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Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)


Has a penis diamiter of 4.5cm
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Nov 10, 2008
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First Session, 24 September (part one, an interrupted execution, a message received):
DM62: A cold wind whispers across the courtyard, rustling the brown leaves of the nearly-bare trees. In the center of the castle’s outer courtyard, a chopping block has been placed on a bare dirt mound. A tall elven female is standing in the red evening light, the sun glinting off of the silver trim on her green robes. Kneeling in front of the chopping block is a barechested, muscular orc, glowering at the elf. Human guards in chainmail are holding him down on his knees. A black-bearded human male stands nearby, wearing a steel crown and blue robes, a curved dagger in his belt. A tall figure in green robes leans against a pillar in the eastern end of the courtyard, his elven features rather plain, but his slightly less-pointed ears and thicker musculature suggest a mixed heritage. He’s murmuring to a squat, muscular human in chainmail. A faun is standing nearby, quietly observing the new arrivals. On the western end of the gathering, her arms folded, is a kitsune with pale skin, white hair, red eyes, and three furry tails. Her eyes glance about, studying both courtyard and occupants with mild interest.

Helvoque Magmahammer stands alone elsewhere in the courtyard, having already been here when the grouping began to form. A large, stone-carved hammer rests on the ground before him, the knuckles of one hand gently clenching the pommel as he views the grisley sight that is about to unfold. He gives the briefest grunt, figiting slightly and takes a moment to drink from his waterhorn, managing to not spill the contents over the beard he shows.

Alexis: With the rustling of wings only a dragon's can created, a humanoid figure descends from circling above, landing somewhere away from the others, intending to cause as little disrespect as possible with her entrance, as she squats from her landing and stands, her piercing orange eyes locked on the group near the chopping block as she begins to move, her body swaying with the feminine grace of a dragonkin, as several of the pouches on her person clink with her movements, various bits of adventuring gear stored within the leather travelling clothes she wears, hiding her black scales for the most part. Her wings soon fold behind her as she approaches, and bow respectfully to those gathered, opting to remain silent until spoken to.

Thraexyra was walking her way toward the courtyard where the summons had directed her. The drider trying to hold herself high and look disdainedly back at any looks directed her way, just as she had been taught to do in public. Though internally she was feeling quite a bit nervous, for one because she wasn't too used to coming to the surface, and two, because, well, standard nervousness about potentially embarking on a quest of such a magnitude. Still, Vel had told her it would be for the best, so she went with it, leading the chimera slave along behind her.

Vel walked behind Thrae, the chain on her collar held by the drider. She kept her eyes cast down for the moment but her ears were quite open. It also helped with the whole never been on the surface before and oh fuck my fucking eyes. She wore little, just some locked metal mittens to keep her from clawing things and a gag in each of her mouths, hers and her tails. HEr tail was also chained to her collar to keep it hiked up a bit and from being able to lash out. She made sure to keep up with the far larger drider, though stayed behind her subserviently. It was time to roll a die.

DM62: “You cannot slay me, Greenleaf! I am envoy! Chief Baltrigh,” growls the orc, “has sent me to deliver his message and return with your response. And elven law forbids the killing of an envoy!”

Lady Greenleaf nods, impassive, as an armored elven warrior emerges from the inner courtyard bearing something long and wrapped in green cloth. The elven commander turns to the warrior, drawing a bastard sword from within the green wrapping. The weapon is forged of an unknown dark metal, almost black, but its edge glistens in the light of the setting sun. “We are not in elven lands... but fear not, envoy. You will indeed bear my response to your master.” She raises the blade high. “Hold him down to the block.”

DM62: The orc leans forward to the block willingly… then kicks out hard, sending himself and the two human guards sprawling onto their backs. He turns, bringing a fist down hard into one guard’s face, then comes up with the guard’s longsword, deflecting a swing from the elven female. He barks out a command in Orcish, and shapes leap down from the courtyard walls--green-skinned warriors, giving a battle cry as they charge in from their hiding places. Lady Greenleaf calls out, “Protect the Rashirah!” Human guards rush to surround the blue-robed human, to protect him from the assault. Twenty greenskins are charging toward the Rashirah and Lady Greenleaf, a mix of axe-wielding orcs and javelin-aiming trolls.

Vel subtly gives Thrae a prod with her tail, a subtle tilt of her head to direct the drider to use her magic. Right now she was limited in what she could effectively do, though she watched Thraes back best she could with the sun burning her eyes, leaving everything sorta hazy from her tears and the stinging.

Alexis watches as the Orc seems to submit to his punishment, and then everything goes to hell. In a few moments, she has her hand on her whip, drawing the weapon out and cracking it, before whirling it over her head once and lashing it out at the nearest greenskin's weapon, intending to use force magic to manipulate the whip to grab hold and disarm him.

Helvoque growls in anger. Tricksters and fools! They will pay this day, and for the slaughtered forgekin ahead of them! He grabs his hammer, the flarestone inside the head glowing as if an angry star, and the dwarf charges to the human king's protection, his short stocky frame moving with speeds that would seem unnatural to those not in the know about the dwarves. With a roar of fury, he charges shield-first, aiming to bash one of the javelin-throwers with his shield as he swings his hammer towards another, aiming for the shin to bring the lankey creature into head-splitting range.

Thrae had been momentarially stunned by the sudden change of the situation, and it took the prod to snap her to action. The girl raising up her staff and channelling one of her basic spells, one that would attempt to disable some of the orcs with debilitating arousal, hoping her magic would work in a situation like this.

DM62: An orc charges forward at Vel, swinging a pair of axes at her head. Alexis manages to disarm another, who pounces at her instead, attempting to grapple with the dragonkin. There's a crunch of bone as a troll is knocked flat on his back by Helvoque's shield, and he knocks another orc in the shin with his hammer, crushing his leg and sending him topping to the ground. A pair of orcs advance on Thrae, sniffing at her, their cocks hardening in the poorly-fitted armor. Most of the orcs are facing off with Kaliferian guards now, though the envoy is wielding a pair of Kaliferian blades in an effort to kill Lady Greenleaf. The elf's bastard sword seems to scream, cutting through not only the air but also both of the swords in the envoy's hands. He growls, moving forward in an attempt to use what blade length he has left. Meanwhile, an orc manages to cut down a guard near the Rashirah, only to have the Rashirah jab his curved dagger up through the bottom of his jaw and into his head. The orc is dead before he hits the ground.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf laughs manically in the bloodlust of the situation, cleaving the hammer into the foes he downed to finish them off and granting a course of crimson to the stone weapon. With the two dispatched, he quickly moves to remove the rest of the ranged support they had, before turning to the defense of the human king with the funny title.

Alexis growls as she withdraws her whip, grappling with the Orc and extending her claws to try and slash at him, her sharp teeth on display as she snarls, clearly not a Dragonkin to mess with as she fights with the disarmed Orc who pounced on her. "Off, you filthy beast!"

Thrae saw the orc advancing on Vel, and with the ongoing situation figured that she could get away fine with a temporary unbounding of her slave in public. The drider girl taking a moment to step back from her own advancing orks and tapped her staff against Vel's mittens. Causing her various bounds to fall away, "Protect your master!" Then she'd turn her staff back to the two orcs that were advancing on her, and cast another spell that hopefully would direct their lust toward eachother and give other people some more time to finish them off.

Vel: Well, so much for keeping the breadth of her abilities secret. Still, she couldn't disobey Thrae without blowing it out entirely. She'd talk to her about that later. Still, she had trouble making out her enemy as more than a blur, a big blur. But she didn't need to see much more. She promptly threw herself down to all fours to avoid the swing of whatever was swinging at her, before having her tail lunge forwards to bite at the orcs face, using her tail's heat senses to look for vulnerable spots.

DM62: Helvoque hammers another troll... and the elf in green robes moves next to him, swinging a mace at another of the trolls... a force-enhanced strike that sends it hurtling into the distant courtyard wall. A swarm of spiders attacks the two remaining trolls, who fall to their knees in futile efforts to rid themselves of the arachnids, while the white-haired kitsune smirks at them. An orc loses his head to the squat, muscular human, who swings a massive one-bladed axe clean through the orc's thick neck. Another orc receives an arrow in the throat from the faun. The orc grappling Alexis manages to punch her abdomen, but then her claws sink into his throat, and he sinks in a puddle of his own black blood. Thrae's spell fails to work on one of the orcs, and he advances on the drider... only to be pounced by the other orc, who holds him down and pulls off his lower garments with a grin. The orc with the axes misses Vel, overstepping and getting a bite to his neck. Meanwhile, Lady Greenleaf uses expert footwork, moving back and to the side of the charging orc envoy, whom she swiftly decapitates.

DM62: By this point, the guards have killed the rest of the greenskins, with the exception of the first troll that Helvoque attacked, who is laying dazed with a broken leg. Lady Greenleaf points to him. "Spare that one. Only that one."

Vel: growls and lunges at the orc she had bitten, and while the venom worked she clawed and bit at it, hacking into the orc like a wild animal. People rarely watched their words around animals, and she wasn't shy about getting her claws dirty. It got them this far after all, and it wasn't like she could be any less a person in the world's eyes.

Alexis: Alexis pushes the dead orc off of her, coiling her whip as if to strike, before realizing that the battle is won, furling the whip up again and storing it on her belt, reaching a hand up to try and wipe the black blood from her scales and leathers, a disgusted look on her face. "You throw fantastic parties, Lady Greenleaf!" she says halfheartedly, her wings spreading and flapping once to clean what might have gotten on them, before furling again.

Helvoque Magmahammer: Helvoque gives a bloody grin as the elf joins in, his height keeping him safe as the elf swings through. "Well met, treekin! Glad to see not all of you stick at the back of a fight!" he half-teases- it was no secret his kind and the elfkin tended to jab each other occasionally still, even in these dire times. With the foes dead and bleeding, he stomps over to the one he hadn't quite murdered, growling threateningly with his bloody hammer at the longtoothed foe but staying the finishing blow.

Thrae would take advantage of the two orcs now being distracted to scuttle over to them, and raise one of her speartip like legs and try to gore them both through the heart with a single stab. Failing that she'd probably take a few more stabs, as it was still more efficent then bashing them with her staff, and she could just blame the sun for her bad aim.

DM62: Vel is able to quickly finish off the poisoned orc. Thrae succeeds in goring the two orcs. The elf with the mace and longsword smirks at Helvoque's comment, but does not respond. Lady Greenleaf nods to the dragonkin. "Entirely unplanned, on our part." She wipes a spatter of orc blood from her cheek grimly, then uses green wrapping from earlier to clean off her ancient blade. “Guards. Cut out their tongues and bag them.” She points at the sole green-skinned survivor, the battered troll. “Include his tongue… and send him back to deliver the bag to Chief Baltrigh. Mount the heads on spikes, high upon the castle’s battlements. Burn the remainder of the bodies.” She turns to the assembled adventurers. “Now. Let us adjourn to the audience chamber, and we can discuss your objectives. By your leave, your Majesty?” The Rashirah nods in assent, having just cleaned the blood off of his curved dagger.

Vel keeps savaging her victim, awaiting for Thrae to take "control" of her once more. She hoped it'd be before she had to start eating... Whatever it was she jsut killed.

Thrae wouldn't leave Vel waiting to long, and as soon as she finished off the orcs she'd turn and pint her staff at Vel again. The enchanted binds almost materializing on the chimera.

Alexis stretches and nods as she wipes the last of the blood from her clothing, then turns to follow Lady Greenleaf, her thick tail swaying back and forth with her steps.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf gives a bit of a grunt at the troll, glaring at him some more before again swigging at the waterhorn. "A fine a task as any, my lass," Helvoque replies, nodding in respect to the queen before taking a rag and clearing off the loose blood and gore from his attire, the hammer still stained in it's porus stone nead but now not quite as gorey as it was before.

Vel gives a muffled yelp as she's rebound, and rolls off her victim, awkwardlys truggling back up to her feet, crawling towards her "Mistress" Before getting up best she can to follow her as she was before, making no effort to clean the mess off herself.

Thrae: Regrabbing Vel's chain, Thrae would shake the blood off her leg and follow along to the audience chamber, the girl wishing she could have cleaned Vel off too, that blood and gore would be a pain for her to get out later, but she had to keep up apperances. Which at the moment included her asking an annoyed muttering of, "And I thought some of the guards back home were incompetent." Even as she lightly kicked at one of the orc corpses as she passed.

DM62: The elf with the longsword and mace nods to the dwarf. "You fight well, your Highness, in keeping with the reputation of your family." The group passes through the inner courtyard, then a large hallway, and finally enter the large audience chamber. The blue-robed Rashirah is now seated upon his throne on a raised dais, with Lady Greenleaf standing at the foot of the dais, in front of a crate. A grey-haired elven female stands next to the crate, garlands upon her head and a gnarled rod clutched in her hand. The elf with the wand is the oldest elf that anyone in the chamber has ever laid eyes upon, with small wrinkles in her skin despite the immortality of her race. Her expression pained and tired, she looks from the crate to Lady Greenleaf, who gives a formal bow.

Then the elderly elf turns to the adventurers. “Greetings. I am Naliri Leafspar. Tela’s father and I were among many who helped protect the elves during the Primal Era… but that is old history. You are no doubt curious as to why Tela was about to cut the head off of a messenger. She but acted upon my command… but you will likely understand my reasons with a glance into the crate, a gift from Chief Baltrigh.” The elder elf then turns, moving with Lady Greenleaf’s assistance to a comfortable chair that has been placed next to the Rashirah’s throne. Lady Greenleaf indicates the crate, looking at the adventurers.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "The shackles of a future overseeing the foundations of our clans don't hold me back from a good brawl," he replies to the elf, chuckling a little as they move throigh the structure and then stopping. The dwarf frowns slightly when the crate is indicated. He had been in this chamber a moment before, having awaiting any requests by the rulers, before the crate arrived. With it's arrival he had left with the others to the courtyard, but hadn't viewed inside himself. Thus, he steps forward and peers into the crate, frowning and expecting the worse.

Thrae moved a bit closer, then raised herself on her legs and looked over at the crate, not entirely willing to make all the effort to go over there and see what was in it, and figuring the extra height she could get out of fully extending her legs it would be more then enough to see. Especially when the dwarf was the only person in her way at that moment.

Vel, now able to see, if jsut a little better, stays behind Thrae. She'd hear what was in it later.

DM62: The other adventurers (the stout human with the axe, the elf with longsword and mace, the white-haired kitsune, and the faun) move forward to peer into the crate as well. The faun blinks, then clutches a hand over her mouth, recoiling and wretching into her hand. The crate is full of what look to be white-and-red tulip petals, at first, of all different sizes, filling the crude wooden box. It's such an odd sight that at first one's mind refuses to accept it. Then reality sinks in. The crate is full of elf ears. Some of them are smaller than the rest, though... significantly smaller. Like the ears of elven babies.

Thrae had to hold back her stomach too, but she did a much better job then the faun at keeping it hidden. Years of training does that after all, so she kept her mask of semi-arrogance up, and just retracted herself on her legs, "I do believe that explains your earlier actions rather sufficently."

Helvoque Magmahammer: Even the dwarf gives a grimace and a cough, trying hard to keep the contents of his lunch down. "B-Blustering... Goddesses damn those greenskin beasts! I swear on my Father's oath I'll do anything required to put these monsters down for good!" he roars into the high-ceilinged hall, fury now crossing his expression. "Not any race deserves that brutality!"

Vel: could smell the blood and such. She had her guesses, and she could pick up on Thrae's distress easily, having practice at reading her. This would be dangerous indeed then...

Alexis: Alexis approaches the crate when prompted, and promptly reels back the moment she smells the decaying scent, having caught barely a sight of the ears inside of it, holding her maw with one hand. "Oh my...Please tell me that isn't what I think it is."

DM62: The wood elven Grand Matriarch, Naliri Leafspar, rises from the chair, her lips pressed together in anger mingled with grief. Lady Greenleaf moves to assist her, but Naliri waves her off. "These... are ears from the elves at Stillwater. During the last age, when the under elves warred with the wood elves, there were elves who refused to take sides. They left us... and formed a distant town there. Many called them cowards... but I do not consider it a weakness to refuse to slay one's own people. That... envoy... told us that this was what happens to elves who refuse to use their ears, when an orc calls for their surrender. And that the only ones spared were the ones found suitable as... camp followers."

The Rashirah speaks now, "We should offer a royal bounty for every orc tongue, then."

Vel couldn't grimace in her gag. Seemed the orcs were as harsh if not harsher than the under elves. Least she wouldn't feel too bad about what she'd have to do then. Awfully corgial of them to make it feel good to crush them. Like ants who yelled profanities at you.

Alexis: "And that would accomplish nothing more than spurring on these acts of savagery." the Dragonkin speaks up, folding her arms under he E-cup breasts and frowning. "A bounty for their tongues, and they decide on a bounty for your ears. Then you will likely find another justification for brutality, as will they. Soon, what remains is little more than two savages in a bitter race war." she says, sniffing at the air and grimacing.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf is still doing his best to quell his rage, growling in fury and shaking hard- it would be near comical, if it wasn't the dire situation involved. He held back his silence as the others talked, showing a bit of wisdom from not unleashing the quick temper that Dwarves were known for.

Thrae would grimace a bit, the frown deepening as the elf continued talking. She almost wished she could use more deadly magic at that moment, but she had what she had at her disposal. She also noticed the dwarf nearly shaking himself apart in his rage and nearly decided to hold her tongue to avoid potentially setting him off, but instead said, "I would not be suprised if these orcs would escalate such savagry even without furthur provocation."

DM62: The elf with the longsword and mace speaks up, bowing to the figures on the dais. In the light of the audience chamber, he looks more... human than elf, for some reason. Possibly a half-breed. "Grand Matriarch. Rashirah. My Lady." He rises. "I am Arturus Windsong. The dragonkin speaks truly. Escalation will only cause worse atrocity... and Malgra's crusade has the upper hand at the moment. If anything, we should take steps to conceal this atrocity, as it will only inspire either despair, which will demoralize our forces, or rage, which could be just as dangerous for our armies."

Vel's ear flicked. Those two had level heads on the matter. She'd have to be wary of them. Still didn't change matters too much though. For those here, it would have an effect, a willingness to go further, if even slightly, to see the orcs as less than themselves. Whether it affected morale or not, it'd make it just that much easier to be brutal to their enemies.

Thrae would fall silent again, willing to let the others talk it out for now. Mostly because she didn't see any reason to drive them to be more brutal at the moment, and also because she was still trying to remove the last of the sick feeling from what she had seen in the crate.

Helvoque Magmahammer: Managing to hold back the blustered, curse-riddled fury that he had contained, the dwarven nobleman finally replies. "These two... speak honesty. However, if anything, it should serve a sign to us. It is clear that these Orcs see nothing more than complete submission and defeat in thier enemies, and we should thank the goddesses to show it to us in present company before they truely could get a foothold further than they had already."

DM62: The stout human growls. "It would be savagery well-deserved, then, to turn our people against the orcs with such a bounty. But I will respect the decision reached here today." He folds his arms, huffing.

Naliri scowls, pointing at Helvoque, Arturus, and Alexis in turn. "The answer you give... I confess that I hate you three a little for giving it. But not as much as I hate myself for agreeing with you."

The Rashirah rises, protesting, "But... surely we cannot let this go unpunished!"

Naliri turns to look at the young monarch with a bit of a pained smirk. "Young man, before you start punishing the guilty, you should worry about winning the war. Plenty of time for punishment afterwards. And we win the war by being smarter than Malgra. Not angrier." The Rashirah sits, his face flushed in embarassment.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "There will be time to punish the guilty once the front has been re-established, worry not, great King," the dwarf replied to the Rashirah in particular. "However, it is hard to deny that the amount of territory the Orcs have covered in these moments is still staggering. Especially considering how much of the Underland they now posess. Using the tunnels we carved free for us and the Under Elves, they could literally attack at any time, and last I knew only a few fortress-gates still hold to them." The last bit of that was reacting with a minor glare towards the drider. He had a hunch how they had reacted to the invasion after all.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts

First Session, 24 September (part two, the mission, mounts, a journey begun, strange noises):
Alexis: "To be fair, Elder...It is quite easy to outsmart an Orc." Alexis says as she smirks a bit. "Of course, there are exceptions, but...The average Orc cannot match wits with a human, an Elf, or even a Dwarf. But, I am just an adventurer. My word is simply inane prattling. Tell us. What have we actually been summoned for? If I might make such a request, your Majesty."

DM62: "Elder? Are you calling me old?" The elderly elf woman snaps at the dragonkin. "You know... there IS such a thing as too much truth, young lady."

Alexis: "My apologies. I meant it respectfully, Ma'am." the Dragonkin says, lowering her head.

Thrae just glared back at the dwarf, figuring a verbal response was not worth her time. Instead the drider crossing her arms under her chest and tried to put on a face that said 'I'm here, so how about we don't get into an argument about such thing?'

DM62: The matriarch chuckles. "Forget about it. Just remember that I was one of the elves who came up with the idea of dirt."

Lady Greenleaf clears her throat. "Please stop doing that, Grand Matriarch. People never can tell when you're joking. And I really SHOULD tell them what their missions are."

The elderly elf waves the younger one on. "Yes, yes, of course. Go on, Tela," she speaks as she eases herself back into her seat.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf snorts at the look the drider gives her, but silently returns his gaze to the royal figures, grimacing and preparing to hear the orders.

Vel: Not too shocking about the dwarfs attitude. If it advanced she'd have to arrange for him to die a heroic death. They couldn't afford losing the dwarves, but she also couldn't tolerate threats to her Smidgeon. From any source.

DM62: Lady Greenleaf continues, "Right... you have two missions. Your first objective will be to convince the under elves to stop helping Malgra... to turn on her, if possible. The Webhunter and Orbweaver families were the first to join Malgra's banner, and the Darkrazors declared neutrality to avoid being wiped out. Turning two families against Malgra should neutralize the under elf support they have, cutting them off from the Underlands and preventing them from using under elves as advance scouts. Turning all three families would likely help turn the tide of the war. Then, you're to find this Chief Baltrigh... and terminate his command. We will give you a scroll to leave on his body, addressed to Malgra. It is our hope that Malgra did not order the atrocity at Stillwater... but our message will be clear. Leaders who order such barbarities will be targeted for assassination."

Vel: Two things her and Smidgeon would excel at. Perfect. She could cement Thrae as an important figure in turning the tide. Things were looking good for the time being. She doubted it'd remain such but she'd do all she could to ensure her rise.

Alexis: "I have a question. How are we to sway noble families whose power and influence far outstrips ours, as simple adventurers?" Alexis asks as she listens to the briefing, her tail gently swishing back and forth behind her.

Helvoque Magmahammer: With a grunt, Helvoque speaks up. "The dealings with the Under Elves should be easy enough, they didn't seem too uncordial with Magni when last they spoke to us. But to get to Baltrigh... what sorta situation we speaking of here? Has he been sighted aboveground or below?"

Thrae practically had to resist clapping in a bit of joy as she realized how if she could accomplish this it would be just as Vel said. Diplomacy was something she could do alot better then fight after all, and it would be more then enough for her to go home with honours.

DM62: The Grand Matriarch gives a wry smile. "Under elves have one great weakness... and that's how we beat them during the Kin Wars. The families are powerful working together, but they are quick to turn on each other. Some of them may ask you to assassinate targets among their own people... an area in which outsiders are quite useful. Others enjoy bondage and depraved acts of a sexual nature. Either way... see if there's anything that the heads of the families desire from you. A deal might be struck."

Lady Greenleaf nods to the elderly elf, then turns back to the party. "Chief Baltrigh is presumably near Stillwater... but may have moved on. They might be heading for Tillshire, in Braxil. Good farmlands. Plenty of food for an army." The stout human frowns at this.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "...And one of the furthest holdings we had..." the dwarf muses. "If we succeed with the Under Elves and halt the east expanse through Spiderbloom, that would mean most the war would be to the west at least..." He's quiet for a moment, thinking to himself and rubbing into his beard.

Thrae would ponder it over, and nod her head, "Yes, convincing the underelves would probably be easier then dealing with Baltrigh, as long as nobody tries to be to uptight around them."

DM62: "Indeed." Lady Greenleaf looks about the group. "You eight should travel with caution, and as stealthily as possible. The orcs likely employed spies to find their way into this castle. We must assume that they are aware of your mission. There may even be spies among you. Keep your wits about you, and trust no one."

The Rashirah nods. "I would know your names, and a little about you each. After all, someday we can say we knew the heroes who turned the tide in this dark time."

Vel: No shock there, she was expecting to need to eliminate them all if she had to. But time would tell who would need disposal. But here was a chance for Thrae to take her first steps forwards. After all, a slave was of no consequence. Leaving her out was expected.

Alexis: "Alexis Darkwing. Just a fortune seeker who likes the shine of gold and the glitter of gems." the Dragonkin woman says with a smile, bowing with a slight flourish.

DM62: "As stated... Arturus Windsong, your Majesty." The elven male bows, then motions forward the faun, who also bows. "I am... Nisala, your Majesty. I willingly serve as the mount of Master Windsong." The Rashirah nods.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "Helvoque, son of Magni, of the Magmahammer clan," the dwarf states along with the others, giving a light incline of his head and the thump of his currently-crimson hammer.

DM62: The Rashirah nods again. "Your father is well-known to me, Master Dwarf. And I already know who you are," he indicates the stout human with the large axe, "Sir Regulus Malius, whose family is entrusted with the running of our colony of Axetan, in Braxil. Your town's lumber is vital to our war efforts." The human bows.

DM62: The white-haired kitsune gives a slight nod to the royalty on the dais. "Irena." The Rashirah raises an eyebrow at the short answer, and the elderly Nalira smirks. The blue-robed human royal turns to the chimera and drider. "And... the chimera and drider who valiantly assisted in my defense?"

Vel makes a faint mewl out of her gag but keeps her eyes on the ground.

DM62: The Rashirah shifts uncomfortably at the sound, clearing his throat and looking at Thrae with a raised eyebrow. The wood elf matriarch holds her fingers on her mouth to help hide her growing amusement.

Thrae would step forward a bit, and give a short 'bow' more or less just lowering her body a bit, "I am Thraexyra and this is my chimera Vel." Well she didn't say slave outright, the chain, her tone, and the rest more or less implied it quite obviously.

DM62: Lady Greenleaf nods. "Chief Baltrigh is in the west... but you will start by journeying east to Spiderbloom, the entrance to the Underlands held by the under elves. We will provide you with mounts, and a wagon if you like, as well as provisions for your journey." She motions to one of the guards, who goes off to fetch the mounts and wagon. "Are there any other questions?"

Alexis: "None, Lady Greenleaf. Although I require no mount." the Dragonkin says, a hint of pride in her heritage carrying in her voice.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf shakes his head quietly, once again figiting with his hammer pommel

Thrae remained silent, having no other questions, though she wondered just how Greenleaf thought that a mount would be useful for someone like her. Though provisions would always be useful

DM62: The Rashirah rises, and the Grand Matriarch follows suit, this time permitting Lady Greenleaf to help her to her feet. The human ruler speaks, "Very well. Eight champions, of all different races. I wish you fortune on your quest."

Naliri nods gravely. "The blessings of all free folk go with you, champions." A guard moves forward to usher the party to the outer courtyard.

Vel maneuvers to remain behind and to the side of Thrae as she turns and walks out in the same way when she does.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf nods silently, following the rest with his grave look partly covered with his beard. He mutters a quiet few words of prayer to his chosen deities, letting them guide his acts so that he may honor his clan and home.

DM62: In the courtyard are various mounts... battlestags, warboars, and warhorses. There's also a wagon, with a few peasants standing by to rig it up to whatever animals the party desires.

Thrae gives a short nod, and turns to head out as the guards directed. The drider hoping that they would get a chance to take a break soon, as she was getting a bit drained from keeping up her act after those ears. Then she saw all the mounts, and tilted her head, before moving toward the wagon, figuring it was the only place she could fit her rather large behind.

Alexis follows them out into the courtyard, a smile on her face as she spreads her wings and stretches. "Well, whenever you ground walkers are ready." she says, sounding very full of herself.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "If I may, dragonborn," the dwarf speaks up, "It'd not be very stealthy to keep afloat of us. May I suggest you keep yourself to the ground, soas to not be a constant beacon of where exactly we are?" He looks to most the creatures, of which he was quite undersized for most of the beasts.

Alexis frowns as she looks at all the creatures. "I...I dunno how to ride a horse." she says, scrathing the back of her head.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf grunts. "Fair enough I guess, just be careful of prying eyes..." he warns, moving to one of the boars milling about to be offered.

Thrae pulled herself onto the wagon, and with that, pulled Vel up onto it too. The drider girl unceremoniously plopping herself down in the center of it so that her legs weren't hanging off the back.

Vel doesn't squirm as she's pulled into the wagon and maneuvers to the front where she could be used as a pillow if need be, and curls up best she can, shutting her eyes tight against the hateful death ball in the sky.

Alexis: "If there's room in the wagon I'll just ride on that...Like you said, no sense acting like a beacon to our enemies." the dragonkin says with a nervous chuckle, a slight blush of shame on her face.

DM62: One of the peasants, an old bearded human with a scraggly long white beard, nods. He smiles, showing only a few teeth. "Ayuh. We nee' ta' rig dem harses to dis here wagon, ayuh. And dat boar's called Squiggly... she'sh a fiersh 'un, ayuh." He starts rigging the wagon to two of the horses.

Thrae looked over at Alexis, then looked at the wagon, then shifted a bit forward and rested herself on Vel, indeed using the chimera as a pillow. It looked like that was the best Alexis was going to get for space.

Alexis hops up on the back of the wagon, hanging her legs off the back as she settled in. "Thanks, legs." she says with a playful smirk on her face.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf gives a base shrug, rubbing the beast in the head as he leans forward before moving to a better seat on the creature. "I'm sure she'll serve me well, sir," he replied, ignoring the slightly disdainful attitude of the human peasantry. He gently rides the beast before the wagon, holding level with the carthorses and shifting so the waraxe on his back was ready to pull at a moment's notice. Mounted fights, it worked best to have the reach.

Thrae lifted her head and twisted her upper body just enough to look back at Alexis, judging by the minor glare she was not taking the 'legs' comment to well, a fact confirmed a moment later when she said, "Do not call me that."

DM62: Another peasant brings out Sir Malius' own warhorse, and he mounts up. The kitsune folds her arms... then she climbs up on one of the battlestags, sitting uncomfortably in the elven-made saddle.

Alexis: "What? Would you rather I call you big butt?" Alexis asks as she turns to look at the drider, a smirk on her face.

Vel gives a grunt but doesn't make other noise when used as a pillow, staying in place. She did note Alexis' words though. Well, it was probably in jest. She'd need to calm down Thrae later probably. If they got a chance to be alone, but she wasn't counting on it. Oh yeah, there was definetly going to be sparks back there shortly.

DM62: Their duty performed, the peasants quickly lead the other animals away before they can be brought into an interparty conflict. One of the two sentries at the gate signals to a guard on the battlements, who raises the portcullis.

Helvoque Magmahammer: Glancing to the wagon, he watches it for movement as he readies to move out alongside it, grunting as he hears what sounds to be a brewing squabble.

Thrae continued glaring, the girl raising her staff semi-threatening, "Call me that again and I'll be sure to make you finger yourself into a never waking coma." Thrae certainly didn't like being called stuff like this on a normal day, and with her mask attitude she didn't like it even more, "I will accept no different alternative to my name other then Thrae."

Alexis: "See, now I know what you prefer to be called. Problem solved." the Dragonkin says with a laugh.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf crosses his arms, the boar giving a snort underneath him.

Vel notes nothing is happening and mewls and wriggles away from Thrae and climbs up onto the seat and takes the reins, and gives them a crack, squinting painfully into the sun.

Thrae cut her glare off from Alexis, and then lifted herself off Vel to let the chimera take the reigns. The drider then resettling down and proceeding to ignore the dragon girl after that attempted arguement.

DM62: The riders set off with the wagon, heading through the recently-laid brick streets of Ritzerite toward the eastern gate of the capital. Peasants and merchants move out of the way of the expedition, and soon the party is traveling through farmlands, and then through the open grasslands east of the Capitol. After a few hour's ride, the grasslands grow somewhat soggy. "We should probably stop here soon," warns Sir Malius, "We're heading into a vast swamp area... and it's nightfall."

Vel is squinting slightly less as it get's dark. She looks to Thrae for guidance on whether to stop.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf grunts a little. "Think we should break camp? Part of me thinks it's a bad idea for us to continue, but if we do we may be heard more easily..."
Alexis hums as she swings her legs off the edge of the cart, looking at the muddy ground around them. "I vote for setting camp. Traveling at night is one thing, traveling through a SWAMP at night is asking for trouble."

Thrae looked up, noticing the darkening sky, "Hmmm, I do not think moving through the swamp at night would be a good idea, well I could probably see fine, I doubt the less dark inclined members of our group would be able to keep up. So we should stop now."

DM62: The kitsune stops her stag, dismounting. Sir Malius looks about. "Where's Arturus?" The elven rider and his faun are nowhere to be seen.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf frowns hard. "Good question. Maybe they were moving slow, never know what Beastkin tend to be up to," he adds.

Vel looks around, sniffing the air for their scent.

Thrae twisted around as she started to move herself off the wagon, "Who would have thought a knight would need a babysitter, especially this early into the trip."

Alexis hops down off the wagon and stretches. "Want me to take to the air and look for them?"

DM62: There are two figures approaching in the darkness... Arturus Windsong and his faun, coming from behind the group. The elf is carrying something over his shoulder.

Vel watches them curiously. Interesting. Wonder what they found. She followed Thrae off the wagon.

