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Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fourteenth Session, 8 January (part two, setting out, suspicious farmers, a dairy farm, a farmer in need of aid)
Zyanya: Feeling she had said enough compliments and the like to Fiske earlier, Zyanya would focus more of the earlier departure instead. "Any idea on where we should head though? We got alot of leads and any one of them could warrent further investigation."

DM62: Jenna speaks up, while running her fingers gently through Vel's fur. "As I recall we had a few ways we could go. We could seek help against the greenskins at Underfell, the Braxilian capital. Though they seem to have a rival in this Sun cult, which seems to be popular but might not want to help a team that works with vampires and necromancers. We could also head further east. Ashur gave us powerful magicks that we could use to awaken the thrull, creating another ally against Malgra, and a force to counter the scorpion-men. And then, of course, we have to free Grand Forge eventually. But I don't think we're strong enough for that, yet."

Hel pipes up as well. "We've cut off a lot of Malgra's army at any rate, so she'll need time to recover. We've bought us some time to try and make allies, either way."

Zyanya: "So head to Underfell and deal with the growing Sun cult or awaken a new race? Honestly...both seem like they're full of their own pitfalls. Honestly if we're lucky we could have enough time to do both before Malgra recovers. But what do we know about these thrull? I for one haven't heard much about them."

Vel purrs, musing "Mmm. Vel thinks nobles need wake up call. And she wishes to compare nobility to the underelves."

DM62: Arturus shrugs. "The thrull are an insect-like race, operating within a hivemind. Not exactly great thinkers... in fact their intelligence is almost beneath that of a conventional animal in many respects. Ashur occasionally abducts them for experiments, though her old gnomish master often scolds her for the practice."

Vel: "Obviously, we need more chimera.," giggles Vel, "We smarter than bugs."

DM62: Sir Malius point to the map. "There are two routes to Underfell, if that is your path. You could follow the Kraken River on the eastern side all the way up to Nightwych, or you could head to Nightwych via the path, through Tillshire and all the farming country. The river path is shorter but much more difficult--with the terrain, it will probably be slower than the path through the farmlands, which will be mostly flat or slightly sloped."

DM62: "Either way, the only way in or out of Underfell is through Nightwych, over the Cardis Bridge, and over a path into a ring of mountains. The city is practically impregnable."

Vel: "Vel bets that they've never actually been tested much."

Zyanya: "Underfell it is then. And from the sounds of it, the path through the farmlands seems the most advantageous. No adverse terrain slowing us down and not having to worry about falling into a river again. Much as I like to swim, a river is never the best place to do it."

Vel: "Vel hates water."

Hel nods with the words of wisdom. "I'm not sure what Underfell can offer, but it's worth a shot. Any nobility will surely at least be able to offer monetary assistance or raw materials."

DM62: Sir Malius smirks at Vel's comment. "You should ask Hel what he thinks of their defenses, when you arrive." The night passes all too quickly, with Thrae feeding from Raz'Qui that evening. With the dawn, the villagers gather to bid their farewells to the party. Many of them have piled foodstuffs into a basket, offering the rations to the adventurers. Sir Malius gives the party a bow. "I'll rejoin you when things are settled here, friends. Stay safe."

Vel: "Don't fight orcs like orcs while gone. Vel would like mistresses hard work to not be ruined."

Hel gives a bow to Sir Malius. "Stay strong, you've done good here for your people, and no warrior can fault you for that."

Zyanya: "Best of luck to you sir! And no worries about your friend. I'll keep an eye on him!"

DM62: The knight grins. "If Malgra sends ships after us again... yeah, we're likely to seek shelter in those damned woods, rather than be cut down where we stand. Good luck."

DM62: The country road is smooth and well-traveled, with wagon ruts running through it. Sir Fiske walks close to Zyanya, though he's been rather silent since he awoke and was suddenly knighted. So much so, that when he speaks an hour into the journey, it's a bit of a surprise. "Zyanya is your name, lady? I... would like to thank you for speaking out on my behalf, earlier. I was... I am honor-bound to die, according to Kaliferian custom. But it was... meaningful to me, that a stranger would come to my aid with such... fervor." Most of the farmlands are closed shut, and the party can feel wary eyes watching them through wooden slits in barn doors and cabin planks, the nervous farmers unsure of the strangers passing through.

Vel hums, watching a bit curiously. "Those are fungus farmers yes? Where are all the guards? The slaves? No wonder they seem scared..."

Hel gives a gruff shrug to the chimera. "Humans up here farm other stuff, primarily wheat, corn, and other such crops that rely on sunlight to grow. I've had a few meals with such food, not half bad in comparison to potatoes and beets." He ends the talk with a bit of a grin. "Can't fault em too much, corn and yeast-brewed beer does got a decent flavor to it."

Vel: "Vel doesn't know what any of those things are."

Zyanya: "It was my pleasure Fiske. There was no way I could let a capable warrior like yourself die because of some silly custom that even Malius disagreed with. You fought for your very survival and are more than worthy to be given the honor you carry now. My people would consider what you did a heroic achievement worthy of reward, not death. I could see that you had talent and we need all the capable hands in the world right now. We can't throw good soldiers away."

Hel: "I'm sure there'll be a bit of time to educate you on it," Hel explains. "Knowing our luck, first thing those nobles will call for is a feast with all the finery..." There's a slight note of disdain in his voice but he tries to hide it well.

Zyanya would note the conversation Vel and Hel were having and chimed in. "They're scared because this is their land and home, much like the loggers. They lose this, hey lose everything."

DM62: About midday, the party passes a rather small ranch, with a prominent but crudely-painted sign out front: "PO'S DAIREE. SLOOTS WELCUM." The main farmhouse stands out front, with a fenced-in field in the back of it, and a barn toward the back of the field. Vel smells something... funny, that reminds her of the bandits they fought in the Under Lands. And there seems to be moaning coming from the barn.

Vel: "...There's minotaurs over there."

Zyanya: "Minotaurs? Up here? Wonderful."

Hel grunts, raising an eyebrow. "Credit where it's due, he is at least literate to a degree.

DM62: At this point a breeze carries the unmistakeable scent of mino spunk over the party, the potent musk making the females feel just a bit randy. Thankfully the breeze is short-lived.

Zyanya: "D...damn musk." The amazon did her best to cover her nose, not wanting to get overwhelmed by the scent. "Don't like it here. Just reeks of bad news."

Hel gags a little, giving a grunt. "We should keep going," he grumbles...

Thrae stepped side to side a bit. "Really, how does it even carry that far. Though if we want I could probably just burn the place from here."

Vel whimpers, shivering. "Vel thinks we go. No proof this is not noble allowed place."

DM62: At this point the party hears a "Psst!" from a farmhouse across from Po's Dairy. A hand gestures them to come over to a barely-open wooden door.

Vel: "... Or we can go see what being said..."

Thrae looks at the others. "Guess we could to that yes."

Zyanya: "So much for walking past this place. It's sort of forced our hand."

Zyanya: "Well, could see what the noise is all about...Unless you all want to move on."

Vel shrugs and walks over there curiously. "Vel can take hit if trap. Is what she's for."

Thrae: "Well then, let's go take a look at what's going on here," Thrae says, starting to head over to the hand.

DM62: The door opens a little wider. Behind it is a disheveled, bearded human male, probably in his twenties, desperately looking at the party. "Please. Please, you've got to help us. They... they stole my sister! And then they stole all of them! All the women! They're doing... evil things... to them!" He looks with a mixture of fear and rage at Po's Dairy.

Thrae: "How long have they had them kidnapped?"

DM62: "I... uh... maybe a week?" He looks at the drider nervously. Zyanya gets the impression he's holding something back. For that matter, Thrae detects a certain amount of bullshit, as well.

Vel looks at him, tilting her head.

Thrae narrows her eyebrows. "That seems pretty unsure given they apparently took everyone you know."

Zyanya: "If you were really concerned, you'd have a better memory than this. Out with it."

DM62: Sir Fiske nods. "We've no time to help liars. We should move along."

DM62: The man's eyes open wider, and he sinks to his knees in desperation. "Wait! Please! I'll tell you... everything. From the beginning. But you've GOT to help me. Just... come in." His house is in a state of neglect, with dirty dishes piled up and dirty laundry all over the place. "The Gador Ranch was bought by an agent about a month ago. Nobody thought that too odd--just another Kaliferian colonist, come to make his way. The minotaurs arrived a few weeks ago. Nobody thought anything was wrong. Their place smelled a bit strange, and no one bought their milk. We didn't protest."

DM62: "A few days after they moved in, my sister Rala disappeared. I was worried when she didn't return that night, as she always did. The next morning, I went looking for her. Eventually, I knocked on the door to Po's Dairy... and she answered it! She told me she was happy there, working as a 'cowgirl.' She told me to leave, and then she went back in... and there was a milking machine rigged up for her! I tried to take her home by force but... one of the big minotaurs tossed me out, easily."

DM62: "I told the Elders. They laughed at me. I was a figure of fun for the first day. My sister was apparently a slut and I was made a fool of." He shakes his head. "Then other women started moving into Po's Dairy. Farmers who tried to fight back were roughed up and cast out. We... we didn't know what to do! We can't leave our women, but they won't come back to us... please. I've got a few things to make it worth your while, just... please kill those evil bull-men."
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fourteenth Session, 8 January (part three, initial plans, meeting Daisy, delicious minotaur cheese)
Thrae: "Well, it definitely sounds like minotaur cum addiction. Though I wonder why they went over there in the first place, Minotaur's aren't exactly the stealthiest bunch so it's not like they would have kidnapped anyone."

DM62: Sir Fiske frowns. "I'm unfamiliar with minotaurs or their... cum. Are you saying that the cum could... make a woman submit, willingly?"

DM62: The desperate man shakes his head. "My Rala would never abandon me willingly!"

Vel: "Yeah. It's powerful. Vel seen it used to break people. But withdrawal can ruin people too. Not many good answers.," says Vel, "And no mushrooms to help soothe. Buuuuuut...." She turns and goes to see if the smuggler was hidden amidst them.

DM62: The smuggler is in the party, his arms folded, leaning against a wall of the dirty cabin nonchalantly.

Vel leans against him and whispers, "This another one of the thief stuff gone wrong?"

Thrae: "Yes, their cum, like that of deathrollers, is addictive. Minotaur cum also has a rather long period with withdrawal systems if I remember correctly. A few of our members had to deal with it for a bit." Thrae said to Fiske. Then looked at the rest of the party. "Either way though, I would personally not like to deal with a minotaur infestation if this is allowed to keep going. So we probably should do something about it."

DM62: The smuggler shakes his head. "Not that I know of... but it's certainly possible, I suppose. They used an agent to buy the land, which means that either these are unusually smart minotaurs... or someone wants to establish leverage over the farmers, force them into servitude. Either way, I've come to two conclusions. First, this wretched farmer's told us everything he thinks of importance. Second, there's still things we don't know about this."

Vel nods, then looks over at the ranch. "...Vel thinks she needs to go through their messages and records. Someone must be working them. Vel also thinks she has too many girl bits to do this reliably though... Soooo, have fun."

DM62: The smugger grins. "I'm good at blending in with crowds. I'm not good at blending in with burly minotaurs and cum-addled naked women."

Thrae: "Given they are all humans over there I assume." Thrae looks at Zyanya. "I think you are the only girl here who could potentially blend in. Unless we want to just send someone in through the door."

DM62: "Well... what if we simply went over there to purchase some milk?" Arturus responds. "We can simply say that we're parched travelers, in need of liquid refreshment. Get a better look."

Zyanya: "Are you saying I'm the only one that could go in? I honestly like Arturus' idea a little better. Approach them as an interested buyer rather than another potential victim."

Thrae: "We could. Though I don't know how much I trust going into the place even as a buyer. Though atleast that way you guys could get an excuse to go inside."

Zyanya: "Any of the women go in, they'll see us as targets. And given I had to deal with minotaurs back in the underground I'd rather not get ensnared again."

DM62: "True," Jenna speaks up, "but that'll let us know if they're forcibly abducting women, or simply letting their musk lure them into sampling the minotaur cum. Unless we don't care about their methods. We could just level the whole ranch." The farmer wails at this, "No! That would kill Rala!"

Hel looks quite annoyed at the general situation but doesn't really speak up, not having much to say.

Vel shrugs. "Vel is gonna hang back in case she needs to save everyone again and scavenge for a musk mask."

Vel: "If mistress allows her to that is."

Thrae: "Well....anyone want to volunteer to be the girl to go along then? Or, should we all go..." Thrae said to the girls other then Vel, looking a bit embarrassed at even bringing up the subject.

DM62: Jenna nods. "Yes. Zyanya would love to volunteer."

Zyanya: "H...Hey! T...that's hardly fair!" She looked quite grumpy at the fact, and no doubt upset that such a situation was forced upon her with their new companion. Wonderful way to introduce him to group dynamics. "And no sacrifice from you Jenna? How selfless of you."

Thrae: "I don't think you or Zyanya needs to go through that again.." Now if only they had the faun still around she would have no qualms about throwing her into the firing line. "And Vel is our backup incase things go wrong because she has proven useful at it...So, I guess it's my turn to potentially take one for the team." Thrae put all her effort into hiding her embarrassment, and a bit of want at the idea, trying to just show that she was just trying to do a favour for the other women in the group.

DM62: Jenna sticks out her tongue at the Shiriti. "I'll be right behind you, dear. No, really. I'll come along. But Hel, you'd better keep us out of trouble. Or you'll be in big trouble, buster."

Hel grunts. "You say that like you were expecting me not to. You lot get into trouble and I'd be the first one to bring an axe in."

Vel: "Vel will keep outta trouble. Hey, human fungus farmer person. Please allow Vel to go through your things to make mask to filter musk. That way she can save mistress if her magnificence is undermined by someone else."

Zyanya: "So wait, now you want to go in Thrae? You sure Vel's gonna allow it?"

DM62: The farmer nods. "Take whatever you need. Just kill those bulls, and bring my Rala back safe!"

Vel: "How could Vel prevent mistress from doing as she pleases?," blinks Vel, looking at Zyanya, "Vel is slave. Silly Zyanya."

Thrae: "Indeed, anyways, I can handle it. I've got more mass anyways so it'll probably take longer to have much effect on me. Also you know, that other bit." Thrae said, refering to her vampirism. Well she knew the musk made her a bit horny, she doubted their cum would do to much to her. Then she continued with a teasing tone. "Though if you want to come along too then you can just chalk it up to some lingering effects from before."

Zyanya: "Honestly, if me and Jenna went in, we'd be at risk of relapsing and there's no telling how far we'd sink once they got our claws into us."

Vel: "Vel is best life line!," giggles Vel, as she shuffles through belongings and what not, looking for any sort of cleaning chemicals and a suitably thick set of clothing she could use.

Thrae: "Okay then, you two stay out here with Vel and be the rescue party if things go wrong. We'll go scout the place out."

Vel: "Jenna could stand on Vel's shoulders and we wear big people clothes. Never suspect Venna!," mutters Vel as she holds up a coat with a giggle, before musing, "Or maybe Jel? Jennal? Hm..."

DM62: Jenna shrugs. "Fine, I'll stay here with my little Vel." She runs her fingers through Vel's fur again, giggling and giving her a smooch on the head.

Zyanya: "Best of luck in there Thrae. Don't get too sucked in."

DM62: The reek of the minotaur spunk increases as the party approaches the front door to the ranch house, which isn't even latched shut properly, just left closed.

Vel giggles with a blush with Jenna before continuing to look for suitable clothes and chemicals to make a makeshift vapor mask from.

Thrae lets Hel and the other males take the lead, if they were the primary talkers then the minotaurs would probably be less likely to just try to like, grab her and go.

Hel: Hel's grimace grows as he approaches the door, though does an attempt to hide some of the potential contempt on his face. The last thing they needed was another potentially dangerous sidetrack, but it probably would help in the long run to solve this problem now.

Thrae decides to stand to the side of Hel, and open the door. Letting the dwarf go through first.

DM62: The main room of the ranch house is actually rather clean, and well-appointed. Behind a clean wooden counter is a naked blonde woman with large, leaking breasts and a cowbell tied around her neck. She also seems to have a cow tail hanging between her legs, though the party would eventually realize that this was actually an anal plug attached to a fake, cloth tail. She smiles at the party. "Welcome to Po's Dairy. Can I interest you in some of our fine dairy products? We don't have harpy eggs yet, but our harpies are supposed to come in next week!" She giggles a little, her ripe breasts heaving.

Thrae raised an eyebrow. Well, she already was fairly sure this had something to do with minotaur cum addiction. She really doubted to many girls would be up to do this just for the fun of it, or atleast, no underworlder would do something like this. The musk in the air was starting to make her blush a little bit, but she was determined to fend it off as long as she could. Commenting to herself she said "Wonder where they get the harpies from."

Zyanya would do her best to cover her nose, making sure she dosen't get "convinced" to just strip down and join the festivities.

Hel: Hel's eyebrow raises a bit at the comment on harpy eggs, actually being useful and asking about it. "Harpies? I can't imagine too big of a demand for harpy eggs around here?"

Vel: "Mistress-Friend Jenna, you got any chemicals for preserving things?," asks Vel, musing a bit, thinking she knows what chemical would work

DM62: Jenna rummages through her sack, producing a small vial. "This is pretty good at preserving corpses. I only have a little, though, and a few drops goes a long way, so just use a few drops."

Vel: "Course! Vel doesn't want to knock herself out.," smiles Vel, "Hmm... Vel thinks... We wait an hour then go be saviour object to silly people? Er, that is, Vel is object, Jenna is person, if Jenna comes too?"

DM62: The blonde looks at the drider and dwarf, smiling. "I don't know. I'm just one of Po's cowgirls. We don't know much about business. Oh!" She reaches back to a table behind her, pulling up a plate and placing it on the counter, along with a small knife. The plate is covered with a wheel of sharp cheese, only a few slivers cut out of it. "Would you like some fresh cheese? It tastes SO good." She cuts off a sliver, extending it to Thrae.

Zyanya: "And what do I do? Stay back while you two go in there?"

Thrae looks at the cheese, and wonders what it was made out of other then just a general topic of 'milk.' She wasn't entirely sure she actually wanted to know the answer though, so she said "Sure. I haven't ate in while and a snack would do me good." Then she picked up the sliver and ate it.

Vel: "Oh, right, Vel forgot. Um... Mistress friend Zyanya can come too... If she admits surface is just same as underground!," grins Vel

DM62: "Stay back or go in," Jenna smirks, "You'll likely give into the mino cum within a few hours anyway. I'm already thinking how much I need to taste a little bit of it." The gnome shudders.

Vel: "Besides giant deathball in ceiling, Vel knows that diffrent. No, mistress friend Jenna, you don't need it! You've got princely dwarf! Who needs just some minotaur, thpt, lot's of those around, not so many princes!"

DM62: The cheese is indeed laced with something non-dairy, and Thrae can feel a pleasure coursing through her veins, and the need for a fat, thick cock. Her genitalia involuntarily begins slickening up with desire, and the cowgirl smiles. "RIGHT?" She cuts off a slice for herself, eating it with a moan, then slicing off another sliver to offer the drider.

Hel: The dwarf glares at the cheese, still quite well-armed as always. His hand is near his hammer, and he's looking around with suspicion.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fourteenth Session, 8 January (part four, addictive cheese, meeting Mo, an explanation)
DM62: Arturus grimaces. "We're wasting our time with this one--she's clearly addled. I say we bind her and move to reconnoiter the rest of the ranch. I'm sure there are many more females trapped here."

Zyanya: "I'll be honest, I won't be able to say that without making up a laundry list of lies and half truths. Fine, I'll stay back and pray for your safety. Least I can do at this point. I'd advise Jenna as well, but she's her own woman and I can't tell her what to do."

Thrae: Well, the cheese tasted really good, though she wondered if this was how they got the others because she could immediately tell it was laced with minotaur cum most likely, or atleast an aphrodisiac. Still, she was more than sure she could handle another piece, eating the second sliver before Arturus talked, she leaned over and said quietly to the others. "Well... the foods laced with cum I think... Tastes really good though."

Vel: "Vel thinks the obvious answer is she ties you two together, and you can pretend to be a chimera for awhile! Zyanya obviously will be the tail."

Hel grimaces, taking one last stab to talk at the woman. "Do you realize you're sharing poisoned goods? Some people will surely take offense to that!"

Zyanya: "Feh. I'll pass if that's my only option."

DM62: Ekon's nethers are practically drooling with need at this point, and even as a vampire she's beginning to feel flushed. The cowgirl behind the counter happily begins dividing the cheese wheel between then, pushing five more slivers towards the drider. She looks up at Hel, then giggles. "Poisoned goods? Why, what do you mean? I'm eating some cheese and sharing the rest with my new friend!" She moves around the counter, looking at the dwarf with a hunger in her eye. "But maybe I can convince you... not to arrest me, guard?" She leans in, trailing her fingers over the dwarf's crotch.

Hel: At this point the dwarf rolls his eyes and nods towards the half-elf. "Well, I tried diplomacy. Time for the strong-arm, ol' chap?"

Thrae: 'Okay, I think that's enough cheese, but it does taste really good.' Thrae thought to herself, before shaking her head as she caught the other two's words. She needed to keep a clear head for this if a fight broke out! Though she did grab the pieces and pocket them for later.

Vel: "Nah, Mistress friend Zyanya is a free woman, she has all the options in the world! For example, if she wished, she could punch herself in the face! Vel isn't sure why, but she could. Vel though, Vel can't. Well she could too but she's an object so doing so should be punished for not asking permission, yes. Hmm..." She muses a bit, hoping and scrambling up on the counter to peer out the window, "No explosions so far!"

DM62: Arturus shakes his head. "I suppose." He produces a rope from his pack, while Sir Fiske advances to grapple the woman from behind, trying to hold her.

DM62: "Ooooh... you boys like it rough and kinky, huh?" She plays with the human, dwarf, and half-elf, wriggling and shifting just enough to make tying her up nearly impossible. Then she calls out, "Hey Mo! These guys don't wanna buy or play!" There's a snort from a back room, and a burly minotaur strides into the main area, naked and snorting, but with a large hammer in his hand. Thrae notices his magnificent, bestial cock, mostly erect, perfect for satisfying her deepest needs.

Hel does his best to assist as well, despite many pullings at his beard as he growls in annoyance. "Note to self, first moment this is all over, I'm making a dwarven mandate for rehabilitation clinics for people with monster cum addictions," he grumbles. This slight jovial tone is lost a bit when the giant minotaur walks in, giving a grunt and holding a passive yet ready stance should it move to attack.

Zyanya: "Oh hush up you overgrown stuffed animal. Swear you get more uppity every day you spend on the surface. If I knew any better, I'd say you were perfect for this side of the soil."

DM62: "Hey! Quit picking on Vel! She didn't do anything to you." Jenna glares at the Shiriti.

Zyanya: "Other then tell me to cause physical harm to myself. We're just going to ignore that I suppose?"

Thrae watches the three try to pin down the woman, and can't help but laugh a bit at the girl's dodging. Though then she called in 'Mo' who she could only guess was probably like 'Po's brother, and she shook her head clear again. Unfortunately her thoughts got scattered again when she saw the minotaur walk in, mostly because he wasn't wearing anything down below. Still, she might end up being somewhat helpful to the party, if only because she let out a low purr that might draw the minotaur's attention for a moment. "Okay, that cheese was a bit stronger then I thought." Given she was seriously considering webbing 'Mo' to the ground and having her fun with him at the moment.

DM62: "She didn't tell you to punch yourself. She said you could, if you wanted to. Because you're free."

Vel shakes her head. "Is okay Jenna. Zyanya is allowed her opinions. And besides, she not wrong. After all the surface is just like underground. Oh, Mistress-friend Zyanya misunderstood Vel. She simply stated that is an option. She could ask mistress to punish Vel if she has taken offense though. Vel has been a bad slave lately so it wouldn't be undeserved. Talking when not spoken to, doing things without mistress permission. Oh the slave mistresses back home would be aghast, yes... She'd definitely be slated for retraining, oh yes..."

DM62: Mo raises an eyebrow, snorting. "It looks like Daisy wants to eat, or fuck. I don't think she minds being tied down, if you fuck her. But if you're not gonna fuck her, put her down. I won't have you mistreating our employees." He moves closer, his musk growing even stronger in Thrae's nostrils.

