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Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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It had taken very little time for Chris to get their submarine back in Florida, and only a short time for them to be under way. Now, some couple of hours after their departure, they were entering the outskirts of the right area. Chris had shown them how to use the instruments they would need, which were surprisingly user friendly despite their advanced status. He was piloting the sub, going off what they knew so far, as their investigation would now go into full swing mode.

"Sarah, go ahead and start sweeping the radar for anything, they're modified do pick up the mermaids. Zaleia ... try the holo-projection again. Lets see if we get a reply now."

((Will wait for you both to reply))
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

(...I'm noticing a trend of people not postin in subtreads first. It's not like they bite back >,>; )

Between the jet lag she was suffering from ever since extracting and all the action she's suffered to this point, Sarah's body was starting to show signs of fatigue, but even still she soldiered on, scanning the radar after told to turn it on. Even still, she'd nod off a few times, catching herself before her head would inetivably start to droop again.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

As Sarah worked the radar and started to drift off, suddenly it started going nuts in her ears. It clearly was picking up something ... a LOT of somethings, yet ... they could not visually see. Nevertheless, the radar was insisting that there was a large number of something dead ahead of them, no more than a hundred meters.

((Still waiting on Dreana, gonna PM her and see if she's still in. If not gonna have to make some quick alterations.))
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

((Gave it almost a week, time too poke it again :p))

Must... not fall... asleep... must... not... devolve inside voice... into Shatner stutter... Clown zombies... will eat me...


"WAAGH!!!" Sarah screamed, falling back at a instant wide awake, only to cause her to topple from her chair to boot. Pulling herself back up to the console, she rubbed her eyes as she scanned for the source.

"Er, Chris? Is this thing buggering out? Cause if not we got a LOT of hostiles that we can't visually detect..." Sarah asked, in a worried voice. A hand quietly moved to her bag, once again out of self-comfort then anything else.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

(sorry even after replying to Siphon i got a major case of the forgot what i was doings)

*Zaleia had absoutely no idea what she was doing even if she was told it would most likely have turned into one of those Charlie brown blah blah blah moments as she kinda just stood by the machine she was tasked to operate staring at it uncertainly. Tapping at the buttons she thought she had been told to push she tried to get it activated...user friendly or not he liked things simple and barebones...like a phone or letter.*
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Once more, the device Zaleia had been instructed to operate powered up, but refused to make a connection with anyone or anything down here. She couldn't tell if it was something she'd done wrong or if the thing wasn't working right.

Chris chuckled at Sarah, figuring she'd been startled by a ping or two, though his expression turned serious again at her alarm.

"That may mean right on top of us, lets see if I can ...."

He suddenly trailed off for a long moment. When he spoke again, a chill had come over his voice and the room.

"Dear ... god. You uh ... you can shut the radar off for now Sarah ... I know what you picked up now. My god ... it's a massacre."

If either woman now looked up to look through the view port in front of them, they would now see illuminated in the sub's lights what remained of countless mermaid people. Each one had been savagely torn apart limb by limb, and now their severed limbs and heads floated in the water, mixed with patches of blood. Clearly something had torn through the entire population of mermaids here, for there didn't appear to be a single one still alive, and there were hundreds of bodies as far as the naked eye could see. It was, as Chris had put it, a complete massacre.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah turned off the monitor of the radar, and turned to the window, only to let out a horrified gasp, placing a hand over her mouth. "What the bloody hell..." The girl was confused, and the fact she saw all these strange creatures- especially after seeing a living breathing example- staining the water red around her made her feel queezy and sick, even worse then her self-experimentations...
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

*stepping up closer to look out the front viewport after noticing what their surroundings were she shook her head a little sadly*

"how many of them were supposed to be down here...were they all that were left other then our friend back in canada?"

*she just furrowed her brow starting to get a little angry at the scene wondering just what could do something like this*
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris sadly shook his head.