Thrae would try to squint a bit, trying to figure out what the elf had gotten. Though she wondered if it was a deer or some sort of food. Though the former would certainly be a bit ironic.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf spurs his mount forward with a bit of a frown to grow level with the elf. "There you are! We were slowing for the evening and we didn't see what happened to ya before!" he comments, though he does hold the waraxe off his back and on his side, just in case it was a ruse to trick them.

DM62: "Fetching dinner!" He does indeed bear a dead dear upon his shoulder. "Nisali is an excellent marksman, and we do need to eat."

Alexis licks her lips as she notices the deer, clearly pleased with this turn of events. "So long as you know how to cook it."

DM62: "Absolutely," replies Arturus, "and the hide can be made useful as well. We waste nothing we can use."

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf nods a little in response, moving the axe away. "Ah, fair enough..." he mumbles, the mount giving a snort and quickly wheeling to move back to the wagon. "Next time you go to a hunting extursion though, do let someone know!"

Thrae had to admit, the idea of a deer girl hunting down a deer was enough to bring a small chuckle to her. The drider shaking a small bit with the silent guffaws, then she said, "Well, I retract my earlier statement, though it may have been a good idea to tell us first before you leave the group in the future."

Vel: Huh. Well, it worked in the end. And she had to get the taste of the reins out of her mouth.

DM62: "Right. Happily, there was some firewood in the provisions that they sent in the wagon. Of course, we need to clear a good firepit, lest we start a grassland fire."

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf grunts and moves the boar to tie onto the side of the wagon, letting it root at a nearby log for mushrooms and roots. "Well, that shouldn't take too long, specially if one of you have flint and tinders. Just need to grab a few rocks for a fire circle and it'll be good to go."
Thrae: "Hmm, Vel and I can collect some rocks to help line the pit," Threa said as she unfolded her arms and stood a bit taller. The drider girl knowing she atleast needed to help somewhat if they wanted to be a functioning part of the group.

Alexis: "I've got some flint and steel somewhere in all this." the Dragonking says, patting each of her pouches on her person to try and find her flint and steel.

DM62: Some members of the group will notice that Nisali, the faun, looks rather flushed, clopping a bit anxiously at times.

Vel mewls around the ring gag in her mouth then goes to find rocks she can fit in the hole to bring, much like she could fit the reins in there.

DM62: It starts raining overnight. Slight misting at first... but by the morning it's a torrential downpour in a thunderstorm. The wagon leaks, but the party manages to keep the dry rations dry.

Vel mewls sadly as she is soaked out and driving, but it's far easier on her eyes at least.

Helvoque Magmahammer: As the dwarf mounts up again, he grumbles a bit at the water dripping down his helmet and into his beard. "This is one of the good things about the Underlands... none of this confounded rain..." he grumbles as he begins to ride away again.

Alexis yawns as she rests in the back, taking up what little space the drider didn't, a content smile on her face.

Thrae: "Indeed, rain truly is one of the worst parts of the surface," Thrae said, from the covered wagon, the girl doing her part to keep the dry rations dry by resting herself lightly overtop of them. The drider then turned to the dragon girl and said, "You look suprisingly content."

DM62: A little ways down the trail, the kitsune stops her mount, raising a hand to stop the rest of the party. She gestures off the trail... and the group can barely hear laughter and grunting to the south. Arturus and Sir Malius draw their weapons, and Nisali pulls her bow. Arturus dismounts, advancing quietly on foot.

Alexis: "Why wouldn't I be? I have a free ride to wherever I'm going, I have a piece of eye candy to indulge in, multiple pieces in fact, and the pay for this mission is likely going to be massive. Why wouldn't I be content?" she asks, before the wagon abruptly stops. "Hey, what gives?"

Vel does stop, spitting the reins back out of her gag, and listening at the sounds, giving a quiet serpentine hiss.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf halts as well, glaring at the sound of the noise. He readies his waraxe, holding the boar steady in case he should charge in to assault behind the rest.

DM62: Sir Malius rides over to the wagon. "Noises ahead." He steers his mount slowly toward the sounds.

Thrae narrowed her eyes at Alexis about the eye candy comment, only Vel and people Vel okay'd could be like that! Then the wagon stopped and Malius informed them what was happening, "Who would be active in this weather is a mystery to me," The drider unfurled herself and started to climb out of the wagon, her staff at the ready as she moves to get Vel nearby again as she prepared for whatever they might encounter.

Vel listens as she climbs down and moves by Thrae again. She couldn't stop the dragoness from looking, but she'd learn if she got forceful with her Smidgeon. Meantime though, there was far more pressing matters.

Alexis yawns and climbs out of the wagon, taking her whip off her belt and readying it. "Could just be a couple of lovers enjoying themselves away from everyone else."

Helvoque Magmahammer slowly moves the wereboar along with them, a hand on it's head to try and keep it's noises to the minimum and to keep some semblence of a secret weapon in case it was an orc encampment.
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Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts

First Session, 24 September (part three, deathrollers, false alarms, a morbid new companion):
DM62: Arturus is hiding behind some foliage, weapons drawn, and Nisali is near him, an arrow nocked on her bow. The dragonkin is partly correct... there is a group of twelve alligator-like males laughing and carrying on. In the center of the group, sandwiched between two thrusting gator-men, is a naked gnome female, rain pouring over her exposed flesh. She's barely conscious as the men take advantage of her. Sir Malius growls, his fist tightening around the heavy axe. "Deathrollers. Beastmen with gator blood. Slavers, bandits, and rapists." He shrugs. "I think we can take them."

Vel tilts her head, observing the large reptilian beasts. She honestly didn't care too much. Being violated was jsut a natural state of the world. It's the unnecesarry pain that was much. Nevertheless if Thrae decided to send her to fight on this one she would.

Alexis holds in a giggle as she notices the Deathrollers doing their thing, shaking her head gently. "I don't think we can take them on, honestly. Orcs are one thing. Deathrollers? Uh uh. I'm not getting my arm bitten off."

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf gives a grunt as he spots the kinsman stuck between the beast. "We could, if we risk it... The problem is if the delay would hold us back..." He snorts a bit, shaking her head. "Bah, turning into my old man already. If you favor the odds, I'll lead the charge."

DM62: The kitsune's eyes narrow at the dragonkin's comments, then she makes a quick gesture to the east. A massive, earth-shaking roar can be heard from the direction that she pointed, and massive feet pounding their way through the swamp... there seemed to be something huge... and angry... approaching, and the deathrollers drop the gnome, turning to look for the approaching monster fearfully.

Vel looks alarmedly towards the swamp for this massive threat.

Alexis: "That's not a good noise." the Dragonkin says, hiding behind a tree and peeking one eye out to look for the source of the loud stomping.

DM62: "Not real." The kitsune chuckles.

Thrae tilted her head as she looked at the deathrollers, deep under her mask a tiny bit of her own arousal was there as she considered being in the gnomes place, but externally she let none of it show and instead said to Alexis, "I do believe we are going to be involved in this one either way, though Hammerman here can lead the charge," She would wait to see if they actually went in, if they did she would probably have to unleash Vel. Then she heard the stomping and took a thought as to what that might be. The girl holding onto her staff as she watched, waiting to see what would happen.

Helvoque Magmahammer: There's a pause by the dwarf at the sudden sound of a massive beast. "...The hell?" the dwarf mutters, gripping the waraxe tighter and readying to charge. When the kitsune mentioned the fact it was an illusion though, there was a bit of a spark to his eyes at that. While the Deathrollers were pre-occupied with the noise of the beast, he readies his reigns and kicks forward, the boar charging as silently as it could through the rain-drenched marsh, the large axe held in the dwarf's hands and ready to sweep.

Vel turns her snake head towards the kitsune to regard her. An illusion? Delightful, a fluffy thing that could fool ones senses. She'd need to be extra wary with that one.

Alexis sighs as she rounds the tree and readies her whip, deciding to join the charge towards the deathrollers as quietly as one might charge in muddy, uneven ground.

DM62: Sir Malius kicks his heels in as well, charging forward silently with his own massive axe held high. An arrow embeds itself in the back deathroller's back, and he goes down into the swamp unnoticed. Arturus, meanwhile, is charging forward quietly, sword and mace brandished. Helvoque is the first to reach the Deathrollers, who have failed to notice the party over the noise of the approaching beast.

Helvoque Magmahammer: As the dwarf reaches the pair holding the gnome maiden, he moves himself into quick action, kicking his heels to urge the boar to bend it's head down to make his task easier. As he goes to charge between them, he levels his blade to quickly swing vertically at one of the brutes, the handle held to catch the other one right in the snout as he swings. If all goes well, he would have positioned himself to grab the poor woman and catch her between the arms holding his axe, to ride her out of harm's way.

Thrae watched everyone charge, and instead followed behind at a much more relaxed pace. The girl giving a light tug on Vel's chain, trying to silently signal to the chimera if she thought her abilities would be needed for this fight, or if she should keep her bound for now. The girl waited for an opportunity to cast her magic to help distract the deathrollers from making counterattacks.

Vel followed alongside on the chain. She surveyed the battle then shrugged slightly. It was hard to fathom how this fight would go. She'd never seen a death roller before. She was more interested in sneaking in, catching the gnome and slipping back out with her honestly. So she jerked her head towards the gnome instead.

Alexis lashes out with her whip as she approaches one of the deathrollers, focusing her magic into it to attempt to tie up and disable him, or at least keep his fierce jaw held shut as she attempts to tackle him to the mud.

Thrae would look over at the where Vel jerked, and see the gnome. She prepared to let the chimera do as she planned if the Hammer Dwarf failed. If he succeeded then she would refocus their efforts elsewhere. Though she did throw a spell over at the Deathroller Alexis was dealing with, just enough to distract the deathroller a bit further by conjuring mirages of attractive images in his head.

DM62: Helvoque's movement is quite successful, and as he rides off with the gnome he notes that she has an odd tattoo between her eyes. One that he's seen in books but never in person. Sir Malius wades into combat with the deathrollers, bringing his axe down near one of the gator men's necks, nearly chopping him in half before pulling the axe and riding around for a second pass. Alexis' whip wraps around one of the deathroller's snout, clamping his jaw shut, and he goes down wrestling in the mud with her. Arturus charges forward, and thrusts his longsword in the direction of one of the gatormen. A blade of force shoots out, stabbing through another of the deathrollers. The remaining six see their doom at hand, and start to flee further south, abandoning their weapons and kin.

Vel shrugged and dropped low to the ground and scampered forwards, hurrying to grab the gnome and get her out of harms way, draping over her back awkwardly with her mittens and using her tail to hold her there, before grunting to haul the gnome back. Then Vel sees the dwarf get there first though and backs out instead and waits by Thrae.

Helvoque Magmahammer: With the gnome safely in hand, he slows the steed once he realizes the successful charge made most the beastkin flee away, He gently holds the gnome before him in the saddle, knowing there's a good chance she may be slightly infected with the strange sickness that beastmen tended to cause on women. Though he gives a brief raise of his eyebrow at the mark, he speaks nothing of it for now, ensuring the captive is safe from the brutes.

Thrae: "Well, they broke alot easier then I expected," Thrae said as she watched the other deathrollers fleeing. She might have tried to deal with them, but she didn't think it was really that important given the situation. Instead she slowly moved to catch up with the others, or more specifically moving over toward Alexis, keeping some distance from the mudwrestling and asking, "Need any help with him?"

DM62: The brunette gnome's eyes flutter open, and she gives a cry of alarm, jumping out of the dwarf's arms and onto the ground. She sees the fleeing beastmen, scowling, then gestures to the dead deathrollers. Two of them rise from the swamp. She glares at them, then points at the fleeing gator-men, speaking in a strange tongue. The newly risen gator-men amble after the fleeing ones.

Alexis growls and snarls as she mudwrestles with the deathroller, putting all her strength into subduing him. "Yeah! Might need a little help! Want him for my own purposes later." she grunts out as she wrestles the croc-man to try and dominate him.

Helvoque Magmahammer: This surprises the dwarf prince more than anything, the boar rearing back slightly as it steps back. "Yer a necromancer?!?" he stammers in confusion, naturally surprised at this. Well, it would explain the face mark at least, the mark of an exile from one of the gnomish under-communities once they started to spread.

DM62: The deathroller under Alexis puts up quite a fight, backhanding the dragonkin, then trying to roll her over and dominate her instead.

Alexis growls as she's rolled on top of, before bringing her knee up at his gut, channeling a bit of force magic into it to give it an extra oomph to try and roll him back under her.

Vel's attention was on the necro gnome immediatly. A gnomcromancer if one willed. Fascinating. Perhaps she could be used.

DM62: The gnome turns to the dwarf with an exasperated expression. "No. I'm a jester. I just have a knack for the non-breathing types," she snarks.

Thrae: "Well let me help with that," Thrae raised her staff again, and whacked the deathroller on the back of the head with her staff. She wasn't entirely sure if her spells would be beneficial or not here after all, depending on what purpose Alexis had.

DM62: Alexis and Thrae knock the gatorman unconscious, and he slumps atop the dragonkin, letting her have total control.

Helvoque Magmahammer: He grimaces. "Just surprised," he comments. "Still, it doesn't hurt to save one of my kin, exile or not. What is your name, and why were you in this predicament?"

Alexis grunts as she's suddenly pinned under the gator man. "Ugh! Dammit! I wanted a good time, not a giant slab of crocmeat pinning me down."

DM62: "Exiles don't have the protection of kin. And deathrollers love their women." She looks at the dwarf, then at the group. "Well... quite the diverse lot you are. The critics love a diverse band of heroes."

Thrae: "You said you wanted him for later, if you said you wanted him for now I could have just cast one of my spells on him," Thrae said, "Though you should be thanking me for helping you, it looked like he was getting the upper hand"

Alexis: "Yeah, yeah. Thanks Thrae. Wanna share?" the dragon woman says as she rolls the croc man off of her and searches in her gear for some rope. "I figure he's got more than enough in him for me, you, and your pet."

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf shrugs a bit, admittedly she did have a point on both counts, though still, it did fill him a bit of pride for having assisted her from more then likely a endless fate of servitude to the gator-beasts. He takes a moment to glance around for what could perhaps be her equipment. "We're in transport to a very specific mission, lass. You're lucky one of our compatriots has ears sharper than an Elf's," he jests, in regard to the kitsune and the half-elf.

DM62: "Mission?" Her eyes narrow a little. "Tell me."

Thrae: "Hmm maybe I would," Thrae said as she looked at the croc man, though she left it only as a maybe because likely she would need Vel's permission for that first, and because even if Vel did agree, she would have to see about it being 'using' the deathroller at a time when no one was around. She also made things easier on the dragon girl, and with little warning or sound had bound the lizard being with her own threads, "Though you are welcome for the assistance."

Vel stood by Thrae. She wasn't sure lying with strange beasts was a good idea, but perhaps they could discuss it some point. Best to find out more about them first though.

Alexis: "Mmmm...Thank you VERY much...I may just have you do the same to me if we ever decide to have some fun ourselves..." the Dragonkin says with a smirk, before moving over and hefting the crocman in her arms. "Mmmm...May need to find a private place to partake of him, though."

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf gives a bit of a grimace. "Well... we can't really bandy it about, ma'am. Sorry, it's kind of important..."

DM62: "Good luck with that," grunts the human knight. "Not a lot of privacy in the swamp... and wandering off in the Underlands is a good way to die." The gnome folds her arms. "Well how am I suppose to repay you lot, if I don't know what you're doing?"

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf glances to some of the others, clearly looking for help with this diplomatic measure, gulping slightly.

Vel is on all fours and scratching an ear with her foot.

Thrae seems rather uninterested in helping, "You're the one that rescued her, you have to look after her now I believe I have heard some people say before," Then she would start to lead Vel back toward the wagon, hopefully they would be able to get a small bit of privacy there before the others started to come back that way.

Vel follows along once her chain is pulled

DM62: The gnome sighs. "Alright. Tell me who your enemies are, and I'll decide whether or not to tag along."

Thrae: If they managed to get some privacy and no one was within hearing range, which shouldn't be to hard with the pounding rain, Thrae would release Vel's gags and ask, "What do you think so far?"

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf is clearly left on a limb and gives an annoyed harrumph. "Fine... we're hoping to try and gather allies against the Orcish threat. Preferably before the orcs steamroll what's left of the Underlands and the surface lands. If you are willing to assist in that goal, I suppose we can allow you to tag along. Would be a safer place than up here with the rain and these swamp beasts..."

Helvoque Magmahammer: "And if anyone wants to give you flak about being an Exile, they can take it up with me."

Vel whispers back, listening carefully for anyone approaching. "We're not going to get privacy for a long time. work with what we got. Still, this looks promising. Keep your eyes and ears open and keep playing along, Smidgeon. You'll get rewards soon."

DM62: The gnome nods. "I'll join you. I get a share of the reward, and you have to give me a scrap of leather."

Thrae would nod, and whisper back, "Okay then Vel, sorry about this again." With that she would reset the gags before anyone could potentially catch up to them and findout about Vel's ability to talk. Thrae really needed to find some way to make silent communication easier for them.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "Tis fine with me," the dwarf remarks, nodding and looking to anyone else left. "I am sure if we are successful there will be more than enough reward, or if need be you can take shares of mine, I won't need it as much..."

DM62: "Right... a scrap of leather, please." She holds out a hand expectantly.

Vel nods with a shrug before being regagged. Nothing new to her.

Helvoque Magmahammer: There was a bit of a grimace on his face but he quickly moves back to the wagon and digs around until he grabs some spare leather, more than likely a patching piece in case the wagon was damaged in it's cover, and quickly returns to the gnome.

DM62: The gnome takes the leather, moving over to the deathroller that was felled by Sir Malius' axe. She places it over the wound, speaking a few words and tracing a pattern over the leather... and there's a purple light from the wound, which seals itself. The deathroller's eyes open, but completely black. He rolls over onto his knees, and the gnome straddles his neck. Then the deathroller stands, carrying the gnome.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf nods a bit. "I suppose that's one way to get around, lass."

DM62: The gnome smirks. "My mount has the best bite."

Helvoque Magmahammer: "Fair enough. By mine is a bit more low-key, specially considering we're headed to Spiderbloom." He thinks for a moment. "Then again, occasionally they have necromancers among them I think, so maybe not as much."

Blackshard Prequel: She shrugs. "We've also got a kitsune, a drider, a chimera, a faun, a half-elf, a human, and a shy dwarf prince." Her smirk turns into a grin.

Vel is probably gonna sit at the front of the wagon and wait til everyone's leaving.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarven noble huffs. "Less said about the status of my blood, the better. Don't want the elfkin below to get many ideas...." he adds a bit more with a mumble more to himself that the gnome may catch... "...doesn't help that I'm not the best with diplomacy..."

DM62: "Heh. No kidding." She folds her arms. "So you're... Helvo? Not as famous as your father Magni yet, but new travels fast in the Underlands."

Helvoque Magmahammer nods. "Helvoque actually... What's yer name lass? May as well know if if we're gonna be traipsing above and below all over."

DM62: "Jenna. And if you ever want to avoid giving away your heritage... you'll have to learn how to speak like the lower dwarves, and not a highborn."

Helvoque Magmahammer: He nods slowly. "To be fair, the shield don't help," he comments, holding up the shield embossed with the Magmahammer crest. "Still, being able to claim birthright may help during this adventure."

DM62: The gnome shrugs. "Tie some leather over that. Unless you want every spear-chucker and archer from here to the Chieftain's Oasis deciding that you're the most valuable target."

Helvoque Magmahammer: He nods slowly. "You have great wisdom, Jenna. Not many would think of such things so rapidly as a situation required them."

DM62: "Eh. If I was really smart, I wouldn't have told you that. Then I could have a princely bodyguard." She gives the dwarf a wink.

The group begins moving back to the trail, then toward Spiderbloom again.

Helvoque Magmahammer sighs a little, shaking his head as they move along.

DM62: "Are you shaking your head at the wink or at the idea of being my newest minion?"

Helvoque Magmahammer: "Twas more thinking that you clearly have issues to work out, smallkin," he teases back, before spuring his mount to keep up wtih the wagon proper. "Perhaps it was that smart lip that got you in the state your in, after all."

Vel continues to hold the reins in the ring of her ring gag, controlling it with her tongue.

DM62: "Yes. The gnome elders decided that my wit was too sharp for my kin." She rolls her eyes, the undead gatorman carrying her along. "Wasn't the walking corpses. Not at all."

Helvoque Magmahammer: "To be fair, I've seen elders do some rather rash things before... Blame it on the racial habits of opening mouth and insert feet," he replies. "Though I suppose you bring up a good point, considering your chosen craft."

DM62: "So you've decided to bring up my exile and my craft. Wow. You really are bad at diplomacy." She giggles.

Vel considers getting some oregano to make operating reins with your mouth more palatable.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "You haven't been bringing up many questions yourself," he points out, shifting uncomfortably in the saddle. "For a person that wanted desperately to come along with her rescuers, there's been quite a lot of just letting some dumb stone-head just rattle on and extend more of his foot in his mouth."

DM62: "Oh this won't do. Gator... need to think of a name for you later. Gator, put me down next to the chimera." She looks down at the chimera. "Scoot over. Hand me the reins. Gator, you get to walk alongside."

Helvoque Magmahammer: Quiet and letting Jenna move over to the cart, Helvoque realizes he has been holding his axe all this time, quickly returning it to his back to avoid any accidents.

Vel glances back at Thrae with a mewl, before spitting the reins out, appreciating the rain letting her squint less.

DM62: Jenna takes the reins, clucking the horses along. She softly strokes some of the chimera's fur, looking back at the dwarf. "Sometimes the art of diplomacy is simply letting someone talk their way into their own noose." She looks ahead. "Then you raise the corpse."

Helvoque Magmahammer: "...I think a lot of people would skip that last step, but fair enough," he remarks, giving a shrug, though he does eye the chimera a bit. Mostly with a bit of sympathy with how heavily she had been bound at the moment. Perhaps he should speak to the drider and point out that if she's under control she could at least do without the muzzle on her face...

Vel purrs as she's pet and leans into it, enjoying the attention, nuzzling into the gnome that she probably was close to the same height of. She genuinely as enjoying that, but it also let her play up being an animal, a smart trained animal but an animal nevertheless.

DM62: The gnome looks over at the purring chimera, continuing to softly stroke her fur and whispering. "Don't think I'm not on to you. You're probably the smartest being here. Or at least the most dangerous. You can't trip yourself up with a loose tongue." She winks at the chimera, then looks back to the trail.

Vel keeps purring, not letting on that she noticed. Oh yes, she definitely needed to watch this one. Useful but oh so very dangerous. Still, for now they'd both play their parts. And if charades needed to be ended, so be it.

((end of session))
Last edited:
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts

Second Session, 1 October (part one, new arrival, tricky webbing, separation, a new guide, the Webhunter matron):
DM62: Zyanya arrives at the Kaliferian capital of Ritzerite shortly after the party departs. Lady Greenleaf gives her a fresh horse, sending her riding in the direction of Spiderbloom, to the east. She arrives as the party finished thrashing a band of deathrollers, rapacious gator-men who were taking advantage of a gnomish female.

Vel sits at the front of the wagon beside naked gnomes who drive wagons and give her pettings.

Zyanya -> Blackshard Prequel: The trip over was the easy part. The Hard part was finding his lot after reporting in late to the assignment. Guess her mother got the message mixed up. What she found was quite...unusual though. "You mainlanders keep strange company."

Vel glances over at the noise, mouth still full of ring gag, blinking in confusion.

DM62: The gnome has wrapped herself in some furs for now, sitting next to a chimera and softly stroking her fur as she prepares to move the wagon along. An elf in chainmail looks to the new arrival, wielding a longsword and mace. "And you are?"

Helvoque Magmahammer: Still on the warboar, the dwarven warrior quietly tilts around to look at the elf's direction, hammer on his hip and holding a waraxe in a idle grip, as he had been cleaning the blade with a rag.

Zyanya: "Zyanya. Warrior of the Shariti and heiress to one of it's tribes. I assume this is the group called to deal with the united Horde?"

Thrae: Thrae would look over with a half glare at the gnome, as if she wanted to tell the woman to stop petting her Vel! But at the same time she figured that might be a bad reason to, and Vel looked like she enjoyed it. So she let the distraction of the new arrival serve as an excuse to not tell the gnome off, "Indeed we are, though you should watch what you say as calling us strange company could be seen as an insult."

DM62: The elf is riding atop a faun who carries a bow. There's also a human male on a horse, a massive one-bladed axe on his back. There's also a kitsune sitting atop a stag watching with her arms crossed. The human nods. "Aye, we're headed to Spiderbloom to the east. Won't be able to keep our mounts after that point, from what I hear... though I'm sure the drider and the faun will have a better chance of getting through."

Zyanya: "I just speak of what I saw, friend. It's not everyday such an assortmant of individuals are gathered. Then again, these are extreme circumstances. Well, do not let my arrival slow us down then. We should make our way to Spiderbloom before too late."

Helvoque Magmahammer: "Indeed, Spiderbloom 'tis a strange place, it has changed much since the Driders first led their bretheren to us," explains the dwarf, quietly nodding to the tribal. "You are welcome, friend, and let us make haste indeed."

DM62: The swamp grows more tangled as the group continues. There are gnarled trees covering the area, and after a few hours there's not much sunlight coming in. Webbing covers the trees, all around the path, and there are areas where the ground is covered with webbing as well.

Vel squints less as the sunlight begins to fade, starting to feel more at home in her surroundings again.

Helvoque Magmahammer: Remembering some of the advice during the trip prior, Helvoque has taken a bit of the patching leather and has used it to tie a patch over the core of his shield. hiding most of the family sigil of the shield behind it. He eyes around the place carefully, keeping watch just in case.

Zyanya: Bearing no real markings of her own, save for the colorful armbands, the Shiriti just kept her head on a swivel and watched the surrounding areas. She was used to being so cautious back home, but she wasn't expecting to have to deal with such unease so soon.

Thrae: "Hmm, feels like home again," Thrae would say as she looked at the surroundings from the back of the wagon. The drider was also thankful for the growing darkness as she could more openly look around without shielding her eyes.

DM62: The webbing only grows thicker. There are some areas where the party can see wrapped objects in the webbing... but the shapes are not entirely discernable. By this point Arturus (the elf) and his faun Nisali are looking rather unwell. Everyone but the drider and the chimera can feel the air closing in around them, stifling their every breath, and there are clicking and chittering sounds around the group. The human with the axe, Sir Regulus Malius, shakes his head. "Time to let our mounts head back. They'll know the way from here." He climbs off of his horse, then gives it an open-palmed slap on its flank, sending it running back west.

Vel perks up and looks to Thrae, hopping into the back of the wagon with her as they were about to abandon it.

Helvoque Magmahammer grunts, sliding down from the saddle and sliding the axe down his back, sending his boar swiftly after. "Guess that means the supplies will be headed back too. Hopefully our hosts will be hospitible," he quips, moving to hammer and shield as he eyes the surprisingly loud lands around them.

DM62: Arturus nods. "We take what supplies we can carry. And I suppose we'd best hope for some hospitality from our hosts." He climbs off Nisali. "Could be dangerous for you ahead, Nisali. You sure you want to follow?" The faun nods.

Thrae would give a small sigh as they had to abandon the wagon, but when no one was looking she'd give Vel a shy, if questioning grin as they neared their homeland.

The chimera would likely be a saving grace for a number of people here given how good she had gotten at escaping from webbing. Once they abandoned the wagon she was back to her serious self, "I'm sure we can get some supplies once we get to the other side. Though I hope you overworlders are going to be able to adjust your eyes quickly. It will be very dark soon."

Zyanya: "One can hope, Sir Dwarf. Once can hope." The tribal stepped down from her hourse, ensuring her personal pack and weapon were secure in hand. "Let me know what else I can take so we're as supplied as possible. I'm not sure what can be hunted in this part of the world."

Vel shuffles through the wagon supplies and grabs everything Thrae may need, before staggering out with it balanced on her arms.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "Spider beasts, mainly, though there are some creatures that dwell below the rock that can be hunted," the dwarf states with a shrug. "I'm not sure if that'd be wise though, as a general practice..."

DM62: The gnome chuckles, calling over a gatorman servant... who Zyanya suddenly realizes is an undead variety. The deathroller kneels, and the female gnome climbs on its shoulders. "Well. I can ride... Mister Gator here. For a while. Til it gets really tricky. I hope you guys like the taste of spider meat."

Zyanya: "Best hold off then until there's prey I'm more familiar with. Maybe something to make cold weather gear might be useful later on down the road. And I must say, that is some curious magic you have at your disposal."

Thrae would take some of the supplies herself, though trying to look like she wasn't doing it to help Vel as much as just to make it so she was 'doing her part' for the group, "It won't be very cold down below. The caves help keep it reasonably temperate atleast."

Vel nudged Thrae's leg subtly, eyes down on her chain leash, reminding Thrae to keep ahold of her leash.

Thrae would take a moment to realize what Vel was refering too, before doing as the chimera reminded her, grabbing the chimera's leash so that she could lead her along again.

Zyanya: "I was just planning ahead. It pays to be prepared in unfamiliar territory."

Helvoque Magmahammer: Grabbing some of the supplies as well, the dwarf hefts them over a shoulder, moving it to be balanced before he preps to set off again. "It should be noted that we have a contact down below at least, last I heard," the dwarf adds. "Some wood elf looking lass that's apart of one of the minor dynasties...

Suntiger I think it was?"

DM62: The party's moving after a short delay to gather supplies from the wagon, with the mounts and wagon headed back. As the party continues, they see less and less of the marshy ground, the gnarled trees, or any hint of the sky. Indeed, now it would seem that the party is walking through darkness, with only thick webs around, below, and above them. Sometimes the webbing feels like it will give out under the party. Other times, it holds firm. There are moments where a member of the party will almost fall through, pulling back just in time to stay on stable spider silk.

Vel sticks close to Thrae, trusting her instincts.

Zyanya would do her best to remain light on her feet, letting her hunter instinct take over when she could. Shame it wasn't as refined as she wanted it to be.

Helvoque Magmahammer moves close to the front, the many years of working the tunnels helping to watch for the weaker points of the elfkin's silk. Still, he was not as skilled as the drider surely was, and grumbled most the time. "And this is why we build things out of stone! Much more stable and you don't tromp a hole in it if you're not careful!"

Thrae would also be in the middle, though closer to the front, that way her natural adaption to the darkness could let her help warn of threats to the party. Well at the same time she wouldn't be at risk of getting caught up in the webs so she could potentially help other people out if they got stuck.

DM62: Jenna, the gnome, climbs off of her gator's shoulders, walking close to Hel in the front. Sir Malius and Irena (the kitsune) are in the back near Nisali.

Arturus is near Zyanya in the middle, right behind Alexis and Thrae.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "I mean, back when you lot first moved down here, my own kin helped you put your early places together so you didn't get smashed by the roof! By Magni's once-bronzed beard this web stuff could break by one of us simply tripping!"

Thrae: "I do not think these webs will break that easily," Thrae said, "Or they likely already would have snapped."

Alexis swishes her tail about as she follows the others. "Watch yourselves. This stuff will get you bound up worse than my playmates."

DM62: As she speaks, the dragonkin's tail gets tangled up in a wall of sticky webbing.

Alexis groans as she tugs on her tail. "Little help here, guys?"

Zyanya: "Of course." Zyanya being one of the closer ones, would assist in getting the tail unstuck with anyone who wanted to help.

DM62: The webbing begins to buckle and sink under the combined weight of the dragonkin and the Shiriti woman.

Zyanya: "Oh damnit. This can't be good. We gotta work fast. But carefully."

Vel watches and waits, knowing better than to rush over to help and get dragged down with them. Such was often the way such things went.

Helvoque Magmahammer: At the front of the group, Helvoque certainly wasn't in the area to assist here, giving a gulp as he holds himself steady. "Oh this ain't good."

Thrae waits as well, for much the same reason, "I'd recommend you back up Zyanaya, the webs might stop sagging if you do."

Zyanya: "Damnit. Is there anything that can be done at this point? Or are we basically stuck." Zyanya would hear the drider though and gently step back, doing her best to not disturb the webbing further.

Alexis: "Yeah. Get away. I dun wanna fall through the floor." Alexis says as she stops her struggling.

Thrae: "Well hopefully the webs will stop sagging and we can come up with a better plan."

Vel paced a little, seeming to be impatient but actually just to give Thrae a prod in the abdomen.

DM62: Unfortunately, the damage seems to grow worse as the Shiriti woman steps back. Despite her caution, her first step starts exacerbating the damage, and the webbing begins to sink under the middle of the group. Arturus grunts, trying to keep his balance, but then the shifting webbing trips up the armored Sir Malius, who pitches forward into the webbing with a curse. Nisali tries to help him, but her hooves have begun to stick through the webbing as well. The webs are heavily tilting toward the back and middle of the group now.

Vel gives a muffled hiss, and jumping at one of the walls, rather getting stuck on the wall than possibly falling and breaking her neck.

Alexis: "Sorry, guys." Alexis mutters as she tries to free her tail from the webbing, cursing herself for not having better control over her own body.

Thrae would sigh, stepping back from the growing hole and rapidly spinning some thick webbing of her own, trying to form it into a rope, "Here try grabbing onto this and pull the ones of you who aren't stuck out, otherwise try attaching it to the wall and hold on," If no one was unstuck down there, Thrae would try to attach her end to the rope to a wall, hoping that at the very least they could make something for the others to hold onto and keep from putting their weight on the webbing below.

Zyanya: "You have nothing to apologize for. We can't all easily traverse a terrain this sticky and malliable." The Shiriti jabbed before doing her best to find a more favorable position and reaching any sort of support webbing she could find.

Helvoque simply backs up so he doesn't add to the issue.

DM62: The dwarf backs away... and then his feet end up stepping on a weak patch, and he finds himself buried to his waist in webbing. Small blue spiders swarm up around the hole, spreading out among the party, except for a large black spider with a gold ring on its back that stops in front of the dwarf. At this point there's a shout, and there's naught but a hole in the webbing where Malius, Nisali, and Irena were standing. Alexis's left wing is now caught up in the sticky webbing, which has begun to break free from the nearby webs and simply entangle the dragonkin.