Zyanya: "-sigh-" The shiriti just couldn't win with these two. Spirits, when were the others going to come back so they could move on. She'd much rather be spending time with the people that didn't seek out an argument with her at every turn. "Gonna get some air. You two go back to doing...whatever it was you had planned." Zyanya waved her hand as she said that, walking past and stepping outside.

Vel watches her go with a shrug, then looks out the window some more. "...Mmm. Does the surface have girl minotaurs?"

Hel is unimpressed, glaring him down with crossed arms. "We're here for answers. Simple enough question, if you reply peacefully enough we'll gladly go," the dwarf points out. "We already know that this farm laces some of it's productions with undesirable side effects, so are you or are you not coercing woman with it and then hoarding them while they're still drugged up?"

DM62: The minotaur reek grows strong again as the Shiriti walks outside, reminding her of how delicious minotaur cock was the last time she indulged.

DM62: Jenna shakes her head. "I don't think female minotaurs exist."

Vel: "Well is there girl thing that does to men what minotaurs do to girls?"

Zyanya: "F...fuck...bad idea. No. Not going over there. Not going over there." She turn away from the building and began walking in the other direction, wanting to put more space between it and her.

Thrae: 'Okay, that cheese was a lot stronger than I thought.' Thrae thought to herself again as Mo stepped closer. The musk mixing with the cheese to make her really horny at the moment. She wondered if heading outside would help, but given how hot she was feeling right now she didn't think she'd make it to the door. She'd give the minotaur a moment to reply, or at least try to, because she was about a moment for leaping into 'action.'

DM62: The minotaur laughs. "Questions. We're not obligated to answer you, dwarf. We own this property, and are entitled to run our farm. But I will answer you so you will leave. The women who come here walk in that door of their own free will. It's not our fault that they're drawn to our seed. They choose to stay, because they love being treated like our little cowgirl sluts. Right, Daisy?" Daisy flushes and nods. "And we mix our cum with the food, because otherwise these sluts would forget to eat. We want them to stay healthy." He looks up at the drider. "We don't generally employ driders here, dear. But I'm willing to make an exception, if your friends leave."

DM62: Arturus' hands are already on his weapons, looking to the dwarf with a raised eyebrow. Sir Fiske is looking equally unsure, axe at the ready. Daisy is pouting a little, her arms crossed under her leaking breasts, making them look even riper.

Thrae: "A-Ahh." Thrae leans over to Hel and speaks about as quietly as she could. "I think you guys m-might want to try coming back later. I-I don't know how much help I'll b-be right now..." Her voice was tainted by her arousal. She was sure she could get out on her own anyways. She just needed to burn this little peak out and then she'd be fine!

Vel: "mm... If there is girl thing that can do to men that women have happen from minotaurs... Vel wonders..." She hops down, pacing. "When undermistresses wish to tame ambitious under elf without killing, easy way is slip them mino cum. Not need for men usually cus men have to lsiten girls. But if there female version... Well, how easy to control farms for Malgra if all work for one group of monsters? Or anyone really, not have to be Malgra."

DM62: Jenna looks thoughtful at Vel's question. "I... I'm not sure. I know harpies tend to abduct men, but I don't know if their juices are addictive in some way."

Vel: "Harpy? Vel heard of but never seen. Hm. Well, how do men get away from harpies? Or how do harpies keep men?"

Vel: "Aren;t harpies like... only bit bigger than Vel and much lighter?"

DM62: The gnome woman nods. "Yes. If Malgra addicted all the girls in a village, she'd essentially control that village through her minotaur agents. It's clever, if that's what going on here. As for harpies keeping men, well... some of them are skilled herbalists. And they often fly the man up to a very high nest, where the man can't escape."

Vel goes and looks out the window for any really high structures.

Hel looks like he's trying to swallow down an apple at this, but hisses and nods to Trae. "Fine... Hold on if you can," he hisses to the drider in a whisper. To the men, he keeps glowering at the minotaur, but motions to leave, roughly tugging away the rope from the cowgirl before they leave. Outside, he'd growl a little, cracking his knuckles. "We'll be breaking that place out, don't worry. It's a clever system, to be honest, get one addicted via the food first..."

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, 10 January (Thrae, Mo, and Daisy)
DM62: Mo grins, moving closer to the drider, around the counter. At this point his scent is overwhelming, and it doesn't help that he seems to be naked under a pair of coveralls. "Well. Now that your friends are gone, maybe we can get to know each other a little better, little spider." He walks around the drider, idly inspecting her. Daisy bites her lip, watching with a considerable amount of envy, standing behind the bar and watching the two others.

Thrae shifted on her many feet as Mo got closer. Ohh gods below his musk smelled so good, and she couldn't help but preen a bit when he started looking her over, emphasizing her chest and figure. Stepping a bit closer she said. "Mmmm, I think I'd like that. I haven't had a good lay in a while and you," She took in a deeper breath and trailed a hand toward the bindings that held together her minimal clothes. "Smell really manly."

DM62: "Yes... I could use someone to give a good fucking to." The minotaur gives a snort, crudely running his fingers over the drider's female genitalia, enjoying the sights of his exotic find.

DM62: Daisy pouts a little, folding her arms under her ponderous breasts. "Awww... I think I was gonna get to fuck you next, Mo."

DM62: Mo laughs brusquely. "HA! Sluts wait until their studs are ready to fuck them. But I suppose I can't blame you for begging a little." He presses a finger into the drider's snatch, then a second, feeling her depths. "Mmm... warm and wet like a proper bitch."

Thrae moaned as the minotaur pushed his finger into her, and she wouldn't admit it but Mo's attitude sent a shiver through her as well. She was rather certain she could handle anything Mo was packing thanks to her unique body. "Well, its hard not to get like this when in the presence of such a stud."

DM62: Mo grins. "That's a good thing. Proper appreciation for your new masters." He unbuckles his coveralls, and they fall to the ground, increasing the musk even further, and he pulls his fingers back from Thrae's sodden snatch, sniffing them hungrily. "Mmm... not bad at all." She can feel the hot tip of his cock slipping up and down her pussy, teasing her.

Thrae couldn't help but let her gaze drift down when Mo dropped his coveralls, the drider eager to see just what the bullman was packing. Then she let her gaze come back up and watch Mo sniff at her pussy juices. At the move the drider could only shudder a bit in pleasure, and it wasn't helped when she started to feel his cockhead rubbing against her slit, drawing another quiet moan from her. She wanted to say something, but instead she just blushed and looked down, her submissive side kicking in more and more with every moment.

DM62: Thrae's submission is not lost on the minotaur, and he gives a hearty chuckle, pressing himself in with a satisfied grunt. Even for a drider, the minotaur's a rather tight fit, filling her snatch completely. He wraps each hand around one of the drider's legs for leverage, starting to ram himself deeper and deeper into the drider. "Such a nice little slut you are." Daisy is starting to finger herself behind the bar, blushing furiously and suckling at one of her milky breasts.

Thrae couldn't help but let out a small cry as Mo plowed into her. The drider suprised at how tight the fight was even with her deep pussy. She had to admit, she could really get used to having a cock this big inside her, maybe she'd have to put a bit more pressure on Raz next time. "A-Ahh, so big, it feels so good." She didn't resist as Mo grabbed her legs and used it to drive even further into her, and she couldn't help but let one of her fingers trail up to her own chest as she saw Daisy. The drider playing with her breasts even as her breath started to come in pants from Mo's thrusts.

DM62: The minotaur notices Thrae's gaze, smirking. "You know... we could put some milk in these titties of your too, if you like. Ain't hard, if you got the right herbs." He ruts in harder, really starting to plow the drider. "Of course... most of our girls are pregnant by day two, so it's not really a pressing need." Thrae can see some milk spilling down Daisy's body as she sloppily suckles herself.

Thrae: “M-Maybe." Thrae said between pants as she looked at Daisy suckling herself. It did look rather fun, but she wondered if all that milk got in the way. Still, judging by the way her blush increased it would be enough to signal she had some interest in the possibility. Though her thoughts were taken away from that pretty quickly and focused back on Mo's hard thrusts, the drider moaning and fondling herself more as she let herself be rammed, her trained insides playing with the minotaurs huge shaft. "H-harder!"

DM62: "Oh-ho... a ravenous little slutty spider..." The minotaur grins, thrusting himself in deeper, hilting his impressive length in the drider's sodden snatch. She can feel every vein on his magnificent cock as he ruts into her, and Daisy flushes, biting her lip as she watches the pairing, clearly nearing her own orgasm. Milk spills from her tits onto the bar, making a milky mess as she gazes upon the mino and drider love-making.

Thrae couldn't last much longer, atleast not without hitting her first orgasm. As Mo's ramming continued, stretching her insides along his equine length, she felt tension rapidly building in her gut. Her moans increase in pitch and her panting got harder and harder before she managed out. "A-Ahh! It's c-coming." Giving warning to those who heard of her impending climax.

DM62: Surprisingly enough, the stud didn't quite seem ready to cum himself... but he grins, ramming his cock into the drider a little more viciously, eager to give the drider her first orgasm on his cock. Still, she can feel drops of the delicious mino pre-cum spilling into her gash, filling her with a warm and unimaginable euphoria, as Daisy shakes and shudders through her own orgasm behind the milk bar.

Thrae wasn't entirely surprised that Mo didn't cum himself. The drider didn't expect such a stud to finish that quickly. Instead she rode out her orgasm, even extended as it was by his continued thrusting and the bits of precum that flowed into her and filled her body with heat. Her sensitive insides continued to accept every inch of Mo's cock, and even started to pull at him, trying to get him even deeper with each of his strong thrusts.

DM62: Mo continues to rut the drider, his thrusts made easier by the massive amounts of lubrication pouring out of her cunt, and he reaches up, grasping her breasts and mauling her nipples with his fingers. He's begun to snort and huff now, his cock bulging within the drider, and Thrae can tell that it's only a matter of time. Daisy, meanwhile, is watching the pair with a blissful, dopey expression, a mess of milk and cum leaning idly on the bar, still fingering herself.

Thrae moaned as Mo played rough with her body and felt his cock bulging inside her. As she felt the latter she mentioned. "G-Give me all of it, please!" Her hands clinging onto the minotaur to give him even more leverage to drive as deep into her as he could, as her insides prepared for the deluge of incredibly good feeling cum they were about to get.

DM62: Mo grunts. "Don't... gotta... ask me... twice..." He gives a howl, ramming his cock deep into the drider, and his cock bulges just a bit more inside the drider, before a deluge of cum pours into her. The hot, thick fluid feels like absolute heaven inside the drider, bringing her to a high she's never quite felt before.

Thrae: “Ohh gooood." Thrae cried as Mo flooded her with cum, no wonder girl's got addicted to this stuff. She knew she was resistant to the cum but even then it was like someone was feeding her the world’s best candy, of course she'd want more! It was enough to bring her to a whole nother orgasm immediately, and now she let herself ride it out as her insides pulled the cum as deep into her as they could. When the orgasm finally ended she said airily. "That...was sooo good."

DM62: Mo holds himself inside the drider for a while longer, riding out his orgasm and resting a little against her. "Mmm... never had a drider before. That... that was a good hump, slut." He runs his rough fingers over Thrae's upper human body, his cock still discharging the delicious mino cum. It begins to dribble out onto the floor, and Daisy practically leaps over the counter, lapping up all she can from the pair with relish.

Thrae hadn't expected Daisy's sudden movement, but she was too engaged in the cum still being poured into her by Mo. Letting the minotaur play with her without any resistance she said with a bit more strength then before. "Mmm, and I've never had such a stud before. I feel so full." She reached her finger down to her dripping pussy, and gathered up a bit of the leaking cum on the digit, before bringing it up to her mouth and giving it a taste.

DM62: The cum is delicious and tangy, and Thrae's head practically spins as the cum enters her mouth. Mo pulls out slowly, with a small pop, unleashing a flood of spent cum that practically covers Daisy. "Plenty more where that comes from, darling." He grins down at the human cowgirl, who was gulping down cum as fast as she could. "Well, slut? My cock isn't going to clean itself." He grabs Daisy by the hair, forcing her to drink it down faster.

Thrae watches Daisy work, and shivers again. Starting to bite down the instinct to join her, but then realizing there wasn't any reason why she couldn't. Unless the minotaur didn't want her too. If she wasn't stopped, she'd lean down and join the human in cleaning off the excess cum that was on Mo's cock. Eager to get a bit more of the delicious cum well she couldd.

DM62: The minotaur gives an approving huff, folding his arms and allowing the drider and human to clean his cock. He reaches down, stroking the drider's hair as she helps to lap him clean. "That's it, ladies... I want to be spotless before I fuck one of you silly again."

Thrae didn't hesitate, the hand stroking through her hair driving her submissive nature to get more approval from the minotaur. With long licks she'd start to clean him down, getting more tastes of his amazing seed. She'd even fight Daisy a tiny bit over who got to clean off his tip.

DM62: Daisy finally relents, begrudgingly letting Thrae get to lap off the tip of the minotaur's massive cock. The minotaur's cock twitches, clearly ready for a second round. "Mmm... good little sluts. Maybe Daisy would like to get hooked up to a milking table, while a team of my brothers ride a train on him? Daisy looks up at the minotaur hopefully.

Thrae: 'That sounds fun' Thrae thought to herself, but it wasn't like she had any milk to work for that, ontop of that Mo looked like he was ready for round two. The drider waiting patiently to hear what the minotaur had planned for her.

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, 18 January (Zyanya and Selas)
DM62: Zyanya finds herself wandering east of Po's Dairy, in an unfamiliar farming village. Every door is shut to her, and the Shiriti is so busy trying to avoid the scent of the minotaurs that it's some time before she realizes that she's quite lost, on an unfamiliar road among farmhouses.

Zyanya: “Damn...those two really got on my nerves...and now they got me lost!" The shiriti complained, but she knew full well she was bull headed and that this was her fault. She was wondering a strange village alone and in a land she asn't fully familiar with. Maybe she could find a tree or place to relax for a moment. Take her mind off things

DM62: "Hey. Jungle girl." The voice comes from near a traditional cow farm. Sitting on a rough wood-beam fence is a dwarven female, the sneaky-looking dwarf in leather armor with the hammer, that came with Hel out of Axetan.

Zyanya: “Jungle girl? That's a new one." She smirked as she waved at the female dwarf. She approached, glancing about to see if any one else was about of if it was just the two. "Funny seeing you here. Figured you'd be trailing after Hel."

DM62: The dwarf returns the smirk. "Won't do any good, if I'm chasing after minotaur dick. Had to find a solution." She grins at the Shiriti. "Looks like you've got it pretty bad, dear. Did you... have a previous encounter with minotaurs?" She looks at Zyanya, quietly summing up the woman, gauging her.

Zyanya: “True enough. Hence why I'm out here instead of back at the house. Plus the chimera and the necromancer were annoying me. Had to get some air." Zyanya would however tilt her head and look rather curiously at the dwarf as she looked her over. "How did you figure? Damn things got the drop on us in the underground and I was fucked by those bull bastards. Just want to be as far away from them as possible."

DM62: "In my line of work... one has to be familiar with all manner of substances, both lethal and... intoxicating. Come here for a second, if you like, and I'll share my solution with you. Better if I do it first, and explain it afterwards." She motions the dwarf over, then she slips her hand into a small pouch she has with her. "If I explain it beforehand, you won't let me. But it WILL help you fight off the arousal."

Zyanya: “I figured as much. It pays to be prepared in any line of work. Shame that I only know basic herbs and medicine from my time preparing for leadership back home. They wanted me to know all manner of things." She explained this as she approached, the dwarf mentioning a solution. "So there is a remedy to this mess? Honestly relieved to hear that. But why do you think I'd reject if you told me before hand? Is it distasteful?"

DM62: "Yup." At this point the dwarf swiftly reaches up, dragging a moist finger across the Shiriti's upper lip. The sharp stink is immediate, making Zyanya wrinkle her nose, but she can't smell the minotaurs anymore, removing her arousal.

Zyanya: “Well lay it on me." She said simply not knowing what was to come as the dwarf dragged a finger across her upper lip and leaving a rather pungent odor on it. "G...gah. Spirits above what is that?!"

DM62: The dwarf snickers, watching her reaction. "That? That's horseshit, love. Strong enough to take your mind off the minotaurs, for now."

Zyanya: “Y...you serious?! D...damnit, I shouldn't have done that. Ugh..." Much as she complained, he arousal was fading. Shame it had to come from such a terrifying source. "W...what now then, genius?! Gonna tell me to bathe in goat milk or something?"

DM62: "Not sure what good goat milk would do... besides giving you a terrible infection." The dwarf is still grinning. "Told you that you wouldn't let me do it, if I explained it. Still... I can tell it's helping, dear. So tell me... what's with you and the boy-knight? You gonna make the moves on him soon?"

Zyanya: “S...still. It was a little sudden is all. Ugh. Gonna take me a little while to get used o it. But yes, i do seem to be feeling a little calmer." The amazon woman crossed her arms over her chest, before looking at the dwarf in shock as she asked her last question. "F...fisk. W...well I hadn't thought about that to be honest...am I really that obvious? I mean, we're literally opposites in a great many things."

DM62: The dwarf chuckles. "Lots of things are obvious, dear. More so when you answer the question like that. Heh. My name is Selas, by the way. Selas Bronzebeater. Not exactly highborn like your other dwarf friend, the prince. In fact I'm basically just a thug."

Zyanya: “Zyanya. A pleasure to meet you Selas. And don't worry about rank around here. We've sorta become a cross section of the entire world." She shrugged. "But what if I am interested in him? I stuck up for him when he had no reason to die. He's a strong warrior and I'd hate to see his potential wasted"

DM62: Selas folds her arms. "Uh-huh. So... you're not interested in fucking his brains out, my dear? Not sure if I buy that."

Zyanya: “A...and what if I am? My people value strength in their companions and I saw great potential in him. Plus, he's easily better than anyone I'd meet back home. Better him than those scrawny whelps. We'd make strong children. Maybe...If I actually convince him."

DM62: Selas grins. "Well...I've got no objection to the deed, if that's what you're asking." She chuckles. "But I'll tell you this... that boy's... well... I don't think he's very experienced, in the arena of love. As for me, well... I can't say I approve of Hel's, um... companion. A gnome and a necromancer. An exile from her people, at that." The dwarf shakes her head.

Zyanya: “Wasn't looking for approval. I've chosen him myself without the concern of others in mind." She stated quite proudly before the dwarf brought her back down to earth. "A...and even if he is, that shouldn't stop me. He hasn't had a great deal of time to experience the world thanks to his squiring." She knew it would be tricky, but he'd be worth the effort. Selas however seemed to have her own problems seeing as she had Hel on her mind. "Hel? I do feel his choice was rather...odd. Though I think she came onto him and he didn't really have a great deal of say in the matter. But he goes along for it any way from what i've seen. Though i don't care much of her status, it does seem like a strange match. Why does this bother you so though?"

DM62: "I would think it obvious. She's an outcast, among her own kind. A necromancer. Those generally aren't good." She frowns. "Besides... seems like she didn't give him much choice, from what you say. A gnome exile latches onto a dwarven prince. You don't think there's anything wrong with that picture?"

Zyanya: “I admit, the potential for problems there is dangerous. Manipulation and the like, especially if she convinces him that he's enjoying her treatment of her. She could use the fact he's wrapped around her finger. For what I can't say for I know little about dwarven politics. And seeing how people reacted to necromancers in that last town...ugh. Too many potential problems to think of there. "

DM62: Selas nods, scowling. "Could be some manner of enchantment or charm, to hold her sway over him. Not really sure." She looks at her hammer. "If I was sure, she'd be dead already. But I suppose I should watch for more proof. And either way, Hel can't know of my involvement, or he would likely not... react well."

Zyanya: “Still feel death is hardly the answer, Selas. The group is quite reliant on her skills and tey have proven useful. Last thing we need at this point is to be at each others throats over personal interests. Get plenty of proof and bring it to his attention, but by all means don't kill her. Don't think he'd be fond of it."

DM62: "I suppose you've got a point there." She sighs, hopping off the fence. "Still... I'll be keeping both eyes on this 'Jenna.' You ready to head back to the group?"

Zyanya: “You do what you must. Just remember not to take serious action before you have evidence." She was safe to remind the dwarf. "You wanna head back? I suppose I'm ready if you are." She was a little curious; she wanted to head back but she wasn't about to question it

DM62: Selas nods. "Yeah, you're probably right. But help me keep an eye on that necromancer. I don't trust her further than I can throw her. Anyway... let's head back."
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifteenth Session, 21 January (part one, party debates next action, Vel goes scouting)
DM62: When last we left our heroes, you had beat a tactical retreat from the interior of the main farmhouse at Po's Dairy, a milk dairy that had been acquired and taken over by minotaurs, legally. The scent of the minotaurs eventually drew in all the females within a five-mile radius, and once they gave into their urge for minotaur spunk, they never returned home. A young male farmer from across the road had asked the party to remove the minotaurs and save the women, preferably in a lethal manner. The minotaur on duty in the farmhouse, Mo, argued that legally they had every right to operate their dairy here. At this point the party had gone outside to regroup. All except Thrae, who stayed to... sample some of the "milk."

Hel The dwarf is not nessisarily happy as he relays what's happened, his hands still twitching and growling a little in his manner of speech. "Admittedly most of this is a political issue, if it was just some dumb brutes that had taken the place we'd be more than justified to hack our way in, but there's no telling if the idiots runnin' the place won't put us in irons if we do this!"

Vel looked out the window at the group. "Oh, they came out... Wait, where is mistress?," she frowns, hands clenching a bit, "...Hope she's okay..."

Raz frowned and shook his head. "I am a warrior not an assassin and murderer. If they own it legally and the women came to them of their own volition then there is naught we can do. Even if we 'free' them, they will still wish to be here addicted or not."

DM62: Jenna strokes Vel's fur softly, standing nearby. "Don't worry. I'm sure she's fine. Your mistress is a tough woman." Selas, the dwarven assassin that at one point attempted to kill Hel, before she discovered he was NOT an imposter, is walking back to the party from another direction with Zyanya, both of them looking relatively unaffected by the minotaur scent for some reason.

DM62: The smuggler shrugs. "That might be true, Raz... but I don't think these minotaurs are the end of the business. Someone else planned this. And I doubt their ambitions begin or end with a five-mile area around a dairy farm."

Vel: “Of course.," says Vel, glancing at the farmer then back to Jenna as she observes, "I hate feeling like I'm useless though. Minotaurs have a natural talent to evoke that emotion I find. Nasty beasts."

Hel grumbles a bit at that as well. "Drugged food arguably may dissuade those thoughts. There's some pretty readily available cheese which is tainted, and quickly offered. One could argue that this deception wasn't intentional, but I don't really think so."

Raz: “Maybe so, but you’re paying me to protect you, not to go murdering farmers who happen to cross our path. If the food or water at the other farms was tainted, they would not have known the cause or known to come here. Though to be fair, tainting the food here is likely the only way to get them to eat something other than mino seed."

DM62: The smuggler shrugs again. "There's no profit in me getting involved here. My priority is the war with Malgra, and we don't have evidence tying this to her. I could always relay this information to others in our organization. It will take time, especially with the war on, but we'll investigate whoever is pulling the strings. On the other hand, the problem might get worse with time. Either way, it's up to you heroes. I'm just here for the cute jungle lady." He gives Zyanya a wink, a flirtatious gesture that makes Sir Fiske scowl.

Raz crosses his arms and nods. "Nor I. Doing what the other farmer asked us to do will leave us branded as murderers. Especially if one of them gets away. Either way, I will not raise a hand to them till they either provoke me or try to harm my charge."

Hel: “No matter what our decision, we need to at least get Thrae out of there," Hel points out as well. "I don't know how effective that stuff is to a creature like her, but I doubt even she can hold out urges forever."

Raz: “You are forgetting that she has another powerful urge, likely one more potent then their seed. Plus there is no telling if she can even feel its effects due to her new nature."

Hel: “Personally? I'm not in the mood to experiment with limits here."

DM62: Selas frowns. "She's a vampire. I'm honestly not sure why we're letting her come along, in the first place."

DM62: Jenna snaps at her in response. "She's part of our fucking team, and has been since day one! She also never tried to kill either of us." This remark brings Selas close to blows, moving quickly to close the distance between herself and the gnome necromancer.