"Several hundred lived in these waters. Counting them and Sally, there are only about four thousand of them alive on the planet still. This ... is very serious. It's a huge blow to their numbers ... this honestly could start a mass fall out of their species. I'm going to start transmitting this back to the Sanctuary and get clearance. I think ... I think we may want to bring one of the bodies on board and try to find out what happened. Assuming Sally has no objections to it. I have absolutely no idea what could have caused all this in such a short time frame. They're very peaceful and they have no known predators in these waters ... What we're seeing here has to be some kind of direct attacked aimed at their species, but why?"

He moved to one of the chairs, sending the feed back to the Sanctuary while allowing the two women to talk amongst themselves.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah shivers a bit, looking to the chaos in the waters around her, but continues to just watch slack-jaw at the dead flowing through the water. "This... this is just senseless..."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"Indeed. I still don't understand what would have done this though. This isn't random, this was deliberate. Question is ... Ah, a reply."

Squinting at the screen, he slowly nodded.

"Alright ... We've got a green light to pursue retrieval. Are you both ready to do this?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"wait you said retreival? as in us go out there and bring in the deceased mer-people? ummm no offense but the idea of going out there without even knowing what killed them doesnt actually comfort me at all."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris shook his head.

"Absolutely not. We'll use the arm device to bring in one of the bodies remotely. We have no idea what killed them, or if it's still around like you said. We remain in here, using the arm to bring one in. If whatever got them is in fact still around, I'd like to see it try to rip through that arm."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah gave a sigh, her face pale still from her sickened state, but even still, she found her voice enough to get out another concern.

"I'm ready to, er, help, but just as a question, what's gonna happen if, er, whatever did this trys to sneak into the cargo bay with the bodies..."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris paused a moment before replying.

"Well ... if it does this is what your going to do. I'll head in first, if it's there ... you close the compartment manually and jettison the whole thing into the ocean. Don't wait for me to get out of there. Hopefully it won't come to that though."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah nodded a bit. "I guess... just don't be taking any risks yourself, I'm quite sure neither of us can get this thing to a dock without a few scrapes..." she said, still trying to hide her queasy face while looking to the other compatriot, in case she wanted to add something.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris once again nodded.

"I'll do my best. Fortunately I should have one advantage, maybe two over anything out here. I hope."

Not giving her any time to remark to that one, he sat at one of the panels, working a joystick.

"Alright, here goes nothing then. This'll take just a second."

A light whirring noise could be heard from below them as the retractable arm extended out in front of them, heading towards the closest, most intact body. Gently, he closed the arm's claws around the body, and as he did, both Sarah and Zaleia could hear him mutter.

"May those of your kind forgive this intrusion and desecration. We mean no disrespect."

Then, with the cargo safely locked down, he began to retract the arm, and soon enough he had stood back up.

"Well ... shall we see what we're up against down there?"
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

"we gotta do it now? cant we wait till ya know we got some kinda lab or something? dont know about you but i'm no doctor."

*she stayed in her chair arms crossed not really wanting to see what had caused the death of their little cargo they brought on board*
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris smiled as he replied, "we have a lab on board with almost everything that we need. Everything but a nuclear bomb making facility anyway, that's back at the Sanctuary."

Chuckling lightly, he shook his head.

"We've got everything we need here, this sub is heavily equipped for recon as well as being a science vessel. However, I do need someone to help with the doors in the event we have any ... uninvited guests."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah nodded a bit, listening in. "Good thing you didn't mention that earlier, it'd have given me something to do," she jabbed back, partway playfully. At the mention of retrieving thier catch, however, she nodded grimly, reaching into her bag and extracting a worn 9mm pistol, as well as a magnum revolver. "Here," she said, passing the pistol to Zalelia. "Just make sure I get it back, it's pretty much a family heirloom by now," she says pointedly, quietly pointing the magnum at a safe angle towards the floor as she got up, ready to follow Chris.
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