Vel clutches to the web, observing the dire situation for their comrades. Well she couldn't say she didn't expect to lose some but... This was a bit much. Least she and Thrae were okay for now.

Alexis: "Dammit!" Alexis shouts as she struggles to get free, only fourther binding herself up in the sticky webbing as she does so.

DM62: The webbing that Vel is clinging to suddenly gives way as well, and the chimera falls heavily back onto the dwarf. They find themselves falling, with Jenna falling after them. Alexis, too, falls through a hole of her own in the webbing.

Alexis: The only sound out of Alexis' mouth is a roar of frustration, before she falls through the webbing and towards whatever awaits her below.

Zyanya: Well this was a fantastic way to start the first trip. No sooner did she arrive did half the party fall through faulty webbed walkways. She wasn't sure how she was still on the surface, but it must have been a miracle.

Thrae was panicking a slight bit now, mostly because it seemed the entire party bar her and Vel had been more or less removed from the equation already, and three of there members had fallen deeper into the webbing, which meant they'd be very lucky if they ever saw them again. The spiders though didn't worry her as much though as the hole that had opened up under the other three, and then everyone else seemed to fall away too, the girl panicked and lose her grip on Vel's collar, though that might have been for the best as it avoided potentially snapping the chimera's neck. Leaving Thrae standing there by herself on one end of the hole, and Zyanya on the other.

DM62-: Thrae, Arturus, and Zyanya are still standing, the elf relying on his excellent balance to stay afoot and still in the webbing. He scowls. "So do we jump after them? Or press on?"

Zyanya: "Would it be a wise idea to follow after them? We have no idea what kind of danger they might be in."

DM62: The large black spider is gone. But the little blue spiders are rapidly repairing the webbing, and the area under the party seems reasonably stable for now, getting more and more steady as the spiders continue working.

Thrae: "Well I do not think we can go on all by ourselves, and I need to get my property back if nothing else!" Thrae said, the drider rather terrified at the possibility of losing Vel. Latching some extra thick webbing onto the ceiling she would move to start descending using the webbing for a controlled descent rather then a fall, "My webbing should be strong enough but be careful when you move to put some of your weight on it!"

Zyanya: "Guess we're going down there, my friend."

DM62: ((The walls, the floor, and the ceiling--it's all webbing. You can web to the ceiling webbing, but there's no guarantee it will hold.))

Thrae: (Thrae is not thinking at the moment)

DM62: The elf hesitates, standing by as the drider lowers herself. Below her, she can see dozens of web-littered tunnels, branching off in every possible direction.

Thrae: "Dammit which way did did they all go?!?" Thrae would say panicked as she sees all these tunnels, the girl looking for any signs of damage caused by the others falls.

Zyanya: "We may just have to guess at this point, I didn't get a chance to see where everyone fell, so we might just have to guess and see where it takes us."

DM62: From atop the original webbing, the elf speaks up. "I don't mean to be insensitive... but they could have gone anywhere. We should stick to our original mission. If our friends are alive, they will know where to find us. And they'll have better odds of finding us than we have of finding them."

Thrae was still panicking, very very panicking, the girl looking everywhere, before finally it struck her that they really did have no idea where the others could have gone. Not even acounting for them then falling through other webs into other tunnels from there. The drider had to swallow back a lump in her throat and put a huge amount of effort into maintaining her facade as she retracted her webbing, "Y-You're right..." She could only hope Vel would be okay...

Zyanya: "Much as I don't like abandoning folks...we may just need to press on and hope for the best. This lot seems stronger than most, so I feel they'll be fine. And I'm sure your property will come back to you. I mean, where else does she have to go?"

DM62: The elf nods. "It would probably be best if you led us from here, Thrae. You're most likely to be able to guide us as far as solid footing goes."

Thrae: "Ya, she wouldn't let a bunch of spiders do her in," Thrae said, obviously not entirely able to convince herself but she pulled herself together enough to say, "And fine, I will take the lead."

DM62: It's not much further before the webs are actually covering granite tunnels around the party... and then they arrive in a massive underground city. The commons of the Under Elf Realm. Major houses and the minor ones have their own territory, but this is where the merchants and workers and dealers and fences and whores peddle their wares. Oboro notes the three arriving. A drider, a Shiriti female, and a half-elf.

Thrae: To think they were so close to the end when all that happened. It really didn't help Thrae's composure much. The girl having a harder and harder time keeping herself held up as they went on, "W-Well, we're here at least..."

Oboro: The Under raised Wood Elf would saunter out of her manor before giving the arriving group of adventurers a polite lil courtesy, making a good show of her cleavage and nipples peeking out of her top. "Greetings, travelers. I assume you are the consort sent by the Lady Greenleaf, no?"

Zyanya: "One step at a time. One step at a time. We have a great goal to work towards, but we must also hpe for the best from our friends." Seeing this new figure approach, the Shiriti woman would turn to face and address her. "We are, yes. And who might you be?"

Thrae would put another effort into pulling herself together, given they were now in potentially dangerous political territory again, gripping onto her staff a bit just in case this woman was sent here to kill them, "We are part of though the group sent by Lady Greenleaf. Why do you ask?"

DM62: Arturus nods. "This is our contact in the Under Elf realm. Oboro, if I'm not mistaken. Of the Suntiger house."

The Suntiger elf gives a small curtsey as Arturus gets her name. "Indeed. I'll be joining you, representing the Suntiger house. But your goal is to gain the support of the major houses. Unfortunately, there are only two of them that can be reached: the Webhunters and the Orbweavers. The Darkrazors have cut off their borders to all visitors, due to the greenskin war and their own neutrality."

Zyanya: "Is there anything you could tell us about either house. Maybe the major differences on what they can offer in terms of support. We're going to try and reach both correct? Not a one or the other situation?"

Thrae left Oboro to answer the question, mostly because she knew Zyanya missed out on the earlier briefing, and also cause she was more or less worn out by the events of today already. On top of that it didn't seem like the elf was going to kill them, so that meant she didn't need to be as worried around her at the moment.

DM62: "Webhunters are the more aggressive ones. They're currently in charge... their matron is the Spider Queen. Orbweaver is their main rival at the moment, apart from the Darkrazors. The Orbweavers are good at plots and traps. Very devious. Won't be long til they take charge, some say. Matter of time. Anyway, the Webhunters respect strength. The Orbweavers... well, they're all about political power and dealings."

Zyanya: "Hrm. Can't say I'm a huge fan of deception, but it's also difficult to turn down such aid when we need it. How bout you two? Any opinion on where we should star or are we going to be flying blind?"

Thrae "The webhunters are stronger at the moment so if we could turn them it might be better," Thrae said, the arachne honestly believed they might have wanted to start with the orbweavers, but she didn't know how good this group outside herself could be in the arena of politics, and even herself she wasn't all that confident in at the moment, "But the orbweavers likely could be useful in doing that if we go for them first...."

DM62: Arturus shrugs. "I do not think it matters which we visit first. We will have to visit all of them eventually."

Zyanya: "Lets start with the Webhunters then. I can't say I'm the best at larger scale politics like this, having only really dealt wit it on a tribal level."

DM62: "Alright, then. The Webhunters it is. I've made arrangements for them to speak with us." Oboro leads the group through the Commons, a massive commercial center, with market stalls and larger structures for more established businesses, toward a web-covered citadel at the edge of the area.

Zyanya: "Lets not keep them waiting. I'd rather not find out what happens when you anger a hig powered political family in this corner of the world."

DM62: Sentries wielding longswords bow as the party passes, opening a massive gate for the group. The party is stopped in the inner courtyard. "Wait here. Our matron will see you shortly." A short time passes, and then a figure appears at the top of the keep balcony, looking down on the adventurers in the courtyard.

"Greetings, emissaries. I am Lady Sera Webhunter. And I have a pretty good idea why you have come."

Zyanya bowed out of respect for the lady utop the balcony before speaking up again for the group. "Zyanya, thank you for being so quick to hear us out. I'm sure you understand the severity of the troubles we may face."

DM62: Sentries wielding longswords bow as the party passes, opening a massive gate for the group. The party is stopped in the inner courtyard. "Wait here. Our matron will see you shortly." A short time passes, and then a figure appears at the top of the keep balcony, looking down on the adventurers in the courtyard.

"Greetings, emissaries. I am Lady Sera Webhunter. And I have a pretty good idea why you have come."

Zyanya bowed out of respect for the lady utop the balcony before speaking up again for the group. "Zyanya, thank you for being so quick to hear us out. I'm sure you understand the severity of the troubles we may face.

DM62: At this point, Lady Webhunter, the sentries, and Arturus look up at a web-covered tunnel leading up into a rock wall that makes up a natural part of the courtyard. There's a loud scuttling sound... no, more like many, many small scuttling sounds... and voices coming from the tunnel.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts

Second Session, 1 October (part two, separation, the Queen Spider, a warning and an opportunity):
DM63: The chimera, the dwarf, and the gnome come to laying on a thick floor of webbing... the thickest webbing that Vel has ever seen, by far. All three of them are tightly wrapped in spider silk, practically immobilized. Black spiders with gold rings are crawling over them, poking and prodding at them. "Leave them alone, my children," a deep voice rumbles. "I will have words with them." The voice seems to come from the shadows all around the webbing.

Vel mentally curses, eyes looking around wildly. Crap, she got seperated from Thrae! She'd just have to hope that Thrae could keep her cool without her for the time being. She considered her bindings. She'd been in much the same many times before. She could slip the bonds, but it wasn't worth doing it yet, not under such observation. Only if their lives were in imminent threat... For now she jsut gave a low mewl through her gag.

Helvoque Magmahammer is groggy, groaning at the distance they had fallen and mostly the situation not dawning on him yet. It takes him a few moments before he realizes the situation. "W-What the bloody hell!?!" he growls, struggling, but considering he's got webbed so tight it's in his beard, no real dice escaping.

DM63: Jenna seems to be unconscious, laying partly on top of Vel. She's still breathing, though. At this point the voice continues to speak. "Cut them loose, my children. Those bonds are completely unnecessary." The black spiders with the gold rings on their back crawl over the three adventurers, secreting a substance that seems to weaken the webbing and adhesive. The brittle webbing slides off easily now, and both Hel and Vel find themselves able to move.

Vel get's up to a crouch, nuzzling a bit against Jenna ferally, trying to rouse her best she could, pawing a bit at her with her metal mittens.

Helvoque Magmahammer grumbles in annoyance as he gets back up, getting the outright whillies from the many-legged creatures crawling all over him. He glares at them as they recede, grabbing his hammer and giving a huff as he eyes them, aware of the danger. He had heard many a tale of people entering the Spiderbloom and never returning. If they grew spiders like this, however, he'd not be surprised.

DM63: The spiders also seem to have tripped Vel's normal bonds, releasing her in the same manner that Thrae could. The voice speaks again, "Relax, dwarf. If I want you to stay, you will stay. If I want you to die, you will die." Jenna stirs as the chimera paws at her, opening her eyes in surprise at their surroundings. Then the trio sees eight red eyes glowing at them from the darkness beyond... massive red eyes with black shapes swirling in them. Two hairy black spider legs, thick as castle towers, emerge from the darkness, but the creature's face remains hidden. "There are few creatures on this world that could truly harm me. But I have no interest in your death, at the moment."

Vel mentally curses at her normal bonds being sloughed. She couldn't viably put them back on, nor could she realistically bring them with her, but if she entered the underlands without them... She'd jsut have to risk carrying them with her... So she gathered them up to her chest now that Jenna was awake, purring quietly, acting unaware of the collosal spider in the room with them.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The sight of the creature as tall as a mountain fortress, the dwarf's jaw drops and his hammer slacks. "By the God-Smith..." he stammers, staring up at it with confused stammers. "What... no, wait... Who are you?" he asks, not making agressive movements but clearly on edge.

DM63: "I am... hungry. Then again I'm always hungry. Like Mother." The voice pauses again, and the shapes swirl in the red eyes, focusing on the dwarf. "Tell me your story, dwarf, and I may tell you mine. Tell me who you are... who your parents were... and why you came into my domain. And if I'm not too hungry," no one can tell if the gargantuan creature is being serious, "I'll return the favor."

Helvoque Magmahammer grimaces, though he does the polite thing and shifts his hammer to his belt, freeing his hands for the sake of random gestures. "Very well... I and known as Helvoque Magmahammer, my father Magni is the current Forgemaster of the Dwarves. I came to this place with a enterage of companions, seeking the assistance of the Under Elves, who we had helped before. High above, on the surface, there is great conflict, a conflict that the Under Elves have sided alongside to avoid destruction themselves. If my kin, the humans, and the elfkin hope to survive the onslaught, we need to cut off the eastern expanse of the Orcish armies through the Spiderbloom, and thus we came here to parley alliances."

DM63: The eyes seem to swirl harder for a moment, then the voice grunts. "I AM hungry... but royals do not kill fellow royals. I am the Queen of the Spiders... and the Queen of the Underlands. And I suppose I won't eat you or your friends. My mother is the Dread Mother of the Beasts of the Nether, and the One Who Will Consume All On Her Return. My brethren and I came here after escaping her perpetual hunger, leaving her spinning in her own inner web after I shredded it from the outer web. So tell me... why should I care if the greenskins or the pinkskins win this war?"

Helvoque Magmahammer shows minor confusion at this. Nether? Outer web and inner web? It sounded like equal parts madness and yet, the living beast proof was standing quite greatly before him. He thinks for a moment, trying to think of a good reason why this creature would care about the petty plight of mortals in comparison.

DM63: "Who are your companions? The chimera and the gnome?" The eyes shift to Vel and Jenna. The gnome rises to her feet, giving a bow. "Jenna, your Majesty." "And the chimera? What is your name?"

Vel meows, looking around confusedly from the echoing voice. Her name was on her collar though, which was in the pile in her arms.

Helvoque gives a bit of a sideways look. "I think the drider that led her around always called her Vel..." he mumbles.

DM63: "I smell the drider on you, chimera. The driders are all my children. A shame you can't voice your mistress' desires to me." There's a knowing chuckle from the darkness.

Vel kept her mouth shut. She could see no benefit of breaking her cover here. This entity was toying with them, that much was certain. But she'd have little interest in bestowing what she and Thrae worked for, so there was no point in voicing it. So she just continued to look around in a bewildered state.

Helvoque Magmahammer shifts uncomfortably but then sparks his mind into action again. "Well... I think I have a reply now. I know that in the grand scheme of things, there is little that will affect you here deep below. But this war will affect the dynasties. Your surrogate children. I know that the orcs will eventually only see them as cattle if they are victorious, nothing more than to spawn half-orcs and be victims to toy with when they run out of victims. The driders? Probably even less so, should they succeed. Perhaps even eventually threaten you and your own kin."

DM63: "Clever dwarf. You have a good answer. Of course, that only applies to the under elves and driders. The spiders are also my children... all of the spiders. And I see your kind, crushing them. Peeling off their legs. Dusting away their ornate webs, day after day." There's anger in the massive eyes. "But the same can be said for the greenskins. Only the under elves treat my children with any measure of the proper reverence. Very well, then. I will help you... on the condition that you never speak of my existence. Any of you. To anyone. Otherwise my children will come for you... as you sleep, they will wreak my vengeance."

Vel: Good thing she was good about keeping her mouth shut. Still, this was something she definitely wanted to get excised from her memory. No way was she gambling on this one.

Helvoque Magmahammer gulps and nods slightly. "Er... of course, t-thank ye. N-not a peep...." Sure, he'd probably not tell anyone of this, but he certainly would tuck this in a dark little corner of his mind until it burned a hole through it...

DM63: "You will speak to the under elves. The matrons. You will bring them terms. And they may say yes to you. And they may say no to you. But they know my children." One of the massive legs gestures, and the three can see thousands... no, more like millions of the black spiders with the gold rings on their backs, encircling the party, covering the webbing. "And when my children appear, it is an omen. They will know better than to disobey me, even though they have never seen me in their darkest nightmares." There's a sinister chuckle from the shadows.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The spiders around them just made the dwarf further unnerved, him walking around as he eyes them and doing everything in his power to avoid reaching for his weapon and preparing to defend himself. He was bad enough reading people, reading spiders? Forgetabout it. Still...

Vel: Huh... So that's what it was all along. Go figure, she figured it was some assassin house in the shadows, not a giant spider. Yup. This was defiently getting scrubbed from her memory. Definitely an ignorance was bliss sort of deal.

DM63: "You've been polite... and manners are hard to come by down here. Especially when a two-legged creature meets eight-legged creatures. So I will do the three of you a favor. I will give you knowledge. Knowledge that will be a caution to a certain dwarven king in the next century. Knowledge that will help Thraexyra Audaxia become the first drider matron. Knowledge that will help Jenna master her dark obsession. Tell me... do you have any clue where you are? Or what Spiderbloom is?"

DM63: The gnome tilts her head, suddenly not paying too much attention to the vast ocean of spiders and simply looking curiously at the swirling red and black eyes.

Helvoque Magmahammer shakes his head slowly, though curiosity does cross his face, something that was still matching his youth and not tempered with the wisdom of age. "When the Under Elves first colonized here, it was just standard caves, we even had some of our best masons help build some of the cities..." he explains. "Gotta admit, that surface webway was something new for me."

DM63: "My Mother was a Being who makes me look like a common tick by comparison. I do not know how she came to be, but I know she was always hungry. She gave birth to many like myself, different forms but of a similar nature. She procreated and birthed children, so that she could hunt us and eat us. Hunger was her sole trait. We found ourselves in her massive web, a web that could stretch across countless night skies. Run too fast, and Mother would catch and devour you. But some of us learned how to move slowly. To not be caught."

"Eventually my brothers and sisters and I... we fled. Khraatos, my younger brother, and Athullia, our younger sister... and several others. We tried to reach the outer web, where we could not be caught. And if our Dread Mother ever neared us, Khraatos and I would hurl one of our siblings into the center of the web. And the Dread Mother would be unable to refuse her urge to devour the disturbance in her inner web. Athullia... she was to be the next meal. But we reached the outer web. And I began to shred the ties between the outer and inner webbing. To cut her off from the rest of existence."

Helvoque Magmahammer stays quiet, nodding along with the story. It was a intriguing tale at any rate, though his knowledge of the goddesses were just as keen. These beasts, however, it was hard to deny that they too showed great power... the fact the goddesses seemed not to know of these creatures was curious.

Vel: Well this was disturbing on too many levels. Nope. Drinking the mind scrubbing solution.

DM63: "Cut off from any more food... we heard our Mother's dreadful screams of hunger. She began to devour her own web, eating the inner web... then eventually she started eating her legs. Her abdomen. Everything. Until all that remained were hungry, hateful remnants, floating in a black nothingness. Spiderbloom is an extension of her outer web. It exists in multiple worlds. Multiple places. Learn to maneuver through Spiderbloom... and you can travel anywhere you like. But you have to be careful, when you travel through the webbing of the universe. Draw too close to the Void... and the beasts that hunger within may find sustenance. I am a nightmare to many... but I fear the day that our Dread Mother is able to eat enough to regain coherence. It will be the end of all things."

Vel: Maybe she'd chug two mind scrubbing solutions.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "So what you're saying... is if this mother of yours eventually regains itself, it could very well devour existance?" the dwarf's face is grave. "Nothing against you, er, my lady... But have you thought of telling the races here about it? Perhaps prepare some form of defense, anything to defeat it? Maybe banish it to a plane that it dares not follow?"

DM63: "There is no defense. There is no escape. I do not know of any means you have to harm me... and I would be less than a mouthful for Her. Some day, greenskins and pinkskins will learn how to use the web... how to harness its travel capabilities without my guidance, or the guidance of Khraatos, to keep them away from the beasts in the void. But the pinkskins will have a dwarf among them, with the knowledge of these dangers. And he will hopefully be able to act as a warning. Or... or we all end up being a small meal for my Dread Mother."

Vel: Well, sucks to be him. She was gonna go happily forget everything that happened today.

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarven prince grimaces and nods slowly, his face grims. "If such a time comes, I will spread your warnings, my lady. If the goddesses will it, that will be several centuries still at least before such a warning needs to be stated."

DM63: "Of course, a drider who knew the nature of the Spiderbloom, who was told of its secret, and who mastered its navigation... could rule." The eyes focus on Vel again for a moment, then turn to the gnome. "And you know best how to use the gift of knowledge I gave you." The gnome bows. "Now. Follow my children. They will lead you back to your friends."

Vel: Ah fucks sakes... Sigh... Great now she got to live with the knowledge that the world could spontaneously end any time and dump it on poor Thrae too...

Helvoque Magmahammer: With a brief incline of his head, the dwarf follows the spiders as intoned, gulping a bit and managing to suppress the shudders down his back... somehow. He had to admit, this was NOT what he had expected to find when they set off from the courtyard a day ago. Still, it was a edge--however minor--over the Under Elves, and for that, it meant a tactical advantage. He had a feeling that there would be very little they will need to do to get the Greater Dynasties on their side now..."

DM63: Oh, I'm not making it that easy on you, Helvoque Magmahammer, Son of Magni, Son of Helvis. You'll have to do a boon for each house before they even consider helping you. I'm not doing ALL the work for you. A chuckle resounds in the dwarf's head, and the spider swarm guides them through a tunnel... then the webbing gives out underneath them, and they find themselves falling once again...

Vel: Kinda made her wonder if there was much point to all this. Gia- Ah for fuck saaaaakes why couldn't she be born with wings?!
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts

Second Session, 1 October (part three, a reunion, a task, and a bed):
Thrae would tilt her head wondering what a spider swarm might have been doing coming into the courtyard right now, then she heard voices too, and it only confused her further...

DM62: A heavily webbed trio of bodies land on the courtyard floor, falling from the tunnel.

Vel mewls in pain from the landing.

DM62: One looks like a gnome female, one looks like a male dwarf, and one looks like a chimera. The webbing isn't sticky, just wound around them pretty good. Though it DID cushion their landing.

Helvoque Magmahammer crashes from an almighty clatter of metal and gear, groaning as he probably winds up on the bottom of the pile. He groans, muttering something incoherent. Maybe about a 'tricky one, doing the same trick twice..."

Vel tries to wriggle out of the webs, her bondage gear carried with her having somewhat reduced the effectiveness of the webbing. She'd be having bruises. She mewls sadly, but starts to meow more upon seeing her mistress.

DM62: Jenna groans, starting to shred at the webbing she's bound in. "Fucking... goddamned... stupid... Spiderbloom."

Helvoque Magmahammer groans as he gets back up. "Laugh it up while you still can lass, we still got some work to do after all," Helvoque grumbles, rubbing his beard clean a little. "Where you lot run into, anyway?"

DM62: Arturus moves over, cutting people loose with his longsword. "We're still missing some comrades, though."

Thrae: Once Vel slipped out of her webbing, Thrae picked up Vel's leash again. The drider was still fighting to supress how happy she was at the moment, "Well, we are currently meeting with Lady Webhunter." The drider tried to move the new arrivals attention back to the Matron.

Vel murred appreciatively as she is cut loose, coming over and awaiting her being rebound by her mistress docilely.

Thrae clicks her staff on the ground, and Vel is quickly rebound.

DM62: "Yes. Glad to see you could all join us." The figure on the keep balcony looks down upon them. The group is standing in the inner courtyard of a large citadel. "Yes, I am Lady Sera Webhunter. Matron of this Great House, and Spider Queen of the Underlands. And we Webhunters respect martial prowess above all else. So before I hear your request, I shall send you to prove your strength."

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf huffs a little as he finally returns to his more or less web-free beginnings of this adventure, moving his hammer to his hand as he eyes up to the citadel tower itself. To be fair, considering the thing he had just been talking to, this was a little shorter. Still, he wasn't here at the start of the conversation so he keeps his yap silenced.

Zyanya: "A test of strength, you say? What would you have us do, Great Queen?" Zyanya remained respectful, continuing to speak until others decided to step in and say something in her place.

DM62: "There is a band of renegade driders and minotaurs at large in the under lands, east of the under elf realm. They've been preying on under elves, dwarves, and anyone else they can get their hands on. And we can't seem to catch them. I'd like you to find them. There are... thirty of them. I'll settle for twenty of their heads. They've got a distinctive tattoo on their foreheads, this band. Shouldn't be too hard to recognize."

Vel sits quietly, paying more attention to how she's going to tell Thrae what she had to without getting them both killed.

Thrae listened, content to let Zyanya take the speaking roll for now. The girl not entirely trusting herself to be talking at the moment for fear she might lose her facade. Though she did notice Vel not entirely paying attention to the proceedings, and wondered just what the chimera was thinking.

Helvoque Magmahammer: "Busting a few heads? Well that's simple enough," the dwarf muses under his breath. To be fair, any beast willing to smack around dwarves is more than willing to be worth hacking into as well, so he certainly had interest in this.

Zyanya: "That's quite a bounty. 20 heads of such powerful creatures? Though, I feel with the forces at our disposal we should be able to deal with the threat. We'll have those heads for you. Any potential lead as to where they might be?"

DM62: "Head east. And look weak. Chances are they'll find you before you find them." She smirks. "If that's all, my sentries will show you back to the Commons."

Vel stood alongside Thrae. Well she'd have time to think up her explanation it would seem. It seemed doubtful they'd have privacy any time soon. Curious that several of their party was lost still. Ah well.

Thrae would take the exit, and pull Vel alongside her. She really wanted to hear about what had happened but she knew they needed to wait till they had some privacy. She could only hope they would get some soon.

Helvoque Magmahammer: Nodding behind them, the dwarf follows the rest out. "...Long as I never have to walk across another spider web for as long as I soddin' live..." he mumbles under his breath.

Zyanya: "Thank you for the tip, Great Queen. We'll return as quickly as we're able with the heads of the foes you desire. Wish us luck." The Shiriti stood firm and resolute in her goal, her voice showing no signs of hesitation.

DM62: The under elves escort the party back out into the Commons, a commercial area that sits outside of any of the estates of the major or minor houses. It doesn't seem like much time has passed, but the party does feel a bit tired. The better part of the day has passed.

Vel did feel a bit tired, though she was used to working past that for others gains after all. Home sweet home. That meant being all the more careful.

Zyanya: "I can imagine you lot must be tired from your little excursion. How about we rest and then strike out for these foes when we're beter rested?"

Helvoque Magmahammer: "Was just about to suggest that... I could do with some mead after that..." the dwarf mumbles, shaking his head.

Thrae: "Hmm, we can probably stay over at my House's estate. Though you will all need to be on good behavior or I won't hesistate to make you go find a tavern," Thrae would say as the party expressed its various states of tiredness.

Vel was suddenly thankful for having made sure to keep their true relationship hidden.

Zyanya: "I see no problem with heading over to your estate, But don't act like the tavern is such a death sentence. Sometimes the humbler fare is the more honest"

DM62: Arturus follows. "We would be happy to stay at your estate, Thrae. Thank you."

Helvoque Magmahammer: "I'm honored at your offer, my lady. I would of course not mind at all."

Vel: Course the fun part now was getting the okay from the house matron.

DM62: House Audaxia is a fortress several hundred feet from the ground of the commons, reachable by stairs or by leaping from sideweb to sideweb. The house matron is currently out on an expedition, but her sister comes to greet the visitors in the foyer. "Greetings, adventurers. House Audaxia stands with you. Thrae, your friends are welcome to stay here for the evening."

Vel: Word traveled fast as usual. 30 diffrent spies were likely watching the whole meeting, and even as they spoke, the orcs would likely find out from loyalists and assassins would be positioning.

Helvoque Magmahammer dwarf nods, idly looking tactically along at the foyer, learning exits and chokepoints quickly while trying to stay idle. He may trust the drider's house more than the rest, but that does not mean that he trusts the other dynasties yet.

Thrae didn't mind being home, though she was somewhat happy the matron wasn't around--she doubted the woman would refuse them, but she always felt worried she'd slip well talking with the house leader, "It is good to be back sisters, the surface is much to bright for my liking." Thrae said with a controlled tone, well she was happy to be back in some measure of safety, she did know that by tomorrow they would likely be in a much more difficult situation as word traveled further.

Zyanya: "Thank you for your hospitality. Your sisters offer came as quite a boon given the rather trying day we've had. I hope our presence will not be a burden."

((end of session))
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Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts

Third Session, 8 October (part one, hospitality):
DM62: The party currently consists of Hel, Vel, Thrae, Oboro, Zyanya, Arturus, and Jenna. Alexis, Nisali, Malius, and Irena are still missing after the trip through the Spiderbloom into the Under Elf Realm. Currently, the party is being shown to their quarters: four well-appointed guest rooms. Each room has a large bed with silk sheets, and a long couch nearby. Blankets and pillows are placed on the couches and beds. The party's escort, a young under elf male, bows to the party. "Here are your quarters, honored guests. Is there anything else you require for the evening?"

Vel stands beside Thrae while she awaited being brought to their quarters. She was eager to get out of these bindings and work Thrae over for a bit.

Oboros would bow to the escort showing her cleavage and nipples before brushing her hand across his face lightly and blowing him a kiss, "No thank you, young one. This will suffice for The time being." She says chastely kissing his cheek before pinching it gently and patting it. With that she would walk over to one of sofas and lay back a little.

Thrae: "I require nothing more for now," Thrae said to the escort, before turning to the rest of the party, "Today's events have taken their toll on me so I will be retiring to my quarters, we should think on our strategy tommorow." With that she would lead Vel off to her own quarters, herself eager for a bit of privacy. Once they got there and had the door closed, one of the first things she'd do would be to release Vel from her bindings.

DM62: The servant gulps as he sees the flash of cleavage, then catches himself. He clears his throat, averting his eyes and nodding. "Of course, Mistress. Another servant or I will remain outside, in case you require anything." He takes up a position at the entrance to the hallway, waiting. Jenna looks at Hel. "Guess we'll share a room, then." She pulls the dwarf into another room. Arturus looks at Zyanya and Oboros. "So... did you two want to share a room, then? I don't have any preference, really."

Oboros: "I am not opposed to sharing, if need be. Both of you just be sure to behave yourselves~" Oboros said with a wink and smirk at the other two before walking into the bedroom, a sway in her hips as she did.

DM62: Zyanya nods. "I'll take the other room." Arturus raises an eyebrow. "I guess I'll stay on the couch, then." He unbuckles his armor, stripping down to a tunic and breeches, then sitting on the long couch and laying upon his side.

Helvoque: The dwarf was about to suggest that perhaps she room with one of the others, only to get dragged in through the door as well. He gives a sigh, shaking his head as he eyes the door. "Let's see..." he mumbles, looking for windows or other entries. "Make sure we're safe before we kip for the night at least.

Oboros would slowly disrobe from her usual regalia, her robes rustling suggestively before hitting the ground where she would let a long sigh. She would light a couple of candles beside her bed before slinking in under the covers.

Arturus lays down on the couch in Oboros' room, looking at the ceiling for a time and then closing his eyes.
(part two, the gnome and the dwarf prince, a pair of chokings):
DM62: The only visible entry to each room is the steel-reinforced door.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a nod to himself as he sets his shield down next to a chair. Good, only one entry. Would make an attack less capable at any rate.

Sliding the war axe from his back, he leans it to the wall close to the door, the handle filling much of the room and would definitely be in the door's way if it swung open. A rather crude emergency warning, but it would do. "There's a start," he mumbles.

DM62: When Hel turns around, the gnome has already stripped off the black leather that she purchased from the under elves, and is sitting naked on the bed with her legs crossed. "Are you satisfied in the room's security, your Highness?"

Helvoque: The dwarf prince gives a bit of a jump as the exile gnome shocks him at the start. "H-hey!" he stammers, quickly trying to avert his gaze, it was only polite. "J-just trying to think of all the angles in this blasted subspace hole. They are still allies of the orcs after all."

DM62: The gnome raises an eyebrow. "Are you looking away because you think I'm ugly? Or are you looking away because you think it's proper? There's nothing wrong with appreciating someone, if you do happen to find them attractive."

Helvoque: "Can't blame a man for acting as he was raised," He mumbles, rubbing his neck and the flush growing further as he looks back to the dwarfkin. "Figured you'd be curling into the bed already was all, considering the day's events were rough on ye."

DM62: Jenna shrugs, her skin looking flushed in the room's candlelight. "I'm still feeling the effects of the deathrollers' affections. I doubt I'll be able to sleep for a while." She pats the bed next to her. "Keep a girl company for a while?"

Helvoque: "Well I was going to suggest watches, but..." the dwarf looked uneasily around, apparently thinking a bit in his head before giving a shrug. "Nah, that's getting too paranoid even for me." The dwarf moves to the opposite side of the bed, hopping up to it and fumbling with his armor. The flush hadn't receded either from his face.

DM62: Jenna chuckles, rising from the bed and walking over to help unfasten the dwarf's armor. "I had an affair with a dwarven knight once. Half of the time we never got all his armor off before getting... distracted." She smells faintly of an exotic and musky perfume.

Helvoque: The dwarf's flush grew a bit more over the gnome helps remove the breastplate and shoulderpads. "I can imagine why," he snarks, though it was a bit good-natured, and his body couldn't help but start to harden in his breeches. "May not have laid with a lass before, but I'm sure we'll wind up managing."

DM62: "Well... he was always an eager fellow. But generally we were in a hurry because we were never sure when his wife would return." She smirks, removing Hel's breastplate, her breasts brushing against his arm. She begins unfastening the dwarf's lower garments next.

Helvoque: With a bit of a hesitant hand, Hel gently wraps a hand over her back, gently holding back against her as his breeches soon hit the floor, soon followed by his hammer as it tugs his belt away. The dwarf's other hammer was a bit average for his race- relatively short by human standards, around six inches, but making up for it in the girth department, easily over a inch in diameter and already starting to harden from the attractive lady showing interest in him.

