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Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

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Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris shrugged.

"Well, after we report it and a team gets here, which won't take very long believe me, we can surface and then pretty much head for home. Clean up like this is out of the hands of what we normally do, we have a specific unit for cases like this. In this case, if we linger around any longer than we have to, we'll just be in the way. In the meantime, could you and Sarah please see that our deceased companion is placed back into her home one last time? I see no reason to take the body from it's resting place and desecrate it any further than we already have."

((By that he means placing her back into the water via the submersion pool at the bottom and rear of the sub.))
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah solemnly nodded, retreating back to where the body was stored to assist in it's return to the water.

(Sorry for both latepost and slowpost, the real life is a sadistic bitch)
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

By the time Sarah was back inside, Chris seemed to have already gotten messages out, and he didn't seem pleased when she returned.

"Another team will be here in a few minutes. Don't suppose you feel like a side trip do you? Apparently, according to Henry, the Cabal seem to have an interest in the Montana test subjects, why we don't know, but it can't be for good things. One of them lives not far from the port, we've been asked to go and get her ASAP."
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Sarah shrugged and nodded her consent. "S-sure... after seeing this and what I've been through with the pricks actually helping sounds like a plan..." she replied, flopping into her seat in the craft, head reeling a bit.
Re: Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Chris nodded and within just a few minutes, another crew had contacted him from their sub, telling him he was clear to leave the area.

On the way back, he flushed out the system, removing all possible contaminents from the air. Soon enough they were back into the port, and in a vehicle, heading a bit further south into Florida.

((Making a thread for Florida.))
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