Raz rolled his eye and shook his head. "Still, she is part of our team, plus our connection to those who control the under cities and their armies. I am sure a bit of blood and she can likely be extracted from where she is quite easily. So can a vampire feel the effects of drug laced things? You are the resident undead expert."

Vel steps between the pair with a hiss. "Enough! If mistresses-friends going to butcher each other for the orcs, have the decency to let the smuggler take bets first." She glares at the lot with both heads, "Vel doesn't understand why we care about the laws. Minotaurs are creatures that brainwash females and clearly are puppets here. They lure, force or poison others and someone is tugging their strings. If none of mistresses friends can agree and the smuggler refuses to act then Vel has to go in and find out who's in charge and steal word papers again." She glares at Selas, "And I will be informing mistress about your attitude. Vel doesn't know who you are exactly, but if you insist on being disruptive then Vel questions why you are here. We worked toghether fine until now." She pulls the cloth mask up over her face and ties another around her snake head.

Zyanya rolled her eyes at the advances of the smuggler and would subtly notice the look that Fiske was giving the man. But the real matter at hand was the senseless bicker that seemed to be going on. And for once, she actually partially agreed with the chimera. "Vel is kinda right here. I find it hard to believe that we need to argue the legality of things, when the minotaurs most likely used underhanded means to begin with. Since when did they go through all the hassle and paperwork that comes with things like land and property and workers? As she said, there is a greater power at play and we need to find out who. We can use that against them. I say we give Vel time to find what she needs and we'll work from there. No sense tearing each other apart over this when we have the rest of the world at risk too."

DM62: Fiske nods. "I swore to defend the people of Braxil to the death. Those women included. Even if that means defending them from their own addictions. I'll be staying here, regardless."

Raz: “I am fine with her going to look about. But from what I have heard, those women came here of their own free will before ever being addicted to their spunk."

Hel gives a grunt. "Gotta admit, I was hoping ye'd all say that. Fine, we send a few to try and sneak in, give em a bit to find tangible proof, and THEN we wreck shop and do what we do best."

Vel: “Big Dragon Friend, you are not a female so you don't understand. You can't understand. The scent, it get's in your brain, it draws, tugs, just being around is bad. And if humans not know, understand what minotaurs do like down in underlands...? Easy prey."

Zyanya: “Again, I find that difficult to believe. Who willingly goes to those damn things? They had to have been hooked ahead of time and then drawn to the place like moth to the flame."

DM62: Selas moves close to Vel. "You're twitching from the scent of the minotaurs. How do you plan to sneak in without falling victim to that lure?" She peers at the chimera, crouching to look at her face-to-hood.

Raz leaned down and gave the warrior woman a curious look. "Likely the very same reason one becomes willing to lay with another outside their own race. They could just want something large." He then stood up and looked at them both. "Oh they likely knew what would happen. Minotaurs are a fairly common thing up here, actually, I think my kin is more scarce here on the mainland then them."

Vel rolls her eyes then squishes her face up against Selas' so she can smell the powerful scent of formaldehyde. "Poison of course. What else would Vel use? Just a touch, so Vel won't die, but she can't smell a thing right now actually. Might have risks long term for Vel, but this is her role in life. Vel twitching is mostly her trying not to claw at her face. Now, scoot aside." She rolls her eyes and looks at Raz, "Know what? Ask mistress to use her magic to make you able to smell it like we can, then you tell me how you feel. Vel has a job to do now."

Raz chuckled softly. "Unless she can turn me into a woman, I doubt I ever will."

Vel: “Oh Vel can do that, but it'd be messy and unappreciated."

Raz: “Only works on true women, not eunuchs."

DM62: Selas chuckles. Vel picks up the scent of something very acrid from just under the dwarf's nose as the chimera nears her. She ruffles the hair on the chimera's head. "Smart girl. I can't see why we bring a vampire along... but I can see how you'd be useful."

DM62: Jenna frowns. "I think Thrae can be addicted... but not in the same way. For her it would be more like how a human might get hooked on a certain type of cheese, or other delicious foods. A psychological addiction to the pleasure."

Hel grunts. "If it's like a dwarf's fondness for ale, she may at least still be lucid. Still, wouldn't hurt to make sure the beasts inside don't find that out as well."

Raz: “Ah, so then she will be quite safe then from their seed. Still, I can still quite easily grab and haul her away if need be."

Vel: “Mistress is here because unless you can unleash endless magic destruction or are important to the under houses, you don't bring what mistress brings." She glances over and rolls her eyes, "Okay, so you're saying high chance Vel needs to babysit a minotaur again. Joy. Vel's life is endless cycle. Why does Mistress and Mistress’ friends keep wanting to keep those around?! Hnng... Vel is going to work now before the poison get's too bad and her throat closes despite the small amounts." She drops to all fours and moves forward, going to circle the ranch to get a feel for the lay out and possible points of entry.

DM62: The large field behind the front farmhouse looks fairly empty, though Vel can pick out clumps of spilled minotaur seed in the field. There are two structures in the field: a barn of some sort, and what looks like a large shed, but with a light on inside. A minotaur is standing guard outside of the shed. As Vel watches, the barn door opens, and a minotaur brings a human woman out, on a leash. She has a dopey sort of smile on her face, and follows him to the front farmhouse, where the two enter. Vel also notices that the smuggler and Selas have followed her out, and are quietly observing from their own hiding places.

Vel frowns, watching a bit. Hm. She kept low to the ground, relying on her small size and low profile, as well as the likely thick minotaur musk to conceal her own scent. Clearly the shed was something of importance... She glances a bit at the others moving as well in the mess. Hm. The guard needed to be removed quietly. He was too big for her venom to work swiftly and he was probably too alert for her to get his neck easily. This would take some doing. Then again... Risky plan but it might work. She snuck her way for the barn to peek inside. If she could get one of the girls to go play with the guard...

DM62: Inside the barn is a scene of utter debauchery. There are three minotaurs and at least thirty females, mostly human women, all naked. Some of them are sleeping, but most of them are following the bull-men around, begging to be permitted to taste the wonderful cum next. Several pregnant-looking women are hooked into milking stalls, their ponderous breasts getting drained of milk while they each get fucked in turn by one of the minotaurs. Another minotaur has picked up one of the women, and is repeatedly dropping her on his cock. The third minotaur is facing Vel, but doesn't spot her yet, as his attention is fairly fixed on the three women eagerly lapping at his massive shaft.

Vel: Yeesh. Yeah no way was she sneaking through there. She backed up a bit. Way too many eyes. Damn it, if only Thrae hadn't gotten herself indisposed. The heck was she thinking, ugh. She was disregarding her advice about not treating herself as invulnerable, not a day after she gave it. Well... Nothing for it, then, she'd have to do this the hard way. Pity it wasn't night yet. She snuck around to the back side of the shed. Well, there was a few options yet, depending how sturdy a structure this actually was. She might be able to just tunnel her way under the wall... And if not, she could scale over it and get the drop on the minotaur and hopefully silence him. The surfacers may be much more hesitant about murder but she was not.

DM62: Back in the house, Sir Fiske looks about thoughtfully. "You know... we don't need to KILL the minotaurs. Just... convince them to leave town."

DM62: The smuggler raises an eyebrow. "Son... you want to INTIMIDATE a minotaur?"

DM62: It looks like there are areas where Vel could rather readily tunnel under the shed wall and gain access. Probably wouldn't take much digging, in the right spot.

Raz chuckled softly and shook his head. "Likely only I can do that, but only to a couple. They have use beat in numbers so it likely won’t work too well."

Vel tested, looking for a quiet spot. Before she started though she pressed an ear against the wall, and her tail against the ground, trying to listen for occupants inside, and to feel for vibrations from within through her serpent tail.

Hel groaned, shaking his head. "You want to try and intimidate a creature like that, you find a larger creature!" he points out.

DM62: Arturus looks at Fiske. "Well... some of us do have magic. I doubt the minotaurs would want to take on warrior with magic. We've even got a dwarf with mechanical parts."

DM62: Fiske glares at the smuggler again. "I'm not your son."

DM62: The smuggler chuckles. "How do you know for sure?" Fiske's eyes narrow, but he simply glowers at the smuggler.

Zyanya: “Hush you two." Zyanya didn't enjoy seeing Fiske and the smuggler argue. "The idea does have some merit though. The men in our group are far from what you would call run of the mill. A dragon, the dwarf with the mechanical limbs, a potent magic user. All we need to do is put on a convincing show and get them to think we're more dangerous than they are and crossing us would be a problem.”
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Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifteenth Session, 21 January (part two, Po and Braxis, the rider, Selas departs, returning to the party)
DM62: Vel doesn't hear anything from inside the shed, except a very light scratching sound.

Vel: Probably writing sounds. She maneuvered to find a nice spot near the back, hopefully out of sight. She didn't need much digging. She took it slow and quietly, needing it just big enough to fit a little snakes head through it.

Raz: “Still, they outnumber us by a few of them, not to mention the high chance of the forty or so cum addicted women who might come at us if they feel threatened. Even we can only deal with so many before becoming overwhelmed."

Hel: “The woman bring up another potential threat, and that'd be the fact they have quite the pick of hostages should they get stuck in a corner."

Raz: “Or the little army if they swarm us. I am good with a blade, but forty or so people? Not likely."

DM62: Sitting at a small table in the shed is the largest minotaur that Vel has ever seen, with his back to the chimera. He's seated on a massive log, which looks like part of the lower truck of a large tree. Standing near him is a much smaller minotaur, looking to be barely of adult age, waiting. The smaller minotaur's eyes glance at the snake eyes and widen for just a moment. Then the larger minotaur grumbles, looking up from his writing. "Something wrong, boy?"

DM62: "No sir." The smaller minotaur's gaze returns to a neutral eyes-front.

Vel: That was the leader. Hm. Spotted but it was unlikely he knew anything but her being a normal snake this low to the ground. Mmm. Target located at least. Pity she couldn't read or she might risk trying to peek at the writing. Still, that was one hell of a minotaur. He made the giant minotaur back at the egg bandits look tiny. She didn't think she'd get lucky a second time getting kicked by a beast of that size. Still, now she knew where to get the information she needed. The room didn't have any beds or whatnot, they must not live in there. That meant that if they waited til dark she'd have her chance at it. She pulled her head free and retreated after glancing to see if the shed had any traps or locks only visible from the inside.

DM62: The shed doesn't seem to have any traps or locks from the inside. As she looks, the massive minotaur speaks again. "Boy. Take this to the Brigston farm, three miles west of here. There's a big mossy rock in front of their farmhouse. Leave it there. Got it, boy?"

DM62: The minotaur glances at Vel's snake head again, then back to the big minotaur. "Yes, sir. Brigston farm. Three miles west. Big mossy rock."

DM62: "Go." The smaller minotaur heads out. Meanwhile, the larger minotaur is sniffing the air in the shed.

Vel decided to pull out from there now, deciding to creep away. He might notice the odd scent but she doubted he'd know the significance of it or the origin. Hm, this might be as good as papers though. She decided to lay low, having slipped some distance away, before moving to stalk the minitaur to his destination.

DM62: The smaller minotaur follows his orders to the letter (with the letter), leaving the message under a large mossy rock at a farm three miles west of Po's Dairy. Selas is there, as well, having followed Vel and the minotaur. When the minotaur is leaving, she walks closer. "He give you anything useful?"

Vel awaits a moment, looking at the letter but not touching it yet, wanting more distance between the minitaur first. "...Interrogation may glean a bit but Vel doubts he knows much. The leader is the biggest minotaur Vel has ever seen, and she's been kicked by some massive ones. The letter is supposed to be left here. Two possibilities arise. We either go through the letter, or we leave it then see who comes to pick it up then interrogate them instead."

DM62: At this point Vel sees the minotaur turn around, walking back toward them. "Hey." He doesn't seem to have spotted the two rogues yet. "Are you the one from the shed? Po didn't notice you, but I did."

Vel glances over, before deciding to take a risk, and trotting out of the grass on all fours. "Oh. Hello. You look nice. Vel was looking for food. She thought maybe you were going to leave food out here." No point in revealing Selas and if needed they could jsut capture him. Depends how this played out. "Why didn't you tell scary big one about Vel?"

DM62: The minotaur folds his arms and rolls his eyes. "I'll tell you. After you stop lying to me."

Vel blinks then shrugs. "Vel is very bad at that. Vel wants to see who comes for the letter in case all the minotaurs around is an orcish plot to take control of the heartlands. Better?"

DM62: He nods. "If I help you, though, you have to get me away from those other minotaurs. You have to be able to keep me safe."

Vel: “Oh. Well, Vel can't really do that but she can take you to people who can. Though three have trouble with minotaur addiction already, so that will be... Interesting. Okay, sure. Saves Vel time and teeth."

DM62: "Alright. Po and his brothers are working for someone foreign. Not sure who. I'm... well... a distant relative. Kinda got roped into this thing, but since I'm not one of the brothers, they treat me like an errand boy. More importantly, they deliberately got those women addicted. Enslaved them. It was all part of 'phase two' of this ridiculous plot."

Vel: “Oh? Do you know who the letter is for, what it is sent too? You're sharp, so Vel imagines you have an idea or two.," she says, sitting as she scritches an ear.

DM62: The minotaur shakes his head. "Never seen the courier. And Po's sharp as a knife. He caught me trying to look at what he was writing once. I didn't sit for a week. But I CAN explain their general plan."

Vel: “Vel is all ears. Well, ears and ear holes. She noticed him sniffing, maybe he scented her poison, mm... Complications."

DM62: "So... phase one. A third-party buyer comes to town. Buys a dairy farm at an excellent price. Po and his brothers actually learned how to work as dairy farmers, so they can play the role. At this point Po and his brothers take over the farm and get the dairy operational. Takes about a week of work, if the dairy was already in decent condition. Phase two. The minotaurs spread their cum all over the field. They fuck the cows. They jerk off into the mud. Anything to spread their stink around the farm, but nothing outside of their property. Within a few weeks, at most, all the nearby females will be drawn to the scent, and addicted to the seed."

Vel: “Mmm, Vel not surprised on the cow bit, when species breeds true with everything...," she mutters, "Vel sees. Then what is phase 3?"

DM62: "Phase three. We offer to sell the females back to their families, with a week's supply of minotaur cum to keep the women in line... in exchange for their land and farms. They have to leave town, with their entire family. Of course, if the women return, then Po gets to keep them. Part of the deal. And about half of them usually make it back. If the farmers complain after that, Po can always offer to slaughter the women and return them piece-by-piece. Phase four, the third-party buyer pays Po and the brothers a large sum for all of the farmland."

Vel nods. "...Clever. So many ways to go wrong though indeed.," smirks Vel, "Then that leaves a final mystery. We need to catch the courier. Selas, you wish to take this task?"

DM62: Selas nods. "Yes. Though I'm not sure how I'll catch a rider on horseback." At this point a rider on horseback bolts out from behind a nearby farm, leaping the fence and galloping west, swiftly.

Vel looks over, cursing. "So much for surprise then. Grr. But he is not going towards the farm. Take the letter, I will bring minotaur to others. This is enough evidence to get dozy surfacers moving I think. But dealing with minotaurs without hostage issue... must plan synchronized assault. Let's go."

DM62: "You take the letter." Selas lifts the mossy rock, handing the note to Vel. "I can track a rider on horseback, especially having seen the horse. I'll follow this fucker west. And if he tries to hide in Axetan, well... we've got allies in Axetan. I'll try to meet you guys in Nightwych, afterwards."

Vel: “Understood." She takes it, "Shadows cloak you." She nods then starts heading for the others, going to take a long loop around the ranch, "Vel expects Po to suspect something is happening soon, so no time for delays, but no benefit to giving him certainty by being easy spot..."

DM62: The minotaur nods. "Still not sure how you guys are planning to get rid of him. How many of you are there?"

Vel: “Lots. Less than minotaurs, but mages count as like, quadruple, so is about equal. And we have a dragon.," says Vel, walking, "And my mistress who is the greatest of all of them. And Jenna who counts as many too. So really, concern is more about hostages than victory. We fought lot's minotaurs with giant leader once before already. They hurt Vel's ribs..."

DM62: The minotaur looks thoughtful as they near the farmhouse with the party. "You know... if you want to distract the hostages... they keep a large tank of the minotaur cum in the back of the barn. A reserve, just in case. If that tank got ruptured... yeah I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be a woman within ten miles who wouldn't feel an urge to run in and have a taste."

DM62: At this point Jenna spots Vel and the minotaur approaching through a farmhouse window. "Hey guys! Vel's back!"

Raz: “Let us hope she is back with news and not someone who caught her snooping about the farm."

Vel: “Vel likes the idea, but only if she get's a better gas mask.," says Vel, as she comes over, "Vel brought information that she can''t read. And person who talks for protection. So yeah, minotaurs bad, cept this one, gotta smack em up. Also if we break seed tank, all ladies everywhere too drunk to do anything."

Vel: “Hi Jenna, this is uh... Uh... Vel forgot to ask!"

Raz: “Seems like you both have a bit of explaining to do beside spill tank and him asking for protection."

DM62: "Braxis. Nice to meet you folks. Vel promised you guys could keep me safe from the minotaurs, if I helped you."

Hel hums a bit, sizing up the newest potential ally. "Worth a shot... Nice to meet you Braxis. So, they were doing something fishy... That's all the justification I need myself. Let's break up a party..."

DM62: "Hold on," says Braxis. "You do understand that you're probably going to have to kill them, right?"

Vel: “Braxis the Braxil Minotaur. Heehee.," giggles Vel, "Yeah. Course Vel has no actual authority, because she's a slave so, you know. But surfacers like to act real squishy soft so Vel figures they'll let it pass. And chances are mistress will be all over you after this. Hng. Anyhow! Here is thing Vel can't read. Selas is chasing horse." She hands over the letter, "Braxis says if we break tank, all ladies busy. Vel is too weak. She thinks this is job for Hel." She looks up. "Kill minotaurs? Shock and horror, never has this been done."

Raz: “Care to explain why you want protection from your own kin?"

Vel: “He's a traitor...?"

DM62: "It's just that these women are hopelessly addicted. Well... maybe I should start at the beginning." Braxis then explains the four phases of the property scheme. "I hate them because they're fucking evil. Enslaving women. Like my own mother. They don't deserve to live. And these women didn't ask to be slaves. But if you simply beat them up or drive them off, the women will eventually return to them. And then this village is in the same situation as before."

Raz: “Hm.... Know who is behind it?" He glances at the letter to see if it was written in the human's common tongue, if it wasn't he was sure one of them might be able to read minotaur.

Vel: “Vel didn't ask to be slave either, but she was born into it. These weren't. Cheating, Vel says. Fortunatly, killing is something they excel at. Especially if mistress get's her head back on straight. Possibly literally. So, strong person snipes tank open with strongness, then we strike minotaurs swiftly yes? They may expect us but not expect tank..."

Zyanya: “So driving out the minotaurs wouldn't be the only issue. It's about figuring out how to do that and not cause the woman to run away from them. Something to break the addiction. Or at the very least ease them off of it."

DM62: "Also I'm a distant relation. Notice that Po and his brothers are all two-letter names ending in 'o.' Po, Mo, Bo, Fo, Lo. I'm not one of them, really." He shakes his head. "Not sure who's running it. That's a big secret."
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Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifteenth Session, 21 January (part three, request for cleaning crew, the party makes their move)
DM62: The letter is written in the common tongue. "Infestation in town. Difficult questions. Might need to delay phase four. Send cleaning crew." At this point there's a brief description of all the party members who spoke with Mo in the farmhouse.

Vel: “Vel figures kill all the minotaurs solves the problem. If new ones show, they not have crazy plan, so no big loss.," shrugs Vel, "So what letter say? Trouble?"

Raz relayed the information within the letter. "Infestation? What does you leader mean by that?"

Vel: “Us?"

DM62: "No idea. If he catches me trying to look at the letter while he writes... yeah, it's bad for me."

Vel: “It obviously means us. Cleaning crew means assassins and cleaners. Obviously we need act now. They never got the letter but the rider saw us so..."

Hel: “Guessing from the lines after, he means us and Thrae," Hel remarks.

Zyanya: “A clean up crew? Almost like they knew they were up to something no good and they got scared the moment people confronted them about it."

Hel: “...Which also means that she may have been in danger once she got a few hits of sploodge. Least, if she had been fully drider, but they may take extra percautions to try and press her for details."

Raz shrugs and set the paper down. He then draws his blade. "Well if they mean to harm us, I see no reason not to defend ourselves."

Vel: “Or, and this is just logic speaking, Vel's mistresses friends pick up their weapons, we blow tank, then we chop them mino's to bits.," sighs Vel, "They can't kill Mistress anyways."

Zyanya: “Hold a moment...Something isn't right about that paper..." Zyanya picks it up and examines it further, noticing the odd coloration did not fit the local flora. Could this...no. It couldn't be. This was from her homeland. "I think...I may have something. May potentially be our mastermind but...I can't believe it myself. Braxis, where did your relatives get this paper from?"

DM62: "Po keeps a stash of paper on him. That green paper. Always uses it for writing important messages."

Raz: “Seems it may not be Malgra's doing after all. Though it does seem a little odd for your people to help the minotaurs, or work with them, doesn't seem very warriory."

Zyanya: “Did he get it from anyone? Because this paper is made of the Greenheart tree. The wood remains green even after the tree is dead, making it very unique. Far as I know it can only be found on my home island. If he gots these from his benefactor...it could mean their boss is...is from my island. Either one of my sisters or those damndable wolves that live on the island as well."

Vel: “Well, makes no diffrence. We're here, they're a problem, they're sending assassins at us, how much more before we can kill them?"

Zyanya: “My guess would be more on the wolves than my sisters. The wolves are clever...more clever than your kinsman Braxis. Intelligent, cunning, and strong to boot...There's a reason we're constantly at odds with the beasts."

DM62: Braxis shakes his head. "Sorry. I don't know. Like I said... I'm not one of the brothers. They don't trust me. All I know is what I see and what I overhear. And I get to do all the errand work."

Raz gives another shrug. "Well no since in lingering here, if they know something is amiss, they will be here shortly. I can split the tank and go get Thrae. Will you all be able to deal with the ones not with her?"

Vel: “Be quick and stealthy. Throw something armor breaking at it. Or yourself.," grunts Vel, "Vel can't handle anyone if they expect her. She doesn't even come up to their knees."

Hel gives a bloody grin as he readies his waraxe from his back, prepping to work. "If we hit em fast, they may not entirely realize what's going on, and we can avoid the worse of potential casualties."

DM62: Meanwhile, Thrae is being allowed to rest in the barn, after getting brutally fucked by Mo, Bo, and Lo. The spunk is working deliciously through her system, making her feel almost drunk. But she's worn out, too, sleeping on a soft pile of hay that reeks of minotaur.

Thrae ponders waking up and being useful, but is too sleepy to get herself awake.

Zyanya was a little disheatened about her realization. She thought she could go this far and not have to worry about anyone from her home getting dragged into this mission. But it seemed fate would be cruel and those damned wolves would only push her home into this affair faster than she would have liked. She'd take the head of the bastard if the worgen were truly behind it. But for now, she had to focus. Her spears were ready and so was she

Vel: “Vel expects them to be ready. She didn't have the cleanest get away. But she doubts they know exactly what to expect. And they don't expect Jenna." She offers the face mask to Jenna, "Here, maybe your turn since you are better? Don't wear it too long though, Vel has trouble breathing right now."

Raz grips his sword a moment and heads for the door. "I will create a distraction with the tank while you guys go do your thing. I will deal with the ones that come to the tank to see and the ones with having fun with Thrae. Sound good?"

Vel: “They may well be IN the tank room, so you know, be fast."

Hel The dwarf's only response is to prep his axe ahead, moving towards the other building as Raz goes to do his part of the plan.

Raz nods before he steps out and dashes towards where the tank is located. He didn't bother to try and hide himself and instead made a beeline for it.

Vel groans as she watches him sprint off. "...Are we sure he is not a minotaur too? Just asking." She shakes her head before dropping on her side, coughing a bit. "Vel will stay here, the tank will wreck her much as the rest of us girls without protection and she wishes time to get the poison out of her system. Well, as much as she can. Yugh, like it didn't hurt to talk already..."

DM62: Jenna shakes her head. "You go ahead and wear it. I've... got... something." Vel picks up a strong scent from under her nose. "Don't worry, after the first minotaur bites it I'll be able to help a lot more." She follows the rest of the group.

