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Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
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Nov 10, 2008
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Prologue, 20 May (part one, meeting Lord Malius, getting dinner):
DM62: Miter, Rowenna, and Vand are among early arrivals at Lord Malius' forward military camp. The Battle of Tillshire was a costly affair for all, and the Braxilian forces and allies are roaming the field of the slain, gathering up their dead to be sent south for proper burial. Lord Malius learned early in the war that the Masters were not above converting the recently slain Braxilians into new recruits for their armies. Lord Malius is standing near a rather large orc and a robed kitsune, observing the field of the dead with a somber expression.

Jaeger Vand rode in, mounted atop a very big white wolf, swinging off it as she awaits to be addressed by the perimeter guards, and a chance to get Roland off to somewhere to rest and be fed. The faceless helmet turned to scan the camp, assessing it. Or not, it was hard to tell with nothing to look at but the strange wave like designs on the armor.

Rowenna was never fond of using her affliction in large battles and she was lucky she wasn't around to take part. She had plenty of weapons to deal with enemies, living or undead and she had no need to bloody her claws needlessly. She'd march in shortly after the woman on th wolf arrived, a little curious she had a wolf large enough to ride.

Miter: A loud clattering echos into the camp, at first the sight of which being hard to disern through the bustle of troops, serfs, and other personel of war. Eventually, the small goblin manages to pushes through a spot in the ranks, her heaping bag of parts and junk protesting as it squeezes between a pair of shields. She huffs a bit, a few strands of her hair bouncing higher than usual as her pouting lips showed tiny tusks from her lower jaw. Miter glances around, giving some admittedly lecherous appraisals of the front of some of the soldier's trousers before shaking her head again. Seeing the two arriving figures that stood out, she moved rapidly to follow them, jingling all the way from her gear bag.

DM62: The sentries are human axe knights, who raise their axes at Braxil's approach. "Sorry, Vand. Need to remove your helmet before you meet with the Lord Malius. Can't have these sneaky Underfell sorts getting close without an invitation." They raise their eyebrows at the approach of the Valhal and the goblin, but are primarily focused on the helmeted knight.
*at Vand's approach*

Vand: "Hah, am I that distinctive an appearence? Or perhaps my reputation has preceded me! Well, no matter, I'll honor your request.," she says, reaching up and removing the helmet, revealing a blue haired woman with tanned skin, wearing a choker with a snowflake. She grins at them, "Sufficient, I would hope? After all, if you know me, you should know my face at least. Where can Roland get some seeing too, he's had a long run. Not often a Jaeger is requested by name you know."

Miter: The goblin twitches an ear, mumbling to herself at being stuck in the back of the line because she snuck in. With no idea who the other two are, the greenskin figits, pulling a wrench and spinning it idly in a hand.

DM62: The other guard shrugs. "Not every day we get a wolf-rider in armor. We had an idea you were coming." The other guard shakes his head. "Aye, but we needed to see her face to be sure it wasn't some crafty deception." "You're paranoid." "You're careless." The massive orc walks over to the group. "Shut up, you two. Adventurers answering the summons, eh? You're a bit early, but you might as well come and meet Lord Malius and Simone. I'm Chu'Gris." He snorts, leading the group over to Lord Malius, who turns from the battlefield to face the new arrivals with a somewhat weary expression.

Miter: The orc's remark makes the goblin perk up a little. "Oooooh, so THIS is where ya wound up! Everyone back in Sprocket figured you fled the lynch mobs anyway, probably for the best!" she babbles with all the tact of a Kaiju Snurfler as she bounces after the rest.

Vand: "Technically I'm a mercenary, but sure, we'll call it that. Hm?," says Vand, looking back behind her at the others. "Ah, fellow soldiers of fortune hm? Guess we'll have to wait for invitations." She heads over, bringing Roland with since she doesn't know where to send him as of yet. The goblins babbling made her curious, but it didn't seem the moment for that sort of thing.

Rowenna: "I had heard the stories, Chu'Gris, but I never thought I'd see you in person. Guess this world is full of surprises after all." She adjusted her pack, her gear clattering around inside. Seemed like she was carrying her entire life in her pack.

DM62: The orc sighs. "Sometimes fame turns into infamy. I'd tell you to ask Lady Malgra about that, but... yeah, nevermind." Lord Malius looks at the orc, not without sympathy, then turns to the party. "Greetings. I'm Regulus Malius. We... we won an important victory here today. Saved our food supply, saved lots of farmers. And there's something of an oddity, this time... the undead have offered to treat with us at a spot about five miles north of the battlefield, tomorrow. They've never called for negotiations before this."

Vand: "Jaeger Vand of the Frostwolves. You called, I answered. And the fees have already been processed by high command, so you;ve got me til you discharge me.," says Vand, standing straight and bringing a fist to her heart with her right arm, while running it in a circle, "What do you need? Escort? Scout out? Overwatch? Espionage?"

Miter takes a glance at the table and frowns a little, tossing her bag onto the floor with a overwhelming clatter. With a quick rummage through it, she soon produces what first looks to be a twisted ring of scrap, that she quickly tugs open into a makeshift stool. Adding a piece of metal as a final touch, she then hauls herself level with the table, leaving the junk on the floor for now. "Obviously they got something up. Give me a hour or two, I could rig something up to make the place inhospitable..." she talked, her tone somewhat cheery even when speaking of mass destruction.

Vand glances at Miter, seeming to be studying her curiously. Interesting. She turned her attention to Rowenna next, studying her.

Rowenna: "Rowenna Sheridan. Hunter from the Northlands. That's...I guess that's all you need to know really." She was hesitant to say much else at this point, wanting them to believe she was just a simple merc. "Seems sudden the MAsters would want to negotiate after all of this. Maybe they've finally seen that human will is not easily broken and our race can nly be pushed so far."

DM62: "It's possible that it's a trick, certainly. Normally I'd be asking you to assist our forces in the field, acting as scouts and saboteurs... but given recent events, yes, I'd like you to act as escorts." The kitsune, dark-haired and dressed in a green robe, walks over to the group as well. She seems to have an Eastern blade hanging on her hip... a katana, for those familiar with the weapon. She gives the group a short, polite bow. Chu'Gris nods. "Like you all to meet Simone... she's a swordsman from the Dragonkin Empire. A... kensai... that's the term for them." Simone scans the new arrivals politely. "Hello."

Miter: "Nice ears!" the goblin remarks with a cheeky grin and a fingerpoint at the kitsune. Otherwise, she doesn't remark much to the comments at hand, though her minds focus on things ahead.

Vand: Kitsune. Well that complicated things a little, but such was life. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Kensai Simone.," nods Vand. She looks a bit amused as she glances at Miter. "Well you're full of comments. What's your name then?"

Miter: "Call me Miter! Just a humble tinker, m'lady!" the goblin woman comments.

Rowenna: "Now that's a land I've only hurt stories and legends about. An honor to met you, Lady Simone." The warrior would go into a bow before standing back at attention. "So we'll be pulling escort then? Are we to stand near the meeting place in the event of deception? Or must we e out of earshot?"

Vand: "A pleasure, Miter.," grins Vand, looking over to Rowenna, "If I had to pick, I;d prefer that up close we have those best capable of shielding our employer from all kinds of attacks, while having those best able to clear a path of escape holing back in the rearguard."

Vand: "And someone good at spotting deadfalls and other such traps sweeping the area an hour before arrival."

DM62: Chu'Gris shrugs. "We'll be accompanying Lord Malius when he heads up to the meeting spot tomorrow morning. I suppose one or two people arriving early to search for traps would not be a bad idea... though if the undead really want to surprise us, they do have the spectres."

Vand: "Yes, but we;ve got a kitsune. You don't stop having a soul, cus you are a soul.," smirks Vand, "If you're up for it, Kensai Simone."

Miter: "I mean, this is just a bunch of zombies, right? I was on navel duty last time those walkers showed up before, so like a couple of rowdy peasents with a few torches shoulda solved this problem already, shouldn't it?" Miter asks, tilting her head and giving a shrug.

Vand: "Do you mean you were on a ship, or that you were divining the secret of the universe form your belly button?"

Miter: "Fixing up a ship after Braxil got done setting it on fire, actually, but wasn't going THAT much detail considering current company," she grumbles a little, again looking pouty at having to bring up THAT war.

Vand: "I'm certain any animosity over previous events has been set aside, given our current company.," says Vand, looking to Chu' Gris and back.

Rowenna: "Fair enough then. I'd be surprised if a woman of such technical ability would be doing a task so juvenile and trite." She had a good laugh before focusing on the matter at hand. "So check for potential traps. Wouldn't hurt. But what about now? Any urgent task you have for us at te moment or are we free to explore the camp and assist in smaller tasks?"

Vand: "Roland demands dindin."

DM62: Chu'Gris grunts. "I think I'd rather FORGET about that war." The kitsune shrugs. "I cannot fight spectres... but I can see them coming." Lord Malius nods. "For now, feel free to grab some food and get to know each other. We're still gathering our dead and licking our wounds. We won't be leaving until the morning."

Miter: With a nod, the goblin hops off her makeshift stool and shoves the parts back in the bag of junk, quiet for a moment as she fights with the parts in there to get it all stable.

Vand: "Seeing is what matters, Kensai Simone.," grins Vand, "Leave the immolating to myself. If you lack a soul rending slash, I'm sure a more magical method may be far better equipped to dealing with it." She nods to Lord Malius, doing her salute again. "You got it, milord. Where can I get food for Roland. He's ready to chew my arm off. Uh... You need a hand, Miter?"

Rowenna: "Might set up my own tent later. Maybe grab a meal. Running low on rations and I wasn't sure how much longer I could last." She was of the same mind as Vand, in terms of food. "Roland eat alot, Lady Vand? He seems like he does, being as big as he is."

Miter: "Nah, I'm good!" the goblin pipes up, before the junk pack is back on her back with a bit more metal compaints. "Good thing about having gotten a few litters out early, perfect counterweight for all this crap!" Her lewdish remarks are common but she's not going out of her way about it.

DM62: Chu'Gris grins. "I'll walk you lot to the chow line, and get you in some tents for the night. They probably have some raw meat your hungry wolf can enjoy, too." Lord Malius gives another nod, then turns as another officer arrives, speaking about medical logistics. The food is mostly vegetables from the nearby farms, but there are some pieces of meat for the wolf.

Vand: "Excellent, much obliged. He's a growing boy, yes he is.," grins Vand, hugging the wolfs neck and nuzzling into it, before smirking at Miter. "Active lifestyle huh? I can dig it. I'm more quality over quantity myself but Whatever gets your motor runnin' right?" She only gets a few vegetables herself as she takes a seat at a table, Roland lying beside it, gnawing on the meat. "Cmon, sit down guys, if we're working toghether we outta know each other. Who the fuck else is gonna remember us if we don't make it but out comrades?"

Miter: The goblin follows, with a quiet rattling of her pack all the way to the food line. "I'm a goblin, what do you expect?!? Even with high breed rates half of us don't survive our first firework!" Miter replies in mock disdain. "Don't think that stuff now though, grabbed a few special herbs to help mitigate that. If someone out here's looking for me out of all the tinkers, I need my head in the game." She looks a bit disdainfully at the offerings for food. "Ich, rabbit food..." she mumbles, looking much like a kid offered a salad, but she sighs and grabs a few carrots.

Vand: "Better than nothing.,"smiles Vand wryly, "Funny, I heard tell goblins were nigh invulnerable. But I admit to limited experience. But nothing wrong with breeding. I just am in an occupation where I can't afford to be spreading the love and the offspring all over the planet. High command would have my head."

Rowenna would attempt to secure a piece of meat for herself, even asking for it to be cooked lightly. She had to admit, she was feeling the craving and the veggies wouldn't do the trick. She'd sit back and listen to the conversation between the goblin and the human, geting a good bit of a chuckle out of it. "You get use to eating sparse, Lady Miter. I've spent a good while on the road and I was use to eating roots and berries for a while. Even when I ot meat I tried to ration it."

DM62: The kitsune accompanies the group to the chow line, getting a cup of hot water and a small bowl of vegetables. She produces a small bag, putting herbs into the hot water to mix up tea, which she sips. "It's better food than these troops have seen for most of the war... in that sense, we were lucky to end up at Tillshire." Chu'Gris ends up heading back to the command tent, to help coordinate the next day's events.

Vand: "Exactly. So I wouldn't complain too much. Always others who'll be happy to have your share.," smiles Vand, "So, rowenna. You an independent merc or are you a company girl?"

Miter: The goblin shrugs a bit at the questions about her people. "When one gets a racial reputation like that, it encourages the survivors. Being small and somewhat prolific has the downside that in times of strife you wind up as the expendables..." Her usual happy look seems to sour for a bit before she again focuses on cheerful tones, cracking apart half a carrot. "True, not field rations!"

Rowenna: "Independent. Left my village and wanted to see what sort of fortune the south held." She picked up her sliver of meat bare handed, biting into it with some vigor and tearing off a piece.

Vand: "Here to prove em wrong then? I can respect that. Nobody's expendable, and fuck anyone who says otherwise.," says Vand firmly, before her attention goes back to Rowenna, "That right? I can't place your accent. Mountain lady I take it? How much wartime experience you got?"

Rowenna: "Valhalian actually. And I can't say I have much war experience but my people are skilled hunters and I wanted to see if my old trade would work well in a new land."

Miter: She shrugs. "Well, after the Braxil invasion screwed up, they stuck me to drydock instead of launching rocks, so I guess that was a improvement. And not to mention the many times people tried to stick me in a pillow for a sidefuck, so that's a reputation," she adds with a wry smile. She does peer towards the other woman, raising an eyebrow at the mention of location. "Nevah heard of it," she admits.

Vand pauses, frowning a bit, before nodding. "Me neither. Sounds like something I'd name a valley, heh. Well, war and hunting aren't much alike, but the skills can be helpful. How far away can you hit a moving target, and how fast can you output arrows?" She looks to Miter, chuckling, "Sounds like a good time. Landing n a public pillory has it's fun adventures, but fuck does it put a kink in ones neck."

Rowenna: "It's a land far to the north on the peak of the world. Lots of great beasts and monsters. My people are a hardy lot to be sure. I mean, we have to be to survive in those conditions and against things like Mountain trolls" She said without much of a bragging tone in her voice. She was being very matter of fact about it. "Though I must say...you have very interesting ideas on a good time."

Vand smiles wryly, "Sounds like a story book, but I'll believe you where others won't. As for a good time, well first off, we're in a world where almost everything fucks everything else. And probably can even interbreed with it. If we weren't meant to, the goddesses wouldn't have made em that way, right? As for the pillory, it's something new. Something you learn fast in the merc life, newblood, is that you can die. Anytime. And in the end, the people who'll miss you is those who survive you and knew you. So best way to leave behind a good impact is to get close to others, and to enjoy life to the full hilt while you can. Cus it can end in jsut a snap. Everyone does it a bit differently. I like to form close bonds in bed myself. But loving life and loving yourself, best way to live the lifestyle. Otherwise stress and fear are liable to tear you apart long before some critter does."

Miter: The goblin's head tilts a little further as the Valhallian speaks, but she snaps out a little bit as they speak of her odd hobbies. "Yeah, Sprocket Port... Well, can't speak for the rest of the world, but it's a rowdy little coast, lemme tell ya! Organized chaos, and not just the stuff people like me hammer out occasionally..."

Vand: "Saw the stool. Fancy work. What all you got in there?"

Rowenna: "An understandable sentiment, Lady Vand. I honestly never considered that in my life before I left home. Especially considering I only had one real serious lover in the form of my husband." She sighed as she brought him up again, taking another chunk from the meat and finishing it off in a rather brutal fashion. "Forgive me. Long story."

Miter: "Quite literally this and that. It's like half of my junk drawer," she remarks about the bag full to larger than she was. "I find if you got enough junk, you're able to adept to anything, and so I brought it along with a few blueprints of some things I wanted to try if I got a chance."

Vand: "Got time if you wanna share. And if you don't, say no more. Lotta mercs take to this job to run from their pasts. Long as it doesn't interfere with the job, you can consider it a new start far as we're concerned. So it's your call. Chance to be a new you if you wanna take it. And if you want help, well, I'm always up for helping newbloods." She chuckles at Miter, "Can respect that. You were talking about building something to blow a whole region. You serious about that?"

Miter: "...Mostly hypothetical sadly," she admits. "Unless this place was willing to sacrifice the booze, and I'm sure that'd be a long stretch by most sapient life. I'm not an alchemist, I'm a tinker. I just do the outer works, not got the actual boom-boom... most the time. After all, someone figured this one out," she remarks, holding up a flintlock pistol that matched the other at her side. "Still, as I said, not uncommon for some of us to make fireworks in our spare time, make one big enough and I'm sure it'd set some grass on fire..."

Rowenna: "No...No...it's fine. I'd rather the past stay the past." She took a few moments to collect herself again, digging into the veggies she gathered for the remainder of her meal. "I'm out here for myself and my own reasons..."

Vand: "Too bad. Still, mechanical solutions are always helpful, and I'll be interested to see what you come up with... What are those things? Miniature Shillelagh?" She looks to Rowenna, smiling a bit, "Then it shall remain so. Heh, well if you want some combat training or just some stress relief, you can always talk to me Rowenna. You too, Miter, though imagine you got your own stress relief, eh?"

Miter: "Shillelagh? Is that some fancy-ass word for flintlock? Anyway, yeah, just a projectile launcher with a mini-explosion. Either way, speedy thing goes out one-handed." She shrugs. "All depends if I got the time to kick up some crazy plan, it's a good half and half if it works though, really..."

Vand: "It's a big stick with a knot on the head, basically a big club. Huh. That's new. Never seen something like that. How fast can it fire? How far?"

Miter: "One shot only I'm afraid, last time someone put a punch in at once it kinda... exploded." She shrugs. "Not like you usually fight stuff really far out, but yeah, it shoots these little metal balls really fast a few dozen feet or so."

Rowenna: "Huh. I just have a slightly older rifle. Nothing fancy mind you and I don't have the smarts to improve it. I just keep it in working order and make sure it survives another year." She patted her rifle, looking quite proud of the work she's done to keep it in one piece. "And I have some stress relief of my own but an extra hand is always welcome love." She'd tease.

Miter: "Not a bad patch job," the goblin admits with a bit of a grin. "Not as wild as goblin tech but hey, decent as hell."

Vand: "Interesting," she muses, before looking over, "You’ve got one too? Huh. Fascinating." She looks over with a grin, "Oh I got more than hands, love. I've got magic fingers. Among other things. I'd be happy to demonstrate. And it is pretty much policy for the new bloods to service the vets, and get shown the... Ropes. If you're brave enough, anyways. And bet Miter has a few things to work with. If you're up for joining in on some squad bonding, Miter?"
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Prologue, 20 May (part two, a proposition, the tent, smuttery)
Rowenna: "Squad bonding? An interesting way to propose such a debauched act, Lady Vand." The northwoman was bein rather cheeky at this point, wondering f the goblin would go along for the ride. "It's an older weapon, but it does the job. It's primarily a hunting rifle if nothing else. Haven't brought it out for serious combat yet"

Vand: "Well I'm a classy woman clearly. All noble and stuff.," smirks Vand, "It'd scandalize my poor ears if I said I'm going to make you a howling mess of girl cum, fucked too silly to remember your name in the first place, after you service me good and proper."

Miter: The goblin ponders it, glancing about at the piles of virile soldiers before giving a shrug. "Hey, why not. It's been a long walk, and at least it's not getting stuck in a door knocker afterwards!" She digs to a side pouch and stuffs a bright green leaf into her gob with the rest of a carrot, crunching it and the herb rather noisily.

Rowenna: "Quite a bold statement, my lady. But we'll see whose got who howling by nights end. And glad you could join us, my new goblin friend." She was thinking the whole time if she wanted to surprise them with something or not. It would reveal alot about her, but it would make things a little more kinky.

Vand: "Heh, suppressing pregnancy huh? Sounds fun. Third question, you want Roland to join?," teases Vand.

Miter: The goblin seems to choke a bit at the mention of the wolf, but it soon was met with a bit of a laugh. "Why am I not surprised a warrior's that close with a companion?" she teases back with a bit of a grin and a chuckle. "Alas, not got any toys prepped meself, what with travel and all that fun stuff."

Vand chuckles at the gooblins reaction, "Really? Well, guess you'll be joining me more often hm? And oh I'm familiar with quite a few, they're sort of a company mascot, so we got a whole bunch. Good for pack dynamics to be... Close."

Rowenna: "I suppose a furry friend wouldn't hurt. Who knows, he might have more fun then all of us." She said, with a knowing smirk. "And yes, always good to have a pecking order in the pack to make sure everyone is in their palce. Can't have anyone mucking it up."

Vand: "Damn straight. Cmon, help me pitch my tent, before Roland pitches one.," grins Vand, heading over and taking a bag off Rolan's side and heading outside to go get the tent pitched quick, "Best not let Roland take first crack at you, Rowenna, unless you're feeling brave. He's not lacking."

Miter: The goblin eventually quietly follows, lugging her junk pack along as well, feeling pretty good with herself. A warm campsite to save her time setting her own up, and clearly some other free spirits, she wouldn't feel too alone on the slut bus around here after all!"

Rowenna: "I'm not worried, hun. Not worried at all." Rowenna smiled. "May as well make a little camp of our own, I suppose." Rowenna would follow after, her pack shaking around it's contents as she caught up.

Vand nods and sets the pack out and taking out a quite large tent, working with practiced ease as she makes it up, "Plenty of room to share. I might spend msot of my pay on comfort on the road."

Rowenna: "Mines more of a makeshift job, if I had to be honest. I was more content with survival. Making sure I had things like enough food and water. Only downside to working solo I suppose." She mumbled as she set hers up, a patchwork affair that seemed sturdy if nothing else. "Pardon me for a second. I have to take care of something."

Miter: The goblin assists with the tent-pitching, humming a bit to herself as she sets the bag of junk nearby and makes sure to toss a canvas cover over it for weather protection. She sashays about as she works, though when actually on-point she is focused on it. Not that it helps, with the broodmother's well-developed body jiggling even as she hammers stakes into the earth. "I don't know what I'll do if I get pay, mostly here cus it seemed fun and I felt it odd that someone from Braxil was burying the hatchet and asking for an expert so fast."

Vand: "No rush. you're welcome to share mine. Tons of room.," grins Vand, as she fights with a rod, "Well you can help build me an easy tent setting up device. But if you get paid, and you should, you could buy new materials. Maybe fund expeditions to exotic locals. Start your own tinker guild. Invent a breeding machine in the literal sense. Whatever you want heh."

Miter: "Eh, have had some ideas, may work on a few around everything, we'll see," she comments as she works.

Rowenna: Setting her pack and gear in her own tent, the northwoman would venture slightly away from the camp, finding an area with enough cover to hide what she was about to do next. "Don't worry...they won't mind. I know the wolf won't when he sees me." She'd begin tugging a few straps on her armor, easily pulling the entire leather/fur combination off. She paused for a moment, glad to be out of that for even a moment

Vand: "Well if you can build a device to set up this damn thing instantly for me and put it away with a flick of a switch, I'll commission it.," says Vand cheerfully as the tent is finished, her heading inside and draping many thick furred blankets along the ground, along with pillows, and a portable folding desk. "Here we go. Tents got an enchantment to keep things warm and toasty. Shoulda sprung to get it to magically set itself up but ships sailed on that for the time being."

Miter: "Personally, not sure I particularly mind mages, meself..." the goblin mutters as she moves in, already figiting with her buttons on her shirt. "Still, take advantage of what ya got, nothing's without risk and all that."

Vand: "Well, gone hurt my feelings a bit," says Vand wryly, as a flame appears on her finger and she blows at it, sending a tongue of fire over across some candles which she sets on the desk, "I wasn't joking about magic fingers. Need a hand there?"

Rowenna: "Guess it's now or never." She muttered, closing her eyes and focusing on changing her shape. Her body would twist and bend and reshape itself, the tall northwoman becoming a respectably sized wolf with a rather standard pattern of northern wolves: Grey with some white. The changed woman would slink her way back into camp, doing her best to stay out of sight.

Miter: "No need to bend down that far just on my account," she teases back with a bit of a grin, the shirt soon quickly undone and left hanging open as she wrestles with her tool belt.

Vand: "Mmm, be plenty of bending to be done anyways, why worry about it now?,"grins Vand, setting her helmet down aside, before grabbing the gorget of her armor, and strangely stretching it like it was rubber, and climbing out of it, it snapping back to normal once she's out, revealing her quite naked under it, having D cups on display and tatoos running over her body. "So, what you think, how manygenders should I have for play time? Magic and all that.," smiles Vand, "don't worry, not spreading any kids. Only two ways thats happening."

Vand: "Wonder where Rowenna got too."

Miter: "I'm sure she'll be around soon," Miter remarks, a quick flopping of fabric soon meeting her own attire's escape and leaving the silver-studded and pierced goblin fully displaying her small but sizable assets. She raises an eyebrow at how the knight removed her armor. "Well, suppose not all magic is bad," she purrs quietly.

Wolf Rowenna would make her way back to the main tent, looking for Roland and doing her best to make her presence known to him. As if saying: "Hey, wanna have some fun? Maybe with some two legs as well? Come on, it'll be fun."

Vand: "Heh, magic tits.," teases Vand, hefting her chest, "Seems rude to get started without her though. Nice piercings by the way. Can't get em myself, too squeemish. Ironic, given I;ve taken spears to the guts plenty times, but either way. Anyways... Never answered my question. Want me to blur the gender boundaries and you get something to ride that ain't my tongue or some other tricks, or...?" Roland was outside, him looking interested at Rowenna, standing up and ready to follow the female.

Miter: The goblin grins a bit. "Yeah, we tend to get freaky a little, as I said... I don't see a problem with that proposal, love," she purrs, even though she's still only around the knight's knees at best.

Vand: "Fair enough.," she grins, muttering a bit as she moves a hand to her groin, before growing a rather sizable shaft from there above her girlhood, before muttering another spell, a field appearing around it. "And there, no kids happening."

Rowenna: "Follow me." She'd say, presenting herself and wagging her tail as if encouraging him to follow, running into the tent as the goblin and naked human began their fun. "See? They're having fun already. So can we."

Vand looks over a bit in surprise as not one but two wolves burst in, her blinking. "Oh, huh, found a friend for yourself, Roland? Heh. Well... I guess can't really keep them from getting it on, so guess Rowenna can just jump in when she get's back. So. Since she's probably gonna get mounted, wanna lube me up and we try and emulate em, sexy?"

Miter: The goblin chuckles as the wolf clearly found himself a piece of tail, the green girl leaning against the other woman now. "That sounds like a perfect plan," she purrs with a toothy grin, her eyes looking over the magic-enhanced dick with a soft swoon.

Rowenna: Internally, Rowenna was having a good laugh. Seems they never thought to look at her eyes, the wolf having the same color as Rowenna. Maybe they'd piece it together later. She'd get closer to the other two, before putting herself in a prepared position before the dire wolf. "Bet you haven't had tail as good as mine in a while. Or that wasn't from a pink skin."

Vand: "Mmm, well then.," grins Vand, grasping it and bringing it to the goblins head level, "Go on and get ready. I'll return the favor if you don't mind doing some upside down service?" She grinds, her free hand having a swirl of air in it. Meanwhile Roland seems to approve, moving over, before hooking his fore legs over her body, as his hips hump forwards, trying to hit his mark on her.

Miter: The goblin chuckles, again showing her wide maw in a great grin. "You had me at 'Go on'," she murmers, and gently reaches upwards to grasp the shaft. Not too surprising, the goblin's headskills were quite expert, nibbling and gnawing slightly on the shaft offered to her, but it was sparingly around her soft, warm lips kissing along it, licking the organ with a feverish delight.

Vand moans in appreciation of the goblins skills, before letting the globe expand, it gently lowering and carefully rotating the goblin upside down and supporting her, letting her works, while Vand is able to lean down a bit, and start to lap at the goblins slit, happy to return the favor clearly and get her ready.

Rowenna: Feeling the forelegs over her body, the wolfess was quite eager to accept the advances. "Come on boy. This is authentic wolf pussy. Bet you haven't had one in a while." She continued to encourage him, trying to adjust ever so slightly to get him where he needs to go. Only downside to not having hands

Vand: Roland hits his mark, and promptly begins pounding her with canine speed, him erecting further up inside her, him built like a horse, even if he wasn't shaped like one, as appropriate for his size. He pants eagerly as his hips blurred in their motion.

Miter: The goblin groans lustily as the magician screws with her perception of up and down, wrapping her lips and letting a rather long tongue drool out slightly as she's slid around. The groans only get louder as she feels the return for her work, her little legs spreading a little wider to offer her more as the strange little foursome continues in earnest.

Rowenna: The wolf yelped at his pace, Rowenna taken aback by his speed. And he was certainly larger then she was expecting. Other wolves she ran into weren't quite this big, but she wasn't complaining. She began panting as well, the wolf woman quite fine with accepting her place underneath such a magnificent specimen.

Vand grins, her hips humping a bit pleasedly as she dives in, licking away, clearly having oral skills of her own, as she runs along the goblins clit and works a bit into her, definetly taking the invitation to pleasure and ready the lusty goblin even further. She glanced back, looking a bit naughtily before taking a few slow steps back, so as not to dislodge Miter, leaving her untouched slit in mussle distance of the female wolf who joined the party. "Mmm, not sure if she'll go for it, but hey, who knows..." Roland meanwhile was relentless in his thrusts, pounding her, the gigantic wolf starting to form his knot, it stretching in and out of Rowenna, soon to lodge in her and ensure she was locked in til he was finished with her.

Miter: The goblin gives a bit of a whimper as she's teased so, her lips going ever deeper on the offered dick even as she was lapped away at from the other end. With her eyes near her hostess's slit however, the goblin couldn't see a thing that was going on behind her, making her unable to tell what was about to happen next.

Rowenna: Feeling the knot starting to grow, the wolfess would do her best to try and satisfy the large wolf. Each push was met with a whimper, but she very much was loving each movement fo her stronger partner. "S....so good...Roland...I...I can take it all." She was confident, knowing her peoples natural endurance would come in handy here

Vand: Seeing the wolf not going for joining in oralling Miter, she turned around and went back to work with a shrug, figuring as much. Not every canine would go for it, and she seemed like Roland had her full attention, her cock throbbing a bit as she promptly picks up her own pace, diving in and swirling her tongue nice and deep, working to drive the goblin over the edge before she herself did. Roland meanwhile was hammering, before shoving forward hard, squeezing his fat knot inside Rowenna, and getting promptly stuck, him howling his conquest as Rowenna felt him start to pulse and began unleashing powerful continuous pulses of wolf seed into her body, her well and fully trapped til he was finished.

Miter: The gobbo howls a little herself as the woman's tongue goes into overdrive, though she never moves from half-devouring that delicious bit of meat before her, gurgling around it every second. Her hips begin to twitch with each lick, her belly forming into knots from the pleasure, but it was clear she was trying to hold herself back for now.

Vand groans, smirking a bit as she starts to hold back a bit too, as she wiggles her fingers, making a thick tentacle of warm water, before it thrusts down into the goblin, wriggling deep and thrusting, testing her for sensitive spots as she bites her lip, stubbornly working to make the goblin burst, so she could do the same.

Rowenna herself would let out a high pitched whine as her partner came to a rather thunderous and powerful conclusion. The knot was in and it was there to stay. Not that she wanted it to go anyway. She was just happy to have a powerful creatures seed inside of her and right now, she couldn't get a better partner for her wolf form.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Prologue, 20 May (part three, a second helping of smuttery)
Vand: Roland just kept pumping his seed out in bursts, but soon enough he dismounted, turning to go rump to rump with her as he settled in to wait out his knot, and keep flooding the smaller female in an attempt to plant his pups.

Miter: The talented bit of magic was more than enough to push the goblin over, and Miter gave a louder yelp of bliss that soon turns into a rather gargled scream, the entire body of the little green girl squirming around from her deepthroating to the fingers lodged inside of her. If anything, it only made her holes tighten harder around the intruders, sucking madly at her shaft while she jerks and spasms around against the fingers.

Vand moans, holding a minute herself before crying out, her cock unleashing thick bursts down the goblins throat, feeding her a rather large supply of fresh cream for her tummy, taking several seconds to empty out, before grinning, pulling the magic away and gently setting Miter on the ground, and pulling out. "Mmm, quite the fun time. Want round two? Dunno where that girl got too, but she's lucky I don't really get tired."

Miter: The goblin groans drunkenly, licking her lips as a bit of cum tries to drool out of it. "Surely..." she groans, twitching a few times with a happy little smile already on her face.

Rowenna: Settled into the new stance, the wolf woman would settle in as well, laying flat as she waited for the knot to slip out and the wolf to finish pushing young into her body. "Back up, weren't ya?" She mumbled with a bit of a low growl n her voice. "Not that I don't mind, just warn me."

Vand chuckles and gently pushes the goblin on her back on the soft cushy blankets, crawling over atop of her, angling her still had and ready cock down at her folds, magical field back up on it. She grinds up against her, before starting to sink herself inside, angling to use the knowledge she got from the tendril to grind agaisnt sensitive spots. "Ha... Damn... If this becomes regular I'm defiently gonna love sharing my tent hehe. No wonder everyone wanted a piece of you back there." She made sure not to squash the goblin beneath her heavier body, though ehr breasts did dangle over Miter's head, Vand's unused female half defenseless right now as she slowly sank to the root in her smaller partner. Roland huffs amusedly, seeming quite content with himself and not at all bothered by catching his partner off guard, though he seems willing to give her a vague form of mercy, as he begins to tug, working his great fat knot out of her early, and pulling loose.

Miter: With Mither so compact, it didn't take much for her to hammer in to the limits, leaving the goblin gasping for breath as she's nearly covered by her partner. Clearly she wasn't as bothered by the size difference however, her head tilted to he side as she huffs for breath and grabs her ankles, leaving herself wide and defenseless as she's pinned in place

Rowenna: Well, least he was considerate. Maybe in the future she'd be a little less harsh to the bugger. He did seem like he had his heard in the right place, even if his cock wasn't always thinking the same way. Once free, she'd weakly pull herself up on all fours and give her companion a lick, rubbing up against him in appreciation of his work. "Thanks big guy. I'll be back." She'd pad her way over to the now fucking couple, the wolf seeing an opportunity. She'd approach Vand from behind, her tongue giving the unprotected human cunt a playful lick. It was the least she could do for ignoring the goblin

Vand gasps in surprise as she's licked, glancing back to see her new partner, smirking a little. "Oh now you're interested in playing with girls, huh girl? Well, go on then." She grins and begins thrusting faster into Miter, her smiling down at her as the goblin put herself fully to her use, pounding in eagerly as she tried to shift angles to keep pressing at the goblins buttons as she enjoyed her tight body greatly.

Miter: Already the goblin's true colors were showing a little bit, her tongue dangling again as the manmeat continues to bounce from lips to depths, all the while her little booty smacking against his with each slam in. Her eyes were nearly closed, drooling and groaning in passion with each hump.

Rowenna: The wolf would pause and look up momentarily, almost smiling back herself before she went back to work. Her wide tongue would caress the womans exposed lips as she fucked the goblin, doing her best to not get in the way of the couple but still provide pleasure to the human.

Vand moans in delight at the double teaming on herself as she thrusts hard and fast, smiling in pleasure as she watches the goblins delighted expressions, panting a bit as she quickens her pace, working to inflate the magical condom inside the goblin and make her squeal with her, throbbing as she got close again under the dual attentions

Miter: The goblin was a bit faster on the draw, so to speak, as she squeals loudly in passion with the constant abuse and pleasure. Her little body writhed and squirmed, her insides clamping as best they could around the magic condom. She gives a gasp and spasm around on the furs, her femjuices splattering over the femcock lodged into her.

Rowenna would begin to lick faster, even pressing herself as close as she could. Her wet nose rubbing up against Vand as she pushed her tongue as far as it could go. She could hear the goblin enjoying herself and she was prepared to give Vand the same feeling. Boy would they be surprised when she shifted back

Vand moans loudly as she's lapped into before crying out, tensing as she pulsed her seed, giving the goblin a slight tummy as she pumped out her offspring, moaning, before relaxing a moment, panting, then pulling back, and pulling the fat globe of her seed with her, giving the goblin a last stretching the way out, before Vand got up, chuckling as she pants a bit. "Ha... Gods she's good... Mmm, what to do with this now..." She gestures, the field slipping off her cock and forming into a sphere around her seed, it hovering there. "Can't just leave it lying around, heh."

