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BlankIt(Interest check and OOC)


Lord of the Tap Dance \oO.Oo/ (And Reputation Mana
Staff member
Nov 24, 2008
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You...Notice that you exist and are aware. You also notice that you're in a middle of nowhere. There is no sky in the sky, just sort of the feeling of air. You could see all the way to the horizon, if there was a horizon. The ground is just ground. You're wearing clothes; the kind of clothes you know people usually wear. You know you've grown up, you have a job, you probably had a family, went to school... You just can't seem to remember any specifics, like your name. Or your mother's face.

So...I just finished reading a webcomic named . That's where the idea comes from. You start off literally in the middle of nowhere and meet someone else(because it's boring to be alone) who is in the same situation that you are. Then you probably start doing stuff. And the world(?) surrounding you reacts. Not like you'd expect it to, and certainly not in any rational manner, but everything that happens is in some way related to something you have done. Things will get weird very quickly...or would, if there was some baseline for "normal" in this reality.

I honestly don't know how this will work out. But if there's interest I'll work out some rules for both the game and the universe(both of which will change on game to game basis, with the only non-mutable rule being that PC actions change things, including rules) and then run a test-scenario with two people to start with.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check)

If it works, it's gonna be awesome. I'm interested.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check)

Interest shown, just so long as I get to observe the test run and see how this is going to go down. It's difficult to wrap my head around this particular concept.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check)

This sounds like it has the potential to be amazing. Count me in.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check)

yeah, interest shown
Re: BlankIt(Interest check)

Okay, I promise I'll get around to asking for a subforum later this week. For those interested, though: I've been sort of developing my own system(which is partly why it's taken this long) that would be like Paranoia from players point of view, meaning that the players only get to see the parts of the system they need for character creation and I'll handle the rest myself. However, since not too long ago I berated Burrito for not knowing GURPS and having done too much thinking, I think GURPS just might work.

So, which one you'd prefer I use: My own lightweight system, where you won't really know what's going on mechanically speaking and have only a little customization, but you pretty much only have to write a description and assign stats and after that you can more or less stop worrying about mechanical side, or GURPS where you get to know exactly how things work and you can compare the benefits of all your choices, choose the advantages, disadvantages, skills and attributes to distribute how you wish and create exactly the character you want, but you'll also have to do your own homework to create the character and to know what all those things do.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check)

I prefer the former, to be honest.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check)

I agree with Grave.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check)

I prefer the former as well. Me no likey homework.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check and OOC)

Alright, I'll start by running one game with two or three characters in the beginning and possibly more added later. Once I see how it's going I'll possibly start more games and release the rules so others can GM, too.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check and OOC)

Alright, a quick question to you three: Would any of your characters be knowledgeable about the history of computers?
Re: BlankIt(Interest check and OOC)

Using computers, to a degree. History, not so much.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check and OOC)

Only using computers as a form of entertainment, not building them or the history of them.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check and OOC)

...........He's Doctor Robotnik. He builds robots and stuff. Of course he'd know all about computers.
Re: BlankIt(Interest check and OOC)

Fair warning: starting from tomorrow, I am not going to be online for the rest of the week. I might appear on sunday, but it's not certain. Visiting family.