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(BETA: CD) Ashior

Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Not far ahead, a pair of figures leapt out of the treetops; undetected due to their superior hiding capabilities and the ground based diversions of the less adept. A familiar looking pair of figures, in fact, as a pair of muscular werewolves now blocked the road ahead, arms crossed and teeth arranged into a cruel smile. Around Ashior, from the undergrowth on either side, five others emerged, lesser werewolves, thin and weak looking but with claws and teeth no less sharp looking.

"What a streak of luck, for you to enter our hunting grounds," one of the alpha wolves growled at her, leaning in as if about to move forwards, before leaning back once more. The lesser wolves already had began to circle around, moving slowly but constantly, back and forth, to and fro, to ensure that her attention was constantly divided.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior, upon seeing the creatures, lowered her mace, but kept her shield up out of force of habit. She largely ignored the lesser werewolves, or at least tried to, as she addressed the alpha that had spoken, keeping her voice calm and cordial, as though she wasn't surrounded by creatures that appeared ready to tear her apart; "You. I was hoping to meet you again. I owe the both of you an apology." Then, in a move that probably surprised the beast men, she lowered her shield and bowed to the alphas, before the angel continued; "I acted in haste earlier, and in doing so I wronged you both. Please, accept my apologies."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"Hmph. Talk is cheap," one of the alphas shot back almost immediately, taking a step forwards. "If you really want to apologise, you're gonna need to do a lot more than just bow your head and say some pretty words."

The lesser wolves, frozen by the unexpected, resumed their circling, positioning themselves. "By attacking us, you attack the pack," the other Alpha called out. "To appease us, you must appease the pack," he finished.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior sighed. She'd expected something like this, but her honor demanded that she reconcile with the creature. If she attacked them again, it would only cause her harm in the long run. She could defend herself, however. "I am aware that reconciliation will require more than talk, and I am willing to do what is required to gain it. However, I would point out that when I attacked you, it was only the two of you who were part of the pack."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"You attack one, you attack the pack," one of the Alpha's repeated. "You have not only interrupted certain activities, denying them, but also inflicted injury upon the pack."

Somewhere, above, there was a new familiar flash of darkness. "My, my, you're not really going to give in to their unreasonable demands, are you?" the voice asked, amused. One of the alphas immediately looked upwards with a growl. "Mind your own business, shade. This doesn't concern you," he shot up at the figure standing on a branch somewhere over your head.

"Oh, but it does. I've taken an interest in this one and am quite enjoying watching her struggles. Worry not, master wolf, for I will not directly intervene, the voice responds, a tone rich in both amusement and condescension.

"I wouldn't trust you if it was the only way to save myself," the wolf shot back with another thick growl, before turning back to the angel. "Your little friend doesn't scare me, we will have our 'reconciliation'; one way or another."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior facepalmed as the shadow appeared once more, and actually started arguing on her behalf. Sort of. The werewolves obviously weren't buying it, which really didn't surprise her in the slightest. She looked up at him, staring for a moment, before she looked back down at the alpha and sternly replied; "Yes, and at the time of my offense, the pack comprised two members. While I appreciate that you are concerned for the welfare of your kindred, it is unreasonable to expect me to offer them recompense when I have given them no offense save harming two of their pack mates. I am not a whore. I offer this to you two, and you two alone, because my honor demands that I seek forgiveness for my misdeeds. Also, I would like to point out that you destroyed my robe. While it was indeed a strike in retaliation, it still destroyed something of which I valued, which was not necessary at the time.

"This does not have to end in violence. I am offering to reach an understanding by which no one is injured, and by which you get what you want. If you attack me, I will defend myself, and we will all suffer in turn. You are choosing a road by which no one wins, when I offer one which allows all to win. Is it really within the best interests of your pack to engage in futile, unnecessary combat?"
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

The alpha wolf growls once more, "Just because the others weren't there, does not mean they weren't part of the pack. And from where I'm standing, either you do what we want willingly, or unwillingly; you're big and tough when you're blind-siding people but not so tough when you're surrounded like this, are you?" he taunted at her, taking another step forwards. "Besides, what kind of pack leader would I be if I didn't share the fruits of our victories? I couldn't enjoy myself knowing all the young ones were missing out, now could I?" He gives a cruel laugh, stepping forwards once more. "So this is your last chance, lay down your arms and give yourself over to the pack, or we'll take what's ours by force."
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