Vand: She took a moment to get down low and smooch Miter on the cheek affectionately, letting her know she appreciated the fun they had.

Miter: With the large buldge pulled out of her, Miter's eyes widen a little wider, a loud squeal leaving her before she collapsed on the bedclohes once it's freed. She groans and gives a weak kiss back as she tries to catch her breath, but it was clear she's been a while since such a decent shag.

Rowenna: Her job done, Rowenna was quite satisfied that she could shift back now. Giving one more parting lick, the wolf would step into a clear space of the tent. The wolf would close her eyes for a moment as her body again shifted and molded and changed back into her human form, naked as the day she was born. "Miss me ladies?"

Vand jerks a bit, hand towards the sword, before smirking a bit at seeing who it was. "Ah. Werewolf. Sheesh, why all the skull and dagger shit, Roland probably enjoyed the variety after we've been on the road awhile, but hell I don't mind any. You want a round, or just to snuggle now?"

Rowenna: "Hehe. I wanted to have a little fun with my wolf shape is all. I rarely get a chance to use it so I figured now would be the best time. Only time I ever really made use of it was when I was fleeing from hostile groups or looking for shelter. Just shake up with a local pack and sneak off early the next morning. Plus, I wanted to make Roland happy with an actual wolf. Figured the other me could do the trick." She crossed her arms under breasts. "I'm fine for now though. Got a bit of Roland sloshing around in me and I'd rather not add to the risk. He works quick though. I can see why you picked him as your mount."

Vand: "Oh I got magic condoms, I'm not breeding anyone. Oh yeah, he's a real hammer.," giggles Vand, flopping down, and incinerating the bubble as her cock disappears, her cuddling against Miter, as she pats her other side for Rowenna to join her, "Rain check then. I don't mind wolf loving either way, so don't feel like I won't find you pretty or something. I like all species really. But for now come get comfy. More fur ain't gonna make a difference in here haha."

Rowenna: "I figured you wouldn't have a problem with the wolf me. Cause you didn't object to the licking I just gave you." She chuckled as she hopped onto the unoccupied side of the bed, flopping back. "So yeah, next time you'll get he real me to have some fun. Unless you really don't mind sticking your magic cock into my wolf pussy." She chuckled again

Vand: "I really don't mind, but whatever you like. Just don't expect puppies from me.," smiles Vand, "If I reproduce, only way it happened is someone managed to overpower me in some way and forced a child on or from me, or they're a hell of impressive person I come to really care for. Gotta be both. So yeah, no worries about that from me. Glad to see a werewolf who has got love for their wolf side too."

Rowenna: "Well, that's good to know. But I prefer my four-legged form to the one that rolls around when I run into a full moon. It's...less then pleasant...and the whole reason I'm here to begin with. Damn curse...I don't mind it so much now...but I hated it at first."

Vand: "Ah, half form? Most werefolk seem to hold a lot of self loathing. I can see why. But, it is controllable, even on a full moon. But if you're worried and a full moons coming up, stick with me. My armors too thick to claw up or bite, and I'm way tougher than I look, trust me. I'll try and calm you down, give you something more productive to do. And if I can't, I can keep you subdued til it passes."

Rowenna: "You won't mind me trying to use you as a chew toy? In both senses of the word? I wouldn't want to accidentally hurt someone or...bed them so much that they can hardly move the following morning. If you're offering to help, then I'll accept while I have my faculties about me. Whatever productive activities you have, pleaseshare them. I'll take any suggestion. I've learned a little from my elder, but much of my affliction I had to learn for myself. Any new advice is welcome."

Vand: "I literally fucked my entire unit once. You WILL get tired before I do.," smirks Vand, "As for accidentally hurting me, I am not worried. You're new so you don't know my reputation, but if you ask people in the merc business about Jaeger Vand, I am three things. Magical, Unstoppable and Insatiable. Now. As for control, part of the thing every werefolk has to grapple with is that this curse? IT's part of you. That self loathing, that baggage about what you did, that guilt. That’s what's holding you back. Instead of hating it, you have to embrace it as a part of yourself. You need to let it run free, but give limits. Recognize the beast as part of you. Instead of cordoning it off to one side, you need to merge it to your full self. You need to recognize you are the beast and it is you. Beast and human as one. Protect your pack, love your mates, crush your enemies. It doesn't need to be rabid and feral." She stretches a bit, and pulls Rowenna up against her, "Start simple. Relax control at times when you feel secure enough, not so much as you just do whatever, but try to guide it, focus it to a goal. And over time gradually stop thinking of it as separate from you, but as just the part of you that wishes to go back to basics and let it do so to a degree. Everyone could afford some de-complications at times."

Rowenna: "I...suppose I never thought of it like that. Always so afraid of what I might do to others that I never really got a chance to enjoy myself. Always reminding myself of what I lost instead of looking to the future. Find a new pack. Find something to protect and love like I loved when I was just a human. Besides, I have a lot longer to do such things given the stories I heard about werewolf's living longer. So I need to focus on making those two forms work together instead of being afraid of one." She sighed, but she seemed a little calmer now then before. Shed lean against Vand. "Relax control when I'm secure enough, guide it and focus it to a goal...I'll have to remember that. I have a lot to think about." She readjusted herself slightly. "Also, I just realized I left my gear in a grove nearby and I'd rather not leave the tent naked to get it back. Guess I'm sleeping here tonight."

Vand: "More the merrier.," grins Vand, "It's a really big tent. But yeah. Don't rush into it, just move at a pace that you're good at. Challenge yourself but not so much that you go overboard, yeah? It can be a fine line to walk for a bit, but once you got it, you'll be a lot better. And you'll stumble. Trust me, you will. But don't let that scare you into falling back. Learn from what wrong instead. And don't worry. Sometimes, fully appropriate to go hog wild haha. So yeah. Just keep pressing forward and work towards happiness. What Life is about right, being happy and trying to make those you care about happy too, whomever they are. And breeding, but well, that's at everyone’s own pace haha."

Rowenna: "That makes a great deal of sense. Then again, I shouldn't expect otherwise from a mercenary like yourself. You've had a chance to see so much of the world that you have a better understanding then most. Hell, I'm a werewolf and I need to be reminded of things my husband and family tried to teach me. All save for the last part about pressing forward. I lived...well it was pretty terrible. So I had to make the most of it and find happiness where I could. And I almost had it. But I got a fresh start and this is my chance to claim what I lost." She sounded determined, but determination could do little to stave off an approaching yawn. "Damn..didn't realize how tired your furry friend made me."

Vand: "Get some rest. We're working hard in the morning."
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

First Session, 21 May (part one, early departure, Immortals, meeting a Master)
DM62: In the hour before dawn, the group escorting Lord Malius to negotiations with the undead representatives of the Masters of Underfell begins to assemble. Twenty-four of Braxil's finest axe knights, in resplendent silver-tinged steel armor (polished to a mirror shine) are the vanguard of the group. Oddly enough, the practice of never bringing more than fifty soldiers to a negotiation is one that Malgra started' it has become the standard, it seems, as the message from the Masters stipulated no more than fifty warriors (plus mounts) as escort for either side. Lord Malius is already up, his black stallion in barding nearby. There are also standard mounts, including horses and ponies, available for the characters if desired. Chu'Gris is leading a war bull, his own mount, to the group as well.

Vand was mounted on Roland, in her full armor, keeping near Lord Malius, using some air magic to feel ahead for anything corporeal and hidden. She trusted Simone to handle the other end of things.

Miter: After the rather crazy night, the goblin quietly worked her way onto one of the ponies. She grumbled a little as she had to ride to keep up, but she was mostly watching the surroundings, flintlocks loaded on her hip and a pair of goggles snapped around her head.

Sarah: Sitting on her own horse, behind her personal bodyguard Siegfried, is Sarah, her arms gently wrapped around the thick, all-encompassing suit of armor he is clad in, the imposing knight staring straight ahead, or at least, he should be, but it's hard to tell beneath that pointed visor. Hanging from the saddle is his thick, round shield, and at his hip is a longsword. Sarah herself has a small quarterstaff in the belt of her yukata, and her fluffy ears and tail give away just what race of creature she is.

Don shrugged his shoulders, cracking his back a few times in the process that was muffled by the heavy armour he wore. He didn't have a mount, if only because he was fairly sure his weight ontop of his armour would break the spines of one of most creatures if he sat on them, but luckily he was no stranger to long, and when needed, very fast walks to places where his job might be.

Rowenna also was on foot like Don, having redressed in the early morning and retrived her weapons. In her hand was her shield and short halberd with the rifle slung over her shoulder in case of emergencies. Her armor was not nearly as imposing or fancy as her companions, the fur and leather combination being a matter of ease for transformation.

Vand: "You know, you can share a seat with me, Rowenna."

DM62: Standing near Lord Malius, leading her own horse by the bridle, is the dark-haired kitsune known to the previous night's arrivals as Simone. She spots Sarah and her bodyguard... and gives them a polite nod as she mounts up. On the back of her saddle is an Eastern banner, denoting her as the representative of the Scaletail Islands at these negotiations. There is also a small group of four under elves, riding massive purple-and-red spider mounts. They nod to the rest of the group, grateful for the pre-dawn departure. Simone gestures. "Lord Malius, this is Sarah, also of the Dragonkin Empire, and her bodyguard Siegfried. And if I'm not mistaken, that is Don, the son of Thraexyra of House Audaxia, as well as Braxis." The black-bearded, muscular knight nods. "A pleasure to finally meet you, Sarah. I received word you would be joining us for the war... looks like you'll be here for the peace instead, if all goes well. And... Don? I know and admire your parents. I worked with Thrae during the War of the Burning Kingdoms, and I met Braxis in the aftermath of the Battle of Grand Forge. Fine people. How is Thrae these days?"

Rowenna: "I'm fine walking, Vand. I like to stretch my legs."

DM62: Simone raises an eyebrow. "We do have horses if you would like to ride, Rowenna. But it is only five miles."

Vand: "Mostly thinking about speed if we get ambushed. But I guess your bow is too big for mounted archery anyways."

Rowenna: "Exactly. I'm use to walking long distance anyway, so it's no big deal. Not like we're crossing the length of the continent."

Sarah: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Mallus. Say hello, Siegfried." the Kitsune says, the armored knight in front of her turning to look at Mallus, and raise a hand in greeting, before returning it to the reins. "You'll have to excuse him. Siegfried doesn't talk much." she says, a smile on her face. "It's an honor to be here, regardless of the circumstances." she says, giving a short, knowing glance at Simone.

Don: "My mother has taken to exploring the Spiderbloom more and more these days." Don said in response to his mother's old adventuring partner. "Though I must admit I haven't seen her in a year or so, my own adventures have left me just as roaming as she is most of the time."

DM62: Chu'Gris clears his throat. "It's Lord Malius, not Sir Malius. Protector of the People of Braxil-" Lord Malius nods, "Thank you, Chu'Gris, but I'm sure Lady Sarah meant no offense. And Lady Simone explained that you might be bringing someone... peculiar... along, Sarah." He has a small smirk. "Well... I'm glad to hear that Thrae is well, at least. When next you see her, tell her that she's more than welcome to visit Braxil, especially if these negotiations go well. Chu'Gris, are we ready to ride?" The old orc nods, still giving Sarah a disapproving look, then mounts his war bull, leading the expedition north.

Sarah: "Indeed. I meant no offense, Sir Orc." the Kitsune says, lowering her head in what could be taken as a respectful bow. "Yes. Siegfried is quite peculiar, aren't you?" she says, patting his side gently, as he grunts and ushers the horse to begin moving, following the old orc. "So tell me, Lord Mallus. What other countries besides the Dragonkin Empire and the Underelves have decided to assist you? I would very much like to learn all that I can while I am here. Do not feel pressured to answer, though. I'm just being nosy." she says, a playful smirk on her face.

Vand: "Always ready, Milord."

DM62: Lord Malius nods. "Well, we've been receiving assistance in trade from Grand Forge, Kalifer, and Forest's Heart. They're still reeling from the devastation of the last great war, so sending troops is somewhat out of the question, but King Magmahammer has been providing us with much-needed dwarven-forged weapons and armor. Kalifer officially released us from our status as a Kaliferian colony, making our freedom legal, if not true in practice. And Forest's Heart has provided us with food stuffs and alternate lumber supplies, using their druidic magic to sustainably give us more high-quality wood. But as far as sending troops, well... all we have are scattered volunteers from the Underlands and from the Dragonkin Empire. For which we are most grateful." Simone takes the opportunity to ride a little closer to Vand, murmuring, "You seem a little..." her voice gets quieter.

Don nodded as he listened, he was rather sure his mother would come visit Braxil on her own given her tendency to pop out of 'spider holes' at random whenever she felt like it. He just hoped this wouldn't end up coming to a fight, most of his skills was fighting 1vs1 or himself and a few farmers verse a camp of bandits. He wasn't entirely sure how he'd handle getting into a straight up fight with lots of people around on both sides.

Sarah: "I will be sure to convey your gratitude to the Emperor, on returning home, Lord Mallus. I firmly believe that both our countries can benefit from a strong bond of friendship, and what better way to forge that than to ensure you maintain your freedom?" the Kitsune says with a smile, her fluffy tail swishing behind her.

DM62: "Malius," corrects Chu'Gris, but Lord Malius stops him with a chuckle. "I agree, Sarah. And I'm looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship with the Dragonkin Empire. Their support has been invaluable. The same can be said for the Vast Empire of the Spiderbloom. The Under Elves have helped to keep Underfell from exploiting their tunnels to attack us at will." The under elves give a polite nod at the recognition. "Our Houses and yours are aligned in this cause... Underfell is not merely an oppressor of your people, but in time could be a threat to all lands. Even if they offer peace today... I would keep my dagger clutched in hand."

Rowenna: "And secure lucrative trade deals with a fledgling nation." The north woman stated rather bluntly. "Or at least trade when they start getting their economy running good and proper. Of course, I can't see anyone wanting to share with powers like the Masters. Left unchecked, undead are like cockroaches"

Sarah: "See, the Underelves know exactly how to behave." Sarah says with a chuckle. "Peace is not eternal, Lord Malius. It never will be. So one must always keep themselves ready in the event that a peaceful ally becomes a hostile neighbor. Not to tell you how to behave, of course, but that is merely my view on the situation." the Kitsune says simply, her her flattening against her head when Rowena speaks. "Not all undead are evil..."

Rowenna: "No offense, friend, but I haven't found a good one in my travels yet. And I was more refering to the undead the Masters control. Whole armies can be raised at a whim and they must be kept in check."

Sarah: "Oh yes. Necromancy of that scale is very dangerous. And highly effective. For every enemy soldier lost to them is another added to their number. It can easily spiral out of control if you aren't quick and effective."

DM62: The meeting is set to take place in an open field, near an abandoned keep. Sir Malius sends a few scouts to investigate the keep, along with Simone--they report that it is empty of both the living and the dead. Then another procession can be seen entering the field from the North. What look to be humans, in perfect physical condition and wearing gold armor, are marching in flawless formation toward the meeting. Forty in all, foregoing mounts, and then eight more marching behind them, carrying a rather massive and ornate throne of ivory and gold. A hooded figure is seen sitting atop the throne, with a smaller cushioned chair of sorts next to it, holding another figure that's somewhat hard to make out. Sir Malius scowls. "Immortals. We never fought one of them during the war. I... I had hoped they were legend, to be quite honest."

Sarah: "Immortals, Lord Malius?" Sarah asks the man, in a low tone so as not to be heard by the approaching delegation.

Rowenna: "Even when they should be humble in negotiation, they put on such a gaudy and useless display. Pathetic." The northwoman was not impressed by the gold armor or the figure on the throne. It was all useless pageantry

Vand: "A little... Quiet? Yeah, concentrating for ambushes." Vand watches the area further

Miter: The goblin, having been bored with all this chatting about lineages and bloodlines and what have you, holds towards the back of the procession now the potential threats were in sight. She pulls out a notepad, quietly working figures and other things in her head in case she had to jury-rig something quickly

Don himself remains quite, not having much to comment. He had to admit though the undead were rather unnerving. Like Vand though he was darting his eyes around the area, making sure nothing was going to come and try to stab them in the sides.

DM62: "Immortals are said to be the ultimate undead creation, from a physical standpoint. Warriors in the peak of their lives who meet an untimely end... or who volunteer. Their bodies are preserved perfectly, even enhanced. They are... quite literally as perfect as warriors can be, from a physical perspective, and they have their own will, though it is bent to the whims of the Masters. A terrifying opponent... I've never even heard of one being defeated in combat. Slowed, perhaps... not defeated." Lord Malius grits his teeth, quietly waiting as the procession nears. The hooded figure looks to be... rather diminutive, sitting atop the gold and ivory throne. On the cushioned seat just beneath the throne is what looks to be... a chimera, resting in the cushions but quietly watching the other group.

Vand: "...Daaaaw, lookit the cute little chimera! I didn't realize they came that small!"

Rowenna: "And the woman on the seat seems...rather small. I thought the Masters were the great and powerful figures towering over their minions. That hardly seems right. But Immortals, I've heard all the stories. I understand wanting to be kept perfect and made stronger...but giving up your humanity for a small slice of power? You lose what it means to be human and are bent to the will of a greater power."

Sarah: "There is one way to defeat an Undead abomination, no matter how powerful it is." the Kitsune says with a smirk. "Rip out its soul and it falls to pieces. The best way to stop a necromancer's creation is with another necromancer." she says with a swish of her tail, looking at the small figure atop the throne, and the tiny Chimaera, seeming to focus on it, never having seen such a creature before.

Don raised an eyebrow. Wondering what a Chimera was doing all the way up here instead of in the underelf lands. Maybe it was somehow related to his mother's Chimera? Or it was just sold off by someone and he was making a link that didn't exist. Either way now he was really not hoping to fight given these immortals were apparently some serious force. It might be entertaining, but he'd rather not get killed just for a good fight.

Sarah motions gently for her bodyguard to move the horse closer to Lord Malius, whispering something in his ear.

Don squinted his eyes a bit, and then put it together. It wasn't just related to his mothers chimera. It was Vel. He would have waved to his sorta aunt/grandmother but he figured the situation was a bit too serious for such a thing.

DM62: The eight immortals kneel, gently lowering the throne to the ground, and remaining on their knees. The hooded figure rises, pulling back her hood... it's a beautiful, blonde gnome. She smiles at the group. "Lord Malius. Regulus. It's been too long, my dear." Lord Malius is wearing a frown. "Jenna... Lady Jenna, I suppose. Or is it... Mistress Jenna? I heard you were living with the Masters. I didn't expect to discover that... that you had become one of them. I thought one had to die, first." The chimera also waves. "Hi Don! Hi Regulus!" She rises from her cushioned seat, joining Jenna as she walks down the ivory stairs to meet with the group.

Vand: "Aw, she's a cutey...."

Sarah clenches the straps of her bodyguard's armor in fear at seeing how devoted these so-called Immortals were, her bodyguard growling behind the visor of his helm. "Shush you." she says, tapping him on the back as she looks at the gnome and chimaera warily.

Vand: "Both of em. I mean, powerful as hell but still."

Miter: The goblin raises an eyebrow at the odd meeting, but she keeps calculating. A spring here, a launching pad there...

Rowenna: Well, seems many of these people knew each other in one form or another either through family blood or past companions. Fw of these members must have been part of that whole war 15 or so years ago. She was stil young at the time, her people thankfully out of the way of the greater fighting.

Vand: "Hm... But if she's her, that makes her... Yeah, we can probably put the weapons away, we'd be fucking dead if they wanted us."

DM62: The chimera bounds ahead of Jenna, and Vel practically pounces the minotaur, wrapping him up in a fierce hug. "I missed you, little bull. I miss Thrae, too. Everyone seems to have drifted apart. Not fair. People shouldn't do that," she looks at the gnome reprovingly. Jenna smiles. "I don't want you dead. And we honestly didn't want to fight you in the first place... sort of. But yes, I am a Master, now. Death is not a pre-requisite. Only a certain level of mastery over Undeath, that mortals find it difficult to achieve. Nor am I the first living Master, though I am the only one currently alive." Sir Malius sighs, nodding and dismounting to move forward and greet his old companion.

Vand: "Soooo. Cuddles now?," says Vand wryly

Sarah smirks as she watches the chimaera pounce Don, patting her bodyguard on the back. "Stay here, Siegfried." she says, the large man grumbling as she dismounts alongside Lord Malius. "So who exactly is this Gnome, Lord Malius? She seems to be an old friend of yours."

Don squawked in surprise when Vel jumped down and glomped him. Still he hugged the chimera back. "Missed you too Vel, and has Mom not stopped by to see you recently? I know she's been getting rather into her realm wandering but would have thought she'd drop by you the most."

DM62: Vel grins. "Yes. Cuddles." Lord Malius nods in response to Sarah. "This is Guinevere Dvolyr, who accompanied us on our quest to fight Malgra, some fifteen years ago. She's the mother of the heir to Grand Forge... and evidently she's become a Master." He moves forward, taking Jenna's hand and kissing the top of it, in a formal greeting. Jenna nods. "Stuffy as always, Regulus. But yes... we never really wanted to win this war. I've got with me a writ, declaring Braxil to belong to the living inhabitants, so long as they respect the tunnels and delvings that belong to the Masters, under the surface. Even the surface of Underfell will belong to you... but the tunnels beneath are still governed by the Masters." Vel grunts. "Thrae came by about four weeks ago... time travels weirdly, she said. I'll say it travels weirdly... it's been four weeks, already!"

Vand: "Heh. Interesting. She say much about what she's seen, Miss Vel?"

Don: "Well not like Mom really has much worries about the issues of time." Don mumbled to himself. "But that sounds like mom. Just hope she isn't stumbling into anything weirder then usual."

Sarah: "Oh my." the Kitsune says, bowing respectfully to Jenna. "It is an honor to make your acquaintance, Lady Dvolyr. I am Sarah Softail." she says, her fluffy tail lowering with her bow. "Forgive my impudence, but I cannot help but wonder why you would cede such a vast area of land..."

Vand: "Politicy reasons probably."

Miter: With this apparently ending peacefully, the goblin shrugs, stuffing her notepad back into her vest and letting them blather on now.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

First Session, 21 May (part two, negotiations, betrayal, pursuit, the Pit)
DM62: "Not really. She told me a little... but it all sounds weird. She said that other worlds and realms could be reached. And she found Queen Phyrra, but now she's dead because thrull have short lives, almost as short as a normal chimera, and time does that weird thing." Vel sighs, still hugging Don close. Sir Malius raises an eyebrow in surprise. "It didn't seem like you were fighting the war to lose it. You sent out your army... one-hundred thousand strong, to crush the living opposition. We were always outnumbered." Jenna has a wry smile. "You fought well, indeed. Against a quarter of our armies. The Masters wanted to ensure that Braxil was strong enough to stand on its own... they have no interest in ruling a rebellious kingdom, but they see no reason to release Braxil, unless it is strong enough to survive. Which I believe you have proven." The gnome turns to Sarah. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Sarah. I believe my response to your question was already being typed when your player pressed the 'enter' key."

Rowenna: "Interesting." The northwoman would remain rather quiet and sit back, observing the interactions. Almost like a big family reunion. Of sorts. Wait...would that mean she had two titles if she was the mother of the heir of the Dwarven capital? She wasn't one for politics so she remained quiet.

Vand: "Yup. Figured. Well, not new to me."

Don sighed. "Mom always was worried over Phyrra." The thrull queen was like the sister he had never ever seen going by the way Thrae went on about her, but still it was rather sad to hear the woman had passed on already. "Mom's probably upset and taking it out on some other place."

Sarah: "I see. I can understand the logic behind your Masters and their methodology." the Kitsune says as she looks over at the minotaur and the Chimaera, then back at Jenna. "Allow me a simple question. What do you intend to do from here? Surely you do not mean to remain sequestered beneath the ground, hidden from the rest of the world?"

Vand: "Oh they'll find something else to manipulate I'm sure.," chuckles Vand.

DM62: Simone dismounts as well, moving up behind Lord Malius, one hand resting gently on the hilt of her katana. Jenna shrugs. "We will quietly return to teaching and studying the mysteries of life, death, and un-death. The realm of Anti-Life Mysteries is not fully explored... and even should we finish with that field of study, there are other realms than these. Both deeper... and beyond." One of the under elves dismounts as well, moving closer to the gathering as the representative of his people in the conflict. "We have heard much, even in my own House, of the Mistress Jenna and her part in the last great war." She smiles at Jenna and gives a small bow as she nears the gnome.
Vel nods. "That sounds like Thrae. I do sometimes miss the days when it was just the two of us." The chimera sighs.

Vand: "Huh. Well that's a thing."

Sarah: "I see. It is a shame that the world is so against necromancy and the pursuit of defeating mortality. You seem like a nice person, and your pursuits sound rather noble." the Kitsune says with a smile. "Just so long as the majority of the Masters remain peaceful and understanding. What do you think, Simone? I don't think our Emperor has any problem with this accord, do you?" she asks, looking over at the other Kitsune.

Miter: There was something about the way the elf was moving that was making Miter... concerned. Silently, her flintlocks slid free, ready just in case something happened.

Rowenna: Rownna too would notice the rather strange behavior Simone was displaying and she'd remain cautious, a glance every so often to ensure things were on the level. She didn't want the worst to happen after things had come so far.

Don didn't seem to notice, he was too busy catching up with his aunt/grandmother.

DM62: Vel gives a huff as she notices the under elf nearing the negotiations, untangling herself from Don and moving toward Jenna quietly, some of her fur bristling. At this point the under elf flicks open her cloak, a pair of short swords in hand, slicing at Jenna. Jenna ducks back, and the Immortals charge forward, weapons at the ready, but Malius is closer, bringing his gauntleted fist to the under elf's head. The under elf grunts, slashing back and upward, before Lord Malius punches her hard in the face, sending blood and teeth flying. The other under elves have produces crossbows, their massive spider mounts rearing up, as they attempt to shoot down the gnome and human lord.

Vand sighs a bit and shifts, watching a bit. Man. It was starting to look like it would have been a really nice day too. Well. Here we go. She holds up a hand, attempting to make a wall of wind around the two targets, to fling the bolts up into the sky. "Seriously? I saw the former coming but you're gonna kill him too? Biiiig mistake."

Sarah: "Siegfried!" Sarah calls out, her bodyguard growling as he leaps off the horse, much the the chagrin of the beast, and moves to stand between her and the underelves. "Protect Lord Malius, Siegfried." she says, patting him on the back, the armored hulk moving to protect the Human lord as Sarah looks for Jenna amidst the confusion, intent on protecting her as well.

Miter: The goblin's pistols blast out as the elves show their colors, having already been trying to level at the elf that went after Jenna. However, she didn't quite have the speed to do more than that volley, so she'd duck down behind her pony, rapidly tugging out a powder horn to reload.

Don, having been freed from Vel, wasn't about to let shit go like this. Using his heavy armour and thick hide he'd move to try to get a defensive position between Malius and Jeanna and the underelves. His body could handle an arrow or two, even if it'd probably hurt like a bitch. At the same time he'd throw out a lightning bolt to one of the crossbow wielding elves.

Rowenna: The wolf woman hardly had time to react as she brought her shield foward and pushing towards the crossbowman. "Fucking cowards. No honor in you underground wretches."

DM62: Don takes a crossbow bolt to his right thigh, sinking into his thick hide as he moves to intervene. Miter's volley lands a bullet in the under elf's back, and she grunts, only for Simone to draw her katana and separate the under elf's head from her body in a single, fluid stroke. Siegfried takes another arrow, sinking into his neck, but it doesn't even seem to slow down the armored warrior, who moves to block further bolts. Another pair of crossbow bolts fly off harmlessly, deflected by the rising wall of wind. The mounted under elves turn, their spider mounts carrying them away at a rapid pace. One of them turns, sending a blast of lightning that knocks down one of the armored Braxilian knights who has neared the under elves.

Vand: "Now that's just unfair Rowenna, you don't announce to your prey that you're there when hunting do you? No, don't begrudge their tactics. Rather, mourn their foolishness and don't shoot through the middle, you'll run into the same problem I am giving them. Shoot the runners."

Don: "Well that stings." Don said with a small growl, but he wouldn't let a single arrow slow him down. Instead he threw out more lightning bolts, and if any underelf got close he'd start swinging at them with his axe, continuing to hold that defensive position for the important people in this meeting turned battle.

Rowenna: "I'm calling them what they are, Vand. Nothing more. Only those pitiful cave dwellers would seek to ruin a worlds chance at peace." She tossed her weapons down and unslung her rifle, taking at at the retreating forces. It was a tricky shot and she wasn't sure she could pull it off, but she'd take it anyway. She'd get her breathing under control, take aim and squeeze the trigger ever so gently.

Miter: With a click of hammers, the flintlocks have returned to Miter's hands, and she lets them bark out at the retreating hoard in a halfhearted manner. She doubted by the time the balls got there they'd dent it too much. "Gits, the lot of em," the goblin grumbles.

Sarah looks towards the Immortals, hoping to see at least some indication Jenna is safe, and once she does, she turns back to the fleeing under elves, and to the now-dead delegate that Simone so effortlessly dispatched. "Nice to know that Lord Malius and Lady Dvolyr are doing something right. If they weren't, they'd not need to send assassins to stop them."

Vand: "Yeah you're a little inexperienced, new blood, so I'll just tell you you're dead wrong on that one. They're breaking one set of peace but the under elves ain't monolithic.," says Vand, maintaining the wind barrier to protect her charges, "And there's plenty folks who would rather have things their way than peaceful. Good people and bad people. Don't pretend we're better than them. Right now we're defnding peace but one day we'll be breaking it up. That's life."

DM62: Rowenna's shot takes down one of the under elves. The other two under elves and the four large spiders are fleeing. Chu'Gris, axe in hand, climbs atop his war bull. "Well? We have to give chase!" Simone nods, quickly moving back into her saddle. "Yes... bulls and horses are still faster than spiders. Come on." Lord Malius nods, though his hand is clutching a small nick on his neck. "Get them. We need to know... why they did this... and what their back-up plan is."

Sarah: "Siegfried! Mount up!" Sarah says, the armored man moving to step up into the saddle, as he helps Sarah up behind him, the Kitsune grabbing the base of the bolt buried in the chink of his armor's neck and scoffing. "Crossbows are so brutish and unsavory." she mutter as she tosses the bolt aside, clean as a whistle.

Rowenna: "I didn't see anyone else try to break up the negotiations. Only those damn knife ears. They play at this pathetic game of deception and manipulation and they feel the need to spread it upwards. Make our world as miserable and decrepit as theirs. I'll have more sympathy for them when they aren't such massive cunts."

DM62: Vel growls, about to give chase, but Jenna stops her. "You're a little old to be chasing down every dog that bares his teeth, my love. Besides... someone has to keep me safe. And the Immortals are wonderful, but they're not as keen as my Vel." Vel sighs, nuzzling the gnome.

Vand: "Malius, check for poison. Get the medic team up here. Any injury from an under elf should be investigated. I'm sure Miss Vel and Mistress Jenna have something to help. Rowenna, on Roland, now. We hunt."

Miter: The goblin frowns a little, even as she holds her pony's reigns, having never dismounted. "Shouldn't one of us stick around in case this is a feint to draw people away from em?

Rowenna said nothing else and climbed up on Roland. All the while she was reloading her rifle, a rather length process

DM62: Chu'Gris shakes his head. "Twenty-four knights and over forty Immortals. Sir Malius and Mistress Jenna are the safest people in the world right now."

Vand: "He's right. At worst they bring a mage and nuke em but by the time we see that it'll be too late. Let's get going, times wasting." She promptly send Roland a running after them.

Miter: "Fair enough," the goblin replies, and quickly kicks her steed into gear.

Don took chase as well figuring the weight of numbers back with Vel and them would see them through. Though he still felt a pit in his gut at the idea of leaving his mother's friends and Vel out of his sight in an active combat zone.

Sarah: "Siegfried. Hunt and neutralize.." the Kitsune says, as the armored figure spurs the horse into action, the beast taking off after the fleeing spiders at top speed.

DM62: There's a tunnel, looking recently dug, wide enough for one of the spiders with rider, or for two riders on horses abreast. The spiders and under elves clamber into the tunnel, hurriedly moving to leave their pursuers behind.

Rowenna: "Give me a clear line and I can have another o those fools eating dirt before they realize what hit them."

Sarah: "Keep chasing them, Siegfried. I'll not let a bunch of elves ruin everything!" the Kitsune says as the armored figure lashes the rains to charge ahead as fast as the beast can go, the Kitsune holding onto him tightly.

Miter: "Welp, guts and glory!" the goblin mutters, spurring her steed forward faster with her freshly-loaded weapons ready, trying to get inrange with them before they went into an area she really shouldn't go.

Don would continue to throw lightning bolts, it was really the only thing the minotaur could do at range and even if it didn't kill the shocks would lock up muscles and hopefully make the enemy trip and fall.

DM62: At the back of the under elf formation is the lightning mage, who uses similar magicks to fend of Don's attacks... but he seems to be losing, occasionally taking a singe or a jolt as Don's spells break through. The air seems... thin... in the tunnel, and the rock walls seem to almost shift around the party as they bolt through the darkened area after the fleeing under elves. At first, the group is surrounded by rich black soil, and the grey granite characteristic of Braxil... but then the rock turns into a reddish color, and it begins to feel rather warmer. Chu'Gris on his bull is closing on the enemy, as is Sarah with Siegfried atop her horse.

Vand grunts, looking ahead. "This doesn't look good guys, watch yourselves!"

Rowenna: Damn. She was used to shooting in light like this. Especially against moving targets and while magic is being flung like rocks. And best of all, she'd notice the change in the rock and soil color. Wasn't it much darker then before? Why is it red? And why is it warm. And why is the air so thing? All questions she kept asking in her head. "This...This isn't right."

Sarah reaches forward, grabbing the reins of her own horse. "Leave a survivor or two. We wanna know why they did this" she says to the orc beside her, as Siegfried draws his sword, and prepares to strike at the spider ahead of them. "Be ready back there. Might be a bit of a mess."

Miter: "Odd, this doesn't really look like sandstone..." the goblin murmers, even as she keeps riding with the others.

DM62: The party finds themselves in a great red pit... what looks to be a circular arena. There is jeering from above them... and the tunnel behind them no longer seems to exist. Above the group, standing at the top of the red pit, about thirty feet up the red stoneface stand... odd creatures, roughly humanoid, but with what seem to be unusual mutations. They're in all different colors... red skin, purple skin, white skin... but most of them seem to have bows or crossbows trained on the party. And trained on the under-elves. There ARE two exits to the pit on the party's level, but they're made of some sort of reddish metal, with small, barred windows.

Don: "Ohh god we found the molemen, I knew they existed." Don said as he looked at the pit they found themselves in.

Sarah: "Eeek. What the hells?!" Sarah asks with no small hint of shock in her voice. "Uhm...Anyone else have any idea what just happened?!"

Miter's pony naturally panics, and quickly bucks the goblin, who lands with a loud clatter of metal and yelping. "What the... Goddesses above and below..." the small woman mumbles, looking in confusion and shock around them.

Vand: "Goddess got nothing to do wiht this. Honey we ain't in Kalifer anymore.," says Vand, staring up at the lot

Rowenna: "I've seen a lot in my day and all manner of beasts great and small. Hunted lots of them too. But never in my days have I see this. Least they look a sight better then the under elves." She was still quite bitter in that regard and couldn't help but make that jab. "Stick close Miter. Use my shield if you want. Might even be enough for your whole body."

DM62: At this point the somewhat disoriented party looks up... and realizes that there's a massive orange sun in the sky, hanging over the pit. A black-cloaked figure moves to the edge of the pit, looking down... then moves over to a massive red-skinned warrior, whispering in her ear. The red-skinned female warrior, horns atop her head, grins down at them. "Welcome, guests. Welcome to the Pit." She glances over at the under elves. "And you... I presume that you failed." The under elves seem to blanch as they look up, and the red-skinned warrior laughs loudly. "Drop your weapons, all of you. And perhaps you shall have the opportunity to live a little longer."

Sarah shivers as her bodyguard maintains hold of his weapons, pressing into the small of his back and trying to hide herself, gently patting his armor, causing him to release his shield and sword with a groan.