DM62: There's a bonfire blazing in the middle of the farm's field, and the minotaurs seem to have armed themselves. Standing in front of the fire, blocking Raz' path, is the largest minotaur he's ever seen, wearing sturdy chain armor and carrying an axe. Behind the bonfire are the other three minotaurs. "Not another step, dragon-man. Or the women of this town die."

Vel grunts and sighs, putting it back on and following after them, coughing a bit. She follows along, before she spots the bonfire in the distance, before getting low to the ground and starting to skirt the area, looking for the women instead. She couldn't fight but if the others were going to get messy well... She'd need to play hero again evidently.

Raz smirks and gives them a curious look. "Really? Threatening me with them?" He stood still a moment and then casually took one step more. "I am here to stop you from trying to kill us. As to the women?" He gave a small shrug. He figured the the others would circle about and save them. "I am a dragon man."

DM62: The smuggler is standing behind a large tree, and motions Vel over. "Everything alright, little lady? I don't see that mask."

DM62: The minotaur steps up to Raz, towering over the dragonkin. "Yes, well... I've no intention of killing you. Or them. Just get the hell out of our little town." He brandishes his axe threateningly, snorting.

Hel moves quietly, the low profile and general darker shades of his armor acting as inadvertent camoflage as he moves along. He kept the axe low after seeing the bonfire, trying to reduce glare, slowly circling around until he reached towards the other side of the house.

Vel grimaces as she comes over. "Too much *cough* poison. Probably doing some permanent damage, but that's my lot in life. Gotta go figure out where the women are being held and rupture the tank... Probably fuck me up badly but eh... Addiction won't kill me, but this stuff probably will if I leave it much longer..."

Raz: “Yes well, after your very charming letter about us and getting us cleaned out, I highly doubt you mean that. Nor that you will let us walk away after it either." He then raised his own blade, readying his blade should the minotaur attack.

Vel: “Hurts too much to keep up the charade right now and honestly it feels more like an obligation than any actual real falsehood at this stage anyways. When a random minotaur can see right through you, you pretty much have to accept you suck at lying."

DM62: The smugger shakes his head at the chimera. "Silly kitty. Here." He dabs something under Vel's snout, and an acrid scent fills her nostrils... but it does mitigate the minotaur scent, for now.

DM62: The massive minotaur grunts, raising his own axe... then he brings up a knee, pulling a surprisingly agile attack against Raz' ribs for a creature of his size.

Vel: “Eugh... You realize I have like ten times stronger sense of smell than you right? AND two heads, one of which scents through it's tongue? And no, fuck no am I putting that in my mouth, I rather risk addiction than getting sick and dying.," grimaces Vel, "Blegh, well whatever, I've a job to do. Ugh..."

DM62: The smuggler chuckles. "Won't hurt ya. Just horse manure."

Raz gave a small grunt as he stepped away from the kick to reduce the impact of the blow. Stagger to the side with a small gasp as he went to catch his breath, he spun about and swing his massive blade at the large man's waist. "See."

Zyanya: “No one said anything about this being your town. You waltz right in like you owned the fucking place." Zyanya got her throwing spear ready (The unique one) ready during the conversation and when the beast slammed his knee into Raz, she was prepared to throw at the larger beast. She'd ahve to wait for an opening whle keeping away from the enemy

DM62: The huge minotaur raises his axe, blocking Raz' swing, then he reaches in, trying to grapple the dragonkin with an enormous hand.

Vel: “No I'm pretty sure manure in your mouth will hurt you."

Raz stepped in and under the minotaur's hand. Using the large beast man's height against him. Nearly bumping into him, he place his hand upon the section above his blade's hilt hilt drawing back the blade. His wings swinging forward like pincers towards him.

DM62: The minotaur grins, dropping his axe and letting the dragonkin move in close. As Raz swings in his wing blades, the minotaur brings down his elbows on the dragonkin. Raz' wingblades strike home, though, making Po growl in pain as his blood spills out over the field.

Hel With battle started, the warrior's finally moving from his quiet position, moving towards one of the menacing figures behind the campfire. He's holding the two-handed axe ready, moving to strike from behind and hopefully wound one before they can notice the ball of armor and metal rushing up to them.

Raz winces as a loud crack is heard and the hand holding his blade goes limp and releases it. Dancing back, his arm dangling uslessly, though it doesn't stop him from grinning at the large minotaur. He raised his left claw, his tail swishing behind him as he readied himself for the minotaur's next attack. His eye's taking in the large one and his littler kin behind him.

DM62: These minotaurs don't play fair, and while Raz raises his claw, he feels a minotaur grabbing onto his tail, and bringing a hard fist into his ribs from behind. At this point Hel charges forward, along with Braxis and Fiske. Hel's able to take one of the minotaur's completely by surprise, his hammer making the bull-man's knee bend backwards and sending him crashing to the ground.

Hel With a spin of the axe head, Hel goes to finish the first bull-man and move on down the foes, headed for the second opponent.

Raz winces as his tail his grabbed, and grunts from the blow to the back. With little choice he yanks his tail free and dances away, fortunately his tail is smooth and tapers down to a point, well except for the blade attached to the end of it.

DM62: Thrae can feel something shaking her.

Zyanya: Finding a good position with the others and waiting for them to make the first move, Zyanya would have her throwing spear at the ready. She'd take aim at the minotaur attempting to grab Raz, before giving a good throw

Thrae moans tiredly, before cracking open an eye. "Ugh...what's happening."

DM62: The smuggler's face slowly comes into focus. "Better wake up. Things are gonna get a little chaotic in here." Arturus wanders into the stall where Thrae's resting, his mace and sword covered in blood. "Women in here are about to go a little crazy, Thrae."

Thrae: “Aww darn it, I was hoping to get out of here before you guys started." Thrae said lazily as she pulled herself up. "Wonder where my staff is, or my clothes..." The drider shrugged, she could still use her magic just fine without those. "So, whats the plan?"
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Fifteenth Session, 21 January (part four, a fight ends and an orgy begins)
DM62: Braxis tackles one of the minotaurs, making up for his lack of size in ferocity, pummeling at the larger minotaur. Fiske misses his mark, and the minotaur cracks him in the jaw with his fist, sending him sprawling. Hel, meanwhile, manages to remove his target's head. Raz manages to get free, though the massive Po follows him, swinging his fists in a vicious arc.
The smuggler points at a massive ceramic tank in the back of the barn. "Just need to crack that. Shouldn't be too hard." Zyanya's spear lands in the minotaur that knocked Fiske down, making him scream and sending him staggering back.

Hel With the one foe incapacitated, Hel notices Fiske being in danger, moving to intercept and readying the great shield of his to defend the human, and to finish him once Zyanya's spear hits true.

Raz goes to raise his right hand to block, only to remember his right was a little useless currently and takes a blow to the side of the head and sends him reeling away. Though he manages to keep enough of himself through the daze to throw out his wings and tail as he spins around from the blow. Hoping to use the blades on the minotaur.

Zyanya: No. No No! Bastards are not going to take him. Zyanya was quick to follow up her first attack by rushing the target down as he was staggering, taking a leap with her second spear in a ready and thrusting stance. She was going to topple this fool before he had any chance to recover.

Thrae: “Huh, well, need me to do that or do you two have that?" Thrae said, still a bit dazed from the quick wake up and the aftereffects of her little escapade

DM62: Hel steps over Fiske defensively, while Zyanya stabs the minotaur's throat, quickly ending the threat to the new, young knight of Braxil. Braxis is giving the larger minotaur he tackled a very hard time, beating and biting him viciously. Raz' wings strike the huge minotaur across the neck and face, making him snarl with rage. He charges forward, tackling the dragonkin and bringing his huge fists into the warrior. "When we break it, the women here will fight, kick, and maim each other to get to its contents." Arturus frowns. "We'll have our hands full preventing any injuries in here. Could use a hand from you, Thrae.

Thrae: “Okay, I can try to turn it from everyone trying to fight eachother into trying to sex eachother into oblivion then." Thrae said with a grin. "Or just suppress all their libido but that might not work as well."

Raz grunts as he his lifted up by the larger man, wincing some more as his ribs received even more blows to them. Being so close, his maw opened up and snapped at the closest bit of flesh. He spread his wings out in preparation of smashing into the ground.

Zyanya: “Thanks for the assist Hel. Now get Fiske up . We still have more work to do. We need to see if Raz needs help or Braxis."

DM62: "Sounds fair to me." Arturus moves to the massive ceramic tank, and brings his mace back. It shrieks through the air, and the force-enhanced strike shatters the tank, sending a flood of the powerful spunk flooding the barn. Immediately every female near the farm (including every female in the party, regardless of precautions) cannot avoid the powerful scent of the addictive substance.

Vel whimpers, groaning as she clenches herself, before starting to move towards the source. "Damn it... Here we go... Gods, cycles and cycles..."

Hel nods, giving Fiske a hand to raise up as he looks to the next opponent to give a axe-laced death.

Zyanya: “D...damnit...not this shit...I...I can't stay here for much longer..."

DM62: Fiske is up with Hel's assitance, shaking his head and moving toward Braxis and his opponent, axe in hand. Braxis has the minotaur unconscious, though, having choked him out. Raz bites a chunk out of Po's shoulder, and the huge minotaur wraps his arms around the dragonkin, squeezing him in a great bearhug. Raz can feel his damaged ribs cracking.

Thrae immediately starts casting magic as Arturus began his swing. Aiming to cast a spell that would cause all the girl's that were addicted to the smell to, instead of fighting eachother for it, see everyone around them as incredibly attractive. Hoping to instead cause the girl's to devolve into a distracted orgy of sex instead of one of violence.

DM62: The barn erupts into a massive orgy from Thrae's spell... which also affects Vel and Zyanya and Jenna.

Raz lets out a groan, and figures now certainly isn't the time to be tip toeing around. Taking as deep of a breath as he can, he unleashes as big of a blast of ice and frost at the wounded shoulder as he is able. His good hand claws at his chest as he pushed back to try and get some breath in.

Vel groans, her shaft hardening as her eyes look around wildly for a female, any female to pounce and mount, too lost in magic and drugs to hold too her ideals

DM62: Raz' breath freezes a large portion of Po's flesh, and he screams with rage, pulling the bearhug even tighter around the dragonkin and preventing him from breathing. Vel spots Jenna, her pants down, openly masturbating and crawling toward the source of the scent.

Thrae: “Well, that worked." Thrae said as she looked at the other two accompanying her. "We are probably going to want to get out of here if we don't want to get jumped ourselves."

Raz keeps pushing back to try and relieve the pressure before he leans his head in to snap at his throat. His tail swinging about wildly to try and catch the minotaur's feet with the blade.

Hel notes the perdicament with Poe and runs across the field to try and assist again, rushing with battleaxe ready and planning to unleash his blade into the back of the massive minotaur, particularly towards the shoulder, at least what his size and the haft would allow.

Vel pants, giving a lusty meow before moving over and pouncing on Jenna, moving to roll her onto all fours to position herself to take the gnome and try to put some kittens to keep the gnwarfs company in her, nussling and nibbling on her neck, her tail looping around to lap at Jenna's clit.

Zyanya: Try as she might, Zyanya couldn't hold herself back either and had disrobed in the heat of the moment, making her way to the source of the scent as she looked for suitable prey to satisfy her primal desire on.

DM62: The smuggler has already vanished, slipping out while nobody was watching. Arturus, however, is not so lucky, being dragged of by a pair of lusty women, pieces of his armor flying. Raz' tail hamstrings Po, and he gives a choked yell, sinking to his knees. At this point Hel's axe swings into his bitten and frozen neck, opening a huge wound. Po is fading quickly. Vel is successful in pouncing Jenna, and she gives a fevered cry of ecstacy as the chimera's cock sinks into her dripping snatch. Zyanya spots the smuggler as he's slipping away from the barn, moving rapidly toward the friendly farmhouse.

Vel mewls happily, thrusting swiftly and eagerly with her large chimeric cock, well large for someone her size, as she reaches around to grop and tease Jenna's breasts, her serpent tongue wrapping around and teasing Jenna's clit further

Hel With Po given a heavy blow, Hel gives the axe another heft, giving a few seconds for the dragonkin to slide away as best he can before hammering another heavy hack into the beast's back to ensure he wasn't getting back up again.

Raz keeps biting at the large minotaur's neck, hoping the man fell before he ran out of breath himself. He makes sure to cause as much damage as he can with his sharp teeth.

Thrae: “Umm....I don't know if I should help him." Thrae says with question marks over her head. Then she shrugs and decides he should be fine, probably drained but fine. Instead she decides to go look for her staff and clothes, or the other members of the party.

Zyanya: Spotting the smuggler, he lust addled woman would give chase, knowing her nakedness would make her lighter and catch him much quicker. When she finally did, she'd grab hold of him. "Where you going so f...fast?! Thought you were staying here for me?"

DM62: Jenna is just as happy as Vel at this new drug-and-magic-fueled romance, panting as she's taken by the chimera. Between Hel's axe and Raz' teeth, Po loses his hold on Raz, falling dead onto the cum-soaked farm field. Thrae is able to find her things sitting nearby... and spots Vel and Jenna rutting in the middle of the field. The smuggler raises an eyebrow as Zyanya approaches, then shakes his head. "Sorry, dear. You wouldn't forgive me in the morning." He deftly spins her around, pushing the jungle warrior into the back of an unsuspecting Sir Fiske.

Hel grunts, his own nose wrinkling at the strink as he glances around for any other minotaurs in the area. "That all of them? Do we got a few left kicking around?" He called out to anyone left coherent or undistracted. He gives a nod to Thrae as she appears, but is more focused on the thought of potential foes still lurking.

Thrae raises an eyebrow. "Oops, I didn't think it would get everyone..." Picking up her stuff she was between wandering out into the field and suffering the wrath of her compatriots, or going to hide somewhere. Unfortunately Hel spotted her so she couldn't make a total dissapearance, but she was still considering it till everyone calmed down.

Raz rolls onto his back, not caring about the mess on the ground as he took in large gasps of air. After a moment he sat up and looked about the field and shook his head as he noticed the women going crazy. "If we diddn't, they were likely swarmed by the women. Come help set my arm back Hel."

Vel growls lsutily, continuing to thrust eagerly, rutting her partner, tilting the gnomes head up a bit so she can make out with her, running her long tongue around Jenna's, picking up the pace of her thrusting and lapping, lost in their own little world

Zyanya gasped as she stumbled back and bumped into the young knight. A twinkle would light in her eye and she was going to take advantage of the situation. "F...fiske. P...please, in the name of all the spirits you have to help." She'd wrap her arms around him and press her body up against him, letting her body language do the talking as she burned with need. "P...please..."

Hel nods, working to assist the dragonkin now that the battle seemed to have ended.

Raz patted his side just below the ribs. "Grab my wrist and place a foot there. Then give my arm a good pull. Seemed he smashed it out of the socket. Think it didn't break only because it is so use to a quadrupedal stance."

DM62: Hel is able to reset Raz' arm, though it causes the dragonkin a considerable amount of pain. There is one minotaur still alive, but unconscious--Braxis managed to choke out one of his distant relatives. Just as Hel finishes with Raz, he's pounced from behind by Daisy, the blonde receptionist, who practically tackles him in sheer lust, her naked body glistening in the firelight. Jenna is more than happy to make out with the chimera, lost in a haze of heat and needing to be bred, the chimera cock scratching her itch perfectly. Fiske turns to Zyanya, frozen as he gazes at her, stuttering. "Uh... Zyanya I... I've n-never um... I haven't b-been..." His face is bright red with embarrassment and fear.

Thrae decides she might as well bite the bullet and walks out in the field, flushing as she watches Vel and Jenna going at it. She almost felt a bit left out, but atleast Raz was suffering the same way at the moment. So making her way over to the dragon kin she said. "Umm, what did I miss?"

Raz growls and holds back a scream before he falls back onto his back a hand holding his shoulder. "Thanks.... Seems we have a very busy night ahead of us Hel. Good luck."

Hel The dwarf gave a loud yelp as he's knocked down, flailing and trying to do a decent defense to some degree. "Ach! G'off lass!" he objects, though a part of him expects that'd be as useful as yelling at a mountain.

Vel growls lsutily, making out before roaring her climax, working to empty the pent up beastkin load into her partner, not stopping her thrusts as she works to get her seed deep as she could, only pauing for a few seconds to savor the after glow before starting to thrust once more nonstop, unrelenting in her love making.

Zyanya: “Y...you always have room to learn, pup. You always have room to learn. B...but I don't know how much more I can take. " Zyanya would lay a passionate kiss on her knight trying to pull him down to the ground so she could get that pesky armor out of the way and get to the main event.

Thrae winces at Raz getting knocked over, and backs off a bit, wondering where to go now. Maybe she really should try to go help Arturus, he did kinda get dragged off into the sex pile...

Braxis walks over to Raz and Thrae. "Um... so I knocked one of the brothers out. Lo. So... you guys should probably interrogate and kill him tonight... and I should probably head up the road a bit. If there's a minotaur here in the morning, those women will... will KILL... for a little taste." Hel has absolutely no success with the persistent, addicted Daisy, whose ponderous, milky breasts get in the way of Hel's words, milk dribbing over his beard as she frees his cock from the confines of his armor. Jenna screams in pleasure as the chimera fills her with her hot spunk, eagerly rutting back against Vel for the second load.

DM62: Fiske nods, nervously, helping Zyanya remove the armor. "Okay... uh... how... what do I do, then?"

Thrae: “Well, I guess we can do that then." Thrae says as she looks at the newcomer. "Also I don't think we've been introduced. I'm Thrae."

Hel grimaces as he's nearly buried, squirming under the drug-addled woman that wasn't taking no for a reply. He wasn't having much luck trying to remove her though, a flush to the cheeks as he's manhandled by the larger lass.

DM62: "Braxis. Distant relation of the deceased Po and his evil fucking brothers. Um... nice to meet you, Thrae." He gives her a little smile. "So... I'm going to head about six miles north of here. There's an inn up there, the Weeping Walrus. Hopefully meet you guys there?"

Raz winces a moment and stands up onto his feet. Yup, he was definitely going to be blue and purple tomorrow. "Sure, though I am doubting we will have much time to question him."

DM62: Daisy shifts, and Hel's hardening shaft is immediately swallowed by her tight, dripping snatch. She gives a groan of satisfaction. "Fuuuuck... I've never tried a dwarf... so wide." She starts riding his cock enthusiastically, grabbing his beard for better leverage. "Mmmm... so hairy."

Thrae: “Sounds good." Thrae says with a nod, the drider curious about the nice minotaur. "We can get to know each other a bit better then." With that she'd turn to Raz. "Well, guess we should go interrogate this guy."

Zyanya: Seeing her prize before her made the amazon woman's heart soar like it never had before. Something about it, even midst all the lust, made her drawn even more to the young knight. "Let me get you started. Can't do anything r...right with your little partner unprepared." She'd scoot herself down, bringing her head to his cock, taking it in her hand and giving it a gentle lick. She'd continue this and more until she got her partner good and ready

Raz nods as he goes to grab the unconscious minotaur, wincing a but as he pulls at all his bruises and cracked bones. "Hopefully before we get jumped by something. With the way they look lust crazed, they may just mistake your legs for something phallic in nature."

(end of session)
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Sixteenth Session, 28 January (part one, interrogation, execution, a hike in the rain)
Raz hauls the minotaur with a wince to the farmhouse, the only place where people aren't smutting it up.

DM62: The minotaur is limp deadweight, rendered unconscious by Braxis' chokehold. As Rath expected, the farmhouse is quite empty. He also finds a good coil of thick rope inside.

Raz makes sure to mind the beast's man's wrists behind his back and his ankle's together. He then hog tie's him up so his great strength isn't as much use to him. He then pulls out one of his frosty cold waterskins and splashes some onto their prisoner.

DM62: The minotaur gives a grunt as the water lands on his head and back, straining against his binding with a groan. "What... the... fuck... BROTHERS!!! I AM BOUND!!!" He begins yelling for help.

Raz growls a moment and places a clawed foot upon his back. "They are all dead, they can not nor will not help you. Answer some of my questions and I will let you live." He shows his claws to the minotaur to make a small point. "Otherwise, things will get quite messy in here."

DM62: Lo snorts. "If they're dead... heh. Then you can go fuck yourself. Fucking murderer."

Raz: “To be fair, it was self defence, your brother attacked me first." He then drew a claw down his spine, deep enough to draw blood. "I think you should answer my questions if you want to live. Otherwise, we I can always try something I always wanted to try. Skinning something with my claws." His claw sinking into his flesh a little.

DM62: He grunts. "If my brother Po is dead... then I am dead. But tell me..." He growls as the claws sink in. "Tell me your questions, and I'll consider it."

Raz: “What was your plan here, who was backing you and what was the end goal of their plots here. As I said, answer me and I will not kill you." He the took his claw out. "If not, can always resort to making myself some new leather armour."

DM62: "We fuck the women silly... we sell the women to the other farmers in exchange for their land. Then the agent comes and pays us, and we sign over the land. They take the women back to their island, and we move on to the next village. That's all I know."

Raz: “And who is this agent and island that you speak of?"

DM62: "I never met them. Po was the only one who had contact with them."

Raz: “I see. Nothing else you can tell us about them or why they were doing it? Cause you are not being too useful to me."

DM62: "Dammit, dragon! That's all I was told!" He grunts, straining a little harder against his ropes and growling, the ropes starting to stretch and groan.

Raz frowns a moment before leaning down and giving the minotaur a swift punch to the side of the head.

DM62: The minotaur's head recoils as the fist strikes him. "Owww... you fucker."

Raz shrugs and keeps punching him till he he unconscious once more. He would keep his word to the minotaur, though he never said he would stop another from killing him.

DM62: The minotaur proves surprisingly resilient. After a few more punches, he's slurring his words... then a few more and he goes limp in his bonds, unconscious again. At this point Hel arrives.

Raz turns to Hel and smirks at his disheveledness. "Didn't find out much, just that it was an agent from an island who wanted to get land here."

Hel grunts, walking in while straightening his attire a little. "Bout what we already knew then..." he grumbles, shaking his head a little.

Raz: “Unless we skin him alive or something, he is unlikely to reveal all he knows. Though that is if he does know more then he told me anyway."

DM62: The sounds of the orgy outside is starting to die down, as most of the participants are starting to wear out. The smuggler quietly speaks up from a corner of the room. "Yes, well... a person can say anything under torture. Even lies. Especially lies."

Raz: “Very true, sort of why I didn't torture him. Given enough, you can likely get him to say he loves dick or something more outrageous to his kin."

DM62: The smugger nods. "Braxis was right, though. If there's a minotaur left in this town, the women will never overcome their addiction."

Raz gave a small nod to them. "I gave him my word I would not kill him. Though neither of you gave him such a promise."

DM62: The smuggler grins, looking at Hel. "Not it."

Hel grimaces, but grabs the waraxe. "Fine, hold still you panzies..." he mumbles, moving forward to execute the brute.

DM62: The minotaur is unconscious in his bonds, quietly drooling on the floor, hogtied. The smuggler shrugs, but watches the dwarf with interest. "You're going to execute him while he sleeps?"

Raz shrugs. "I have no problem killing as you have seen."

Hel: “What? Make the bastard panic before the end? I'm not that much of a sadistic twit," he points out, readying his position as he grips the weapon in both hands.

DM62: "Well, sure. Just... killing a sleeping enemy doesn't seem very... kingly." The smuggler chuckles. "But hey, I would do it. And Raz probably would, too. And we won't tell anyone what happens in here."

Raz: “Talk about what now?"

DM62: "Well I don't know a lot of people who would follow a king that kills prisoners in their sleep. But my lips are sealed." He grins.

Hel rolls his eyes and shakes his head at the over-dramatic words they were speaking, before he swings the blade down in an executioner's arc. "There's many things that politics will do to a man. I'd rather be a front-line general than grow fat and lazy when a war is going on.

DM62: The smuggler raises an eyebrow, then nods. "Always wanted to see a monarch get his hands dirty. Don't mistake me--I respect it. But I wanted to be sure you didn't try to pass it off as anything else, even to yourself." He moves forward. "We gonna dispose of the body, or let Farmer Joe worry about the mess?"

Raz: “As would I. I feel more at home in a fight then sitting at home." Raz shrugged a moment. "Let them clean up the mess Not like we have the time to bury every one." Raz then untied the ropes and tossed them into a dark corner.

