dream, and when she asks you (posed as Amy) if you love her, choose this new option, it should be left most. You should see her facade fall apart. Now you can lure/invite [誘い出す] her out of her house.
5. Take a battle. It wasn't particularly difficult so I won't be sharing my build unless someone really needs it. I actually just used one of my older builds, didn't need to craft one specifically for this battle.
6. Win it and you'll see her in complete panic, no longer her ufufu self. You won't get the scene yet, but it's a matter of just passing time until the cutscene outside the guesthouse.

So the main difference in this slightly adjusted run is that you have to eliminate Nanase with her second ending, before proceeding to battle the March + Ai (Spirit) duo at midnight. You won't get a chance to do so if you begin the battle as the game clock will disappear. Also note that this ending doesn't net you the 2nd scenes for (Amy Chibi and March), I believe you'll still get Ai's.

1. Repeat everything as per normal, to cause the 3 girls (Amy, Chibi and March) to do their shenanigans. Nom bugcatcher and Miko Sister basically.
2. Eliminate Nanase (glasses).
3. Discover Kokoro (heart)'s secret. (This is not actually crucial to getting this end, but it is for unlocking playthrough 3, so you might as well do it on the way.) Enter her dream once, then an evening after that at the guesthouse, there should be a cutscene where she speaks to you. You can check if this flag is successfully obtained by clicking on her once in the girls menu, such that the red border appears. The text at the top should be all yellow, if you're using ReiPatcher it'll outright say that I (you) know the secret of heart.
3. Do the battle with March + Ai. Don't battle anyone after this battle, but head straight to the guesthouse. There'll be a scene where they talk about a secret way to defeat you. If Nanase wasn't eliminated, she'll interfere in the cutscene and this attempt will default back to the normal version of this ending.
4. If the cutscene had no Nanase, after it finishes, go in to the forest and hunt one of the girls (Amy/Chibi), when the fight ends, March will run to their aid and it'll become a cutscene.
5. It will proceed until morning where you fight an unwinnable battle against the 4 girls (March Amy Chibi and Ai).
6. Take the loss.
7. Playthrough 3 should be unlocked.

Playthrough 3 (This will net you the 2nd scenes for Fox, Tutorial and Maid)
1. Roam around for some small cutscenes. Then battle Fox for 2nd scene, her fight is pretty much the same, revolving around either keeping her looking away. Or you just have to brute force through her dodges.
2. After that head to the river, where you wash her body and revive her. Immediately you'll be interrupted by a demonic version of tutorial girl via cutscene. Mess around a bit and head to the guest house.
3. I haven't seriously tried winning this battle but I don't think you have to. Lose and a cutscene will play after.
4. Leave the guesthouse and come back immediately. You'll see the option to enter Heart's dream. But it is not a dream, in fact now begins what I believe is the toughest battle with best girl. In this battle, positioning and tension management is key. If she reaches 100 tension or successfully faces the player, it's an instant loss. I've shared my build at the end if anyone's curious.
5. Win the battle and get a cutscene which leads to scene 2 for Heart.
6. Head to the river, you'll see who appears to be Heart, but it's actually Tutorial girl.
7. Do battle with her, she has a gimmick where she transforms and has abilities of the other girls, but it's still manageable. When you win the battle, she'll repel you and you have to find her somewhere else in the forest to fight her again.
8. Head towards your shrine, this third battle is the last one. And winning it will yield scene 2 for tutorial girl.
9. Game Complete! You can proceed to linearly travel the map (only 1 option is available at a time), that will give closure and see all the girls up and well. THANK GOD UTA AND YUU FINALLY MET. I was always so upset that they could literally be just 1 tile apart from one another at times. :(

Build against Heart
Because filling her tension makes her turn to face you, and her facing you is an instant loss, you can see I've loaded up with literally 2 repositioning abilities and the strongest tension clearing ability in the game.
A B C D E are the skills from left to right.
A) Turns her from half turn to back facing you. Cheap spell with no drawback but longer cooldown.
B) Can turn her from back face to half turn, but why on earth would you do that. Just use it to also turn her to the back. Shorter cooldown but generates dangerous tension.
C) Just a steady stream of erosion and gives a bit of cooldown reduction.
D) More cooldown reduction.
E) The ultimate panic button, clears tension and gives a huge chunk of of erotion. Use in conjuction with B to negate the tension generation. Increasing her flee doesn't matter since you should still be faster with excess erosion.
I'm not sure if it's already been accounted for, but the author posted some walkthrough hints on their homepage.

Though, I can't get this thing to run - it crashes with out of memory errors.
To make it more annoying, the problem isn't free memory itself, but running out of user address space (going by the crash log).