Don: "....." Don looked at everything going on and sigh, dropping his axe. Not like his armoured fists and his lightning magic weren't dangerous in there own right anyways.

Miter: There's a similar grimace from the goblin, dropping flintlocks off to each side with a grunt. She still had the massive pack of random bits and bobs, but clearly that'd be hard to get right now for a quick escape...

Rowenna: Damnit. This is not what she needed today. Her halberd hit the ground with her shield, her rifle following shortly after. And of course, the knife ears were involved in this damn mess and now they wer gonna get them killed or worse.

Vand shrugs and drops her blade. She wasn't too worried. "Does our captor have a name?"

DM62: Chu'Gris growls up at the figures. "The only way you will ever take my axe... is by winning it, in a fair duel." Simone nods. "The same for my katana. You are not worthy, red beast." The figures atop the pit focus, readying to shoot the party down. Then the red-skinned warrior laughs. "Very well... the honor-bound sort. If you promise not to use your axe... and you promise not to use your katana, except in a duel? Then, sure. You can keep them on you. But the rest of your friends will be shot dead if they pick up a weapon without my consent." She grins at the armored warrior. "And yes. I have a name. I am Muhr. I am your new owner... well... technically you belong to the Great Mondur and Athullia. But I am the highest person who will show you much actual interest." The under elves look about, warily, training their weapons on the party. "No," the red-skinned warrior intones, "you will also drop your weapons. You have failed... and you shall be questioned."

Vand: "Heh... We'll see."

Don's eyebrow twitched. Just who the hell were these people anyways? "And how may I ask have we become owned? And what is the path toward freeing ourselves of said ownership?"

Vand stretches a bit, sizing up the woman. Yeah. See who owned who by the end of this. Then she'd get some answers.

Sarah whimpers as the red woman speaks, leaning out just enough to look up at her with one eye, rather wary of this strange creature.

Miter: "Mondur? Athullia? What in the Goddess's name are you blathering about?!?" was Miter's response, frowning all the while. "And seriously, lady. Get an aloe plant, you got sunburn something terribad."

Rowenna: "Those are names I'm...not familiar with. But whoever they are, I can't say I'm fond of the fact I'm owned. My people don't do well in captivity. The north gave us freedom and I'm none to keen about losing it."

Sarah: "These strange creatures..." Sarah mutters out as she looks over at Simone as if to confirm something. "I don't think these people are from Kalifer. Or that we're even IN Kalifer anymore..."

Vand: "Well generally speaking slaves generally don't WANT to be owned, new blood. Play it by ear. Cus right now it's not like we got a choice, right? Looks that way, Miss Sarah."
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

First Session, 21 May (part three, Argast, nether beasts, nether cultists, a smuggler)
DM62: Simone nods. "Yes. This is... this is all wrong." Muhr chuckles. "I will permit our beast-tamer to explain to you. Guards, take the under-elves and the spiders to their own cells. And let Argast into the pit. Let him explain to his fellow... Kalferius people... or whatever... let him explain their new reality. I want to interrogate our under elf failures as fast as possible." The under elves turn white as a sheet, but move along to comply, dropping their weapons and dismounting. More horned creatures emerge, pulling the under elves and spiders in through the opened red-metal doors. A small lizard-like humanoid creature, wearing a red-metal collar about his neck, approaches the party. "Relax... I'm a slave too. Just... here to explain things to you poor sods."

Vand: "Heh, don't worry, not my first rodeo in the slave arena, friend. Why don't you give us the run down so we can get this ball rolling. And a beast master huh? Well, this is Roland. Figure you'd wanna know."

Sarah grabs hold of Siegfried's armor as he raises a fist, the armored man growling threateningly. "Pardon stupid here. He's a little too overprotective." the Kitsune says as she clambers up his back and sits on his shoulder. "So, what's the deal here, little guy?"

Miter: "Hey! A thing-thing!" the goblin pipes up, noticing the creature and making a remark in the similar verbal tick many a kobold has. "How did you get to... whatever is here... Seriously, I got no idea what happened, dammit I'm a tinker not a magician..."

Don noticed something, this seemed...similiar atleast to something he heard. "....Did we pass through the bloom? I didn't see any webs though..."

Vand: "Probably went through the same way we did. But yeah, I'd love to be enlightened if you got the answer. If not..." She glanced back the way their "owner" went. Not that once could tell to well given her faceless helm. "It was no bloom, believe you me. Bloom feels different."

Rowenna: "Bloom? I feel like we would have felt that. This was a much quicker shift. Either way, we have new problems to settle into for now."

DM62: The kobold shrugs. "I'm Argast, like Mistress Muhr explained. And... well... the Spiderbloom is not the only way through the Rift. At least... that's how they say it, sometimes." He sighs. "So... you're in the Riftlands, now. There's a lot of history there, but... they've got Nether Beasts here, instead of the Aetherius Goddesses. Not sure if they're as powerful, or more powerful, or less powerful... but they physically exist here, in this realm! Anyway... this is the Blood-Lust pit. Property of followers of Athullia and Mondur. Mondur is the Nether Beast of Rage and Berserkers. Athullia is the Nether Beast of Transformation... and Hedonism. Lust. Fucking." He pauses, giving the group a chance to ask him questions.

Vand: "...So we're in a gladiator arena which is an orgy of sex and violence. Man, it's my birthday all over again.," says Vand amusedly, "So, what can we expect to be in for? I assume we've been drafted as gladiators/pleasure slaves and are gonna go through a testing thing?"

Sarah: "Wait. What." Sarah asks, her bodyguard reaching a hand up to make sure she was secure on his shoulder. "You're saying we're in a place where gods exist in physical form? How many of them are there? What do they govern?" the Kitsune asks, clearly intrigued and excited, despite the horrible situation.

Miter: The mention of otherworldly realms has left the goblin a little slack-jawed, her eyes bugging slightly at the implication they weren't at home. "...We're not in Kalifer? B-but that's where I kept my stuff..."

Vand: "You say that like the goddesses can't have physical forms.," says Vand wryly, "They're goddesses. They can do what they want. If they can make a world, and everything in it, they can make a flesh suit. They just don't. I'm sure they have stuff here too, Miter."

Rowenna: "You must have had an interesting birthday." She'd comment. "So like Vand said, we're more or less conscripted into this little arena thing thanks to the two big bosses? I must say, the Riftlands is a rather strange place. Gods in the flesh, arena's filled with sex and violence. So why us?"

Vand: "Cus we followed them in?"

Don: "I knew I should have stayed back with Vel..."

Vand: "But you didn't. Focus on the now, stud. Rest isn't gonna help you coming up."

DM62: The kobold nods. "You'll survive... so long as you fight. There ARE rules here, though... they even govern Mistress Muhr to an extent. For example, since you rode in together as allies, you won't have to fight or fuck each other. But every day you'll be given a choice. Fight... or fuck. If you fight poorly, you might get fucked... or killed. If you fuck poorly, you might get killed... or fucked harder. Their favorite thing is to see a loser get fucked... and then killed. It pleases Mondur AND Athullia." He sighs. "As for how I got here, well... I'm not quite sure. I woke up with a bruise, and I don't remember much of how I got here... but they liked my cock, and I have a way with beasts." As if to confirm the kobold's story, Roland licks his cheek, then curls around him protectively. "Alright, big fella, alright. As far as goddesses and nether beasts... well, I've never seen a goddess. But I did see a Nether Beast once... and if you aren't divine, you will be brought to your knees by the awe of the event. And... why you? No idea. You ran through the tunnel, not me. They just... had an idea that folks would be coming."

Vand: "Traitor," says Vand affectionately to her mount, "You know he's a boy right? Or maybe you don't care heh. Well whatever. Alright. So that gives me time and ideas. Where we staying? Cells I imagine. Are the fights generally one on one?"

Sarah: "Well shit! What kind of rules do they have about a loyal servant?" Sarah asks as she pats Siegfried on the head. "Does him being a good fighter count as me being a good fighter? We're never apart for more than a brief spell."

Rowenna: "I take it we aren't the first group to come through here, so I imagine there's alot of other folks handing around here. But hey, at least we have a "choice" in all of this. Just means I'll have to figure out what I'm more in the mood for day to day. So is there an out for this? Any way to leave?"

Miter: The goblin sighs and shakes her head. "So, Sproket Port except the barroom brawls have a schedule. Joyous day..."

DM62: The kobold sighs, leaning back into the fur of Roland, who seems to nuzzle closer in an affectionate (but non-sexual) manner. "Yup, I'm a boy. Doesn't really matter. Animals of all sort are drawn to me. Not a gift I fully understand... but I seem to have some control over it. As for your..." he looks at Siegfried, "servant... I'm not sure. That's an area where Mistress Muhr has some leeway. As for escape, or an out... yeah that never happens. Even if you flee the Pit... there's a forest of living plants above us. Some of them are sentient... and thrive upon the blood of the living. They actually depend upon wanderers and the occasional fleeing captive." He looks at the goblin. "I've been to Sprocket Port and... yeah. That sounds pretty accurate. Sorry."

Vand: "Sure sure.," says Vand, "That's fine though. Right now, I'm exactly where I want to be anyways. Who else is gonna explain the hells going on but her?"

Sarah: "Well then, I'll just have to talk to her and see what she thinks. But being given a choice day to day sounds nice, at least. A small glimmer of freedom amidst eternal slavery." the Kitsune says, seeming rather calm about this whole ordeal.

Miter: "Bah, if that's the best the place can offer than we'll be outta here soon enough," the greenskin girl said with a cocky grin. "Just need the time for a plan to form in this here head..."

DM62: Chu'Gris nods. "So... kill some warriors. And escape. Sounds easy enough." At this point the arrow in Don's leg begins burning somewhat.

Don: "Well, I can fight and fuck." Don said gruffly. "Just a little stepping stone before we're out of here and I can go back to fixing the worlds wrongs for those that can't." Don then remembered he actually had been hit with an arrow, and bent down to check it, unsure if he'd be able to just pull it out or if he'd have to cut it out. "Right that stings a bit."

Sarah: "Oh yes. Escape into a forest of man-eating plants. No thank you! Siegfried and I would rather take our chances being slaves, right Siegfried?" she says, the man nodding his head silently.

Vand looks over and groans, moving over. "Ugh, did you take a hit? Great, it's almsot certainly poisoned. You better hope it's too little to affect something of your size and... Nature. Cus I don't think they're gonna really spring for medical."

Rowenna: "Take your time, my goblin friend. I may want to enjoy this a little and it seems like Vand wants to as well. So yeah, back to other matters. What's our living arrangements going to be like in the meantime? Damp, wet prison cells?"

Vand: "Ooooh, I'll enjoy this, Newblood, but not for the reasons you're thinking.," says Vand firmly, "But one thing at a time."

Sarah: "I estimate prison cells with damp, wet prisoners." the Kitsune says with a giggle, kicking her feet idly.

DM62: "Only if you're damp and wet. The prison cells are solitary. They don't want you all collaborating... speaking of which..." At this point an armed column of guards marches into the Arena, scimitars in hand. Crossbows are still pointed on the group from above. "Ah. Out of time. I will visit when I can!" Roland whines as they collar him, separating him from Vand and Argast.

Miter: "Ah, the welcoming committe. About time. Hey, wonder if they'll let me keep my blueprints or if they're smart enough to see that coming!" the goblin babbles about obvious cliches

Vand: "Better take good care of him.," says Vand to her guards as she stretches. "And I imagine. Well, off we go then. Well if they didn't, they do now that you said it, Miter."

Rowenna: "You better treat Roland right! Freaking pricks." She sighed as she stood in an as unoffensive pose as possible. "Lead the way, I suppose. Not much else we can do now. Yeah, I wouldn't count on it Miter. Gonna have to draw in your head."

Sarah remains on Siegfried's shoulder, her fluffy tail wrapping around the base of his helmet. "We're kind of a packaged deal." she says nervously as Siegfried stands stalwartly, his hand still resting on her thigh to help her keep her seat.

Don decides to bite the bullet and pulls the arrow out. Not like he didn't have blood to spare, and pushing it through would likely be significantly harder. He did make sure to try his hardest to avoid snapping the arrowhead inside his skin though, that would be rather annoying if it did. Once they had to get moving he'd stand back to his tallest and wait for directions

DM62: Argast waves his hands, even as the horned warriors attach a leash to his collar. "The minotaur. He's poisoned! And Mondur and Athullia don't wanna see someone die of poison, alone in their cell!" One of the horned warriors looks up at the minotaur. "That right? You poisoned, cow?" Others are bringing out manacles and collars for the rest of the group, binding those that don't resist. "Be sure to deprive the little green one of her... blue printing materials. Actually... just strip her down." They move to deprive Miter of all of her gear AND clothing.

Don: "Well this arrow was shot by those underelves, so yes, I'm probably poisioned." Don said as he looked down at the horned warrior.

Miter: "H-hey! I was joking! Don't make me start singing shanty songs! You won't like it if I start singing shanty songs!" the goblin protests, but being barely high enough to be a footstool, her odds weren't good at overpowering her attackers.

Vand shrugs, letting herself be bound. "And there it is. That's why you gotta get an internal filter, cutey. I appreciate it, but it can get you in spots like this. But hey, least I get one last look at it before it's solo time."

Sarah pouts and has Siegfried lower her enough to be restrained, knowing that fighting it would be more trouble than it's worth. When they try to collar Siegfried, however, the collar hangs limply around his neck, him seeming not at all concerned as he hefts the kitsune back onto his shoulder.

Rowenna: "Yeash, did you really need to put a collar on us to?" She was a little grumpy about this fact considering her status. But she wouldn't say anything. Last hing she needed was these two creatures exploiting her aflictions

DM62: The horned warrior, who seems to have some rank, looks at the bull. "Poison. Kill him." At this point the kobold rushes forward, pulling his leash from his handler. "WAIT! HE'S IMPORTANT!" One of the warriors backhands the kobold, sending him sprawling onto the red stone, but he rises, moving forward to clutch the leader's leg. She laughs. "And who is this... IMPORTANT one?" She raises a hand, and the warriors with blades drawn seem to pause as she gazes at the kobold for an answer. Meanwhile, the warriors collaring Siegfried glare at him... then one of them pulls off his helmet, revealing a skull. There are gasps, and more weapons are drawn.

Sarah: "Dammit Siegfried I told you to wash your face today!" Sarah says as his skeletal head is reveal, his teeth chittering as she pats him on the head. "Like I said. Package deal. He's my thrall. So without me, he's useless for drawing blood for your god."

Miter: By this point hanging in the hands of one of the monsters in nothing but a vest, Miter is continuing to make a decent, if partly scene. Still, she decides to keep pestering the assholes some more, breaking out in one of the crudish loading shanties that her kin learned during the war. Unfortunately it was in Orcish, so the effect was mostly her speaking gibberish to these things.

Vand: "Kids, if you guys are gonna start threatening my friends, I might get a little cross. And I' start questioning how good a shot your crossbow men are when you're right beside us.," says Vand, standing up to her full height and stepping forwards, glancing at Siegfried. "Huh. Thought so. Anyways, he's important among other things because he is one of the best damn fighters you've ever seen. And even poisoned, you give him no choice, he's going to dismantle every one of you, long before your crossbow men can hrut him enough to matter. Hell, I'll help. And really, what's worth more of your time? Giving a slave an antidote and then letting him die in the arena, or risking your neck because you decided to be less than generous. Cus seriously. His hands bigger than your head. Believe me. You'll want this one healthy if you wanna see the two things this place is built for."

DM62: Chu'Gris rolls his eyes as Miter sings. "Seriously. 'Why Goats Fuck Better Than Dwarf Wenches?' Fel sang that fucking song SO MANY fucking times." He grunts, even as he's cuffed. Simone, also, is cuffed, yet they leave her weapons alone. The leader snarls. "So he's a good warrior. And poisoned. You think we stock antidotes here? If his claim to fame is being a warrior... yeah that won't last long, apparently."

Don: "Ehh, if there aren't antidotes then the poison will probably run its way though my system. A single arrow's tip worth is unlikely to do much to me in the long run." Don said with casual indifference, it wasn't the first time he had been poisoned, and his...extra parentage kept it from really being a problem. "I'll be fine Vand. Though your consideration is welcome."

Miter: "<Not my fault! For some reason that was popular!>" the goblin snarks back, before someone seems to wise up and stuffs her shorts into her gob, securing them with a piece of rope. This left the goblin mutely grumbling and squirming as she's finally contained.

Vand: "...Seriously? Fucks sakes, why do I get the stoic ones. Whatever, look. At this stage we may as well stand her and wait out the poison. He dies he dies. And if he doesn't, we get to the cells. But if you try to kill him before the poison does, then he, and I, will break all your limbs and use you as crossbow cushions. So! Get comfy, or take us to the cells. Cus You aren't getting to kill him. Only he gets to do that clearly."

Sarah: "I've heard a regular Minotaur can take a spear to the chest and keep charging without missing a beat. I highly doubt a tiny bit of poison's going to stop this big fella." the Kitsune says as her fluffy tail swishes behind her. "So when do we get violently thrown into our cells because you're all sadists?"

DM62: "The cells can wait," calls a voice from atop the pit. A purple-skinned, horned male is standing, with the black-robed and hooded figure next to him. "I want to know who you are, bull-man. And who your parents are. Or I order you all slaughtered."

Vand: Damn. So much for avoiding that.

Don looked at the purple skinned deamon, before shrugging. He didn't need to get everyone slaughtered just cause he didn't want to give his parents name. "Thrae and Braxis are my parents. There is no need for us to be slaughtered before we can test the arena."

DM62: The hooded figure leans in, murmuring in the horned man's ear. "And... what is your name, son of Thrae and Braxis?"

Don: "My name is Don."

Vand: "You better pray to the goddesses that you're about to get lucky.," mutters Vand

DM62: "Very Well, Don..." The purple figure pauses. The guards look up at the horned man expectantly, who seems to be weighing his choices. Then the black-robed figure leans in for a moment. The horned male nods once, straightening. "Very Well. Treat him. Take them to their cells. Tomorrow, they each face their choice!" There's applause from those around the pit, as the guards slap manacles and collars onto the rest of the party... until they reach Vand. "Armor off, warrior." Meanwhile, the warriors around Siegfried look to the leader, who shrugs. A heavy club is brought down upon the skeleton, crushing it, and the armor crumples to the ground.

Miter: There was something about that cloaked figure that was rubbing her in all the wrong ways, but there was little Miter could do in her own situation.

Sarah: "You assholes!" Sarah cries out as she topples to the ground atop Siegfried's now-limp form. "I spent a good three days making him!" she shouts as she stands back up, her fluffy ears and tail frizzed out in anger.

Vand: "Ooooh. Well, someones gonna replace him, hope you guys know that.," says Vand as she looks over, before shrugging. "Well then give me a frigging hand with it, it's not like platemail just pulls itself off you know." She says, pulling the helmet off herself and fiddling with the gauntlets, seeming hidden seams there to allow her to start working her way out.

DM62: The guards seem to shrug, moving foward to help undress the Jaeger, and others clamp manacles and a collar onto Sarah.

Sarah pouts as she's manacled. "Next one's going to be twice as strong. And he won't be mindless!" she shouts, clearly miffed at the mistreatment of her loyal servant.

DM62: "Sure, sure," mutters one of the guards, sneaking in a grope of the kitsune's ass and slit.

Vand: Not much difficulty, she's quite naked under the armor, smirking. "You can touch, but any touches you give, I'll give back 10 fold eventually. Just saying."

Sarah: "Hey! Watch it!" Sarah shouts, holding her yukata against her. "You wanna touch, you gotta give me dinner and a night on the town first!"

Rowenna: "Look, do you have to be so grabby, you fucks? I'm with Vand on this one. Any touch and I'll only pay you back in spades later. Then again, standard of guards must be low around here."

DM62: The guards grin at these statements, leading the party off through a set of tunnels and then into a row of cells. They begin pushing each into their cells. The one behind Rowenna, a well-endowed hermaphrodite in scanty armor, chuckles. "If you want... your first day you can fuck me in the Pit. It means you'll live another day, slut."

Vand goes along casually, smirking back at her guard. "Hope you're a real diehard. Cus believe me, I'm gonna make this arena famous. One way or another."

Miter: Still held in the grip of the one guard, Miter continues to twitch and growl, struggling with her bonds.

DM62: Vand's guard grins. "Planning on THAT many babies, eh?" He pushes her into a cell, slamming a red-metal door shut behind her.

Sarah grumbles as she's escorted and shoved into her cell, pouting as she sits on the floor and crosses her legs.

Vand: "Yeah. Or that many guards holding their backsides in the afterlife saying, that's where she touched me, before I exploded.," smirks Vand coldly, "So. Be. Nice."

DM62: "Oh, I'll be nice, dearie." He grins through the bars, then leaves her. Sarah receives a similar offer... to fuck the guard the next day, or be forced to fight for her life. Miter also receives a similar offer.

Miter is of course muted, but manages to offer her own response- two middle fingers raised long and hard in the guard's face. Slut she may be, but these... things weren't getting it that easy! She needed a plan....

Sarah: "Oh I'll fuck you tomorrow. I'll fuck you so hard you'll be begging for mercy." the Kitsune says with a growl, moving to sit on the bed and pout, more angry that her thrall was so easily dispatched.

Vand moves to her bed, leaning against the wall with a smirk. Well. So far so good. Now just had to get answers, then get out. She'd need to talk to the beastmaster some more though. Hm.

DM62: There's a voice from inside Vand's cell, as she's shoved inside. "May I presume you've brought an early meal? Or perhaps a pity fuck for the blind man?" A gray-bearded man, with a cloth over his eyes, smiles from under dirty, grey curls. The guard pauses, then shrugs. "Maybe you can kill or fuck each other tonight. Not my problem we're overcrowded." She slams the door shut, leaving Vand alone with the stranger.

Vand: "...Heh. Eh, won't be a pity fuck. If we fuck, it'll be cus I wanna. That said, can offer you some fresh water probably. Vand, you?," she smiles, walking over, "I see you're Kaliferian."

DM62: The grey-bearded man smiles in her direction. "A pleasure to meet you, Vand. There are those who call me... Charlie. Charlie Chaplin."

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Vand (part one conspiring, revelations, almost getting lucky)
DM62: Charlie chuckles. "So... you're wanting to give me... a bath? That's never been offered to me before, in here. Except when someone's about to fuck me. And usually, it's the jailors who decide when they want to fuck someone. So maybe first you should introduce yourself just a little more thoroughly. You don't sound like you're from the Riftlands." He shifts a little warily, and Vand begins to suspect that he might not be entirely helpless, despite appearances.

Vand: "I am. On both. Offering both. I'm an elementalist mercenary leader, followed some under elves who did something dumb, and followed them right through a tunnel, cam out here to a crossbow introduction to gladiator days. Figured out fast I was somewhere not Kaliferian. Oh, I'm kaliferian too incidently. Anyways, main goals are grab the leader bitch, shake her out for info, possibly more, haven't decided, stab a few guards who think they can take me in the face, and then get my troop, you, the beastmaster, and anyone else imprisoned the fuck out of here back home. And I'm on a time crunch as they seem to have special interest in one of my troops and until I know specifically why, I'm gonna assume worst case scenario. I'm also oscillating between murderous rage and calculating focus, so the whole fucking is to calm me the fuck down before I do something rash. Also, I'm in the business enough to recognise someone shifting to a battle stance. Spare the effort, you wouldn't stand a chance if I wanted to hurt you. Even if you aren't actually blind. So yes. Right now I want a good clean fuck, then to pick your brain for info then construct a plan to achieve my goals."

DM62: "We're in a dark room. My lack of eyesight matters very little. And it's not every elementalist that can recognize a shifting battle stance in a dark room... or feels confident that she's in no danger, despite being within easy reach. But I digress. Why do you believe that they have a special interest in one of your troops? There must be some piece of information that you've grasped onto." The smuggler makes no further movement, but he does not seem to have relaxed, either.

Vand: "I'm also a warrior. And I've done the gladiator thing before, Mister Chaplin. Simple. They specifically interrogated him while threatening the rest of us. They went to a lot of effort to try and coerce him to admit who he is and his origin. Which means they knew of his existence prior to all this. Mom's a dimension hopping spider vampire from the previous war. It's kinda ironic that in the course of the day I've run into five or so individuals from those events. Goddesses have a sense of irony I guess. And I've a lot of info. So do you, but I'm the only one sharing right now it seems. You're lucky I trust you to take the oppurtunity to help. A man who has given up hope wouldn't be this interrogative."

DM62: The man's voice is neutral when he resumes speaking, after a brief pause. "So I've told you little, and you've been telling me much. Why?" There's a slight edge to his voice, now. "What makes you believe that you can trust me? No more half-truths, now. We can't help each other that way."

Vand: "Because when I said 5 people, that's including you. I'm familiar with the history of the war. You'll have to forgive me some of my secrets, it's critical that I don't display all of my allegiances. Not yet anyways. I can promise you'll get them all eventually. But I know you. And no one wants to be here, honestly, so that helps. But I'm not here by accident. I admit I didn't expect you to be here. I wasn't specifically looking for you, but since you are, I'm taking you with me when I leave. But before I do, I need to find out who's opening these portals, or at least everything the people in charge here know, and I need to do it before I lose too many of these people, especially Don. You remember the last war of course. This might be part two. I'm here to assess that risk and then report accordingly. And stop it if needed. Will you help us once again? I'm not going to coerce you, and you don't have to trust me fully. By all means watch me while I sleep and have a dagger aimed at my back at all times. But at least hold onto the hope I'm legit. So... You want that bath? Or fresh water, it goes either way cus I really don't have any soap. I'm quite naked."

Vand: "Suppose I could be wrong and you then hand me off to the higher ups for interrogation. That's my risk to take though."

DM62: "So. You admit to knowing who I am. Alright. And you admit to having secrets. That's fair, too." Vand can hear in his voice that he's smiling a little as he speaks now. "I have an idea of whom you work for... or with. A very special lady, if you take my meaning. I suspect that our enemies are working for or with another very special lady... and that they are opposed, these... ladies. In one way, your appearance has confirmed my theory about our enemy... though based on what you've told me, I doubt you are working with the enemy." He sighs. "Sure. I suppose I can take that bath. And I guess there's no harm in telling you a little of what I know."

Vand: "Much appreciated. And not directly, but there's a lot of eye on you, Mister Chaplin.," smiles Vand as she walks over, creating a globe of water, "clothes off please. And if you want a drink, best do it before you bathe in it. And yeah, that's my thought as well. But it's wrothless without confirmation. I need Muhr, and any other high ups she has. And I need to do it before they do whatever they're doing with Don. I need to know if he has friends here, or if it's a plot to blackmail Thrae or if it's something worse." She muses a bit, "Any documents we can steal will be good too. A map of the world or just the region would be amazing, but the more we can bring home, the better. Though High Command is going to skull fuck me when they find out I brought home critters from another Dimension I am sure, but at this point needs must."

DM62: The smuggler nods, stripping naked. "Sure... I'm rather parched. Thank you, Vand." He allows the elementalist to give him a drink and then to bathe the blood and muck off his body. He's also covered in bruises. "Muhr is a puppet, I think. A jailor... and an effective one, believe me. But the one you really want normally wears a black cloak and hood. Her name is Moira, and she's not only very intelligent... but like you, she has access to information to which she should NOT have access. If you truly know who I am, you know that it's difficult for anyone to find me, given the precautions that I employ. And even then, I was able to get information about her... but she was still able to catch me. And... and my family."

Vand: "...I see. I'll do what I can to help them too.," nods Vand, as she gently washes him, "I thought as much. I'll be taking both then. I'm half inclined to send this place into the ground, but time will tell. The one who knows about Don, another hooded person but their voice was male. Could be Dontus but I'm not certain and I definetly am not banking on us being that fortunate. Still, the fact I was put here tells me they don't know who I am just yet. Seems to me we have two possible routes. Get close to Muhr while playing prisoner, or perform a massive simultaneous jailbreak. Given my colleagues, the latter seems likely to happen with or without my consent. Ones admitted to being an escape artist and I trust her to try it."

DM62: "My family? It's... a little too late, I fear." He sighs. "My wife... and my two sons... dead." He clears his throat. "Moira has... or had... a husband and two sons of her own, in Axetan. Apparently her maiden name was Elkin, and she came from near Tillshire. But I suspect that her family and her origin are both smokescreens. The marriage to simply keep the appearance of being normal. The origin... means that she was growing up near Po's Dairy, right around the time of all that nonsense with the minotaurs. In other words, completely unverifiable. Can't be disproven, despite a lack of records. To me? That means a smokescreen. Especially since she had to know that I could snuff out her family at will."

Vand: "Makes sense. I did the same thing myself. Though honestly I enjoy the position. And I am sorry for your loss. I've been out of contact so... Anyways, we'll shake answers out of her, but it means I have to reassess the level of danger I face here, if she's a counterpart. It'll be in my best interest to hold back still. Hm. Alright, so shake her down, possibly muhr. Puppets still can know a lot if they're observant. Even if they may not know the relevance of what they know. Got an idea how many guards there are, and defenses? And especially how many can use magic?"

DM62: "Quite a few have some sort of magical ability. Our real concern is the motivation of our enemies, though. Moira... she seems driven by revenge. And she's dangerous. But an operation this grand doesn't revolve around a personal vendetta, especially with some girl from Tillshire. I was removed from the game board first... because I was the most likely to warn the others. She managed to prevent that. And now they're removing other obstacles from their path. I saw signs of preparations for war, when I was first brought here. Not to mention the unexplored area in the Red Sands. And the appearance of otherworldly creatures in our lands, like Lord Dontus and Lady Daria and Evie. You mentioned crossbows and under elves... I take it they tried to assassinate someone? I'm guessing this has to do with Braxil and Underfell?"

Vand: "Yup. They're stirring the pot, trying to start up a war between everyone. That's why High Command is concerned. They did what they had to do, but now we need to assess the outcome. And it looks like this is indeed part two of that prophecy. No ones sure how it's going to play out. But if you're right, then it's about to get messy, fast. And divide and conquer seems about right. We need to drag Muhr out of here for certain then. She at least knew about the under elves, meaning we can stop a war if we bring her as proof with her toys. I'd rather not play my trump card so early after all. But we should prioritise the current right now. We'll worry about saving the day after we save ourselves. So, there's several of us. Two fluffs who probably know somethings up with me, ones a necro, ones a sword swinger. We have Don, minotaur. Lightning mage, and a minotaur which is self explanatory. And we have Rowenna, she's a moonhowler and has one of those new boomsticks. And Miter, goblin tech. Has two of those herself and seems good at escapes. Bad at shutting up though. Not that I mind but... And if we can get him loose I'm figuring I can get the beastmaster to work with us. What do you think our odds are on offense, assuming we free prisoners on the way?"

DM62: The smuggler frowns, though he seems to be more relaxed as the elementalist cleans him. "Interesting group. But with that team, escape is literally impossible, unless you've got incredible magical powers. I should know... I escaped twice. Each time, I made it, more or less, through the pit dungeons, up into the bloody forest, and to the temple with the great portal. But opening that portal was impossible... and they killed the mage I was working with, for trying. They also took my eyes, the first time. After the second time, they stopped letting me out of the cage at all." He thinks. "But there is one person who might be able to help us, if my theory is correct. There's a woman who works in their... gathering area. She seems to be a bartender, of under elf descent. If my suspicions are correct, she might be just the person we need to make this work."

Vand: "So you are blind. Damn. Well I'm a hell of a mage but I'm not that kind of mage. That right? Works for me. But how much... Convincing you think we gotta do? I mean, I'm a one lady apocalypse but I'm not immortal by any stretch. Not in a way that matters. So we get her going for us, we need to get ahold of Muhr and Moira, and any folks we can free on the way to cause chaos and reduce numbers we deal with. But this will take time I suspect..."

DM62: The smuggler frowns. "Getting ahold of Muhr and Moira... that might be rather difficult. Both of them are formidable in their own right. Honestly, I'd be happy just getting back to Kalifer so we can start damage control. Especially since... well... tell me, how long has it been since the start of the war between Braxil and Underfell?"

Vand: "Five years."

DM62: The smuggler nods. "The war had been going for two months when I was taken here. And a month has passed here, since then. I've heard it said that time travels differently... and it would seem that time is NOT on our side at the moment."

Vand: "...Great, High Command’s gonna kill me for being gone this long and coming back without more specifics than inter-dimensional priests. Not to mention lack of evidence of the actual fact this war is a set up. but guess we've no choice but to rush it."

DM62: "Well, as for convincing the bartender... she's a prisoner too. Shouldn't be too hard. And I'm not even sure if she CAN open the portal... but I suspect if anyone can do it, and will be sympathetic, it'll be her. I saw her brought in as a prisoner. They don't force her to fight or fuck like the rest of us... because they're afraid of her. And they want to understand her. The stories and rumors are confused."

Vand: "I see. Let's hope they aren't wrong about her then. So, sudden prison break and rampage to there, or you think we outta try and be more subtle about this?"

DM62: "Well... I think we need to contact the bartender, first. She's the lynchpin. We fail to reach her... or convince her... and we're just going to end up making things a lot worse for ourselves." He frowns. "You're a mage. Tell me... have you ever seen someone that was... immune to magic?"

Vand: "Mmm. To ALL magic? Yes, but not in the sense you're speaking of. Why, you know one?"

DM62: "If rumors are true... a certain bartender. Though I suspect that 'immune' is an oversimplification. But we need to find and meet her first... and that's going to be impossible for a blind smuggler who's already known as being big trouble around here."

Vand: "Hm. They aren't likely to let me just wander around as is. So I either gotta earn bar service, or I need to figure out who is allowed the run of the place, has reason to be in the bar and who I can pretend to be enough."

DM62: "Someone whom the jailers trust... but whom we can trust to betray the jailers." He laughs. "The feeblest sort of plan. We're relying upon the stupidity of our enemies. But I have learned that stupidity is often the surest quality, in any organization. Just... takes time to find it, sometimes."

Vand: "The beastmaster."

DM62: "Indeed... but how are you going to arrange to meet him? And then what will you tell him, and how will you keep it covert? In theory, your only interactions should be feeding, the pit, and being hosed off after the pit."

Vand: "Well, I am a shapeshifter, so in theory, I can visit him anytime if I knew where the hell anything was or how I'm supposed to act."

DM62: He grins now. "You never mentioned that among our assets, Vand. So tell me... whom do you think is contacted if a beast is found, wandering the halls and clearly lost?"

Vand: "I've tons of assets, but it's hard to be coy about my nature and give all the details. Good idea though. Do you got any idea what beasts are around here?"

DM62: "Well... whatever you do, don't assume a snurfler shape. Mistress Muhr is the only one with a snurfler, and she keeps it locked in her personal chambers. Hm... this is a bit sticky, too. If you turn into a beast, and are brought to the beastmaster... and then you're no longer in his possession later... an observant guard might cry foul. Still... no plan is perfect. Maybe... assume a random beast shape... get taken to the kobold... then kill the guard and assume the guard shape. But then you have to dispose of the body and play a very convincing guard. Also that relies upon there only being one guard."

Vand: "Yeah, plus when they come to look for me and I'm not here...," grunts Vand, "It'd help if I knew which animal he had lots of, I doubt anyone’s counting out 12 threshers… Though I suppose I could do this the complicated way and turn into a transparent zebra. Actually... If I did the thresher thing, he could just say Roland ate me. Roland’s my dire wolf mount, who's with the beastmaster. Roland loves thresher."

DM62: "Hmm... we're not sure if there ARE threshers here... but there's no perfect plan. I suppose if they find an errant thresher, they'll still give you to the beastmaster."

Vand: "Yeah. Or they eat me but not too worried about that really. And maybe I wandered in through the protal while it was open, who knows."

DM62: "I... see." He chuckles. "So now we both know who each other are, I suppose. Well... as long as Roland can't or won't harm you, I suppose we're good. Also... you never listed Roland among our assets. Not exactly giving me a full picture here. Anything ELSE I should know about?"

Vand: "Yes. I am clearly undead. Ugh, fine, but keep it under your god damned hat, because I can reach you. Anywhere. And I will spank you, blind or not." She moves over and whispers into his ear.

DM62: He nods. "As I surmised, about thirty seconds ago. Of course, I see no reason for us to voice such knowledge about each other aloud. I will extend the same courtesy to you that you have extended to me, and simply say that... we fully understand each other, now. Besides, I stand to lose more than you do, in the event that we betray each others' trust."