DM62: Jenna is still crouching before the dwarf, looking at the hardening cock curiously. "My, my. The Prince rises to greet his subjects." She softly slides a finger along the side of the shaft, watching it bob and stiffen. She's close enough that Hel can feel her warm breath on his virgin phallus, still looking at it intently.

Helvoque: The dwarf tenses, a hiss quietly leaving from his beard as Jenna starts to bring attention to him more. "C-clearly you are well versed in s-such things," he groans, giving a bit of a huff as he still works on undressing, tugging free the mailshirt and undoing the laces on his shirt as well.

DM62: Jenna looks up at the dwarf for a moment. "Well, I've played with cocks before. But never a royal dick." She playfully swats at the erection, watching it swing back and forth with a smirk. She seems to enjoy teasing the dwarven prince. Indeed, Hel's cock seems to be the only one in the room not to grasp the humor of its predicament, standing at attention with undaunted purpose.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a bit of a grunt at the playful slap, giving a squirm. "Mostly good reasons for that, what with royalty kept sheltered unless on missions..." he blabbers, unsure how to really speak again as Jenna playfully continues her manipulations, his member throbbing slightly.

DM62: The gnome nods. "You ever... take care of it on your own?" Her delicate fingers wrap around the base of his shaft, tugging at it slowly but firmly, watching it from the side. Her thumb occasionally slides over the tip of his cock.

Hel shudders a bit, doing his best to try and resist moving too much. "May be royal but I've been a adolecent before... Certainly experimented..." he admitted, the nakedness he now had nearly matching the gnomes if it wasn't for the boots keeping his pants around his ankles.

DM62: "I'm surprised you never had a servant do this for you." She smirks again, still firmly tugging at the base of his shaft. Her other hand reaches up, and Hel can feel her delicate fingers sliding over his testicles from behind, softly wrapping around them and massaging them. "Or... maybe you haven't been with a lass because you were screwing lads?" Her smirks deepens a little as she teases him.

Helvoque: The princeling continues to grunt a little, his shaft throbbing more as the gnome works him more and more. "N-no, nothing like that... Just never felt like a good time to settle down..." he quickly explains. "Too busy trying to learn from my father and his assistants the things I'll need to learn eventually... Diligence to the people before my personal needs and all that..." he manages to get out through his shudders.

DM62: "I'm... a bit diligent myself." She smiles, and the tugging starts increasing in speed and firmness. The fingers teasing at the dwarf's testicles slide back, and then she can feel a slender digit slipping into his anus, deftly probing at his prostate. "The first one is always quick... and I want to be able to take my time when I deflower you."

Helvoque: The finger up the bum naturally catches the dwarf by surprise, such a thing not having come to his thoughts before. A surprised gasp manages to get out and a weak thrust forward coming in reaction, giving a growl. "S-sunofa-!" he manages to stammer, his shaft giving a few heavy throbs, close to the edge now.

DM62: Jenna looks up at the dwarf, the tugging stopping immediately, the finger motionless. "Oh! I'm sorry... did you want me to stop?"

Helvoque: "N-no, y-ye jus caught me by surprise was all..." he mumbles, face growing red. "P-please, continue..."

DM62: "Are you sure you want me to go on?" Her hand starts tugging slowly, working him toward the edge but not fast enough to make him cum. "Because... I would hate to offend your Majesty." She moves closer to his cock, the hot breath from her lips on the head of his throbbing erection.

Helvoque groans a little, shuddering and glancing down at Jenna with flushed face. "Q-quite sure, m'lady, quite sure..." he grunts, his fingers tightening into the bed slightly as she draws closer, leveled with the hammering throbs matching the beat of his heart.

DM62: "With your permission, my Prince." She leans in closer, her breasts resting against Hel's thigh, and begins tugging even harder and faster than before. The finger against the dwarf's prostate begins twisting, rubbing deliciously inside of him, stimulating him in a way completely new to him. She shifts as the dwarf nears his orgasm, moving her lips only a half-inch from his cockhead, aiming the shaft at the inside of her mouth and looking up at the prince.

Helvoque: The truly skilled gnome was more than enough to fire the cannon, and Hel's nicity is lost as his hands grip at her head, not pushing her down but spasming madly against her hands. With a few more throbs, the shaft explodes, several spurts of seed launching forward into whatever awaiting it, all the while Hel twitching into the side of the bed, holding against Jenna for support.

DM62: The gnome catches the first spurt in her open mouth, then leans in to wrap her lips around the cockhead, her tongue teasing him as she gulps down his seed eagerly. She continues to tug at his cock, her finger milking his prostate, prolonging his orgasm as long as possible while ensuring that she didn't waste a single drop. Finally, once he begins to come down from the orgasm, she pulls back from his cock, sliding the finger out of his ass with a small smile.

Helvoque: With Jenna's encouragement, it's a good half a minute before the dwarf finally empties, all the while she gets plenty of seed to suckle free. When he's finally empty, he pants softly, shuddering with his hands still held around her head slightly. "Y-You certainly... certainly have a talent," he manages to stutter slightly, breathing hard.

DM62: "Oh, we're just getting started, my Prince." She rises, her breasts brushing against Hel's chest, then turns, moving to climb atop the bed. She faces away from the dwarf on all fours, her legs spread at a ninety degree angle. "Now... I got to eat you. It's your turn to eat me."

Helvoque: The dwarf gulps, giving a flush. "S-suppose it's only fair..." the dwarf mumbles, rolling onto the bed himself now and quietly crawling behind her. "Bear with me, new territory for me," he adds, and he gently shifts himself to his knees. Giving his hand to rest on her backside, he leans forward, gently giving a lick to her slit experimentally.

DM62: The gnome's snatch is already a bit wet, and she sighs with pleasure as she feels his tongue. Her juices are a bit sweet and a bit tangy. "Mmmm... go on, your Highness. See how far you can work that royal tongue into my pussy. Just lick like your favorite food's in there. Some people enjoy it so much that it IS their favorite flavor."

Helvoque: The dwarf stays quiet, lapping slowly along the outside of her slit as she adds to the teases. With a bit of a push, he works his tongue deeper, moving his mouth closer to her slit as his tongue digs deeper, doing his best for a first-timer to tease her all the while.

DM62: "Yes... just like that, my Prince." She presses back against the dwarf. "Mmm... the beard makes it even better... but now I want to take your virginity. Lay on the bed, on your back." She rolls to the side, sitting on the edge of the bed and indicating it. "You've got me nice and wet. And now I wanna fuck."

Helvoque: "As ya wish, m'lady," he teases back with a bit of a grin. He shifts to the bed himself, flopping back and letting his half-hardened cock raise up as he does his best to clean some of the juices from his beard.

DM62: The gnome straddles the prince, taking the shaft in her hand and teasing it against her glistening snatch. "Mmmm... are you ready, your Highness?" She looks down at him, looking almost shy in the candlelight.

Helvoque: The dwarf shudders, his shaft quickly reaching back to it's full hardness as it touches her slickened folds. "I think so," he admits, a bit of a shadow of uncertainty but clearly at least partly eager, shuddering against her touch and waiting for what came next. "Go on..."

DM62: She nods wordlessly, raising up to place the cockhead against her pussy, then slowly slides onto the hard shaft, enveloping the phallus in her velvety folds. The gnome gives a pleased sigh as she takes his cock deep inside of her, hilting it in her gash. Her fingernails slide over his chest for a moment, then she presses her fingers down to raise herself up a bit. She slides back down, starting to ride the prince slowly and deliberately.

Helvoque: With the gnome doing most of the work, Hel groans in bliss as he feels himself hilted for the first time, his hands slowly wandering to rub along her hips as she starts to bounce atop him. He does his best to keep his eyes open, his body slowly starting to rock along with the thrusting that the gnome was doing, not quite moving his body just yet.

DM62: "No, my Prince. You keep your hands to yourself. In fact..." The gnome smiles darkly, pulling silk sashes from the headboard. She wraps the sash around his wrists deftly, then uses part of the headboard as leverage, pulling the sash until the dwarf is trapped with his arms bound over his head. She ties off the sash on the headboard, then starts riding Hel again. "Tonight the Prince can serve his woman."

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a bit of a surprised yelp as he was suddenly tied up, a part of him was about to question how she knew there was such things there, but decided not to say anything for now, shuddering against her as she works her body more and more on his shaft.

DM62: Her delicate fingers roam his chest and shoulders as she rides him, her pussy making wet noises around his cock, the sound of flesh slapping on flesh echoing through the room. The gnome gives a moan of pleasure, biting her lip in ecstasy.

Helvoque: Eventually, the dwarf can't help doing something, as his hips start to rock and jump upwards into his body, all the while gasping and grunting as his cock throbs occasionally at the gnome's constant thrusts.

DM62: The gnome continues moaning as she can feel her own orgasm approaching, and her fingers slide up to the dwarf's shoulders. She leans in to softly kiss her lover's lips, tasting herself on them, bringing him toward the edge but not quite to climax, trying to time their orgasms to come together.

Helvoque: The dwarf's lips meet the gnome's, shuddering and grunting harder as each thrust works with hers, doing it's best to bring them both over the brink. His shaft throbs hard as he grows towards the brink, the two bodies meeting together both working into each mad passionate moment as they draw close.

DM62: Hel can feel something sliding through her fingers, brushing his neck... then she breaks the kiss, leaning back slightly. The dwarf can feel another of the silk sashes tightening around his neck. "Mmmm... have you... ever... heard... of the kiss... of death?" She bites her lip, riding him faster, and the sash tightens further, starting to cut off his airway as she moves faster and faster. His vision begins to darken, but she continues fucking her lover even as she strangles him, bringing them both to climax as her juices spurt onto his pelvic area.

Hel starts to sputter in confusion as the sash on his neck tightens, giving a weak gasp as the air down his throat starts to falter. He sputters a little, clearly not having expected that before he struggles slightly, trying to tug his hands free as he starts to run out of air. However, the choking gives the kinky gnome what she wants, a hard as fuck orgasm from the dwarf as his shaft hammers tight and splattering her insides full of his seed, thrashing into the bed with equal parts bliss and panic.

DM62: The gnome pulls a little harder on the sash as she rides out her orgasm, and the prince can feel himself losing consciousness, his last sight her body thrashing atop his spurting cock. Moments later, he feels a hand slapping his cheek hard, bringing his consciousness flooding back. The gnome is still atop Hel's cock, looking down at him with a satisfied smirk. The sash around his neck is sitting loosely now. "Sorry, my dear... but I wanted to make your first time something unique. Death... and sex. My favorite combination, for reasons I'm sure you can see now." She gently slides her fingernails across the dwarf's bare chest, lightly pinching at his nipple.

Helvoque: There's a loud gasp as his airway is released, the dwarf quickly returning to consiousness thanks to his sturdy constitution. "Sunofa... Remind me to keep you in irons if we do this again, Jen," he half-jests, panting to try and recover. "Still, nice job, lass," he gasps. "You are certainly... unique."

DM62: "Before you can keep me in irons... you have to put me in irons." She chuckles, pinching his nipple a little harder. "Besides, you seemed to have a great time. Technically I could have killed you and brought you back as something more interesting. But the... recycled undead, they... they get boring. And it's hard to respect anything that doesn't really feel pain or pleasure." She gives the exposed nipple a twist, his cock still buried in the gnome.

Helvoque: There's a bit of a hiss from the dwarf as she tweaks his body, but he's quick to take a bit of initiative himself this time, giving a rough buck upwards even with him still being tied at the wrists. "Or still can resist to a degree? Missing someone to fight back occasionally in certain areas?" he teases.

DM62: She moans as she feels him thrust into her. "Mmmm... I think you're implying that you've got ANY way to resist me... with or without bindings." She leans close, biting the side of his neck, leaving a mark that would be rather visible above the dwarf's armor on the next morning.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a yelp and a grunt, giving a bit of a toothy grin back. "Well, maybe not resisting you, more like strugging for position," he jests, leaning forward to steal her lips if he could again.

DM62: "You have a position, your Highness." The gnome chuckles, starting to ride him faster. "Your position is... underneath me, at the moment. I suspect that you've never enjoyed a position this much."

Helvoque: "Well yes, but you caught me as a struggling virgin," the dwarf teases, his hips starting to jump into thrusts as the gnome begins to move on him again. "And there's still plenty of miles to go on this journey, plenty of time to learn a few more," he adds with a wry smile.

DM62: She nods. "And still plenty of time for you to help me get over my old Deathroller friends."
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts

Third Session, 8 October (part three, the drider and her mistress, under elf hospitality):
Vel smirks once she is loose, waiting patiently. "Now, is that any way to great your mistress properly?," she whispers with a purr, standing naked, a confident and imperious demeanor replacing her outward subservient one.

Thrae: The change in Thrae's mood would almost be like a switch, losing her dominating air almost instantly, "Ahh, sorry mistress." The drider would bow, the movement this time causing her top to slip a bit, and put her head much closer to waist level with the chimera, "Do you want me to help relieve you of any stress? It was a long trip on the surface."

Vel: "Of course, dear one," chuckles Vel quietly, "you've been on edge as well. But first, the greeting," she smirks, grasping thrae's head and pushing it against her groin, "It's been awhile so I'll forgive you getting rusty, but that's why we need the reminder of who owns you hm?"

Thrae would remember quickly, the drider girl shivering at the new position, before letting her tongue out to give Vel's sheath a bit of a kiss. Years of training meaning she knew where to go, and as soon as that was done her tongue was out. The girl going through years of practice and practically worshiping Vel already even though the chimera hadn't even gotten hard yet.

Vel smiles at the eagerness of Thrae, eager to work her out of her sheath as she smiles, letting her show her devotion a moment, petting her head. "Mmm, good girl... Go web the door shut so we aren't interrupted.," she whispers, "I'll be irritated if I have to go murder all the assassins to keep our little secret." She turns and stretches, walking over to Thrae's bed, looking it over with an amused sigh. "Pity we have to forgo our comfort for the sake of far greater in the future. Too vulnerable, nobody would blink if we were gone now..."

Thrae liked being pet on the head, the single movement sending a jolt of pleasure right down to her core and getting her petals already a bit wet as she stood back up and moved to the door, whispering"Of course mistress." A few moments of webbing the entire thing shut would seal all the holes in the frame of the door and the keyhole, keeping sound from escaping and prying eyes from looking in. Then she'd turn back to Vel, who was now resting on the bed, "Hopefully we won't need to hide much longer mistress. The group we travel with seems competent enough." Heading back over slowly to Vel, Thrae would ditch all her clothes on the way, before she was kneeling before the bed. The drider waiting for Vel to order her again.

Vel stretched, whispering, always whispering. "It will be a long time, my Smidgeon. War does not end swiftly. We may have to hide for many more years yet. And even after we will, as our victories will make us a target. Hiding is who we are, and ultimately, will always be." She smiles a bit, "But enough of politics. For now, why don't you finish what you started Smidgeon and get me ready before I string you to the rafters. After all, we can't breed so I can fill you as much as I want."

Thrae: "Of course mistress," Thrae would say, the drider girl feeling a tiny ting of dissapointment at how Vel reminded her they would likely never be able to not have to hide behind sealed steel doors. Still she would push it away quickly, and shift herself just slightly, enough so that she could bury herself back into the chimera's groin. Her tongue working away again as she tried to make her mistress hard. As Vel's member became more and more revealed, Thrae's actions would become even more affectionate. Taking her time to pleasure every inch of the dominant chimera's shaft.

Vel moans quietly, shivering eagerly as she hardens forth, her quite large for her small body, shivering in pleasure at her Smidgeon's affections. "Ah yes... Keep that up...," she purrs, "Mmm, at least if we achieve a high enough position we will have the safety to find a way for us to reproduce. I'd enjoy watching your abdomen swell with my young, everyone seeing you and assuming you claimed someone, never knowing your slave filled you utterly... But for now, why don't you fill your poor tummy. You mmm... Do need your protein after all..."

Thrae would keep working as Vel talked to her, basking in the small praise she got, and the mental images Vel's words conjured up. The later of which was really starting to get her going and she was now rather quite wet. That didn't stop her though from following Vel's commands though, "Of course mistress, I have created many webs today afterall." The girl would stop licking, and instead take Vel's tip between her lips. Before starting to move slowly down it, her tongue running over the parts of the shaft in her mouth as she slowly made her way all the way down to the chimera's base.

Vel shivers as her cock was swallowed, petting Thrae's head as she worked it over, continuing to purr. It was large, a fusion of equine and feline. As she watched, her serpent tail looped around and began lapping at Thrae's nipples, Vel watching eagerly as she whispers. "Mmm... I'll never get tired of watching you service me, Smidgeon... Watching how much you love doing it..."

Thrae did indeed love doing it, the drider girl loving it even more with each extra inch that passed her lips. Her body long since trained to take Vel's member. The petting just making her enjoy her work even more, and the snake tail licking at her breasts caused her to redouble her efforts to pleasure her mistress. Reaching Vel's base, she'd move back up just as lovingly, the girl would keep up her slow but thorough pace until Vel ordered otherwise, or started to use her mouth like an onahole. She never minded regardless of what Vel did to her.

Vel shivers, savoring her smidgeon's slow pace, working her, before smirking and grasping her roughly, and beginning to thrust into Thrae's maw. Much as she enjoyed the attention, she couldn't help her urges, and she very much enjoyed using Thrae for her pleasure more than slow pampering. She grinned eagerly as she thrust. "Mmm, you got me riled up... good girl... let's fill that hungry tummy full before I fill the rest of you...," she whispers naughtily, her tail licking more roughly as she works, grinning eagerly.

Thrae: As Vel started to thrust back into her, Thrae would wiggle a little bit at the chimera's words, and she'd continue to try to run her tongue over her mistress' member where she could reach it during the chimera's thrusts. The drider was now leaking on herself a bit as she was used for her mistress' pleasure, and her nipples would have long ago grown hard under the snake tails actions. The even Oborostively bringing one of her hand's up to the breast the tail wasn't working over for the moment and lightly playing with it.

Vel purrs, watching thrae, even as she got near, her hissing before mashing Thrae into her groin, before unleashing her great seed, feeling backed up, giving a silent yowl of pleasure as she drains into Thrae's tummy. As her flow slowed, she pulled out and fired her last bursts over her face and breasts with a purr, marking her property. "Ah... Good girl... Mmm, enjoy a moment, then get your harness set up, Smidgeon. Time to bind you up... and fuck you silly..."

Thrae wouldn't let a single drop escape, atleast not until Vel pulled her pulsing member out of her mouth. The drider accepting the seed as if it was her favourite meal, though having been deprived of privacy for the last while probably had driven her to be even more eager. Once Vel's flow had stopped she'd lick a bit of the cum right around her lips, but leave the rest for now. Taking a few moments to gain her breath again before she said, "Of course mistress," Then she'd start to create a web set up, tying it around herself with skill until she reached the end, which she gave to Vel. The rope would let Vel tighten and losen her harness as needed, and the outside was harness with enough ropes that a bound Thrae would be attached to more or less any surface in the room, but the long ago memorized harness would give Vel more or less free movement and use of her body.

Vel grins and yanks the rope, yanking Thrae into the air and upside down, where she was most helpless, her purring as she walks around Thrae, hnad running along her abdomen. "Mmm, look at my happy Smidgeon... You msut be so eager to have me inside you... Tell me how much you want it... How much you need it..." She purrs, as she hops and crawls up atop her under belly and crawling eagerly towards her softer half, "Tell me deep down what you crave from me, your naughtiest little desires... Then maybe I'll let you have me inside you..."

Thrae would shiver against her binds at Vel's words, before she started whispering back with a voice filled with eagerness and a bit of desperation, "I want it mistress...I want you inside me, I want you to ravage me and fill me with your seed until it leaks out of all my holes....Please mistress, use me to relieve all your lust and desire."

Vel smirks, crawling close. "Come now... you can do better than that, Smidgeon... I asked for your deep naughty fantasies... If you can't listen, how will you ever get me inside you?," she smirks, sitting on Thrae's breasts and giving Thrae's cheek a pat with her cock, grinning naughtily

Thrae: "I crave cock mistress," Thrae said, her eyes drawn to the member that was patting her cheek, her voice was a bit more desperate now then eager, "My fantasies are to be taken on the ceiling, the walls, and everywhere else in this room until I'm filled and covered in cum. To have my body teased and used well I can't even move or do anything but shiver in pleasure, and to eventually be able to be taken by you in public without having to worry about anything but the feeling of you inside me."

Vel blinks then giggles. "Good girl. My my, quite the naughty mind you have. Always the sad thing about fantasies though is they are such for a reason. But you were a good girl... So here's what you want...," whispers Vel, before slipping down, and pushing herself into Thrae's slit, spreading the soft barbs to run along her sensitive locations as she slowly sinks into her, purring eagerly as she sighs. "Ah... Nothing better than a good welcome home for my cock hm...?"

Thrae: Vel's cock would indeed be given a good welcome home, as Thrae was already quite wet and warm, and her insides melded to the chimera's member like it was a part of her that had finally returned, which to an extent it kinda was given Thrae's life. The drider girl letting out a heated moan as she felt the barbs pushing against her weakspots, and she'd let slip in an excited pant, "...Welcome back mistress' cock!.. Please don't leave for as long next time."

Vel grins, before starting to purr louder, letting her vibrations work Thrae over, even as she hilts herself, savoring her Smidgeon. before starting to thrust, moaning happily. While she'd love to have her use her magic to make her fertile... Things jsut weren't secure enough. A burden and a liability that could not be afforded. She'd jsut have to settle with fucking Smidgeon silly to make up for both their fantasies being beyond reach for now, possibly forever.

Thrae would do the only movements she could well bound up like she was, which was flex the muscles in her inner walls. A skill she had picked up half on her own over the years, and she'd move her insides to carress Vel's member inside her, pulling it in deeper and extracting the maximum pleasure for both of them out of her mistress' barbs. The drider girl panting and moaning with each thrust, and her pleasure was rapidly building, though she'd keep herself suppressed, not letting herself orgasm until her mistress let her.

Vel moans as her Smidgeon tightens up for both their pleasures, her grinning and thrusting faster now, raking her drider in a vain attempt to prime her eggs for her seed. She leans up with both her mouths, tail reaching over to nip and suckle at Thrae's nipples, purring eagerly as she slowly works towards their mutual climaxes.

Thrae would moan and shudder as Vel's two mouths latched onto her chest, suckling at both her breasts even as the chimera kept thrusting into her. The drider seemed to have lost the capacity for words now, focusing instead of suppressing her pleasure as she held herself back for Vel. The drider was practically floating in heaven now. Rather literally given how she was hanging from the roof.

Vel purrs and begins to go all out, hammering hard and panting, rutting her adopted daughter like a beast, trembling, before giving a quiet howl again as she slams hard to the hilt and unleashes her seed again, pulling back and slamming in hard with each new burst from her body, mauling Thrae's breasts with her hands as she get's off.

Thrae would finally let herself reach orgasm when she felt the first spurt of seed hitting her insides. The drider girl suppressing her orgasmic shout by biting down on some of the webbing covering her. Her body shuddering in her bindings with each slam of Vel's shaft that painted her insides and heralded her breasts being gripped tightly by her mistress. The drider's body didn't let any of the seed escape, pulling it into her in a futile attempt to fertilize her eggs with it, but it tried none the less.

Vel pants, and relaxes against Thrae, not pulling out and simply enjoying her release, purring as she whispers to her Smidgeon. "Mmm... Good girl... Ah, much as I'd like to stay like this, we can't afford being spotted with you in this position while you sleep." She reluctantly pulls out, and starts getting Thrae down, then heads to grab her bindings.

Thrae would shudder again at Vel's words, evidently she wished they could stay like this overnight too. Regardless of how stiff she would have probably felt after a sleep like that in the morning. Her body would be just as reluctant to let Vel go, and seemed to try to give her as much resistance as it could to stop her from pulling out, but eventually she'd be freed from her bindings and back down on the ground. She'd keep the door bound up though, at the very least it would delay anyone who tried to break in, even as she rested herself on the bed and waited for Vel to grab her bindings. Then she remembered that she still had cum on her face, and breasts, which she started to lick off her as she waited on Vel. Eventually she'd reluctantly rebind Vel, though she'd leave her gag off for now, and settle back onto the bed, "Hmmm, should dissapear for a week after this is all done..."

Vel: "Hm?," blinks Vel, looking over to Thrae, her getting ready to replace the gag herself, even as she flops onto the floor beside the bed, facing the door. "We likely won't have that sort of time.," she whispers, "When this is all done we'll be the biggest targets in all the area. I told you, Smidgeon. Hiding is life, and you can't have one without the other. Unless you want to hide on the surface, penniless, half blind, hunted for being monsters. We hide there, or we hide here. But hide we must. Anything else before I gag up?"

Thrae: "Nothing I guess," Thrae said, somewhat dissapointed, before rhetorically asking, "Maybe we just take our time getting home?" Either way though Thrae would curl back onto the bed, starting to drift off after she set up a few very thin wires on the door. If she couldn't hear someone trying at it, she'd atleast be able to feel any vibrations that were passing through the door.

Vel shrugs, "Perhaps. We'll see what happens." She slips the gag back into her mouth and locks it in then lies down and closes her eyes, ears perked up, used to sleeping super lightly.

DM62: At this point Vel and Thrae can hear/feel something quietly fiddling with the door to their bedroom. The door is unlocked, and slowly the latch is depressed, getting the door ready to be silently opened.

Thrae would be awake very quickly as she felt someone screwing with her door. The drider almsot grinning as she expected whoever was trying to get in to be stalled up by her webbing. Long enough for her to reach over and grab her staff quietly atleast, and wait for just the smallest peak of whoever was trying to break in so she could hit them with some rather debilitating magic.

Vel opens her eyes and frowns. Here we go again, right on time. She quietly shed her bindings, and silently snuck on her soft pads and scaled up above the door, waiting above for her victim to emerge, using her claws to anchor her in place.

DM62: There's a quiet word in an arcane tongue, and the webbing near the door disintegrates. The door slides open, giving a slight creak at the mid-point, and hooden figures shrouded in shifting shadows enter silently, moving deftly with blackened blades drawn.

Vel waits for the last one to come in, before letting her tail lash down and wrap around her victims neck, trying to swiftly snap his neck before making her move. How kind of them to bring party favors for her to use on them afterwards.

Thrae: The webbing bought them an extra moment, and that was enough for Thrae to know they weren't likely going to be friend. So by the time the figures started to enter the room Thrae was already silently muttering her spell under her breath, before twitching her staff toward them, firing off a spell at the attackers that Vel hadn't gotten, it was more or less the same spell she used on the orcs before, trying to make the remaining attackers become suddenly irresistably lustful for eachother.

DM62: The shifting shadows temporarily fool Vel, and her tail knocks the rear figure down instead of wrapping around him. The lead figure stops, gazing at the drider as the spell takes hold, only to be cut down from behind by another shadowy figure which swiftly leaps at the drider, blade brandished.

Vel curses mentally as she missed her target. So much for seeing in darkness. Whatever. Seeing someone lunge for Thrae, she kicked off the wall and launched herself at the back of the one attacking Thrae, propelling herself with all the force she could muster.

Thrae would try to dodge away from the figure that lunged at her, hoping that Vel would be able to deal with that one, instead she sent another spell at the one thrae had knocked down. The spell aimed to take over the attackers mind with obeidient love. Trying to atleast temporarially enslave the attacker to her will so that he couldn't run or try to attack them.

DM62: Vel's pounce manages to land well, and the figure is brought down to the ground. The figure curses, twisting and trying to slash up at the chimera with a black blade. Meanwhile, the figure that Thrae tries to charm is still laying dazed, though a bit hard to see with the shadows shifting around it.

Vel curses, wincing as the blade bites into her arm. Crap, that was bad, it was probably poisoned. She grimaced and grabbed the figures head and tried to smash his face into the floor.

Thrae would take advantage of the dazed figures state, and shot out a blast of webbing as she tried to bound him against the wall. At the same time she said, "We have one Vel, feel free to kill that one." She'd keep her staff up though, ready to blast either of the attackers with lightning if the one tried to escape or the other managed to turn the tables on Vel.

Vel crushes the figure's head viciously, feeling bone crunch under her fierce grip. At this point a blade slides around and against Vel's neck from behind, as a fourth figure reveals itself... only for the blade to clatter to the ground, the figure pitching to the floor with a dagger in its back. Standing in the open doorway is the under elf manservant, holding his hand to a neck wound, covered in blood. He falls to his knees.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Third Session, 8 October (part four, a poisoned wound, the beginnings of a plan):
Vel shudders in alarm, before gasping in shock, looking over. Damn. Saved by the servant. She grimaced and went over to the servant, and looked the wound over. Neck, it was probably fatal, but she needed to check to be sure. As it was she was considering making sure it was jsut to keep hidden awhile longer. A mercy really, compared to what she'd do to the last one here.

Thrae: Well, things went to hell rather quickly. Seriously, what were the house guards even doing. Either way Thrae would move over and bash the tied up attacker and bash him into unconsciousness before moving back to Vel and the manservant, with the under elf here she had to use her mask, "Are you still in good condition slave?" Thrae asked, looking at the manservant's wound and preparing some of her silk to potentially bind it if Vel thought he was saveble.

DM62: The servant shakes his head slightly, his pallor growing more pale. The wound looks bad, though Thrae might be able to save him with a thick silk bandage if she acts immediately. He falls onto his side. "D... Darkrazor." He points at the prone figures, surrounded by flickering shadows still, then his hand falls to the ground as he looks up at the drider.

Vel grunts and moves over and looks. "...He saved me, but he's a liability now. I'll leave this one to your judgement Thrae," whispers Vel, moving over to the captive, holding her bleeding arm to try and staunch it. "This one will bleed. I doubt I'll get anything useful. But I'll enjoy doing it..."

Thrae would decide to save the servant, he had saved Vel after all, and that was worth something. Taking her silk she wrapped it around the wound, making sure it applies pressure to cut off the flow and keep him from bleeding out to badly. If she was lucky she could gain another follower in the house, "Hmm, try to keep that one alive as long as possible, we can always hope they'll break eventually."

Vel looks over. "Go hand him to the healers. I'll work this one over."

DM62: At this point the house guards arrive and the matron's sister's voice can be heard. "How the fuck did they get past you fools? Ensure that our guests are alive. NOW." Two of House Audaxia's guards look over Vel, Thrae, and the servant. Oboros' bedroom door is swiftly opened, and someone attempts to open Hel's door, rather loudly. Zyanya pounces on the guard as her door is opened, spear at his throat, only to have the guards level swords at her for a moment before everyone stands down.

Vel meows and sits on one of the bodies, disappointed, and a little suspicious of the response time.

Helvoque: The axe at the dwarf's door clatters loudly, causing the dwarf to let out a loud snort as he's brought awake. "By the goddesses, what the hell!" he bellows, reaching out of the bed to blindly grab at his hammer, his nakedness not really a concern at the moment as bleary eyes tries to see the incoming 'threat'

Oboros: "What! What is happening!? There must be a reason for you to burst into a lady's bedroom."

Thrae: 'Hmmm,' Thrae thought to herself, indeed the response time was almost too perfect. She would have to see about getting some people watching the matron's sister after this. Looking at the guards she said, "We have dealt with the attackers you failed to notice. I think it might be high time for a guards to undergo another inspection." Which usually meant 'firings.' Pointing to the servant she said, "This one managed to do more to help us then you guards did, make sure he gets medical attention for his wound."

DM62: Hel forgets that his wrists are still bound to the bed, and Jenna chuckles, unbinding him. She rises herself, a spell on her lips as she nods to the dwarf prince, facing the door. Arturus is swift to rise as well, his blade in hand and brandished at the door. The guard that opened Oboros' door is wearing Audaxia colors. "Sorry, Mistress. Assassins. Everyone alright in there?"

The matron's sister nods to the drider. "Six of our guards are dead. They killed three of the assassins before the rest reached you... and given that they're wearing Darkrazor shadow garb," she says, looking at the prone figures of the assassins, "I give them credit for doing so well before dying for their house." A pair of house guards carefully carry the servant off for healing.

Helvoque: There's a blush on the dwarf's face as he waits for the gnome to unbind him, though he does grab the hammer and shield afterwards as he haphazardly tugs on his pants as well.

Vel doubted they were necessarily Darkrazors. While difficult, one could always gain such uniforms through other means. Such was the issues with bothering with interrogations. Anything spoken was suspect. No, it was all basically pointless to complain about. They were alive and had their course to undertake.

DM62: At this point one of the guards kicks open the door, breaking the hinges down. The under elf is wearing House Audaxia colors. "Sorry for the intrusion, Master Dwarf. Assassins. Everyone alright in there?"

Vel yawns and stretches before curling up to pretend to nap on one of the corpses.

Helvoque: "We're fine," the dwarf grunts, still glaring at the elves. "What's the situation? The rest still in danger?"

Thrae: "Hmm," Thrae said as she heard about the other guards having thinned out the Darkrazors' numbers, "Well then, I will take back my statement. Still, I expect all the information we can get out of this one will be extracted," the drider said, prodding the unconscious one with her staff. Maybe we'll learn who hired them, such a brazen attack can't go completely unanswered at least."

DM62: The matron's sister folds her arms. "If House Darkrazor wants you dead... you die. They could send fifty assassins without batting an eye. House Audaxia is bold... but we are a much smaller house. There would be no way to stop him. No. Something is wrong. I am glad that you left one alive for us to question."

At this point Vel can feel a burning sensation in her arm, where the black blade nicked her. The guard looking at Hel nods. "Everyone from your party seems fine."

Helvoque: "Hmph. We got lucky then. Give me a moment to get decent, I'll check on em myself..." he mumbles, getting his clothes from the floor and quickly getting back to full armor again.

DM62: The female guard gives the dwarf's body a once-over, eye-fucking him for a moment. "No need to get dressed on my account." She grins, moving back to rejoin the other guards.

