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Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus


Mar 28, 2009
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There are many different hentai creatures of many different forms, from the humble grass eater tentacle to the mighty 'World Fucker' Wyrm. This Bestiarum Vocabulum aims to be a comprehensive collection of each aspect of every one of these majestic creatures, from their diets, to their physical attributes, to their behaviours. To gain entires and make this dream a reality will require much data, collected in the field by daring hentai biologists. The Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus is, however, currently lacking somewhat in the volume of its entries. In fact… it currently lacks entries of any nature.
That is where you come in.
Are you a certified hentai biologist? Or have you had even the slightest experience with the study of hentai creatures? Had an experience with a hentai creature - ever been raped, for instance? If you believe you have any information to share - any at all - that regards hentai biology, drop us a line. explain your experience or knowledge to us and we will review it, and, should it meet certain withheld standards, our experts will edit your message into a stunning article about the creature of your encounter and add it into the Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus. You don't need to be literate, you don't need to be comprehensive, and you don't even need to know the species of the creature you're talking about! As long as you have some information for us on a hentai creature, we will be able to use it. You'll even get recognition for your contribution after the article! So please, contact us. Help expand the body of knowledge for all races.

Or, in less roleplayed terms, if you have ever thought up a hentai creature and want to tell anyone, put it here. Eventually someone may even edit it to make it sound like an article from a bestiary (if it didn't already). Whether you make your post 'in-character', as a hentai biologist, rape victim ect. or out of character as a simple list and description is unimportant. (Though people will probably enjoy reading in character stuff more... especially if there's a lemon involved...) You shouldn't just limit yourself to your own ideas, either. There are more creatures already existent in hentai than anyone could see in their lifetime. If you want to make an article for anything from the most obscure already-existing hentai creature, like the Yoju, to the most well known, like the Shikima, please do so!

(Soooo... err... how is it, guys? Comprehensible? Laying it on a bit thick? Got a far better idea for a starting post?)

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

I'll PM this creature then.
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Apr 12, 2009
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

Sounds good so far! Is there any format that we should follow for creating an entry? (Name, average size, territory, sub-forms, etc.?)

This is rather off topic, but I've seen the term 'lemon' used before but never heard it defined. XD I know it has something to do with writing pornish stories, but is it more specific than that?


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

From the experience I've had with them, Lemons are erotic stories mainly dealing with furries. I think. I've only really seen the term used on the Digimon Hentai Zone when it was still up. It's story section was mostly furry stuff. Though I'd imagine the term Lemon to just be another term for erotic stories.

Pheonix Alugere

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Nov 15, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

As far as I know, a story with lemons means that it is a story with some sex content. This is as opposed to erotica which is primarily sex with some story.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

Yeah, Pheonix has it right. It's mainly a term used by fanfiction writers as a disclaimer so that people aren't caught offguard. A story with limes is just a lot of making out and getting close to the main event, but not quite. If a story has both, some writers have taken to just using the term Citrus.


Anyway, first post is lovely. And i have the same question as Wallpaper, because I'd like to put up a creature not of my own creation, but has my own twist.
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(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

A disclaimer that has no clear definition so people aren't caught off guard? That confuses me


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

A disclaimer that has no clear definition so people aren't caught off guard? That confuses me
The term lemon is used to warn people that there is some sexings in the story, so that if someone reads on without reading the disclaimer/Author's note, we can all laugh at them for being an idiot when they flame the author for writing sexings.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

Still confused. They say "This story is a lemon" and if you read past that, it's your fault?


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

Still confused. They say "This story is a lemon" and if you read past that, it's your fault?
Duh? If you don't want to read a story with lemon in it, and you don't bother to read the Author's not that declares the story is a lemon, and then you flame the Author for it, you are an idiot and it's your fault.

Like how some people flame authors for certain pairings even though they declare the pairings at the beginning of the story. It's your own damn fault if you don't pay attention.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

The point being the term lemon, that's what I'm talking about. Not "Sexual content," just "lemon."

I don't understand trying to say lemon as a disclaimer if it's unclear in the first place what it means. Disclaimers usually aren't the type of things to be put in code words cuz they're disclaimers.

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

The point being the term lemon, that's what I'm talking about. Not "Sexual content," just "lemon."

I don't understand trying to say lemon as a disclaimer if it's unclear in the first place what it means. Disclaimers usually aren't the type of things to be put in code words cuz they're disclaimers.
Y'know, putting it that way I understand where you're coming from.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

The point being the term lemon, that's what I'm talking about. Not "Sexual content," just "lemon."