DM62: "And, in the interest of disclosure..." He grins, whispering into her ear.

Vand: "Huh. That is useful. and hey I coulda been a different kind, you don't know that.," Vand says, sticking out her tongue, before remembering he couldn't see it, "Good for the others. How much time before the main event starts you think? I want to be back here before they come checking."

DM62: "No idea... they generally come by once a day, at random times, to pull each prisoner into the pit for a fight. You might consider waiting until after today's fight... or fuck... so as to avoid leaving me alone here with my dick in my hands and no explanation. Obviously, if I were you I'd let someone fuck you good and hard. Act weak, but not TOO weak. Avoid suspicion or notice."

Vand: "Mmm, problem is I made a really big fuss and ball of threats outside. It'd seem out of character now if I didn't follow through on a fight a bit. I was sorta trying to protect Don, but it sorta backfired when it was clear they were purposefully fishing for his lineage."

DM62: "Or you could make it seem like you were bluffing."

Vand: "True I suppose. Be a bit of a hard sell but eh, they seem generally dismissive and dickish enough to do so, and lord knows I've slept with bigger assholes than this in the past."

DM62: "Not so sure about that... they can be major assholes. Oh... and there IS a kitsune who comes to visit from time to time. A cultist. Don't know her name."

Vand: "Shit. If she spots me, she's coming along with us. Those furballs can play spot the diffrence, whatever form I'm in. Goddesses, I'm surrounded by them on all sides now.," groans Vand, "And trust me, I'm pretty old, I know my jerks and torturers and sadists and so forth. I'm sure these guys are up there but not so much I can't play my part."

DM62: Charlie smirks at this. "Honestly... I'd take three kitsunes over one particular half-kitsune any day of the week. Not sure if she's dead or alive... but I'd bet good money that she was somehow involved in our current mess."

Vand: "Yeah, that's my thought on the matter too. But until I get confirmation...," grunts Vand, "So. Guess we wait for the time being. Feeling better?"

DM62: "Much better... though..." He gives a small laugh, and Vand can tell that her washing seems to have made certain parts... stand out a bit. "You've solved one problem, but created another, my dear. One that will take some teamwork to address."

Vand chuckles with a smirk, "Well then... I've always been a huge fan of team bonding exercises. I'll pay for this in spades later, but right now I think we both really need to remember that there's good things out there, hm? But since we're being all close and honest, how do you like your girls assets? I know looks don't matter much right now, but you can feel it." She grins, musing a bit, and looking at the bed with a bit of disdain, before flattening the water globe out and making a film, basically giving them a water bed to use.

DM62: The smuggler reaches out, taking ahold of the female. "I like a woman to feel like a woman... soft, curly hair... pert breasts... and wide hips that I can pinch and caress." He softly kisses Vand's neck, moving to lay her down upon the odd bed. "Wow... you're really going all out to pamper me, here."

Vand: "Well I'm a pretty giving lover. I love watching my partners fucked silly, faces full of delight. Well when I like em anyways.," she smiles, shifting her body to his taste as she let's him move her, "Mmm... Been awhile since I've not been in charge though. So there's your pampering hehe."

DM62: "Oh, I don't mind a woman who can take what she wants... heh. You should have met Zyanya. Shiriti warrior." He gently lays her down, moving to softly kiss at the front of her neck, then trailing his lips down her front to lick and suckle at her full breasts. "Truth be told, I've never been picky over the shape of my women... just the conversations." His fingers tease her thighs, nails scraping over her skin, inching closer to her slit.

Vand: She groans pleasedly, smiling a bit as she shivers, running her hands over his side as she grins, "Mmm, Never had the pleasure, but I'm familiar with everyones work. Ahh, I like a man with an open mind. I've never met someone who can keep up with me, but I always am happy to meet someone who can appreciate a wide array of... Flavors."

DM62: "Not sure if I can... but you never know," he softly bites her nipple, as a finger slips into her slit, "It HAS been a while. This should, at the very least, keep us occu-" At this point there's a loud banging on the cell door, and the latch turns to open it. "Fucking... Argh." The smuggler softly curses, moving back.

Vand groans a bit, shifting back to her previous state and making the water disappear. "Oh I know who's to blame for that one... Sorry man..," she mutters, "Raincheck." She gets up and glares at the door.

DM62: Two red-skinned and horned futa are grinning as they open the cell door. "Ha! He's naked. You owe me ten." One of them growls, but nods. "Fine, fine. You. Mercenary bitch. You fighting or fucking today?"

Vand: "Given you interrupted my fucking already, we'll go with that, I'm not getting metaphorically blue-balled on top of being shoved in here thank you very much.," snaps Vand irritably, "Hope whomever’s doing it is good in the sack."

DM62: "Best hope that YOU'RE good in the sack, slut. Right... come on." The red-skinned futa gesture, taking Vand down a hallway as an ebony-skinned male, massive, with no horns but looking as thick as a middle-aged snurfler, walks up to the cell. "You. Out. Now." The ebony-skinned male is carrying a set of chains.

Vand glances over, hoping he'd be okay, but nothing she could do for him right now. She follows the herms, grimacing. Now wasn't the time, sadly.

DM62: The smuggler grins. "Here to release me, make your apology, and kiss my dirty human asshole?" The black-skinned male reaches in with an enormous arm, dragging the smuggler out by his hair, then punches him hard enough to knock him flat against the wall before chaining his limbs. "Muhr already beat one of her jailers for putting you WITH someone. And she assumes you talked and conspired. Time to be tortured, for talking and conspiring." The black-skinned creature gives a cruel laugh. Meanwhile, Vand finds herself walking through a few more red-stoned hallways, and into the pit again, with the red-metal door slammed shut behind her. The crowd is jeering as she emerges. "Behold! A mercenary who dared to threaten her jailers!"

Vand crosses her arm, looking up at the crowd unimpressed. Poor guy. She trusted him not to give away the important goods, but she might be in for it soon enough for other things. Time would tell.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Vand (part two, the Desert Scarab)
DMlurks: As Vand is dragged into the gate before the arena, she can hear some voices echoing through the outer reaches of the pit, a brutish male voice, clearly some something beyond the pit leader. "We cannot allow such slander against the master Mondur! These wanton slaves sent in day after day, satisfy nothing but the honor of THEIR goddess! Mondur cries for satisfaction!" A good chunk of the crowd howls at the voice, and Vand can note that the guards holding her as they near the gate are looking a bit cross.

Vand grunts. "Am I to assume my choice is being invalidated?"

DMlurks: "Crotchety old loon, who let him into the box?" One of the guards mumble, though the other guard gets a bit of a grin. "Bah, knowing that rekkah-booloh he'd not choose a good fight to save his hide. Have fun knocking the armor off em, slut," she replies, giving Vand a good grope before she undoes the bindings and the two guards step behind another gate, leaving her stuck between the two portcullises.

Vand sighs, and goes and looks through the gate. She had said fuck but clearly it had changed. Well. If the universe has elected to blueballs her, figurtively, she would take it out another way. But not quickly, couldn't make this too... Obvious

DMlurks: The speaker, who she could see a little better now, was a massive mountain of twisted flesh and hide, which she could have easily mistooken his back being lined with armor if not for it's seemless moulding of flesh into it. Half of a strange creature's skull covered his face, great tusks jutting and twisting from it, the other half showing a brutish grimace in what was used to be a smoother, kinder visage. He was hunched over, with great axes held on each side, and many chains stretching from the various spires of bone that stuck from him, marked with standards of his favored beast. He spoke to the crowd in native tongues, as the other gate was opened. Four slave species carried a pallequin out, upon wish sat a glistening pile of golden armor. The slaves set it on the arena floor and they retreated, the gate they had entered closing and Vand's own gate opening.

Vand stepped out. What the fuck was that thing up there. And an armored person? And here she was naked. That seemed fair. Well, it actually was fair but they didn't know that.

DMlurks: With Vand free of her cage, the portcullis shut behind her, and she could hear the cheering growing in octave. Both languages known and unknown rose out, and she occasionally caught words and phrases, but mostly it was a sound-filled din. As Vand showed herself, the pile of armor moved, for six blades to suddenly pull free- curved swords, that pressed into the earth and raised the figure that held them. Once they stand, the blades spin gracefully to defensive positions, bucklers on the hilts, at which point Vand can notice the species... almost human, seemingly Kaliferian born, but she seemed... strange. Pointed ears, dull red eyes, and a dusty hairline, the best she could see under the ceremonial helmet. The armor she wore was much lighter than expected, mostly covering her legs and thighs, her torso mostly having a metal corset as the rest of her was left exposed, a great gilded collar locked on her neck and glowing gems of angry red set in it. The woman scrutinizes Vand before pulling a blade forward to point at her. "Mathris-Far, Riskef-Kin!" she calls out to her, before carefully moving herself to a ready stance.

Vand frowns and smirks. "Fair fight. lady vs unarmed. Bring it."

DMlurks: A loud gong rings in the arena, and the voices grow silent above. The six-armed warrioress moves slowly, her feet soft as she starts to circle, studying Vand, and slowly flexing the blades around herself. Vand knew a few sword styles in her time, and it kind of helped her guesstimate what was going on a bit- this was a defensive fighter, surely one with agility and strong strikes instead of going mad and charging in.

Vand watches back, observing as she tenses but doesn't move. Defensive huh. Alright. She'd wait her out, she'd have to go first move. Lots of limbs... There was no way to win without magic and they must have been told she can cast by the under elves. Time to test her theory.

DMlurks: It was a long while before any move was made, to the point that there was some heckles above. If anything, the calls for blood finally got her moving, and an angry growl leaves the six-armed woman before she suddenly darts forward. As the woman nears, she darts a blade forward, aiming for a stab, but it rapidly tugs back at the last minute, before darting in with two more, aiming for proper execution.

Vand ducks back from the stabs, before suddenly making a blast of fire suddenly at the warrior, aiming at her hands. Make her unable to fight and it was over.

DMlurks: The blades dance rapidly, but they miss the mark, the woman leaping back like a Sandrazor that missed it's sting, but the flame catches her offguard- clearly she was not used to fighting magi. She rolls to the side, but one of her blades is glowing an angry red, quickly leading to her discarding it with a grimace. There's cries of amazement and cheers for both sides now. "Oho! A proper brawl with our dear Scarab! Mondur will be quite pleased tonight!" howls the brutish cultist from the stance atop. The Scarab if anything seems angrier now she was without one blade, and she rushes forward again, the other arms holding the blades leveling down to drag the sand as she works to close the gap.

Vand grimaces, letting her take swipes at her, and even get a cut, bleeding on the ground, before responding with making a pillar of ice suddenly joly up, aiming to slam into her chest and fling her away.

DMlurks: It truly was amazing the warrior's dexterity- with so many arms, she didn't once catch the blades despite the large shields part of the guard, and there was quite a few scratches across Vand's front before the burst of ice sends the warrior flying. She rolls a little, using the blades to stop herself with a grunt. She gets back up, unsteady, but her red eyes burn with unnatural fury at how she was being turned into a mockery. A loud, angry scream leaves her as she leaps up, her blades angling to impale as she dives for the magi. "DURAIK FER GASSERA-FEF! DURA! FISTEF! FISTEF!!!"

Vand grunts, trying to turn to the side, letting the blade slice across her side hard, before swinging her arm down, coating it with cie to try and hit ehr in the back of the head, hard

DMlurks: The quick dash-down has the warrior collide hard with the earth, one edge of the blade graving Vand, but the Desert Scarab's set perfectly for the downward slam. There's a loud creaking of bone as the impact hits, the crowd stifling a gasp as their favored collapses forward and wheezes, falling on knees and trying to hold herself up with the swords.

Vand moves over and kicks her swords away, holding her side with a grimace as she moves to hold her up. "You're good, but mage trumps martial, ung..." She moved to take her helmet off, "Let's get a look at you."

DMlurks: Loud cheers and jeers alike fill the arena to take place of the sound, as Vand's able to grab her around the bundle of arms. The helmet tumbles off the rest of the woman's dusty short hair, the six-armed figure twitching with a whimper. She's gasping for air, breathing hard as it lets her curvy, toned body held in perfect oggling position for the others. "B..b...brei durass kriil..." she manages to whimper out, but one of the other cultists where Muhr was always standing speaks up, raising a hand for silence. "The Desert Scarab is pleading for death, stranger. Do you grant it, or shall you wish your victory in other ways?" The greater, skull-masked cult warrior's sulking, growling and looking furious at the implication of the defiling of his champion.

Vand: "Hmph. If she wants death, she may fall upon her own blades, but I don't waste a good warrior. Learn and come fight me again when you're more prepared for mages. And someone give me my damn equipment back next time. Meantime girl, you lost, so you can please me. Consider it motivation for next time. OR hell, you can always follow me and maybe learn some new tricks. So. Get to it."

DMlurks: The warrioress seems to sag a bit, but the hooded cult leader seems satisfied, if only the jeering at the expense of the Scarab growing louder. The skull-faced leader grunts, leaving out of the back as he clearly stomps away. The scarab twists her head away from Vand, her humiliation clear on her face as she manages to hiss out a word of b-broken english finally. "F-fine..." she mumbles. "Finish it quickly..."

Vand: "Sure.," says Vand, as she waves a hand, growing a thick cock, "Blow me and you're done. I am serious though. you're good. Get better on your own and try again, or you can serve under me and learn how to improve. Eithers fine by me. I don't waste potential."

DMlurks: The sudden appearance of a shaft makes the six-armed creature wince a bit, but the redness on her face is met by the same defeated face that she started with. "S-should have let me kill you... instead of becoming a monster..." she whispers, even as she slides to her knees before her current captor, her mouth opening to do her task, weakly lapping at the magic shaft.

Vand: "To be fair, I've always been a monster, but a monster to who matters. And if you demanded the same, I'd do it.," she smiles, shivering, "Mmm, a bit deeper dear. Bob a bit, it helps. Look at it this way, better you do, faster it goes right? But yeah. If you want to learn, I'll teach. Just gotta give me a sign that you want a better future..."

DMlurks: The warrior didn't say a word, still looking dejected as she tries to work with the request, hissing a little as she tries to clumsily suckle more on her shaft. In this field she was far less experienced... or maybe just out of practice...

Vand smiles and rests a hand on her, helping her pace. "HEre. Work like this okay? And hey, don't look so put out. Yeah it sucks, but I'm offering you a chance for something better." She whispers quietly, "Seriously. You want a betetr life, look me in the eyes and will it. And I'll get it to you. It'll be diffrent. But you could have another chance. OR not. Your call. So. You got hope?"

DMlurks: The woman's eyes rise slightly at the mention of a better life, but it seems to be rather hollow- a figure that's lost hope in her status, though there''s still a minor spark of a wish. She gurgles slightly as she's helped with the warrior's shaft, choking a little bit as they get too close to her throat occasionally.

Vand tries to be careful not to be too rough, needing a show for the crowd but not wanting to bother her much as she does enjoy it, her nodding. "Good enough.," she whispers, "You'll know when it's time. Shift your foot. Which part of the building you in? Point with that."

DMlurks: Scarab gives a bit of a gasp and shift, seeming to trip a little, which only added to the catcalls. However, Vand noticed the way her foot moved gracefully after, spread toes and shifts helping to make a short map from her 'readjustment'. By the looks of it, there was larger rooms in the prison area, no doubt for other champions like herself. It also helped sell the roughness, even though the remarks towards Scarab grew more biting, leaving her red-faced and tearing up... though maybe not all of it in shame, as her hips shift awkwardly below her.

Vand: "Thanks. That'll help.," nods Vand, moaning, speeding up, working ehr thrusts to speed up her climax, "Sorry. I'll make up for it though. Ah... We'll show em..." She moans before pulling out and climaxing, spurting and coating much of ehr face.

DMlurks: Scarab's squirms grow a little, Vand actually able to smack right to her face a few times before she's released with a groan.She crashes back with a soft clatter of metal, left breathing hard as she's covered with the merc's spunk. She looks hazy-eyed, clearly conflicted at her feelings at this moment. As if sensing the situation, Vand can see a few guards sitting in the entry she exited from, as if ready to collect her when she was done.

Vand: "Sit tight.," she says with a nod and smiles, sighing in relief. Well then. One person she'd need to collect, as she studied the area in question on the ground before it's obliterated

DMlurks: The wind was blowing, but she did manage to figure out the idea of it- tiers, or maybe hallways, with lines of marks that could possibly be doors. The upper parts under where her foot had landed was marked with swirls by her many fingers, marking larger rooms, with the third room of such being a bit marred with a clawing from her rising. There's cheers echoing down for Vand at her final victory on her victim, and a few suggesting her to keep the abuse on the champion as well.

Vand looks over. "Unless she's coming to my cell with me, I'm good for now. I got my fun. Pace myself."

DMlurks: The cult leader from above, who had been watching under her hood, gives a wave to the guards, and the two guards that'd led Vand here enter and shrug at her response, quickly moving to lead Vand out of the arena. A trio of other demonoid cultists move to assist the Scarab, dragging her upwards as another readies a chain to bind her manacles. There's a brief moment before Vand's gate closes before there's a shriek of pain and laughter from the crowd, one of the guards that had helped the Scarab wincing and gripping his now backwards forearm as the other two struggle to keep her from breaking more bones. "Always one idiot tries..." one of the guards remark. The other one gently puts Vand's shackles on, and she notes that it feels like her magic is... blocked somehow this time. "First time I've seen her get her ass kicked that bad though. Seriously, why didn't you ask to keep the bloody Desert Scarab overnight?!? That would have gotten the Mondurites miffed!"

DMlurks: "Technically, she mentioned it but didn't ask," the other guard said with a chuckle.

Vand: "Pretty much. I didn't know it was an option. No one tells me anything.," says Vand simply, "Or gives me my damn armor."

DMlurks: "Bah. People expect slaves to have backbones here, if they want to rise up the ranks," one remarks, though Vand notes none of them are doing anything inappropriate now. "Cides, you keep smacking champions like that and you'll not have a problem with no gear eventually! Hell, even become a champion yourself!" "I hope there was one of those Zulamaites in the crowd to record that..."

Vand: "Eh, we'll see. I want a rematch with her later. Give her time to stew on it."

DMlurks: "Probably not wise. Melodous is pretty crazy, they found her in the desert after cutting through some of the Athullian pack caravans. She got the name Desert Scarab cus of all the arms, noone's quite sure if she's a fluke of nature or something." By that time, they had reached down to the cells and reached an empty one. "Aw well, enough jibber jabber! Get some rest while you still can! Everyone's gonna want a piece of you for that stunt!" With a release of the nullmetal shackles, Vand is quickly redeposited into solitary confinement.

Vand grunts, lsitening. Sounded like her kind of woman. "Heh. But think of the handjobs.," she joked, before going in, "I want a piece of them too." Hm. Solitary. Hopefully Chaplin was fine. Planning time.

DM62: As the red-metal door shuts, Van notices that the hatch over the barred window is open, letting her see outside of the cell. A hooded figure approaches. "Guards... I understand that you... permitted some... unorthodox and last-minute changes to the fighting arrangements. Without. Consulting. Mistress Muhr." Vand can feel a cold shudder running up her spine. Something was not right here, and there seemed to be a certain sense of panic in the air. She can hear screams from the cells around her, and the disapproval of her superiors could be felt, weighing upon her. Then the hooded figure gestures, and the window hatch slams shut. Suddenly Vand can think again, the momentary panic abated... but she has the distinct impression of distant screams, outside the cell.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Don (the bath slave, the child)
DM62: Don finds himself forcibly led into a separate hallway from the rest of the group, brought into a rather large cell and chained to the wall. The manacles are tight, and there's no way to get good leverage on the bars in order to free himself. His arms and legs are both chained... then double-chained, ensuring that even Don's brute strength would not help him to escape. The guards snicker. "Minotaur chained up here... that musk gonna get REALLY strong." They exit, slamming the red-steel door behind them. A latch is bolted shut.

Don took the manacles in stride, or at least with surprising stoicness. As an adventurer the idea of being jailed by his enemies was not exactly an unknown one. Though he had to admit ending up in the riftlands was /not/ something he had expected. Still panicking or raging was not going to help, especially since it would likely just end up with him stuck in here longer and his musk would get to run rampant. Though at this point he was fairly sure that was the plan regardless, get him hopped up on his own instinct and then toss him into the arena, some days it really sucked to be a minotaur. He decided to test out his magic a bit, instead of forming anything significant, he tried to form a small, concentrated arc, curling his fingers around to point at the chains that bound him. If this worked he could warp the steel and at leave it weakened. He wasn't exactly planning to break out now, but when he went at it it'd be alot easier if the chains would come away easily.

DM62: Don is unsure if his plan is working on the chains... they do seem to blacken. But his fur also begins to smoulder, threatening to catch fire. Fire... probably wouldn't kill him, but it would likely seriously injure him and disfigure him until he could properly feed a few times.

Don would stop his arc, and wait for the heat to calm back down. He had time, so he didn't need to rush and hurt himself. Anyways, the constant hot cold would likely damage the manacles more then just zapping it with his electricity would.

DM62: Hours pass, as Don slowly continues working on his chain. It's tricky work... there are a few times when Don's fur starts to lightly smoke, and he's concerned about setting himself ablaze. Still... several hours later, he hears the latch opening. "Hurry up, slut! Boss doesn't want you spending all day in there!" "Y-yes, ma'am." A feminine figure is visible, carrying a lamp and placing it on the floor near Don. Two guards enter with a bucket full of soapy water, along with a sponge.

Don's continued his work, wondering if he could make a separate branch of magic out of this somehow when he got out. If you turned this to melting slag you could get some strong connections. Still he worked away silently, until the latch started to open. As soon as the noise started he stopped the flow of magic and waited to see what was going to happen. His eyebrows raised at the feminine woman coming into the room with a lamp, and even more so when the guards came in with water and a sponge. Shifting his arms a bit he hopped the blackened parts of his manacles would be hidden away, and he looked on, and couldn't help himself from glancing at the girl's exposed chest a few times.

DM62: The woman keeps her eyes downward as the guards observe, taking the sponge and dipping it into the soapy water. She starts with the minotaur's shoulders. Meanwhile, one of the guards moves forward with a vial. "I'm going to pour this into your mouth, prisoner. It will ensure that the poison has no permanent effect. Open up." She uncorks the vial, looking at the minotaur impatiently.

Don: It wasn't exactly like Don was in a position to refuse, though he rather would have preferred to examine the vial for even more poisons before he had to take it. Still he had no weapon, his work on the manacles wasn't done yet, so since he didn't want to get stabbed he opened his mouth enough for the guard to pour the vial into his mouth.

DM62: The guard pours in the vial. "Swallow it." The bare-breasted slave continues cleaning the minotaur, moving to his right arm. She pauses for a moment as her sponge passes near one of the blackened chains... but she merely bites her lip, continuing cleaning Don as if nothing was wrong. The other guard seems content to stare at the slave's buttocks, a sizeable bulge growing in the front of her leather crotch armor.

Don silently thanked the bath girl even as he swallowed whatever was in the vial. If the guards hadn't been here he probably would have given her a more vocal thank you. As it was though he was also trying to keep his own body from reacting much to the presence of the woman so close to him. It didn't help that he was naked either, so it'd be very easy to see that he was slowly loosing that battle with his natural reaction to half naked women sponging him down.

DM62: The guards quickly spot his growing erection. "Delicious... I wanna watch Mari get fucked." The bath slave's eyes open just a little wider. "Um... yes but... that minotaur musk... it might have a major effect on you, ma'am." The other guard grunts. "Bullshit. Hey. Prisoner. That cum of yours have an effect on people? If the answer is no... you get to fuck the slut." The slave keeps her eyes down, her sponge moving to Don's other shoulder.

Don took a moment to consider his options. He could lie and say it had no effect and probably cause himself to get in trouble later when his musk effected people. He could tell the truth and probably piss off someone, but at the same time that would probably be the best for the slave girl. In the end he decided for a truth. "It does, but nothing that isn't reversible I assure you."

DM62: "Bullshit." The one guard is persistent. The other one shrugs. "Well, I'm not sticking about to get fucked up on weird beast spunk. Not worth it. Last set of guards that fucked up... yeah I don't even... fuck that." She's already walking out of the cell. The other guard sighs. "Mari, we'll be outside. He gets loose, we're not gonna be nice. To either of you." She shakes her head. "Knock when you're done... 'washing' him." With both guards outside, the door shuts. The slave gulps, moving to clean Don's other arm, her breasts brushing up lightly against his elbow as she moves. "Sorry, I... I was hoping to have a little... time alone." She bites her lip, focusing on her work... though Don can also smell her arousal, and the veins of her neck look particularly appetizing.

Don: "That is fine, I must admit I did not like having them in the room either." Don said, though there was a rather significant bit of difficulty in his voice. The minotaur, smelling Mari's arousal, was having a rather impossible task keeping his own arousal down, and as his shaft slowly came to full mast it would likely drive Mari's own desire higher, just making it a cycle of doom really. Ontop of that his vampire side was trying to get in on it too, and Mari certainly looked very appetizing, though he would probably have to measure himself, she looked like she needed all the blood she could get with how pale she was. "So how long have you been here?" The minotaur said, trying to make conversation to help distract himself a bit

DM62: "Um... I'm... really not sure." She moves to the left again, starting to softly scrub Don's chest and abs. As she shifts, her full breasts brush against the minotaur once more. "But I... remember minotaurs, from when I was... in Kalifer. If... if you want... I could help... relieve you, once you're clean." She softly massages Don's abs as she washes him.

Don: "That would be nice, though I fear we both may become a mess if we wait till after." Don said with a small chuckle. He was very much not minding the girl's breasts against his body, and at this point Mira would likely have to deal with maneuvering around his erect member.

DM62: The slave girl gives a small, shy smile, her delicate fingers and sponge teasing along Don's thighs. Her breasts, now covered in slick sudsy water, slip up against Don's massive shaft. "Well... I did bring a sponge and a bucket, dear. I can probably clean up most of the mess."

Don was tempted to say that a single bucket and sponge might not be enough as it is, but he didn't really want to. Much more focused on the feel of Mira's soap covered breasts sliding along his shaft, causing the massive member to twitch appreciatively.

DM62: "They were... right... about..." She stops, trembling, and bites her lip, looking away. Don slowly begins to realize that Mira is quietly crying. "I'm... I'm sorry..."

Don took a few breaths through his pressed together teeth, trying to filter out the pheremones and musk in the air so that he could take a few deep breaths to focus himself. Then he would ask. "What is it Mira? It's no good to see a pretty woman cry."

DM62: The slave woman sighs, looking down at the floor. "They... they sent me in here to get information... from you." She shakes her head. "I just... I can't... do that to you..."

Don: "I see." Don said with his own sigh. "Why are they so interested in my information. I mean really." It wasn't really a question, more just him talking to himself.

DM62: "They... want information about your mother and father. Mistress Muhr was... very insistent... and she's probably going to torture me if I don't tell her something." She shakes her head. "Is there... anything harmless... that I could tell them?"

Don thought it over for a moment, really why was his parentage of such import? Maybe Thrae he could see, as she may have passed through here at one point. "Well, my father is obviously a minotaur himself. He met my mother during her adventures on the surface and came home with her. Since then he's mostly lived a home life. Looked after me while my mother was away on her new adventures." Don tried to think about what he could say about his mother, "Thrae meanwhile is a drider, and is a very restless person, always going out on new adventures and exploring new places. Though she did hang around long enough to teach me some more intellectual skills. Would that be enough information for now?"

DM62: "They... were very specific about wanting locations. If your mother is adventuring... I guess I could say that you don't know where she is. Where did they raise you?" She's calmed a bit, wiping away tears with the back of her arm. She looks at the bucket. "Dammit... I need to hurry up and clean you if I'm going to have time to... help you. If... if you... still want that." She blushes, starting to scrub Don's thighs again.

Don: "I would not mind if you helped with this. Otherwise I fear I may become much less intelligible over the next day or two." Minotaurs did not suffer being blue balled very well afterall. "As for locations, I wouldn't know, my mother never was one to tell where she went, if only because she probably barely knew ahead of time herself. As for where I was raised, that is easy enough, I was raised in the spiderbloom. Hidden away from most underelves."

DM62: "I... I see." She moves down lower, softly cleaning the minotaur's calves and hooves, and Don gets a wonderful view of her ass as she bends over at an angle where he can see down the back of her leather thong. "They... they might look for your father there, if I tell them that. So... if he's still there... maybe I should lie? Tell them... somewhere else, instead? I... I don't want to be tortured, but I don't want to be the cause of suffering."

Don: "You could tell them he has a farm up near Braxil." Don said, remembering that his father did at one point work on his brothers' farm near there. "Honestly I don't even know if he's still living in the spiderbloom anyways. After I left home he didn't really have much of a need to stay around there." Don said with another shrug, though his eyes were very much wandering over Mira's more or less exposed ass. "Though do you have any idea why they are so intent on my parents?"

DM62: "Something about your mother. They... they did mention something about 'Spiderweb,' or 'Spiderbloom.' Some under elf place." She shakes her head. "But... you're all cleaned up." She rises, gently bringing her sizeable mammaries around the thick cock and softly stroking it up and down. "You're... gonna warn me, right big fella? Hate to walk out there covered in mino spunk."

Don: "Yes I'll warn you, wouldn't want to have to make you have a full bath as well." Don said with a small grunt, the feeling of the woman's rather large chest stroking his member was extremely nice, especially compared to the feelings of the manacles around his arms and legs.

DM62: She moves up, softly licking a bit of Don's pre-cum out of the tip of his swollen cock. "Mmm... maybe... we could both have... a little relief." She rises, stripping out of the leather thong... and then she moves forward, lifting a leg over Don's cock, pressing her soft and warm back up against his abdomen. Her pussy is now centered on the back of the minotaur's cock, pressing down onto it... and she slowly begins humping the shaft, the scent of her juices starting to really fill Don's nostrils. "I... I'm pretty c-close myself," she confesses, starting to move more urgently as her breathing grows more shallow. Her hands wrap around the thick shaft, stroking it while her pussy humps against it.

Don would thrust back against Mira as much as he could with his binds. The bath and everything had left him rather hot and bothered as it was, though one round was bound to not fully relieve him, it would be enough to take the edge off for a bit at least. Feeling her humping against him, even as her hands continued to stroke him off, he groaned "I'm...not much better. Been a few days since I had any real relief..."

DM62: She nods, having the sense to aim Don's phallus toward the now half-empty bucket of suds, even as she starts humping him faster, desperate for her orgasm. Her clit catches on one of his cock ridges, and she pauses for a moment at the burst of pleasure... then she starts humping her clit against the ring, gasping and starting to whimper as her climax rips through her shaking, pale body.

Don wouldn't last much longer, the grinding and stroking getting to him faster then he'd like to admit after his few days without any relief or blood. As Mira climaxed onto of his cock, his massive member jerked, and thick jets of cum would crash into the bucket, and hopefully just the bucket but he had no idea how good Mira's aim was. He let out a very pleased and long groan as his balls were temporarily emptied into the bucket, even if he did feel a bit embarrassed about being milked like a cow.

DM62: The woman is surprisingly good with her aim, and the majority of the larger blasts end up in the bucket, which is almost full as the flow ebbs. Mira sighs pleasedly, climbing down and reaching to pick up the (still spunk-free) sponge from the ground, using it to clean up what little of the mess ended up on Don and Mira. As her breathing normalizes, she gives a little smile. "I... thank you, Don. I needed that." She looks up at the minotaur. "So... were they... good parents? I... I don't need to know that for them, so if you don't want to tell me... that's fine."

Don: "Thank you as well Mira, I needed that more then I would like to admit." Don said as the woman sponged off the last of the cum that hadn't ended up in the bucket. "And yes, mom was a bit of an absentee but they were both good parents as far as I am concerned."

DM62: Mira nods, and for a moment her expression grows quite sad again. "I... I never knew my mother. She died... in childbirth." She sighs, softly scrubbing off the minotaur, then turning to clean up the rest of the mess off of the cell floor. "My father was a good man... intelligent. Raised me alone. Until one day... he was taken from me."

Don: "What happened if you don't mind me asking?" Don asked as Mira continued cleaning.

DM62: Mira shakes her head. "Violent people came..." She looks sad and angry, but mostly hurt. "They were... fighting some kind of war. And... and the result... my father was gone. And I ended up here." She wipes a tear away with the back of her hand. "Sorry... not much of a story. I don't like talking about it."

Don: "It's fine." Don said with a slight grimace. "Talking about it at all cannot be easy and I am thankful for what you have told me."

DM62: She nods, finishing up the clean-up. "I... I see what you're doing with your chains. I know you weren't brought in alone... I think your friends are planning something, in four days. Is there anything... you'd like me to try to tell them? I'm not sure how soon I'll be able to return to you."

Don: "Tell them not to forget me when they go." Don said with a small chuckle. "But since I don't know there plan I can't give much comment, other then that I'll be ready when they are."

DM62: The woman nods. "Just... be careful. Lots of people try to escape... but I've never heard of anyone getting away for more than a day before they get brought back in." She looks back at the red-metal door nervously. "I have to go. Stay safe, Don." She picks up the bucket, moving to knock at the door. The guards open it immediately. "Took you long enough, wench. Muhr's been waiting for HER bath." Then the door slams shut, and Don is alone again.

Don: "Stay safe as well Mira." Don said before the girl stood up and left. Once he was alone in his cell once more he sighed, wondering if the woman really was helping him or had been a plant. Either way he would probably know soon enough, the guards would likely come in and re-do his bindings. For now though he'd start working away again, small arcs of electricity giving small sparks into the dark cell during his brief work periods.

DM62: It's not long... maybe an hour... and Don's cell latch opens again. The guards seem... different, as they admit a small and hooded figure into the room. They look... positively terrified, and something in the air makes Don's breath catch in his throat. He can feel panic starting to well up within him, though he has no idea why.

Don once again stopped his work when he heard the latches open, and slipped the manacles to hopefully be covered once more. When the small hooded figure stepped in though he felt panic creeping into his mind, but there was no reason for it. His face scrunched up a bit as he used what his mother taught him to try to resist magical influences, like her own ero magic.

DM62: The attempt is mildly successful... but as the figure nears, Don's grip on the panic begins to slip more. "The bath girl... she failed. Rebellious child. Now... it is my turn." The small figure pulls back the hood, revealing a human child with golden eyes, gazing malevolently at the minotaur. Something seems to be sifting through his thoughts, and visions of Don's nightmares start to creep in around the edges of his consciousness. "You're going to beg to tell me... everything you've ever known... about Thrae... and Braxis."

Don would not let some creepy child win, he had been trained by one of the first Eromancers, the woman who could cause entire regiments to turn on eachother in a heartbeat! He could resist some jumped up human kid with a fear power. Gritting his teeth enough that they might creak a bit he threw up the strongest mental barriers he could manage. Iron walls to stand against the creeping nightmares and the shifting tendrils

DM62: The child chuckles, grinning... revealing black fangs instead of normal teeth. Don begins to realize... this is no child at all. It laughs, and Don can see his friends... his family... laying broken and dead. Blood covers the minotaur's hands, and he remembers being angry... and ripping them, limb-from-limb. They were dead, all dead, and it was all Don's fault.

Don: The images passed through Don's head, but even if it was a scene straight from a nightmare, he knew that was just what it was. In only a dream or a nightmare would he be able to beat his mother in anything. Still it was not a pleasant sight to see, nor feel as the emotions from the forced intrusion ran through him, his muscles would tighten on his body as he strained from the dream.

DM62: His father rises, a grisly sight, with one of the eyes hanging out of its socket after Don bashed him against the rock ground. "You..." He focuses on Don with the one good eye, grunting. "You killed me. You... killed us. You have always been... a failure. But your jealousy and your rage... you little runt... we never loved you, but now we curse you." He advances threateningly, arms outstretched and grasping.

Don: This was an even more grisly sight, but Don body continued to writhe as he fought against it, the rational part of his mind raging against the vision. It was a lie, he knew his parents loved him, and he had no jealousy of the two that would drive him to kill. This was at most some alternate world where something had gone terribly wrong, it was not his own!

DM62: A small minotaur tugs at the fur on Don's leg... and after a moment, Don realizes that it's a smaller version of himself! "Quick! There's no time! We have to find Mother! That's the only way out of this nightmare! Where is Mother?" The smaller version of Don pleads urgently with the minotaur.