Vel grimaces then meows plaintively as she get's up, looking at her arm with a frown. Crap, not good, not good at all...

Thrae: "I never said they were Darkrazor, we wouldn't need to know who sent them if I assumed that would I? I think they might just be some people disguised as them. Now though I-" She is cut off by Vel's mewl, and then she sees the wound, "We should figure out what poison those attackers used, I would rather not lose such a well trained slave. Just because of a little cut like that."

DM62: One of the guards notices the wound. "Oh. That's not good. They nick you with something, little lady?" The under elf walks over to Vel, looking at the cut. "Show me the blade that did this. Quickly."

Helvoque: There's a bit of a groan and a roll of the princeling's eyes but he's true to his word, soon back to his dwarf-forged equipment and headed out to the hall, hammer and shield at the ready.

Vel meows, acting slow to catch on, before crawling on all fours over to the blade, nudging the blunt end with her nose.

Thrae would pick up the blade Vel nudged and handed it over to the under elf, "Please work with speed."

DM62: The under elf examines the blade, careful not to touch anything but the handle. The matron's sister enters. "Idiot. You know nothing of poisons or blades." She takes the weapon from the guard, examining it... then wipes the blade on a bit of the webbing, noting the maroon color of the venom against the white silk. She curses under her breath. "This is no Darkrazor poison."

Vel licks her wound.

Helvoque: "What are we looking at then? Another of the Dynasties? Or outside interference?" the dwarf asks, leaning on his hammer.

Thrae looks at the poison, trying to place the colour among what she remember of the poisons, as she had been taught through her younger years.

DM62: The wound has a distinctly metallic taste. The matron's sister shakes her head. "No use identifying it. This is a custom poison. House Wildfang."

Vel keeps licking cus animal, while trying to recall this Wildfang bunch.

Oboros: "Its a custom job from House Wildfang. They go through initiation rites where they make their own poisons. They also keep an antidote in their personal gear."

Thrae: "Wildfang? Dammit, now we really need to know where they were holding over before they launched this attack," Thrae said, biting her lower lip a bit. Wondering if they would have to break into the Wildfang house just to get the antidote.

Helvoque: "So in order to cure this, we're going to have to storm the house of this Wildfang and find the antidote? That seems needlessly annoying of them," he grunts.

Vel: Welp. Great. She was good as dead then. Unless... Well amputation might make a difference... But without knowing more, who could say...

DM62: "Wildfang is a type of spider that has a venom with properties that vary between each member of the species. We've no idea how long it will take, or even if it will be lethal. But unless you intend to have your pet sample every vial that you find in House Wildfang, you're probably going to have to make some manner of arrangement with their matron. A difficult proposition, considering the fact that they just tried to have you killed." The matron's sister folds her arms, speaking to the drider. "On the other hand, we've got access to several other chimerae. Unless you're attached to your pet, it might be simpler and easier to just put her out of her misery and get a new one."

Helvoque: The dwarf bites his tongue, but one look at his face you can tell he'd rather tear apart the Wildfang in order to find the cure instead of sacrificing this wayward soul.

Vel just keeps licking, pretending to be unaware of her impending doom.

Thrae continued chewing on her lower lip, "No I would rather not lose this one. We will have to see what we can do about the Wildfang." The drider did not look happy at the current situation, "If we're lucky maybe we can get out of it without having to give them an arm and three legs." Thrae would move over to take the blade from the matron's sister, "We are going to need this." Thrae was pretty much ready to go right now, regardless of how late/early it was in the day at this point.

Vel sees her mistress get up, and grabs her bondage gear and carries them over, wincing all the way.

DM62: The matron's sister hands the blade over to the drider, being careful not to touch the drider or herself with anything but the handle. "Be careful. The Wildfang are a dangerous bunch. Even the major houses treat them carefully, because their poisons are capable of inflicting slow and torturous deaths to their unlucky enemies. Or really quick deaths, if the Windfang are being generous. But they do like money, and they also enjoy employing non-under elf assassins to do their dirty work unseen."

Helvoque: "Well, no rest for the wicked, it would appear," the dwarf states, nodding as he crosses his arms. "Are you lot ready to go?"

Vel stands there, holding her gear, waiting to be restrained again.

DM62: Jenna nods, once again dressed in her black leather. "I'll be ready in just a moment." She turns to the dead under elves. "Which of the slain gave you the most fight?"

Thrae: "Hmmm," Thrae said, and then realized she had never gotten herself dressed after going to bed naked, the girl would look at the others and more or less with her eyes demand everyone male left right now before she had to get angry at someone, "I require one moment. I will meet you at the entrance." Though then she would catch what Jenna said, and point to the one that currently had a rather pasted head, "That one, though if you can't resurrect it go for the one with the knife in its back."

Oboros: "Yes. Either way I feel we should give Wildfang a visit. Either they know who did it or are responsible. Either we won't get an antidote unless we go."

DM62: The necromancer kneels, living the crushed head under elf to examine him for a moment. "Hmm... I've seen worse, but I don't have any of my good tools here." She shakes her head. "Eh. Guess this one will be ugly." Then Jenna reaches out, moving the skull back into place as best she can, though the face and head looks terribly disfigured. She chants, and the figure rises. "Pull that shadowy hood over your head, dear. And follow me." The figure nods and complies.

Arturus emerges from his room, sees the drider, and moves back into his bedroom slowly.

Hel nods a bit and quickly moves away, gathering himself a bit more as he soon readies at the entry, shield and hammer all the time ready. He was NOT liking that his fears were well-founded.

Thrae: Once all the males were out of the room, Thae re-donned her clothes, and then tapped her staff on the ground, putting Vel's bindings back on with the movement. Once that was done she'd head for the entrance. Ready to go save her Vel!

Vel follows Thrae out, wincing. Well... She wasn't going to just roll over and die. And she probably wasn't in the best shape to break in there just herself...

Oboros excuses herself shortly before retreating back into her room and returning in her usual garb.

DM62: Jenna moves up, softly stroking the chimera. "Stay strong, darling girl. We'll do our best to deal with Wildfang and cure you." She moves closer, quietly murmuring in her ear. "If you don't... make it... I could bring you back. You wouldn't exactly be... alive. But you'd be able to keep helping your mistress."

Vel meows around her gag, leaning into the pettings even as she whimpers a bit at her wounds.

DM62: Arturus emerges again from his bedroom, hands over his eyes. "So... Thrae, are you dressed yet? We should really get going!"

Thrae: "I am dressed yes," Thrae says back from where she is passing by the common area, already making her way down to meet up with Hel.

Vel follows after Thrae, though if Jenna keeps up, she'll keep leaning into pettings.

DM62: The elf uncovers his eyes. "Alright then. Let's go kick some Wildfang ass! Or... talk to Wildfang ass." Jenna continues to softly stroke the chimera, padding along quietly with her undead assassin following close behind her, a pair of black blades clutched in its hands.

((end of session))
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Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fourth Session, 15 October (part one, suspect dealings, the Parlour)
DM62: When we last left our heroes, you were leaving House Audaxia to seek out House Wildfang, in hopes of curing your friend. You head down the long and treacherous stairs toward the commons. At the bottom of the stairs is a guard wearing Audaxia colors, a bastard sword in her hands. She idly watches the party as they approach.

Vel follows Thrae, being bound up and following her leash, shuddering a bit as she glances at her tainted injury.

Thrae was trying her hardest to not end up worrying all over Vel. Though she had to admit, the guard at the bottom of the stairs was both strange and not strange. Maybe it was just because there was that assassination just minutes ago, but standing there with her sword drawn was enough to be worrying. Thrae wouldn't let that show either though, other then maybe just a slight tightening of her grip on her staff in case she needed to defend herself.

Zyanya knew this mission would have some bumps but she didn't think it would come this early. She was hardly able to think straight with all the things that could go wrong. And the guard at the bottom of the stairs was a little unnerving to the lightly armored tribeswoman. As if things weren't troubling enough, an armed presence was only going to make people more nervous.

DM62: As the party makes it halfway down the stairs, they see something rather odd. A small figure runs up to the guard... looking no larger than an elf-child, but shrouded in a ragged robe. An urchin, perhaps. The guard leans down to listen to the figure, then gives one nod. The small figure runs back toward the commons, disappearing behind some buildings.

Thrae: "Well, that looks a bit suspicious," Thrae mumbled at the sight. She was seriously wondering if she should just throw a spell to stun the guard until they were sure either way, but that might be overkill right now. Instead she definitely made sure she was ready in case this person proved to be hostile, and looked around the commons to see if she could spot anything that shouldn't be there.

Vel: Suspect but the obvious answer to Vel would be to just ask the guard what was going on. Obviously she couldn't and wouldn't but that would be her course.

Thrae would also add another thing, speaking up as they got about to the last third of the stairs she would say, to the guard, "What is going on down there?"

Zyanya: Now that was strange. What could that child possibly have told the guard that was so important? Maybe the families have informants or something out in the streets and they just reported things to the guards. Potential threats and the like. Either way the tribeswoman was just eager to get things underway.

DM62: The under elf smiles and gives a small bow, her helm partly obscuring her face. "News travels very quickly in certain circles here. My employer believes that House Wildfang will not help you... and offers to help the poor chimera... for a small and agreeable price."

Vel: Well good to see politics never changed even under orc thumbs.

Thrae sometimes wondered if living on the surface would really be that bad, at least there they wouldn't have their every movement reported far and wide before they could even leave there house. Still, well she didn't trust this in the slightest, if only because saying that the Wildfang wouldn't help them could very easily be a ploy, she still had to ask, "And what would this price be?"

Vel: Her first question would have been who his employer was. Either way, the order didn't matter she supposed.

DM62: "For that, you will need to speak to my employer directly. Seek out a bar named 'the Parlour.' There's an under elf tending the bar. Ask him for a wood elf wine. He will tell you that they don't have any. Tell him that there's no other drink worth sampling. That is my employer's message to you. Oh... you do have the poisoned blade with you, correct?"

Vel: She didn't recall. Either the matrons sister had it or they did. Sounded like a crime lord. No big shock there. The underworld was actually her personal favorite bunch of the under elves. Results mattered more than race amidst thieves. Thrae wouldn't last very long though there she felt.

Thrae would nod as she did indeed have the blade, and she couldn't help but ask, "And who would this employer be?" She wasn't really expecting an answer, but you never know. Regardless of the response she got she would also ask, "And in which direction should we be going to find this bar." She had never heard of it, so she kinda did need directions, unless Oboros knew where it was.

DM62: "My employer? It's the person I work for." Her smile deepens slightly. She points. "You will find the Parlour through that street to the third intersection, then a left. It will be on your right." The guard pauses. "Also... word of caution to the surfacers among you. In the Commons, wear your weapons openly. But no matter what, do not draw your weapons. Anyone but a guard who wields a weapon, even magic or a rock, will be hauled off to a cell by the Commons Guards."

Zyanya: "This is why I was never a fan of mainlander politics. Too much deception and underhanded tactics in order for anything productive to be done. Is anything done here with any measure of honesty?" The shiriti was more then a little frustrated that they had to go to such lengths to get even the tiniest bit of information. "The hypocracy is quite strong here. No weapons in public, but if you're in the shadows it's perfectly acceptable. Beh."

DM62: "We did not invite you here, islander. You are a guest, observing a game that has been played since our founding. Endeavor to hide your disdain, for we are a proud people, and we distinguish between a welcome guest... and an unwelcome one."

Vel: Clearly the savage didn't understand complicated concepts. Must live in a land of milk and honey. Or were like the orcs and too strong to understand the concepts and values of deception. They were survivors in a hostile land. Deception was survival, and the manipulation and deceit amidst themselves kept them sharp. Aware. Weeded out those who were weak. It's why she took such pains to protect Thrae, as she would assuredly be considered weak if she did not. And a mother only wanted what was best for her child. For now she just hoped the Shiriti heeded the guardswomans warning.

Thrae was expecting a response like that from the guard. To bad, she would have liked to know, but regardless she had directions now, and she could only hope Zyanya wouldn't cause to much trouble with her comments. Trying to stop the conversation though before it could get potentially out of hand she instead started toward the bar, "Let's get going then, we don't know how much time we have to waste after all."

Vel: Guess Thrae decided it was worth the risk. Vel wasn't so sure, it could be a trap to try and enslave them. But well... If it was, she'd make them regret it. One didn't need to wield a weapon or magic to be dangerous.

Helvoque: Quiet behind everyone else, Helvoque listened to the conversation, the dwarf's weapons still worn quite visibly, even with his house crest covered on his shield. His hand held close to his hammer, his observing eyes open.

Zyanya: Would explain why their society is so scarred and damaged if it was built of a foundation of underhanded deals and backstabbing. Something this destructive and internally damaging couldn't last forever and they'd be consuming themselves the moment a serious threat presented itself. Her people survived in a land far harsher then this, where nature was just as likely to kill you as another person. But she could tell she already ruffled enough feathers, including her own. She said nothing more to the guard, clearly blinded by the veil of shadows his society cast over her eyes. "Lets go. Lest standing around make us bigger targets simply for breathing."

DM62: The directions are clear, and the party is able to find their destination rather easily. The Parlour is a small building, covered with spider webbing. A small sign out front says, "Flies Welcome." The inside of the bar, however, is rather clean, if plain. There's a large assortment of patrons inside... mostly under elves, but also several driders, a few minotaurs, and one or two surface-dwellers. At a table near the bar, a clearly drunk, gray-bearded human with an eyepatch has stopped a young adult under elf female, making a crude pass at her. A hooded figure silently watches the party enter from a seat at a corner table, his or her back to the wall. Tending bar is one of the largest under elves that any of the party has ever seen, tall for an under elf but almost as thick as a dwarf, and all muscle, his head shorn bald. He raises an eyebrow as the party enters the bar.

Vel: This was Thrae's plan. She just followed along for now, shivering a bit. No pain from the toxin. Yet. But it was a matter of time.

Helvoque: Much as the dwarf wished to compare the cheeriness of the place to a graveyard, he held his tongue. At this point, he served best as bodyguard and defender than a bargaining chip. He didn't want to invoke his house here, making them all a target, or make claims and promises he very well couldn't keep.

Thrae: This place didn't seem too bad, at least as far as Thrae was concerned, she was a bit surprised at the minotaurs there though. Either way she would be even more thrown off by the giant underelf behind the table, he must have been a half breed or something. Either way she'd go up to the bar and get the bartender's attention, "Do you have any wood elf wine here?"
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fourth Session, 15 October (part two, a drunkard, a brawl, and several arrests)
Zyanya: The tribes woman too kept herself silent, feeling she was already an oddity enough and that saying anything in her state of displeasure would only manifest more ire and stares. For now, she assumed the bodyguard role with the dwarf as well.

Vel stuck close to Thrae and kept her eyes peeled, watching the customers right now and the rafters. Quiet the variety of clientele. Bit suspect. Might be a den. But thieves or slavers or worse had yet to be seen.

DM62: The under elf female glares at the drunken graybeard, twisting his pawing hand behind his back and slamming him down onto the table. "Pathetic drunk." She stalks off. The drunk sees his fungus-ale spilled, cursing and turning to the bartender even as the party moves to speak to him. "Ayyy I wannanother nother notherdrink, see here!" The bartender snorts contemptuously at him. "Coin first, sod." The hooded figure continues watching your group. At Thrae's request, the bartender raises his eyebrows in surprise, then glares at the drider. "We don't carry wood elf swill in my joint!" A vein stands out on his forehead. The drunk human and a few others look in your direction at the odd request and the bartender's response, the hooded figure still quietly observing all.

Vel: Why did she get the distinct feeling this was going to be an audition not a meeting...

Helvoque: With the bar suddenly tensing up around them, the dwarf bristles, if anything glaring shrewdly at the many folks that watched them back. He was especially focused on the cloaked figure, something about the way that hood never left them was... suspicious, at any rate.

Thrae had to admit, if they had just been set up it really wouldn't surprise her, but regardless, might as well go through with it now as if there was going to be a fight or such it'd probably happen anyways, so she said, "Because there is no other drink worth sampling." And just waited to see how the fireworks would go.

Vel: It occurred to her this might be a cute trick. She had to admire the intricacy if it was. Have a bar you want disrupted, know the tender's pet peeve, send dangerous people there on false pretenses armed with said pet peeve. Watch fallout. Bonus points for getting possible rivals arrested. Well... Thrae said the magic words. Time to see just how much manipulation had been played on them, or if this was jsut a smokescreen.

Zyanya: She had to wonder what Thrae was saying and just why she was saying it. The last thing the party needed was a riot to break out in this crowded bar. But maybe there was a method behind the madness. The shiriti would never fully understand her companions, but she trusted them enough not to get her killed. This was their world, not hers. She stood firm though, remaining focused and calm and ready to react should things turn hostile.

DM62: The bartender looks furious at Thrae for a moment... then he grins. "Of course. We cater to all types." He gestures to a lower shelf, close to the floor. "The wood elf wine bottles are all down there. Perhaps you'd care to make your selection?" The bar seems to have gotten a bit quieter, more people watching the on-goings, the hooded figure quietly observing. The only person making noise is the drunk, who looks at the dwarf. "Hey, you can't... order nothin' like no dag-derned wood elf stuff here." He leans closer to the dwarf, his breath positively reeking of cheap fungus booze. "You gotany uh any extra shine on ya? Coin? I'll buy the next round..." He paws at the dwarf.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a huff and a sharp elbowing, not enough to look more than getting the pissed-as-fuck bum off of him before he can get light-fingered. "Hands off, you stink of a winery and are probably loaded as one as it stands," he grunts. A hand keeps close to his hammer, but doesn't draw it, the waraxe on his back still standing straight. He was kinda glad he had traveled light for this adventure, means less for assholes like this to try and pilfer.

Vel: Smokescreen it was. Good to know. Time to see what the boss had to say. Who knows. Maybe they'd be a familiar face.

Thrae didn't know if they were out of the potential danger zone yet, but at the very least if the bar patrons suddenly got violent then there were the rest of the group to do something. So mustering her courage she would lean forward to see this 'wood elf wine,' and hopefully not get stabbed in the process.

DM62: The bartender's grin widens slightly, and Thrae sees only an empty shelf before the massive under elf slams his clenched fist into the underside of her chin. There's a roar of approval from many of the other patrons, except the drunk who immediately rolls under the bar to try to hide as best he can. The two minotaurs take this as an invitation to start trouble, and one of them picks up an under elf female (that the human was hitting on earlier), literally flinging her atop the dwarf. A pair of under elf females attempt to grapple the chimera, and a male grabs the Shiriti from behind, pressing her up against the bar and fumbling with her clothes.

Vel: And here it went. Glad to see her instincts were sharp. Hopefully Thrae had learned a valuable lesson about trust from that. Now the game was simply get out before the guards arrived. Her attention was drawn by two women trying to grab her. Given her chained up status there wasn't much she could do about it and wriggled best she could, but off it went.

Helvoque: "Oh you have chosen the WRONG day for this!!!" the dwarf roars, moving with the assault as the poor lass is sent sprawling off to one side. To his credit, he didn't immediately draw his hammer but instead cracked his knuckles, immediately moving to pull the attacker off of the shiriti companion and save her a bit of indecency.

Thrae would have been exasperated, if she wasn't currently dealing with the effects of getting punched in the face. Well she couldn't use her weapons or actually attack anyone with weapons, she could still back off from the bartender though, trying to put some space so he couldn't slug him again and so she could try to strike at him with one her rather sharp legs. As she was hoping Vel could wiggle herself out that situation or at least her bindings.

Zyanya: And this was why this city was making her sick with every passing minute. No trust, no honor. Nothing. Just cowardice and pathetic acts of trickery and deception. And the tribal wasn't about to let this city consume her or drag her down to their level. Even though she was being held tight against the male, the shiriti was far helpless even without her weapons. "Nice try, coward." bracing herself, Zyanya would first try to use her strength to overpower the male and try to elbow him in the chest before delivering another blow to his face. If that didn't work, she'd stomp as hard as she could on the males foot, hoping this would weaken his grip. Either way, she was getting aid from the dwarf and she appreciated that.

DM62: The male attempting to ravage the Shiriti gets a hard elbow to the chest, only to be yanked around and knocked out cold by the dwarf. The bartender leaps onto the bar, following up his first punch with a haymaker that lands on the drider's jaw. The two minotaurs are almost at the melee now. The drunk, meanwhile, has scurried around to the other side of the bar. He looks at the drider in trouble with wide eyes, then leaps up behind the bartender, smashing a bottle against the bartender's back. The bartender is covered in a strong-smelling drink. At this point Vel can feel something strange going on in her veins... her body goes rigid, and she collapses on the ground, convulsing. The two females back away, staring at the chimera.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a bit of a smirk at the one opponent knocked away, freeing a companion before focusing on the next two. He grimaces as the minotaur twosome approaches, but hey, he'd have to get used to fighting them bare-handed anyway. He moves to intercept, growling in fury. "Come taste the brass fury of the dwarves then!"

Vel whimpers, already at mercy and now even more so, eyes wide as she is rendered helpless, brain just a flurry of alarms and muffled gurgles emitting as the venom reached it's destination.

Thrae was now having alot of trouble seeing the room around her, having failed to dodge the second attack. Then she saw Vel convulsing on the ground and couldn't keep the shock off her features, before she would try to pull herself together, hoping the bartender was distracted enough by the drunk for her to stab him in the legs and cripple him enough for her to get space to try to move over to Vel.

Zyanya: The assailant dispatched, she nodded towards Hel and was glad to have his assistance. But things all around them were turning to chaos and with the minotaurs on approach and Vel passing out, the shiriti pushed her way into the crowd towards her to try and offer aid. "Hel, you have them in hand I hope?" The tribal was prepared to fight her way through, not wanting to lose a companion this early.

DM62: The drunk moves rather shakily but quickly, leaping over the bar. He pulls the poisoned blade from where Thrae has it sheathed, landing near Vel and brandishing it clumsily with both hands, then moving a hand away to steady himself, resting slightly on the convulsing chimera. At this point there's a voice. "THAT'S QUITE ENOUGH! SURRENDER OR BE SLAIN!" Guards line the bar, swords drawn and pointed at most of the patrons. The hooded figure is standing behind them, murmuring to one of the guards. Someone screams, and in the panic a candle is knocked onto the bar... igniting the spilled beverage from the broken bottle, and lighting the bartender ablaze. Vel's convulsing stops, and she lays still.

(what Vel perceived)
DM62 -> Vel (PM): A figure landed near you, and you felt something poured into your wound. Then you felt tired, but your muscles were able to relax. Still, you're exhausted, and can't really move at the moment.
Helvoque halts himself as the guards enter, fists lowering faster than a gnome after mixing the wrong chemicals together. He eyes the hooded figure again, glowering angry at the fact he didn't get to interrogate the figure because of this, but alas, he at least kept honor and kin intact to some degree.

Zyanya: Things only seemed to be getting from bad to worse as not only were they surrounded by guards, but the bartender was now ablaze and they would find some way to blame them. On top of that, Vel's condition wasn't much better. Though she was preserved some measure of dignity this day, but knowing the cowards of this city, she might not have that for long.

Vel let's out a single low mewl, sounding tired.

Thrae would be trying to react as soon as the drunk had tried taking the blade from her. The arachne tried to knock it back to the ground with her armoured forelegs so that she could keep it from getting stolen away. Then the guards burst in and she was forced to pause, before someone set the bartender on fire. If she had managed to knock the blade out of the drunks grip before then now she would move away from the flaming man and use the movement to try to slide the dagger over toward Vel in the chaos, maybe they'd think one of the bar people had stabbed her with it now, it was better then them arresting her and confiscating the weapon on top of that. Atleast this way they might be able to get the poison thing dealt with, and maybe they wouldn't notice her.

DM62: Unfortunately, the drunk eludes the drider's grasp, mostly through sheer drunken luck, it seems. The guards close in, swords brandished, and the one speaking to the hooded figure speaks up loudly now. "Take the drider, the chimera, and all the surfacers." The drunk looks around confused, dropping the blade. "Confiscate their weapons and bind them." Guards move forward with web bindings. "Cooperate and you will not suffer a terrible death today."

Helvoque: "Don't need to speak twice," the dwarf grumbles, keeping his hands away. His gaze never left the hooded figure, however, suspicion and annoyance in his eyes. And he was just getting limbered up, too...

Vel: Hng... Well. She wasn't dead. You didn't get arrested when you were dead. She thinks. Maybe she was undead. But being undead hurt too much to be undead. No she was alive. That was terrifying. She was either cured, or it was a wave sort of thing. Not certain. But it might be small potatoes given the arrest coming in. Ah well. She'd have to break everyone out after a nap. Maybe. Well if the guards wanted her they could carry her damn it...

DM62: The bartender has run outside screaming, by the way, his entire body turned into a living torch.

Zyanya: Guess this was how things were going to go from here on. Arrested by the city guards and no doubt going to be under their thumb for basically defending themselves. Strange how sticking up for oneself is considered a crime in these lands. Least the bartender was getting some justice. Though maybe put the fire out so she could torment him later.

Vel: Welp... That was a thing clearly. Made her wonder who wanted him dead that they went to this much trouble.

Thrae was gritting her teeth now, though she had no real choice since she didn't want to die. So she'd still and keep her hands away from her staff, though she would have to lump it and say, "Can you bring that dagger please, my chimera was poisioned by it," Thrae would point out Vel, hoping at the very least the dagger wouldn't end up irretrievably lost in this whole mess....

DM62: The Commons Guards bind the adventurers as well as the drunk, removing their weapons. One of them grunts at the drider, but brings along the poisoned blade, holding it gingerly. Still, something looks just a little off about the handle on the weapon now, but the drider doesn't get a good enough look to be sure. The prisoners are marched through a few streets before entering an underground complex, stopping at a large iron-plated door with only a small window accessable via a latch. The door is unlocked and opened, revealing a pitch-black cell with a figure huddled in the corner. "This is where we keep the unruly surfacers. Now... I'll be needing your names, for the record." The drunk takes this opportunity to bite one of the guards, struggling and kicking at the sight of the black cell, before being tossed in roughly. The guard captain yells, "Sort this lot out tomorrow, then! Let them enjoy a day of the blackness!" The guards begin shoving the party into the cell after the drunk, who's collapsed in a heap.

Vel mewls quietly as she's tossed in a black cell, adjusting her vision to see, as she sleepily crawls her way over to Thrae and leans against her.

Helvoque: Upon being deposited into the cell, Helvoque curses in every tongue known to him, stringing together several colorful phrases in Undertongue and Dwarfkin. Unlike some of his companions, he had no easy way to split the webs, though with them locked with the drunk, the git turns to his victim of his tirade. "YOU BLEEDING IDIOT! WE'RE GOING TO HAVE A PERSON DIE BECAUSE OF YOU! IF I WASN'T BOUND THERE WOULD BE TWO MEETING LUNIS'S COURT THIS EVE EVEN IF IT TOOK ME ALL DAY TO GET THROUGH YOUR THICKENED EXCUSE FOR A STONE SKULL!!!"

Vel resists the urge to roll her eyes and instead starts purring loudly.

Thrae gave her name, and then would just about plan to murder this drunk. In fact she could rather easily do it given they didn't bind her legs. It just wouldn't serve any purpose unfortunately. Regardless she ended up in the cell, and now they were stuck there till morning, and Vel was of unknown state other then she was at least somewhat alive. In the pitch black cell she figured none of the others could see so she let Vel lean on her, the arachne rather worried about what might just happen to Vel if they were stuck here all night...
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fourth Session, 15 October (part three, an act revealed, reunion in prison, meeting the other Spider Queen)
DM62: The guards' footsteps fade, not that they could be heard over the dwarven tirade. When the dwarf finishes yelling, the drunk responds in a hushed tone. "Irena, a little light, if you please." There's a small flicker of light, like a candle, and the cell is dimly lit. The drunk is sitting calmly, looking at the dwarf with a small smirk. Seated next to the dwarf with a slightly bigger smirk is the kitsune illusionist that the party lost contact with in the Spiderbloom. "In case her purring isn't enough of a sign, well," the gray-bearded human looks around at the group, "your friend is feeling much better, and is in no danger whatsoever of dying from poison today." He holds out his hand, revealing a small metal knob... the detached pommel of the poisoned dagger.

Vel: The assassin revealed. And her saviour it seemed. That's twice now she had her life saved. It was starting to become a habit.

Helvoque: The dwarf is left slack-jawed, and then spluttering as he does his best to comprehend this information, rage getting mixed with relief in equal, unbridled measure.

Zyanya: Well, last thing she was going to be seeing in this life was utter darkness. It was a good life while it lasted, she supposed. But with the flurry of yelling and aggression, the Shiriti was honestly surprised by the apperance of an ally. "Well, guess this cloud had a silver lining."

Thrae couldn't help but look at the sudden reversal, and really, the poison was that easy to get? Thrae almost couldn't help but actually get rather angry at that for some reason, but the fact that Vel was going to be okay was more then enough relief to counter it, and she couldn't help but smile a bit, "Well, at least something good came out of this, though now we're all stuck in prison. Also," Thrae would look over at Irena, "what are you doing here? And what happened to the rest of the group that fell with you?"

DM62: The human chuckles. "Forgive the deception, but I wasn't sure you could pull off a ruse and fool the under elves. Irena and I work for the same employer. A massive... organization that operates well outside of the law. Mostly we deal in information, but we also dabble in smuggling on occasion."

DM62: The kitsune nods. "I was arrested as soon as I fell out of the Spiderbloom. I've no idea what happened to the others... they fell into different tunnels, I think."

Vel purrs and cuddles against her mistress, pretending to be unaware of what's happening. So it was them after all.

Zyanya: "Have any idea what we might have to deal with around here? I mean, I've never been in a prison that locks people in darkness before."

Helvoque: The dwarf finally manages to find a semblance of a voice after he gives a blustering sigh. "Well, short term concerns are dealt with at least, if she's cured..." He glances around, enhanced vision helping to see some of the dark, but no doubt not penetrating it fully. "Guess time to worry about slightly longer term concerns. Any idea if the guards will be true to word and release us in the morning? Or are we going to have to leave without assistance?" the last part comes with a wicked smirk.

DM62: "All about fear and discomfort. Make you tell them things. This is the cell for surfacers. There are several cells filled with bright light, for the deep-dwellers." The human nods. "As for the poison, well... even the Wildfangs aren't so sure of themselves not getting nicked, so many of them keep an antidote in the pommel of the blade. Just in case." He shrugs. "The Spider Queen herself wishes to see you. So in the morning, we will all be brought before her. And I'll look like..." the human looks over at Irena. "Whom shall I look like tomorrow?"

DM62: The kitsune chuckles. "You'll be Sir Regulus Malius of Axetan."

DM62: "Right. Sir Regulus Malius of Axetan."

Thrae would rub her jaw, it rather hurt, "Was the brawl planned then? I could have done without taking those fists to the jaw." Thrae would then raise her eyebrow, "Though wait, are you a shapeshifter or something? Or is she just making you look different?"

Zyanya: "An audience with the Spider Queen you say? What would make them think we're worth her time and effort? I figured a monarch with a title like that has more important things to do then sentence prisoners."

Helvoque Magmahammer: The dwarf gives a bit of a frown, rubbing his chin again. "This was all just an elaborate ruse to get us all to where we'd be easily collected and not have any house try to play favorites, was it?" He was starting to finally get Under Elf politics, even if they were too conflicted and over the top for his preference.

DM62: Irena chuckles. "I'll be doing the illusions."

DM62: The human grins. "This was not only to cure your friend, which was a last-minute hassle I did NOT need," he gives Vel a small glare, "but also to free Irena. They won't bother over one trespassing surfacer, but the Spider Queen's spies have already told her of a political party, seeking to broker an alliance between the surface 'pink-skins' and the under elves. She's got people looking for you. And tomorrow, Irena will walk out with you. As will I. For some reason the guards were too busy to count us, or get our names."

Vel pretended to not notice the glare, being a simple slave and pet as she continued to purr and snuggle against Thrae.

DM62: Arturus rolls his eyes. "Personally, I agree with Zyanya. I hate the politics down here, I hate the games, I hate the sneaking around, and I can't wait to leave this place for a brighter one." He folds his arms.

Helvoque gives a huff, shrugging. "Well, best not worry about it too much, I suppose," Hel mumbles, leaning back onto what he thought was a wall. "Best we can do is figure out where we're going after the Queen's done with us. Hopefully finishing off this blasted treaty so more productive sides of the war can be fought..."

Thrae would pet Vel, the arachne too relieved about her being okay to not worry about what it might look like, "I see, well, that works out I guess then. Though I would rather stay away from any bright lights personally, to hard to see."

Zyanya: "I'll be amazed if this city even holds up it's end of the bargin when the time comes. No offense to residents, but the entire city seems very self-serving."

Vel had to admit she was getting kind of annoyed with the constant criticism from the people who got to live in places without giant predatory arachnids, murderous fungi, constant risk of cavern collapse, death gas, lava rushes, earthquake hazards, falling rocks, giant bats, and the list went on. But she couldn't speak at the moment even if she wished too. She'd not be riled into giving up her and Thrae.

DM62: Jenna shrugs. "Surfacers lie too. All the time. I prefer the unliving... they're MUCH more honest." She sighs. "Of course, most of them don't speak at all." The human graybeard tilts his head. "I assume you also made a deal with the Webhunters. Securing the loyalty of one house, even the Spider Queen's house, will not be enough."

Zyanya : "The unliving can't be anything but honest. That's why they make the perfect minions to those that would use them. And yes, one house is never enough. A united land stands stronger than one divided by pettiness"

Helvoque: "I believe the others spoke to the Webhunters and worked up a bargain... I wasn't present for most of that, a bit... preoccupied elsewhere," the dwarf grumbles, crossing his arms.