Hel grunts and shrugs. "Twas the one thing Magni always told me when it was my time to step up, 'do your best to get out of the holds, do some actual good out there and don't get stuck all the time in the politics of it all.' He uses part of the now decapitated corpse to clean his axe, but shrugs. "We still need to get to Underfell, as fruitful as this endeavor may be in future I don't think we'll have time now for it."

DM62: The smuggler nods. "Yes. And we best be on our way... well, immediately. A six-mile hike north, to that inn, to meet Braxis. If we stay here, we'll just keep getting stuck here. Let the farmers sort this crap out."

Raz: “Likely need a bit of time for everyone to wear themselves out before we haul them away from the massive orgy."

Hel: “Once we can all get walking though, we should make haste. I remember Braxis saying something about potential assassins already here because we snooped around prior..."

DM62: "That was in the note they brought back, I think." The smuggler hurries downstairs. The first couple the trio encounters is a blissed-out Fiske and Zyanya, snuggling close under the stars, naked as the day they were born.

Raz follows the smuggler down and only chuckles upon finding Zyanya. He then sets to work hauling away each party member and their gear away from the farm.

DM62: The party runs across Thrae next, who is quietly trying to wake Jenna and Vel. The two are still technically in coitus, though they're both fast asleep. The drider is shaking them with a spider leg, and Vel is starting to awaken first.

Raz: “Might be best to leave them asleep Thrae, otherwise they will simply go nuts once more when they smell the farm."

Vel mewls groggily,, rubbing her head, wrapped protectively around Jenna and still buried in her, her blinking dazedly as she looks at Jenna, not seeming to comprehend what she's seeing immediatly.

DM62: "You're probably right." The drider begins binding them both in her silk, preparing them to be dragged along.

Vel: With being dragged, Vel mutters before slumping back down to sleep around Jenna since she wasn't being disturbed anymore

Raz chuckles before carrying away his own to burdens and helping to get the others away.

Zyanya: The joy she felt from the night before was still fresh in the amazon warriors mind, who had been snuggling her knight for goodness knows how long. FInally feeling herself being moved and adjusted caused her to snap out of her litle dream. "How...who...where am I?"

Hel's blushing a bit- specially passing Daisy, where a rather large imprint in the earth next to where he had been laying- but otherwise stays silent, eyes wary as he walks.

DM62: The freshly-deflowered knight is still fast asleep, having exerted himself heavily with the nimble jungle woman. Eventually, the party is mostly gathered and ready to depart, at a distance where they can safely awaken and dress without succumbing to the mino scent.

Raz: Zyanya was currently slung over Raz shoulder, opposite of her chosen lover for the night. "Still at the farm, now shush whilst we get everyone away." Raz would go retrieve all their gear and his sword once everyone was safely away. "Lets hope we are far enough away."

Hel simply keeps watch, hammer and shield ready and waraxe safe back behind him again. He wasn't taking chances this time around.

Zyanya: “Dang..." She mumbled as she remained slung over Raz's shoulder. "Just don't forget my spears..." She'd request before finally waking up fully and when they'd gotten a good distance away. She'd reequip her furs and protection, making herself decent rather quickly.

DM62: At a safe distance from the farm, Thrae doesn't bother to wake up Jenna or Thrae. Instead, the drider ensures that all their gear was brought along, then she slings the webbed lovers over her abdomen to be carried to the inn. "I'll let them sleep it off."

Raz nods and he readies himself for the trek towards the inn as well. "Might be best."

Hel: With everyone more or less decent, the dwarf returns to the crew. "We ready to head out then? Hopefully we can reach the inn before any bad weather hits."

Raz: “I am ready to get going now."

DM62: Thrae nods, carrying the gnome and chimera upon her back. Arturus moves ahead, scouting for the party as it begins to rain. As the party leaves the farm, it begins to pour down rain.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Sixteenth Session, 28 January (part two, the Weeping Walrus, a surly innkeep, arriving at Nightwych)
DM62: It's a miserable few hours, slogging step-by-step through the muck, before the party reaches an old wooden building with a faded sign out front, in the approximate shape of a crying walrus, holding a bucket to catch his large cartoon tears.

Raz doesn't seem to bothered by the cool rain. He shakes his head at the sign. "Really? The Crying Walrus?"

Zyanya: As if their trip wasn't bad enough with the rain, the slog it caused only made things worse. Now, the amazon wasn't bothered by wet weather given her old home. But this was rediculous beyond comprehension, the mud making her rather sour. Thankfully, they'd reach an inn and she'd breath a sigh of relief. "I've heard dumber names."

DM62: By now Vel and Jenna are starting to awaken, with rain falling on them, but still sharing their body heats, strapped to Thrae's abdomen as she scuttles toward the inn.

Hel: “Seems to be an innkeeper tradition to focus more on the alliteration than the sense," the dwarf quips. "C'mon, lets get under shelter before this blasted weather drenches us all."

Raz shrugs before stepping towards the door and squeezing his bulk inside.

Vel murmurs a bit and snuggles in, before blinking a bit slowly, getting her head on as she starts to realize what she was keeping warm... and had been keeping her cock warm in turn. "...Uh...," she blinks, trying to recall, eyes starting to widen

Zyanya too was all too eager to get out of the rain, slipping in with everyone else and shaking her head to get some of the water out

DM62: Jenna is also a bit wide-eyed, staring at Vel. "Um... did... did we... oh." She bites her lip, looking at her current state. Thrae chuckles. "Relax, you two. Not like the mino spunk gave you guys a choice in partners." She lowers the pair and cuts them loose, letting them regain at least some dignity before entering the inn. Jenna dresses quickly.

DM62: Inside the inn, a bearded human male is tending the bar, which is mostly empty. Braxis is sitting at a table, nursing a pint of ale. The innkeep looks over at the group. "You lot need a room?"

Vel doesn't dress, her squirming, clearly not sure how to feel as she fidgits there, waiting for Jenna to dress, biting her lip and trying to calm down enough to hide her rather apparent gender back in her fur.

Raz gives the other a curious look before heading over to take a seat by Braxis.

DM62: Thrae hands Vel's bondage gear back to her, and the now-clothed Jenna leans in to give her a little hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Relax, sweetie. It was the magic. JUST the magic. Kay?"

Vel: “Y-yeah... Okay....," nods Vel, accepting the gear and rebinding herself completely, trying to tell herself that was true too.

Hel is respectfully turned away as they disengaged, letting them do so before the door is opened. He nods to the smaller minotaur before focusing on the barkeep. "Certainly wouldn't hurt, sir. What's the price per room?" Naturally he'd get enough rooms so that if there was sharing required, it'd be two per room, unless otherwise stated.

Zyanya: Keeping close tot he group, Zyanya would remain standing as prices were discussed with Braxis. The amazon was curious though about who held the funds for the party, cause it certainly wasn't her.

DM62: The innkeep scowls at the group, noting their weapons. "Three silvers, master dwarf." Braxis looks up and snorts, and the innkeep sighs. "Did I say three? That's for our best room. But we have rooms for one silver."

Hel: “Don't worry, we're not here to cause trouble, we're just having a stop before continuing, and some recuperation is in order." he explains, quickly counting out twelve silver. He gives a glance towards Braxis, making a note to ask how his reception was after he was done.

DM62: "Most generous, master dwarf." The scowl never leaves the innkeep's face, but he accepts the dwarf's money with a squint, tucking the coins into an apron pocket. He points up. "You lot have the whole second floor to yourselves. Just keep it down." Thrae moves to squat near the minotaur, quietly striking up a conversation.

DM62: The smuggler rolls his eyes. "We best get some rest, now. Been a long day, going from one battle to another."

Vel sticks near Thrae quietly, her mind elsewhere, gagged and bound throughly.

Hel: The dwarf is getting the vibe that this innkeep is not the best they can hope for. Still, he keeps quiet and moves to join the others again with a nod.

Zyanya: Quite the bitter old bastard, wasn't he? Well, they had roms at the very least and Zyanya wasn't going to complain. She'd just take which ever room she could, not really minding who stayed with her if they had to share

DM62: Braxis moves up with the drider. The cots are old and misshapen, quite uncomfortable. Occasionally rain leaks through the ceiling onto the party, and there's a stink of mildew. Still, after the long day the party had experienced, sleeping is no problem at all for the group, and they awaken cold but refreshed. There's the smell of some manner of food downstairs... gruel, possibly. The rain has turned into a full-blown thunderstorm, and most of them are at least a little wet from the leaking roof.

Vel sleeps on the floor with Thrae. Well, lies there anyways, before getting up and heading down with little sleep

Raz awakens with a yawn, quite comfortable in the cold as a frost dragonkin. Getting dressed he headed down stairs to see what sort of food was for breakfast.

Hel: Sleeping with either one of the other males, or with Jenna, Hel grumbles as he wakes up, giving a frown at the condition of the roof. "Give me a stone roof, any day..." he mumbles.

Zyanya: “Know I know why this place was called Weeping. Building did more damn crying than anything else." The amazon mumbled as she made her way down stairs, her night far from perfect. She'd spent nights in the jungle more comfortable than this and the food wasn't making her morning any better.

DM62: The surly innkeep grumbles as food is requested, slopping lumpy, cooling gruel into chipped bowls and putting greasy-feeling spoons into the mix before handing them to the party, along with a small beaker of brownish water. "Compliments of the house, 'lords and ladies.' Enjoy." He sits back down behind the bar, turning his back to the party and watching the fire.

DM62: Arturus is holding a spoonful of the gruel upside down, watching with fascination as the food stubbornly clings to his spoon. "I... do not know what to make of this."

Vel sniffs her food suspiciously. Not that she hadn;t been fed similar but she wanted to see if it was drugged or poisoned.

Hel: The dwarf gives a snort as the innkeep goes to walk away, raising a hand to get his attention. "Nothing personally against you lad, but we've not done anything to offend you, so why so grumpy at us? Is the local noblehood terrible to you? I only ask because we have come from far, and not know the locals..."

Raz frowns at the sight of the food and pushes it away. Speaking quietly to the others. "I will just catch us something to eat on the way."

DM62: The innkeep doesn't even turn to look at the dwarf, watching the fire and quietly picking his nose.

Hel: “...Well ok then..." He grunts, shrugs. Worth a shot.

DM62: Vel does not detect poison. Just some burning and a little mold.

Zyanya: “Think I'll take you up on that offer Raz. I've learned to survie plenty without food and I hardly think this qualifies." She mumbles that last bit to Raz directly, the shiriti quite disgusted at the food.

Vel: Absent any toxins, Vel eats her food through her ring gag. Honestly she was happy ot was food she didn;t need to chew since she couldn;t right now. she blows on it to cool it down before eating it.

Hel: “...Pretty sure this food will sprout into spores at any moment at this rate," the dwarf can't help but quip to the others. "Like those killer mushrooms from deep below.

DM62: Braxis, meanwhile, has finished his first bowl already, turning to the innkeep. "Good gruel, this. Any more?"

DM62: The innkeep shrugs. "Three silvers." Braxis shakes his head, putting the bowl down.

DM62: Arturus pushes away from the table. "Well. First and last time we ever see this inn, I hope. Are we ready to depart? We'll shoot some game along the way, and I'm sure Raz will be able to help us catch something tasty." Fiske rises as well, his bowl of the mouldy gruel untouched.

Raz nods and stands up. "Yes, let us get underway, we have wasted more than enough time with this area."

Hel raises as well, leaving the food alone as well, looking quite scowly now as well. "Quite. A good time to leave methinks."

Vel get's up when Thrae was, musing and deciding on a course then.

DM62: The surly innkeep grumbles, "Hope ye liked it. Watch the road. River's probably flooding. Only way to Underfell be Night's Witch, anyhow." He doesn't even turn, still digging in his nostril.

Zyanya: “Flooding rivers. Reminds me of home. And the persistent rainfall."

Raz heads out the door and into the storm. He pulled out a cloak from his pack and through it about his shoulders. More to put a layer between his weapons and the storm then to keep the rain off of him.

DM62: The rock and mud road north is a wet path full of deep puddles, only compounding the party's misery as the rain falls continuously upon them. Lightning streaks across the sky and thunder booms about them. A few days pass in this manner, the party camping along the muddy road, eating whatever Arturus and Raz could hunt down in the interim... until finally the party saw a great stone structure built on a mountain, in the middle of a valley, with an old stone bridge leading to it and beyond it. The valley is flooded with fast-moving water, being carried through to the overflowing river.

Vel stuck in her bondage gear and glared at all the water, not doing much to seek shelter on the way really.

Hel grunts, looking at the bridge and river. "Lovely..."

Raz frowns at the sight of the water and looks up at the structure. "Well at least we have some shelter for the night and a dry spot to checj our weapons."

Zyanya: “Should feel right at home, Hel. Can't say I'm a fan, but this weather is starting to make me wish for something similar in my neck of the woods. "

DM62: Arturus sighs. "If it's as bad as the last inn, I'd as soon travel right through." It's nearing dusk as the party approaches the bridge. There's a large stone keep as the central structure, built around what looks to be a modestly-sized community.

DM62: Braxis nods. "Nightwych. We have to pass through this town to reach Underfell, if I recall correctly. I've only seen it from a distance, though." The elf nods, moving ahead of the group on the aging stone bridge.

Raz continues on ahead as well. "Well not like we have any other roads opens to us at present. Though it will be good to be somewhere dry. Water isn't the best thing for our weapons and armour."

Vel wanders up with the others. One town was another she supposed in the end. It'd be nice to get some progress... To put her mind back in the right mindset.

Hel: “Aye, any shelter right now is better than none. And can't say we've had proper shelter since leaving Axetan..." he quips, even as he keeps walking along towards the town.

Zyanya: “I'd settle for an inn that didn't pass off fungus as food. That and staying dry at night. I mean, the homes on my island were more watertight than that last place for gods sake." She'd voice her piece, checking her spears to ensure they were still in good shape. This weather was not doing wonders for her furs either.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Sixteenth Session, 28 January (part three, Nightwych, a trap, meeting Shesti, traps-within-traps, a double-cross)
DM62: Braxis is walking in the back of the group, quietly conversing with Thrae. Arturus reaches the large stone gate, and a small hold opens. Archers look down on the visitors. Eyes peer out of the hold. "State yer names and business, in the capital."

Hel decides it's time to flex is political weight around, in this specific instance. "Helvoque Magmahammer, as a emissary for Axetan, to speak with the royal court!"

DM62: "A Royal? Here for the Masters?" There's a pause, and some whispering. "Do you have credentials?"

DM62: Hel displays the ring, and there's more whispering. "Right... well... don't cause any trouble! There's a good in, the Blue Cauldron, good for noble folk like you." The hole shuts, then the massive stone gates swing open wide enough for the party to pass through one by one. Behind the gates is a portcullis, which also opens to permit the party to enter. Guards are standing on the inside of the portcullis, watching the party warily as they pass into the small but clean keep town. One of them, a dour human with white sideburns, scrutinizes them each as they enter.

Vel moves along quietly with Thrae.

Raz enters quietly, though he lets his hands stay in plain view of their observers. No need to make them any jumper at the sight of their very unhuman party.

DM62: Vel spots something odd ahead of them, in an alleyway. A small, furry, robed figure is gesturing her to come over, rather urgently. No one else, not even the guards, seem to have noticed yet.

Vel glances about before casually slipping over, staying low to avoid notice.

Zyanya wondered if this region of the world would even recognize her as a "royal" given her status as a tribal heir. Not that a Shiriti tribe held the same measure of power and respect a dwarven kingdom did, but it was something to think about. Not that she had proof of her status anyway and not that she wanted to be seen as anything but another warrior.

Raz set off towards the recommended inn. Hopefully it was better then the last place they had stayed.

DM62: The hooded figure crouches low, but seems to have something of a canine snout, complete with whiskers. "Get ready to run. They're onto you," he whispers.

DM62: As Thrae and Braxis are the last two in the gatehouse, the white-haired human gives a sharp signal, and the portcullis slaps shut. The gate also slams shut behind them, and dozens of guards stream out from the keep's gates, weapons at the ready. "Undead and friends of the Undead, surrender now and face the judgement of the Goddess."

DM62: The small hooded figure gives a shrill whistle. "Follow me, all of you! NOW!" He scampers off, moving down the alleyway quickly.

Vel blinked then nodded when he answered. When the alarm was called, she looked over in alarm to the others, hopping up a bit and jerking her head, wanting them to follow after the small fuzzy thing too!

Raz frowns and sighs as they are about to be surrounded. He turns sharply to look in the direction of the whistle and gestures for the others to run. He draws his sword and swings it at the guards to give the others a free moment to run.

Zyanya: Well, it wouldn't be a regular leg of the journey if they weren't being ambushed or accused of heresy by some pack of fanatical zealots. You'd think people might have forgotten that there was a much larger and more real threat out there in the form of a massive orcish horde. But no. A single necromancer was a bigger issue to these people. Seeing that they had an out however was good enough, the tribal gripping her spear and following after Raz and encouraging the others to do so as well.

DM62: Raz's sword slams into a guard's shield, sending him sprawling into his mates and giving the party the opportunity to flee. The small hooded figure is quick-footed, but waits just enough for them to keep up at every turn, guiding them through a labyrinthine set of back-alleys. Behind them, the sound of shouting guards grows closer, and a clarion voice shouts out a prayer. As the voice finishes, there's the sound of a loud crack, and the dark clouds above the town part wide, permitting the last few minutes of daylight to fall unimpeded on the town. The small figure pulls up a grate. "Quick, quick! Inside!" He holds the grate open, as Arturus jumps in, with the sound of a splash below. "Hurry!" The sounds of the guards grow ever closer.

Vel waits until Thrae and Jenna are through before hopping in!

Zyanya: Well, so much or enjoying an actual city. Guess they had to hide in what she could guess was a sewer. "It's either this or prison I suppose." She mumbled as she jumped in behind Arturus

Raz lets everyone go in first before squirming through the tight hole with a grunt. He then pulls the grate into place and makes a shh sound. He then steps aside of the grate and out of sight of any peering eyes. "Don't move."

DM62: The small hooded figure shakes his head. "Go ahead, I'll come around after I find your friends." He holds the grate for the dragonkin, showing strength for a creature his size.

Raz shakes his head. "Best to let them pass before we going running and splashing through water."

DM62: "They won't find me. And I need to follow them closely. Now go!"

Zyanya: “Just when I figured we'd gotten away from fanatics. I say we do what he says, he knows this place better than us."

Raz shakes his head and moves slowly trying to make as little noise as possible whilst walking throw water. "Still a bad idea to go trekking through water whilst people are looking for us."

DM62: The small figure closes the grate behind the party, and they can hear a padlock shutting above them. There's the sound of chainmail above them in the street. Looking about in the dim light, the party can see that they're in a sewer... but every egress is barred shut around them. A man's voice speaks. "The Prophet will be pleased with you, Shesti. You've done well."

DM62: The small figure's voice is desperate. "Nevermind that, I kept my part of the bargain! Now set Maedra free!"

Vel grunts. Damn it. Failed not once but twice. Abandoning her mistress, then leading them into a trap?! Gods, when did she become such an idiot?! Clearly she had allowed her emotions to blind her. She mewled through the gag. She could only hope they underestimated her now... And they weren't about to be burned alive.

Raz frowns deeply before heading towards one of the exits that were barred shut. "Seems it was a trap." He then sheathed his sword and unleashed a thin blast of ice near the and bottom of the bars. He then grabbed hold of them and tries to create an opening for them to escape, or if not, the for the smaller members.

Zyanya: “Blind and manipulative. Is there no level you fanatics won't sink to? I don't think your goddess would be very happy with such underhanded means against people."

DM62: The steel bars are thick, and Raz suspects it will take some time to breach them, though it looks possible. There's derisive laughter above them. "Free one Undead for another? You were stupid to think servants of the Goddess deal with Undead... or their puny slaves." There's a brutal-sounding slap from above the party. "Now. I think you should enjoy the company of your new friends." The grate scrapes open for a moment, and the small figure gives a shriek of frustration mixed with rage as he's flung into the sewer as well. Then the grate slams shut, and the padlock can be heard closing again. Laughter echoes above the group. "We'll deal with you shortly, friends. The Prophet will be here shortly, to take your... dead friend... to the Sun Temple, to meet her fate."

Raz grunts and adjusts his stance a moment before heaving on the bars with all of his might. Sort of wishing now that he knew some sort of fire magic at least.

Vel hisses, and quickly sheds her bondage gear, throwing it into the water. She marched over and grabbed the little rat and lifted him up, whispering quietly and hatefully. "You got us into this mess. You are going to help me get us out. BEcause if Thrae dies, I will ensure that you will be awake and very concious as I slowly remove each one of your organs one by one and put them back in backwards." She looks up above, checking to see if the guards were still there.

Zyanya: She really couldn't blame Shesti, if that was his name. He was only doing what he thought was right in getting someone he cared about free. But it seems these people, in the "service" of their all powerful bitch in the sky had no problem being manipulative, underhanded, ignorant and downright liars. And for what? What reason did they have to do this? It made no sense to the shiriti. "Fucking give up. This god damn cult needs to go away and go away fast."

DM62: The bars shudder and seem to bend slightly as Raz works them, but not wide enough to admit anyone yet. The small rat-dog-like figure is almost maniacal, pulling out small clumps of his hair and wailing. "MAEDRA!! THEY TOOK... MAEDRAAAAA!!" He gives another inarticulate scream, then breaks down weeping as Vel picks him up. "There's no escape... I failed... I failed her..."
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Sixteenth Session, 28 January (part four, escape, the plan to rescue the vampires, the tunnels of the Masters)
DM62: Arturus frowns. "I think Raz has the right idea. Brute force." He holds his mace in hand, and it slowly begins to vibrate and glow, starting to hum in the damp sewer air.

Hel grunts, looking to his metal hand. "Well, I was given this for a reason. Let's rock..." the dwarf mumbles, shifting his shield to the metal hand as the soulstone glows on it a little brighter. "Not sure if this will have the intended effect but worth a shot...

Raz grunts some more as he continues to pull the bars apart to create an opening. "Just got to get some of us through....." He focuses his attention on the bars, though he is curious to see what the elf had in mind.

DM62: "How cold can you make those bars, Raz?" The half-elf grins a little.

DM62: Fiske's eyes are a bit wide. "I'd help but... feeling a little out-classed here." The knight looks between the dwarf and the half-elf in amazement.

Vel grunts, "Brute force? I could have the lock up there open in a jiffy if I was lifted up to it, but fine. I'll wait. But I'm not waiting long."

Zyanya: “You and me both Fiske. Magic and the like never really were my strong suits....I'm just fast and can throw things really good. Among other things. "

Raz: “Frozen, but there is no telling if they were made to withstand ice and frost. Though given what winter must be like here, seems like a likely thing. There is no telling if there is a guard up there little one."

Hel: Before much more talk goes for it, Hel gives a forward thrust with his augmented limb and the shield, aiming to try and pound the nullmetal disk at the bars and see if the impact was enough to loosen the four or so wide bars that it'd hit.

DM62: Between the force-enhanced strikes of Arturus and Hel, the group is able to dislodge a few of the bars that Raz weakened, enough for even the dragonkin to slip through. They don't seem to have much time to spare, as footsteps can be heard moving in from all four barred-off tunnels leading to the trap area. The kobold hasn't even noticed yet, still shivering and quietly weeping, lost in his despair.

Raz would slip through the hole they made. "Quickly now. I will seal up the room in ice behind us."

DM62: Five guards are already visible, running through the sewer tunnel toward the party, weapons out.

Hel moves forward, the flarestone slowly dimming and rapidly approaching towards the approaching warriors, swinging the hammer to the fore. "I have HAD IT with you goddess-profaning nutjobs! The Forgemaster is NOT AMUSED!" he roars in reply, going to engage.

Vel snarls and drags the rat with her. "You'll get your mistress back, slave. But we're saving mine first, and I may decide that I'll give you to her as a snack then save yours."

Zyanya: “Come on! We can't wait around much longer. Get up! We might be able to save her." But she couldn't do much more to encourage their friend as guards arrived to make the scene even worse. "Agreed, Hel. The Lady of War isn't too happy with this sanctimonious bitch either and I can tell you one thing: when I invoke my god, she actually listens." She gives one of her spears a good toss, aiming at any that wasn't facing one of her friends.