Don saw the smaller him, and for a moment paused, wondering if this was a trick. Still, the nightmare itself wasn't going to end itself, and it wasn't like finding his mother would be able to harm him worse then giving him further images to haunt his sleep. Then he realized its questioning, and remembered that he had already killed his mother before. "No little child, the only way out of this nightmare is to hold ourselves strong." His words were strong, even if the imagery was playing hell with his subconscious. "Mother will not help us now."

DM62: *DEEPER* A voice intones, and then Don realizes that HE is the child, and his father is waking him from slumber. "Child... child where is your mother? The house is on fire... and we need to make sure she is safe. Is she traveling again? In the Spiderbloom?" Braxis looks frightened, and blood is trickling down from his forehead.

Don was shaken awake, and heard his fathers voice. He stared at Braxis for a moment, trying to remember where he was, and noticed the string of blood. Then he answered. "She is not here father. Mother is safe."

DM62: The father glares at the child with golden eyes... then Don finds himself back in his cell, with the odd child-creature glaring at him. "We... we are not done, cow." It snarls at the minotaur... then notes the black marks on the chains. "I see." It turns, moving to leave the cell. "New bindings. Leather and stone." The terrified guards bow and nod. "Y-yes. Yes, my lord. New bindings."

Don: Damn, he had been found out. Now he really was in trouble. He resisted giving a parting comment to the oddity that was the 'child' as it would only serve to get him into deeper water then he was already in.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Sarah (part one, dominated by Mistress Muhr)
DM62: There's a loud banging at the red-metal door to the kitsune's cell, and then the cell door opens. Two of the horned guards are standing their, both futanari, looking hungrily at the kitsune. "We've come to bring you to the Arena. But first... will you fight today? Or will you fuck?" They smile, and one of them is rather openly stroking herself through her leather armor as she looks at Sarah.

Sarah: "Hmmm...A shame both sound appetizing...I'd hoped my first fuck in this place would be at the hands of the Mistress...But if I can't have that, I figure a fight might be nice." the Kitsune says as she sits on the edge of her bed and stretches.

DM62: The two of then look at each other, laughing, then turn back to the kitsune. "Sometimes you get to know your opponent, first. Sometimes you don't. Today... you don't get to know. But it's not us. More's the pity. I'd love to give you a hard ramming after subduing you, lovely fox."

Sarah: "Oh...A shame that. But I told myself the first fuck in this place would be at the hands of Mistress Muhr. So fight I shall." the Kitsune says as she stands up. "You'll just have to hold out until then, lovelies..." she says, holding out her arms to be led to the arena.

DM62: "Now I want to tell her." "Can't tell her, sis. But maybe we can request to face this little fox tomorrow, if she's not too stretched out." They grin, then escort the kitsune through the tunnels, finally arriving at the red-stone pit. Sarah finds herself practically flung into the arena, the red-metal door slamming shut behind her. There are cheers and hoots from the crowd, watching from above. "Ladies and gentlemen! And... Athullians! Today we see... the arena deflowering of this pretty young kitsune, who has chosen... to fight!" There's cheering from one side of the arena, filled with what look to be rather war-like demons.

Sarah stumbles into the arena and catches her footing, standing upright and waving, a grin on her face, as she looks about, partially paying attention to the crowd, but more importantly looking around the arena for the remains of the previous combatants.

DM62: Unfortunately, bloodstains seem to be all that's left of opponents. It would seem that the arena is cleaned after each fight. "And..." the announcer continues, "from the fighting pits she rose to be the Mistress of the Pit itself! Ladies and Gentlemen, the Cunt-Tamer of the Rift, Inflater of Bellies, the Never Defeated Mistress Muhr!" The other red-metal door slams open, and the large red-skinned and horned futanari enters. She's completely naked, her ponderous breasts swaying as she moves, and Sarah comes to the startling realization that the massive warrior has two sets of arms.

Sarah blinks as she hears her opponent announced, then grins as she sees the naked, four-armed woman entering. Wait...Four arms..."Well well! It would seem I get my wish after all Mistress Muhr!" the Kitsune says as she looks around for something that might be useful as a weapon, not at all comfortable with her grasp of unarmed combat.

DM62: Mistress Muhr chuckles as Sarah looks about. "There are none. That's why I decided to give you a fair fight, and not bring any weapons of my own. I even left my gladiator armor behind. The faster you realize you're losing this fight, the sooner we can get to the fun part, where I fuck you until you can't remember your own name. Of course... you chose to fight. So this won't be gentle." She advances, even as the announcer calls out, "LET THE FIGHT BEGIN!" The crowd begins roaring.

Sarah grins at the words from the mistress. "You don't know me. I don't surrender!" she shouts, charging towards the much bigger woman and leaping at her, intending to tackle her, despite how futile it probably is.

DM62: Muhr simply stands her ground, and the much-smaller kitsune's tackle lands perfectly... but utterly fails to even budge the massive red-skinned futa, who grins down at her. "Come on. You'll have to do a little better than that, fox. Or you're going to get really, really sore."

Sarah: "I would rather be sore...And have my pride..." the Kitsune says, moving to try and punch at the demon's stomach with one of her hands while she keeps the other wrapped around her torso.

DM62: The futa smirks, and punching her abs feels like ramming Sarah's knuckles into a thick steel shield. "You certainly get points for bravery and effort, little fox. Do you have a name?"

Sarah groans as she pulls back. "Sarah...Softail." she grunts out as she brings a foot around to try and kick the demon in the shin.

DM62: Predictably, Muhr ignores the kick to her shins, reaching out and grabbing one of the kitsune's tails with a large red hand. "And... yes... it IS a very soft tail that you have, Sarah." She chuckles, then brings down her other hand in an open-palmed slap to the kitsune's ass, leaving red marks and making a loud smack that echoes in the pit. The crowd cheers.

Sarah moans in ecstasy as one of her two tails is grabbed, and her ass is then promptly slapped, causing her to cry out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, her exposed ass now red from the hit. "No fair!" she whimpers out, trying to hit the woman with another punch, clearly not ready to give up, but not quite so resistant.

DM62: Muhr takes the next punch easily, doing more damage to Sarah's knuckles than to the red-skinned warrior, and she reaches down to put the other tail in her hand, now grasping both tails with one hand by the base. Her other hand strikes again, in the exact same spot, making another smack throughout the arena. "Tell me little fox... if I lift you by the tails, will they fall out?" She begins to do so, grinning now. Her rather large equine cock is starting to grow hard.

Sarah: "Ow! No! They're real!" the Kitsune whimpers out, the sensations now doubled, as she's smacked again. "P-Please don't rip my tails off! Please!" she begins to flail, trying to hit the demon woman any way she can as she struggles to stay upright, her feet practically dancing on the arena floor.

DM62: Muhr laughs loudly. "Pathetic. Here I was hoping for a little more sport. Alright... get on your knees. Show me how a kitsune slut begs for her life. Show THEM." The crowd has already started jeering.

Sarah: "I...I won't beg for my life! I'm not that pathetic. But my tails...Nobody messes with my tails!" she shouts, flexing and trying to get one last hit in, this one aimed for the genitals of her opponent in a last ditch effort to redeem herself.

DM62: The red-skinned woman shifts her stance slightly, and Sarah's desperate punch slams into a rock-solid thigh. "Ooooh... fox has fangs!" She cuffs the kitsune, hard enough to make her vision blur for a second. Then Sarah feels a hand closing around her neck from behind, and she's being pushed into the red stone floor of the arena. "Bad fox... bad. That will cost you." She can feel the rest of her clothing being roughly ripped away.

Sarah: "B-But I'm all out of money..." the Kitsune groans out as she's forced to the floor, one side of her face pressed into the hard rock. "Least...I never...Gave up." she pants out, her tails trying to move and block her modesty.

DM62: "Never gave up... but never really had a chance." The futa grabs Sarah's tails again, forcing them out of the way, and then Sarah can feel the thick tip of the horse cock pressing up against her sex, steaming in the cool arena air. There's a musky scent, like some undefined beast ready to rut, and then the massive phallus begins pressing into the kitsune without mercy, as the crowd's roars grow deafening.

Sarah: "A-Ah...E-Even a futile struggle...Is still a struggle..." the Kitsune grunts out, her fluffy tails pulled aside to reveal her E-cup breasts, pressed her into the stone floor, as the large, demonic cock begins to force her wider. "Oh gods...Oh gods it's so big...Oh my...It's going to split me in half!" she begins to cry out, clutching at the rock with her fingers, trying to get some kind of handhold to squeeze just for the sake of it.

DM62: "Yes... but at least this..." Muhr gives a pleased grunt, forcing a few more inches of the horse cock into the kitsune, "this struggle isn't futile. I'll get to..." she thrust in a little more, "the bottom, slut." The crowd is still deafening, and at the edges of Sarah's vision, she can see that some of the figures atop the pit are openly masturbating to the sight. "Need to... relax that pussy... slut." Muhr gives Sarah another stinging slap on the ass.

Sarah: "Ah...May I...Ask of you...Something?" the Kitsune grunts as she's slowly forced full, trying to relax herself, but reflex still holds strong. "M-May...May I speak...With you...At length? After...I mean." she grunts, actually closing her eyes and trying to focus on relaxing.

DM62: "Ha!" The futa laughs, then grabs a large scrap of Sarah's undergarments, dragging it into Sarah's mouth and fastening it as a makeshift gag. "Prisoners don't get to speak with the jailor, especially after such..." she ruts in a little deeper, and now it feels like someone has their forearm inside the kitsune's slit, "such a poor... fight!" She gives the kitsune another spanking, then one of her thick fingers twists into Sarah's anus, with no warning or preparation, ramming in deep.

Sarah cries out into the makeshift gag, her fingers scraping across the ground as she balls her hands into fists and tries to claw her way away from the demoness, not ready to stop fighting. She wasn't going to give up, not until she was out cold, and she hoped that would be enough, as she kicks and claws at the ground to try and escape from the utterly devastating rape she was being subjected to, her body slowly betraying her, showing the demon that deep down she was enjoying the hell out of this.

DM62: The grip on Sarah's tails tightens, and then another of her four hands grabs a handful of Sarah's hair, brutally forcing her to stay put and endure the hard fucking. "Nice try... slut." The massive cock is throbbing inside of the kitsune now, and Muhr slams forward again, the shape of her cock visible on Sarah's belly as the futa hilts herself. "Fuck... such a tight little pussy. Have to sample that ass next." The finger in Sarah's ass twists demonstratively, then Muhr pulls back just a little and begins slamming her cock into Sarah, harder.

Sarah: "A-Ah...N-Never...Surrender..." Sarah stammers out, barely able to take the punishment, her belly distending from the sheer size of her rapist, her eyes squinted shut in a mixutre of shame and anger at being mistreated so, despite how close to climax she is.

DM62: Muhr rams in once more with a growl, the cock throbbing hard, and then a hot blast of thick spunk gushes out, instantly overfilling the kitsune's pussy. Lodged in there by the massive cock, it begins to expand Sarah's stomach, and the outline of the cock in her belly is soon lost as it begins to inflate with futa cum.

Sarah: "A-ah..." Sarah moans out, felling her innards swell with the demon's seed, her insides clamping down as she moans gently, a climax ripping through her body, but the strength to announce it to the world lost to her, as she finally falls limp from exhaustion, feeling her belly swell out with demon seed, no doubt heavily pregnant judging by the size of the load. "M-Mistress..." the Kitsune stammers out, barely able to form a coherent thought.

DM62: The demon laughs, rising... but the sheer size of her cock seems to be enough to lift Sarah with it, effectively leaving the cum-inflated kitsune hanging down from the horse cock. She grins, looking about the arena. "THIS SLUT... WARMS MY COCK TONIGHT!" The crowd roars again, and the announcer seems to be shouting something, even as Muhr walks out through the red-steel door, grabbing Sarah by the neck to give her a little support as she moves up some red stone stairs.

Sarah groans as she's lifted, and displayed to the crowd, fucked nearly senseless and still dripping the seed of her conqueror, her fluffy tails hanging down to either side of the cock buried in her. "N-No..." she stutters out one they're out of the arena, trying to lift her head and failing, completely exhausted at this point.

DM62: The futa just grins. "You failed to fight... that means you get fucked, and you get fucked good and proper. Or I could still just... kill you, slut. That's still an option." The grip around Sarah's neck tightens as the futa keeps walking through a well-appointed hallway, cutting off her air supply.

Sarah gasps, her hands trying to reach up for the hand gripped around her throat, shaking her head back and forth as she tries to breathe, but can't, her fluffy tails flailing behind her.

DM62: "What was that, slut? You DO want to die?" The hand continues choking Sarah, not letting up quite yet, as the futa opens up a thick wooden door with gold inlay, entering what looks to be a personal chamber with... lots and lots of bondage equipment.

Sarah shakes her head furiously, gripping at the fingers around her throat as she tries to loosen the grip around her neck, kicking at the demon as well.

DM62: "If you don't stop your struggling, little slut, I'll just snap your neck like a twig and fetch a more submissive one from the dungeons. I do have LOTS of options." She moves into the chamber, slamming the door shut behind her, the hand still choking Sarah.

Sarah wheezes as she falls limp, trying to still herself, despite every muscle in her body crying out for more oxygen.

DM62: "Good slut. Remember to stay submissive... or I can be MUCH harsher." The iron grip relaxes, allowing Sarah to breathe.

Sarah begins to pant for air once the capacity is returned to her. "I-I'm sorry...Mistress Muhr..." the Kitsune says with a whimper.

DM62: The futa shrugs, pulling Sarah up and off of her cock, and setting her down on her hands and knees near what looks to be a comfortable throne of gold and soft red velvet. "Stay there, pet." Sarah can hear something being unlocked to the side of her, where the futa seems to be retrieving something.

Sarah whimpers and stays on her hands and knees, closing her eyes and tucking her fluffy tails between her legs, scared at what might happen.

DM62: "Awww... that's a good boy." The futa brings over a wriggling creature... gray-haired, with a long and flexible snout. "Mama brought you a little meal, dearie." She grins, putting the creature behind Sarah... and immediately Sarah can feel the snout pressing into her dripping slit, starting to drink all of the fluids out of her.

Sarah: "A-Ah...M-Mistress...May I ask what this creature is?" she says, shivering as the creature begins to dive into her.

DM62: "I'm surprised you don't know... it's a Kaliferian creature known as a snurfler. They start out small, living off of bodily fluids... but eventually they become massive, fierce carnivores." The creature's snout presses deeper, feasting greedily within Sarah.

Sarah: "A-Ah...I had heard tales...Of such a creature...B-But never saw one before, Mistress..." the Kitsune stammers out, clearly enjoying the treatment her well-used hole was getting. "M-May I ask...What Mistress intends to do to me tonight?"

DM62: "Whatever I want. Maybe I'll bring in a pair of centaurs and let them fuck you from both ends. Or just chain you to a wall and whip you all night. That's up to me... and how well you manage to please me."

Sarah: "O-Of course, Mistress...Anything..." the Kitsune says hopefully, looking up at the demoness. "I-I had hoped...To offer myself to you as a pet regardless, Mistress..."

DM62: "Hmm... we'll see. Maybe I'll see how nice you play with my other toys, before I decide." She grins. The snurfler begins licking deeper and deeper as he finishes lapping up all the cum out of Sarah, cleaning her out almost entirely, and Muhr scoops up the creature, putting him back into his cage and locking him in there. "Shame, really... he needs a larger cage every week it seems."

Sarah: "Indeed...A shame...B-But...He's quite the pet...I like him, Mistress." the Kitsune says, before lowering her head, and being silent, knowing she had probably spoken out of turn.

DM62: Having let the snurfler clean out Sarah's pussy, Mistress Muhr chuckles, looking at the tamed kitsune still on her hands and knees. "Well... aren't you just the perfect little submissive." She thinks for a moment. "Alright. If you want... I can put you back in your cell, tomorrow morning, after my pet hounds have kept you knotted for the evening. Or... you could offer yourself to me, as my new toy." The red-skinned cubite grins. "But that means... I can do whatever I want with you, whenever I want. There's no saying 'no' to me, if you become one of my playthings."

Sarah: "W-What if I say yes...And you just kill me anyway down the line?" the Kitsune says as she looks up at the cubite hopefully. "I only fought so I didn't have to sex up those guards...If being your pet means I get to live here instead of a nasty, cold cell...Then I accept."

DM62: "You won't return to your cell... but you'll live where I tell you to live. Normally, that means on a cushion at the base of my bed. Or in a comfortable cage. Sometimes, warming my bed, with my cock buried inside of you. Or under a pile of my other toys. It's up to me." She chuckles. "But I don't make a habit of sharing my toys with my common guards, if that makes a difference to you."

Sarah: "All of those sound a lot better than chained up in a cell..." the Kitsune says, as she begins to slowly crawl on her hands and knees towards Muhr. "Will you...Make me your pet, Mistress Muhr?" she asks, bending down and kissing at the cubite's feet submissively.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Sarah (part two, Malady Quinn, modifications, Abysshounds)
DM62: Mistress Muhr seems amused... but pleased by the offer, considering. "Sure. We just need to make a few... minor tweaks." She reaches over, picking up a small handbell near her throne, and ringing it. Immediately, four armed guards admit an elf slave, dressed in finery but with her breasts on full display. "Liri. Fetch the apprentice. Let's see if she's mastered the basics." The servant nods, and then Muhr grins, reaching down and picking up the panties that were dripping with Sarah's pussy juices and saliva. She tosses it to the servant. "And give that to my hounds. Then wait an hour... and then send them in." "Very good, Mistress." The servant bows again, departing with the guards.

Sarah shivers at the conversation that follows, her fluffy tails on full display for the demon, but saying nothing as she keeps her head to the ground at her feet, waiting to be told what to do like a good pet.

DM62: A kitsune enters quietly, with dirty-blond hair and dressed in a kimono that shows just a hint of cleavage, two fox tails quietly weaving as she walks. She bows to Muhr. "Mistress. How shall I serve?" The Mistress smiles. "Apprentice Quinn. Good evening. I would like you to... enhance... my new toy, Sarah. I want her breasts sensitive and swollen with milk. I want her pussy constantly moist and ready. I want her pheromones enhanced, so that beasts and beastfolk will be drawn from a greater distance. And... I want her asshole to be very sensitive, so that she loses the will to fight upon any anal toying." The new kitsune nods, and gives another bow. "As you wish, Mistress. Sarah, stand and face me. This will not hurt, but I need you to remain very still to prevent any slips."

Sarah whimpers, looking up at Muhr for a moment before standing and trying to relax. "Y-Yes...I'll try to hold still..." the Kitsune says, though she's shivering, though, whether from fear or anticipation is anyone's guess.

DM62: "Just focus on your breathing. In and out." The kitsune's blue eyes are fixed on Sarah's breasts, and her cold fingers gently take them in hand. After a few moments of soft rubbing, they definitely seem more sensitive... and fuller. Droplets of milk begin to form on Sarah's nipples. "They will be more sensitive... and you will want to milk these at least twice a day. It will be more effective to milk them with assistance." The kitsune then removes her hands, kneeling, and beginning to softly caress the outside of Sarah's slit.

Sarah moans gently as her breasts are modified, closing her eyes and trying to focus on her breathing. "I...I have never heard...Of such magical arts..." she says, clearly impressed and aroused, if the steady flow of fluid down her thighs is any indication.

DM62: Mistress Muhr chuckles. "Of course. Fleshcrafting is a gift of Athullia. Unknown to the realm of Kalifer, your home." The kitsune's finger slips inside of Sarah, and Sarah's scent of arousal seems to double in strength. She can also feel herself becoming even slicker between her legs. "Would you like her a little more elastic, Mistress? Able to take larger cocks and knots, but have her pussy return to a near-virgin state after?" Muhr nods. "That sounds lovely, Quinn." Quinn nods, and Sarah can feel... something has changed within her. Then the other kitsune rises again, moving around to Sarah's anus... and softly pressing a pussy-juice-covered finger against it, rubbing it.

Sarah moans as she's further changed, molded to Muhr's liking by one of her kin. "T-That is...Amazing...If only I could study...This art..." she gasps as the finger slips inside her backdoor, her hands clenched into fists. "I'd give anything..."

DM62: The cubite laughs. "You've proven that you're a servile little fox. But you've yet to prove your devotion or loyalty." The finger slips into Sarah's ass, and she can feel the pleasure... intensifying. The need to submit to that finger in her rectum. Then the finger is withdrawn, though Sarah can still feel a residual need to submit. "I... I think she's ready, Mistress." Muhr chuckles. "Very good. It's been... about an hour. My hounds should be here, soon, to enjoy my newest toy. Apprentice Quinn, you may leave us." The other kitsune bows again, slipping out, just as the elf Miri enters. "My lady, I have brought your hounds, as instructed." Muhr grins. "Did they... like my gift?" "Yes, Mistress."

Sarah whimpers as the finger works away at her resistance, drawing out every ounce of submission in her. The moment the kitsune pulls her finger free, Sarah drops to her hands and knees, moaning lustfully. "I-I am ready...To serve you, and your pets...Mistress..." she says, raising her fluffy tails to give the hounds a perfect view of her now-modified backside.

DM62: "Bring in my hounds. Then leave us." The elf servant nods, admitting four rather large and extremely muscular Abysshounds. Furry humanoid bodies... but with wolf heads and thick wolf cocks, already starting to emerge from their sheaths at the scent of a bitch in heat. Muhr chuckles, even as the elf slave departs. "My lovely hounds. Come forward... and smell your bitch for the evening. But if any of you touches her without permission, you'll be spending a night being denied your pleasure." The young and virile Abysshounds advance, moving onto their own hands and knee to sniff at Sarah's dripping snatch.

Sarah shivers on seeing the hounds enter, trying her best to remain still. "T-They're so big, Mistress..." Sarah whimpers out, milk dribbling from her engorged teats onto the floor beneath her, a scared look on her face at what these four beasts might do to her.

DM62: Muhr nods. "Indeed. And sometimes they even keep me warm at night." She looks at the largest, with black fur and a scar near his right eye. "Alpha hound. You may breed her... or fuck her asshole, if you wish." "Thank you, mistress," responds the wolf man. He moves forward, giving Sarah's pussy a few good licks, then Sarah can feel furry body on top of hers as the wolf mounts her, his thick caniine cock plunging into her dripping snatch. "Beta, you may have her mouth, for the first round." Another of the creatures moves around, positioning his cock near Sarah's mouth, though unable to simply thrust it in without interfering with the Alpha.

Sarah moans as she feels the massive hound-man press into her dripping, modified pussy, her fluffy tails instinctively wrapping around him as he delves deep into her. When presented with the Beta's cock, one of her hands leaves the floor and begins to grab hold of it, pulling it gently towards her mouth and extending her tongue to lick at the tip.

DM62: The Alpha gives a growl of dominance, starting to rapidly thrust in and out of his bitch's pussy. Already turned on my her panties, his knot is already starting to form, and the wolf-man gives a hard thrust, pressing the growing knot into the bitch to ensure a good lock. He continues to take her without restraint or mercy. Meanwhile, the Beta gives a sigh of pleasure as he feels the kitsune's lips on his cock, adjusting his positioning to give her better access, and starting to thrust into her lips as well. Muhr's voice can be heard. "Hold your hands out, dear. You'll be pleasuring the other two with your fingers... at least until the Alpha has climbed off of you."

Sarah moans as the Alpha gets to work, pounding away at her needy pussy, as she holds her hands out as far as she can to give the other two something to please themselves with, as she sucks and licks at the Beta's cock buried in her mouth eagerly, no sigh of displeasure on her face or in her actions.

DM62: The knot continues to grow within Sarah, limiting the Alpha's thrusts to small but savage ones, and hot pre-cum begins pouring into her from the Alpha, filling her with a warm and very sexual sensation of already starting to be filled up. The Beta, though, is all to eager to continue humping Sarah's mouth, growing somewhat more aggressive and trying to get into her throat. Soon enough, Sarah can feel the other two cocks being placed in her fingers. "Take good care of us, dearie... and we won't make things quite so brutal when it's our turn."

Sarah moans around the cock buried in her throat as she gently grasps at both cocks, beginning to pleasure them as well, as the Alpha ruts her with all his might, her fluffy tails twitching in delight at being so well-tended to by these beasts, despite how brutal they were, especially with the thought that her performance might be pleasing Muhr.

DM62: Muhr is quietly watching... then Sarah hears a bell ring, and the servant's voice. "Yes, Mistress?" "Miri. Tend to me, while I watch my new toy debase herself with my hounds." "Yes, Mistress." Sarah can see the well-endowed elf moving forward, starting to suck at the futa's prodigious length, while the futa watches Sarah's show. The knot is larger in Sarah's pussy than anything she's taken before, and still growing, yet there's much more pleasure than pain at this point. Both the Alpha and the Beta seem to be nearing their climaxes, with a steady flow of pre at both ends, and Sarah's belly has already begun to swell again. The hounds in Sarah's hands whine a little, enjoying themselves but wanting an orifice to bury themselves within.

Sarah moans around the cock in her mouth, more out of pity for the two she's tending to with her hands, working to try and pleasure them as best she can, while the Alpha continues to stretch her, her fluffy ears pressed against her head as she watches her Mistress begin to pleasure herself with the slavegirl, almost wishing it was her, as she sucks hard on the Beta's length and opens her throat, trying to take more of him inside of her mouth to help get him off faster, as she feels the Alpha swelling her belly, despite not having begun to actually climax, praying that he doesn't break her.

DM62: The Beta makes a desperate bid to press his cock deeper, but neither he nor Sarah can get the wide knot past the kitsune's teeth, preventing an oral tie. The Alpha gives one more growl of dominance, with a final thrust, and his cock begins to unload the actual payload in the kitsune's pussy. Every drop is trapped inside due to the sheer size of the knot, and Sarah's belly begins to swell in a manner that resembles pregnancy. The hound at Sarah's mouth gives a grunt as well, and hot spunk begins to spurt into her throat and mouth. Muhr is clearly enjoying the show, grabbing a handful of Miri's hair and starting to fuck her throat, occasionally choking the elf slave.

Sarah cries out in bliss as the Alpha begins to fill her womb full of his precious payload, her hands working even harder to please his packmates as his Beta unleashes a full meal into her belly, her greedily sucking down every drop she can, her breasts starting to dribble milk a little faster as she herself climaxes, clenching tightly around the massive intruder parked inside of her slit, as her fluffy tails poof out, the hairs standing on end as she shakes with pure, unadulterated bliss.

DM62: The Abysshound Alpha holds himself inside of the kitsune, continuing to make her belly swell, though the flow is finally starting to ebb as Sarah's belly begins to brush the floor. The hound at Sarah's lips holds himself there for another few moments, then his cock is too sensitive to take any more, and he pulls back with a little whine, as thick spurts of cum start landing on Sarah's face and in her hair. The futa on her throne is now hilting herself in the elf slave, depriving her of air for the moment, as she goes through an orgasm of her own, her teeth showing.

Sarah inhales once the hound removes himself from her mouth, licking at what bits of seed land on her face near her mouth. "Was that...An acceptable performance...Mistress?" she asks, still pleasuring the Alpha's other two packmates with her hands, stroking up and down the lengths of their shafts with each hand, clearly intent on keeping them pleased in some capacity.

DM62: Muhr laughs, as she pushes the elf woman back, letting her cough and sputter. "Who said you were done, dear? The Alpha isn't satisfied until he's cum at least three times... he likes to impregnate bitches if at all possible." The Abysshound smirks. "You know me too well, Mistress." Then he turns around, his ass pressed against Sarah's, still tied to the stuffed kitsune, and he begins to walk away on all fours, dragging Sarah along by the knot.

Sarah whimpers as she's slowly dragged along with the Alpha, her hands still trying to please his packmates. "T-Three times?" she stammers out, her hands finally leaving the two lesser pack members in order to stabilize herself and crawl backwards with the Alpha tugging her along.

DM62: "Don't worry, dear... he does take little breaks." The Alpha leads the kitsune over to an area on the floor with a pile of cushions, clambering atop a rather large and soft one, leaving Sarah nearby. The two waiting hounds move closer, growling at each other before one backs away. The other moves up, placing his erect wolf cock at Sarah's lips, his intention clear. "Hounds, she's your bitch for the night. Tomorrow morning, as well--I'll be tying up some loose ends." The Mistress's voice sounds amused. "Now, Miri... climb up onto my bed. Let's see if we can't fill your belly with another set of twins."

Sarah groans as the Alpha settles on a big pillow for himself, pulling another under her to rest on, which gives her a perfect view of one of his packmates offering his cock to her, which she promptly begins tending to, with both hands this time, as she presses it past her lips, delighting at being able to atleast service the gentler ones, not quite liking how rough and uncaring the Alpha was.

DM62: The Alpha's knot finally begins to shrink down, enough to let some of the cum flow out of the kitsune's abused pussy... but then he turns to rut her again, sperm getting pumped out as he starts thrusting into her again. Muhr chuckles. "He's a rough lover... but you'll learn to crave that, dear." Then Miri's voice rises in a cry of pleasure, as the futa begins fucking her elven slave in earnest.

Sarah says nothing, her voice unable to get past the wolf cock buried in her mouth, as she begins to suck and lick at him, intent on taking this one as deep as she can, somewhat appalled by how rough the Alpha is, intent on showing she's worth so much more than a simple hound toy, reaching a hand down to fondle the orbs of the wolf fucking her mouth, looking to please him far more than the alpha is getting out of her stretched and filled hole.

DM62: The Alpha growls... then he reaches up, sliding his finger into the kitsune's sensitive asshole, twisting it inside of her. He whispers savagely into her ear, even as the movement disarms her, "Yes... I know about Mistress' little tricks, slut. You're in for a fun night and morning." The hound at Sarah's mouth slows, then starts moving faster again once the Alpha pulls back from Sarah's head, acting out of respect for his superior. Meanwhile, Sarah can hear Muhr's voice. "Beta... get up here and fuck me while I knock Miri up."

Sarah moans in agreement with the Alpha, her will to resist all but gone once he puts his finger in her ass, and once the packmate begins to intensify, she follows suit, trying to both please him, and press back into the Alpha, quite miffed that she's missing out on her Mistress' activities, wanting more of her delicious cock to herself.

DM62: It's not long before the massive Alpha knot is filling Sarah again, a fresh torrent of cum just as large as the first one filling her up and swelling her. The hound at Sarah's mouth actually manages to get his somewhat smaller knot past her teeth, knotting himself into her mouth and throat before he starts pumping cum into her from that side as well. Moaning and grunting can be heard from the Mistress' bed.

Sarah takes a deep breath before the smaller Wolf presses his knot past her teeth, her eyes rolling back as she is filled from two ends, trying to get a good look over at her Mistress bed, right on the verge of climax, but not quite over it…
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Rowenna (Dayara the Shiriti, the wombminer)
DM62: Rowenna's in her cell for a relatively short period, a half-hour, if she had to guess, before the latch opens. Two guards enter. Large, horned futanari. "So... you get the first match, it seems, prisoner. Would you prefer a fight? Or a fuck?" Then sneer, eyes running over the beautiful Valhalian.

Rowenna: The wolf woman was quite content for the moment alone. Shame it had to be ruined by the intrusion of the two guards. "If I may, I'd prefer a good old fashioned fight. My people aren't known for wrestling mountain trolls for nothing you know." She spoke assuming they knew of her people, but was also prepared for some measure of ignorance as well.

DM62: "Well... today's a special fight." She laughs. "Come on, prisoner. Time to get you to the Pit." The armed guards gesture, motioning Rowenna out of her cell down down the hallway toward the arena.

Rowenna: "Of course. No point in objection now." She stretched before being let out into the hallway. "Special? For me? Seems a little much for a new arrival."

DM62: Rowenna can hear cheering, and an announcer's voice through the red-metal door to the arena. "Ladies and Gentlemen! From the Shiriti Isles! Dayara, the amazon warrior!" The cheering intensifies, and the guards wait with Rowenna, her entrance still latched shut.

Rowenna: "A shiriti? A fine people to be sure. Though not too many leave their island, so this is a rare thing indeed." Rowenna crossed her arms, more then a little curious to see where the fight would go. Especially if she was as...unarmed as she was.

DM62: At this point the door for Rowenna opens. "And a new slave to fight for our pleasure! A proud North woman, whose name has yet to be earned!" The crowd jeers as the guards bring Rowenna into the Pit. Oddly, two more guards are flanking the Shiriti female, who is muscular and tanned, with dark hair. "Right... Both of you, hold out your arms, right here, next to each other's wrists."

Rowenna: Guess she had to earn her name around here. No complaints really. If anything she found this to be a challenge. Shame the audience were just there for her T&A over her actual prowess. She'd look over at the Shiriti woman and gave her a respectful nod before she was instructed to hold her arm out. "Care to spill the story here? I thought we were suppose to be fighting."

DM62: "Arms out, bitch. Or we give them a REAL show." The guards sneer. The shiriti puts her arms out as ordered. "Just do it, girl. Trust me. Better that way."

Rowenna: "I never said I wouldn't" She'd remark as she put her arm out as instructed. She wasn't in the mood to get people angry

DM62: "Both arms. BOTH your arms." The other guard yanks up Rowenna's arms... the manacles come down, latching the shiriti's right wrist to Rowenna's left, and then the other pair of wrists as well. "Today our contestants will subdue each other... while cuffed at the wrists!" The crowd roars again, and the shiriti nods... quietly moving her muscular legs to warm them up. The guards chuckle, moving back and out of the red-metal doors, shutting them to leave the pair alone.

Rowenna: "So it's like that is it? This might make things rather...boring. But who am I to judge?" She'd try to make light but now was far from the best time. She rolled her neck and gave it a good crack, doing similar warm ups to the shiriti to get herself ready. This was going to be a strange fight to say the least

DM62: "AND... BEGIN!" The shiriti woman shifts, kicking out with a leg and twisting her body, making an effort to fling the Valhal into the red rock floor of the Pit. The crowd roars.

Rowenna: "Oh no you don't!” Rowenna would try to shift her weight down, locking her feet and pulling back, trying to resist the fling. If she succeeded, she'd then bring her knee forward and hit the woman in the gut. She wasn't about to be made sport of so easily

DM62: The shiriti fails to fling Rowenna, but she brings up her own leg, managing to block the knee. "Yes I do!" The shiriti pulls back, then shifts forward, attempting to headbutt the Valhal with a fierce growl. Rowenna could see that this woman was a pretty decent fighter, herself.

Rowenna: Not one to be outdone, Rowenna brought her own head forward, wanting to at least counter the momentum of the headbutt. Meeting her half way was better than nothing. "Not about to lose my chance at a name, hun. My pride depends on it."

DM62: The roaring intensifies as the two women headbutt each other with a loud smack, making Rowenna's world spin for a moment... but seeming to have a similar effect on her opponent. "And I'm... not about to lose to a newbie!" The woman starts kicking at Rowenna, practiced swings with lightning precision, trying to cripple the Valhalian.

Rowenna: "Gah. Fucking cunt." Rowenna felt her world spin for a moment, the hit most likely doing more damage then she though. But now the kicks were hardly helping and she wasn't about to let some islander get the better of her. Not one to be outdone, Rowenna would kick back, but going for weakspots. Ankles, knees, hip. Whatever she could hit and do the most damage to

DM62: The shiriti gets in a solid shot to Rowenna's ankle, bruising it badly, but then Rowenna scores a strong hit against the side of the shiriti's knee, making her scream in pain as her leg bends at an awkward angle. She begins to fall to the ground, crowd cheering and jeering as the newcomer makes good.

Rowenna scraemed after the first hit, but was quick to pay her opponent back with a blow to the knee. "Nothing personal." She tried to make amends but knew it'd be for nothing. She knew the Shiriti had their pride and this one would keep fighting. Worth a shot at least. "Give it up. Don't think you can fight on a leg that's bending like that." Rowenna would hold back for now, but would keep one leg on a hair trigger should the shiriti try to strike. It all depended on how she responded.

DM62: The shiriti growls. "FUCK THAT." She slams both her hands forward, catching Rowenna with a sudden punch to the jaw. Then the shiriti's leg gives out, bringing both women down rather suddenly.

Rowenna: "Bitch!" Rowenna spit out with the sudden punch. She was prepared to counter attack but was brought down after the shiriti's legs gave out. "You brought this on yourself, cunt." Rowenna would not waste this opportunity and, if she could, swing back, wanting to hit her opponent in the cheek. "This fight is over!"