Thrae would just let the others argue, personally she almost agreed with them, but she figured things wouldn't change down here. Instead she continued petting Vel, "Yes, we talked with the Webhunters already, they want us to go kill off some bandit minotaurs and driders."

DM62: The human nods. "And I'll come along with you on that hunt, if you'll have me. On the condition that we leave behind the minotaur chieftain's head, with my dagger in his eye. They crossed our organization, and need to be left a message. And reduced in number."

Thrae: "We don't need his head anyways, just 20 total."

Helvoque: "No kill like overkill," the dwarf mumbles. "Remind me to sharpen m' axe..."

DM62: The next morning, the cell door is unlocked and opened. "Right. Out you go. Everyone but that fucking drunk... it's crucifixion for him." The guards glare at the party as they emerge, looking into the cell. "What the..." The bitten guard is furious, looking at the party in a mixture of bewilderment and rage. "WHERE IS THAT FUCKING MOTHERFUCKING PISSDRINKER?"

Vel knew the perfect answer to the guards question, but well. Gagged. And not talking. So she'd jsut hope the others had a good idea here.

Helvoque: "Perhaps you should look deeper into the abyss, my good man," the dwarf spoke, quietly following the others. "Surely you would not have failed to allow such a slob to escape?" Sure, inside he was giggling but he kept a straight beard.

Zyanya: Crucifixion? That was...different. But the reaction of the guard when he realized someone was missing actually made the Shiriti chuckle on the inside. Not so nice when someone else plays you like a fool, is it? The tribal wasn't about to tell the guard however, feeling it best to keep her mouth shut. Lest she suffer a greater punishment.

Thrae would just shrug her shoulders, following along and letting Hel's comment hang in the air as she personally didn't think adding anything would have any chance of doing anything other then get the guard even more annoyed. Also because she wanted to get out of here faster.

DM62: The guard is in a rage. "ESCAPED PRISONER!" He glares at the party. "You bastards can stay in your cell and rot, until your friend returns." The guard captain, an attractive under elf in black leather, shakes her head. "Can't keep them here. Our Mistress wants them. You'd best find your missing drunkard." The bitten guard growls in anger but bows to the guard captain, then runs into the cell to look for some sign of the escaped human. Sir Malius speaks up to the captain. "Problem, my lady?" She shakes her head, and then moves to escort the party out of the dungeon, with ten guards flanking the party as they move.

Vel walks, staying close to her mistress as she observes her surroundings. This would be a good time for a really confident sniper to take a good shot. Big group, moving predictably, unlikely to miss.

Helvoque: With a clear path ahead, the dwarf is quiet again, watching the crew as they moved and waiting for something else to go wrong somehow

Thrae would have to avoid chuckling at the guards reaction to getting told off. She avoided it though, if only because there were alot of other guards right here and it would not do to piss them off. Instead she'd walk along, similar to Vel she'd be looking around a bit more, the arachne rather worried by the last days events.

Zyanya continued to hold her tongue, none too eager to make more enemies in the short time she'd been in this city. Well more enemies then she may have made already.

DM62: The party nears the Orbweaver palace, long strands of webbing strung along the area. They pass a particularly thick area of webbing, where there are partly-wrapped figures hanging. Upon closer examination, the figures have iron hooks driven through their wrists, hanging them in various points along the webbing. Their lower bodies are bounded in spider silk, and their stomachs are insanely bloated. The guard captain gestures. "The fate your friend seems to have avoided, for now. Hung up to die... but also to act as an egg sac for our pets. Even the useless can be made useful in this fashion. It also... discourages anyone from crossing us. At least openly."

Helvoque: The dwarf grimaces at the gruesome display. Sure, the dwarves had thier own terrible punishments back in the day, but the creativeness of them had mostly died out when the conservation of resources and the growth of civilization proper began to fuel the dwarven state more than clans warring and trying to show they were stronger than fellows. To see a thing like this in this day and age, well, it was quite barbaric.

Zyanya: So again, this was their punishment? For simply defending themselves after they and their friends were openly attacked by the owner of a business? What were they suppose to do? Let Thrae get beat up by the bartender? Of how bout just letting that man rape her or toss Hel through an open window? She needed to remind herself never to come back here unless she had a really really good reason. Or if she was paid. Maybe there was a way out of this, but she was hanging to a slim hope.

DM62: It's not long before the party is lead through a courtyard, then a long obsidian hallway, finally arriving in a rather grand throne room. Atop a high dais on a throne shaped vaguely like a massive spider is a female under elf in drider silk finery, idly playing with a curved dagger. She's not a young under elf, but she's beautiful in a matronly fashion, with heaving breasts and dusky eyes. A small weblike tiara sits atop her head. "So. You're the politicians that have been causing trouble in the Commons. Guards, escort them to the foot of the dais. I want a closer look at these... 'dangerous outlaws.'" The guard captain and guards escort the party to the foot of the dais. "Ah. Helvoque Magmahammer. When last I saw you, you were wrapped in a blanket."

Vel moves along with Thrae. Well this was the most dangerous room to be in right now. She had to hope nobody said the wrong thing.

Thrae would follow as the guards directed, the girl wondering how they suddenly became 'dangerous outlaws' considering she hadn't even done anything then take some punches. Darn guards overinflating there own work.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a bit of a huff as apparently his hidden livery on his shield didn't beat a elfkin's memory. "I can assure you, my lady, that the less said openly of my surname around here, probably for the better. Clearly I don't need any more help to get into trouble..." He says it with a tone of somewhat mirth, as he does incline himself into a respectable bow. May as well try to be nice.

Zyanya, again not blind to the fact this was a foreign ruler, was also inclined to bow as well as a sign of respect. Seems this wasn't going to be nearly as bad as she had anticipated.

DM62: "Relax, dwarf. If anyone here even harbored the thought of your death, they'd become a living egg sac. Without the mercy of crucifixion." She smirks. "Guards, you have done your duty with distinction. Still... you lost track of a drunkard, guard captain?" The captain blanches, bowing low. "Right. Have the guard responsible publicly raped by a minotaur, and be done with it. Now. Leave us." The guard captain moves back a few steps, still bowing, the other guards bowing as well. Then the guard captain rises and turns, her guards following her out of the chamber. Now the queen is left with the party, seemingly alone. "Now. I think I know what you want. But go on and tell me anyway."

Helvogue nods slowly. "Indeed. The land is under the assault of the orcish warlords, who has shown little mercies for any of their opponents thus far. Even your people, who sided alongside them to avoid the brunt of the ferocity they had shown. we were sent here as a delegation, of brothers and sisters of arms, to request your allegiance be swayed. Once the Orcs no longer have access to the Spiderbloom, there may yet be a chance to press them back to the deserts from whence they came."

DM62: "Of course. Well, you want something from me. And yet I don't see wagons of goods or chests of gold, so I am forced to believe that you bring nothing to offer me. Tell me, what have you brought into my realm, besides weapons?" She raises an eyebrow. "So I assume this means that you're hiring yourselves out as paid blades, in exchange for our offered support. And you've already been to the Webhunters. What was their price?"

Zyanya: "They seek a bounty on the heads of rogue driders an minotaurs. About 20 in total in exchange for their support. A small price if I may be so bold to make that assumption, my queen."

DM62: "They want twenty heads? Not bad. I only ask for one." She folds her arms, sitting back in her throne and regarding at the adventurers with an amused stare.

Helvoque: "Something tells me that this head you speak of will be a bit more... complex than simple brigands, however," Helvogue speaks aloud.

DM62: "Probably. Lady Seras Webhunter styles herself the Spider Queen of the Underlands. She's even hired her own Commons Guards, challenging me at every step." There's a pregnant pause. "You can bring me her head, or the head of Shilari, her eldest daughter. Either would significantly reduce their power. Of course, I cannot be implicated in this death, in any way."

Vel gives a muffled meow.

DM62: "Should I take that as a yes, then?"

Helvoque: The dwarf blanches, but he gives a bit of a grim nod. "Your words are heard, M'lady. We will see what we can do to ensure they are carried out..." He personally was pretty sure that this was a task far beyond them, but best give her some hope on the situation.

Vel: Interesting. Not the easiest task by any means but they had a previously unknown resource now. It might be feasible now that they have the illusionist again. Combined with Jenna's skills...

DM62: "Very well." She snaps her fingers, and a hooded figure walks out of the shadows, gesturing the party to follow it. And with that, the audience seems to be over. The hooded figure leads them out of the throne room, and through the obsidian hallway, in silence. As they pass a few large pillars about halfway, the figure murmurs quietly to Thrae. "Ask me a question so we have a reason to stop."

Zyanya: "If I may be blunt, is she serious? I mean. Killing monsters and bandits is one thing but something doesn't sit right in killing the head of a family or their eldest daughter. Even if they caused trouble. It may be because I'm an outsider but this just strikes me as a very rash action."

DM62: The figure stops as the Shiriti asks the question. "A fair question, Shiriti. But I can offer you an alternative. Relax, the ears in this chamber belong to me. Still, do not speak above a murmur."
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fourth Session, 15 October (part four, a counteroffer, setting out, a private conversation)
Vel was internally amused. Oh but this had gotten rich indeed. Counter offer time. Time to see what sort of games were being played today.

DM62: "Would you consider killing a Matron, if you were hired by that Matron's daughter?" The figure's voice is low, but definitely female.

Zyanya: "An alternative? What alternative would be that? I honestly don't know what could be much different about the situation." Of course, as she said that, the offer came up and the Shiriti was quite surprised. "Really now? So this is all about family infighting rather than royals being upset with a family?"

Hel grimaces. "The mother spiders, all trying to devour each others to get ahold of the males," he snarks, though considering under elves it probably was a compliment.

Vel chuckled mentally. She thought as much. But they weren't asking the big question. Who's daughter was this.

DM62: "My name is Lora Orbweaver. You just finished speaking to my dear mother, who believes that she successfully had me killed." The smirk can be heard in her voice. "I propose that you collect the twenty heads, granting you access to the Webhunter matron. Then you'll bring a head to my mother, letting her unwrap it to verify. When my mother is dead, I will seize control of the family. And I will ensure that my House supports you in this war."

Helvoque: "...I see..." the dwarf hums, giving a bit of a snort. "A double doublecross... though it will most certainly be tricky to fool two matrons over, if we even try it..."

DM62: "You're not fooling the Webhunters. Just bringing a trapped head to my mother. So you only have to fool the one matron."

Thrae: "And I'm guessing you've set yourself up to come out in charge after?"

Vel had to admit it was kinda fun watching these surface dwellers muddle their way through under elf politics. She'd have to wait and see if they'd do the smart thing now. Vel also needed to give Thrae a puppy so she could remember things that were said to her.

DM62: "You could say that, yes. I've managed to fool her so far." There's a chuckle from the hooded figure. "That, or see if you can assassinate the Matron of the Webhunters... or her daughter... without being detected."

Helvoque: "Hrmph. Well, if you seek such a rule, we will do what we can... Perhaps it may work," the dwarf states, looking thoughtful. They did still have one house they could seek for assistance, however.

DM62: The hooded figure nods. "Words are meaningless. I know you will help me... because it is in your best interests and it most closely aligns to your nature. Now. I will play a good bodyguard and escort you back outside of the palace." She resumes the walk through the obsidian hallway.

Helvoque just snorts as he walks, not saying his opinion on the matter yet as they all left the room.

Vel follows Thrae as she hoped they'd do the best thing as their next course. They had the tools after all, they jsut needed to use them.

Thrae nods herself, this honestly seemed somewhat like there was a better chance of this succeeding then trying to take out the webhunters. Either way though, they would need to do the bandit mission first, that would give them enough time and an 'in' to get to the webhunters to stage up the fake out.

DM62: The hooded figure stops at the palace entry. "Good luck. We will contact you when you depart the palace of the Webhunters, after your mission for them is complete." The human disguised as Sir Malius nods. "Right. I can guide you folk to the drider and minotaur bandits, if you're ready. I'll tell you about their encampment on the way."

Vel grunted. She needed to convey to them something but couldn't without words for something this complex. Damn it. Guess she'd just have to pray it'd work out.

DM62: Jenna strokes the chimera's fur. "What is it, Vel? Is Timmy stuck in a well?"

Helvoque: "...Wasn't there a third group that we were supposed to contact down here?" the dwarf adds. "Not that I wish to push 'usurping an entire dynasty's power structure' off the table, but still, that can backlash on so many levels there that it'd not help to have some backup plans..."

Vel blinks when Jenna pets her, starting to purr. Darn perceptive gnomes. She glances back towards the way the hooded figure went and mewled. Crap, she jsut had to pray they started thinking if they focused on her.

DM62: "Sir Malius" shakes his head. "Darkrazors have gone underground. Even my contacts can't seem to get a good fix on them. The Darkrazors aren't as good at planning as the Orbweavers, and they aren't as mighty as the Webhunters. But you don't find them unless they want to be found."

DM62: Jenna shakes her head. "Something about the hooded figure." She looks at the drider. "Maybe you could ungag your friend when we get away from people?"

Helvoque: "Certainly no harm. Besides, she may be a slave but she is a person, maybe she has some insights that'd be useful sometimes."

DM62: "She's a big fluffy person!" Jenna giggles, running her fingers through the chimera's fur affectionately.

Vel purrs more, though only being a bit bigger than the gnome as it were.

Thrae would look at Jenna, then at Hel, dammit! At least the gnome seemed to know it had to be away from other people, but now Hel would either have to know or would get suspicious. Then she'd sigh and give a half glare, before saying as quietly as she can to Jenna and Hel, "Fine, when we are away from others."

Zyanya: "I may be newer to this group but why is she gagged in such a manner. It strikes me as a little odd that we'd so readily silence one of our companions for any reason. It's like breaking someones leg so they can't travel."

DM62: "Well I'm sure we can discuss it later." Jenna answers a bit curtly, still stroking the chimera. Arturus raises an eyebrow but remains quiet. Eventually the party reaches a quiet mushroom field, away from the settled areas of the under elf realm.

Helvoque: "Probably a Under Elf tradition of some kind. I know they had originally domesticated the Chimera prior but beyond that I never really saw them in the Dwarven lands... Though she has certainly shown ferocity in a fight, so I can see why you'd want to isolate such accidental incidents." The dwarf shrugs. "We don't keep slaves in the western Underlands, so I'd be terrible at answering that question in detail." He nods at Jenna's words, thumbing his hammer's head again idly.

Vel grumbled mentally. Well so much for her gag. Well, she supposed she would have to weigh between showing why the gag was necesarry some more or revealing her speech capacity, for what it was, and just play dumb. But it'd be so much harder to do so...

Thrae would look at Jenna again, it was rather obvious that unless she was directly asked again, she wasn't likely going to stop and ungag Vel. The arachne still clinging to the slightest hope that maybe their ruse wouldn't get seen through.

DM62: Jenna sees the look from Thrae, looking back at her. Still stroking the chimera's fur as she walks, she raises an eyebrow expectantly, as if to say, "What now?" Then she looks ahead again, still walking with an amused smile.

Vel purrs as she walks alongside Jenna, curious what would happen. She kept her snake tails eyes open behind her as she went.

Helvoque stays quiet, shield and hammer loose in his hand as they move through the wilds. Now it was time to get dangerous...

Thrae would see the look from Jenna, before finally tapping her staff on the ground unbinding Vel. She'd leave handling this in the much more capable Chimera's hands now...

Zyanya: Her spear a reliable walking stick, the shiriti warrior was rather curious to see what would happen following the unbinding of Vel. "Let the fun begin." she muttered under her breath.

Vel blinks then looks at her fully dropped bindings, then simply scoops them up and carries them with her as she peers around with both her heads, before dropping to a crouch and scratching an ear with her foot.

DM62: Jenna softly ruffles the chimera's fur. "Awwww... would you mind taking me for a ride, darling?" She looks at the chimera with a smile.

Vel blinks, then looks to Thrae questioningly.

Thrae looks at Jenna, then looks at Vel, then shrugs, "I guess she can? Though is walking truly that hard for you, gnome?"

DM62: "Oh, I just wanted to go fast for a bit." She giggles again, clambering atop the chimera and very lightly kicking her heels. "Woohoo!"

Vel sets her bondage gear down and drops to all fours, before scampering about the fields, letting Jenna ride atop her, moving quite numbly around the mushrooms, keeping clear of dangerous ones.

Thrae picks up Vel's gear and stores it away in her bag for later, for now since they could be jumped at any time by god knows what, and how the party was starting to notice the gear more, she figured the gear could go away for a while.

(a private conversation between a keen necromancer and a not-so-dumb chimera)
DM62: Once a short distance from the party, Jenna gives a slight tug on Vel's fur to slow her down. "Right... I think there's a very good chance that you've got something to say... but you don't want to say it in front of everyone. If you can speak, and if you want to tell me, I can keep a secret. And I can pass off your idea as my own."

Vel blinks then pauses, before whispering. "...Fine. You've always been the sharpest one. If we get privacy at camp we can talk better. And... I appreciated the offer before... But everyone's not asking the right question. What we should be doing is finding out about the situation. Who's Lora, why was she targeted by her mother, why are the weavers making a move now, who's backing who. If they just go with whoever talks to them last they'll be just pawns to everyone's games." "We have an illusionist and a smuggler, both clearly high up. They know things. Use em."

DM62: "I agree... but I don't trust either of them completely. It's entirely possible that they were monitoring the party, and that's how they discovered you had been poisoned. But what if they were the ones who hired the assassins in the first place? "There's so much we don't know and can't find out without a lot of time and knowledge. But for now, I think we should carefully rely on their expertise."

Vel: "That's been on my mind too. Welcome to the Underlands by the way, everything wants to use, abuse or kill you. IF you wanna live, you keep hidden and do the same. And it's not just us either. Half these mushrooms could be nasty traps or predators. Anyways, let's meet up in private with Thrae, and we can... Talk better. Cus if I gotta carry you and talk, I'm gonna suffocate, I'm really runty."

DM62: "Not my first visit, darling. But that's a story for another time. Tonight I'll be sleeping with the dwarf prince again. It would look odd if I did not. So no privacy in camp, unless we get lucky." She chuckles. "I don't trust you completely either. But you're smart and fluffy. And I like you. That's a good start." She strokes the chimera's fur as they return to the party.

Vel: "Like you too, cutey. And you shouldn't trust me fully. Shouldn't trust anyone fully. And you pet me, so it's all good."
Vel hurries back after a bit to catch up, carrying Jenna with her, looking out of breath a bit, before laying down to let Jenna climb off.

DM62: "Whew! That was a fun ride! Thanks Thrae! Thanks Vel!" The gnome plants a kiss on the chimera's head before hopping off. She looks at the smuggler and the kitsune. "So. First you can tell us about the minotaur and drider camp. And then I think it would help if you told us everything you know about under elf politics, starting with what's known about Lora Orbweaver."

((end of session))
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Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 22 October (part one, under elf politics, under elf history, new friends, old friends, temptation, camp)
DM62: The smuggler chuckles. "Fair enough. Though I should probably give you folks the basic rundown of under elf politics, in case you're new here. Well... the under elves were 'cast out of the light' by the wood elves a long time ago. They were devious types that were willing to resort to... deceitful measures to obtain and keep control. Not just subterfuge and trickery, but sabotage and assassination. How exactly they came to the Spiderbloom and set up their home here is not known to me. The three major houses named themselves after the three most prevalent spiders here: the Webhunters, the Orbweavers, and the Darkrazors. They're very similar to their namesakes. Webhunters are strong, agile, and aggressive. Incredible warriors. Orbweavers are engineers and strategists, capable of great feats of ingenuity... and political guile. The Darkrazors are masters of subterfuge--incomparable spies and assassins, born and raised in places that even an under elf would consider 'dark.'"

Vel purrs and walks over by thrae, awaiting to be rebound, minus her gag anyways.

DM62: "Ostensibly, the three houses are ruled by a single 'Spider Queen,' but in reality there are often two or three claimants to the Webbed Throne. Of course, no one wants to be embroiled in an actual all-out conflict. All a major house would need to do to win would be to stay neutral until the other two major houses have worn themselves down... then sweep up. The three major houses are never at war. Nor are they ever at peace." He pauses. "Everyone following along so far? Even the basics here are complicated."

Thrae tapped her staff, rebinding Vel, though she did keep the gag off. The arachne a bit happy that she didn't have to bind the chimera up as much as normally for now.

Zyanya: "Well, what you just explained is something that can be similarly applied to war. Let two of your enemies fight amongst hemselves, ware down their numbers and then with your stronger and more prepared force, sweep in and strike while the opportunity is there." Zyanya, while not a fan of such methods, was at least willing to hear them out and see what she could learn from them. Best way to counter them was to learn their methods and find flaws.

DM62: "Exactly right. It's a shadow war here. There has never been a pitched battle between the houses. There are no armies. Just guards, spies, assassins, and the like." He shakes his head. "Honestly, I find it a little exhausting to keep up with it all. But their money is good, and they're handy folks for smugglers to deal with. There are also many minor houses, most of them affiliated loosely with a major house. Audaxia, for example," he gives a nod to Thrae the drider, "is known for its bravery, and closely tied to the Webhunter house. Anyway, I guess now I'll talk a little about Lora Orbweaver, unless you've got general questions about under elf politics?" At this point there's commotion from a tunnel to the right of and above the party. Something is tumbling through it, toward the party.

Zyanya: "All have it's uses, I suppose. If it's worked for them for this long, then I suppose it could work for us." Zyanya however was very aware of the noise above them, the Shiriti gettng her spear in a ready position. She wasn't about to be caught off guard

[Alexis/Caulder loses internet connection.]

Thrae: "I sense some more people are about to drop in on us." Thrae deadpanned as she heard the tunnel making noise.

Vel steps to the side, awaiting the tumbling fall of what was likely, a hobo.

DM62: There's a yelp as whatever was tumbling down the tunnel is pulled back up. The sound fades away. "Huh." The smuggler looks at the tunnel, shrugs, and continues walking. "Right. Lora Orbweaver... the supposedly-deceased daughter of the Orbweaver Matron. The Matron of the Orbweavers has laid claim to the Webbed Throne. So has the Matron of the Webhunters. Business as usual. Before she made her bid for power, however, the Orbweaver Matron needed an heir. She did the smart thing and had four daughters. Of those, Lora was the clear choice for heir. She was smart. She was strong. She was ruthless. One of her sisters fled for the surface lands. One voluntarily renounced her birthright. One of them died, though it's suspected that the dead sister was the aggressor in that conflict. Lora was already a powerful under elf in her own right, when she came of age."

DM62: "Eventually she vanished. Signs pointed to drider assassins, belonging to no guild. There was a little blood, but no body. Of course, there was no proof of how she came to vanish, but it was suspected among most that the heir to the Orbweaver throne had grown too dangerous for the Matron to keep around. Frankly, I'd have been surprised if it WASN'T an assassination ordered by the Orbweaver Matron." He frowns. "Anyway, the Matron rescinded the other daughter's vow, reinstating her as the sole heir. Technically speaking, a legal move, since all the proper heirs were missing or dead."

DM62: "Anyway, that's enough exposition for now. I doubt most of you even read all of that. But I'm sure someone will put it in a log for nobody to read. Ever." The smuggler sighs.

DM62: Jenna nods, patting the dwarf. "I'm sure Helvoque can refer to it later." The smuggler chuckles. "Right, well. Enough about the fourth wall. The smuggling ring that I belong to has targeted the same bandits that the Webhunters sent you after. Driders and minotaurs, who capture denizens here in order to mass-produce drider eggs. Some fertilized, some unfertilized. Many of them get sold to be eaten as a delicacy, but one that's illegal in under elf society. Anyway, I'd hired some muscle to help us teach them a lesson. Should be up here a little ways." Sure enough, there are two figures approaching the party through the mushroom field, a drider leading a rather massive dragonkin through the field of mushrooms.

Vel walks through on all fours, watching the approaching people curiously. More lizard people...

Zyanya: Well that was certainly an odd ring to be running. Guess she never considered what sort of items go for high value in a region as inhospitable as this. But at least they'd be getting help and it would be welcome indeed. More sword arms made quick work of most enemies

Thrae was rather curious about who was coming, wondering just how the drider had gotten such a large dragonkin into there service.

Raz'Qui is stretching out his arms and skeletal wings. The dragonkin stands at an impressive seven feet, eight inches. His body is thick and heavily muscled, but not so much as to prevent a full range of motion. His body is covered in small smooth white scales, being almost invisible from their size. Raz'Qui is a martial warrior and his body shows it. A nasty scar runs across his right eye, leaving the orb a milky white. His wings have seen more wear and tear then the rest of his body. A portion of the last limb on the left wing has been cut off. The membrane is noticable lacking on both leaving behind a skeletal frame. The rest of his body is covered in pale scars and are nearly invisible having been ages old. Both his claws and teeth have been sharped to fine tips designed to rend and tear his foes. His body decked out in leather and blades.

DM62: The drider is a tall one, moving with shadows that seem to thicken around her black frame. Thrae and Vel would immediately recognize her spider half as a massive Darkrazor body. She carries a crossbow in one hand. The smuggler nods to her. "Rylara. A pleasure to see you, as always. Any trouble?" The drider shakes her head, using sign language to respond (Thrae and Vel can understand her): No trouble. The bandits are unaware of their impending, violent demise. She smiles to the human, giving a small bow.

Raz'Qui watches the newcomers approach warily. Seeing Vel's state, he gave a frown, clearly disapproving.

Vel notes the stealthy drider. Assassin drider hm. Best watch that one. The dragon was half blind but clearly a power house. Didn't seem to approve. Whether that was of chimera's, slaves, or jsut the fact she by all rights should be of similar size and build to him but wasn't, hard to say.

DM62: "Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Rylara, our spy, and Raz'Qui, our muscle." He nods to the dragonkin. "I assume that Rylara talked your ear off on the way here?" he quips. The drider rolls her eyes, signing back. Very funny, human. You know what else is funny? A human smuggler with an ass stuffed with my eggs. The human clears his throat uncomfortably.

Thrae wouldn't need more then a moment to take note of the darkrazor drider's likely skill set. Assassination and scouting, though further observation was cut off by Thrae trying to avoid laughing a bit at the drider's quip back to the smuggler. Atleast she seemed entertaining, to bad she was another drider though, it was unlikely she'd be able to trust the darkrazor to much.

Vel liked this drider. Well admittedly she had a thing for driders, but either way. Didn't trust her whatsoever, but she didn't trust anyone but Thrae. And Jenna. slightly more anyways. Needed to talk to Thrae about that given the opurtunity. Maybe during the fighting...

[Alexis/Caulder regains internet connection.]

DM62: At this point there's the sound of tumbling from another tunnel, this one above and to the left of the party. The smuggler turns. "Huh. I wonder if this one will make it through." Then a heavily-webbed-up Alexis rolls out of the tunnel, landing heavily in a pile of aphrodisiac mushrooms. The mushrooms cushion her fall... but also an aphrodisiac cloud rises up around the bound dragonkin. Jenna smiles, though staying out of the cloud. "Welcome back." ((I doubt Zyanya or Raz'Qui would know that the spores from these mushrooms are aphrodisiac.))

Alexis grunts and groans, muffled moans coming from her bound up form as she squirms atop the mushrooms, all but her eyes wrapped up in webbing.

Raz'Qui raises an eyebrow at the sight of the bound up dragonkin. The barest hint of a smile touching his lips before he hides it once more.

Zyanya: "Well, now we know where she went. But we should do something about her bindings. See if we can ask where she's been."

Vel backs away swiftly from the mushroom cloud. Whoo boy.

Raz'Qui moved towards her and gave a quick swipe with his claws to cut the webbing. Completely ingnorant of the mushroom's purpose.

Vel guessed she'd get to see how dragons breed.

Zyanya: All the while, Zyanya was rather curious about the new arrivals. A mute drider and a dragonkin fist fighter. Certainly not the strangest mix of warriors out there, but she was use to surprises. Once Raz freed Alexis, Zyanya would help up the dragon kin

Raz'Qui would have a sword nearly as large as himself strapped to his back now that they could see it.

DM62: The aphrodisiac works fairly steadily, and Alexis and Raz'Qui can feel themselves becoming rather aroused. Possibly by finding others of their species, but also fired by the spore cloud. Zyanya can feel the effect too, becoming moist as she moves to help her friend up. The smuggler raises an eyebrow. "Friend of yours?"

Alexis: As the webbings are sliced free, Alexis moans as she pulls herself free from her bindings. "Mmmm...Gods above...What a trip..." she says, standing and stretching, a smile on her face as she notices the other dragonkin. "Mmmm...Not the worst thing to be freed by." she says, her tongue licking her lips.

Zyanya: "We were a much larger group that got seperated on our way into the city. Guess we're finally getting the gang back together as it were. How you feeling Alexis?"

Alexis: "Hot. And wanting to jump this fine specimen of a dragon right now, but fighting back that urge." the dragonkin says as she looks Raz'Qui over.

Thrae stayed back with Vel, not exactly eager to get hit by the cloud. Though if this decended into an orgy then she could just magic herself anyways.

Raz'Qui would be packing another mighty tool beneath his leather armour. His hands working to free themselves of the webbing that had stubbornly clung to his hands.

Zyanya: "I admit, it does feel a little warmer in here. Just what the hell did you land in anyway?"

DM62: "Yes, well..." the kitsune illusionist, Irena, deadpans at them. "You might not want to stand in the middle of that spore cloud, then. Mushroom aphrodisiacs can last for a few days at a time, if heavily inhaled." The graybearded smuggler snickers, and Jenna covers her smile with a hand.

Raz'Qui would pipe up for the first time in a deep almost feral voice. "Yes, she is right. It is some sort of lust inducing flora." He would step out of the cloud with a frown. "A little late for that."

Alexis shudders and steps out of the cloud herself, her own body covered in leather adventuring gear, a whip stored in a loop on her right hip. "Mmmm...Little too late for regrets, handsome." she says to the male dragonkin, winking suggestively at him, clearly suffering the same effects as he was.

Zyanya: "Fuck...I should have known better." Zyanya stepped back, doing her best not to breath in any more of the stuff then she ahd to. "ANd a few days? Spirits that's annoying."

Raz'Qui: "Could be much worse then that." The massive dragon gave the other dragonkind a looking over for a long moment, appreciating the view.

DM62: The Darkrazor drider, Rylara, nods, and signs to the human smuggler. There's a safe area to camp up ahead. Empty. Hidden entrance. No occupants or visitors. We can rest before going after our prey... and these three can smut it out. The greybeard nods. "Yes. There's a place up ahead we can camp for the night. And if you need any help, Shiriti, well... I offer you my humble services, such as they are." He gives a small bow. The drider rolls her eyes again, leading the group forward.

Vel skirts the mushrooms, following after Thrae as she keeps her eyes open, both sets of them.

Thrae was much the same, skirting around the mushroom cloud as she followed after the other drider. She didn't think it was likely they would get attacked right now, but of course, you never knew, so best to keep vigiliant.

Raz'Qui would follow along, though his eyes did drift to the females of the group despite himself trying not to leer at them lecherously.

Alexis growls approvingly as the larger dragon looks her over, before following along, wrapping her arms around one of his. "Mmmm...What say we find somewhere private and work off these spores together, handsome?"

Raz'Qui glanced down at the smaller dragonkin. "Sure, I don't see the harm."

DM62: There's quite the smorgasboard of females to admire, Raz'Qui notes. A white-haired kitsune. A blonde gnome, dressed in black leather. And two very different female driders, their upper halves as alluring as their lower halves are dangerous. Not to mention the human jungle warrior.

Zyanya: "I'll think about it, my friend. I may see if there's anything i can do about it on my own first before I explore certain options"

Raz'Qui is quite content to let the vertable feast of female flesh walk ahead of him as he takes up the rear.

Alexis hums as she hugs the dragonkin's arm. "Mmmm...Good...It's been years since I've met another dragonkin..."

DM62: It's not long before the group reaches the cave, set into the area in a way that makes it impossible to see or even find unless one looks at it from precisely the right angle. The sanctuary is rather sizeable, giving the party members a limited amount of privacy. The smuggler nods. "Don't let the gray in my hair fool you. It's dye. And there's nothing quite like the real thing." He gives her ass a small pat as he passes her. The drider signs to the smuggler. Tell them not to build any fires. It will stay warm enough in here. And we want to stay hidden. The smuggler nods, relaying the message.

Raz'Qui: "I know the feeling, it has been a century for me."

Vel nods and awaits a chance to slip off with the drider. While she would like Jenna to come too, she understood the importance of things seeming normal.

Alexis growls as they arrive at the sanctuary, tugging her new catch off to the side and finding a somewhat private area, her lusts clouding her judgement.

Raz'Qui glanced about a moment before unsling his pack and throwing down a rather large bedroll by one wall. He then began to rather boldy strip out of his armour and gear.

Thrae would notice the dragonkins eyes on her, and blush just the tiniest bit, though she kept it mostly down as she walked past. When they reached the cavern she 'read' the darkrazor's words. Well that seemed rather obvious. Though she noticed Vel was just the tiniest bit agitated. She figured a talk was coming up soon.

DM62: Jenna follows the dwarf... who falls fast asleep within seconds of laying down. She shrugs, then discreetly moves to follow the chimera and drider, nodding to Vel.

Alexis throws off her own pack next to Raz' and begins to take off the numerous belts and bandoliers on her person. moving to strip her own clothes off, those spores really doing a number on her inhabitions, which were already fairly low to begin with.

Zyanya places her gear down in a comfortable spot, sneaking after the dragonkin. She had to admit, the idea of rutting with a pair of dragons might actually be interesting. See if the male can stand up to the endurance of a shiriti.

Raz'Qui would soon be naked, his rather impressive length of dragon meat standing tall. It might be slightly bigger then a foot, but it was hard to tell given his overall size. The sight of the other women in the party certainly didn't help it any either.

