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ADV (ベルゼブブ / Bellzebub) 自宅警備員 / Homeguard (RJ105046)


Feb 27, 2009
Reputation score

This game just got a new expansion pack

More scenes to get .- .

DLsite calls it a simulation game, but it's an interactive VN. The "simulation" parts have you deciding where and how to spy on each character within the house you monitor. This leads to corruption, etc and h-events.

The basic gameplay is that each day you have roughly between 4PM - 7AM (no I didn't get that wrong) to go around the house, setting up recording devices to find things to blackmail the girls.

Too lazy to go into details ' 3' anyone who care to look through 5 page of posts can go here for walkthroughs

You can still find active torrent for the base game, nothing for the expansion yet though.
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Re: Homeguard

Tried the first game... by tried I mean failed to start... by failed to start I mean it simply won't run. I don't how you "wizards" are running this game with your, "japanese computer setting scoffs" but have fun I suppose.
Re: Homeguard

Tried the first game... by tried I mean failed to start... by failed to start I mean it simply won't run. I don't how you "wizards" are running this game with your, "japanese computer setting scoffs" but have fun I suppose.

It's quite simple actually, we set our PC as Japanese, with Locale + Time/Data as Japan :)

Programs that have a translation in Japanese will start in japanese, but other than that, it's all good.
Re: Homeguard

i couldn't find a torrent for the base game =P
Re: Homeguard

I might have found the expansion, but i have yet to test it. downloading with freakshare at decent rate. Will confirm once the download completes. It's 800mb so it might take a while.


EDIT: Fake link, do not waste your time.
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Re: Homeguard

According to the author and many of the comments on their blog, you've got to have the latest version of the base game (RJ105046) when you go to merge it with the expansion (RJ115727) otherwise there may be bugs and other problems. Even still there are people reporting bugs, so it's possible the author will put out some additional patches soon.

The latest version of the base game is as of May 26th, but I haven't found that version anywhere... The only version I've found out there is way back from when the game got first released, so unless someone uploads the newest version of the base game I'm not sure how well the expansion would even work.
Re: Homeguard


You can just download the patch from their page.

The left purple button is the trial. The right one is the patch.
Re: Homeguard

Hey Kohlmi,

Thanks for the help! Applying the patch you linked brought me up to, which is better than nothing, but still far from current. From looking at Beelzebub's website it seems like they stopped distributing patches publicly in the beginning of February. Do you have any other ideas?
Re: Homeguard

That's a pity. :(

Just wait for the leaked addon. I am sure somebody who bought the game will share the needed patch as well.
Re: Homeguard

awww poor you!

Let me help you a bit.

Don't bother playing this without a guide. It's nearly impossibru.

Thanks! I did search there with the japanese name of the game and nothing came from it...weird :confused:
Re: Homeguard


You can just download the patch from their page.

The left purple button is the trial. The right one is the patch.

the website sakurane.jp say trial on the left and the patch on the right 203 Mb / 20 MB
it's strange when i try to download the patch on right side the IDM say 82 KB only after download it i got a file patch 101 Rar (inside rar is patch 101.xp3)

where the REAL patch ?? can someone upload it
Re: Homeguard

Found this download link while googling for the game.

(change the x's into t's)

Haven't tested it out yet, so be cautious. I am currently downloading it. Will verify soon enough.

Edit: Don't download this. While it isn't anything harmful, it simply is just the wrong game.
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Re: Homeguard

I don't think I can post links yet, so you'll have to change the URLs into the actual URLs, but the expansion bundled with the latest version of the original game has been found here: hxxp://tinyurl.com/jw8rt94
I tried it out myself, and I found it to be the real thing.

The author put out a quick patch you can download until they can put together a larger, updated version, which you can find here: hxxp://tinyurl.com/lxj2tst

Put the new patch101.xp3 file you downloaded from the second link and throw it into the game folder, overwriting the original file. When you start up your game you should be at version, which, as of now, is the latest.

Feel free to ask any questions, and I'll do my best to answer!
Re: Homeguard

I downloaded the patch and put it in the game folder, but when I start up the game some text at the bottom of the screen comes up and says something about the readme.txt and won't let me progress from there.

Edit - Says I don't have the necessary data
Edit2 - Nevermind, I didn't the expansion patch which would be the problem
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Re: Homeguard

Something I just found out recently

If you notice, there's a weird item on ANAZON that cost 1000, and is immediately obtained instead of the usual delivery.

After checking the JP guide, having 3 of those thing by the end of the day will EXTEND THE DAY by 1 (although not usable for the last day)

This make raising those blackmail points for the 300 point endings a lot less annoying.

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Re: Homeguard

Could someone upload the latest version of this game ?
Re: Homeguard

So...there's ANOTHER expansion coming o_O I guess this'll add group sex scene based on the title.
Re: Homeguard

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Re: Homeguard

Looks like they added incest to me, one of them is clearly the daughter

This is supposed to be the last update for this series, which is pretty good considering how much content he's put into it. It's a bitch to get all the scenes though, even with the 1st expansion I failed to get all the scenes