DM62: "Time for our last contestant!" The announcer's voice is full of savage glee, and one of the red-metal doors opens... admitting... no one. It slams shut... and then Rowenna spots something starting to scuttle toward the pair, very low to the ground. "The wombminer will turn one of our fighters into a lust-filled futanari! Who will it BE?" Rowenna's punch lands solidly, but the shiriti isn't done fighting, and as the critter wriggles forward the shiriti is already trying to wrestle herself away from it, hoping to expose Rowenna.

Rowenna: "Wait what?!" Rowenna would hear the announcer and her face went pale for a moment. Seriously? They're throwing that stinking thing into the mix?! Last thing she wanted was to go hump crazy cause of that thing. She already got wild when the full moon rolled around and she didn't need more cause to be sex hungry. Though letting the SHiriti win might be bad as well. "L...look, maybe we can crush that thing! N...none of us have to suffer." She'd try to argue, but would keep up her end of the fight, trying to gain a superior position

DM62: "Seen... people try. It just latches on... then you've got a new cock." She grunts, in a losing position due to her bad knee, but still struggling, even as the critter nears the shiriti's ass. "Dammit... just... if it gets me... just help me cum, at least? I've seen them lock up the new futas for a month, if they don't get relief in the same match with the wombminer." She tries again to pin Rowenna, but fails. "Please."

Rowenna: "Fine. Last thing I want is for another warrior to suffer because of me. Let it latch on and I'll let you have a go." She'd hear the womans pleas and realizing she had the better chance, would move to pin her in a position that would put her closer to the creature.

DM62: Pinned, the woman gives a gasp as the creature wriggles into her. She pants, moaning against the Valhalian... crying out as she orgasms helplessly. The crowd jeers and cheers as the Valhal technically wins the match... and the shiriti begins looking at Rowenna lustfully, a rather sizeable cock forming between her legs. "I... I hope you... were being honest..."

Rowenna: "My people aren't one to lie. Comes with living in a land were nearly everything wants to kill us." Sure she technically won the match, but she got the feeling that the Shiriti might enjoy this more then she did. "Come on. No use leaving the crowd waiting. They might come down and rape us themselves if we aren't quick enough."

DM62: "We... we also... do not lie. Because... in the jungle, everything wants to kill us. Or fuck us. Or fuck us, kill us, and eat us." She moves in, sliding the new, virgin cock against the Valhal's slit... then she wastes no more time, pressing in with a pleased gasp. "F-fuck... so... so good." She presses in deeper, her thick cock already throbbing inside the Valhal.

Rowenna: "Two sides of the same coin. We have more in common then I thought." She'd reach up and stroke the woman's face and giving her the ok for her partner to move forward. The cock slid in and the Valhal let out a long relaxed sigh as she was blessed with a new companion. "E...enjoy the feeling, hun. M...may be our only chance to have fun."

DM62: The crowd is cheering loudly, although the announcer's words are somewhat lost as Rowenna enjoys the sensations of being fucked by the recently-converted shiriti futanari. "Yes... fuck..." She gently bites down on the side of Rowenna's neck, her hips starting to move faster. "I... I won't... last.. long..." She pants, rutting into the Valhal with all speed.

Rowenna: The bite on her neck sent a shiver through her body, before feeling the pace of the union pick up. "It's ok...hun...D...don't hold back." She'd grip onto the woman as tight as she could, moaning softly into her opponents ear and letting her fuck her as hard as she could.

DM62: For a virgin, the shiriti puts up an admirable showing, fucking the Valhal with gusto for several minutes. Ultimately, though, she's too keyed up to endure, and she gives a howl as she climaxes inside of the werewolf woman. She holds herself inside Rowenna, resting gently on her shoulder.

Rowenna too reached her peak, letting out a low moan and feeling her body shivering and shaking again. She never enjoyed being loud in her orgasms and did her best to keep quiet. Once her companion finished and resting against her, she'd whisper. "You're gonna break alot of hearts with that thing. Shame you didn't get a chance to walk on the wild side of me."

DM62: "I... would enjoy such walks in the future." At this point guards enter through the red-steel doors, dragging the pair apart, and Rowenna finds herself being brought back to a standing position. The announcer, the purple-skinned and horned humanoid from before, looks down at the winner. "And what is your name?"

Rowenna: "Let's hope we meet again then. I do enjoy spending time with Shiriti and fellow warriors at that." She'd give her a peck on the cheek before they got seperated, the woman taking a few deep breaths to gather her thoughts. "Rowenna. My name is Rowenna"

DM62: "WINNER! ROWENNA!" The crowd roars, and the guards haul the victor back to her cell. "Good fight," one of them comments, patting the Valhal's rump before slamming her cell door shut.

Rowenna: Well, least she had a name according to the arena crowd. Would make things a little easier around here. She' be taken back to her cell, one of the guards commenting and giving her rump a tap. "Glad you liked it." Was all she said before entering her cell, taking the time to relax against the wall. Least the worst part of her day was over.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Sonja (Mogos the Mad Reinkin)
DMlurks: Noisy as ever, the crowd in the Pit began to raise again as another match featuring one of the slave champions began to prepare. From the opposing gate, a loud snorting and clattering rang into the arena, only adding to the cheers as they could identify the creature inside. Abyssal tongues were thrown into the air as the next challenger was also dragged to the other gate by guards...

Sonja looks around the arena, naked and somewhat concerned... but also angry at being dragged into this. Well, she was a harpy... she'd show... shit. As Sonja looked up, she saw the cage that was now in place, a set of thick iron bars set over the arena like a lid on a pot, admitting light but preventing an aerial escape. She shakes her head, discreetly picking up a few loose red stone rocks. She'd at least put up a fight... and she DID have a little room to fly around with.

DMlurks: The harpy's gate was opened first, the doors sliding open to lead her in before closing behind her, and the crowd seemed to grow a little louder. The harpy can note a few large, wide tendrils stick through the gate bars and flail before getting coaxed back in for the gate to close. When the gate finally opens, a loud, angry bellow exits, not of man but of beast, and a ferocious charge comes from a strange beast that the harpy had never seen before. Twisted tusks, large as her thighs, came from the beast's face, decorated with gold and gemstone bands, with a bony plate stretching up over it's neck. It's back was purely twisted, large spines of bone stretching out around weaving tendrils, as the beast bellows and stamps around, clearly looking for a fight. There's a brief second for a kobold to flee from the monster before the gate slams shut behind it, locking the creature in with the harpy.

Sonja: A beast? Well... this gave her a chance, at least. And there was no guarantee that this beast would decide it wanted to fuck and not kill the loser, so... Sonja quickly makes up her mind that this is a fight to the death. She braces herself, readying to launch and fly around the pit in a circle... but first she taunts it. "Hey! Big pig! Come over here, you little shit! I could use a bacon dinner tonight!" She readies herself to fly.

DMlurks: The beast seemed to notice the calls, turning it's small eyes to face the noise. It grunts and growls, scratching at the earth with flat-toed feet. Growling, it suddenly charges forth, rushing ahead and charging at full, bone-crushing speeds. The various tendrils of flesh flex and contort in the breeze, the beast moving too fast for it to control those limbs effectively.

Sonja: "Oh shit you're fast." Sonja launches herself, flapping her wings in a desperate effort to get herself aloft and start flying around the arena, hoping to avoid both the charge and the tendrils. "Gotta be faster than that, my piggy friend!" she taunts once airborne.

DMlurks: The large beast kept it's forward momentum even as the harpy took to the air, a loud crash echoing as it smashed into the wall. It grunted, shifting a bit as the harpy took to wing out of it's reach partly. It shook itself, dazed as it eyes around for where the bird went.

Sonja doesn't land quite yet, flying about the pit in a circle, then flinging one of the redstone rocks as hard as she could at the creature's eyes... hoping to partially blind it, or maybe even knock it out, if she was lucky.

DMlurks: The rock smacks across the creature's face, making it buck and yelp, shaking it's head again to not much effect. The crowd is booing the harpy for her underhand ranged tactics, and a few of them threaten to crawl over the cage before a bark from one of the cult leaders in the watching area stops them. The beast growls, as the tendrils on it's back begin to swell and stretch, swiftly rolling around the arena floor as it growls angrily.

Sonja: "One rock left..." The harpy looks about desperately for a loose rock that she can grab, without getting into range of the creature. She soars closer, hoping to fake out the creature, only to throw the other rock into its face, while looking for anything that resembled a weak area.

DMlurks: Whatever had messed with the creature had done a good job trying to reinforce it, as the harpy can only note softer skin towards the beast's flanks, helping to keep it protected. The beast's tendrils writhe and flip, attempting to help the creature's bad sight, but clearly it wasn't as skilled fighting against airborn targets, so the rock causes it to spin around and make it's odd noises again, confused and staggering.

Sonja: The harpy notes the weak flank areas, soaring around the arena, doing her best to avoid the tendrils and pull a loose rock or two from the pit walls. "You know... you guys... I'm actually... quite the musical talent. You guys could have... just asked me... for a song, if you... wanted entertainment!"

DMlurks: There's continued booing from the crowd- clearly they don't want to see two champions lose in as many days- but the sound at the walls seem to have triggered something from the beast, and several of the thick limbs slam into the wall she had just stole from, flailing madly in the area in a vain attempt to strike the bird to his level.

Sonja: "Sonova..." the harpy gasps as one of the tendrils smashes near her, bits of rock cutting her. She soars in, rock in hand, flying fast toward one of the flanks with a rock, and hurling it at the exposed weak spot in a dive-bombing attack. She turns, spinning and flying up in another direction, looking for another rock to use while trying to dodge the tendrils.

DMlurks: The rock hits home, causing the creature to buckle and jump a little as it's knocked over for a second. However, it was adapting a little faster, tendrils spinning and flailing a little more with it's fury as they start to climb the walls, causing a minor net of feeling limbs, looking for moments to strike.

Sonja: The harpy thinks... and uses her voice as a distraction, trying to use the noise and vibrations to trick the net of unseeing tendrils. As soon as there's another good opening, she soars in at the same weak area, this time using the rock and digging her claws in, savagely slashing and bashing at the exposed spot. Though if the tendrils begin closing in, she launches off again if possible.

DMlurks: The monster gives a roar and scream as it's bashed in the weaker flesh, the beast staggering and panicked in it's movements as it tries to run away, but it's tendrils quickly react to it, suddenly twisting and compressing towards above it as a living, fleshy net. The harpy could feel the mass barely graze her tail feathers before it slams shut with bone-crushing force below her. Still, the creature was panicked and staggering back towards the gate, calls and cries leaving it as it starts to open for it's handlers to take the bleeding beast.

Sonja: "OH NO YOU DON'T!" The harpy was ticked off, now, screeching in to attack at the creature's other flank, clawing and bashing and biting at the creature in an effort to put it down, for good.

DMlurks: As the harpy tried to pursue, the beast's back tendrils gave several hard flails behind it, One of them would catch the harpy, separating it from her, and a pair of spear-wielding guards would help to hold her back if she recovered before the portcullis was slammed shut behind it. She can hear the soothing voice of a kobold trying to calm the poor creature down a little from it's panicked flailing.

Sonja: The harpy looks about at the crowd angrily. She picks up a rock, hurling it at the nearest audience member she can see. "Is that is? Lure me into combat and deny me my victory? You honor-bound shits are always the biggest cowards!" She follows this up with several obscene gestures.

DMlurks: There's a few jeers in response, though she manages to peg a rather large-looking demonkin in the face with a rock. He grunts and hisses, flipping her the bird in response, as guards quickly come to grab the harpy, ropes in hand to lasso her if needbe.

Sonja makes an obscene gesture back at the demonkin, but she lets the guards lead her away, sneering.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Miter (Master Duarnar)
DM62: There's a banging at Miter's cell door... then it slides open, admitting a pair of futanari guards. "Alright, goblin... come along with us. No fancy tricks."

Miter: The goblin snorted a little, having been scratching idle blueprints and algorythms into the walls. She's made it three bricks up covered in markings by now too. "I must say, I am most disappointed in the room care, not even a mint on the pillow!" she snarks, getting up with a pouty grumble. "Can't even have my bag of junk even?"

DM62: "Shyaddap." One of the guards smacks Miter in the back of her head, though not too roughly, and they pull her along a hallway... but Miter's under the impression that she's heading away from the Pit, not toward it.

Miter yelps, growling a little and wondering if she should start belting out 'What do you do with a drunken Minotaur' but for once thinks better of it. The short woman crosses her arms as she's lugged away like a sack of potatos, grinding her jaw a bit.

DM62: Miter is led through a labyrinth of hallways, twists, and turns. Finally, she comes to a well-appointed, wooden door. The guards stop, and one of them knocks... almost... hesitantly? "Come in," a man's voice comes from inside. The guards open the doors, bringing Miter into a well-lit chamber that momentarily blinds her, candles all over the room.

Miter is still a pile of scowling as she's dragged into the room, squinting to try and see a little better. Bah, this was child's play! Stare at the sun of the desert, that'll make your eyes water, she thought to herself. Still, she noticed the dude's hesitance... Clearly this was a big guy in the group.

DM62: "Guards... you may leave us." The guards seem to hesitate. "But..." The male voice continues. "I may have aged significantly, and I may no longer hold the sway that I used to here... but I did not know that guards were permitted to question my orders." The guards straighten, with uncomfortable expressions. Sitting behind an ornate desk with stacks of paperwork is an elderly creature, his body scaly, massive, and horned. He puts a quill down, looking over at the guards with mild irritation, and removing a set of spectacles from his face, placing it on the desk with a scowl. The guards give a sudden bow, then back out of the room, shutting the door behind them. Satisfied, he turns to the goblin. "And what is your name, my small green friend?"

Miter: The goblin eyes around the office now her eyes adjust to the light a bit more, eying the clearly aged creature. Snarky ass she may be, she did know at least to respect Elders. "Huh, didn't expect one of ye lot to be the reading type..." she admits to herself, though her voice doesn't quite have the typical goblin edge. "Folks at home called me Miter, Mr...?"

DM62: The elderly creature raises an eyebrow. "Duarnar. Just Duanar, thank you. Please. Come forward and join me." He gestures a high stool, located across the well-appointed office. "It's rare that I get to have an intelligent conversation, so I'm truly hoping that it is about to happen, now." There's a ghost of a smile on his lips.

Miter: "To be honest, I'll take that over the alternatives by the sounds of it," the goblin remarks, and rapidly clambers up the runs of the stool to plop her butt onto it. Still, she does look a bit suspicious about the whole situation. "Still not sure why I'm here, but hey, worth a shot."

DM62: "Mistress Muhr... and those damned cultists... they have the run of the place, these days. But this used to be a sanctuary, of sorts... a religious retreat, dedicated to the goddesses." He shrugs, then reaches over. "As a fellow inventor, I was hoping that perhaps... you could explain a few of these to me." He produces a sheaf of Miter's diagrams and blueprints, handing them to the goblin, then putting on his spectacles again. "I'm afraid the guards will NOT permit you to bring those back to your cell... which is why I've arranged for a new scribe."

Miter: "Oooooh, I see where yer going with this..." the goblin remarks, grabbing the first blueprint. "Ah, right, the autobike... was gonna work on that next before I got that letter that stuck me here..." she pauses for a little before asking her own questions. "So, you're a tinker too? What sorta stuff were you workin' on before these gits moved in?"

DM62: The Gurnold chuckles. "Well... I helped to build this place. I mean... it was originally a temple to the goddesses. But I dug out the tunnels, added the doors, even built a cage lid for the pit, for when they have flying combatants. Nothing... creative... like this. No, this... this is marvelous work you have, Miss Miter. Reminds me of my younger days."

Miter: "Pppht. To be honest, I've not got a lot of this to work..." she admits, her ears twitching. "Known a few guys around home that's done some crazy as hell things with mechanisms, though mostly it's used for weapons or making the port work a bit better. Someone was rattling on about some sorta steam boiler when I left, but not sure how well that's working. Considering, well..." she mumbles, gesturing upwards idly. "Jus a weird quirk for a lot of us, we like to toy with stuff until it explodes or works..."

DM62: "Well..." the elderly Gurnold nods, sounding slightly excited. "There are some materials over there. Beams and metal rods and the like. Mostly used for repairing bits of this prison. Bring them over... and we'll see if we can't get this... device... to work. Not sure how you can make it automatic, but perhaps we could rig a device to let you use your hand strength and leverage to move the wheels along." He's smiling.

Miter: "Convert it to pedel and crank? Could be easy..." Without asking, the goblin snags a quill, scribbling aside the blueprint's main focus for the required mechanism, focused on her task. After prepping the new changes, she moved to the scrap pile, digging around for metal and material.

DM62: "I would... help you with the parts, Miss Miter... but I'm afraid that getting from this chair to the comfort of my bed requires considerable effort at my age, and moving scrap around is not exactly within my power." He watches the goblin at work, with a small smile on his face.

Miter: "Eh, it's fine! I usually work alone anyway, only took breaks when I was a bit extra weighted down," Miter remarks, and she quickly gets to work. She notes her toolbelt had been kept here as well, and quickly goes to work, using the blunt instruments to knock machine parts into shape. She kind of regretted not having something to heat some of the parts, so fragments she was working with sometimes were a bit rougher than she'd like, but she worked, and if she really wasn't distracted she'd easily have the form of a backwheel of the device, a bit crude and rough but easily a good chunk of the blueprint ready and set into reality.

DM62: "Ah... if you require parts to be bent, please bring them to me." The elderly creature gestures.

Miter: The goblin looks at some of the things she's had done, nodding a bit. "Yeah, don't want so many sharp edges..." She does look somewhat amused at the old man's enthusiasm as she works. "Don't see a lot of creation nowadays, I take it?" she says in idle chit chat, using a charcoal stick from her tool belt to show around where some of the parts should be manipulated.

DM62: "Far too... far too little, I'm afraid. Here, here... bring me that... wheel... you've shaped." He gestures, almost impatiently.

Miter: Shrugging, the goblin rolls over the mismatched plates she managed to tug and hammer together into place- at one point having to chase down one of them that sprang free- but it's finally been dragged up onto his desk, with a few fresh bruises and nicks over the goblin's skin. "There we go, easy does it..." she mumbles to herself.

DM62: "Yes, yes... quite good... the shape... without heating devices..." He inspects the work, nodding approvingly. "But... as you shall see..." He pauses dramatically, taking the wheel in hand... and it seems to reform itself, without heat, into a perfectly-formed circular wheel. "You see... I am old but not... entirely useless, yes." He gives a small chuckle, giving the goblin a slightly smug smile.

Miter: The goblin's eyes widen a bit as the mage melds the metal so, looking a bit slack-jawed. Clearly she was not used to seeing a lot of mages. "Well that just makes my forge blush in jealousy!" she jokes a bit, letting the wheel roll back towards the frame she had started. "Nice trick..."

DM62: The old creature nods, chuckling. "Yes... yes, well. Those cultists of Athullia... they only took from the shaping arts... what they needed to craft better bodies. To indulge... simpler, fleeting pleasures, hmph. And they... abandoned... the rest of the art, you see. Yes. They never saw... the splendour... of the Great Tower, you see. Hmph." He coughs a little, but nods, happy to watch the goblin work. "Now... you let me know if anything else... needs to take a new shape."

Miter: "...Shaping?" Now she really was confused. "Can't say I've heard any magic involved on that line..." She eventually brings a few more rough pieces over as she works, still talking, such as a wheel guard or the eventual finished base frame. "Admittedly for a bit my people were kinda rawr nasty about magic, but still..."

DM62: The old creature has no trouble perfectly reshaping anything the goblin brings over. "Yes, shaping... that used to be one of the strengths of the Lunar race. We worshipped the goddesses... and we revered the moons, setting our watch by them. But then... the Nether Beasts came. And we Lunarians were fooled... pulled into depravities. Shaping became... just a way to reform the bodies of the insecure... when they should have been reforming their hearts and minds, you see? Hmph."

Miter: The goblin frowns as he speaks, being reminded of her own people's recent situations. "Yeah... Belief can do a hell of a thing to people..." she mumbles, but shakes the sad thoughts away as she quickly moved to more and more complex parts- gears and chains, to make the thing move, a simple steering handle and another wheel. "But hey, nothing wrong with trying to help the world spin a little better even if the rest of the world's full of dunderheads that go for the base denomination, eh?"

DM62: The old man sighs and nods. "I suppose, yes." He continues watching the goblin work for several minutes, until eventually there's an unexpected sound... the Gurnold is quietly snoring in his chair.

Miter: The goblin winces as the snoring begins, having had parts stopped being passed for him for a bit. Still, the testing device was nearly done for a moment, and she was now even more curious about this strange world. Apparently the cults were taking over, and there were other fractions of it? Taking the scholar's temporary absence of conciousness as an opportunity, she quietly scanned around the office for other things of interest... books or details she could try to look at as she tinkered.

DM62: The room has many full bookshelves, and even more scroll cubbies full of scrolls. The desk is covered in correspondence. Unfortunately, there are no visible maps out, and the correspondence is all in some unfamiliar form of writing.

Miter: Being a nosy sort, Miter began to poke through the books a little, looking for familiar script, words, anything of interest she could latch onto and learn for later use. Something to help her at all.

DM62: Miter actually finds a bookshelf that contains some Kaliferian books, mostly history, but nothing terribly useful at the moment.

Miter: Sighing, the goblin just returns to her construction task, killing spare time

DM62: Miter does note that there's a small back room, slightly less brightly-lit, with two beds--one large one, that looks quite comfortable and well-used, and a newer one that's about Miter's size... and looks very recently installed.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Vand (part three, Argast, Ulyana)
DM62: Vand is once again alone in her cell, having thoroughly defeated the Desert Scarab in the Pit. No one seemed to be in any hurry to return the smuggler, however, leaving the cell otherwise empty.

Vand: Well. He was either dead, in a different cell, or still being tortured. She wouldn't want to be between him and high command when asked about why he got that attention. Real lover's spat material. For now though, Time for the plan. She looked outside, making sure that whatever the fuck was out there before is long gone, along with any guards.

DM62: The covering is shut over the barred window, preventing Vand from seeing into the hallway.

Vand: She settled for pressing an ear against it and listening. Guess they shut it afterwards.

DM62: There's no noise from outside.

Vand: Well then. She promptly went out of the room, checking cautiously for any others. Once outside, she grunted and waved her hands a bit, as her body shrank down to a Thresher, and then started hopping off to explore til she got found by a guard.

DM62: Vand hops down the hallway, as the pair of guards are bringing a grinning Sonja by, clearly keeping her restrained. She sneers. "Come on, ya bastards. I just whipped one of your big 'champions' without breaking a sweat. Doesn't that mean I get to fuck him or kill him now? When did you shits get soft?" One of the guards glares at her. "If you're REALLY looking for a fucking... just let give me the word, harpy. But you MIGHT not enjoy it." The other one notices the Vand-thresher. "Hey there, little guy... what are you doing outside of the kennels?" She produces a small leash, quietly slipping closer.

Vand squeaks a bit, shuffling a little back, but doesn't flee long as she's moving slow. Heh. Sonja sounded pretty impressive, she'd have to find out the details when she was out of here.

DM62: The red-skinned futa tries to inch closer. "Shhhh it's okay ya little shit, just gonna bring you back to that little kobold shit..." She attempts to slip the simple leash over the thresher's neck. Sonja growls at the other guard but is otherwise quiet, letting the guard put her into the cell and shutting it behind her. As the guard moves to shut the window covering, something splashes out of the window onto the guard... it would seem that Sonja has found an offensive but innovative use for her waste-bucket.

Vand: Yuck. Have to remember that. Meantime, her distraction at the splash let the collar get on her.

DM62: "YOU FUCKING LITTLE SHIT! YOU..." the guard wipes excrement off her body with a snarl, looking threateningly into the cell. "You fucked up. This isn't over." She walks away, not even bothering to close the window cover this time, joining the other guard as she leads Vand down a hallway. The other guard takes a sniff. "You smell like harpy piss and shit. You should go wash up--I'll get this little guy to the kobold." "Yeah... alright." The guard turns down another hallway, leaving Vand and the first guard moving by themselves.

Vand: Huh. Guess harpies were less like birds that way too. Well whatever. Still gross, and her urge to dunk that guard in water was high, but she let it pass.

DM62: Finally, Vand and the single guard arrive at a large chamber... exposed to the night sky. A pair of moons are visible, one red and one blue, floating overhead. The walls are quite smooth, though, looking rather difficult to climb. In the sides of the walls on the bottom level are carved artificial caves, which seem to act as holding areas for various creatures. The kobold is in the center of the large area, scrubbing Roland with a bucket of sudsy water. Of course, every few minutes the wolf shakes all the water off, drenching the kobold anew. The wolf looks over as the guard and the thresher approach, his tail wagging excitedly, and he shakes again, spraying the kobold anew. "Ohhh, okay, big fella! Easy now... let's just... sit down there, boy. I'll... get this bunny to its cage." The kobold walks over to the guard and the bunny, and Vand can feel... some sort of influence... at the edges of her consciousness. But there's no real effect on Vand, and the kobold blinks. "Huh. Well, let's get you to your cage." He reaches out taking the leash from the guard, who folds her arms and watches the kobold bring Vand over to a cave full of threshers.

Vand promptly tries to bounce over to the kobold and act all friendly, remembering how Roland acted before. Roland wasn't fooled of course, or maybe he was just happy to see something that looked like his favorite food. Either way. Just had to wait out the guard. And she had some guesses where this may go, but... Time would tell

DM62: The kobold still has a slightly odd expression on his face, but he softly strokes the thresher's ears, bringing Vand over to the cage and putting him inside, then removing the leash. The guard walks over, scowling. "That's odd. Never seen you keep a leash on a creature before..." The guard glares, and the kobold shrugs. "Long day. Especially after what that harpy did to our favorite tusked champion. Getting him relaxed enough for the healing was... tiring."

Vand hopped into the midst of the bunnies, hoping to lose herself in the mix.

DM62: The guard continues to glare at the kobold... then she shrugs. "Fine. You good here?" Roland growls at the guard, but the kobold shakes his head, and the wolf remains put. "Of course, ma'am. Just cleaning up our new wolf, and then I'm off to bed." The guard nods, turning and leaving the area. The kobold sighs, waiting until the guard is gone, then turns, looking into the thresher cage. "So... Roland is excited to see you... and you're not a beast." He's got a small smirk. "Guessing you're a recent arrival with a penchant for shape-shifting."

Vand: "Bunny Sounds.," says Vand in a deadpan tone.

DM62: "Well, I'm convinced," snarks the kobold, returning to the wolf's side. Roland stands up excitedly, barking at the thresher cage, which terrifies most of the other bunny-like creatures. "You got any tips for washing this guy? He's friendly enough, but he loves shaking the water all over the place every ten seconds."

Vand: "Lemme out and I'll show you.," says Vand wryly as she hops over, "And yeah, that's my bad honestly. I'm an elementalist and swimming’s a favorite past time when you don't have to worry about drowning. So I often bathe him in big pools so he can splash around and stuff. I'll give you a hand though. Also, wrasslin helps but you're a little small for that compared to him. Big game to Roland."

DM62: "He seems to like his games." The kobold opens the cage for Vand to hop out, shutting it behind her. "So. Lots of big magic, huh. Good thing you're not planning to kill the kobold when you kill everyone else, right?" He leads the way back to the bucket and sponge, sitting on a bench near the wolf and trying to continue the bath.

Vand: "Quite the opposite.," says Vand as she mutters her spell and reverts to her normal naked self, "Ooof, way too cramped, that body. And yeah, this gives us a chance to continue our conversation." She moves over and smirks before making a big pool of water and tackling the Wolf, "In the bath you!"

DM62: Roland barks happily as Vand transforms, already up and wriggling, and happily wrestling Vand as she tackles him into the pool. The kobold gets splashed as well, sighing. "Well... I guess that makes things easier, huh? Just... just don't stay like that TOO long. They don't often come by, but technically the guards can visit whenever they like."

Vand: "I won't. Just gotta get him washed huh?," she smirks, working quick as she can, "Fast one boy, we don't wanna give our friend any grief. I need your help, friend. You clearly have the guards trust and some mobility. As you can see, I fully am mobile and intend to be gone with my friends and a few others before long. That's you, the bar woman, and one of the champions particularily but I'm open to setting all the cages open and causing a huge havoc if need be. Anyways, I need you to get the bar lady on board. This plan hinges on her. IF we get her, I'm getting everyone I can back out."

DM62: "The bar lady..." the kobold thinks. "There's more than one, you know. But I bet you mean the under elf. Ulyana. I haven't really spoken much with her. She doesn't seem to love the jailers... but she doesn't really seem to give them a hard time, either. It's... not entirely risk-free. But maybe I can have a chat with her."

Vand: "Do what you can, we need her and I can't go myself. I mean, I could, in theory, but there's too many unknowns for me to shapeshift about reliably."

DM62: The kobold nods. "Alright... I'll talk to her. Just... I'm not sure if it's wise to open ALL the cells. Some of the champions, in particular, like it here. But even in the lower ranks, there are those who simply chose to come here and fight. Devotees of Mondur and Athullia who simply want to advance themselves in the cults. Even... even servants of Zheyrr, I hear."

Vand: "These names mean msotly nothing to me. I'm getting the Mondur thing is a warrior culture but thats it.," says Vand as she gets up, "Fair enough, I'll settle for just grabbing my one then. I mean if any others trick me into eltting em out then trying to stop me, they won't have much time for regretting a bad decision."

DM62: "Alright... I'll trust you know what you're doing, then. Oh... and if you see any... well... small children? Run. Just... just run."

Vand: "Noted. Kids freak me out too.," she smirks wryly, "Well not really, but... Anyways, here's hoping. I'm out. Thanks for taking care of Roland for me though. I'll show my... Gratitude when we're loose." She gives a smokey smile and wink, "Now turn around, trade secret. If you see it I have to swear you to secrecy and possibly strap you to my back for the next few months."

DM62: The kobold chuckles, but turns, giving Vand privacy. Roland barks and whines. Then the kobold pauses. "Oh! The pool. Can't have that around."

Vand snaps her fingers, it evaporating. "Sorry Roland. Take care of your friend for me. We'll meet up when things fly. Just get the elf in somehow, and get word to me." She then heads out, heading back for her cell, to get her manacles back on too.


DM62: Vand is left alone the following day... if she had to guess, she'd say it's been two days since she spoke to Argast. Then there's a tapping at her door, and the window latch is opened.

Vand: "Hello, welcome to Chateau Prison. I am your host. Please, Come in, partake of our wonderful accomodations. We have rocks and sticks and sticks and rocks and rocks and sticks and sticks and rocks and..."

DM62: "Yeah, real cute. It's... Vand, right? Argast gave me... an extremely basic explanation of the plan. But he also told me enough about you that I'm... intrigued." Standing at the window is what looks to be an under elf, but with slightly lighter skin tone and purplish hair. She's got her arms crossed, and is looking at the mercenary somewhat impatiently.

Vand: "Oh hey. Yeah, Jaeger Vand, nice to meet you." She stands up and walks over, "Well I am pretty fantastic, but I suspect it's not what you're talking about. I heard you're pretty fantastic too."

DM62: "Yup, great, found the right person. Listen... if I get caught talking into one of these cells... or even passing through here... I'll end up in one of them, as well. So this is less-than-ideal. Tell you what... I watched that fight you had with the Desert Scarab. I'll put in a request to meet you in the Pit." She studies Vand. "Request that it be a fuck, not a fight. And, if we keep our voices down, we should be able to talk suspicion free, while we put on a show for the crowd."

Vand: "Sounds good. Scarabs a nice lady, little unhinged but thats understadable, really does not know how to have fun though. Gonna have to fix that. See you there."

DM62: "Two conditions, first, dear. First... you're going to 'lose.' Second... and this is also important... don't try any magic on me. Especially if the failure of that magic would reveal your nature to the audience. Do you understand?"

Vand: "No magic in bed, that's easy. And lose huh? Fine, we'll pretend I suck in bed or something."

DM62: "Well... essentially it means that I'll be on top. You're still a futanari, right?"

Vand: "Right now? No. I can be any time."

DM62: "Well, you were in the arena with Desert Scarab. Might want to look the same." She shrugs. "Right. There's a few more fights in the Arena today... I'll see if I can't get us added on at the end." She nods, closing the window latch and departing.

Vand grows her cock and shrugs and lays on the bed, waiting her time.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Ensemble (part one, Miri and Mistress Muhr, Rowenna and Aisalla)
DM62: It's been a full day since Miri brought in the Abysshounds, and they've been enjoying every one of Sarah's holes rather thoroughly. Of course, the Alpha had the most opportunity to fuck her, given his rank... but the others certainly enjoyed their time, until Sarah eventually collapsed in a knotted mess of cum and fur. Eventually, though, Sarah hears someone entering the chamber. Miri, the elven slave, is entering flanked by four guards.

Sarah pretends to remain unconscious as she hears the sounds of footsteps, her fluffy tails hanging limpy over her bloated form, left in the mess that the abysshounds had left her in, and extremely satisfied, despite having to put up with the Alpha's roughness.

DM62: Miri nods to the guards. One of them moves to open a side area of Muhr's suite, where a hot bath is already prepared. Miri moves closer to the pile of bodies. "As much as I hate to break this up... Sarah, is it? Muhr's sent for you. I'm to bathe and dress you... and then you'll be joining the Mistress at the Pit, to watch another of the fights. She likes to... enjoy herself, while she watches."

Sarah moans herself awake. "M-Mistress wishes for me to be with her?" the Kitsune asks quietly, trying to stand herself up, the majority of the evening's festivities having drained from her, but still carrying a rather noticeable potbelly. "T-Thank you...Miri...P-Please...Help me to the bath." she shudders out, weak from the night's activities, and standing with a slight bowleg.

DM62: The buxom elf nods, helping the kitsune to her feet and moving her to the bath, then getting in with her. She produces a sponge, gently starting to clean the kitsune, and using two of her fingers to start working out the rest of the Abysshound cum inside of her.

Sarah moves to the bath and sighs as the warm water relaxes her muscles, her fluffy tails spreading out and letting the water soak into her as Miri begins to help work the remains of the Abysshound cum from her. "T-Thank you, Miri...Mistress chose the perfect Elf for her servant..."

DM62: Miri sighs. "I've just learned that doing what I'm told brings pleasure, while denying our Mistress brings pain. So... I choose to serve." Her sponge and fingers continue their work. "I'm... going to help clean your... bottom, too. So... if you need to cum, I understand." One of her delicate fingers deftly slides up Sarah's anus, working to ease the wolf-man cum loose, but also triggering the kitsune's now super-sensitive orifice.

Sarah: "Such is our life..." the Kitsune says, mentally preparing herself when Miri says she's going to help clean elsewhere, but unable to contain a pleasured moan at the finger working into her modified backdoor, her hands gripping at the edge of the bath as she tries to hold back her climax, the super sensitive hole working its magic over her. "O-Oh gods...T-That's the one change...I wish she hadn't done!"

DM62: "The Mistress enjoys anal sex... the dirtiness of the act. But she also likes to have a fail-safe, a sexual method by which she can instantly," the finger twists within the kitsune's rectum, "bring any slave to heel, and trigger an almost immediate orgasm. It's more effective than any collar." The elf holds Sarah steady, working her anus toward a thunderous climax.

Sarah cries out as that twist brings her crashing over the edge, her whole body shaking as she cums like never before, her fluffy tails flailing under the water uncontrollably. "M-Mistress is naughty...V-Very naughty...I don't think I'll ever...Be more than a pet to her...At this rate..."

DM62: There's a banging at Rowenna's cell door, and then it opens, revealing two futanari guards. "You. Time for your next match. You want a fuck this time? Or another fight?" They leer, looking lustfully at the Valhal woman's body.

DM62: Miri chuckles, her fingers manipulating Sarah's anus for another moment... then pulling away, but leaving a plug in her ass. "That's all any of us are to her. The Abysshounds... me... you... nothing but pets, fit to kneel and lick her to orgasm. But in our own way, if we're good pets, we're actually treated better than her guards." The elf helps the kitsune out of the bath, handing her a towel and then an extremely skimpy outfit, consisting mostly of see-through silks.

Rowenna: "Eh. Another fight sounds good. I mean, the fighting turns into fucking anyway, so it's not like you lot are missing out on anything." She'd stand herself up, once again stretching out her body and preparing herself as best she could for the fight. "Not gonna lie, last fight was interesting. So I'm curious to see what you have in store now."