DM62: The smuggler sits, producing a small metal mirror. He then pulls a blade out from hiding, examining the razor-sharp edge before beginning to expertly groom his gray beard, trimming it short. He pulls out another mushroom, a black one, smearing it in his hands and mixing it with a puddle of water, then running that through his hair. Within a half-hour, he's a rather young-looking male, with a trimmed black beard and the sides of his head shorn close, the top portion left long and tied in a knot. The smuggler then removes his frayed and tattered robe, turning it inside out. The inside of the robe is actually made of rather thick, dark red cloth. The sort of thing that a scholar might wear on a journey. He dons the robe this way, changing his apparent monetary status, and dons a small pair of spectacles. Having completely changed his apparent age and status without the use of any magic, he lays down to rest for a while, his blade vanishing into his crimson robes.
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Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 22 October (part two, a gnome, a drider, a chimera, a gift)
Vel slips to the side, awaiting the other two to come in, then musing a bit. "We'll keep this brief because I don't trust the Darkweaver to not have a means of listening in.," she whispers, "Jenna knows I talk, Thrae and that I'm not just a mindless pet. Normally I'd be inclined to eliminate risks like this, but well... You were willing to help me if the poison took me, Jenna, so I'm willing to risk a bit on you being safer than anyone else. Might be a foolish risk, but it's done now."

DM62: Jenna nods. "And had I perceived you as a threat... actually I'd probably keep doing what I'm doing now. Stay close and keep observing. But as I said, your secret is safe with me." She shrugs. "I'm still curious why you two came along, though. Most under elves don't seem to care what happens on the surface, one way or the other. Same with the driders and chimera."

Thrae had already pieced together an idea that this was the case. So she wasn't too shocked by the conversation. "Good to know." Though if Jenna did tell there secret, she would make sure the woman had a few thousand amps of lightning flowing through her before she could finish. Then she would look over at Vel, checking if they should answer this question.

Vel: "Well we are a threat. So's everyone out there. I still consider you one but just slightly less.," blinks Vel, "But gathering more information is never harmful in and of itself certainly. I've accepted the risk that you will likely gather much on us." She looks to Thrae then back to Jenna, "Self interest is what leads us to assist in this venture. Like I said, trusting anyone is foolish. But the orcs are in the way of my mistresses interests. And while we could jsut let you all sort this out for us like the other houses are clearly intending to do, we have a larger vested interest in your success than them. So we're on your side for as long as the orcs are a threat."

DM62: Jenna nods. "I really don't care much either. But the alliance is losing, and I'm a gnome. The orcs would likely try to rape me if they came across me. And you guys DID save me. Even one who deals with the dead repays her debts." She pauses. "Especially one who deals with the dead." Jenna frowns, looking in the direction of the smutting dragons and Shiriti. "Is anyone else curious where your dragonkin friend spent the past few days? And how she came to us unharmed?" She looks back to Vel. "For that matter, I assume you relayed the message to your 'mistress?'"

Vel: "Interesting, but you're not wrong. And curious? Certainly so, but I can't risk asking, so that's on you two to discover. Assuming even she knows where she ended up.," shrugs Vel before looking to Jenna, "No, I've not had an oppurtunity until now to communicate with her. When many people know sign language, it stops being a secret way to communicate beyond being silent. Hence the bondage gear. Besides being expected it removes the temptation to do something that might reveal myself.

Though you seem to see through it regardless. What tipped me off, if I may ask? Also, you can tell her the message if you like?"

DM62: Jenna shrugs. "Well there were signs. For example, the look of relief on Thrae's face when she saw you return to her." The gnome smirks a little. "But I didn't know for certain until you spoke. On the other hand, if you were truly a dumb animal, then you wouldn't care what I was saying to you." She turns to Thrae. "What we saw when we were gone... I can't tell you much. I'm not afraid of much, living or dead. But there are Beings down here that I fear. The under elves are not the true mistresses of the Spiderbloom. I cannot tell you more, except for the message that we were given to relay to you. A gift from the true Ruler of the spiders and spiderkin."

Vel: "I figured as much to be honest but I decided to take a risk on you.," shrugs Vel, "Need to work on the not caring demeanor, Mistress. I know you're trying really hard, and not everyone's as observant as Jenna, but we need to be wary of those who are. Case and point here." She sits down and scritches her ear with her hind leg, seeming to not be hearing any of what Jenna was saying to Thrae.

Thrae would look between Vel and Jenna, wondering just what this message was they were talking about, and also a bit embarassed at being the source of what got them spotted, "Sorry about that. It was hard to keep it up when the whole incident happened there." She'd listened to what Jenna said though, "Well that is interesting, what is the message?"

DM62: Jenna's eyes seem to glaze over for a moment, and her voice gets lower, not at all sounding like herself. "Heed me well, my daughter. If you truly wish to become the first Matron of the Driders, then some day you must learn to traverse the Spiderbloom. It extends far beyond the under lands... into the surface world, and even into other worlds beyond. Just bear in mind the eight red eyes of your true Queen," Thrae is suddenly overwhelmed by a vision of eight massive red eyes staring into her very soul, black shapes swirling within them, "and I will guide you on safe paths. And if you ever find yourself nearing a vast Abyss of blackness beyond darkness, turn back. For there are only teeth and hunger within." The vision slowly fades, and Jenna shakes her head, returning to herself. She trembles slightly.

Vel seems to have completely not noticed any of what jsut happened, looking around at the cave.

Thrae had been listening very intently, before suddenly the vision would flash into her mind. The sight suprising her with its intensity and with the stare the eight eyes had. She couldn't tell if she was supposed to be in awe or terrified. Then Jenna continued and she listened even more intently then before, till it ended and Jenna returned to herself. Thrae wouldn't avoid shaking a little bit as well. "Well....that was quite the message...Thank you for giving it to me."

DM62: "As long as I never, ever have to relive that again." Jenna shudders, giving the drider a small smile, but clearly distraught. "Suffice it to say that even among such powers, it can be very rewarding to be polite. And deadly to have a lack of manners." She shakes her head. "But enough of that. I propose that we speak to Alexis early tomorrow morning. See what she remembers."

Vel perks up as though nothing was amiss. "Yes, I trust you two to do it. Now much as I'm tempted to use this brand new chance to talk with someone besides Thrae and talk your ear off, talking this much hurts my throat.," whispers Vel, grimacing as she rubs it, "Never get your throat slit."

Thrae: "Yes, that sounds like a good idea." Thrae said, to both Jenna's statements really. "Now though we should return. Though I must admit the view from here is not unpleasant." Thrae had shifted herself a bit so she could see the two Dragonkin and Zyanya having there fun just a bit away.

DM62: Jenna chuckles. "Well maybe I can watch you two... relieve each others' tensions?" She smirks, moving forward and lightly trailing a finger over Vel's sheath, teasing the chimera.

Vel gives a hiss of shock as Jenna brushes her, "Erm... Not used to.... Public performances...," she mumbles quietly, embarrassed and fidgeting a bit. "But if mistress wishes to make use of her servant, than I can;t refuse... Though suppose you prefer the dwarf, hm Jenna?"

DM62: "Chimerae cocks are... an uncomfortable shape for me. As much as I enjoy playing with them... fingers and tongue... I'm afraid that actual sex would just be a lot of pain for me. Gnome anatomy and all." Her finger slides up and down the sheath, trying to coax out the chimera's phallus.

Vel: "From what I've seen, gnomes can stretch to take far bigger than me... And I mean you took that deathroller, and I'm bout that. But I only sleep with mistress anyways," whispers Vel with a shrug, shivering as she begins to erect her hybrid cock from her sheath under the Gnome's teasing, looking a bit embarrassed at being exposed like this while with her mistress.

Thrae's attention was pulled away from the dragonkin/Shiriti group and over toward Vel. It was rather hard not to when the chimera's cock was coming out.

DM62: The gnome nods, not speaking at the moment, and leans in to softly lap at the emerging phallus, working to tease the chimera to full length. Her hand works at the chimera's sheath gently.

Vel gives a quiet meow as she shivers, groaning at the lapping, trying to keep up the pretense of not being the dom there as she gleefully enjoys Jenna's work, reaching her full engorgement swiftly and leaking her strange pre, shivering with a blush. "Probably good either way we aren't going to. You might get pregnant. You know, if you and the dwarf haven't already. Been smelling him on you..."

DM62: "I can think of worse fates than bearing an heir to the dwarven empire, and receiving all the benefits as the mother of such." She smirks, her supple fingers teasing up the length of his shaft lightly. She glances over at the drider. "I think Vel is ready for you, my dear. But before you start... could I trouble you for a little of your silk? Enough to... bind a dwarf's wrists behind his back?"

Vel: "I figured as much.," giggles Vel quietly, "You'd have made a good under elf. Well good luck with that, I'm of little help in that regards though mistress knows ero magic if you have an idea and can convince her sometime." Vel fidgets, shivering, quite aroused. Some part of her was disappointed to not get a chance at the gnome but Thrae was enjoyable even if she had to play at submission for the time being.

Thrae: "Ohh? Going to go give him a good wake up?" Thrae said with a grin as she began spinning some silk around one of her legs. When she had enough she handed it over to Jenna. "There you go, payback for getting Vel all good to go." The drider's eyes looked back at the Chimera's arousal, though she was going to have to make an attempt at being the lead partner this time.

DM62: "Thank you, dear. I'm sure Hel will appreciate his little surprise." The gnome winks at the pair, then slides across the enclosed campsite to the slumbering dwarf, a small but mischievous smirk upon her lips.

Thrae smiled back at Jenna, and then when the gnome left, she'd turn to Vel. "Well then, guess we should put this," Her own hand wraps around Vel's exposed shaft. It seemed Thrae was putting her effort into pretending now. "to good work." Thrae would move closer, trying to get Vel on her back even as her hand continued to lightly stroke at the chimera.

Vel mewls and shivers, humping lightly into her hand, even as she falls over with a grunt and meow of complaint, not resisting her mistresses advances.

Thrae: Taking advantage of the new position, Thrae cooed a bit. "Hmmm, Jenna really got you going didn't she?" The arachne would slide her other hand down and push her loincloth out of the way and revealing her pussy. Slowly crouching down toward Vel's level well lining up the Chimera's member with her slit. Quietly she added. "Though being on top feels so weird."

Vel: "Shh, roll with it. Besides, need to broaden your horizons.," whispers Vel, shivering as she watched her daughter prepare to take her from on top. It was overdo really to train her to be sexually dominant in public, may as well start now. After all there was certain expectations to uphold.

Thrae nodded, and noticed Vel's shiver. Maybe she'd have to get more practice at this for the chimera. Either way she only took a few more moments of holding Vel's shaft at her entrance, before dropping down a bit further. The arachne taking the entirety of Vel's shaft into her and her insides almost immediatly working with well practiced skill to give Vel all the pleasure she could. Slowly lifting back up Thrae almost seemed to be doing it to tease Vel, or maybe she was just unsure of her movements. Either way she'd hold at her tip again before dropping back down, starting at a slow pace.

Vel gives a low mewl as she's engulfed, shivering and squirming beneath her, before her daughter teases up again, slowly thrusting down on her. She bites her lip, at Thrae's mercy as she throbs inside of her. This wasn't new to her but it had been a long while since she had been used like this. Used then discarded with an egg to raise and care for on her own...

Thrae didn't notice Vel's train of thoughts. The arachne girl still a bit hung up on the oddity of her leading. Her movements started to get faster as she got a bit more sure of herself. Though she still seemed rather awkward at it, and the look on her face was one that was between alot of pleasure and wondering if she should be doing something ontop of that. She eventually ended up deciding to have her hands slip up Vel's stomach and start playing with the chimera's breasts.

Vel gasps, squirming as her breasts are played with now, bucking up at Thrae best she can as the larger stronger drider has her way with her, her moaning quietly under the pleasure of her partner. She gave a subtle nod of approval, whispering quietly. "That's it... In public just do as I mentioned. I'm property and treat me as such... use me however you want, make me do this, force me to do things... Act like I would..."

Thrae seemed to think for a moment, before she bent her abdomen a bit and shot out some webbing that pinned Vel's legs, hips and arms to the ground, keeping her from bucking. "Let's start with this then." Her speed continued to pick up as her hands played with Vel's breasts a bit more roughly. Though if Vel seemed to be approaching her climax, Thrae would slow down. Now she was definitely teasing the Chimera.

Vel gives a surprised meow, squirming against the webbing. As she neared her edge, Thrae began to slow down, her mewling in discomfort and desire. Well, she could say that for her daughter, she was a fast learner. She was doing as she was meant to so she couldn't hold it against her, no matter how much she wanted to get off. Besides, she had endured far worse sexual torment already.

Thrae would continue to keep Vel from climaxing, till finally she herself started to reach her edge. The drider girl having alot more trouble getting off well being on top for some reason. Still eventually she was getting close, and in response she bent over Vel, using the new position to speed up her movements greatly. Then, with what would have been a cry if she didn't muffle it by biting lightly on Vel's shoulder. The drider climaxed, and hopefully brought the Chimera over with her.

The gnome is quietly watching the chimera and drider at a distance, riding the bound dwarf prince to climax. She seems to have the dwarf going at about the same pace, enjoying his orgasm along with his own.

Vel mewls a bit, shivering as her climax tapers off, curious to see if Thrae would let her go now or keep using her.

Thrae had a bit of fun, but she really didn't think she'd continue right now. She preferred it when she wasn't in charge. So after Vel and her climaxes finally ended she'd pull herself back up and free the chimera. "We should head back now before more people come along."
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Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 22 October (part three, a gnome, a dwarf, a prisoner, a prince, bad memories)
DM62: Meanwhile, Helvoque awakens with his hands bound behind his back by drider webbing. His leggings are pulled down to his ankles, preventing him from moving effectively... and a soft hand is wrapping around his exposed cock. A familiar gnome female smiles up at him sweetly, before leaning in to softly kiss the head of his cock.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a bit of a snort, clearly having drunk himself happy with some decent mead from the supplies. He gives a mumble as he awakens, a good chunk of his beard in his face, then giving a bit of a grunt as he glares at Jenna and his predicament coming to light. Still, she knew how to rock him, and her work thus far had gotten him quite hard.

DM62: The gnome chuckles, then hikes up her robe, moving to straddle the dwarf's upper body. She lowers her glistening snatch down to his face, never releasing her grip on his phallus. Her hand begins tugging faster, and she leans in to gingerly lick at the tip of his cock.

Helvoque: The dwarf lets out a bit of a grunt, chuckling out loud to himself. "Cheeky witch..." he manages to slur, before burying his tongue into the gnome, clumsily working to pleasure her back. Mostly due to his inexperience, not so much his drunkeness.

DM62: The gnome raises an eyebrow, then reaches down and squeezes his testicles a little. "Call me a witch again and I'll have to punish you, dear." She presses her snatch onto his face, giving a pleased sigh and grinding onto his beard. She kisses the head of his cock again, then begins sucking at it softly, her hand tugging at him again.

Helvoque: The dwarf replies with just wiggling his tongue a little deeper, trying to work the broad muscle into the smaller woman with the best his bound position could. He squirms, his cock throbbing slightly at the touches of the gnome.

DM62: Jenna's juices are flowing freely now, making his beard glisten as she rides his tongue. She gives a moan, taking him deeper into her mouth, and Hel can feel a delicate finger pressing at his anus... then slipping inside of him, twisting slowly.

Helvoque: The dwarf's own groans grow a little louder as his cock starts to throb, his hips giving a twitch. This only grows with a slightly panicked jerk forward of his hips as her hands pull nasty tricks again, the dwarf groaning and squirming under the gnome's strange affections. Least with this position she can't try for the neck again, he had to admit.

DM62: The necromancer bites her lip, then lifts off of the dwarf's tongue, shifting forward. She slides herself down to his cock, then presses down, taking him inside of her with a pleased moan. The gnome begins slowly riding him, her finger still twisting in his anus.

Helvoque: While still squirming at Jenna's dirty trick, grunting and growling slightly as he struggles with the webs that bind him, the gnome probably only got that much more of a bumpy ride out of it, all the while his shaft starting to twitch and throb harder and harder in her small belly. He growls a bit, his hips giving a few hard thrusts in one of his few acts of defiance.

DM62: "That's it. Fight back. Show me how a dwarven prince... mmmm... lets himself be royally fucked." Her finger presses in a little deeper, and she clenches her pussy around him, the tight orifice milking him as she nears her own climax.

Helvoque: "One to... talk, Lass..." Hel grunts, growling as he keeps trying his best to punish with what few movements he has available. "C-can't even let a sod enjoy the after-effects of his mead... without being a tricky devil..." He speaks in jest, at least, even if he is strung up like a fine ham.

DM62: "Maybe next time I'll have to bind you up tighter. Let Thrae punish you with an ass full of eggs." She chuckles, biting her lip... then her juices spurt around the dwarf's cock as she reaches her first climax with a gasp. The finger straightens inside of the dwarf... then she begins twisting it around again, continuing to ride her lover.

Helvoque: The dwarf finally relents a little, giving a loud groan as his shaft finally explodes, unleashing his seed into the gnome while his body stiffens up, giving the gnome what she wants. "Bah... You gonna get too full of a head and fall afoul to someone like that..." He teases. Next time, he'll have to make sure to have a bootknife in his gauntlet or something.

DM62: "Or maybe I'll just make you eat your seed out of my snatch." She chuckles, holding the dwarf hilted inside of her as he cums. She turns to face the dwarf, still on his cock, then lays forward, resting her head on his chest. Her arms wrap around the helpless prince. "Mmmm... I like this. My captive prince, buried inside me." She kisses his chest, then licks softly at a nipple.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a grumble. "I suppose it's at least partly mutual..." he admits, a bit of red over his nose. "Never know what could happen if ya, yaknow, didn't keep everything tied up or under magic all the time..."

DM62: "Sure I do. I've tried it before, my dear." She sighs. "It would be fun for a while, and you'd reaffirm some foolish notion of needing to be in charge of a woman. And I'd likely enjoy myself, or at least pretend. Then you'd find some other cute woman, and get bored with the meek little gnome you've been shacking up with. Or I'd get back to my old tricks, maybe go too far." She shrugs, kissing his chest again and snuggling close. "Either way you'll get bored or angry and leave... so I'm just going to be selfish and enjoy you as much as I can."

Hel raises his eyebrow. "Someone's hit a few broken stones too many, it seems. Fair enough, I won't pry..." He sighs as well. "Cides, I doubt there'd be much interest in whatever fate ordains for me at the end. Stuffy halls overseeing the rebuilding of this mess, finery and other things that just don't suit me. Rather actually getting my hands dirty, actually helping out on the front, not cower behind a bunch of guards, tactically sound as it is..."

DM62: "Well you could always... put a fake on the throne, roam around in disguise." She pinches a nipple lightly. "Come back when it suits you. Can't do it all the time, or you'd be an awful king. But if you never see your lands without an armed escort... you're not really seeing your lands at all."

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a bit of a shrugs. "I still got time.... Easily a half a century before I am called to the throne... And a war to end with a lovely lass with some sad previous encounters," he adds with a grin and a kiss to her forehead. "No need to worry about me much, you're teaching me more the last few nights than probably most my courtiers could. And arguably more fun."

DM62: "Arguably?" She pinches his nipple harder this time, twisting a little.

Helvoque smirks. "Ok, definately." He gives a bit of a tug with his arms, testing dwarven strength against webs to give a good attempt to snuggle the poor abused gnome. "You still sound like you could use a good, long massage and snuggle."

DM62: Jenna smirks as he struggles against his bonds, flicking out a small but razor-sharp knife. She slides it lightly over his chest, scraping him but carefully not drawing blood. "Technically I could give you a shave right now. But if you promise to be a good prisoner and lay there, I'll cut that webbing for you."

Hel smirks a bit. "You know that would be something that would really get me angry, want to risk a furious dwarf?" he teases. "Don't worry, I'll keep my hands off, give you your space."

DM62: The gnome chuckles, then slices off the webbing. Her knife vanishes into a boot sheath, and she chuckles. "No... what my prince needs is a new beard braid."

She kisses him softly on the lips, then leans back, running her fingers through his beard to straighten it. "A warrior braid. Thick one."

Hel takes a second to rub his wrists back full of blood as Jenna figits with his slightly wet beard. "Heh, the way you go on, you swing between one of the Under Elves one moment and a motherly stewerd the next...." He sighs a little, shaking his head a bit. "No matter what else happens, Jenna, I jus wanna say... well, at least I'm glad to have met you along the way."

DM62: "The last time a man said that to me, he left me. Another man said that before I left him. And the first man to say that pulled a knife and tried to kill me. Something about 'always being together.'" She begins braiding his beard with a practiced hand.

Helvoque: "...Fair enough... Clearly a bit of a bad track record..." The dwarven prince admittedly shifted uncomfortably under her at her admitting the previous situations. "Mind, not having had a relationship before probably doesn't help matters there on my end... Though still, I don't wish to make you feel too uncomfortable. It is my fault you got dragged along for the ride, after all, to some degree."

DM62: She smirks a little, the braiding helping to calm her a little. "Don't worry, dear. The first man... he made the mistake of revealing where he kept the bodies of his previous victims. Suffice it to say... I was protected, and they had their revenge." She shifts the three-stranded braid into a five-stranded braid, giving the beard a touch of sophistication. "We'll work just a little prince into this braid."

Helvoque: "While such magics are frowned on, that sort of vengance was the least you could give them," he comments with a nod, not moving to assist as she plays with the hair. "Plenty of time to decide where the fates lead us and what the Goddesses wish at the end of this."

DM62: "Fates? Goddesses?" Jenna raises an eyebrow. "Fuck the Fates. And fuck the Goddesses. We decide." She grins. "They can hurt me. They can kill me. But they do not decide for me." She continues the three-strand braid.

Hel raises an eyebrow but holds his tongue. "...My appologies. My family was always one to take the Forgemaster quite seriously, didn't mean to offend."

DM62: "I'm not offended." She nears the bottom of his beard, starting an ornate knot to finish the configuration. "But I have seen many people claim that the Goddesses make their decisions, and not the people themselves. I have always seen this... as cowardice. Claiming that a Goddess makes your choice... that's a lie."

Helvoque: The dwarf nods. "Ran into that a few times... and also loonies that try to justify the most henious of actions by the words of one goddess, out of context. Foolish mindsets."

DM62: "Mhmm." She finishes the knot, then produces the knife, slicing through any stray hair or unseemly strands. "Now you look like a proper dwarven warrior. Ready to cut off some heads for our new Webhunter allies." She smirks, tucking her knife back into her robes and laying against the dwarf's chest again.

Helvoque: The dwarf nods. "Probably doesn't hurt either, changing the style. Keeps it a bit less memorable in case someone wants to keep an eye on things too closely. Small advantage, but something..." He sighs a little, denying himself the temptation to wrap a arm around the gnome as the two of them rest together.

DM62: The gnome seems to already be asleep, lightly dozing on her lover's muscular chest.

Hel gives a bit of a smile, gently tugging the blankets over them as they quietly rest into the covers. Tomorrow was gonna be quite busy, after all..."
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 22 October (part four, two dragonkin and a Shiriti)
Alexis growls as she is soon free of her clothes, her E-cups bared to the world as she looks over the other Dragon. "Mmmm...Very much my kind of partner..." she says, moving close enough to press her chest against his, a hand idly running along his arm. "Mmmm...So strong...And by the looks of it, virile..." she says, her other hand reaching down between his legs to gently wrap around his tool. "I hope you know how to use this, big boy..."

Raz'Qui smirked as she watched Alexis closely now that she was a bare as himself. Giving the twitch from his little dragon, he certainly enjoyed the view. "You will find I do little one." With that he leaned down to bring his snout close to hers, but just before he might have kissed her, his head dipped down lower to give her neck a bite, his sharp razor like teeth just grazing against her scales.

Zyanya: The Shiriti would easily slip out of her tribal gear, the furs slipping off quite easily as she saw the naked forms of her brother and sister in arm. Of course, she'd leave the armbands on around her arms, leaving them the only real clothing she had. Of course, unlike her dragon kin sister, the shiriti was only sitting at a C cup. "Room for one more, you two? Think we all have some...stress to work out thanks to those spores"

Alexis: "Mmmm...So dominant...Gods I've missed this feeling..." Alexis moans out, her own vent dripping with need, as she smiles over at Zyanya. "Mmmm...I'm not going to complain about a second partner, so long as I get first dibs on him plowing me into oblivion..." the dragoness says, her arms wrapping around Raz' back and holding him close, clearly enjoying the dominant display he was putting on for her.

Raz'Qui would pull back, a grin touching his fang filled mouth as he looked over the shiriti woman with an appreciative eye. "Not at all. Might let this one actually stand a chance of keeping up with me." His hand roughly squeezing the other dragon's rump. "We have much stress to work out."

Zyanya: "You two are kin, so I wouldn't be upset about you two having first go. So long as I can help and maybe enjoy the second round." She'd say in a rather humble tone.

Alexis: "Mmmm...That we do..." Alexis says, moving to kiss Raz' chest, as she re-positions to give him a perfect angle of attack on her dripping folds. "Find something to grope, dear...I'm pretty sure neither of us will mind much..." she says, her tail instinctively hiking as she prepares for some fun with the larger dragonkin.

Raz'Qui smiles as he lifts up the smaller dragon into his arms. His impressive length sliding against her entrance. "Feel free to slide in where ever. I will get you you soon." He dropped Alexis down onto his length, letting gravity do the work as his thick shafted entered her. With a small growl, he once more bit her neck, his fangs marking her scales, though not deep enought to pierce them Their kind's form of a hickey.

Zyanya would however settle to work her way to the front the female dragon kin, not wanting to force herself into a dominate position. This would hoever give her access to playing with the dragons breasts and running her hand up and down her scaly sides. Basically, she was adding her extra bit of pleasure to whatever the larger male could add to the situation.

Alexis moans in pleasure as gravity does the work for her, her claws digging lightly into Raz' scales, a smile on her face. "Mmmm...Gods above you feel so good..." she groans out, wiggling a little on top of his shaft, and giving Zyanya perfect access to her big tits and scale-covered sides.

Raz'Qui lets out another growl as his clawed hands on her hips lift her up. Quickly dropping her back down as she near the tip. His hips rocking up to meet hers in a slow thrust as he began to pick up a rhythm of dropping and lifting her in time with his thrust. His fanged mouth continued the bite, making sure it would be quite visible what had happened.

Alexis moans as he begins to pick her up and then drop her into powerful thrusts, her insides clenching to make it all the more pleasurable for her partner. "Gods! Don't you dare stop!" she pants out, clutching at his back lightly, her eyes closed in bliss as she pants with each inward thrust, clearly enjoying the treatment.

Zyanya, meanwhile would use her position to gently cup each heavy breast in her hands. "How you dragons have bigger tits then shiriti is beyond me." She'd grumble as she leaned in and wrapped her lips around one of the nipples, licking and sucking to get it erect and suckling on it like a child. The other breast meanwhile was played with mercilessly by the tribeswoman hand, the shiriti doing her best while the dragons mated.

Raz'Qui pulls away from Alexis' neck to give Zyanya a grin. After a moment the tip of his tail came up and began to tease between the shiriti woman's thighs, the tip not quite as big at the one battering Alexis, but it was close. Seeing that she was beginning to see to the dragon's sizable bust, he held Alexis still as if threatening to stop, though it would only take him several moments before he was thrusting up powerfully into her of his own accord. Quickly picking up a quick rhythm. He made sure to grind his deflated but slightly swollen knot against her very eager vent.

Alexis moans and pants as her body is assaulted by two sources. "No fair...My tits are too sensitive!" she mockingly whines out, clearly enjoying the treatment, as her own tail reaches down to prod at Zyanya's backdoor, a smirk on her face. "You better be ready to stick that knot in you stud. I'll bite you if you don't." she growls out, rolling her hips to enhance his thrusts, clearly wanting even more of his cock inside of her.

Zyanya: "It's punishment for having such big breasts! Divine retribution!" The shiriti pulled away for a moment to say that, giving the nupple a little nibble as an emphasis to her words. But it wouldn't be long before she felt not one but two tails sneaking their way to her nethers. The male was teasing her thighs while the female was teasing her backdoor, the shiriti not quite prepared for this but would continue harassing the dragons breasts, switching back and forth in regards to the suckling

Raz'Qui smiles as he continues to batter at her entrance with his sizable knot. "I would like to see you try." With that he bite the other side of her neck, once more marking her pretty obsidian scales with his teeth. The tip of his tail with rub her with surprising gentleness, almost as if to mock the rough pounding he was giving to the other dragon. The smooth scales rubbing against her slit to coax her to wet his tail. With a slight growl that rumbled deep in his chest, he gave a mighty thrust as he hammered the knot into Alexis' body. All too soon he pulled it back out as if to tease her before thrusting it back in once more with his rapid rhythm.

Alexis howls in pleasure as she feels the knot stretch her, then pull back out, the motion throwing her for a loop, and also causing the tip of her tail to ram into the other woman's backdoor, the rough obsidian scales making the passage all the harder, as her eyes roll back into her head. "Mmmm! More you wonderful stud! I want every inch of you in me!" she pants out, her claws still raking along his back sensually, not really hard enough to cause damage, but enough to be felt by him, as she runs wet from the rough fucking, her insides clenching tightly, showing she's close to climax.

DM62: Meanwhile, Zyanya notices out of the corner of her eye that the smuggler is awake, and is... naked, pounding into a Shiriti female who looks just like her! They're facing away from the dragonkin/human orgy.

Zyanya: Her assault ended somewhat as the two dragons saw fit to bring her in on the fun, the males tail being quite gentle and teasing her gently in an effort to wet his tail. She had to admit, she admired how these creatures could use their appendages in such a manner. This was only made more apparent by the females tail pushing in rather roughly into her ass, causing her to gasp as the rough obsidian scales grazed her inside. At the corner of her eye, while getting taile fucked, she'd see the smuggler was awake and...was that a mirror image of her getting fucked? That cheeky fucker.

Raz'Qui was more then happy to comply as he trusted his full knotted length into Alexis' tight hot body. His hips quickly beginning to thrust away at her even more powerfully as his knot began to inflate a bit more making it like a battering ram as it pounded into her tight tunnel on each up thrust. His tail lightly pressed against her entrance before gently pressing it's way into her, almost the complete opposite of the other dragon's rough tail. His mouth pulled off of Alexis' marked neck and drifted up to her face, there he gently gave her snout a lick before locking snout with her in a draconic kiss.

Alexis moans as she feels the knot inflating inside of her, shuddering as she feels him remove his maw from her neck, before opening wide and joining with him in a draconic kiss, her eyes held shut, as her whole body shudders, and she sprays her climax out around his powerful rod, her tail thrusting savagely into the Shiriti woman's ass, clearly having little experience in doing such actions.

Raz'Qui smiles as he feels the dragoness shudder around his length. He continues to further plow into her quivering body, planning to prolong her pleasure at the rough smutting for as long as she can stand it. His mouth pulls back to let Alexis make known her pleasure at the reaming he was giving her. His pace quickening even more as his knot reached twice the size of his already thick shaft.

Zyanya: Finally Raz' tail finally pushed his way into her cunt, the shiriti woman again crying out in absolute joy as this was compounded by the rough fucking of her ass. Seems Alexis was quite new to this but still quite rough and savage as a result. She balled her hands into tight fists as the pleasure mounted, the human hoping she'd be able to hold on for as long as possible.

Raz'Qui: His tail picking up a bit of pace so as not to leave out the human woman of Alexis' climax.

Alexis howls out her pleasure when he breaks off the kiss, hugging herself tight to him. "Knot me, Stud...Knot me and fill me up...You know you want to..." she purrs, before moving to resume the draconic kiss with her partner, her tail thrusting deeper and deeper into Zyanya's ass as she's fucked, slowly stretching the Shiriti woman wider and wider.

Zyanya: The human, in response to the efforts of the tail, would press her body against Alexis and holding her sides as tightly as she could. The human was unable to hold back much longer and as the dragons kissed each other, the human came hard, her body shivering with pleasure as she spilled her female juices. She never thought she'd cum from getting fucked in the ass and cunt by a dragon tail, but she did.

Raz'Qui returned the kiss with equal hunger. His thrusting growing more as he gave a small roar into her mouth as he hilted deep into her his knot straining her wide as it reached it's full bitch breaking size. Despite being a frost dragon, his seed was almost boiling as he exploded like a volcano into her eager depths. Though after several long moments and with a bit of surprise, he blasted his own knot out from the force. Apparently it had been a while since some he had gotten some, and was quite pent up.

Alexis moans into the kiss she shares with her partner, her whole body shaking as he fills her womb with his seed, thrusting her hips back down when he pops free, not wanting him to escape, as her tail continues to thrust in and out of Zyanya's ass to keep her as pleasured as possible.

Zyanya: "D...dangit Alexis. C...cut it out!" She'd complain as the dragonwoman continued to fuck the tribeswoman's ass. The human squirmed against the dragon kin as she was having a difficult time coming down from her pleasure high.

Raz'Qui would hold Alexis still to prevent her from slipping back onto his enormous knot, though he would tease it against her quivering vent. He gently laid the dragoness down onto his now soiled bedroll. He then then turned to the human woman with a large predatory grinm his knot deflating sadly without a woman to break in half. "I think it is your turn now little one." Still grinning as his tail slowly slipped out of her tight moist slit.

Alexis moans as she's laid down, sighing contentedly at having such a wonderful time. "Thanks, Stud...I think I'm gonna take a nap now..." she says tiredly, laying her head back and sighing as she drifts off to sleep, her tail falling free of the Shiriti woman's hind end.
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Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 22 October (part five, one dragonkin and a Shiriti)
Zyanya: Finally free of the female dragon and now facing down the larger male, the shiriti braced herself for the experience. "What position would you like me to assume, Raz? My body is yours to do with what you will for the moment." She said as she ran her hands down her body and cupping her own breasts, smaller than the dragon woman but no less respectable

Raz'Qui smiled as he stepped up to her and pulled her into his embrace. His head bending down to gently lick at her neck, once more gentle despite his strength. His massive tool slipping between her thighs and rubbing it's length against her petals before sticking out from beneath her rump. He gently bit her neck as well, marking her with his large maw, just enough to prick the surface, having misjudjed the fragility of her human flesh. Pulling hup to gaze into her eyes as his hands slide along her back with his smooth scales before he gently laid her down next to the slumbering dragoness.