Ashior sighed, looking downwards after the alpha werewolf issued his demand. He was being completely unreasonable. Her hand tightened around the handle of her mace, the angles knuckles going white. The choice between two evils was always a poor one, and her third option would only postpone the confrontation and make the beasts angry. So, she chose what she thought of as the lesser evil, as much as it pained her to do so. She looked up, meeting the werewolves eyes with her own golden ones, and said; "Very well." Then, her shield fell with a clang to the ground, followed shortly by her mace. Ashior sunk to her knees, her head bowed and her wings held against her back. "If it has to be all of you, may we just get this over with here?" She said, her voice low and filled with disgust. The angel did not look pleased with her decision, even as she accepted the consequences of it. Had she fought, this might have happened anyway, and she had a feeling that they would not have been kind to her had she injured or killed one of them in the fight.
Re: (BETA) Corrupted Dreams

"Hah, there's a smart girl. Good to see someone who knows her place in our woods," the Alpha called out, responded to by a collection of jeers from the lesser wolves who began moving in towards her eagerly. Overhead, the sound of a clucking tongue was somehow audible over all. "While pride may be one of those sins you angels get so worked up about, lack of pride is at least as bad, from where I'm standing. Perhaps next time we cross paths, I'll threaten you into sex as well," he says mockingly and with a flash he was gone.

One of the Alphas glances up and gives a grunt, "Good riddance," he mutters, also moving in towards Ashior. "Now, would you prefer to keep your pretty dress on, or are you gonna take it off?" he asks bluntly. "This could take a while, and with all the claws and such, it'd be a shame for it to get damaged..." A crude chuckle went around the pack in response to this. "Who knows, maybe after this you'll decide to stay with us as a pet. Once you've had the pack, it's hard to go back."
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior let the shades comment pass for now, her glare set firmly on the two Alphas. Her face remained locked into a disapproving frown as the beastmen chuckle at her expense, but the angel only frowns, rather than try to verbally correct them. When he remarks on her dress, however, Ashior lifts her hands to the top of the dress and gingerly tugs it down under her breasts, which take a moment to pop free due to the garments tightness in that area. After it clears that, however, she gently lets it drop down around her thighs, where it lays crumpled beneath her in her kneeling position. The motion was swift and efficient, hardly meant to be erotic, and the set of her face showed that it was more in agreement with the beasts comment about it being damaged than any suggestion that she was looking forward to this. However, when he spoke again, this time suggesting that she'd stay with them, she couldn't help herself. Her voice dripping with sarcasm, Ashior bluntly spat; "Somehow, I doubt that."
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Licking his mouth lewdly, the Aplpha gave a half shrug. "Your friend, the fountain spirit," he says with a slight gesture towards the dressed. "Seemed to like us a lot. I bet she'd love to be where you are right now..." By now, the group were all directly around; the alpha she'd struck earlier and the one doing all the talking standing directly before her, grasping his erect wolfish member with one hand. "You can get started with me," he suggests, pushing it into her face as he grins down at her.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior glared up at the alpha, her golden eyes flitting between his face and his member as her revulsion at the consequences of her choice threatened to sicken her. She turned her head as he pressed it against her face, allowing it to slide along her cheek. It was too late to back out now though, so her hand slowly raises up to grasp the werewolfs cock, hesitating for just a second before the angels fingers wrap around the base of it, stroking it slowly and awkwardly for a moment. She glances back up at the beastmans eyes, the angels disgust evident on her face as the overpowering musky scent of his manhood assaulted her. She knew that they would swiftly grow impatient at this rate, however, and so Ashior steeled herself for a moment, slowly speeding up her strokes, before she slowly opened her mouth, and stuck out her tongue to lick lightly along the side, grimacing slightly at the taste. Then, she lifted his cock slightly and licked her way up the underside until she reached the head, where she hesitated again, before taking the tip into her mouth, and rubbing her lips and tongue gingerly against it.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

The alpha before her gave a long sigh as he felt her lips wrap around him. "There's a good girl..." he said gruffly, placing a hand on the back of her head but not applying any force to it, at least not yet. The other Alpha stepped forwards, his own member firm and took Ashior's free hand, leading it over to it.