Sarah gasps at the plug in her ass, smirking naughtily at Miri. "Then I suppose...We both do our best to be good pets for the Mistress..." the Kitsune says, taking the hand offered to help her out of the bath, and towelling off. "My my...Mistress has such good taste in clothing." the Kitsune says, moving to put on the skimpy outfit, not at all ashamed of her body, or the milk slowly dribbling out of her slightly aching breasts. "Of course...I will have to beg her to milk me, or send a certain beautiful elf to help, today..."

DM62: The guards grin. One of them says, "I wish we could tell you. But we've actually got a bet with each other on the outcome, and as much as I want to win my bet, I can't reveal anything to ya." They escort Rowenna to the red-metal door of the Pit, waiting outside. "Gotta wait here a moment... Mistress Muhr is actually going to be attending this fight, and you don't get to enter until she's comfortably seated."

Rowenna: "Mistress Muhr? I never thought I'd have such prestigious guests watching my meager performance. I must say this will be an honor." She said in a mixture of seriousness and mocking tone, waiting for her time to come.

DM62: Miri nods, donning her own silk outfit, that makes the two of them look like Rabeernst harem dancers. "I'll be there, as well, dear. Come along... it won't do to keep the Mistress waiting." The Abysshounds are rising slowly, moving to enter the bath themselves. A few of them look hungrily at the two women, but the Alpha gives them each a slap in the back of their heads. "They're not for us, right now. In the bath, you dolts." Miri chuckles, leading Sarah and the four guards through a set of tunnels, eventually arriving at the upper level of the Pit, where the Mistress is sitting on a rather well-cushioned throne, in her own private viewing booth. The massive futa cubite looks over, her equine cock giving a slight pulse as she spots her two slaves. "Good. Good. Get in here, my pets. We're about to watch a centaur fuck one of your friends, kitsune."

Sarah follows along, quite pleased that Miri is also dressed in a similar outfit, and giggling softly when the alpha reprimands his packmates. She remains silent as Miri escorts her, a smile on her face once they arrive at the Mistress' booth, and delighting at seeing her approve of their appearances. "Yes, Mistress..." she says, moving obediently to sit beside her Mistress, her fluffy tails in easy reach of the cubite's hands.

DM62: Rowenna's door slams open, and the announcer's voice rings out over the Pit. "Ladies and Gentlemen! We have the honor of being joined today by the Great Mistress Muhr!" There's applause and roaring from the crowd. "And now... Rowenna! Who, in her virginal showing yesterday, single-handedly defeated a certain shiriti, dooming her to life as a futanari!" There's more cheering, as the guards lightly push the Valhal woman into the Pit, the door slamming shut behind her.
Rowenna also notes that there are round bales of hay spread throughout the arena at regular intervals.

Rowenna: "Interesting terminology they're using." She muttered under her breath as she marched through the gate after the push. She gave a brief wave to the audience before she began her usual pre-fight rituals: knuckles cracked, muscles stretched, body limber and ready to go. Though she would notice the hay through the arena and this had her curious. But she was ready for whatever showed up.

DM62: The Mistress smirks as Sarah sits close to her, and she produces a chalice. "Sarah... place your breast over the chalice. It has been a long day and I am... parched." Rowenna, meanwhile, notices the private booth from which Muhr is watching... with a full-breasted elf and a very familiar kitsune flanking her. Then a voice shouts over the crowd, from the audience. "CHO'DAKHA! CHO'DAHKA!" Soon the audience joins in the cry. "CHO'DAKHA! CHO'DAHKA!" The announcer, a pink-skinned male, looks over at Muhr fearfully. She frowns... then she nods, and the announcer smiles, raising his hands to silence the audience. "Mistress Muhr grants Rowenna a melee weapon of her choice! Rowenna! What is your weapon?"

Sarah obediently raises a breast and places the nipple over the chalice, gently squeezing and allowing the milk to softly spray out into it, keeping the arena just inside of her field of vision, noticing the Northwoman from earlier, but remaining silent as her fluffy tails gently press against Muhr's arm, more instinctively than anything, as she fills her chalice.

Rowenna: Ok, the chanting was never a good sign. And seeing one of her companions up on the balcony with the Mistress made Rowenna concerned. Did that necromancer literally just bend over without a fight? What sort of spine did she have on her anyway? Leaving her judgements for later, she'd focus back on the match at hand and the fact that she was allowed a weapon. "If I may, I'd like to request a halberd. It's my weapon of choice outside of all this."

DM62: "I did not tell you to squeeze your breast, slave." Muhr gently chides the kitsune, reaching out to do it herself, pulling the nipple in a trained manner and bringing forth a spray of milk into the chalice with a chuckle. Her cock is starting to stiffen. Meanwhile, the announcer nods. "Rowenna chooses... halberd!" There's cheering, and one of the guards tosses a halberd down to clatter near Rowenna's feet. "And, facing Rowenna, one of our undefeated champions! She is angered at the failures of her peers! She is ready to draw blood! And she is ready! To! Fuck!" The audience is roaring. "Ladies and Gentlemen! Aisalla! The Centaur-Militant!" The other red-steel door slams open. As large as the door is, the massive futanari centaur has to duck and fold in her arms to enter. Her body would make even a Valhal warrior jealous, covered from head to hoof in thick muscles, and she has two sets of arms. She reaches into the door again to be handed her weapons... a pair of iron clubs, one for each of her lower hands, a net, and a trident. She gives a fierce warcry to the crowd, which cheers back wildly as the door shuts behind the centaur. "PIT! IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG! " She grins at the Valhal warrior, taking a ready stance.

Sarah: "I-I'm sorry, Mistress." the Kitsune says, lowering her head in shame and removing her hand from her breast. "I only wished to get you your milk faster." she says, her tone showing that she knows she made a mistake now.

Rowenna: Picking up the weapon, she was a tad dissapinted she couldn't make any modifications on it before the fight. Not that it would have made a difference really, espcially after she saw her opponent. The announcer made all the flourishes she expected him to and was not the least bit surprised that she was an audience favorite. And really? Centaur Militant? She wasn't quite sure what they meant by that but she looked at her opponent with some hesitation. Extra arms, always dangerous, Thick muscles that would make the strongest hunters of her people envious and iron clubs tht looked like they'd take a few years off from even a glancing blow. And the net and trident didn't seem too nice either. But she couldn't analyze forever and the valhal took a ready stance as well, knowing she'd have to be light on her feet from here on.

DM62: The centaur takes a moment to ham it up for the audience, waving her weapons as the cheering intensifies. Then she grins, spinning the net dramatically as she advances upon the Valhal warrior with a savage grin. Muhr chuckles. "If I want something, pet... I command it. Or I take it." She pulls the kitsune's other breast over the chalice, drawing milk from it as well. Then she leans back in her throne, sipping at the drink with a pleased expression. "Sarah... you may put your mouth to use on my cock, now. Be sure not to... spill... anything." The futa cubite's cock is now half-erect already, from milking the kitsune.

Sarah: "Y-Yes Mistress...Understood..." the Kitsune says, moving over towards the front of the cubite, and moving to place the half-hard member against her lips, licking at the flared tip gently, making sure to drink down any pre that she begins to leak, pulling off to quickly ask a question. "May I use my hands as well, Mistress?" she asks, before returning her lips to licking and kissing the equine cock before her.

Rowenna: Quite the showman that one. Maybe now was a perfect time to show off a little herself. For now though she'd continue using her weapon and try to gain any sort of advantage against her foe. The net had her worried, given how fast it was being spun. "Come on then. I figured a centaur would be bigger then using a stinking net." She'd taunt but would continue to keep her distance, not wanting that net to come down upon her

DM62: "Very well... you may use your fingers. And... Miri. You will also help." The futa leans back with a pleased sigh, as the elf joins the kitsune, softly kissing along the side of the now-erect horse cock. The centaur, meanwhile, raises an eyebrow as Rowenna taunts her. "I only use a net... because they keep sending me fresh fish, like you. But we'll see how you're talking when I've got my cock buried in that snatch of yours." She advances... and Rowenna notices that while her legs are all taped up for the fight, the centaur has a very slight limp on her right side. Could be a sign of an old battle wound. The centaur twirls the net as a distraction... then the trident comes forward, jabbing at Rowenna.

Sarah moans in acknowledgment, moving to bring her fingers up and begin trailing them along the equin cock, though the set of fingers on the side Miri is on begin to move down, down, closer to her rather large balls, intending to gently massage them while she works to try and force the flared head of her Mistress' cock inside her mouth.

Rowenna: Hrm. A taped up leg? That might serve her well. Maybe shift into her wolf form and give the leg a good gnaw. For now though. "I'm not a fresh fish, believe me. I've been hunting things bigger then you since I was a lass. And I was quite good at it too. Just another hunt as far as I can tell. You're gonna have to earn me, dear." Rowenna wanted her to make a slip up. But she wasn't giving it to her. Maybe it was time to close the gap. To try and throw her off and see if she makes a mistake. The human was lighter on her feet then a massive centaur. She could make this work.

DM62: The flared head is quite thick, but Miri reaches up, helping to reduce its width temporarily and to push the kitsune's head forward, until it pops into the kitsune's mouth. Muhr looks both amused and aroused by the ambitious kitsune's efforts. "My, my, but you ARE an ambitious little pet. Maybe I'll give you what you need, after you swallow the first load... a second one, deep in your bowels." She grins, and the elf moves lower, starting to lap at the equine testes. The centaur's grin widens at the human's declaration. "Bigger things, maybe. Fatter things, perhaps. Not tougher things." The centaur takes another jab with her trident, also seeming to be sizing up her opponent. Her two iron clubs, longer than normal clubs but looking quite sturdy, are ready at both sides, waiting for the Valhal to come closer. They swing in patient arcs, watching, as the net continues to twirl overhead.

Sarah moans as she takes the head in her mouth, and begins to slowly work it deeper, licking and sucking on it dutifully as her hands begin to work up and down the length, encouraging Muhr towards a climax, hoping to get this blowjob over quickly so she can get what she actually wants.

Rowenna: Those weren't regular clubs as far as she was concerned. They were much much worse. Doing her best, she tried again to hop away from from the stab. She was trying so hard to focus on the various limbs that she wa starting to get frustrated. She figured these things were far more aggressive and brutal. But this one was playing far too cautious for her own good. If she could, she'd attempt to get under her weapon arcs and swing at her lower half. It worked before and it might work again.

DM62: Muhr gives a pleased purr... then the grabs Sarah's hair, forcing her cock into the kitsune's throat, choking her with the thick cock. "Good fox. You're gonna swallow a full load now, dear." She starts to rut her way deeper into Sarah's throat, denying her the opportunity to breathe, and making her stretch further than before. The centaur spots the attack incoming, too late to stop it... but there's a clanging sound as the weapon strikes the tape on the leg. There's the glint of metal from under the tape, and the centaur is quick to toss her net onto the warrior, with a chuckle.

Sarah inhales as soon as she feels hands on her hair, knowing what comes next, as she's throatfucked by the over-endowed Cubite, her eyes rolling back in her head as the thick, equine member ruts in and out of her throat, her fluffy tails flailing behind her, as her hands continue to grasp at Muhr's cock to please it faster, her own folds slowly dripping fluid from how aroused she was, as her breasts steadily dribble milk beneath her.

Rowenna: Shit. She had planned tis all along and this was the opportunity the centaur was waiting for. "Fuck no. Not today, pony tits." She would attempt to roll to the side out of the way of the net, dropping her weapon and focusing on changing her shape into that of her wolf form. As a wolf, she'd be even faster on 4 feet then 2. Course, that would mean losing a real weapon and having to rely on her claws and teeth.

DM62: The elf does her best to help, lapping and fondling the cubite's oversized testicles and shaft, trying to coax out the load. Finally, Muhr gives a shout of pleasure that echoes through the Pit, and Sarah can feel gallons of cum pouring into her from the massive horse cock. As Rowenna rolls to the side, the centaur leans in with a sneer, and the Valhal warrior can feel one of the iron clubs striking her in the ribs. There's the sound of cracking bone, but the werewolf manages to adopt her wolf form, and the centaur gives an amused laugh, retrieving her net and standing ready with her trident blocking any frontal strike.

Sarah moans as the cubite begins to empty her oversized testicles into her, her fluffy tails twitching with each pulse of fluid, as she herself finds an orgasm rocking her own body, her subservience to the cubite shining through, as she gulps down every last drop Muhr can put out, waiting for the flow to ebb so she can begin pulling free.

Rowenna: The blow to her ribs...hurt like fuck. So much so she almost screamed from the pain and the broken bones. But luckaly, she was able to get her form shift off and was now left as a somewhat wounded wolf, eyeing her opponent. 'Fucking bitch hit like a runaway wagon. Gotta be careful.' Her thoughts were swirling around as she tried to hide the wound and use her natural agility to get to a flank or weakspot. If she could, she'd bear her claws and attack, wanting to tear the centaur down.

DM62: The cubite holds herself hilted in Sarah's throat as she cums, forcing the kitsune to take nearly every drop. Then she releases Sarah's hair, letting her pull back on her own. She watches with a pleased expression as the buxom elf helps ease the thick horse-cock out of Sarah, especially as the flare gives them trouble. Meanwhile, the centaur proves to be agile, maneuvering to keep the wolf from easily striking at her flanks. She begins to swing the net again, watching for another opening. "So... when people call you a bitch, I guess it actually means something."

Sarah groans as the cock begins to pull out of her, until, with a pop, the flared head pulls out of her teeth. "T-Thank you...For the meal...Mistress...Were I only able...To pleasure you better..." she pants, coughing as her throat recovers from the rough stretching.

Rowenna: 'Easy for her to say. Not like she hadn't heard that joke before and it was still unfunny.' Rowenna would grow continually frustrated, amazed that a huge as hell horse person is as quick as she is. How the hell is someone that big that fast? She couldn't attack the front and she couldn't get to the side. Just how the hell was she suppose to hit?! She growled at the centaur, even barking a couple times as iff to call her out 'Come here you cunt. Quit hiding behind your weapons.'
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Ensemble (part two, dirty tricks, showmanship, the thrull-man's plans)
DM62: "Now," whispers the futa cubite in the kitsune's ear, "call down to your friend. Tell her to surrender. If she looks up here, I'll give you that thick cock in your ass, like you crave." She pats Sarah's ass. The centaur is maneuvering with a grin, using the clubs to keep the wolf from maneuvering, backing and turning about with a look of concentration on her face.

Sarah nods, standing and moving to the edge of the booth, leaning over it. "ROWENNA! Surrender and make it easy on yourself!" the Kitsune shouts out, hoping to get the northwoman's attention.

DM62: As the kitsune finishes shouting down to her friend, the cubite rises behind her, twisting the plug in her ass, then removing it, eliciting a loud moan.

Rowenna: The wolf was quite focused on her fight, quite frustrated with her particular situation. Of course, hearing her friend from the balcony caused her to glance over slightly. Was she really telling her to give up so easily? Fuck that. She wasn't about to bend over like she did. She still had her pride. All Rowenna wanted to do was gnaw on this stupid horse.

DM62: All it takes is the glance, and the centaur has kicked one of the round bales of hay at the wolf, sending the heavy bale barreling toward her. Meanwhile, Sarah can feel Muhr lining up her shot, then shoving the still-slick horse cock into her rectum, burying it nearly halfway on the first stroke.

Sarah moans loudly as the plug is wrenched free, then cries out in pleasure as her ass is thrust into, her world going white for a few moments from the pleasure, gripping at the railing tightly. "T-Thank you, Mistress Muhr..." she moans out quietly, her fluffy tails reaching back to try and wrap around her Mistress' waist.

Rowenna: The glance would cost her greatly as one of bales of hay was kicked her way. The barrel would come fast and the wolf woman would try to leap out of the way. Her wound was slowing her down and she wasn't sure if she'd make it out of the way. Or that the act would strain her existing wound. All in all, she wasn't cerain how much longer she'd be standing

DM62: Meanwhile, in the comfortable office of Master Duarnar, Miter wakes up in the small bed next to Duarnar's. The elderly Gurnold is already up, laughing softly as he examines the contraption that the goblin was working on overnight. "Marvelous... simply marvelous." He chuckles softly.

Miter: With a yawn, Miter finally stirs, admittedly the odd situation she found herself in last night helping her sleep a bit better. She yawns a little, her bikelike device having been finished while the bigger creature had been snoozing. "Gotta be honest, wasn't expecting to be working on these things for a while," she admits after she yawned loudly. "Glad you like it I guess... Wouldn't look nearly as neat without yer help..."

DM62: Muhr is ruthless, thrusting in and out of Sarah's incredibly sensitive rectum with some pleased grunts. She grabs a handful of the kitsune's hair, tugging it to get better leverage as she rails the kitsune. Miri moves forward, gently drawing more milk from Sarah after an approving nod from Muhr. Below, the centaur barrels forward near the bale, tossing the net again. This time it lands perfectly, tangling up the wolf, and the trident comes down close to her neck. The centaur holds it there, glaring at Rowenna. "Now... you can struggle, and I can stab and beat you to death," she speaks in a low voice, "Or you can turn back into a human woman, and yield, and take the fucking you've got coming. And then you'll live to fight another day. There's... there's no shame in that, after putting up the fight you did." The crowd is roaring, so only Rowenna can hear the centaur's words.

DM62: The Gurnold seems to have used more of his "shaping," and the shapes of the device now look about as close to perfect as they could be. He looks over with a small smile, removing his spectacles. "It is wondrous work... I only wish that I had a larger area where it might be tested. Perhaps... perhaps tonight we shall sneak over to the beast kennels, and see if Argast would let us impose upon him. Still... we have another matter to discuss, I'm afraid." He holds up one of the books that Miter was looking at last night. "At my age, after working and living in the same chamber for decades... I've come to know where everything has been left. Were you, perhaps, looking for a book on engineering? Or... do you have a passion for history?" There's a small smile on his face.

Sarah moans in pleasure, the enhancements made to her body causing her to submit wholeheartedly to the abuse of her Mistress, her fluffy tails sticking up. "P-Please, Mistress...These make for far better handholds." she says obediently, as she presses back into each savage thrust into her rump, already climaxing from the ravaging, as her milk sprays out easily from NMiri's skilled hands.

Miter: The goblin smiles as he sees what the Shaper did to the device, looking much smoother than the hodgepodge pile of parts and fragments it had been constructed out of. Hell, it looked even smoother than most goblin contraptions, almost unnaturally so. At the mention of books though, Miter stiffened slightly. "I was... er..." she started, trying to lie, before finally letting her ears drop and telling the truth. "...I was trying to learn more about this place actually... Figured it'd help with some eventual extra plans, if ye get what I'm sayin'..."

Rowenna: Realizing the futility in her continued struggle, the wolf woman would let out a low whimper. A tell tale sign of defeat from her. She'd focus her thoughts again and shift back, the wounded human woman now the prey underneath the net. She reached her arms over to her ribs, the wound still quite painful. "Fucking hell....still hurts. I yield. Just so I can get someone to look at this before I start choking on my own blood."

DM62: Muhr grunts, reaching down with one hand to squeeze at Sarah's left breast, spilling more milk onto the elf... and the elf begins to suckle at the other breast. The cubite thrusts in deeper and deeper, until Sarah can feel the horse-sized testicles slamming into her pussy. Duanar nods. "You were trying to plan your escape. And... despite having heard my dislike for these cultists... you did not think to ask me for assistance. Nevertheless, I can help you, so long as you promise to memorize maps, without removing them. That will allow me to deny any... complicity." He gestures toward a scroll cubby. "Bring me the scrolls in that shelf, Miss Miter." The centaur leans in, nodding, and Rowenna can feel the ribs mending already. The centaur chuckles. "Don't worry, dear. I learned the art of crafting flesh... and that's why I am shaped as I am." She leans in. "I'm going to have to make sport of you... dragging you to a hay bale and fucking you like a conqueror. Please do not take it as disrespect... if I fail to humiliate you, Mistress Muhr will collect my head. You and your... friends... have been winning too many matches."

Miter: "Hey, didn't mean anything against ya... Can't fault someone for poking around when you were clearly occupied..." Miter replied, trying not to sound as abrasive as usual for once, but she does manage to get ahold of the scrolls and drag them out. "I mean, technically, if I had enough time and materials, I could probably find a way to drill this entire pit halfway across the world if I really wanted to..."

Sarah: "A-Ah..." Sarah moans out as she feels her Mistress hilting inside of her. "P-Please ravage me, Mistress...Show everyone that I'm YOUR pet...Your plaything..." she moans out, her submission all but assured at this point, what with her guts full of Cubite cock. "P-Please fill me up, Mistress..."

Rowenna: "Well...that's a useful skill I suppose." Rowenna commented as she felt her body mend and her breathing improve significantly. "Clearly it's worked out quite well for you. And I don't hold it against you, honestly. You were the smarter foe and I gt overconfident. Would only seem right for you to claim me as a proper prize. Though your leaders relying on such base fear to score victories is a little pathetic. So scared that some newbies won a match or two they have to intimidate fighters like you." Rowenna guessed their actual power was not as strong or stable and they used such tactics to scare the populace that could easily overpower them. "Do what you must. I wouldn't want your leaders looking bad."

DM62: "Of course... given the time and materials, you would likely tear down this pit and save your friends. But you don't have the time. And we had enough materials for your device... but not a drill for the world. Besides... scouts are already in your world, trying to find information. Tell me... do you know what really kills people, when two completely foreign sets of people are introduced to each other for the first time?" He pulls away the scrolls, opening one of them and spreading it out on the well-appointed desk. "No, no..." He puts it aside, pulling open another... a map. "Ah." He smiles. At the top of the Pit, the cubite presses her cock in once more... and it pulses within her, then Sarah can feel her bowels start to get filled with the hot spunk of Mistress Muhr. The centaur over Rowenna grins. "If you like... you can spend the night with me, in my chambers. You'll be my... consort... for the evening. But it is more comfortable than your cell, and I will be gentler when we are alone." The centaur picks up the wolf-woman, pulling the net off of her, and taking her over to the bale of hay as the crowd roars in approval.

Sarah cries out in orgasmic bliss once more as her bowels are filled, spraying her bliss across Muhr's legs and balls as her eyes roll back into her head, her body falling limp from the pleasure overload.

Miter: "Or if all else fails, add onto that group of eccentrics working on flying machines..." she mumbles to herself partly to herself as she pulls herself to look at the scroll he opened. "Misinformation or a general thought of superiority?"

DM62: Muhr chuckles... but then she starts rutting into Sarah again, never going soft, as cum spurts out around the stretched ass. She coos with pleasure, and Sarah can feel her breasts being suckled and squeezed for more of the kitsune's milk. The elderly Gurnold shakes his head. "No, no, my dear. There is a book I have read... about the formation of the Dragonkin Empire. No emperor... but known as an empire for its expansion. And when they encountered the kitsune, for the first time... it was a disastrous war. Many, many lives snuffed out... in a terrible set of plagues. Even minor illnesses, to which the bodies are already accustomed, can become deadly to a foreign people. And I'm afraid that it is already happening, in Kalifer. The thrull-man... he saw to it."

Sarah: "A-Ah...I-If you continue, Mistress...I might go insane!" the Kitsune pants out as Muhr resumes fucking her, her bloated belly bouncing with each thrust, already looking rather pregnant from how much cum had been forced into her stomach.

Miter: "...Thrull-man?" Now she was curious. "So, there's someone spreading Rift-based illnesses through the place ahead of actually entering Kalifer, or vice-versa? Good thing I hadn't caught a cold I guess..."

DM62: The Mistress laughs, thrusting in deeper. "So go insane, slave. Go mad... from the pleasure of my cock inside of you." She moves faster, fucking her deep. "Such a good little pet... I bet you're craving for another hot blast of my cum." Duanar sighs. "The thrull-man... and his kitsune friend, the sorcerer. Ashur, her name was. She and that man... part-man, part-thrull. Gravelly voice. Ashur is constantly working to keep him alive and functional... but his power is undeniable. And he had the brilliant idea of shipping disease-ridden goods through the Rift portals."

Sarah: "Y-Yes...Anything, Mistress...To know that you love your little fluffy-tailed slut of a pet...I'd take every last drop...If you ordered me to..." she moans, her arms starting to go limp from the pleasure. "Oh gods please pump me full, Mistress...Fill me up with your love, I beg you..."

Miter: The goblin frowns, squinting a little bit. "Well, someone's a dick... Whoever this Ashur is, she needs to be knocked down a peg..." she mumbles, with a grumble of thought. "Still, not sure how we'd be able to stop that from here, and any crossover from the other realm's gonna suck with that cross-contamination. Even if a group of us get out we could be carriers of diseases..."

DM62: The cubite scoffs. "Love. Are all Kaliferan bitches such simpering weaklings?" She grunts, hilting herself once more inside the kitsune, as cum erupts once more inside her bowels. The Gurnold shakes his head. "I'm afraid the plague has likely already begun... and Ashur is quite possibly the most powerful magic-user I have ever seen. Still... the kitsune and the thrull-man seem to have their hands full at the moment. They started by convincing the cult of Athullia to join them... and then Mondur. Now it seems Zheyrr has thrown in with them, as well." He shakes his head. "I fear that your world will soon suffer, for our iniquities."

Sarah: "Y-Yes...My kind are...Mistress..." the Kitsune moans out, as her belly bloats even more from the fresh injection of her Mistress' cum, not able to think straight thanks to the modifications done to her backdoor, her tongue lolling out of her mouth.

Rowenna: Dragged over to the hey, the wolf woman wouldn't put up much of a fuss or objection to the treatment of the centaur. "Guess I can't say no to that. A little bit of comfort while in this hell hole would be nice. And maybe you'll get chance to see a bit more of my wild side. As a wolf, i can be quite frisky."

Miter sighs, shaking her head. "Sadly, don't think there's much we can do to stop it now. If we do manage some way to screw around with that plan, they'll jus do it later..."

DM62: The centaur looks around the Pit. "I'm going to FUCK this woman! And I claim her... FOR THE NIGHT!" She tosses Rowenna onto the hay bale, and the Valhal can see her horse cock already erect underneath her as the crowd cheers. Rowenna can also see Sarah quite clearly now, being milked by a large-breasted elf woman and getting ass-fucked as her tongue hangs out of her open lips. The cubite laughs, pulling out of Sarah and letting the bloated kitsune fall to the ground, cum pouring out of her mouth and ass. The Gurnold nods. "Indeed... but the cultists are planning to begin their invasion quite soon. And while it might be an even fight, normally... right now, Kalifer is as weak as it has ever been. And they've begun to set another plan in motion... something about destroying a place called Valhal. But alas, none of my books on Kalifer contain anything about Valhal."

Sarah moans as the cock leaves her ass, falling in a barely-conscious heap at the feet of her Mistress, and flooding the booth floor with cum, gently moaning as the flow stimulates her, keeping her aroused despite having nothing in her gaping anus.

Rowenna: Well, she could say with certainty that she never saw a horse cock this close before. Nor could she say was she expecting said cock to fuck her. And she could admire the woman's showmanship, playing up things for the crowd who no doubt wanted the overconfident human put in her place. "Well, get on with it. Sooner we finish the sooner we can head to your quarters."

Miter: "Valhal?" At first, Miter's head tilts a little bit, before it glows in recognition. "Oh! Some place up north, barely spoke about around here, but one of the people I was stuck with apparently came from there. Werewolf chick or somethin'. Don't know much about the place meself but she'd be the first to talk to."

Rowenna: She tried her best not to feel some shame for the fox woman, who looks like she gave up entirely. Didn't even seem like she tried to put up a fight.

DM62: The Mistress puts her hands on her hips, watching the ongoing below with a pleased expression, and ignoring the kitsune who now lay in a growing puddle of cum. The centaur nods approvingly, driving forward, her cock pressing into the Valhal, spearing her on the massive equine phallus. The crowd roars louder, and the centaur presses the flared cock deeper into Rowenna. The Gurnold raises an eyebrow. "Ah. An isolated community... that is the only explanation I can think of, for the need to arrange a separate... solution... for Valhal."

Rowenna: The Valhal would make no effort to hide her feelings here, the flared cock causing her to howl in pleasure as her body was wracked with this wonderful sensation. Now she could at least cross horse off the list of animals she's slept with.

Sarah moans as she lays on the ground at her Mistress' feet, her hands up and groping at her milky breasts, rolling onto her back to let the cum flow out of her bloated belly, her eyes closed as she rests.

Miter: "Yeah, it's not a place really talked about around here. Most the major news last I knew was that big war between Braxil and a buncha skeles..." The goblin shrugs a bit. "Otherwise, lots of general mehness and grumbles as usual for the last few years after that big crusade..."

DM62: "SEE! EVEN THE WOLF HOWLS FOR MY COCK!" The centaur proclaims her prowess proudly to the Pit, and thrusts back into her again, as the crowd goes wild. Her antics even provoke a pleased laugh from Mistress Muhr. "Such weaklings, these Kaliferans. When the war comes... you will all make wonderfully submissive slaves." She laughs again. The Gurnold sighs. "Right... so here is a set of maps and plans for the Pit, as it stands today. Tunnels here, here, and here. The original design was in a spiral shape... made in a symbol of the goddesses. I added levels... here and here... and there are... secret passages here. Unknown to the guards, so far... though I have not been well enough to travel them, so there may be... new occupants." The elder goes on, speaking about the various areas of the Pit.

Sarah: "W-War...What war, Mistress?" the Kitsune groans out, still rather satisfied by the mighty fucking she had received.

DM62: The cubite laughs at the question. "Your world... your world will know fear, and fire. War... and pleasure. Did you really think I worked with those under elf scum for the pleasure of their company? We're coming to conquer you... so you'd better get used to the feeling of your knees upon the ground, our cum swelling your bellies."

Miter: The captive goblin studied the schematics, examining them as she talked with the old man. "Well, wouldn't be surpriised if this place is like the Underlands, lots of creepy shit lives below the surface..."

Sarah: "Y-Yes...Mistress...I am already...Prepared for that..." the Kitsune pants out, looking up at her Mistress. "Though...May want...To avoid Underfell...and Scaletail..." she says with a grin.

Rowenna's hands instinctively tried to reach out to grab something. But the only thing she could grab was the hay, her fingers grabbing handfuls of the material as the centaur continued to play up things with the crowd. She'd also try to suppress the more animalistic sounds she'd let out for more human ones, moaning and whimpering like any other woman would. "F...fuck...d...didn't think you'd be this good."

DM62: "Indeed," the Gurnold has a troubled expression. "Dig too deep, and you risk attracting the attention of Tremorfoot... the Earthbender. A mighty, tunneling Nether Beast. The miners dedicated to him understand how to dig in patterns that do not draw him. Even upon the surface, though... there are patterns and noises that will incur his wrath. Many an engineer failed to account for the Great Tunneler, and lost their work, their workers... even their lives as the earth belched the Great Tunneler forth."

Miter: "These beasties seem like bad news in general..." she mumbles, shaking her head and giving a grumble of a sigh. "Ugh, this keeps getting more complex by the moment..."

DM62: The cubite frowns. "Underfell... Scaletail..." She sits, with an amused expression. "Tell me." At this point a guard moves forward, whispering in the cubite's ear. She nods, pleased. "Interesting. One of your friends, Vand... has offered to please the crowd by pleasuring one of our own. Ulyana is not... a normal addition to the Pit. We have been trying to convince her to show us her... true talents... for some time now. But it seems she has deigned to give us a show, tonight. Very well." She gestures to the announcer, who nods. "Even as Aisalla ravages Rowenna, we have another spectacle! Vand has offered herself... as the entertainment of Ulyana, for our viewing pleasure!" A red-steel door opens, admitting the mercenary Jaegar. Aisalla chuckles, not even missing a beat, driving her cock harder and harder into the woman, who can feel the thick cock pulsing within her, preparing to cum.

Vand walks in, grumbling a bit as she blinks, seeing Rowenna wrapped around thick centaur cock. A centaur with tits no less. "Well that's new. Hope the newbloods stretchy, taur kids are not small."

DM62: The Gurnold sighs. "They... are not all bad. Some of them are actually quite benevolent. Quaziallion, for example, is a gentle soul who cares for the natural things of our world. A failing effort, I fear... as the Rift magic has altered our world beyond repair." He shakes his head. "But other Nether Beasts are... not always malevolent, but definitely powerful and scary. Capable of doing great damage."

Sarah: "Y-Yes...Mistress..." the Kitsune says as she moves to her knees beside the Cubite. "T-The Scaletail Islands are my home, and the home of my people...They are guarded by might dragonkin...A force to be reckoned with even by the mightiest armies..." she says in a low tone, so that only her Mistress and Miri can hear her. "Underfell is...An underground nation of people like me...People who can raise and control the dead...Their legions are even stronger than the Scaletail...But they wish to remain seperated from the world...So long as armies do not enter their tunnels, they will not be a threat, Mistress..." the Kitsune says, finally having found a way to prove her worth to her Mistress.

Rowenna wasn't quite able to hide herself much longer, once again her voice reverting o howls as the centaur pushed harder and harder into her. And even when Vand arrived, she could barely notice as her mind was wrapped in the wonderful feelings. "Go...goddesses...g...grant me strength!" She let out a loud moan again, her body shivering and shaking as the orgasm crashed through her.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Ensemble (part three, discussions, Aisalla pampers Rowenna, Miter meets Argast, Vand and Ulyana entertain)
Miter sighs, shaking her head. "Our world's recently suffered a massive war that one of my own kin started because of a silly prophesy. It's hard to tell anymore what's more dangerous, good intentions twisted to doom or mindless force without direction. " She thinks for a moment, eying the blueprints to commit them to memory. "Either way, it's clear this little happy group here's bad news, as is this thrull-dude..."

DM62: "That is why we employed the under elves, my pet... to keep Underfell at war with Braxil. An effort that seems to have failed. No matter... we will negotiate with Underfell, if necessary. The Scaletail Islands, as well. So long as we hold the bulk of the main continent, there is not much that can dislodge us... especially with the promised cooperation of the Darkrazors, who were all too eager to help us, in exchange for our help in deposing the other houses." The cubite chuckles. At this point Rowenna can feel a blast of the centaur's cum, immediately over-filling her and spraying in great spurts over the hay bale and the undercarriage of the minotaur. The red-steel door from across the way opens, admitting an under-elf with lighter skin than normal, and purplish hair. She's dressed in skimpy black leathers, and the crowd cheers as she emerges, having always hoped to see their bartender fucking. She looks about, giving the crowd a wink, and then she blows a kiss to Mistress Muhr, who grins and gives the under elf a nod in return, her cock starting to harden again.

Vand looks over, moving over with a grunt as she sighs. "Get this over with I guess." She wasn't actually that reluctant to be topped. Okay she was kinda reluctant to be topped, but if that was the price of freedom...

Sarah: "T-That might be difficult, Mistress...The Scaletail already seek an alliance with Braxil...And Underfell..." the Kitsune whimpers gently, har head resting near her Mistress' hand. "I had hoped my information would be useful to you, Mistress...But it isn't." she says with a sad sniffle.

DM62: The Gurnold nods. "I believe I overheard his name at one point. Lord Arteryxt. A dreadful creature, truly. I thought that it was one of the nightmares of Zheyrr. But he is quite real... and quite powerful. He may spell the doom of your world, I fear." He sighs. "But... enough talk of doom. Perhaps now, as the Pit is finishing its games, and as most of the guards are enjoying their meals, we can take your marvelous device to Argast's kennels, and see if he will permit you to... try it." The elderly creature rises, with the assistance of a gnarled cane. "I fear... Miss Miter... that I must ask your assistance in traveling there. It is only a few hallways away... but that is a long way, at my age."

Rowenna: Oh goddess...why was there so much of this stuff? IT was so plentiful it spilled out of her and onto the hay she was resting on. It must have seemed almost comical to see a mighty hunter turned into such a whimpering mess. But this was what she had to bear with until she could get into a much better situation. "F...fucking hell...damnit..."