Raz: “Dammit Hel, we don't have time to fight down here." Raz frowns and shakes his head as he steps back through to help the dwarf. Even if the sewer would be a bit of a tight squeeze to fight in.

DM62: "M-Maedra? You'll free Maedra?" The kobold comes along, hope creeping into his voice again. Meanwhile, Arturus and Fiske are charging forward with the dwarf, and Zyanya's spear strikes true, sending a guard sprawling.

Hel: With the spear heralding them, Hel rushes forth, swinging hammer and shield to knock the remaining guard asunder and sending them out of the way, taking only an instant before he hurries ahead to act as the vanguard.

Vel: “They threaten my mistress. I will make them suffer. And they don;t want yours freed,so that's good enough for me.,"growls Vel spitefully, "So yes, I'll free her. But we're saving mine first, got it?! Because if she dies, I'll jsut level this entire fortress one life at a time." She glares ahead, watching the fight, "Leave the combat to those good at it. You will tell me how many of the enemy there are, and you will show us the way we must go."

Raz: With the others making better use of the confined space then he would, he would turn around to the room they had been trapped in and begins to unleash a gout of ice. Planning to turn the room into a block of ice to prevent them from coming up on them from behind.

Zyanya: Following behind, she' retrieve her thrown spear and do her best to slow or perturb the guards as best she could. She wasn't one for non-lethal combat, but she'd do her best.

DM62: The warriors are able to make short work of the remaining four guards. The first guard to feel Zyanya's spear is laying against a wall, the open hole in his chest, gasping. "You are... all... damned... the Prophet will send you... to... the Godd," he coughs up blood, "the Goddess' judgement." He coughs up more blood, starting to gag on it.

DM62: Shesti is looking more in control of himself now. "I... I am sorry that I deceived you. But I will take you to the Sun Temple. We must be there, before the dawn, to save your vampire Mistress." He scampers forward, starting to lead the party through the sewers.

Raz turns around and follows after the others. Bowling over any of the guards if they try to get back to their feet. "Then let us hurry."

Vel grunts, "No you’re not. If it would have saved your mistress you’d have done it again." She follows close to him, "We're both slaves so don’t pretend I don’t know. The difference is I am not so desperate as to be blinded by zealots lies. I am however it seems emotional enough to be tricked so easily, so I thank you for giving me a sorely required wake up call. But make no mistake, I don’t like you and if you make this a quadruple cross I will make good on my promise."

Zyanya: “As if I'm scared of some cunt of a goddess who has her servants act like you lot. Least my Lady is honest about her intentions. Fucking fools are blinded by this prophet of theirs. He or she must have been pulling the wool over their eyes for a long time to get them this radicalized. Regardless, we have work to do and a cult to bring to justice.

DM62: Shesti gives a low growl in return, whispering back.

Raz: “Seems to me they have some sort of divine being on their side. That show with the clouds was certainly not something most mages do."

DM62: "The Goddess does seem to perform miracles on a regular basis, these days. They have gained many followers... and killed many vampires and other undead. But they have not managed to penetrate Underfell, let alone reach the Masters."

Vel whispers in return, before speaking up, well as much as she ever speaks up. "They won’t survive to reach it. Verminous scum."

Raz: “Well if their goddess is taking an active hand in their lives, seems something must be up between them and Underfell. Let us hope it is not a quarrel with the patron deity there."

Hel grimaces and grumbles. "Been learning a lot lately that no matter what one person is, they can be redeemed to a fashion. Come, let's see what we can do about this... mess..."

DM62: "The Masters seem to have some plan... and they've held back from retaking Underfell for that reason, from what Mistress told me." The kobold makes a few sharp turns, guiding the party further along. "They... they could crush the Prophet's forces, easily. But they think that will only worsen the problem, so they're doing... some other plan. I think."

Raz: “Not much we can do till we save the others and get down there away from these fanatics."

Zyanya: “Miracles my foot. If those are miracles, than I'm the avatar of war. This prophet of theirs must be pulling some sort of ruse to get people to think they're miracles."

Hel: “Dwarf legend states that it is very rare nowadays that they can touch this plane... It is very much more likely that there is a mage of great gift in their rank," Hel remarks. "Though not being a mage myself, I do not know what sort of sorcery is required to part a rainstorm..."

Raz: “If it was a mage, the other mages likely would have picked up on it I think."

DM62: Arturus shakes his head. "Opening the clouds? I worked with powerful mages... and I've never heard of a trick like that. Though the old gnome might know more." Shesti stops, pulling a brick from the wall and reaching into the hole. A hidden door opens for the party, and Shesti looks at Vel. "Replace the brick as you come through." Then the kobold is off again, leading the party through a hidden but dry tunnel.

Vel nods, replacing it once everyone is through, before scaling along the walls to catch up with Shesti again, continuing to whisper with him.

Raz: “Likely need at least a few. I have never seen something like that either, and my home likely has the greatest number of magic users in the world."

Hel: “Hrm. Point made... May need to consult with Jenna, see if she knows of dark arts that potent..." he mumbles.

DM62: Jenna shakes her head. "Necromancers don't generally try to uncover the sun. It's powerful magic, no doubt. On the other hand, there are strange powers we've seen, even here. I'd not be surprised if there was some kind of sun magic."

DM62: Shesti speaks up now. "We are in the halls of the Masters. These halls... they connect Underfell to the surrounding areas. And they are controlled completely by the Masters."

Raz: “Let us hope they are more friendly to us they they are to those on the surface."

Hel: “If they heard of the defense of Axetan, they may be sympathetic at least."

DM62: "Even Mistress has not met the Masters. They do not meet with nosferatu. Only with... pure undead. Or so Mistress tells me."

DM62: Jenna chuckles. "Well that's only part of the story. My teacher met with them... and he was still alive, at the time. Unless something has changed, they'll meet with a person of my... talents."

Raz: “We can only hope they will be willing to meet with us. Though I have a feeling they know we are here after the display on the street at the gate."

Vel looks up, looking over. "Well I hope they're reasonable because from what little I'm hearing I'm getting that cold feeling that they'll make the political move of not helping Thrae in order to preserve their plan."

Hel: “Or see us as convenient scapegoats to assist in that plan, one or the other," Hel pipes up. "What with us being professional protagonists and all..."

DM62: Jenna sighs. "They're not... to be reasoned with. Only bargained with. Unless they want something from you, they will generally give you nothing."

Zyanya: “Of course that's how it works. Fucking hell. Why not just make bargains with demons while we're at it. Those always go over so well."

DM62: The party eventually approaches a set of double doors. Shesti looks about. "Right... this will bring us to the surface. A few hour's travel, and we'll get close to the Sun Temple. Should have a few hours left til sunrise."

Raz: “Did you really just say that Zyanya? Now we likely will be, somewhere down the line."

Vel: “Well no matter. I'm doing this no matter what," says Vel firmly, "I will see my Mistress freed and I will see anything in my way dead. Let's get going, they have mages and they'll be on high alert I'm sure. We must cripple their mages and free the prisoners. Then we can tear out their throat."

((end of session))
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Sixteenth Session, 28 January (the whispered conversation between slaves)
DM62: "If it would save my Mistress I would leave all of you in a puddle of your own blood," Shesti whispers back, "and you'd do the same for your Mistress. So would any loyal slave."

Vel whispers back. "Exactly. Course the difference is I'm equipped to make good on that threat. I'll keep my word though. We'll free them both, and any others. Because you are simply doing what is proper. They are the real enemy."

DM62: "We understand each other. But... I really am sorry. Sorry that it was necessary to betray you, at the time. And much more sorry that they tricked me. Desperation." Shesti continues scampering, still whispering to Vel.

Vel: "Don't be. Your only loyalty is to your mistress, your only goal her well-being. Desperation is an enemy, and I understand that well. But don’t be sorry for a path you picked in the line of duty. Instead, be vengeful upon those who dare to stand between you and your goal, and bring terrible destruction on them. Besides. Had you not trapped us down here, they’d have likely just fought us at the gate house, a potentially lethal situation. Instead, let’s focus our minds on our goals, now mutually aligned. Sorry is for things you won’t do again. And you would under the right circumstances. Hence why I only say it to my mistress. Well unless I am lying anyways. Because she is the only one that matters..." Vel looks a bit bothered by something then shakes her head, "What does your mistres look like?"

DM62: "Furless... tall. Well... red hair. A human woman... so beautiful. With fangs and... letting her drink from me is the high point of my existence."

Vel: "Huh, to each their own. I prefer being able to concentrate to protect mine. No luxuries for me I'm afraid. Mines the drider obviously. I've been an utter failure on that front today though... fucking minotaurs..."

DM62: "Honestly... this is probably the best outcome possible, even if accidental. They knew you were coming... someone from Axetan warned them you were coming. Luggor. Big human. They've been planning this for a day now."

Vel: "I thought as much. If I hadn't gotten so distracted it may have worked out better. Still, I imagine Mistress took many of them with her. She's a mage after all. Though they have mages too. You're clearly skilled at sneaking. How good are you at killing?"

Shesti shakes his head. "Mistress doesn't want me killing. She wants me to leap out and surprise people... but she does the killing, if someone has to die. She likes to have the choice, always."
"Sometimes I curl up and trip people from behind for her. Steal weapons. Disarm foes. Or just make myself look like an easy kill."

Vel: "I see. Clever. Well that's fine. You can do that for me then when the time comes so that we can eliminate your mistress’ captors."

Shesti nods his head, still scampering through the dry, clean tunnel.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, 31 January (Thrae and Braxis hauled away, another vampire, an odd dhampir)
DM62: Thrae had no idea that anything was amiss. The party had just been through a few major battles, and Nightwych didn't seem... unfriendly. The city was built in a way to prevent defenders from ever breaching it, let alone moving on to Underfell. Nevertheless, when Thrae and Braxis were the last two members of the party in the gatehouse, the portcullis in front of them closed abruptly, and the gates behind them slammed shut. Weapons pointed at them from murder holes in the ceiling and walls, ready to shoot. As dozens of guards move from the walls to intercept the party in a pincer movement, Thrae can hear a male voice speaking, "Undead and friends of the Undead, surrender now and face the judgement of the Goddess." The admittance official, a man with white hair and thick sideburns, pulls up a crossbow, pointing it at Thrae through the portcullis. "Easy, now, you two. Or you'll both become pincushions. And a wooden bolt can finish a vampire, most times."

Thrae wasn't expecting the sudden turn of events, the gates closing down around her and the party was surrounded by guards. How the hells had they even figured out she was undead. Looking side to side she tried to see if there was some way they could get out, the drider realizing that if she resorted to magic she'd likely get them both riddled with crossbow bolts before they even knew what was going on.

DM62: "Yes... yer a smart vamp, ain't ya? Now be a good girl. Come up here and put your hands through this portcullis, right here." He indicates an open area, large enough for Thrae to fit both her hands through. "Slowly. Very slowly."

Thrae looked at Braxis hoping maybe the minitaur had some idea on getting out of here, but if he didn't she would sigh and frown. "Leave the rest of them alone, it's just me you want after all." She'd say as she stepped up toward the portcullis, not exactly eager to put her hands through though if nothing else then fear of getting her hands cut off.

DM62: The official grins, and a guard moves forward, placing chain manacles on her wrists. They glow a little as they clamp down on her wrists. "Aye... Blessed by the Goddess they are. You're ours now. You too, minotaur, give us those hands. Unless you want to watch a vampire die." Braxis growls but complies, letting himself be bound. "Alright, now, move back from the portcullis, you two. We've got a long walk to the Temple of the Sun, ahead of us. And if either of you misbehave, we'll just kill you both slowly." Braxis moves back as the portcullis starts to raise.

Thrae grumbled, stepping back from the portcullis and looking over at the minotaur. "Sorry about getting you dragged into this Braxis..."

DM62: The minotaur shrugs. "Honestly this is still an improvement over working with Po and his brothers. And at least I'm in good company." The young minotaur gives a snort, winking at Thrae. The official chuckles. "Right, well. Let's get this show on the road. Minotaur, you're in the first wagon. Vampire in the back." Two prison wagons pull up, drawn by white horses in light barding. "We make good time, the Prophet will be pleased, boys." The cell doors on the wagons open for the drider and minotaur.

Thrae grinned back at the minotaur's wink. At the very least he was in good enough spirits to joke around and she wasn't going to let herself get down if he wasn't. Splitting them into two prison wagons though was annoying, she'd have to probably suffer through a boring bumpy ride without even conversation. Still, it wasn't like she could get away right now, or well she probably could try. A few stabbing legs at the nearest guards and a strong leap and she could probably get out of here, though Braxis would be in a bad situation then. So with a straight back she headed for the rear wagon.

DM62: The iron wagon is large enough to fit Thrae, but small enough to be very uncomfortable. Guards gather around, forming a convoy. A messenger runs up to the official moments later, and he curses. "Fine, fine, we'll capture them later. Might send the hunters... or maybe they'll be foolish enough to try to mount a rescue. No matter... let's move out, Captain." A male voice barks out an order, and the wagons start rolling out of the city, heading south, back the way the party entered.

Thrae was rather surprised they were heading out of the city, though she was happy to hear the rest of the party had escaped. The others had pulled rescue attempts from worse then this after all. The uncomfortably small wagon left her to wedge herself in and try to find something that was kinda maybe comfortable as she looked at the guards. "So, what does this judgment or whatever it is even involve."

DM62: The guard scowls. "Don't try your witchcraft on me, demon!" A chubby guard next to him shakes his head. "When are you gonna learn? She's not a demon. She's a vampire. Fangs and all that." "So I should answer her, then?" "... No." The guards both scowl at Thrae, then look back to the path. Once outside the city, the caravan turns left in a broad circle, and soon it's heading east... then northeast, towards a mountainous area. It's a cold evening, but at least the rain has stopped, leaving a light mist. The caravan is following a wagon wheel track, with a forest on the right, and mountains on the left, moving through a dirt path.

Thrae: "How is my question even going to do anything to you. Thought you guys were supposed to be a bunch of preachers or something." With nothing better to do, Thrae just sat and watched the terrain pass by, trying to memorize the route they came along incase she could make an escape. The cold didn't really effect her too much at all and eventually to amuse herself she started to tap out some music on the iron sides of the wagon with her chintin covered fingers.

DM62: The path is boring, but Thrae is pretty sure she could follow it back to Nightwych. Probably take her a few hours, at least. There's a voice, though, from above her. From the mountain range. "Hey. You lousy zealots. Been meaning to speak to ya." Thrae can see a redhaired humanoid standing on a promontory from the nearest mountain, probably a few hundred feet above the caravan.

Thrae looked up at the sound of the new voice. This could be potentially useful given whoever it was didn't seem to like the guards too much. Hopefully the redhead would do something that would make it possible for them to escape, though she seemed pretty far away for that.

DM62: There's a chant from the wagon, and the valley is lit up by bright light... it feels quite a bit like sunlight, to Thrae. There's a slight hissing from the redheaded woman, as the light fades slightly. "A vampire, come to deal with the righteous?" The woman sneers. "Yes. And if you don't hear me out, I can just start an avalanche. Crush you to bits with minimal effort." The caravan is silent, and the vampire continues. "The vampire you have with you... she is neither a rebel nor a knight of the Masters. She works for the Alliance of Humans, Elves, and Dwarves, against Malgra's Crusade. I was sent by the Masters to negotiate her release. None of us want outsiders to invade our lands."

Thrae: Ohh, now this was potentially interesting. Another vampire that seemed to work for the leaders of the undead city. "It's true," She said to everyone around her. "I am one of the members selected to fight against Malgra's Crusade. He's part of that group as well," Thrae added and pointed to Braxis' transport.

DM62: One of the guards bangs a spear against the cage. "Shut up, you." The caravan's leader yells up, "I've no intention of arriving and explaining to the Prophet that we released a vampire because ANOTHER vampire told us to!" The vampire chuckles. "True. But how about a deal? In exchange for the minotaur and the drider... you can have me?" The caravan leader, an armored knight in chainmail with a white halberd, is stroking his chin thoughtfully.

Thrae raised an eyebrow, this vampire was willing to trade herself for her and Braxis. Why would she do that, she'd think if they were serious about the negotiations then they'd send her with something that wouldn't involve just trading one for the other. She could only guess they had some sort of backup plan, or maybe she was just as fanatical to the masters as these plebs probably were to their goddess.

DM62: "Fine." The caravan leader nods. "Open the drider's cage, but leave her manacled. Make your way down to us, vampire. When you enter the drider's cage, she'll be on her way. But we're keeping the minotaur. To make sure the drider doesn't circle back to save you." The vampire nods, deftly walking her way down toward Thrae's cage, even as guards open the bars.

Thrae: 'Fucking dammit. What the hell would I even do by myself anyways.' Thrae though as the caravan leader demanded they keep Braxis. She really wanted to bitch at the guard captain that keeping Braxis here was just asking for her to let a horde of angry orks come and burn all their shit to the ground and kill them all, but she figured that wouldn't help negotiations at all. Instead she fixed her gaze on the other vampire, looking for any sign that the other undead had some sort of plan to get them all out of here without anyone getting killed. Once she got out of the wagon she was sure she could do some damage with her legs, but she wasn't sure what the cuffs would do about her magic and the like.

DM62: The vampire is quickly coming close, and she brushes by Thrae on her way to the cage. A guard slaps a pair of the manacles on her. "Right. Drider vampire, be on your way. And be careful. Dangerous country, even for a lone vampire." Thrae becomes aware of a note that's been tucked into a piece of her lower chitin. The vampire looks at Thrae for a moment, giving her a wink before she's pushed into the cage, the door slamming shut behind her.

Thrae moves to have her chintin cover the note, keeping it hidden from the other guards as she looks between the other vampire and Braxis. Frowning to put on the air of still being pissed at not getting Braxis free as well, which wasn't that hard given she was still pissed at that even if she now had some solution possibly atleast. She headed away from the caravan, back down the road until she could get out of sight and read the note.

DM62: The note: "They will send assassins after you. The Masters, however, would prefer an alliance. Get to the tunnel--it will take you directly to Underfell. Don't worry about the minotaur. He's their insurance. Good luck. --Maedra" Beneath her flowing script is a map of the area, with a hidden tunnel entrance clearly marked.

Thrae: "Well shit," She muttered to herself. It didn't really help that Braxis was collateral as that meant she had to come all the way back here to rescue him and gods knew how long it would be till she could manage that. She hoped it wouldn't be too long, but she had to get out of here quick before those assassins came. Though she wondered, the name seemed familiar for some reason. She'd take a moment to position herself on the map, then set off, trying to move as quick as she could toward the tunnel.

DM62: Thrae seems to luck out--she doesn't run across anyone during her night trek, managing to locate the hidden entrance, carefully concealed to look like moss-covered rocks, but actually just a freely-hanging curtain of mossy growth and vines. The tunnel is clean and dry, and leads far off into the distance.

Thrae: Atleast she didn't get attacked by anyone on the way over, and found the tunnel. All in all that was better then she had expected to happen. Checking to make sure no one was nearby she slipped past the moss curtain and into the tunnel. Eager to move as quick as she could in the hope of figuring something out in time to possibly save the other vampire somehow, though she was fairly sure that had about as much of a chance of happening as a sunflower surviving in the underground.

DM62: At this point Thrae hears footsteps behind her. Something on two legs.

Thrae: 'Damn, guess I didn't look as carefully as I should have.' Thrae thinks to herself as she turns around and jumps a bit, trying to put a bit more distance between the sound of the footsteps and herself incase it was closer then she thought. Lightning crackled in her hands as she looked for whatever was causing the sound. "Who's there?!"

DM62: "Relax, Maedra sent me." It's a male human with long, flowing red hair and pale skin. He smiles, displaying small fangs. "I'm a dhampir, you see. Born of a vampiric and a non-vampiric union. It's a pleasure to meet you." He gives her a small bow. Thrae notes that the manacles seem to dampen her powers, and her lightning isn't quite as potent as it normally would be.

Thrae looks down at the manacles, she swore these had been taken off at some point. Guess not though, but at the very least she doubted she was about to get killed at the moment so it wasn't to potentially dangerous, she did keep herself guarded somewhat still even as she gave a small cursty like movement back. "I see. Well, I'm Thrae, what's your name." Getting pleasantries out of the way first would probably be the best and then she asked. "I'm hoping you and Maedra have some more of a plan the note didn't talk about, unless she was being serious about getting herself killed in exchange for me."

DM62: He smiles, moving forward a little. "My name is Ardeam. And don't worry about her--she's been condemned by the Masters, and is no longer a concern. But maybe I can do something about those pesky manacles." He reaches down, drawing an elegant-looking longsword as he advances toward her.

Thrae: "Condemned?" Thrae asks her eyes rather wary as the redhead drew a sword. She wasn't entirely sure he wasn't an assassin just yet, but if she wanted the manacles off she'd need to trust him somewhat. So she held her hands out before her, as far as she could reach so she'd have more time if he tried to dive for her. She was just as ready to pull them back or out of the way if he tried to strike at them.

DM62: He smiles. "Well, vampires are all condemned, so to speak." At this point he pulls back the sword slightly, advancing to attempt to thrust the blade into Thrae's heart.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Seventeenth Session, 4 February (part one, an odd vampire hunter, reunion)
DM62: When last we left our heroes, you were progressing through a clean, dry, neatly-carved tunnel, moving by torchlight through one of the pathways used by the Masters. Leading you on in the tunnel is Shesti, a kobold who originally betrayed the party to Order forces in the hopes of having his Mistress Maedra freed. The Order betrayed Shesti, however, tossing him aside once they had no further use for him and reneging on their bargain. You managed to escape, and now you're traveling to rescue Thrae and Braxil, hopefully before the Order is able to carry out their plan of ritually executing the drider vampire at their Temple of the Sun.

Raz frowned as he plodded along in the rear. His head turning back every once in a while to make sure the Order had not gotten through his ice block just yet. "Are we sure he is leading us the right way? He hasn't been the most trust worthy."

Vel: “...Out of curiousity, why is mistress being executed but yours being held hostage?," asks Vel as she moves, staying closet To Shesti and staring ahead, watching about warily, her tail hissing very often and her fur flared up. She looks back at Raz, "Do we have a choice? I will work with anyone to find my mistress. If he does that I don't care if we're being played. If it's a trap, then I'll use his pelt as a camouflaged cloak." She looks forwards again, glaring.

Hel is quiet as he runs along with the others, weapons ready and prepared to work, but not actively assisting the conversation.

Zyanya: "I've given up trying to figure out these lying snakes." The Shiriti spoke simply and bluntly, a great deal of bile in her voice

Zyanya: "But I trust our friend here more then I trust them and I think he's in the mood to bust their heads too."

DM62: Meanwhile... Thrae manages to move back, turning what would have been a killing thrust by the dhampir into a mere scrape against her abdomen. Ardeam growls, whirling back slightly and pushing forward with a fist... sending a blast of force magic into Thrae to knock her back. "Vile creature. You shall not stand before the Goddess!"

DM62: Shesti shakes his head. "If they lied to me... they may have already..." his voice breaks, and he shakes his head, running along through the tunnel. At this point the party can hear indistinct sounds up ahead.

Raz's frown deepen as he hurried onward, his wings and claws already flexing as he prepared for what ever might be lurking ahead. He tilted his head to see what the sound might be and if they needed to speed up or hold back.

Thrae thanked her jumping spider heritage for the reflexes to avoid the blow. She had her suspicions about the dhampir but well, he was a half vampire, there had been a solid chance that he wasn't working with the order still. Either way she scrapped along the floor of the cave as the magic pushed her backwards and gave her even more space to charge up a quick few bolts of lightning to throw at the dhampir. She poured a bit of extra power in them to hopefully make up for the effects of the manacles.

DM62: The noises are at the edge of hearing... Raz can't quite make out what's going on ahead.

Zyanya, quite on edge from this whole affair gripped her spear tight as she heard the noise up ahead. "Mind if I scout ahead and see what that is?"

Vel: “I'm coming.," says Vel with a grunt, silencing her hisses, before darting ahead quietly, her vision working fine in the dark

Raz continues on, though he stays in the rear in case the Order comes up behind them. Not to mention he would have to squeeze past the people in front of his large bulk.