I don't understand trying to say lemon as a disclaimer if it's unclear in the first place what it means. Disclaimers usually aren't the type of things to be put in code words cuz they're disclaimers.
People new to fanfiction may be confused, but if you've read a few on FF.net then it's pretty easy to grasp. Especially when there are only two reason to place a story at rated R. Sex, and Violence. And people will come right out and say if there is violence or not.

So it's common sense really. If it's rated R, and the disclaimer doesn't say it's going to be violent, but calls the story a lemon, then it's sexual.


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

Thanks for the clearing up! :D

As for beasties... I'm going to see about making up a few and then writing IC story-blurbs for them. X3 If they overlap other creatures, I don't mind taking 'em out.

Are we talking about just tentacle monsters and slime gals and the like, or can we do more traditional monsters, demons, etc? Only non-sentients, or are sentients allowed?


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

Is there any format that we should follow for creating an entry? (Name, average size, territory, sub-forms, etc.?)
Yes and no. There will be a format (I haven't come up with one yet) involving the hentai creatures; including its place in the biological tree, from its species all the way to life, its diet, its physical properties, ect. ect. ...But I don't know what a normal bestiary would look like, so I don't know quite how the format is going to go yet. (So far, I've got some stuff regarding the taxonomical positioning of any creatures, but that's about it. If anyone wants to do some google-ing and find a good biology-related article format, it would help considerably... )

However, you won't need to follow that format even when it is created. If you can't be bothered to make some stupidly-detailed book entry, or if you have an in character scene that would loose it's, ah, fapability when put in an article format, by all means do it your way. My hope is that eventually someone will work on each of these 'unprofessional' works and turn them into article-format for the Bestiarum Vocabulum.

This is rather off topic, but I've seen the term 'lemon' used before but never heard it defined. XD I know it has something to do with writing pornish stories, but is it more specific than that?
It is as Pheonix said, but personally I use the term to refer to only the sex itself, as opposed to the entire story, i.e. 'story contains lemons' as opposed to 'story is a lemon'.

As for beasties... I'm going to see about making up a few and then writing IC story-blurbs for them. X3 If they overlap other creatures, I don't mind taking 'em out.
If someone's work overlaps with an already existing creature, then the two will be merged into the same article, or they will both become different subspecies of the same species... mainly it depends on how similar it is to the other creature.

Are we talking about just tentacle monsters and slime gals and the like, or can we do more traditional monsters, demons, etc? Only non-sentients, or are sentients allowed?
Everything. Everything that has anything to do with hentai, yes, including humans (although they are somewhat lower in priority). Living, nonliving, animate, inanimate, as long as it has some hentai aspect it qualifies for the Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus.

Edit: Oh, except for manufactured things. It has to be a natural being (or created through genetic manipulation/modification).

Rule 34

RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

Heh. Looks like I had a case of tl;dr. I'll PM the creature I posted above.


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

Edit: Oh, except for manufactured things. It has to be a natural being (or created through genetic manipulation/modification).
So sex-bots are a no-no? XD

Aaaand... I think it would be really neat if the encyclopedia contained the 'fappable' writing with the more professional looking entry, perhaps as an example? I don't know if you've seen those sketchbooks of mythical creatures that one occasionally finds in the bookstore, but I like that they have documentary-bits included with, say, bags of sparkles that are meant to represent faerie dust, textured paper to represent dragon skin... or what-have-you -- in any case, keeping the original writing intact so that we have the 'facts', and then the fun part, too! (That is, if someone chooses to write a 'fun part' and doesn't just dish out stats.)

Perhaps for 'stats' of creatures, you could have your Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species (or equivalent, depending upon what you receive, you may not need that many categories -- and you'll probably have to change them as time goes on and you get something that fits somewhere else! Examples of what you'd fit into each can be found , at least according to wiki!) THEN have average size, range of colours or subspecies, local territory... either reproductive cycle, mating habits or breeding habits (or whatever. XD Something quick and point-form) as well as danger level to travelers (may have to specify if its more apt to leap a female than a male, human vs. humanoid, etc?)
Then a lengthier entry about it? :x That may be too much, I dunno.

I found these two bestiaries:

Which just had a blurb of writing, so I suppose that's good enough. XD I just like to put on a science-hat when thinking about distance of relations between creatures.


Mar 28, 2009
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

Biology taxonomy 101: Where Your Creature Places in the Grand Scheme of Things.

