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Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)


King of the Impossible
May 5, 2009
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Third Headquarters Base - 02:23hrs, Monday June 5th, 2000

Somewhere in Nevada...

The command center was tense with anticipation. Their first sorties with hostile extraterrestrials was about to begin. "Erinyes will be in bombardment range in thirty seconds," technician reports. The commander coolly issues an order. "Tell E-1 to fire at will, E-2 is only to act as backup." "Roger. Relaying orders." After a long moment, the technician pipes up again, "E-1 has successfully deployed swarm missile barrage. Detonation successful, target is in free fall." The commander grins as the whole room sigh in relief. "Excellent. Team Two will be dropped off near the Zhetan crash site, while Team One will be deployed to engage the Boorus flesh pod's crash site. Inform Team Two that they will not have evac until Team One has complete their extermination job." "Rog-" A chirping beep from another console causes another technician to 'eep!' "Th-third contact! Above atmosphere... we can still track it."-"When it rains it pours."-"I have a visual, it's another Cone. A flesh pod." "Trajectory?" "Wisconsin."

The commander pauses, allowing the technician to continue. "If we send the Albatross to drop off some people there instead of their mission-" but the commander interrupts. "It will run out of fuel before it can return. Regardless, there aren't enough operatives to complete the three missions successfully."

Doctor Ingham sighs. "So just deploy another team on another Albatross. We have two more."

"Very well," replies the Commander, "though, we already have operatives in the area." He reaches for the phone.


On a small jet liner flying over Wisconsin...

As usual, Belle was being overlooked by her new peers. The seven men she had shared the plane with animately chatting about their respective training experiences and family back home, but somehow it didn't click that she was joining them in the top secret program they were joining. Perhaps they thought she was going to be the base's cook? That's not very nice, but typical.

Some surprised exclamations from the cockpit draws Belle's attention. "What? Is this for real? ... Yes, sir... N-no, sir! ... Yes, sir! ... Right away, Sir!" Then a ding and the PA system comes on. "Attention soldiers. A situation has come up that requires y'all to do something for your new job before y'all get to your new base and get briefed. Your Commander is on the line and I'm gonna plug him into the PA so that he can brief you."

A short buzz of static pipes through the speakers before a dark gravely voice addresses everyone. "Hello, everyone. I'd rather have briefed you in person, but time is against us. Invaders of an unusual nature are about to attempt a foothold in the middle of Wisconsin, and you are the closest team we can deploy. Your flight is being redirected to nearest airport where you will be assigned a helicopter transport and given gear for your mission. Your next pilot will have the mission coordinates, and you will know your targets when you see them. Backup is on its way, and remember, your tour of duty is classified to highest order. I will give you all proper welcome after we retrieve you from a successful mission.
Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

Belle sat by herself not focusing on the seven other recruits with her. Lost her in own thoughts she rested her head on her hand. She didn't really notice the other recruits talking to each other, she might hear bits and pieces of a conversation but she was so far away from the conversation it wouldn't register to her. Besides they probably didn't even realize she was a soldier like them. She got used to the idea that she'd be ignored because of her small size in the military, and it didn't really bother her anymore.

She was thinking of the interview and what it entailed riding in silence. Part of her wondered if this was just some sort of experiment and they just pretended that aliens existed to trick recruits into getting involved, but for some reason she felt the commander wasn't lying. She herself just never believed in such things, thinking that there would just be too many people to keep silent for this to remain a secret. A small smile formed on her lips, she was chosen for this, hand picked after months of being discouraged and told to go home. If this was real maybe she was something special.

Her daydreams were interrupted when she noticed a commotion up front. Her focus was now on the noises from the cockpit trying to piece together what was happening. She didn't have to wait long, as the PA came on she balled her fists up and took a more serious posture. Boot camp to a mission this fast, without even stopping at the base first. Feeling tingly, a nervous excitement washed over her. She took a deep breath to calm herself. It was going to happen sooner or later anyway, and the best conditions can't always be expected. She looked to the other recruits to gauge their reactions, this wasn't just a fun plane ride anymore, this was now the calm before their mission.
Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

Not quite a half hour later, the plane lands at Barron Municipal Airport, where waiting for the operatives is a bright blue and pink obviously civilian helicopter next to which are a pair of men in suits wearing sunglasses, one holding up a sign that says "XXXzone" on it. Just aside are tables with an assortment weapons and armour, and a crate marked with explosives.

Once approached, one of the men will speak up, "Gentlemen, and Madam," at this the seven men Belle had been travelling with suddenly become aware of her presence. "I am Agent Jones, this is Agent Brolin. On these tables are all the equipment we could procure on such short notice. Agent Smith is just completing the pre-flight check and will be flying you to your destination. Unfortunately the only vehicle we could appropriate for you mission is this civilian craft, unless you wanted to parachute out of a waterbomber's tank." He frowns. "Your commander says backup is en-route but they had technical difficulties in take-off and have been delayed. Good luck."
Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

Getting off the plane Belle put her hair up in a small pony tail. Seeing the helicopter, she raised her eyebrow. She learned in bootcamp that questioning your superiors was a bad idea, but this made her feel like they were either woefully unprepared or rushed, or both. Neither one made her feel better about this situation. In the end she figured there was nothing she could do but continue the mission, she was the one who signed up for this, even before being recruited to XXXzone.