DM62: The under elf moves forward, a sultry smile upon her lips as she eyes her "prize." She commands, "On your knees, slave," gesturing at the red-stone floor, still slightly damp from errant blood and cum after a long day of contests. Muhr chuckles. "So long as you continue to offer information, my pet... and so long as I never catch you in a lie." Another guard enters. "Mistress. We... we have HIM." The Mistress turns, irritated. "Him, who?" "The one... you asked about..." She rises. "I see... Miri, bring Sarah back to my quarters. As much as I wish to watch this..." She turns to leave, and the announcer calls out, "Mistress Muhr departs!" The cubite growls. "That idiot knows better than to announce me during a show..." She turns, gesturing to some of the guards, and the announcer starts pleading incoherently. One of the guards emerges from a red-steel door in the pit, holding a spear and bracing it against the red stone ground, as the guards at the top push the announcer onto the held spear. There’s a great cheer from the Mondurites as the announcer meets his grisly fate. "Get us a new announcer before tomorrow," she says to a guard, turning and walking out. Aisalla pulls out of the wolf woman, finally. "Relax, dear... this was just for show... and that's the second announcer this month." She scoops up Rowenna, who is still dripping cum profusely, carrying her out of the red-steel door, past the guard and the impaled announcer.

Vand glares, before dropping to her knees, putting on the show as well. Well. Worse came to worse, she'd pay her back later for the humiliation, and she could handle a bit if it meant everyones freedom.

Sarah whimpers as her Mistress leaves, turning to Miri. "I-I hope you don't...Hate me for what I am doing, Miri...I know you...Are probably a Kaliferian as well..." she whispers low once the Cubite leaves.

Rowenna: "I can see...your mistress is a fickle one...if this is your second in so long. I...I'm amazed." She'd say through panted breathing as she continud to recover. "You put on a good one, Aisalla. Least now we can relax a little."

Miter nods a little, giving a hum. "No probs, I can try to help at least..." she says, moving to assist the machine ahead.

DM62: Ulyana smirks down at Vand, and drops her leather thong, exposing a perfectly-shaped pussy to the mercenary. "Now... worship my pussy, slave." She reaches out, softly caressing Vand's hair. Miri raises an eyebrow. "For what... staying alive? Shit. You could tell her like this, or you could tell her while she tortures you. There's no judgement here... now come on. Time to clean you up." She helps the kitsune to her feet. Aisalla nods. "Yes... Muhr's an evil cunt, and no mistaking it. Sorry if I was rough back there... that was all for the audience. If I had my way, your face would be covered with my pussy juice right now, dear. Best thing the fleshcrafters ever gave me." She enters a very comfortable cell, with blankets and cushions laid out, and a bowl of fresh fruit on a table nearby. "Can I offer you something to eat... um... Rowenna?"

Vand glares, and then moves forward and starts to lap at the elf, working with a lot of skill, but careful not to start blowing the elfs mind, enough to be good, but not wanting to conquer her with oral after all. Had to let her keep in charge.

Sarah: "I'm such a weak bitch..." Sarah sniffles out quietly as she stands up. "Selling out my homeland...Ruining my friends...Succumbing to the pleasure of an evil demon..." the Kitsune says, clenching her hands tightly. "If I were in charge, there'd be no fighting...Only pleasure, pleasure, and more pleasure...Fleshcrafting for all who wanted it...But I'm not strong enough to make that a reality..." she says quietly as Miri helps her along.

Rowenna: "I don't hold it against you, Aisalla. I really don't. You were just doing what you had to do for the sake of appearances. I would have done the same had I had the upper hand." She pats the centaur woman with a comforting smile. "That would have been nice, not gonna lie. But we'll have plenty of time to enjoy ourselves. As for food...I could eat."

DM62: The elderly Gurnold leans heavily upon the much-younger female goblin, moving through the two short hallways and soon arriving at a large area, open to the night sky. Two moons, one red and one blue, hang overhead in the sky. Duanar smiles, although by time the pair reaches the kennels he's breathing a bit heavily. Argast, the kobold beastmaster from earlier, runs over to assist. "Master Duarnar! What brings you and... and your new friend to my kennels?" He produces a seat for the older Abyssite, who sits in it rather heavily. Roland, Vand's wolf companion, barks happily and walks over to lick Miter's cheek, his tail wagging. Meanwhile, Vand is enjoying the delicious and exotic taste of the under elf's pussy, but then she smirks down at the mercenary. "Not good enough, dear." She shoves Vand onto her back, sliding down to wrap her fingers around Vand's phallus gently.

Vand grunts as she's shoved back, leaning up a bit as she's gripped, "Yeah well we wouldn't want you to exhaust yourself." She mutters quietly under her breath, "So yeah, contact thinks you're our best shot at opening a gate. Think that'll work?"

DM62: Miri smiles softly, helping Sarah through the hallways and back to Mistress Muhr's quarters. "You had very little choice, dear... Muhr does not take kindly to refusal, and you don't seem to possess any talents to allow you to oppose her. Besides, with the modifications from Malady Quinn, you're unlikely to succeed in any efforts in the future... unless you obtain help undoing them." Aisalla carries the Valhal woman to a hot bath, designed for both centaur and humanoid occupants, sitting her down. She brings over the bowl of fruit, placing it within Rowenna's reach, and pulling an apple for herself before climbing into the bath.

Miter helps the old man down, glancing upwards at the sky a little before noticing the goblin. "Hey, you were the one that helped dragged the oversized wolf away..." she remarks.

Sarah nods as Miri helps her back to Muhr's quarters. "Perhaps...I could learn fleshcrafting...but the Mistress would never allow it...Not with how useless I am..."

DM62: Ulyana frowns a bit still stroking Vand's cock. "I... I don't know. I'm not skilled in Rift magic... which is the magic normally used for opening the portals. But... in theory, one can perform unfamiliar magicks if enough power is channeled. So... in theory, I could do it." She leans in, giving Vand's cock a lick, and above the pit, several Athullians seem to be... enjoying the show, stroking themselves openly. Some of the Mondurites are watching, and others are leaving. Argast nods. "Yes, my name is Argast. I'm the beast-tamer in the Pit... and Roland, like every other beast, just kinda... likes making me happy. I don't know why... sometimes best not to overthink these things." Roland barks happily at Miter, licking her cheek again.

Rowenna: A nice warm bath, a bowl of fruit within arms reach and a rather friendly companion to keep her company. "If this is what happens to losers, then I should lose more often. Winning tends to get very little by comparison." Of course, she was joking but not all of it was inaccurate. "Seems winning around here gets you quite a bit in the way of luxury." She snagged an apple herself and took a solid bite out of it.

Vand moans sensitively, shivering. "Ah. Well. Worth a shot. All else fails, I break people til we find someone who can. Mmmf. I gotta grab a few people before we go for it. Gotta find three of mine, and at least one champ. Possibly more depending on what the hells happening. And I can probably help with the channeling."

DM62: Miri nods. "Well... there is a way you could learn fleshcrafting... and even have some of those modifications unmade, or at least reduced. You... remember that centaur champion we just saw, fighting the Valhal?" She helps Sarah into the hot bath. The Abysshounds seem to have left, for now. Aisalla chuckles. "Mistress Muhr knows to reward her champions... otherwise she would quickly lose us. But generally, the loser of a fight ends up being a cocksleeve for an evening, sleeping in a puddle of cum... and that's if the loser isn't outright slain for a poor performance. But not all of us are cruel beasts." She bites into her apple, with a small grin.

Sarah: "Y-Yes...I remember her...Quite the beautiful one, I must say..." the Kitsune says, sighing as she lowers herself into the bath. "Is she a fleshcrafter as well?"

DM62: Ulyana smiles and nods, her grip a bit firmer now, and she lovingly kisses the tip of Vand's cock, then starts to take it into her mouth, making small moaning noises as she does so. Her fingers tease lower, finding Vand's feminine slit and slipping inside her. Miri nods at the kitsune. "Well... yes. She's not as skilled as some of the others here... certainly not as good as Malady Quinn... but she's also not completely vicious and devoted to the expansion of the cults. If anyone was sympathetic to your cause, I'd say she's your best shot."

Rowenna: "I guess that's what happens when you have to please creatures of both war and debauchery. Neither side will be completely satisfied and you have to go to great lengths to make them happy. Least...that's what I can see from this mess. So, did she make you get all those changes on your body? Last I remember, centaur's don't normally have 4 arms."

Sarah: "I see...How would I go about...Meeting her, Miri? I would...Very much like to discuss some things in private with her..." the Kitsune says as she begins to wash herself, whimpering at how well the Cubite had used her, still a bit sore.

Vand gasps, groaning as she's fingered and blown at once, squirming a bit and shivering. "Least... Got a map... Heh... Return the favor once... freed. After my... other favors... heh...," she groans quietly, reaching up to grope her own breasts.

Miter: The goblin smiles, giving the wolf a pat. "Fair enough. Crazy enough place even without this hyperdimensional BS, eh?"

DM62: "Not exactly... I had some help, from a kitsune named Malady Quinn. But... she didn't understand centaur biology terribly well, so a lot of it was my work." Aisalla smiles. "I think I did an okay job on myself." She takes another bite of her apple. Roland barks in agreement with Miter, and Argast nods. "A very, very crazy place. But... still not sure what brought you and Master Duarnar to my humble kennels." Duarnar gestures impatiently for Miter to show him her new device.

Miter: "Ah! Right..." Miter grabs the device by the fender and drags it over. "Well, Duramar found a good chunk of my old blueprints, and wanted me to put em to use. But, well, his room didn't have enough space to give it a spin, so he suggested that we bring it down here for a quick workabout on it."
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, Ensemble (part four, Sarah schemes, Miter tries her device, Rowenna enjoys Aisalla's company, Vand gets lucky)
DM62: "Meeting Aisalla? Well... the best way would be to arrange to meet her in the Pit. But that's not likely at this point, given that you're Muhr's property." Miri thinks for a moment, washing Sarah's body. "Maybe... if you told Muhr that you wanted to try out sex with the centaur champion? Muhr does enjoy watching someone degrade themselves in the Pit." Ulyana smiles down at Vand. "You'd better remember that promise." Then she rises up, pressing her pussy down and enveloping Vand's cock, starting to ride the mercenary.

Rowenna: "You could say that again." Rowenna wouldn't hide the compliment. "Can't say I'd do it myself, since well...you saw what I could change into. I essentially have three bodies to worry about and changing them up would just make things messy."

Sarah: "That might be a good idea...But then how could I get her to teach me fleshcrafting while the Mistress was right there watching the show?" Sarah asks, shivering as she's cleaned, hoping to god she hasn't been given a surprise from her Mistress in her womb. "Gods...I'll be pregnant with a demon before we escape..."

Vand moans, gasping, shuddering a bit, muttering, "Shit... Will you disrupt it if I do a condom spell quickly...?," she asks quietly, "And yeah, I will. Got a lot of folks to attend to but we both got the time to do it in most part..." She bites her lip as the under elf rides her, squirming beneath her.

DM62: Argast's eyes narrow, and he looks at the device. "It's... not gonna explode, is it?" Duarnar is wearing an amused expression at the question. Aisalla nods. "It's quite the ability you have, dear. And I get the impression that if you had time to prepare... and if I didn't have bales of hay placed for me to use... that battle might have gone just a bit differently. Speaking of messy..." The centaur produces a sponge. "Would you like some help cleaning off, dear?"

Miter: "...Well not like that, no. Only moving parts are a steering bar and a geardrive. No explosive stuff in it!" Miter promises. "Kind of an attempt to make a traveling device..."

DM62: Miri shakes her head. "If Aisalla fucks you well enough for the Pit, Muhr might loan you to her for the evening. She'll be bored of watching you with Aisalla, either way, after the first or second round in the Pit. And once you're alone, you speak with Aisalla about the changes and the training." Ulyana raises her eyebrow. "It probably will, yes... but I think I have a solution for that, too." She raises herself off of Vand... then presses her tight rectum down on Vand's cock, giving a grunt and biting her lip as she takes Vand into her tighter hole.

Sarah: "I see. I shall have to see if the Mistress wishes to watch me dominated by the centaur..." the Kitsune says with a smile, continuing her bath and getting cleaned up after her display in the spectator booth. "My only hope is to get out of all this alive...And with my mind somewhat intact."

DM62: Argast nods. "Oh... um... okay, good. Well... go ahead, then." He moves back several feet, folding his arms and still looking quite suspicious of the device. Roland walks over to him, wrapping around him partway to give him a fluffy chair to lean back into. Duarnar smiles. "Well... go on, then, Miss Miter!" Miri nods. "Not sure how much I'd trust to that hope, honestly. Many have fled this place before... but they are always caught and returned to Muhr."

Rowenna: "Really, I've only been using my 4 legged form and not my humanoid wolf form. That side tends to come out during full moons when I get quite a bit more ferocious. In both senses of the word. Trying to find a suitable partner to calm me down is a mission in itself." She munched her apple again before letting out a good laugh. "Though you were fighting alot smarter. That metal on your leg really got me and I couldn't get around your flank. And sure. I could use a good wash, if you're offering

Vand whimpers, gasping as she’s slid in there, shuddering a bit. "Thanks, ah... Kinda flattering you'd... Take that risk for me to begin with but this works better than risking it." She groans and shivers as she reaches a hand over to pet along Ulyana's slit gently, "Can at least help you feel better too a bit early..."

Miter: The goblin shrugs, and quickly works her way into the device. With her body leaned forward over the central chassis, gripping the steer bars, and with feet on the pedals, she quickly starts to work the machine into motion. It's certainly not as fast as her calculations, but that was with one of those newfangled machines she had prepped out for the little one-person cycle...

DM62: Aisalla nods, moving closer, starting by scrubbing the Valhal's shoulders. "Huh... well, you might be seeing a bit of a change in the next few days, once your body adapts to the realities of the Riftlands. You see... we have two moons, here... and they're both going to be full in a few days. So... things might get interesting for you." Ulyana gives a sigh of pleasure as the mercenary teases her slit, juices already flowing. She begins to move faster, taking more of the Jaeger's cock into her rectum. "Just... happy you warned me..."

Sarah: "I am hoping that myself and my friends can all find a way to break free of her dominance..." Sarah says, a devilish thought in her mind. "Perhaps...Can Fleshcrafting be used to bend someone to another's will?"

Vand: "Think... It would be a given... cock in slit means baby...," chuckles Vand quietly, groaning as she throbs a bit in excitement, picking up the pace as she gives her clit a few light carresses, "Might happen one day, but it won't be by me. Be a hell of a person to bred with me one way or another... No offense. I'm forced to the most ridiculous of standards by mandate..."

DM62: Roland barks, following the goblin around the kennels happily, even as the kobold quietly watches. Duarnar is grinning, clapping as he observes the goblin and her new device. "Marvelous... simply marvelous." Miri shakes her head. "It mostly just affects one's... physical body. Affecting one's mind, or will... that's entirely different. Although there ARE... cheats. In your case, Muhr had Quinn install a physical weakness, that would allow her to quickly subdue and control you."

Sarah: "Hmmm...What if I applied that same weakness...To Muhr's cock?" the Kitsune asks with a devilish grin on her face. "A simply grasp of the hand and she's putty in my hands..." she says, almost daydreaming about it.

Rowenna: "Two...moons? Goddess, I hadn't considered what might happen to my body when that happened." She patted herself and wonders what would happen if anything beyond what she normally experiences. "I don't know if I want to find out honestly...I'm afraid I might lose control when I first changed. Lost my husband after my first transformation."

Miter eventually slows as she slows back near the shaper and the kobold, leaning back to pet the wolf again. "Well at least a version without a motor works. Gives me something I can claim progress on," she teases with a bit of a grin. At least blueprint theory has reached that far!

DM62: "Mandate?" Ulyana raises an eyebrow, humping faster now. "I don't... take well... to mandates. That's letting another control me. You seem a powerful sort, though... to whose will do you bend?" She reaches down, teasing Vand's slit once more. Sarah chuckles. "If you had time to apply such a weakness, then perhaps. But that is not an easy thing. It would be far simpler to drive a blade through her heart. Not... you know... simple. But simpler."

Sarah: "Perhaps when she is sleeping after a good, long night of fucking, hm?" the Kitsune asks, knowing Muhr likes to take her pets to be to warm herself. "Think about it...If you and I could tame the Mistress...We would be the lords of the pit..."

Vand moans, shiverring, chuckling. "Everyone obeys something dear. Always a bigger fish. Stick around, maybe you'll find out more about me. But I'm a merc, I've my High Command to obey." She shivers, panting as she strokes a bit quicker, "...Getting close... Wouldn't wanna seem to have unnatural stamina after all... Promise next time you'll get all the time you need..."

DM62: Aisalla nods. "I've seen weres, when these events happen. As long as it's not your first time, you'll have... some control. But you will be aggressive and strong as fuck, dear. And I don't think human form will be an option." Duarnar gives a pleased smile, and Argast shrugs. "I can still run faster than that... let alone if I had a mount, like my good pal Roland." Roland barks.

Miter: The goblin shrugs. "Original plan was the pedals to be something else. Some form of power source, maybe one of them newfangled steam contraptions, but I never got someone to sell me operation details on that before all this happened..." She sighs and shrugs, still leaning into the device. "And everyone back at home was so wrapped up in trying to make flying machines for some reason. Worry about ground travel then chase after the birds, but nooooo...."

Rowenna: "Well, I learned tat the hard way. It's gonna be an interesting experience, if nothing else. I've been like this for a while, so I won't have to worry about control as much." She sighed. "I will say this, being able to shift form has led to some rather...interesting experiences in my life."

DM62: Miri raises an eyebrow. "If you could learn to fleshcraft, well-enough to alter and amplify the sensations in her cock... then you might stand a chance of doing it. But that would take a high level of mastery in fleshcrafting. It's not something you learn overnight. And then you'd have to get Muhr to trust you. And you'd have to hope that she didn't simply slit your throat the moment she realized she had been fooled." Ulyana shrugs, riding Vand faster. "That... sounds fair... enough. When are you... planning to escape?"

Sarah: "Dammit." Sarah groans out as she leans back. "I suppose I'll just learn how to fleshcraft, and go from there."

Vand: "Soon. Last loose end is I need to find Miter the Goblin, Sarah and Simone the kitsunes, Don the minotaur and Rowenna, who just left wrapped about centaur cock. And a certain Mr. Chaplin. Once I found all of them, I can get the doors openand start the party. Maybe let a few choice other folks out to run interference and we beeline for the gate..."

DM62: The Gurnold nods. "Perhaps... you could set these on a track... requiring no steering by the operator, but taking one along a set path at a higher speed?" Argast shrugs. "Not sure why you'd want something that could only move one way." Aisalla starts to gently wash Rowenna's long hair. "Well... maybe you should do some fighting during the full moon. Put that power and ferocity of yours to good use."

Miter: The goblin thinks a little. "Well yeah, similar mechanic could work, but the amount of material and maintaining of the track could be rather costly long-term without a dedicated crew..." She also pokes at the curved metal slabs that made up the wheel. "Plus that wheel design wasn't really built for a track, ye'd probably want something that's more inverted..." Naturally, she was stuck in engineer mode for a bit, babbling to babble.

DM62: Miri nods. "You and your friends... you need to get out. As soon as possible. Learn the fleshcrafting, if you must... but your world will need knowledge of what is coming." The elf sighs. "Our world, I should say. The under elf reaches her peak, her rectum clenching around the cock buried inside her, and she convulses, giving a cry aloud and twisting her fingers within Vand.

Rowenna: "I would actually be curious to see how that plays out. I never tried to fight when the full moon was out, out of fear I might hurt someone important to me again. But given that my friends are usually locked up or sucking the big bosses dick, they wouldn't be in the line of fire. So Ic ould cut loose like I've kinda always wanted." She'd tilt her head back slightly and allowed the centaur to wash her hair, the young woman humming to herself all the while.
Re: Blackshard Prequel II Transcripts (edited)

Second Session, 28 May (part one, Vand meets Master Duarnar, Rowenna leaves Aisalla, Don meets his father)
DM62: So... when last we left off, Miter had just finished testing out her new invention, Vand was being returned to her cell after anal funtimes with Ulyana the under-elf bartender of mystery, Sarah had been spotted having crazy sex with Mistress Muhr from the viewing balcony before returning to the Mistress' chambers with an elven slave (and scheming), Rowenna had spent a night of being pampered and gently smutted with a futa centauress champion named Aisalla, and Don had spent a few miserable days restrained in leather and stone retraints, his only interactions being the occasional feeding. At one point he was served a rather rare and bloody piece of meat, which assuaged his vampiric appetites for the time being. Still, about three days (more-or-less) he hears his cell door being opened, and four guards enter, flanking the slave Mira... who is now dressed rather differently, wearing finery of black velvet with gold trim. She moves forward, striding up close to the minotaur. "Don... I'm afraid that I haven't been entirely honest with you. And I'm not going to play entirely fair with you, either." There's a sadness in her eye, but also a hint of ferocity.

DM62: Meanwhile, the elderly Gurold leans heavily on both Argast and Miter as they help him back to the quarters that he now shares with Miter. Argast still shoots the occasional suspicious glance at the odd device that Miter constructed, but says nothing. Once he's back in his comfortable chair, Argast takes his leave, giving Duarnar another deep bow before returning to his kennels. Duarnar looks over at the goblin. "And now... I suppose we should have a little discussion about your escape, yes? That is, after all, the reason that I've made my maps available for you to peruse."

DM62: Vand is returned to her quarters by the same two smirking guards. "Lucky wench... Ulyana hasn't let anyone touch her in weeks. Not fair at all," mutters one of the guards, as they push the Jaeger back into her cell, slamming it shut and latching it behind her. They close the viewing latch as well, then Vand can hear them departing.

Don: "I figured something like that. The honey to that child's whip right?" Don said with a bit of a grunt.

Vand waits quietly before stretching a bit, putting her cock away. Not bad. Sucked she couldn't go all out, but there'd be time for that. "Alright..." She had to find out where everyone was being held. Argast knew the building the best, so she went back out, heading his way much as she had gotten back from there last time.

DM62: Mira shakes her head. "No... I was holding the honey and the whip, the entire time. And now... well... now you have to fight for your life, in the Pit. The beast you're about to fight is an abomination, capable of only one thought: to kill. Of course... if you have some way to contact your Mother, she might be able to save you. If she can sense you, in some way... she can use her magic to whisk you away to a safer land. This isn't about you, Don... or even about my revenge against your parents, for murdering my father. It's bigger than either of us. But for me... this is about revenge. And whether you live or die... this is one more account that I will consider settled." She turns, sweeping out of the chamber, as the guards move forward to shift Don's restraints, giving him enough freedom to walk, but binding his arms and hands behind his back.

Miter shrugs a little, sliding into the chair next to his desk as well. "Mebbeh, though not sure how, really. Burrowing's out thanks to that oversized vole you mentioned, then there's apparently some killer forest outside... It's not like we can all grow wings without drawing suspicion either," she quips.

Rowenna let out a long relaxed sigh as once again she continued to enjoy the pleasant company of the woman who was effectively her mistress for the short term. "I knew being a consort was this easy, I wouldn't have bothered taking up hunting to begin with." She joked of course, but she was having to much of a good time not to.

DM62: Once again, Roland is the first to notice Vand's arrival, barking happily and practically wagging his entire back half with his tail. Argast rolls his eyes. "You know... you'd be very sneaky, indeed, if it weren't for your furry friend, here." He chuckles, stroking the wolf's furry head.

Vand: "Yeah, well, Normally it's not an issue.," says Vand wryly as she cracks her neck, "All the pieces are set, I just need to grab everyone which means I need to know where everyone is. And I figure you've an idea at least, yeah?"

DM62: "You've seen blueprints of the Pit, and the abandoned secret tunnels, my dear Miter. Once you escape the Pit, then your real trial begins. I recommend that you head... roughly southwest, through the Sanguine Grove and the Hollow Bog, to the Rift Gate there. It's technically the closest one that we know of, but cultists don't use it due to the extremely hostile environment. That makes it... your best option, I think." He smiles gently. "At least... no one's attempted it, before."

DM62: Aisalla laughs, lifting her juice-covered face from the Valhal woman's pussy. Bathing quickly turned into more sex, and now the ravenous centaur had the other warrior laying with her legs wide open and hanging off the bed, as Aisalla's tongue lapped relentlessly at her slit. "Being my consort is pretty easy, because I actually have a soft spot for women. My favorite thing is to watch and hear them in the throes of passion... speaking of which..." she dives back in, her tongue fucking the Valhal's gash, as her nose teases Rowenna's clit.

Miter: "Mebbeh..." she mumbles, shrugging a little. "Still, jus cus ye vouch for me, old man, doesn't mean they'll jus let me out willy-nilly. Not to mention if I was caught wandering, well, let's just say they'd be rather grouchy at ye too."

Don grunts, and starts to walk to the pit as required. He wasn't terribly interested in Mira's revenge against his mother, and he doubted she'd explain about the 'bigger then either us' part. Still, if they gave him a weapon then he'd put his all into killing whatever this 'abomination' was, he wasn't about to let himself die easily afterall.

DM62: Argast nods. "Actually... Miter was just here. She's been brought on as the scribe to Master Duarnar... and I suspect that he's given her access to the blueprints of the Pit, and the maps of the surrounding areas. Duarnar was a resident here for as long as anyone remembers, long before this was a fighting pit... and he was the engineer who was responsible for the conversion. Let's see... not sure where the rest of your friends are, though. I imagine that most of them are in the same cell block as you."

Vand: "Hmph. I only know a few. Rowenna was taken by a centaur herm. However that's possible... I don't know where Don or Sarah is though. Or Chu' Gris or Mr Chaplin. Guess I need to sweep through the cells then. One I know where everyone is I'm pretty much ready to get this started soon as everyone else is."

DM62: Duarnar looks slightly miffed. "And what part of 'abandoned secret tunnels' was unclear? All you have to do is fight past whatever beasties are hiding there... and hope that you're faster than Mistress Muhr's Abysshounds, which she will employ to track you once you've begun your escape attempt proper." He shrugs. "But I do have a means of distracting her. There's a hidden door over there behind that bookshelf... if you pull the red-and-green tome with the black lettering... bring me what you find inside. You may have to drag it... which is fine, it's quite sturdy."

DM62: There's cheering as the minotaur is brought into the Pit, and the restraints are removed. A voice blares out, "Ladies and Gentlemen, a special match, to please Mondur! A BLOODMATCH TO THE DEATH! And both of them virginal offerings! From Kalifer, Don! What weapon do you choose, Don?" There's cheering from the crowd, as there had only been a few good kills in the past few days.

Miter: "Perhaps..." she mumbles, though does as he explains, moving to get the latest McGuffin of the plot. "Jus saying, something bout goblins and Dicen's fickle moods..."

Don: "Give me a great axe." Don said with his typical grumbly voice. Though what counted as a 'great axe' for most anyone else was really a hand a half axe for him with his size. Though he was wondering who he was fighting against.

DM62: The kobold nods. "If... if Rowenna was taken by a centaur herm... that's probably the champion Aisalla. She's not far from the Desert Scarab. A good woman... er... a good... centaur... ess... ish." He looks slightly uncomfortable. "Anyway, if that's the case, she'll be back within several hours. Even champions only get to keep their trophies until the morning."

DM62: In the secret compartment is what looks to be a contraption consisting of hollow metal tubes around a solid metal tube, arranged in a rather sizeable piston, with a steel frame around it and a slot for a device to power it. The elder Gurnold smiles as it's brought over. "Yes... needs a little oil and a little maintenance. Help me get this into working order, Miss Miter... and I can guarantee you that, if I know about the time of your escape, I can create a sufficient distraction to give you all a VERY good headstart."

Rowenna yelped in surprise, the woman actually quite pleased with the turn of events. "G....goddess...Who knew I'd find such a winner in some damn hellscape like this?" She'd encourage the centaur woman further, pushing her hips forward and not leaving any inch of her cunt untouched. "M...mama wolf needs to blow off some steam..."

Miter: "Wellllll... will have to see about the others first before we give it a shot..." Miter explains, lugging the device over, eying it with curiousity fitting an inventor.

Vand: "Alright. I'm gonna go track down Chaplin and Sarah and Chu' Gris then. Where's that Engineer's place too, so I can keep track?"

DM62: A great axe is tossed down, landing at Don's feet. "Don chooses... GREAT AXE!" There's more cheering, and then the announcer raises his arms, and the voices hush. "And... brought back from the lands of the Under Elves, a great warrior to crush this Don in the name of Mondur! I give you... BRAXIS!" The red-steel door opens, and a vaguely minotaur-shape is behind it. A kitsune with dirty-blond hair is speaking into its ear. "Now... as you were taught. KILL THE ENEMIES OF YOUR MISTRESS!!" There's a huff, and then the massive minotaur charges into the Pit... it resembles Braxis, but the minotaur's head appears to have metal plates grafted to it. He also has four arms, now... two of them with great axes, and two of them with metal plates attached as fist weapons. Braxis howls, not recognizing Don in the slightest, and charging forward.

DM62: The centaur giggles, moving in to enjoy the Valhal woman in earnest, lapping enthusiastically at her folds. "And Mama Horse thinks Mama Wolf... tastes delicious." She grabs the woman, spreading her legs wider to get in deeper.

DM62: Duarnar nods, helping Miter to disassemble, clean, and maintenance the device... nuanced work that ends up lasting for several hours.

DM62: Argast smiles. "Maybe you can turn into a thresher again, and I'll show you the way, before bringing you back to the kennels. Heck, you could probably turn back into Vand and say hello to Miter and Duarnar. Master Duarnar won't care, so long as you're polite and respectful."

Miter: The goblin assists however she can, even if she doesn't quite understand everything that it does or what it is capable of. She spends a good bit of time examining parts she works on, trying to piece it together as she assists.

Vand: "I can do that. Probably. Thresher it is.," says Vand, muttering her spell and compressing down. "Bunny Noise of Affection."

Rowenna: "I...I'mm glad to hear that...shame we can't...make this a nightly thing..." She said through panting and heavy breathing. The centaur was quite good and continued to demonstrate how great some people can be. Even if they live in a hell hole. Her efforts would strike gold though as the wolf woman would cry out in pain, her cries mimicking her alternate form. She shook and shivered and felt the goosebumps run up her body as she craned her neck.

DM62: Argast and the thresher move along the two hallways... Roland follows, and Argast thinks about telling it to stay... then he shrugs, bringing the excited wolf along. Miter has her hands covered in grease and full of metal parts when there's a knocking at the well-appointed wooden door. The elderly Gurnold raises his bushy eyebrows in mild surprise. "Who's at my door in the night?" "Argast, with a friend." "Ahhh... come in, Argast and... friend." The door opens, revealing Argast along with Roland and a lagoric thresher.

DM62: The centaur chuckles. "I know... I rarely find good partners." She leans in, sucking lightly on the wolf woman's clitoris, as practiced fingers thrust into Rowenna's gash, twisting within her. "And I've never found one that tasted this good before." She smiles, her lower face covered in Rowenna's juices, and then returns to tonguing the Valhal's clit.

Vand hops in and over to Miter, and wiggles her bunny tail.

DM62: Roland also runs over excitedly, knocking over several metal parts and a few books off of shelves, his tail wagging. He licks Miter's face, then runs over to Duarnar, then back to Argast, then around the room once... knocking over more stuff...

Rowenna: "Oh hush. I can't be that good. Just another ice woman who happens to be a werewolf." She of course continues playing with the centaur, who hardly seems finished with her as she cries out again. "G...goddess...you really are insatiable, aren't you?"

Miter: The goblin squeaks as she's knocked over by the beasties. "H-hey! Crazy stuff! Calm down!" she yelps a little, squirming under the pinning.

Vand: "See this is what happens when you don't take Roland for regular walks.," says Vand wryly, "He goes stir crazy. Hi Miter, I'm a bunny. Bunny Sounds."

DM62: The centaur laughs, not stopping until she wrings another orgasm out of the wolf-woman. "I know..." she pants, "we're not going to get to do this every night. So I'm enjoying it while I can."

Miter: "So you are. Still not as cute as them desert rats tho..."

Rowenna: "S...so sensitive...heavens above..." The woman was having a difficult time keeping herself under control as she was rocked with another orgasm, though not as strong as the one before.

DM62: Argast waves his arms at Roland, grabbing him... and the wolf seems to instantly calm, giving Argast's face a lick, then moving up to snuggle close to the goblin and thresher. Argast smirks. "Traitor." Duarnar scowls. "Hmph. Interesting friends, indeed. And perhaps these interesting friends would like to explain themselves, hm? Hmm?!" He waves a cane somewhat crankily.

Don picked up the axe, and tested its weight as he watched the announcer start talking again. When he heard 'under elves' his eyebrow raised, and his mind ran the gamut of what he could be fighting. When it went to 'great warrior' he was even more confused, he did not remember any great warriors when he was last there. Or at least none that were publicly known as such. Then 'Braxis' and his mind locked up. What sorcery was this? Was it just a case of an identical name?

Don: Unfortunately that was not to be, and the shape that came from the other gate was familiar enough that he feared this may have indeed been his father. Captured and tortured into whatever he was now. It still could be another minotaur that they had toted out to confuse him. Yes that had to be it. Though even if it was his father, then whatever it was now was now was very certainly /not/ his father.

Don: A growl came from his throat as he dodged to the side channeling lightning through his axe as he swung it at the abomination. Whatever or whoever it was, death would free it from the horror it lived in now, and if it was his father, then he could not stand and watch him be defiled like this.

Vand: "Hmph. Philistine. I'd teach you to appreciate a good bunbun, but needs must. Hi. I'm Jaeger Vand. Mercenary, Spellcaster, Lover, and three times winner of the Grand Forge Chugathon! I'm also a bunny. Miter, I'm getting ready to raise all hell. You wouldn't happen to have a map would you?"

DM62: The lightning blast hits the massive minotaur hard, but it seems to shake it off, slamming a metal fist into Don's stomach hard enough to send the younger minotaur back into one of the Pit walls. He also swings axes, but the strikes seem poorly timed in relation to the punch, missing Don entirely. The Braxis-creature grunts, shaking its head, turning and readying for another charge at the smaller minotaur.

Vand: "Oh and have you seen Chu' Gris, Sarah and... A really ratty looking blind man?"

Miter: "I've seen one, know of a decent route to try if we're going to try this crazy shit... Not seen any of the others though, was hoping you had..."

DM62: Duarnar shakes his cane again. "The Philistines don't exist in this world's history, or even the other Realms, and I don't mind breaking the fourth wall to say it, young miss! And unless you want a anti-magical zone enchantment to go over this place like the snapping of a Reinkin's jaws, I'd suggest you show yourself. And you'd best do it right now, missy!" His cane begins to glow slightly.

Vand: "I'll match your 4th wall breaking anytime! And fine, fine. Sheesh, why's everyone hate rabbits?" Vand hops off and mutters her spell before reforming up into her full naked self. "There, happy now? Tits for all. I've seen some of the others, in any case. And you got a route, Miter?"

Don would need to plan something else here, the lightning barely seemed to phase the abomination and he wasn't quite sure his axe would be much better if he didn't aim well. Pulling himself off the wall, he'd wait for the thing to get close in its charge again, and this time focus solely on dodging getting distance. His hope would be that the creature's brain was broken, and judging by the poorly timed swings it might just be. If it was then he hoped it'd crash into the wall himself, so he could swing into its hamstrings and try to hobble the beast.

Miter: "Yeah, few secret passages and then there's apparently a southern rift gate... If one of you magey types know how to run it of course."

DM62: Argast folds his arms, "Wait... Chu'Gris... Chu'Gris the Orc? Oh! He and Simone and Rowenna and Sonja have become... well... crowd-favorites, here! But don't say that around Mistress Muhr or the other jailers... some of them were kinda pissed." Duarnar mutters a few words to himself... and his eyes seem to glow for a moment. "Ah." He gives an odd look at Vand. "I see. Well. Hmph." He quietly sits, looking as though his curiosity is sated... but not entirely pleased with the answer.

Vand: "I heard about said gate, but didn't really know where. Perfect. Guess I'll be the rearguard on these passages to make sure everyone can get through. Gonna be a party. I see. So where are they held then? Not Sonja, I know where Sonja is." She looks at the gurnold with an raised eyebrow. "Tut tut. It's rude to stare at a ladies... Assets you know. Anyways, this party can't start til I can get everyone out which requires me to find the lot."

DM62: The tactic seems to work... Braxis barrels forward, slamming against the wall, enabling Don to slice at the back of his ankles, effectively immobilizing the beast. But he turns, a metal fist slamming into Don, and the wounds on the back of his ankles seem to heal... almost instantly. The crowd above is roaring, some in anger and some in bloodlust.

Miter: "Yer not the only one that'd be plotting, lady!" she huffs, frowning a little. "We got a chance for distractions, but hey, it's not gonna be a walk in the park out there. Apparently some really twisted shit is out there..."
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