Organisms are classified in biology in this manner, in descending order of generalness:
Life (most general)
Subspecies (least general, most specific)

There are three domains, Bacteria, Eukarya and Archaea.
Archaea is mainly made up of organisms that are fairly unimportant in regards to Hentology; they don’t become complex organisms and don’t really seem to do much other than increase greenhouse gasses and aid in digestion for some species. It’s highly unlikely that many hentai creatures will have anything to do with the Archaea domain.
Bacteria will very likely only be important if you want to make a hentai-pathogen using bacteria. Almost all hentai creatures ought to end up in:
Eukarya, which contains almost all living beings and will very likely be the domain for all creatures you create.
Special mention must go to (biological) viruses, which don’t fit into any category.
Eukarya splits into seven kingdoms; animals, plants, fungi, and four other ones that don’t seem to get past cellular stage, the only one worth talking about is Amoebozoa, which contains a phylum called Mycetozoa, whose members are semi-intelligent slime moulds, likely a good phylum for some of the hentai slime creatures.
The phylums and orders and such of any species you write up you will have to determine for yourself, or give to someone else or me to place for you, because I’m not going to list every class, order and family on the planet.
How to give a scientific name to your species:
A binomial (scientific name) is a two-term name that is used for a particular species. The name is always put in italics, and if italics are unavailable (for instance if it is being written instead of typed) it should be underlined. The scientific name is always in New Latin. The first word of any scientific name is the Genus of the species, for instance the Homo of Homo sapiens; this word is always given a capital letter. The second word is the species’ name; this can be anything so long as it is unique within its genus (so that there can’t be two species with the same name). In the previous example this would be sapiens. The second word is never given a capital letter and is always in lower case.

Our taxonomically-oriented discipline (means we only look at one section of beings, in this case hentai ones) is called Hentology. It identifies and classifies species, and studies the structures and mechanisms specific to each group. Unlike almost all other taxonomic disciplines, Hentology is not limited to one Kingdom, or Class, or Order or even Domain, as it is defined by having one of many various biological traits, as opposed to a common ancestry. Our articles focus mainly on:
1. The physiology of hentai creatures, i.e. anatomy, and occasionally embryology (this is where you put anything relating to what it can and can’t eat, where its brain is, how it breathes, as well as any biological special abilities, including its growth cycle, i.e. how it develops from an embryo into a full adult of its species)
2. The ecology of hentai creatures, i.e. their relation to their environment, which includes their interactions with other members of their species and members of other species (this is where you put its usual diet, its common predators and prey, if it acts in a group or alone/how it acts in its group, how it uses camouflage, its life cycle and position in its ecosystem, ect. ect.)
3. Their taxonomical ranking, which groups different species via common descent and regional associations (that thing I was writing about earlier, the Families and Domains and such)
4. Zoography, also known as descriptive zoology, the applied science of describing animals and their habitats (This means that we talk about how the information we have learned about the creature can be useful to civilisation. i.e., Saying how the creature can be used for the betterment of your species, or how the flaw (which it cost you your body and dignity to find) can be used to cull the horrible plague sweeping your civilisation. (Then we add your article and ignore your pleas for help… gotta keep the ecosystem un-interfered with! ;) ))

Fun facts you learn while looking through Wikipedia’s biology articles (might be bullshit though, I didn’t bother to check any references):
The mass of bacteria in and on your body is ten times greater than the mass of the rest of your body.
A slime mould was hooked up to a robot and put in a room. Any light that hit the sensors on the bot caused a corresponding light to turn on over the slime mould. The slime mould began trying to move away from the light, which other sensors picked up and moved the leg corresponding to the point the slime mould was trying to move away from. It then proceeded to move the robot to the darkest point in the room.

Edit: *looks up* Whoa, damn! I've been ninja'd! I respond to this out of order (sorry if it's confusing).

Aaaand... I think it would be really neat if the encyclopedia contained the 'fappable' writing with the more professional looking entry, perhaps as an example?
Indeed, indeed! I had been thinking about this, and wondering how to put ‘we need both stats and hentai articles’ in a less crappy manner, and you did it for me!

Then a lengthier entry about it? :x That may be too much, I dunno.
It depends entirely on the level of detail the writer or writers is willing to go into about the creature. I imagine it will be somewhat like real life biology; we'll have large entries on the common garden-variety critters, the really rare critters, and the really weird critters, but very little on the ones that fall in-between these parts, the uncommon and not-all-that-strange creatures.