Zyanya: Pulled into an embrace by the larger dragonkin, Zyanya was amazed at just how gentle this might beastkin could be considering how hard he just fucked another dragon not too long ago. Must be he understand her bodies limitations. Though she was strong, she was still only human. She moaned softly as the large member was rubbed against her sensitive folds, the human simply allowing the dragonkin to take control of the situation. The nick on the neck took her by surprise but she only let out a muffled yelp as she bit down on her lip. "Y...you like marking your women? Not that I'm complaining." She'd giggle as she was laid down, ready to accept what came next.

Raz'Qui: "I do yes." He sat up, he eyes taking in the sight of her vunerable body, well at least to him anyway. His large hands completely dwarfed her breasts as his hands slid up her belly to grope and squeeze them gently. He frowned a moment as he soon realized his fingers were much to dangerous to use upon her nipples with his sharp claws. Though it didn't stop him from rubbing his hard smooth scales against them. With a shift of his hips he brought his tool in line with her petals before gently pressing into her body.

Zyanya: "Hehe. Just know, a Shiriti woman is not bound so easily. Though I may wander, I always return." She emphasizes this with a wink and a sultry smile, licking her lips as the dragons hands begin to grope her breasts. Though his hands were much bigger, he was at least making an effort and this was more than enough. "Forgive me for not being...larger..." She said almost apologetically, but her tone would change as the dragons member lined up with her pussy. She gripped the ground hard as he began pushing in, her body bracing for the large insertion.

Raz'Qui: "Size is not everything." Though it might have been a bit of a mote point given his overall size. "Your breasts are just as pleasing as the little dragon's." His hands moved down to her hips to hold her still to prevent an movement on her part so as not to hurt her as he gently and slowly thrusted into her body. To distract her from the likely larger then normal insertion, he bent down to lick one of her breasts with a rough tongue. The slick appendage moving towards her nipple in circles before taking it into his mouth to suckle. His sharp teeth just a hair's breath away from her tender flesh.

Zyanya: She had to admit, Raz was quite the charmer and the considerate lover as he took efforts to secure her as he pushed his way into her body. The human groans for but a moment though as she feels the rough tongue of her lover on her breast. Her tone was much softer but she still couldn't forget that she was getting fucked by a dragon. How he was able to suckle her like this was quite amazing, wondering how he keeps his teeth away from her tender skin. "F...fantastic. Y...you must have had humans before..."

Raz'Qui would continue to suckle upon her, one of his teeth just grazing her tender flesh. Though it was a little hard to tell whether he meant to or was an accident, but either way, added a bit of possible danger to such a gentle action. Once he managed to slip several inches into her, he would slow down as he continued to insert himself. So that if he bottomed out unexpectedly, he wouldn't hurt her. His hands grabbed her even tighter, making sure to keep her extra still until he figured out her fragile limitations.

Zyanya: The graze was almost missed by the shiriti, a slight inhale as she felt the sharp tooth against her skin. Now this was quite an experience, even if he meant it or not. "There we go..." She whisper softly as he continued to very slowly push her down onto his cock. How much she could take she wasn't sure, but his cock would be a tight fit inside the amazons body, giving him an idea of just how much farther he could go.

Raz'Qui comes short, just shy of his knot. Shame, but he would make do as he stopped his motion and release his hands from her hips so that they might glide across her skin. He switched to her other nipple, and began to suckle upon it while giving her time to adjust to him. His fangs once more just brushing against the soft flesh. Pulling away from her breast, he looked down at her vulnerable body, waiting.

Zyanya: She was actually quite impressed that he had gotten as far as he did, the Shiriti positively stuffed by the dragons cock. She couldn't imagine what his cum might feel like and how much more that would fill her up. But she was now freed from his grip, and he was no doubt prepared to fuck her senseless. Or maybe he'd be gentle in the end. "C...come n the...that wonderful cock isn't doing much good just sitting inside me."

Raz'Qui smiled kindly down at her. "Wouldn't want to break you just yet. Though I must congratulate you on taking so much. You are the first human to be able to take so much. Shame I wont be knotting you though." His hips began to slowly pull his length back out of her. His hands sliding up to her breasts to resume squeezing and kneading the soft flesh. All the while his eyes watched her keenly.

Zyanya: "I understand. My people are quite strong though. We wouldn't have survived our home if we weren't of a hearty sort. What's a little dragon cock after all?" She said with a cheeky smile on her face. "Shame about the knot though. Maybe some other time." She'd silence herself after that though, letting him pull himself back and going back to teasing her breast, the human squirming somewhat as the two sensations began stirring her up.

Raz'Qui chuckled as he nearly pulled all the way out. His hips soon pushing back into her body in a slow pace, intent on starting up a slow rhythem once he was bottomed out once more. "I certainly hope you are of the sturdy sort, there is still a few inches left for you to take." His tail slipped around and gently moved to tease at her rear entrance. Much more gentle then the previous intruder and wet from her earlier climax.

Zyanya: As expected, he was taking it slow with her, the human not surprised given the serious size difference between the two. But she'd let out a long sigh as he pushed his way back in. "Honestly...your fine at a moderate pace. G...go too fast and you might break me." She'd remind him as she wagged her finger. But her mock scolding would be broken up by another intrusion at her rear entry. "A...again. Not use to having people fuck me there."

Raz'Qui grinned and nodded as his pace quickened to an even moderate one. "Just letting you get use to me before I get quicker inside you." His tail slipping into her rear and soon matching his shaft's pace with it's own gentle thrusts. "Perhaps another time, I will give it a real stuffing and pounding." He leaned down to let his snout meet her lips in a rather awkward kiss given the two very different mouth configurations. Though his tongue did lick at her lips some.

Zyanya: Well, there was nothing more for her to say as her companion finally picked up the pace. Again, she couldn't complain about this as this was exactly what she was looking for in the hopes of getting the effects of the spores worn off. Her hands would reach up and attempt to grab his, wanting something to hold onto other than the ground. But the tail would suddenly pick up the pace, causing her to yell out again and try to grip his hands even tighter. "S...son of a bitch! I d...don't know if I'll ever b...be that ready..." She said through pants and moans.

Raz'Qui chuckled softly as he began to give her tight little body what it so desired. Each time he filled her completely, he would press in to see if he might slip even more into her for a few moments before swiftly pulling back out to repeat the process. His tail slipped further into her, gently squirming and wiggling against

her tight tunnel walls. His hands continued to squeeze knead her bosom, quite unhindered by her tiny hands. Leaning down as he thrusted her, licked at her navel, before licking all the way back up to between her breasts and then further up to lick at her soft lips.

Zyanya, quite happy with the pace, was also more then happy to allow him to try and press in further and further, almost daring him to do so each time he pushed in. She'd wiggle her hips and try to push herself, hoping their combined efforts might get somewhere. Of course, this also came with having the tail get pushed up into her more, the trail already blazed by Alexis. Her hands however aren't quite enough to have any impact on his, the shiriti woman's breasts getting manhandled quite easily as a result. But the last straw came as he began licking her body with his rough tongue, which caused her whole body to wiggle and shake at the tingling running up her body.

Raz'Qui would lick her lips a few more times before slowly returning to lick the rest of her body. His tongue groing around and leaving her breasts to his smooth scaled hands to squezze and grab. He made sure to rub her nipples against his palms to increase her pleasure. His hips continued to thrust away into her her, his pace growing a bit quicker as he tried to completely hilt himself into soft yielding body. Though he lets out a small groan as the rest of his length slips in, the deflated knot included.

Zyanya: Her body, already quite sensitive from the efforts of the two dragons, would practically squeal in ecstacy as his palms rubbed her nippled and his hips just kept thrusting. She was close very close and he could see it as her body was flush and slick with sweat, the woman also panting like an animal in heat. But she heard the groan and felt the rest of his cock slip inside, the woman screaming as her peak was hit like a brick wall. Her body writhed against the dragons cock, squeezing down and wanting to milk the beast for all he was worth.

Raz'Qui would stop his motion with his hips. Though his hands continued to work her breasts over so as to let her enjoy her climax. He waited for her to calm down from her high so that he might really give her a reaming they will both enjoy. Though given his slowly inflating knot within her body, it wouldn't be long.

Zyanya: It would take a moment, but the warrior woman would finally calm herself down, her breathing slowing but her body still flush. "S...shoot....that was...something else. But I can tell you aren't...finished. C...come on then. R...really let me feel it, Raz."

Raz'Qui smiled and nodded as he once more resumed his previous pace. After a few long moments he quickened it even further as he began to give small quick thrusts. The reason becoming apparent as his knot continued to slowly inflated within. Seemed he wanted to knot at least one woman tonight and figured it might as well be the woman currently beneath him. Hus tail and hands once more resumed their motions, his tail giving long rapid thrusts to match the speed of his hips.

Zyanya: Feeling the knot growing, the human had a good idea of just how long she might be trapped under her draconian companion. Not that she was complaining of course. Why wouldn't you want a powerful and virile creature keeping you warm and safe and satisfied? The Shiriti would have quite a few stories to tell her fellow tribeswomen back home. With the thrusting picking up again on both fronts, Zyanya looked up with affection, encouraging her companion on as she awaited the flood that was to come.

Raz'Qui wouldn't last much longer as his licking alted at her neck, his mouth once more closing about her neck. This tip marking the other side as he bit with a bit too much force and just piercing the skin once more. With a final thrust into her body, he growled into her throat as the knot swelled up and quickly lodged it's self stuck. The woman soon feeling his almost boiling seed exploding within in. Though it was not as powerful as his first, it did not stop him from lacking any volume as he soon left her swollen with trapped seed. Pulling back, he gave a soft sigh before rolling over and keeping the human woman upon his broad powerful chest. "Some they wont believe I think."

Zyanya: The feeling of danger, of having him this close to her neck sent a shiver down her spine similar to when she's fighting. The nick once again caused her to yelp, but again, it was a small pain for a great amount of pleasure and she'd almost growl herself as her partner finally came. Sure it might not have been as much as with Alexis but she was still getting a healthy amount of virile dragon seed, which was still something. Sure enough, she was swollen with the seed and quite happy with the result. Now resting up against him, she'd relax her body for the first time this whole trip. "I don't think my kin will be prepared for me bearing a half-dragon child. Would certainly be fun to see how they react."

Raz'Qui: "If I don't keep you for myself." He gave her a small grin as he thrust his hips against her, his still hard shaft trapped within. His hand gently slid along her back, holding her close while his other one gently brushed hair from her face. "It will be a long night and I am still quite un-sated so I hope you wont mind if I continue once you're asleep." The look he gave her and his still hard length would tell he he wasn't joking.

Zyanya: "I guess the rumors are true then. Dragon do love hoarding their treasures. A lovely pair of women at your arms while carrying your children. Practically living the life of a king." Maybe she was serious, maybe she wasn't. But she planted the idea in his head. "I think I can muster up the will to go again. Though it won't hurt to try and wake Alexis up again for another round or two."

Raz'Qui chuckled softly and licked her forehead. "We do so love our treasures. Get some sleep for now. I am sure you will awake when I begin again, it is going to be a long night." Seemed the only reason he wasn't continuing right now was the human's exhaustion, though he did seem willing to at least let her take a nap before he did so.
Last edited:
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 23 October (part six, an ambush, Hel and Raz'Qui taken advantage of, a violent escape)
DM62: Some time later, the gnome is braiding the dwarf's beard into an elaborate warrior knot. Then she passes out on the dwarf's chest as the remainder of the groups finish their lovemaking. The party members feel drowsier than normal, passing out where they lay with their partners.

Raz'Qui would have fallen asleep after breeding a few more times with the dragoness and the small human woman. Morning would find him snoring rather loudly like rocks smashing against each other. The dragoness laying against his right side and the human laying on top of him, his length still within her sleeping body. Both still gravid from the repeat performances unless they took the time to drain themselves.

Helvoque has nowhere to really go after he and Jenna have a bit of a quiet talk afterwards, contents of which probably happened last time, and thus he's soon asleep as well.

DM62: The party seems to have odd dreams through the night. Massive hands, binding them with rope. Driders, turning them in webbing.

Helvoque snores greatly as the ale finally fully succumbs the dwarf more than the roughhousing and magic did, more than likely upside down thanks to a greedy drider or two

DM62: Hel and Raz'Qui are tightly wrapped in drider silk, and slowly awaken to tongues slithering against their cocks, working them to hardness. There's chuckling and appreciative "ooh's" as they become more erect.

Raz'Qui would stay asleep for likely longer then he should, especially after emptying himself six times into the two woman earlier. Though it didn't stop him from getting hard once more.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a bit of a grunt as he's finally awakened, before giving a bit of a surprised yell. He goes to get his hammer, only to sadly find he's still unharmed. Cursed Jenna, removing it from his side for her games! He blinks a few times, trying to get his eyes focused to get a better view of the current troubles and attackers..

DM62: Hel is the first to open his eyes... and it's not Jenna lapping at him, but a smirking drider with a Suntiger tarantula body. Her upper half looks more like a surface elf than an under elf, and she has strawberry-red hair with pale features and full breasts. "Good morning, dear. What's a cute little warrior like you doing in these parts?" She continues licking at him. Nearby, the dragonkin is being lapped at by a rather similar-looking drider. So similar, in fact, that Hel's fairly sure that they're twins.

Raz'Qui continued to snore away with his rock crushing snore. Merely thinking it is part of his dream.

Helvoque: The dwarf growls in annoyance as he stares at the situation. They all got caught unawares. Great. "I could argue the same to you, bandit," the dwarf growls, struggling now he knows that there's things to be done and heads to be crunked.

DM62: "Me? I'm just here to have fun. Me and my friends... we make eggs and we sell eggs. Good money. And the sex is... well... you can tell me." She engulfs the dwarf's cock with her mouth, the warm orifice suckling at him. Nearby, her twin is already deepthroating the dragonkin, slobbering on his cock with saliva dripping down onto her full, pale breasts.

Raz'Qui would begin to stir upon feeling something deep throat him. He didn't recall anyone being capable of such a feet with such a human mouth. Upon realizing the situation, he would give a small growl, resigned to let the drider have her way for the moment. Though it didn't stop his wings, his tail and his arms from testing the spider silk that had gim captured.

Hel gives a grunt and a hiss, gritting his teeth as the drider goes to work on his shaft. He growls a little as he thinks over plans in his head, each getting more and more outlandish than the last. Perhaps he could get those two onto his side somehow, but he'd have to be careful about it. Still, hard to say much as she works over his shaft as such.

DM62: Raz'Qui's snout is bound, but there's a little bit of wiggle-room there. It's entirely possible that he could work it loose, with time, but he'd need to do it discreetly. The rest of him is bound tight. The drider deepthroating him pulls off for a moment, smiling up at him. "Good morning, lovely dragon. Mmmm... I wanted you to be awake for this." She climbs up the webbing around the dragonkin, rubbing her own slit against his phallus. Hel's drider, meanwhile, gives a little bit of a chuckle as she runs a fang against the cock in her mouth, not quite drawing blood but letting him feel the point graze him.

Raz'Qui would lay there, waiting for the drider to mount him and get lost in bliss before he could try to remove the covering on his snout.

Helvoque is starting to wonder what he's done to piss off the Forgemistress... or maybe the Mother Goddess considering how 'blessed' he's been with strange encounters of late. He naturally freezes up a bit at the fang's touch over his shaft, his beard bunching up a bit as he tenses. Not a fan of sharp things being that far down, personally, and he wasn't in the position to counter it. "B-Bloody hell..."

DM62: The pale drider takes Raz'Qui's cock with a moan, pressing her hot slit around his cock. "Fuuuck... I... love knotty cocks like this." She begins humping against the dragonkin, letting herself enjoy the sensations. Meanwhile, the twin sucking on the dwarf releases the fang, moving instead to start deepthroating the dwarf, working him towards a climax as best she can.

Raz'Qui would groan around his bound mouth as best he could. Seeing the drider beginning to thrust herself on to him, he would try his best to thrust up to meet her hips. His knot already half swollen from the deep-throating earlier.

Helvoque: The dwarf gives a loud grunt and groan as the drider suckes on him, hissing through his teeth as her skills really work it. Eventually, he growls as he finally is unleashed, his seed flowing to her throat and unleashing the throbbing of his balls.

DM62: The drider humping the dragonkin gives a hiss of pleasure as the knot traps her, rutting against him with small, quick strokes. She seems lost to the pleasure at this point, not really watching her captive too closely. Hel's captor gulps down his cum greedily, then pulls back with a satisfied sigh. "That was... lovely, my pet. Now... care to tell me why you're here? Or should I try the... unpleasant methods, next?" She produces a small dagger, sliding the cold metal softly against the dwarf's twitching and engorged cock.

Raz'Qui would struggle a bit, though only to try and get his shaft further up into her. With her distracted, he tried to rub his head against something so that he might somehow slip of the binding on his snout.

Helvoque: Breathing a little hard, the dwarf gives a bit of a huff as he stares down at the drider, glaring at the knife in her hand in particular. "Clearly out on a stroll, lass, looking at the scenery," he remarks, the voice dripping with sarcasm. "Seriously, you lot thought you'd be able to keep it up without some random group of travelers trying to smack ya up the gob? I mean, it's the oldest mercenary trade in the book."

DM62: Raz'Qui will need more time to get his muzzle loose. There's nothing to rub it against except the drider, but simply by flexing and unflexing his jaw muscles he's begun to work it off. Still, it will take a little more time. The drider with the knife to Hel's cock chuckles. "A bold answer, for a man who might not be a man for much longer." She presses the blade against his cock slightly. "No more games. Who hired you to come after us?"

Raz'Qui would set to work getting the binding off by opening and closing his mouth. His hips continuing to try and thrust up onto the drider to keep her distracted. Hopefully with his swelling knot, she would be.

Helvoque: "You really are one of the unluckiest sods in this entire camp, tell the truth," the dwarf remarks back with a shrug. "I was a bit indisposed elsewhere in the Spiderbloom when the contract was being sussed out. Wound up crashing into the rest from the ceiling some time afterwards." He WAS telling the truth, admittedly bluntly and not quite as time-sensitive as it coulda been. Still, he toyed with the idea of telling the truth if she continued to speak ill. Would it be a risk against the Queen Spider and her children if he spoke of them to save his own skin?

DM62: The webbing around Raz'Qui's snout is almost loose now. Just a little more work. The drider goes through a shuddering orgasm, blissfully cumming on the dragon knot. The drider with the blade chuckles, then brings it down his chest, starting to carve a small pattern into him. The wound burns like fire. "Fireburr venom. Stings for days. So you might consider telling me a little more, dear. Before I get... creative."

Helvoque: He grunts a little, hissing at the venom-laced blade and his eyes narrowed. "Not much to say..." he manages to grimace as the pain starts to flare through, glad for his warrior training thus far. It won't help forever. "I fell in earlier, run into a spider the size of the entire damn spider city, had a short chat, leave, fall onto one of my acquaintances afterwards," he states simply. If she didn't believe him, that was her fault, and it was kept vauge enough that hopefully the Queen Spider didn't get too salty with him...

Raz'Qui would groan out as the drider's convulsing got the better of him. With a loud groan, he erupted into the drider's body, filling her with his hot seed. His mouth trying hard to let his pleasure be known to his lover.

DM62: As Hel speaks, a black spider quietly crawls onto his leg, unnoticed by the drider with the knife. A black spider with a gold band, sitting still. The drider's eyes narrow. "What kind of... nonsense are you going on about?" She holds the blade against him, but doesn't cut anymore yet. The drider humping Raz'Qui rests against him and the webbing for the moment, enjoying the feling of fullness.

Hel glances down, noticing the black and gold spider. Uh oh. He can't tell if it's there to shut him up, or help him in this case. Still, he tries to choose his words carefully here. "I was asked nicely to not speak too much more of it, so I wish to hold my tongue, thank you very much. But you seem like a smart young lady fit on self-preservation... And this situation could lead you into some very life-ending situations if you force me to speak..." He tries not to let on the spider that was holding onto him, in case she saw a reason to attack it.

Raz'Qui would now try to free his snout now that they had a moment to calm down from their blissful knoting. The rest of his body relaxing so that the drider isn't alerted to what he was trying to do and pull her out of her post coital glow.

DM62: The drider attached to Raz'Qui is still resting, blissfully unaware of the change in the dragonkin's bindings. Hel's captor scowls at him. "You're not making sense. And I'd prefer that you made... more sense." She pulls the knife closer to the dwarf, threateningly. At this point the black and gold spider climbs onto the drider, climbing up her chitin and biting into her exposed human midriff. She gives a scream, flailing away at the spider, which is knocked away and disappears into a dark corner. "What... the fuck... was that..." She looks around, breathing faster and faster, starting to hyperventilate.

Raz'Qui would unleash a blast of freezing cold ice up into the with just enough force so that it would come back down to freeze him and his bindings. Not caring if it caught the drider.

Helvoque: "Well, I did try to warn you..." the dwarf admits, with a shrug. "Queenvenom spider, I think your lot call it?" He glances towards the one still on Raz'Qui to see if she tries to assist her sister. or if the dragonkin was going to beat him to the punch.

DM62: The blast from the dragonkin catches the drider by surprise, and she shrieks, flailing back at the dragonkin but tied to him. He manages to break his bindings, though, free to strike now. Meanwhile, Hel's captor has collapsed onto the rock floor, foaming at the mouth with her eyes glazing over.

Helvoque: He shakes his head, giving a sigh, before deciding to be nice to the potential thing in the corner. "Tell your Mistress I owe you... again..." he calls to the direction the spider was thrown. He then redoubles any struggles he had with the webbing, working to get his sadly-unclothed body undressed.

Raz'Qui: "Sorry love, but this is going to hurt." He would forcibly remove himself from the frozen drider with a loud pop. He would then make sure she was frozen stuck before moving over to free Hel from the spider web on top of him.

Helvoque: The dwarf nods as he's free, soon back on his feet. He grabs the dagger, giving a frown at the poisoned edge. "Confounded place and its poisons. Hopefully someone has a cure around here if they use it..." he mumbles to himself, before focusing on the dragonkin himself. "Suppose now it's time to see if anyone else has managed to slip free... Maybe find our gear as well. I got a axe crying for blood now..."

Raz'Qui nodded as he glanced about a moment for a tunnel before bounding off on all fours at a rapid pace. Following his nose and any scents he might catch of the
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifth Session, 23 October (part seven, an ambush, Alexis and Zyanya taken advantage of, another violent escape)
DM62: Some time later, the gnome is braiding the dwarf's beard into an elaborate warrior knot. Then she passes out on the dwarf's chest as the remainder of the groups finish their lovemaking. The party members feel drowsier than normal, passing out where they lay with their partners.

Alexis hums in her sleeps as she lays against her dragonkin lover, content to sleep next to him, her eyes closed and her snout nuzzled against his neck.

Zyanya was quite warm up against her companion, the evening being long and quite enjoyable. If she was able, she'd eventually climb off and make an effort to clean off any excess fluids. If she was still trapped on him however, she'd wait until she was removed to do so, staying put till that happened

DM62: The party seems to have odd dreams through the night. Massive hands, binding them with rope. Driders, turning them in webbing. And the heady, musky scent of bestial cum that drove females wild with the need to be rutted.

Zyanya: She wasn't sure why...but she was having the strangest dream. The weirdest sensation. Rough, massive hands tying her up with equally rough rope. And of being pulled off of Raz in the process. No. This couldn't be real. Had to be a post sex dream of her getting played with more by one of her companions.

Alexis moans in her sleep as she dreams of driders wrapping her up in tight silk, massive hands fondling her body, and lithe drider limbs touching her all over, humming and getting wet from how erotic the dream was for someone like her.

DM62: Alexis and Zyanya are the first to awake, finding themselves laying on their backs. Zyanya is bound rather tightly with rope, while Alexis is almost completely wrapped in drider silk, though her breasts, face, and snatch are still exposed. They can feel pressure on their gravid stomachs, and open their eyes to discover the source: leering minotaurs, each of them placing a foot on their stomachs. Jenna is laying near them, but still passed out, an adolescent minotaur cleaning out her pussy by hand. The largest one has his foot on Alexis, and chuckles. "Sorry ladies. Gotta empty you out before we fill you up proper."

Alexis gasps as she comes to, feeling the large minotaur bearing down on her belly. "N-No...Not Raz' seed..." she mutters, wanting very much to keep her gravid belly full of dragon seed, squirming to try and escpe, though the bindings are getting her far too hot to focus on escaping.

Zyanya: Fucking hell. She let herself get too careless. Sleeping on the job, fucking so much you barely know the difference between dreams and reality. And now here she was, bound up by minotaurs and getting stepped on to squeeze the cum out of er body. Well, she wasn't stepped on yet. But she would be soon enough . She just couldn't imagine this ending like this.

DM62: "Don't worry. We'll be gentle. Well... at first. Soon enough you'll beg to be rutted for our seed." The feet press down, gently at first and then harder, pumping the dragonkin seed out in large puddles onto the rock floor. The smaller minotaur, meanwhile, is jerking himself with the unconscious gnome's breasts, and the sleeping gnome seems aroused by the very smell of his precum. In fact, the bestial smell is starting to fill the chamber, starting to arouse the other females as well.

Alexis whines as she feels her womb emptying of dragonkin seed, her teeth clenched and her eyes rolled back in her head. "L-Long as...You give me to...The biggest one." she grunt out, trying to keep her head clear despite the heavenly scent filling the room.

Zyanya: Gods, why couldn't she keep her head on straight? As if the effects of the spores weren't enough, now she was feeling aroused from the smell of the beasts. Did all minotaurs have this sort of effect on people? "Damnit...o all things to happen..."

DM62: The Shiriti and dragonkin are emptied of the seed in them, and the minotaurs chuckle. The biggest one moves closer to Alexis, letting his flared cock's precum drip between her breasts and then onto her lips, lowering the flare to her mouth. The one next to Zyanya chuckles. "Good of that dragonkin to help stretch you out." His cock is already fully-erect, and he presses the flare into her with a squelching pop.

Alexis moans as she's emptied, before opening her maw and darting out her tongue to wrap around the minotaur's cock, drawing it into her mouth eagerly, having had her fair share of encounters with Minotaurs before, and having loved every second of it.

Zyanya: Though her head was swimming, the Shiriti remained a little more defiant or at least tried to be despite the desire to fuck the beast hard and fast. "Lucky...you...you bastard. J...just get your rocks off and get it over with." She'd turn her head away, trying not to seem interested. But when he pushed his way in, her head shot forward as she cried out. Damnit

DM62: The massive minotaur grins. "Such an enthusiastic little slut you are. But let's see if you can accomodate me." He thrusts forward ruthlessly, his flare burying itself in her throat. "Mmmm... not quite there." Alexis can't breathe at the moment, but the addictive precum feels amazing inside her regardless, and the big minotaur is trying to bury himself inside her. Meanwhile, the minotaur between Zyanya's thighs is pressing deeper and deeper into her, his equine cock stretching her despite her recent romp with the dragonkin. "Fuck... humans... so fucking tight..." His large hands stroke her nipples and breasts.

Alexis gurgles as the minotaur shoves his cock down her throat, writhing beneath him as her eyes roll back even further, the only sound leaving her being desperate gasps for air, unable to deepthroat such a massive member entirely.

Zyanya: So this was what an equine cock felt like? Shame she was being raped by it and not truly enjoying the new pleasure she was feeling. Even after her time with the dragon, it seemed she was still too tight for her minotaur partner. Through gritted teeth, she'd glare up at her assaliant, responding to his comment. "S...sorry I'm not some whore...d...drider or some cowslut. Humans...c...can't handle freakish insertions...that...well."

DM62: The big minotaur chokes the dragonkin for a little longer... then pulls back out with a laugh. "Guess I don't want to suffocate you just yet." He moves around, turning the bound dragonkin onto her stomach, then pressing his equine cock against her. The minotaur begins pressing his flare into her, stretching her as he thrusts into her. Meanwhile, the minotaur stretching Zyanya out chuckles. "Sure they can. It'll just take you a little practice. I'll help you out." He smirks.

Zyanya: "D...damnit!" She'd clench her teeth, the pleasure starting to get to her as she'd begin squirming against the insertion. "N...not normally...I...I mean...I...I'm not so easy...to tame...bull." The shiriti looked at him, glaring and basically challenging him to try something. "I...I'm not afraid..."

Alexis coughs and pants once she can breathe again, letting the minotaur roll her over onto her belly. "You better make up for choking me by fucking me hard as you can you big brute." she says, more teasing than angry, relaxing to let the Minotaur enter her, her tail wriggling in its bindings as she waits for the inevitable pop of the flare piercing her cunt.

DM62: The middle-sized bull is rutting into the human at full-tilt now, almost hilted inside her, and the discomfort begins to vanish as the aphrodisiac cum has a larger and larger effect on her. He's grunting, the flared tip swelling up inside of her. Not to be outdone, the bullman fucking Alexis is hammering into her harder, his massive hands pulling her back onto his cock with each thrust. Jenna and the adolescent minotaur have already finished a round, and are laying exhausted nearby.

Alexis moans as she's fucked roughly by the bullman, her cunt already dripping wet with need. "Oooooh. Now THAT is a cock!" she cries out, delighting in being reamed by the minotaur's member.

Zyanya: Her partner pushed in all the way this time, the sensation finally causing her to break her defiant stare and cry out. Gods this was not what she was expecting. "S....son of a bitch..." She'd mumble as she finally adjusted to the cock, her body almost moving on it's own as she tried to move her hips back and forth to try and wash the feeling away. "F...fucking bulls...d...don't just sit there..."

DM62: Both minotaurs reach their orgasms close to the same time, their heads back in pleasure, growling out their satisfaction to the ceiling. Zyanya's stomach quickly balloons out as a huge geyser of hot minotaur spunk fills her, and the addictive aphrodisiac brings her through an orgasm the likes of which she's never felt before. Alexis has experienced it before, but the massive size of her partner gives it even more of an edge, as she's also filled practically to bursting with her lover's seed.

Alexis screams out in pleasure as she reaches an unearthly climax, her whole body shuddering as she's pumped full of aphrodisiac-laced minotaur cum, her tongue hanging free of her mouth. "M-More..." she weakly pants out, her insides twitching and milking at the bull's cock buried inside of her.

DM62: At this point the massive minotaur behind Alexis opens his eyes wider. The veins on his neck bulges out, and he shakes. "No. No, no, no, GET AWAY FROM ME!" He screams, pulling out of the dragonkin and collapsing onto the ground, clutching at his chest for a moment, then laying very still. The minotaur buried in Zyanya looks over with wide eyes. "Brother? Brother?!" He pulls out of the Shiriti, moving over to check on the massive brute, rolling him onto his back.

Alexis eeps as she's dropped to the ground in a heap, landing on her belly, and causing some of the seed to leak out of her. "Hey! I wasn't done with that yet!" she whines, unable to see what was happening as she lay on the floor.

Zyanya: Even after getting filled by her partner once and brought to an unbelievable orgasm, the human was quite surprised and saddened to see her partner remove himself from her. Seems he had a more pressing matter to attend to. "D...damnit. Not you two. F...fucking hell, you bull brained cockteases!" The uman squirmed in the floor.

DM62: The smaller minotaur is still looking over the body of his much-larger brother. Suddenly the massive corpse springs into actions, its huge hands wrapping around his brother's throat and squeezing hard. "Sorry, ladies. But we have a mission to perform." Jenna is standing free next to Irena, a small smirk on her face. The huge, dead minotaur continues strangling his brother, as the gnome produces a small blade and gets to work on freeing Zyanya.

Alexis groans as she lays on the ground, vocalizing her discomfort. "Gods damn you! I wasn't done with that cock!" she growls out, writhing in her bindings.

Zyanya: "B...better late then never I guess...THough I woldn't complain about the never." She admitted with some reluctance as she waited to be freed. Once she was, she'd work to help Alexis, her dragonkin sister having to deal with the same frustrations as she was.

DM62: Irena shakes her head, judgingly. "Minotaur cum. Always the same story." Jenna shrugs. "Don't judge them, you didn't get dosed." She gestures, and the huge minotaur releases the smaller one, which falls unconscious. "If you want, we can keep him as a prisoner. But you'll be responsible for keeping him bound. No losing track of him, like that Deathroller we caught. And if we can't get enough heads, we'll have to collect his regardless."

Alexis: "Can we really keep him around?" Alexis asks, standing from the ground, not even noticing her gravid belly full of mionospooge. "Cus I can take good care of him if we need to..."

Zyanya: "Just so long as you share, Alexis I'll be happy to help keep an eye on him and take care of him. Share the load so to say. B...but we should get going. Is there anything we can do to help?"

Alexis: "Agreed, Zyanya." Alexis says, moving over to her pack, and searching for her strongest rope, brandishing the rope, a grin on her face. "What say we make sure he gets all comfy-like first?"

DM62: "Fine, fine," Jenna chuckles. "Just keep him properly bound. I don't want him getting loose and deciding to rut the others of us. And be careful. Mino seed is addictive as hell." Irena chuckles, then transforms back into the guise of an adolescent minotaur. "I'll lead the way, so we don't tip off the guards."

Alexis: "I'll be sure to. Binding people up is a specialty of mine..."

Zyanya would nod, glad that her friend agreed to the deal. Seems she had a new pet to take care of, but for now she'd have to follow Jenna and Irena out, the amazon still eager to get off no thanks to the damn beast. Maybe she'd have a chance later with one of her companions. But for now, she'd play the part of a prisoner.