DM62: Ardeam chuckles, and then his features seem to shift. Suddenly, Thrae finds herself facing an armored human wielding a whip... with a spike ball affixed on the end of it. It's a man with a leaned, toned physique and dark hair, wearing a bandana. "Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!" He swings the whip at Thrae, using the longer ranged weapon to lash out at her. The lightning doesn't stop his attack, but he growls in pain as the bolts scorch him.
As the party proceeds forward, they can hear a raised voice, and the sounds of of a force blast, followed quickly by the crack of thunder from a lightning attack.

Raz: “Sounds like our lady." He then quickly picked up his pace.

Zyanya: "One side. Sounds like someone's fighting up there." She'd move past anyone in her path and pushed forward, trying to catch up with Vel if she was ahead of her

Thrae: “What in the darkest parts of the bloom are you?" Thrae says as the person she's fighting suddenly changed drastically. Though she guessed it could be illusion magic once again. She wasn't about to let herself get caught by that whip though, continuing to back along the cave as she switched to throwing out frost magic, hoping to freeze up the whip and man's feet so that she could land a more solid hit on him.

Vel hisses as she hurries again, ears flicking. Voices and she was certain she heard Thrae! Had she escaped?! She silently and swiftly darted forwards, picking up her pace as she hurried to find her mistress!

Hel keeps moving, hammer at the ready as he tries to catch up with the fight ahead

DM62: "I'm Sir Trayvius, of the Beldan Clan of Vampire Hunters! And your time in this world is at an end." He reaches onto his belt, hurling a flash at Thrae. The ice attack staggers the human, but the flash shatters against the drider vampire, releasing a concentrated blast of enchanted daylight that burns at Thrae's flesh. The party can see a blaze of light up ahead, with a drider illuminated by it... and they definitely hear portions of the vampire hunter's declaration.

Vel's eyes widen before rage and anger overwhelms sense, and she darts forwards before leaping, lunging for the vampire hunters face in the dark, trying to claw and bite with both heads, hoping the blaze of light would blind him in the sudden return of darkness.

Raz sighed as he hurried towards the fight, sort of wishing the tunnel wasn't so cramped so he could use his own blade.

DM62: Vel's still got some distance to run, yet, to reach the actual combat.

Vel ain't stopping running!

Hel: The warrior dwarf is soon moving in as well, rushing forward with shield raised to try and move himself between the vampire hunter and the vampire ally

Zyanya: "No no no, you sanctimonious twat!" The tribal screams as she tries to catch up with Vel, but not having 4 legs was a problem. The moment she had a visual on her opponent, she'd throw her spear. But not to kill. She was curious to see what Vel could do

DM62: The vampire hunter curses, staggered from the frost attack. Seeing more enemies approaching, he shakes his head. "This isn't over, vampire!" He tosses another flask at his feet, creating another blast of light... and then he's gone, though Vel can see a bat flying away rapidly.

Raz: “This just keeps getting more and more convoluted. Why can't we just stick to simple things like get people to join big army to stop another army?"

Vel hisses and leaps, trying to lash out at the bat with her longer snake tail, to try and bring it down.

Thrae: Through the burns from the sunlight, Thrae tries to throw out one more parting blast of lightning at the retreating bat, a bit of childish want to get the last punch in at the bastard. After that though she grimaced and muttered. "Damn that hurt." Before turning to the rest of her group that were just showing up. "Thank the gods you all got here, don't think I could have beaten that guy myself with these chains on."

Zyanya: "Believe me, I wish the exact same thing Raz. Whole fucking business with the order is just distracting us from the real problem. Apparently the Order in their infinite wisdom isn't concerned with the Green Hordes. Only their own narrow minded view of the world."

DM62: The snake tail comes close, but doesn't quite manage to bite the bat, its snout bouncing off the leathery skin before the bat flies up along the top of the tunnel, out of Thrae's reach. The lightning singes the bat, but it continues out of range. Shesti moves closer to the drider vampire, examining the wound. "Sun water. Hurts vampires bad. But if you feed it should heal." He pauses, then kneels in front of the drider, his head lowered. "I am Shesti... I betrayed your friends to try to save my Mistress. I am sorry. If you wish you may feed from me."

Raz gave a small nod. "Only fair." He turned to look the drider over a moment before bending down to try and break the chains off of her. "Seems you will need to wait to heal up those burns, though we can't stick around here long."

Vel snarls, glaring, before turning and running and skidding in front of her mistress. "Mistress... I am so sorry, I failed you. Abandoned you... There's no good excuse for my failure mistress...," she tears up a bit, "I'll give my blood too, all of it if that's what you want..."

DM62: The manacles are well-constructed, impossible to break without snapping Thrae's wrists... but there is a lock on them, that Vel suspects she might be able to open.

Zyanya: "Easy now you two. Don't just go giving all your blood away. She just needs enough to get herself back on her feet."

Raz: “Either way, we can't linger here. The Order will likely be coming from behind us. So we should get somewhere safe first."

Thrae: “Hmm." Thrae said as she glared at the Kobold, and had a softer but still not entirely happy look at Vel. "Vel, get these off of me now and I might let up on you for that. You," Thrae turned to the Kobold again. "You're blood will be enough. I don't want to be running around with these burns any longer then I need to. Though who is your master anyways."
Vel nods and moves over and tries to pick the locks, using what she has on hand.

DM62: Shesti nods, exposing his furry neck. "My Mistress is called Maedra, Lady Vampire." The lock is surprisingly simple... but Vel remembers that surprisingly simply locks, according to the diagrams, often house little traps for the hurried rogue. Sure enough, she spots a small needle trap in the lock, which will take a minute to disarm safely.

Thrae moves quick, biting Shesti's neck and drawing enough blood to heal herself and hopefully not impair a potential guide too badly. When she finished she pulled back and said. "As for Maedra, someone with that name traded herself for my rescue not but a few minutes ago. Though they still have Braxis"

DM62: Shesti also responds to Raz. "Order can't come behind us... these tunnels are hidden. Though it seems that one of their assassins has found the outer entry."

Vel nods and starts working, trying to disable it safely, having to run back to fetch her dropped things and come back with the picks and such. As she hears the name, Vel looks at Shesti with a frown. "So you lied about your mistress being captured, but she went and made it true for you. I suppose thats lucky for you then."

DM62: Shesti's mouth opens wide as Thrae speaks. "She... but she WAS captured!" He looks at Vel, then back to Thrae. "They... they had a piece of her clothing!" He produces a scrap of fine red silk.

Raz: “Sounds like they have her again.'

Thrae: “Human looking girl with red hair right?" Thrae said as she licked the last of the blood off. "Cause it was either her, or another illusionist pretending to be her. If that's the case then." Thrae grimaced. "I don't think I'd be too hopeful for Braxis' chances."
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Seventeenth Session, 4 February (part two, a hidden message, a bad plan)
Vel: “...Well. Only way we'll know for sure how this plays out is to go get her. If mistress desires to fetch her and Braxis then.," nods Vel, seeming to have visibly calmed herself down now that her mistress was back

DM62: The kobold nods. "Yes! Please! We need to save Mistress Maedra!"

Zyanya: "Much as I'm all for busting their heads open, we need to plan carefully and think. Can't just rush in or we'll all be in irons by the end of the night."

Thrae: “We need to go try to rescue Braxis regardless. Though apparently he's being held as collateral now instead of as a planned execution. Maedra passed me a note that her masters wanted to forge an alliance with us, and told me to head down into this cave. Though I'm guessing going to the end of this isn't exactly going to lead anywhere useful if you all just came from it."

Vel shrugs, "I go where you go mistress, assuming you still wish a failure of a slave."

DM62: Shesti frowns, putting his head in his hands and sitting to think. "Do... do you still have the note, Lady Vampire?"

Raz: “Nope, leads to a barred up dead end. Though an assault on their prison will need some thorough planning otherwise we will wind up in the cell next to him."

Thrae: “Not getting rid of you yet Vel." Thrae said, and looked for where she had hidden the note in her abdomen plates, hoping it was still there. Pulling it out she'd keep it in her grip but show it to the Kobold.

DM62: The kobold nods. "Can you... produce a small flame? Like a candle, but no larger?"

Vel nods and keeps working at the manacles.

DM62: There's an audible click, but Vel avoids the needle easily, and the manacles pop open, releasing the drider's wrists from their power-dampening confinement.

Vel nods and takes the manacles off and keeps them under her arm. "There. Might come in handy later, may as well keep them. Build a new key later. Unless mistress wishes them destroyed?"

Thrae: “Now I can" Thrae says as she shakes the manacles off, and produces a small flame on the tips of her fingers. "And keep them far away from me, but they might be useful if we need to capture a mage so throw them in with someone's gear."

Zyanya: "I say we keep those things for the Order's beloved Prophet. See how all mighty they can be with those fuckers on."

Vel nods and brings them over to Raz. "Here. You're big and can pin someone, you take em."

DM62: The kobold nods. He places a finger over the note, moving the tip up to the first letter... then he uses that to measure out a distance from the flame on Thrae's fingers. He holds the note at that exact distance, with the blank side facing Thrae and Shesti... and after a few minutes, words and shapes begin to slowly form. "Treated vampire saliva with an alchemical solution. It has to be heated to a certain temperature... for the hidden message to appear, Lady Vampire."

Thrae: “Huh. Well, good to know that we could potentially make the same in the future." Thrae thought as she waited for the letter to finish changing. She figured it was pretty good luck this kobold had been here afterall, she'd never have figured to do something like this on her own.

DM62: The hidden message: "If you truly wish the support of the Masters, come to my 'execution' at the Temple of the Sun. I am very good at escaping my bonds and causing mayhem. The Masters desire one or both of these weapons: the whip carried by Sir Trayvius of Beldan Clan, or the sword of the Prophet. If you bring one, or destroy both, you may consider an alliance against Malgra a foregone conclusion, after a short visit to the High Council of the Masters. --Maedra" Under this is another small post-script: "And tell Shesti to stop worrying. These pitiful Order sheep can never hold his Mistress for long." Under the flowing script of the vampire is a small map, showing the way from the tunnel entrance to the Temple of the Sun.
The kobold looks at the vampire. "What does it say, Lady Vampire?"

Hel: The dwarf shakes his head slowly. "Glad to see they don't have too much of an ego," he quips

Thrae: “Well, she is very sure of herself if nothing else." Thrae said with a small chuckle. "It looks like we're going to be stopping an execution. Your mistress wants us to come along and help her in causing as much mayhem as we can when she escapes. Also to either steal, take, or destroy Trayvius' whip or the Prophet's sword.

DM62: Shesti nods solemnly, intoning, "Mistress loves may-hem."

Vel nods. "And we are doing so, mistress?"

Raz sighed softly and shook his head. "Sounds like a very bad plan. Especially if they have a mage powerful enough to disperse a storm with them. Not to mention the actual army they have likely guarding the temple."

Thrae: “Well, given these guys have made it rather clear they aren't going to work with us. I figure the masters are probably our best bet for allies around here. Also we need to get Braxis back anyways."

Zyanya: "On second thought, I'm going to enjoy bringing as much chaos to their doorstep as possible. Teach them that they aren't all knowing. Shake up their foundation a little. And in doing so we'll gain a friend and get ours back. Besides, I've been looking forward to a little guerrilla warfare. "

DM62: Jenna nods. "And anyone we can quietly kill, we can count as an ally." She gives a little smirk.

Vel: “And anyone of us who dies is still an ally by that metric too.," nods Vel with a shrug, leaning against her mistress, "Will my punishment be delayed until after mistress, or is it now? If mistress still wants her then Vel swears to not let anything distract her again and make her fail her duties..."

DM62: The smuggler sighs. "So we're going to attack a public execution. Excellent. Who's going to provide crowd control, and who's going to go in on a mission? They're going to need to be distracted."

Raz sighs and shakes his head. "I can be a distraction. I am the largest and quickest of us."

Zyanya: "I'm pretty light on my feet as well. Could assist if you need the help, Raz"

Vel: “I can do distractions and I'm not that important.," nos Vel, "and I can probably steal the whip. the sowrds too heavy though."

Thrae: “Well, I could always try crowd control. Might cause alot of...chaos though." Thrae said with a small grin.

DM62: Jenna shrugs. "My servants will create a distraction, if we can gather several of them."

Thrae: “As for you Vel, the punishment will come later. I need you in good shape after all for whats to come. As for the swearing, that shouldn't even need such an oath now should it?"

Raz: “Might be wise to not cause a stir with undead. No telling whether the ruckus will spark a war."

Vel: “Quiet murder can probably be managed between me and Shesti.," nods Vel, "And you're right, mistress. But I failed once, so I felt it needed to be restated. I'm your property and I shouldn't let anything be distracting me from such things. I'm an object, not a person. Whatever role you see fit to send me on mistress, I can do it. If you like me and Shesti can kill several enemies for Jenna."

Vel: “It already is war, Raz. It’s jsut who makes the first move."

DM62: Shesti rises, tucking the note into a small belt pouch. "So we move to the Temple, then! Shesti knows the way, from map." He starts moving down the tunnel, toward the exit they just used. "Have to tell Masters that enemy assassin found tunnel. Masters make cave-in. Open new entrance. Big hassle."

Raz: “Likely not as big as it being used for the Order to hit them from.”

Thrae: “Ya sorry about that, I thought I had lost them before going in but didn't" Thrae said with a light shrug at letting the assassin in." Thrae started to follow the Kobold. "Now though, guess we can go with the get a few plants plan."

Hel grunts a little, figiting with the hammer. "Just point me where you need a mess, I'll get the party started..." he mumbles.

Vel: “I imagine our decision should be guided by the situation when we arrive."

Raz shakes his head at their foolishness. He felt it was biting more then they could chew. With a shrug he follows alongs anyway.

Zyanya: "We're not looking for a rout, Raz. Just make some noise and cause a ruckus while someone grabs these artifacts."

Raz: “You realize we will be doing it in their heart, surrounded by hundreds of their followers?"

DM62: Jenna chuckles. "And we need to save our minotaur friend, and make sure Maedra is alright. After all, I'm sure the Masters won't like hearing that we lost one of their allies in the process."

Thrae: “Ehh, you act like he haven't done crazier." Thrae says with a shrug. "At the very least I doubt most of them will be expecting an attack."

Vel shrugs, "Mistress wishes this done. so I'll do it even if I hve to do it alone."

Raz: “I wasn't saying I wasn't going to, just pointing out this is a very bad idea."

Vel: “you say that about every plan we do."

Raz: “Just the last two, little one."

DM62: The party exits the tunnel into darkness, it still being close to midnight. Shesti leads them along a moonlit trail, quitely traveling near wagon tracks, with mountains on their left and trees on their right. A few hours pass as they steadily advance, and soon there's a dim glow from the east, as the first light of early morning begins to turn the horizon into a dark blue. The party is entering a valley, with large stone formations on either side, and there's a glow ahead of them as they move forward.

Vel: “...Magic?"

Zyanya: "I had a feeling they'd be prepared in some manner. Wasn't expecting magic though."

Raz: “Very likely. Probably from the mage they have in their ranks. Hopefully they don't blast us to bits the moment we show up."
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Seventeenth Session, 4 February (part three, the temple, candlelight, a scent trail, guards, salves)
DM62: Shesti shrugs. "Not sure why light ahead. But be careful, Lady Vampire. Prophet sword and hunter whip can kill vampires in sunlight. And prophet sword... can make sunlight." He shakes his head, still advancing. Further ahead in the valley, they begin to see a stone structure in the dim light... and the source of the light. Hundreds of candles, held in the hands of a throng of people, standing around the temple and softly chanting.

Hel's only response to this sight is shaking his head and giving a grimace, hiking his shield to his offhand and readying for the fight ahead.

Zyanya: "Was not expecting that. Candles from the faithful..." The shiriti was starting to feel a little nervous about the plan, but she couldn't get distracted now

Raz shook his head as his word about hundreds of followers became real. Even a fanatic or a group can be more dangerous then those in the temple.

Thrae: “Well then, guess I'll hang back a bit and focus on the minions. Would rather not get killed by a strike from that whip." Thrae said, before looking town at all the lights. This was...alot of people.

DM62: Shesti squints. "How they get up and down from there, with so many people in the way?"

Raz: Regardless Raz quietly drew his massive sword and readied for a fight. "See, if they all decide to swarm us it is a game over for us."

Vel rolls her eyes. "So we don’t give them cause yet. We get past them to the temple. They must have a hidden path or markings of rank..."

Hel: “We can't guarantee the worshipers don't have some form of anti-vampire capabilities either. I'll gladly assist you Thrae."

Raz: “I should probably stay down here. I sort of stick out."

Zyanya: "Just let me know where I'll be most useful. Not as strong as a horde of fanatics but I could help in other ways"

Thrae: “Not sure, but I'm amazed there are so many here." Thrae said. "But yes, we should go around, maybe slip in to knock off a few stragglers to set up as plants but that is up to you two." Thrae looked at Vel and Shesti, then at Hel. "Thank you, I would rather not get swarmed, though with how packed they are my fireballs could probably do some damage. Also remember, Shesti's mistress has her own plans during the execution."

DM62: Shesti nods. "Do you remember the vampire hunter's scent, Vel?" He begins sniffing at the air. Jenna moves up next to Thrae. "If we can quietly take out some people first, I can create mass panic when the living dead reveal themselves."

Raz: “Yes, a more subtle approach is better then a direct assualt when so many are concerned."

Vel nods, and starts sniffing too, grimacing, "He coulda flown over but maybe he didn’t..."

DM62: Vel is able to pick up a whiff of the vampire hunter for a moment... heading east slightly. It goes away... but the Vel catches it again, and can even pick up a bit of a trail. It would seem that the vampire hunter was walking, and Shesti assists Vel in the tracking, moving along with her and using his nose to sniff out Sir Trayvius.

Vel: “This way...," she mutters, snuffling out the trail

Thrae would look from Jenna, to the smuggler. "You, you're better at the stealth then we are. How should we go about doing this? Or better, can you handle getting some bodies for Jenna to use yourself. Otherwise I say we wait till Maedra fires her plan and then I take a number of them down with a big lightning bolt and we get them back going quick."

DM62: The smuggler sighs. "Generally I don't do assassination." He looks at Thrae, then shakes his head. "But these people came to watch a friend die. Or they... would have, if our friend was still... nevermind." He pulls his knife, silently stalking toward the crowd. Within moments, he's holding a candle, silently moving through the crowd with his hood pulled over his head, Jenna following him.

Raz stays back out of sight with Thrae. He was good at sneaking, though he generally needed a leafy green area to do so, not a large open courtyard full of small people.

Thrae: “Zaynya you should go with them, and possibly you as well Raz, or Hel, one of you. Or all of us go and hope that Jenna and the Smuggler don't end up needing back up."

Raz: “I think I will be of more use down here to deal with all of them. They will be more trouble then who ever is at the top of the temple."

Hel is quiet, but nods, going to catch up with Vel now it seemed the cultists were about to be dispatched.

DM62: Fiske is standing near Zyanya. "I... I'm not sure how I feel about assassinating people. But I guess... I can help Vel and Hel and the kobold. I've got no problems killing the vampire hunter and the prophet."

Zyanya: "So wait, where do you need me? Cause I'm not in the mood to hurt civilians. Only the prophet and the hunter and any of the other order cronies."

Raz: “Then you can go with Vel and Hel." He smirked a moment. There was probably a joke in there somewhere.

DM62: Shesti and Vel are able to sniff out a grate covering a tunnel. "Let me go ahead. I distract." The kobold lifts the grate, quietly moving into the lit tunnel.

Thrae: “Yes, go with them then, Raz and I will hold down the fort here for when Jenna and the smuggler return."

Zyanya: "Got it. Come on Fiske, we have work to do."


Vel nods, delaying a moment for Shesti to move ahead before following a bit.

Raz: “Uh, wonder if he realizes Braxis can walking in the sun."

DM62: Sure enough, Vel spots the kobold... speaking to a guard, and offering the guardswoman his pouch, with the guardswoman's back to Vel. "You buy? You buy fruit, yes! Very fresh, yes, very fresh fruit, yes!" The guard takes the sack, opening it. "This... this isn't fruit!" She backhands Shesti, sending him sprawling. "Wrong sack, lady! Wrong sack!" He screeches back to her pitifully from the ground.

Vel promptly slips up quietly, and while Shesti has her attention and scrreching, she hopped up quietly, using her tail to rip out her throat, before looping a coil of her tail around to drag her down quietly before she could thrash about. "You're good at faking taking a hit I see.," she whispers.

Thrae: “I wonder why they are even trying to pass him off as attached to her at all, they were the ones that traded for her after all." Thrae watches the crowd, looking for any potential commotion that might signal Jenna and the smuggler needed help

Raz: “Not sure. Though it could be some sort of ploy to stir up their followers and fanatics."

DM62: "No I'm not." The kobold gets up a bit groggily, an ugly welt on his cheek, looking at the dead guard. "But I'm alive. Same as before... let me go ahead." He hurries forward, limping just a little.

DM62: "SOON, SOON WE SHALL SEE THE PROPHET! AND SEE THE BLADE OF THE PROPHET, AS IT PIERCES THE BLACK HEART OF THE DEAD! AND THE BLACKER HEART, OF A NECROPHILIAC!" The crowd murmurs reverently in response, waving slightly in the early morning glow. Probably fifteen minutes til dawn, at most.

Vel: “Gt back here," she growls, hurrying over and stopping him, before taking some salve from before and rubbing it on his bruises, "There, now go, it'll take the edge off. I don't want you getting distracted. Matter fact, keep the damn salve. Let's go."

DM62: "Time enough for comfort when Mistress safe." He shakes his head, though he lets Vel apply the treatment. Then he scuttles ahead.

Zyanya: "He'd best know what he's doing..."

Raz readies his blade and prepares for the mayhem that was likely to unfold very shortly.

DM62: "I think he plans to take off every Zig by himself," mutters Fiske, moving quietly next to Zyanya, axe in hand.

Zyanya: "T...take off what now? Fiske, you aren't making sense. Do you mean take out every guard himself? Or with the help of Vel?"

DM62: Fiske shakes his head. "Something the knights used to say, back when we patrolled the bases that belonged to us. But no matter. What I mean is, I think Shesti's just going to let guards beat on him and have Vel take them out. In the same way."

Zyanya: "Never realized you had unique phrases like that. They sound silly." she taps the ground once with her spear. "If that's what he wants, I won't argue. But it leaves nothing for us and Hel."

DM62: This time, Shesti is speaking to a pair of guards. "I bring salve... for Prophet's itchy-bottom?" He shows them the salve that Vel gave him, putting a finger of the pungent ointment under their noses. "Prophet rash? Need goop. Apply for-"

DM62: One of the guards growls, but the other stops him. "How... the Prophet... no, bullshit." He grabs the kobold by the neck, slamming him against the tunnel wall. "What's your game, shitbrains?"

DM62: "Aughhh... ointment... Prophet-butt..."

Vel rolls her eyes, before scaling up the wall as their attention was on the kobold, crawling along the side using her claws, before kicking off it to tackle into ones head, tail lashing out to catch the far one with her poison fangs, while biting and tearing at the current ones face and neck.

Hel, moving quietly behind everyone, frowns as the gig doesn't work twice. He glances towards the chimera, to see what she's doing before he does the typical war tactics.

DM62: The far one spots Vel, giving a low but piercing whistle and moving back, drawing a sword. Five more guards emerge from further up the tunnel, blades out, even as Vel shreds the other guard to death.

Hel: “Welp. That's our cue..." Hel grumbles, moving quickly out of hiding and readying his hammer to bare, rushing forward to assaultt He charges forth, shield raised and ready to bowl through the reinforcements.

Vel grimaces, cursing as surprise was lost, dropping the guard. "Damn. Well... No helping it now. We may as well back up, shesti, leave the fighting to the fighters, the killing to the killers."

Zyanya: "Whelp, that didn't last." Zyanya patted Fiske on the shoulder and gave him a smile. "Get ready, hun. We've got ourselves a scrap." As per her usual MO, she'd take her first spear and give it a good throw, only grabbing her second when the first hit it's mark

DM62: Shesti seems to have vanished in the commotion. Fiske, however, is charging forward, buring his axe in the chest of one of the guards. Zyanya's spear strikes home, the force-enhancement driving it completely through the guard and scraping the one behind him. Hel reaches the guards as well, his shield bashing one of them over.

Hel: With one guard flying away from his shield, Hel focuses on another that was standing, swinging hammer around to smack at more of the guards.