I found these two bestiaries [links] Which just had a blurb of writing, so I suppose that's good enough. XD
This bestiary, for all that it is a bestiary in name, does not have much to do with the classic bestiaries, which were mainly used to promote Christianity and not convey facts. It is somewhat more in line with either a zoological entry about a species, or a lot more in line with a monster entry in a video game's bestiary. Designed to convey facts and information that actually has something to do with the creature in question, but also giving fanciful knowledge and skimming over the more boring bits. (Fanciful knowledge: stuff that wouldn't get mentioned in a real zoological report, like refractory period length, number of rapes/suspected rapes per year, something like that. Boring bits: how the creature places in its evolutionary tree in relation to other animals, how this other species will now need to be reclassified into something else because of X, yadda, yadda, yadda...)

I just like to put on a science-hat when thinking about distance of relations between creatures.
Then, would you agree to being officially recruited as Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus' first taxonomical positioner? (i.e. person who sorts the critters into different species, genus’s, domains ect.)

So sex-bots are a no-no? XD
Warning: This part gets long, and I may seem to be going off on a tangent for a while. I'll tie it back to the point eventually.
There's no debating that they're hentai enough, it's just that the article's supposed to be about hentai biology, which machines don't fit into. Hell, it was a stretch to let minerals in, and it was still only 'cause classical bestiaries had them.

I'm still rather up in the air as to the final purpose of this bestiary, though. Is it a government report on the status of the multiverse's h-critters? Is it a scientific study to try and find more uses for these creatures? Is it an attempt from a section of the scientific community to preform true, professional documentation on these little documented life forms?
...Is it a tour guide, Gimmicky Advertising Brochure, pet owner's guide?
And further more... Who the hell is writing it?

I've thought for awhile and decided that this, below, is the back story I prefer the most:

The book is being created by a small group of the scientific community of a fairly advanced universe-travelling species. Their civilisation has significant disparity in development levels; some planets are thriving technological metropolises, others are at industrial revolution level, and others still are medieval or even stone age.

For this and various other reasons, there is a significant lack of information about many of the various species in any of the universes they've been in. This group wishes to ramify this by creating a database of all the hentai creatures in existence, with professional research and documentation done on each creature.

However, being a small section of the community as they are, they simply don't have the money, or for that matter, manpower to create it. In order to get enough money, the group takes up a contract with several different organizations; the government gives them a small grant to see if there are any practical uses for the creatures, they get benefits from travel agencies through adding reviews of the eocsystems of planets and places they visit, and have even taken up advertising deals with several companies selling sex products that believed they might be able to find a new biological 'toy'.

With their funds secured, the group realised that with their manpower it would take till the end of several universes just to finish one galaxy. Thusly, the group begins an advertising campaign, spreading pamphlets all around the multiverse, to the cities, to the farms, to the other scientists, to the bounty hunters, even to those really under-developed primitive planets. All they have to do is contact the group and send them their hentai findings to get their name in the book.
With the flow of information on the hentai creatures steadily coming in, the group gets to work on sorting it into proper articles.

(Origionally the backstory ment you would need to add a good or bad 'spin' to the articles. You don't need to do that anymore.)
The contract with the government means their articles must include an evaluation of the creature's uses.
Their contract with the travel agencies means the occasional ecosystem review will have to be done, to fill the group's end of the bargain.
The deal with the sex product companies means they will occasionally do articles for the company's biological products, as well as writing up articles for their mechanical products. (Something the group is fuming about having to do, as they feel it is the main thing jeopardising the integrity of their Bestiary.) It also means that they need to provide a detailed encounter for each creature, so that the companies can evaluate whether the creature may be useful to them.

This is one back story that doesn't just make reasonable sense, it also allows everything we could want to be added to the book - pictures, lemons, and of course, purely mechanical creatures.
If anyone thinks this ought to loose some, not necessarily all, of the role-playing civilisation stuff, speak up now. Same for anyone with a better suggestion, cause I realise that this adds some elements that people likely won’t like/put up with. (Although hopefully that's not so significant now.)
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Nov 24, 2008
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

I will be a writer but I am not including that back story crap, just plain info, that good enough for you guys?
If you want a lemon I guess I could write one..., but thats why I made a CYOAS...


Apr 12, 2009
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Re: Bestiarum Vocabulum Hentayus

XD I think I'm just waiting for an example of something in depth before I start. I'm a little nervous to write anything; not sure if it's going to just be crap or not.