Approaching the man with the sign she saluted. At this point she realized the other recruits finally noticed her. Smiling a bit she wondered how well they'd do with someone actually trying to sneak up on them rather then just being there. She Listened to the agent with a focused expression. After hearing what he had to say she frowned, first the helicopter, now delayed back up. Still she said, raising her voice so it carried, "Thank you, sir." Gazing at the table she looked at what supplies and weapons were available.
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Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

The first table has dozen SAP sidearms, exactly eight Billpup small assault rifles, four double barrel shotguns, and twenty combat knives. Beneath the table are boxes filled with ammo appropriate to each weapon. The pistol and rifle ammo is already in magazines for ease of loading.

The second table has several vests of last chance body armour all removed from the shrink wrap, a multitude of utility belts and tactical vests, as well over a dozen flashlights, and two rolls of duct tape. There are also eight radio headsets, standard gear for tactical operations.

Right next to the tables is a crate with 30 hand grenades.

Several of Belle's new comrades in arms have excitedly started equipting themselves. Many of them thank the agents for their timely delivery. One in particular however whispers to another "Is she really coming with us? She's really small."
Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

Having looked over the tables Belle walked towards the table with the body armor, figuring the hardest part of gearing up would be to get the armor to fit her decently. While she was still looking for one she heard one of the other recruits behind her commenting on her size. Gritting her teeth she considered ignoring him, she'd never been assertive before the military, but she realized she's changed quite alot in just a few months. Besides they were about to go on a life and death mission, it was important they understood she was there to fight just like them. Walking up to him she looked him directly in the eyes and said with a serious expression, "Yes I'm coming. I went through the training, I was recruited to these special missions just like you, and I'm here ready to fight." She softened her expression, "So I'll have your back, and you'll have mine."

Afterwards she would equip herself with body armor, the radio headset, a SAP pistol, a bullpip rifle, a combat knife, 4 grenades, and a flashlight.
Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

The two agents merely raise their left eyebrows at the little tiff occurring in front of them. One of the other recruits tries not to chuckle as his friend gets chewed out, who just huffs. All of them are quickly loading up on gear and equipment. Most only take two grenades, and two of the men take shotguns in addition to their regular loadout. One uses the duct tape to strap the flashlight to the underside of his billpup. "Don't need to be a giant to shoot a gun, dude," he says in a low monotone. "Don't worry, I always appreciated another gun shooting at my enemies."

A few that are done start heading up to the helicopter, its engine having started to whine as it powers up. The rotters begin to spin.
Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

Belle couldn't help but smile at the other rookie, "Thanks, that means more then you know." She wondered for a second if she was too harsh on the other rookie, but it was over, and she did feel a great deal of satisfaction for standing up for herself. Grabbing extra ammo, she headed towards the helicopter and took a deep breath. Just a few months ago she'd never used a gun, and now here she was, out to fight aliens she didn't know existed until a few days ago.
Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

After everyone piles on, the agents on the ground salute it before begining to pack up the left over equipment. Once sone their task, Agent Brolin turned to Agent Jones. "How much do you want to bet the kid won't have something wrong happen on this one?" Agent Jones merly grins. "I'm not sucker. You should know, since you're not one either." "Well I still get the impression he's a wandering mess looking to happen." Jones merely grins a bit mord. "And I always tell you, Slick may be a spineless loud-mouthed spazz, but he's no coward."


As the plane clears the tree line, Agent Smith adresses his passengers using their headset radios. "This is your captain speaking, Agent Smith. This early morning flight is en-route to the woods in the middle of nowhere special and somewhere unimportant. ETA is twenty-niiiine minutes, at oh-three hundred and twenty two. And feel free to discuss what tactics you are going to employ on what durinf these next twilight hours. I already know about the 'illegal' aliens who wont be crossing the Canada-US border. Wink wink."

Several of Belle's new team mates glance at each other before shrugging. Then they look at Belle. The most bearded of thd group speaks up, somehow having become the defacto leader. "Well we have a pretty good idea what we are all good at, but, uh we have no idea about you..." he glances at the name tag attached to her sleave, "Piper."
Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

Listening to Agent Smith, Belle had to stifle some laughter behind her hand. She wasn't expecting the sense of humor but it was a nice change of pace. When the other recruit approached her she realized even though they were a squad now, she hadn't really talked to them. "Oh sorry," she said sheepishly, thinking back she answered, "I would usually did well in marksmanship training. In field training, I usually spotted people first and could sneak up on them." She felt bad about going into battle barely knowing them, maybe if she joined the conversation on the plane rather then brooding she would have learned more, "Hey, before we go off to fight, I think I'd rather know your names, you know. You can call me Belle. Uh, sorry I was so quiet on the plane."
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Re: Belle Piper (TheWeirdOne)

"Stanly Rogers," replies the bearded soldier. "I don't have any standout combat skills, I'm just good with a wrench and blow torch. The two big guys to your left are Luke Robertson and Jessie Nelson," "Yo!""'sup!" "Who claim to have the best hand to hand scores of their respective boot camps. In front of you are Gabriel Pearson, who turned down marksmanship training for this job, and Ricky Collier, who we're pretty sure is the fastest runner of us all." Pearson and Collier give a friendly wave. "Then we have Leroy Logan, who promises to keep his comments to himself, and finally, Underwood, who won't tell us his first name, both well trained riflemen." Mr.Logan is pouting, while Underwood has a mirthful expression on his face as he nods to Belle.

Robertson pipes up. "We figured the best plan was to have myself, Nelson, and Collier spread out and take point with lights out, then have everyone else creep up ready to rush forwards in case one of use starts shooting. What do you think?"

25 minutes to drop off