Vel grunts and sniffs the air, trying to track down the kobold for now

Zyanya: "Are they even trying anymore?" The tribal asked as she saw her weapon make it's mark and she retrived her tribal spear. The guards just weren't up to snuff anywhere were they? You'd think a fanatical religious order would make their soldiers better. "No matter." She threw herself at the guard grazed by her weapon and swung the shaft towards her opponents head instead of going for a thrust

DM62: "Run! Raise the alarm!" The guard facing off against Zyanya barks the order to a guard in back, who hurries back up the tunnel. The guard fighting Hel blocks the hammer with his shield, staggering back a little as he's struck. Meanwhile, Fiske has to work a little to free his axe from a guard's stubborn chest. Vel smells the kobold... he seems to have gone ahead, up the tunnel. Zyanya's opponent manages to shift slightly, enough to dodge the spear aimed at his head, and bringing his own blade down in a vicious arc, but only creating a gash in the woman's right thigh.

Vel grunts, and turns her attention to the runner, since he was going the same way, before running after him, and lunging at the back of their legs, trying to hamstring them.

Hel: The dwarf growls, keeping the shield forward to help protect from blows and keeps the pressure, moving several hammer blows to keep the warrior off-balanced until he had an opening for a crippling blow.

Zyanya: "Was gonna be easy on you. But I guess not!" She let out a war cry and despite her wound would throw herself shoulder first at the guard, aiming to knock him over before jamming her spear into any exposed piece of flash.

DM62: Zyanya's blow knocks the guard back, but he catches her spear, wresting it to the side and using it to balance himself. With his weapon free, though, Fiske buries his axe in the skull of Zyanya's opponent. Hel's hammer blows finally knock the guard's shield away, and silence him by caving in his skull. Vel is nearing the running guard when a blur comes from the tunnel ahead, as Shesti tackles one of the guard's legs, sending him sprawling backwards. The guard kicks and punches at the kobold mercilessly, but this presents a perfect chance for Vel to effortlessly dispatch him.

Vel snarls and promptly leaps before landing on the guard, and trying to claw out his throat again with animalistic efficiency, grunting. "Good call."

Hel: With his foe dispatched, Hel focuses on another, moving to keep the battle flowing in the favor of them as he brings hammer and shield to the next opponent.

Zyanya: Shit...was she losing her touch or something? How did these guards know how to deal with her fighting style? She was fortunate to have Fiske to save her this time, but she couldn't afford to risk this happening again. "T...thanks hun. Guess I owe you."

DM62: Shesti staggers to his feet again, nodding. "Need... hurry..." He shakes his head, then starts scampering ahead, as the tunnel begins sharply climbing upward.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Seventeenth Session, 4 February (part four, Battle at the Sun Temple)
DM62: There are no further guards along the tunnel, and the party is soon ready to emerge topside. They can hear a voice shouting. "DAWN! DAWN! BEHOLD THE PROPHET!" There's a cheer from the crowd, thundering, and then a clear woman's voice shouts out. "THERE IS BUT ONE GODDESS! AND I AM HER PROPHET! BEHOLD THE DESTRUCTION OF AN ABOMINATION!!" There's a burst of light that shines even into the tunnel, and Shesti charges ahead of the party, outpacing them.

Vel charges up, trying to follow after Shesti, surprised at how she's being outrun so easily. Damn... She really was getting too old for this...

Zyanya: Time was short. Too short now given the voices. And that woman wasn't going to wait for them and neither was Shesti or Vel. "Come on Fiske, Hel. We're gonna lose sight of them at this rate."

Hel's short legs move fast, trying to keep up with the faster group, huffing and puffing as he keeps his weapons ready. It wasn't going to see rest anytime soon...

DM62: The light grows even more intense, causing Vel (even with the goggles) and Hel and Zyanya and Fiske to squint as they advance topside. A redhaired female is chained naked in a circular stone structure, the dawn's sun shining on her back intensely. Around the circular loop are seven armored figures, in white robes, each holding a two-handed blade pointed at the vampire. The redhaired vampire is facing away from the party, and something is thrust into her chest... a glowing blade, with an intense light that rivals even the sun. There's a burst of brilliance... and then the redhaired vampire is no more, and a robed figure with the glowing sword turns back toward the crowd. "YOU SEE! THE GODDESS BANISHES THE DARK CREATURES!" Shesti is standing at the top of the tunnel's stairs, his muzzle agape in horror as he sees the end of his Mistress. Meanwhile, there seem to be some panicked shouts from the crowd... something is going on below.

DM62: Down below, the crowd begins screaming in panic, as several clumps of zombies begin biting into the throng, sending them into a frenzy and causing mass trampling. It is chaos, and then Thrae's lightning begins striking the crowd at random, creating more havoc.

Zilrax: With the chaos having begun, she spotted the sword. Target acquired. With Shesti seeming stunned, she decided to make her move, skirting around, before trying to tackle the prophet since she stood at the temples edge, to send them both flying down into the crowd below. Best to enutralize the threat after all, and it seemed suiting punishment for failure...

Raz brandishes his weapon and steps in-between the two magic users and the panicked crowd. gutting him as the first obstacle should they try to reach Thrae and Jenna.

Hel grimaces as they arrive too late to save the vampiress from her fate. He growls in anger, before moving in the most direct way he could to get to get at the glowing creature that was being guarded. He didn't know what was the creature, but he knew now that it was no goddess, benevolent or otherwise.

Zyanya: She wasn't sure if the vampire really allowed herself to be destroyed, or if this was a part of her plan. The Shiriti was never sure of alot of things. But she saw he opportuniy this gave them and she wasn't about to lose it."We have our in. We need to move! While the crowds in chaos."

DM62: Fiske nods, barreling at one of the sword-wielding armored figures, kicking him off the edge of the temple's circle and sending him crashing below. Another moves to attack him. Several members of the crowd spot the dragonkin and shy away, but others come running his direction, some of them looking to fight. One of them lobs a rock at the dragonkin, and a few more of them are swinging stout clubs. The Prophet turns, spotting Vel instantly, and her sword points at the chimera. "More servants of darkness. When will you learn? The darkness comes to enslave you, pitiful creature. Recant. Seek the goodness of the One Goddess." Meanwhile, two of the sword-wielding knights move toward Zyanya, and another pair move to intercept Hel, their greatswords swinging in vicious arcs atop the temple.

Vel skids to a stop as she's spotted, thinking. Recanting... hah like she’d buy that. Nope, she was commited now. "I'm already a slave. Darkness or light is irrelevant to me, I only care about the service itself. Something I'm sure we can both agree on. Gimme the sword and you can return to your flock intact. After all, a true prophet doesn't need toys to prove their faith now do they?"

Zyanya: "Feh. I don't need a false god telling me what to do. My lady has blessed my people and I am the instrument of her will!" Having both spears back (Too much to ask if she retrieved it when they finished he first group of guards), she'd quickly take aim with the enchanted one and hurling it at one of the knights, using the distraction to try and get around the knights using her mobility.

Hel grimaces as the warriors near, moving forward with his guard up, giving a hollow laugh. "Goddess? Idiot..." he mumbles. He is quick to move, trying to defend the surely untrained strikes of the warriors.

DM62: Down below, the armored knight rises, pulling his greatsword and moving to challenge Raz. The knight facing Zyanya raises his sword in a small salute, and it gleams in the sunlight. Her enchanted attack knocks the knight back, but he's still standing, and the other one advances, swinging his blade at the Shiriti. Hel quickly finds himself on the defensive, the knights well-trained in combat, their swings well-timed and powerful as they clang against Hel's shield. "You want my sword? HA! It would burn you, little slave." The sword seems to glow brighter, and Vel begins to have trouble seeing.

DM62: Then an oddly-quiet voice speaks up. "You killed Maedra." The kobold is standing on the other side of the Prophet, forcing her to divide her attention, with a dead look in his eyes. "You... you murdered my Maedra." Tears are streaming down his cheeks as he advances on the Prophet, not even bothering to raise a hand in his defense.

Vel stares up at the prophet then smirks wryly even as her eyes teared up. "Maybe. But you know what? We're not people. Our deaths don't matter. We're ready to do what you people are too important to do. Like die to get something done. We'll die for our mistress. And nothing is more scarier... Than a slave before the murderer of his owner. Now!" She had no idea if he'd do something or not. She jsut needed her thinking she would be focused there. Regardless she tackled forwards if she so much as glanced his way, even if it took all three of them voer the edge. They both knew the price of failure.

Raz watches the knight warily. his blade kept low. His main hand sliding up to grip close to the hilt. He then springs forward, swing his large blade at the knight, then taking a step back.

Hel: The hammers on his shield was starting to make Hel reel back slightly, growling as he focuses entirely on the warriors being idiots and dulling the metal. At this point, something sparks into his mind, and he gives a savage grin. Holstering his hammer, he moves the synthetic hand to intercept one of the swords, grabbing it and giving a hard yank to tug it away when next it slices down.

Zyanya: Damnit. This was geting trickier and trickier and she couldn't afford to make any mistakes with her would. "Come on then. Show me the strength of your faith." She'd grip her tribal spear tight but would remain light on her feet, trying to dance around the advancing guard but not striking. She'd wait for him to make the first mistake before she made a strike. Aim for a weakspot when it presented itself

DM62: The knight pivots, expertly blocking Raz' swing... and Raz can tell that he's facing an equal in swordplay. He continues advancing, thrusting his own blade at the dragonkin. Hel catches one of the swords, tearing it away from one of the knights, even as be blocks the incoming attack from the other with his shield. Zyanya manages to dodge an incoming thrust, and her own thrust strikes well, though it only gives the knight a minor wound through a chink in his heavy armor. Meanwhile, Shesti continues moving forward, the same lifeless look in his eyes, as the Prophet tries to keep on guard from both. Finally she turns, taking a risk and thusting her blade into the kobold's chest, trying to end one fight quickly so she could concentrate on the other. Shesti grabs onto the Prophet's wrists, holding her and the glowing blade. Then he turns, giving Vel a nod and a little smile.

Vel nods and quickly darts forward and lashes out, trying to claw and asault her neck and throat, even if it took them over. She wasn't sure how well this would work. But she wouldn't let his life be wasted.

Hel: With the sword flying somewhere behind him, Hel rushes on the offense again, his hammer back in his hand as he blocks the remaining sword and gives a smash towards his legs, aiming to fully smack down the main foe.

Raz swings his hands back and knocks the thrust away with the hilt of his blade. He glances behind the knight and frowns a moment, before griping above the hilt and pulling the blade back and behind him. Taking a few steps back, he takes in a deep breath before launching a blast of ice at the armoured knight.

DM62: Hel's hammer smashes into the armed knight's legs, sending the foe topping onto his side. At this point he feels a heavy gauntlet slamming into the side of his head, as the disarmed enemy attacks him. Raz's ice attack staggers the knight, who stops for a moment in surprise before charging forward to attack the dragonkin with a downward swing. Fiske moves in from the flank, his heavy axe bashing into one of the knights fighting Zyanya, sending his helm flying off and knocking him to his knees. The red-bearded man scowls at the Shiriti. Vel's charge slams into the Prophet, and she gives a shriek of anger and disbelief as the three of them topple over the side of the temple, falling fifty feet to the dirt ground below. The chimera can hear bones crunch as she lands, and the breath is knocked out of her, even as something seems to cushion her landing.

Vel gasps, grunting as she coughs, shocked she’s still breathing, blinking as she looks down with a mewl of discomfort

Hel: With the other foe reacting quickly to being disarmed, Hel grimaces and shakes some of the stars from his eyes, retaliating by giving a heavy swing with the near-indestructible shield and rapidly pummeling the remaining knight, working punishing blows with shield and hammer on the disarmed opponent. Honorable? Maybe not, but neither was the punch he just took to the noggin. He wanted to fight dirty, well, he should have not been an idiot and went to retrieve or steal a weapon!

Raz steps into the swing, his wings raising up to shield himself whilst ducking down low and plants his blade's hilt into the earth. He then brought his blade up as if he was using a spear against a charging horse.

Zyanya: "Guess my faith was stronger, fanatic." The shiriti said plainly as she finished off the downed foe and turning to face any of the other ones that might be approaching her

DM62: Raz' strike hits true, skewering the oncoming knight even as he blocks the sword attack. Hel's blows manage to bring down his foe as well, and Zyanya is able to quickly dispatch her opponents, with Fiske's aid. Below, the crowd is mostly scattered, fleeing to the winds. Vel can blearily see that she's landed on top of the Prophet. Next to them is Shesti, still clinging to one of the Prophet's wrists, the slightly-glowing blade buried in his chest. His muzzle is open in a lifeless snarl, his gaze fixed straight ahead. Under Vel, the Prophet's breathing is labored and weak... she's dying, fading fast. "Recant... slave. Goddess... light... redeem... purge..."

Vel: “Sorry. You'll have to ask my mistress if I'm permitted to repent.," says Vel spitefully, before standing up, "you don't deserve a clean death." She moves over and tries to take the sword away and free it from Shesti, "Your vengeance is had, Shesti."

Zyanya: "I think that's all of them...we need to see...oh no. Where's Vel and Shesti and more importantly, where's the prophet?"

DM62: The Prophet's hands are still gripping the greatsword tightly, but as her strength ebbs Vel is able to pry it from her fingers and pull it from Shesti's body, the bloody sword glowing dimly in Vel's hands. Fiske moves to the edge of the temple roof, looking down. "The prophet... and Shesti... are no more, my lady." He shakes his head.

Vel grunts, staggering at the weight of it but tries to hold it up anyways a bit, then starts moving away from the conflict with it. One down...

Zyanya: "D...did we just kill a religion...o...or am I just having a really bad dream? W...we need to check on Vel, make sure she's ok and get her some help. I can't imagne that fall was graceful."

Hel: With his foes finished, Hel sighs and goes to join the others, looking down and shaking his head slightly at the fate of the poor kobold, considering how much he did to simply save his focus of his attentions. "It'll only be known if this... cult, breaks apart in the coming months..." the dwarf mumbles with a shrug. "Hopefully with the death of the prophet, the rest will soon follow."

DM62: At this point all seven of the armored knights rise, moving to pick up their greatswords. The six atop the temple toss them to the ground, before leaping off after them, landing flat on the ground... then standing again, retrieving their swords once more. Jenna is standing near Raz. "I think that after all this trouble, we can use an Honor Guard. Maybe even... a Prophet to lead them." She walks over to the body of the religious figure, sneering.
Fiske nods. "There are stairs here, leading down on the outside of the temple. Watch your step, it's a nasty fall." He leads the group down from atop the temple.

Vel grunts, looking down at Shesti. "Let him die and follow his mistress. To be hers in the beyond. No sign of the vampire hunter... I got lucky again."

DM62: Jenna shakes her head. "Shesti earned his final rest. I would not disturb him. But this one..." she indicates the Prophet, who's even now rattling through her last breath, "would be a fun shambler, I think."

Zyanya: "R...right..." The shiriti was still in a little bit of a daze over the events. One of the people they came to save is dead. Her servant is dead and they may have very well killed a religion. Much as she disliked them...she wasn't sure if it needed to happen like this. She'd make it to the bottom step before sitting down, holding her head

Hel follows, quiet with his own personal musings, thumbing the hammer and anvil charm he wore for his own reverence to the goddesses and possibly having similar thoughts like those of his companions.

Vel nods, "I've no objections beyond the possibility she might have some sort of goddess failsafes in such a case..." she looks at Shesti and sighs... "Fuck it. you know what? We're gonna talk even if you don't wanna. C’mon, let's get aside for the moment."

DM62: Jenna raises her eyebrows, then nods. "Okay... let's talk." She moves a short distance away with Vel. Fiske moves close to Zyanya, sitting beside her, draping an arm over her shoulders gently. He says nothing, taking a moment to quietly hold the Shiriti warrior close, even as the seven armored undead move through the valley, killing any Order stragglers they came across.
Re: Blackshard Prequel Transcripts (edited)

Interlude, 14 February (Vel and Jenna)
Jenna moves a short distance away with Vel. "So... what did you want to talk about, dear?" The blonde gnome looks a bit tired, having personally raised and controlled several undead in the recent battle.

Vel: “Oh... Um...," says Vel, hesitating, seeing Jenna's state before sighing as she walks up, taking a deep breath. "This is really hard for me because everything I've learned is screaming lie, hide, misdirect, and I know you don't want to talk about this but fuck it I just saw what will probably happen at this rate and damn it I need to talk about what happened! Look, I know you have some designs on Hel and stuff and I don't wanna get in the way of or complicate that but I keep thinking about you, okay?! I go out of my way to save you, I care about your wellbeing, and while we weren't in the right mind, the sex... Well I can't stop thinking about it, you.... It matters a lot to me okay, I've only been raped or been with Thrae before and that... Well some might call it that too... But I can't just ignore this, I tried and look what a mess it got us in! So I... I need to talk about how I feel even if it's tearing me apart! Because if I don't I... I think I know how it ends..."

Jenna looks at the chimera for a moment, reaching out to gently stroke her. "I... I didn't know you felt that way, Vel. I... I thought you were happy with Thrae. I like you, and the sex is phenomenal, but... I'm not sure what to think, now. Are you saying that you want things to change, or... well... what do you want to happen, dear?"

Vel groans, "Thinks are changing with Thrae, they changed the moment she became a vampire. She doesn't need me much anymore. I get all worked up to rescue her and she saves herself. Listen, I will always care about her. I raised her. She's my daughter. Don't be mad at her anymore, everything she does to me is what I've taught her to do to keep up appearences. I've been trying to get her to break that habit but I'm afraid that... I am a bitter old woman and I made her my slave in turn but I love her and now it's... I need her to be what she was supposed to have been or the under elves will eat her alive but I'm scared keeping me around will never let her be more than a little submissive drider... But then you..." Vel looks down and to the side, "I'm probably pretty pathetic to you and I am, but well... No one ever treats me like you. I mean it could be a trick or a trap and half of me wants to be suspicious of everything you do, of everyone here you're the smartest, but... You don't act like them and I don't understand. You pet me, you speak up for me, even when it wasn't actually real but you knew and I... Life is pain and predation, only the strong get to be exempt from it but you treat me nice and I don't know why but it's... the only nice thing in my life except Thrae is you. And I... I haven't had much nice time with Thrae for a while because she has more and more duties and responsibilities to hold up now and I'm all confused but I... I just... I don't know what to do okay?! I'm so confused, I've been trained as a slave but that ends with me dead, I'm not supposed to want things. As it is I probably won't live for many more years on age alone but I... I just... I want to be with you okay? And if that gets in the way of your wants then... Then I'll drop it... But..."

The blonde gnome pulls Vel into a close hug. "Shhhh... It's okay, Vel. You're not pathetic... and I do like you for who you are. But I'm confused too... so maybe we can take things a little slow, at first? I'm a lot like you. People think we're easy targets, because we're small. Then we bite back hard, and they all get that hurt look on their faces. But you don't have to worry about that with me, dear. When the knifes and the teeth come out, come what may, I will always have your side, dear." She holds the chimera close, gently stroking her fur.

Vel blinks then hugs back, sniffling a bit, "What's made you confused... and yeah... I'm okay with slow um... I can explain stuff just... Please don't hurt Thrae? I'm putting her on the line selfishly and... And I don't want her to get hurt because of me. I mean... You said you'd reanimate me if I died so I could keep protecting her once and... I really appreciated that..."

"I won't hurt Thrae, as long as you prefer. As for me being confused, well... this is all very new to me, and I'm not even sure how I feel. I'm... not used to people accepting me for who I am. The other gnomes threw me out... and the under elves tolerated me, but I was always a lesser being to them. Just being an equal here is... very odd for me."

Vel blinks then giggles. "If anything I think you're the smartest here and your powers are amazing... I was never taught anything myself. I mean we aren't equals except you treat me as one, you're way beyond me. But um... I appreciate it a lot. Anyone who looks down on you for your abilities is a fool. I mean yeah they can be misused but what can't, hmph. Bite the shit out of these fools for that crap..." She sighs a bit smiling wryly, "Well, um, I guess I should start um, hi I'm Slave 736MII. Or Vel cus I couldn't pronounce slave very good when I was a kitten with a healing cut throat... I'm a compulsive liar but bad at lying and will probably murder anyone who hurts you if I don't have a good reason to only maim them. Nice to meet you?"

"You're too modest, Vel. When those thugs grabbed me, those... zealots... you were the one who took action. And that's a big deal. Anyway... my name is Guinevere Dvolyr. But Jenna is a lot easier to pronounce and remember, so let's go with that, okay? I'm not a compulsive liar... but I had to lie to survive for most of my life, so I'm awfully good at it. And... well, let's just say this won't be my first time visiting the Masters. They... they were close friends with my teacher in the mysteries of anti-life manipulation. Or... necromancy."

Vel blushes a bit, "Both your names are pretty. I did too, but then it just... When you have to lie constantly with your actions and your words and everyone has their own agendas that might be friends one day and enemies another... But... I'm taking that gamble I guess... Oh you met them huh? Well, hopefully they appreciate this. This stupid sword is heavy."

The blonde chuckles. "I'd help you carry it but... it doesn't like necromancers. Or the undead... including vampires. But you should keep a close watch on Thrae, when we visit them. They... they don't really view vampires as equals, here."

Vel: “I will.," nods Vel, "They mess with my daughter I will... Probably do very litle because my three actual strengths are worthless against the combination of wizard, no blood and no vital functions. But I'll try to hopefully keep things working... Sigh. If I didn't think I'd die of old age before this war was settled and conflict never ends I'd be almsot excited for a chance not to be running around all over."

"I don't they'll attack her or anything, as long as she minds herself... but vampires here tend to fall into two categories, in Braxil. They're either Knights of Underfell, or Renegades. The DM62: DM62: Knights of Underfell are a secret order, but that's what it seems like Maedra was. A servant of the Masters, ready to lay down her life to further the ambitions of Underfell. Any vampire who does not serve the vampires is a renegade, hunted by humans and undead alike. It's because vampires aren't considered fully undead, but they're no longer living humans. So they either swear service to the Masters, or they get hunted. Hmm... you might have to pretend to be Thrae's Master, so that they don't try to claim her.”

Vel: “Heh. Who's pretending?," says Vel, smiling amusedly, "Prior to the vampirism, it was all for show. After... It's more trying to make it a reality, but I can put my foot down if I have to. Mmmf, I warned her there would be consequences for taking that deal. Sigh." She stretches a bit then looks to her, "Honestly I'm more worried about the usual offenders putting their foot in their mouths but we'll see how it goes. Hm. Actually come to think of it, I didn't see Braxis up there, and I didn't see the vampire hunter, did you?"

DM62: Jenna shakes her head. "Haven't seen either of them, but I didn't go into that temple or anything. I'm guessing they were keeping Braxis in there. Probably bring him out as a sacrifice after the big show with Maedra. Bastards. I just wish I could kill them twice. And as for the... vampire hunter... well, he didn't look all that healthy when he fled. If he had any brains, he'd hide when we started our assault.”

Vel: “Mmm.," nods Vel, "Well, hopefully it won't be a problem later... So, um, anything you wanna ask me? I mean, I guess you kinda answered why you like me I guess hehe..."

DM62: "Well... have you considered simply not being a slave anymore? No more bondage suits, no more collars? You could be Vel, adventurer and retired slave!" She giggles, stroking Vel's fur.

Vel: “Heh... I guess I'd have to, cept... Don't have much experience being an adventurer... I mean besides the current. I barely know how to pick locks and stuff the smuggler taught me hehe."

DM62: "Well... we still have the smuggler here. You could always talk to him about... advanced learning. He seems to be quite fond of you, dear."

Vel: “I wonder why. Maybe I'll ask.," shrugs Vel, "Dunno if I'll get an honest answer but um, will see. So, what made necromancy fascinating to you? I mean it is to me, but well Thrae's magic is kinda fascinating too but..."

DM62: "Well... that's a bit of..." At this point the smuggler comes walking over. "Vel. Jenna. We're heading into those tunnels. Best not keep the Masters waiting." The human cleans off a pair of bloody daggers on a cultist corpse. "Oh, and Thrae found her new bull-toy. No sign of that vampire hunter, though."

Vel nods. "Get this over with. And you, I wanna talk to you. Later though.," she says, pointing to the smuggler. "Shall we, Jenna?"

DM62: Jenna smiles, giving Vel's fur one last ruffle before walking back toward the group with the chimera.