From behind her, she felt furry hands stroking across her bare skin as the lesser wolves occupied themselves for now with touching her. They roughly squeezed at her exposed breasts, softly ran up and down her sides, and groped at her ass unskillfully, but not roughly either.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior stared up at the werewolf as her mouth slowly engulfed the head of his cock, her lips sucking gently on it while her tongue rubbed against the tip. Her free hand takes the other alphas member as commanded and began stroking it slowly, her fingers brushing against the tip of it as she rubbed at it awkwardly. She grimaced as the lesser beastmen started caressing her body, but kept herself from pulling away from their touch by distracting herself with the organ in front of her. The red-headed angels mouth slowly descended to engulf the head, and then an inch of his shaft, before she pulled back until her lips only just touched the tip. She descended again, her tongue dancing along the underside, and set up a steady rhythm of it, trying to take in more of his cock into her mouth with every descent, only stopping when she felt herself begin to retch. What's more, whenever one of the lesser wolves brushed a hand over one of her pink-tipped breasts, her breath would quicken slightly, a silent gasp as the sensation momentarily overrode her ability to concentrate on what she was doing.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

"Heh, I think I found where she likes it," one of the wolves behind her calls, as he more firmly fondles her chest. The amount of attention they receive triples, as three pairs of hands all try to push each other out of the way in order to be the ones touching her there. One of the likely cleverer ones moves in the opposite direction, his hands sliding down slowly over her stomach and beyond, fingertips coming to softly brush across her entrance.

The alpha in Ashior's mouth begins to rock his hips slightly, as he applies a little pressure on the back of her head as encouragement; not that he needs much as she strives to perform at least a decent job. The one in her hand guides her grip and silently shows Ashior how to do it better, "Not so bad, is it?" he asks softly, being the politer of the two alphas.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Her breathing quickens as three of the creatures start fondling her orbs, jolts of very unwanted pleasure running through whenever one of them brushed one of her highly sensitive nipples. Her oral becomes slightly more enthusiastic, if a little less precise, as the attention being given to her chest begins to arouse her slightly, despite her constant denial of it. Her head begins to descend further, until she had half of it in her mouth, at which point she couldn't force herself down any farther without gagging. Her hand which was still wrapped around the base of one began tugging upwards whenever her lips moved back, while her hand around the other alphas member allows him to guide her, after which she picked up the pace of her strokes. When she feels the one touch her petals, which which while not damp, were not completely dry either, her eyes widen, and she looks up pleadingly at the one in her mouth, shaking her head slightly. Her wings began to shift uncomfortably as the most driven of the lesser beastmen began touching her privates, and her other movements slowed due to the distraction.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

The alpha directly in front of her smirks slightly at her distress, then considered it for a moment. "Oy, runts, hands off her lower bits," he orders; and surely enough the hands down there promptly disappeared. "The first one to explore down there will be me, as it should be," he declares, smiling crudely down at the angel.

Ashior felt a wet tongue against her neck as the hands continues to grope, feel and push each other across her breasts, and to the side of her, out of the corner of her eye she could see one of them simply watching her and stroking himself. He was close enough that she could remove the hand from the alpha in her mouth and reach him comfortably...
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashiors eyes bulged again at the alphas proclamation, but didn't show any other immediate reaction besides redoubling her efforts. Maybe if she finished him soon....... She forced her head to go lower and faster, the head of the werewolfs cock touching the back of her throat and causing her to gag, but still she tried to go faster and deeper, her lips sealing around his appendage desperately. Her hands continue their work right where they are for a moment more, until her lips begin touching her hand, at which point she releases the one in her mouth and goes for the one off on his own, stroking him much the same way she was the other alpha. Her eyes snap shut, trying to concentrate on getting the beastmen to finish as quickly as possible while ignoring the ones touching her breasts, only to snap open once more as she feels the tongue dart against the flesh of her neck, the touch causing her to gasp softly.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

"Wow, look at her go," the alpha chuckles, "I think she's excited about having me inside her, and why wouldn't she be," he says with another lewd laugh. "She's certainly doing a good job," the other alpha agreed with his own grin. Both now were rocking their hips in order to increase the stimulation on their manhoods, with the lesser wolf soon joining in as she began to stroke him as well.

The wolves behind seem to catch on to the licking crazy, as one continues to lick at the side of her neck gently, the hands are withdrawn from her breasts and a pair of wandering tongues replace them, flicking across her nipples firmly. The last wolf simply runs his hands up and down her slender sides before leaning in to lick at the other side of her neck.
Re: (BETA: CD) Ashior

Ashior gags with every push down onto the beasts cock as it starts going down her throat, her lips applying as much pressure as she could even as he humped into her face. Her hand motions begin to falter somewhat as she attempts to suck the alpha to completion, not even considering that that would result in his seed flowing into her mouth. When she feels the lesser werewolves tongues dance against her erect nipples, the angelic Inquisitor moans around the organ in her mouth, and briefly arches her back so that her chest presses forward. But, a second later, she straightens again, trying to keep the sensations from getting to her any further.