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Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Ah.... Hmmm. I'll get to work on that later.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

I'm not necessarily asking for you to come to me. I'm just saying the Dia is going to take all the toys so that the other two ranches won't get any.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Hey! I'm waiting on Rule to post a thread or registry. Going to try making a character for his ranch, while trying to manage my own. Not sure if i'll be able to keep track through...

Edit: You can probably blame me for setting up the contracts days before the actual ranches appeared XD.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Dia appears to have left me with the paper work. Haha.

As a mere suggestion, perhaps the hands and other characters could flow between ranches? Say, for example, you had an event that required some of the hands from the Space Ranch to be over at the Heavy Ranch. Then we can rotate the hands around and keep everything running smoothly.

How does that sound?
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Might work, probably would involve sex favors between the managers.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Yah. That could work. Through, phoenix, expect me to call you mister cuddly.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Although the character will stay the same race. I did mention a weakness to magic and he is digging a well... cuddly will still probably be in there at least, though.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Hm. Time to start up my own Ranch. By the by, I asked it to be renamed "Blackcorner Ranch".
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Awwww, your not going with nunu's name T_T.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Well, my three tentacles are up. Gonna start "building" the farm this evening.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

((Pfft, copy paste... Almost posted this in the old sign ups section.))

Lol. Space ranch? Heavy? Underwater? Oh Nunu...

So, Diga has claimed the space ranch, and Pheonix the "heavy". There are two left, and the setting seems to be wide open. So simply put, this is a world where tentacles and like creatures are a generaly given and accepted thing. I'll hold out to see what Bei and Rule's approach to ranching is first.

As I can't see a sign up/character list thread I'm presuming we use the registery/office/docking bay type threads to enter the game. Forgive me if I seem to miss anything at this point. I'm having to very quickly skim read all this for now. Will be able look over in detail soon.

I think I'll write up a brief character "CV" in my offline time and see what's on show when I get back.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Possibly, but depends on whether or not or yadda yadda yadda. Why not?
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Splitting attention, I guess? :p Some places have strict rules of 'only play what you can handle' but this place seems built for players to make multiple characters!

eta: Can I throw in random additions to the encyclopedia, or can only ranch managers make them up?
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Yes wallpaper, make up some random tentacles. Either I, bei rule or phoenix can use them later. Also they can be the rogue tentacles...
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

It would be nice to have a 'how to play the game' thread or a 'what to expect when you join' thread stickied in here so that those who are just joining us know what the hell is going on. :D I'll even volunteer to write it if you guys want. I think it would help in order to recruit other players. :p Four ranches seems like a good start, perhaps people could earn the right to set up a new one (maybe if enough players join or characters show up, so that there's a steady ratio of ranches to work-hands?)

So here's how I perceive that we, as players, go about getting involved:

1) read through the ranches. Pick one that we like. Go to the clearly marked 'sign up' thread (Diaga, I don't think your sign-up thread is QUITE clearly enough marked; it would be nice to see 'OOC signup' in the title somewhere so people know. That way they won't think that they can just hop into RP as your 'come here first' suggests. Pheonix, 'the registry' sounds official and it's nice that it's stickied, but having a 'sign up' in the title would probably help us to know to go there first, rather than that it's just a record of who's already playing.) and make a character according to the form that needs to be filled out*

2) Show up at the introduction area (Diaga's good for this, Pheonix, maybe add some kind of 'come here first,' or let people know as they sign up where their character should start?) and make a first IC post.

3) Either the ranch owner will maneuver an NPC into showing our character around, or a PC will engage our character in... interaction. >:D

4) Generic roleplay between NPC's and characters or PC's as characters -- will the ranch-owners play the various tentacles if need be? Can players temporarily adopt tentacles to play against another character?

5) (this is where it begins to get iffy for me)
One of the ranches or the town that the ranches are affiliated to hosts a competition; OOC this is some kind of writing contest (??) IC it's a chance for characters from different ranches to intermingle. Some sum of money is awarded to each ranch based on people voting for favorite stories (??) or each ranch is afforded a sum simply for participating (based on amount of posts, amount of characters posting, or something?) When the competition is deemed closed (how long would it be open? Would participating in the competition preclude regular roleplay on the ranch?) the ranch owners can purchase new tentacle creatures, new space for tentacles to grow in, maybe more NPC's to work the ranch?

6) rinse and repeat stages 4 and 5 until people get bored of playing, at which point we figure out how to make it fun again. XD

*Some clarification over if we have to play 'ourselves' (which I find a little weird, to be honest. XD) or if we can play other characters that we make up would be nice. Also clarification to newbies that they can make more than one character to play in more than one ranch would be nice as well.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

People can probably make extra characters as long as the rancher owner they are applying to accepts the character, although I would recommend against having multiple farmhands on the same farm (Then you might end up in long conversations with yourself).

Not sure myself on the whole contest and how it would work, but something could be figured out.
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Maybe we should hold off on the contests for now. ^^; I'd like to get my character set up in the game first before that happens anyhow.

eta: Also, dag nabbit, Screwdriver, you're leaving me high and dry here! XD Where are ya, laddy?
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Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Also, dag nabbit, Screwdriver, you're leaving me high and dry here! XD Where are ya, laddy?
Re: Big Willies' Saloon (OOC)

Double post wallpaper! Delete that one and repost it under me!