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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha frowns a bit more, deciding to remain nude for now. Her tough skin would have to suffice for armor. Clothing was only meant to keep one warm, modest, and safe from the elements. She could provide for herself in the first and third department, while the second hardly mattered. Still, she liked her armor and the way it made her feel more fierce. Oh well. If David was going to be working on it for a while, she could at least get a time estimate from him.

"You know, if you want a tour, I'm the one who's been living here. I'll accompany you to David's then show you around if that's your wish. Admittedly, I'm not the best guide around but I know where everything is," Tasha shrugs, stretching a bit as she moves to stand with Aurora and Denna.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"You girls have fun now. Remember, Aurora, everyone here is very welcoming. You don't need to worry about a place to sleep at all. Ask someone if they have some space, and if you like them, go ahead and sleep in their house with them. You can even wake up in the morning and they'll share breakfast with you. It's tradition to be friendly~" Krill declared.

And when the girls were ready to depart to David's house, they'd go and find David actively working on their armor. He was sitting naked at a sewing desk, carefully tending to their armor, while the little girl goblin that lived in his house was between his legs. They couldn't see what was happening, but the sounds of wet sucking and her back and forth motions left little to the imagination.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora nodded a moment before following Denna and Tasha towards David's house. "Likely the really only important parts as we will be leaving the area very soon. Likely wont need a more in depth tour then Denna's if we are to leave soon." Though she gave a small shrug as she followed them into the man's house, and giving a slight blush when she figured out what the goblin was doing between David's legs. She glanced over to her armour, though other then being a bit dirty it was is decent condition. She checked to see if he had cleaned it while they bathed.

"So when do you think everyone will be ready to pack up and get under way? Or is it all still a jumbled mess till you organize it?" Her gaze looking away from the man at work to look at the other two women with her. She herself was quite ready to get under way, if only because it might mean she could soak her claws in something's blood.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"I've been away for the past few days, but I'm going to probably hazard a guess and say the latter on that one," Tasha shrugs, her eyes going to her armor with a pleased grin. The sight of the little goblin working away on David is hardly an unfamiliar sight to her at this point. Most of the screwing in general was really about as normal as watching people feed birds or walking in the park. Just a little longer, my armor, just a little longer. David's gonna make you all better. She personally wanted to be off as well. Partially because of her distaste for Badaria in general, and because she wanted her armor back. She looks to Denna and Aurora, "Not to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't think much preparation has been done yet. On the bright side, thanks to yours truly and a few other hunters, our larder has just been refilled. We'll probably need a bit more for a journey, since we'll have many mouths to feed, but at least it's one thing already started on."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Checking, Aurora would find her armor was clean, but it was in such a way that it was currently not wearable. David was still in the process of working on their armor, or so it seemed. "O-oh!" David exclaimed as they walked in. "Impatient, are we? The armor will be done in time, I assure you! I certainly wasn't going to finish by the end of your bath! I'm still human, after all." he commented.

"Everyone should be ready to go tomorrow. We're in quite a rush after all, and it's hard to leave some possessions behind, but for the most part, the moving will be easy. We have many animals to pull carts and wagons for us, so we will still have things like beds and tables when we reach out next destination. It won't be hard to rebuild at all!" he said enthusiastically, before leaning forward suddenly, his legs twitching a bit, before the goblin would crawl out from underneath his table and scurry off, some white goo rolling down her chin. "Sorry... She just latched onto me while I was working..." he apologized, looking embarrassed.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha blinks at David after he mentions being ready to leave tomorrow. That was something she certainly hadn't expected. Not that she was complaining, of course. Being on the road again could be nice. She had relatively few possessions in the first place, having been a bit of a nomad herself before coming here. Scratching the back of her neck sheepishly, she looks to Aurora and Denna. "Well, I guess I stand corrected then. David, how in the bloody city of Acheron did you manage that?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David chuckled. "We have a lot of help, from people, to animals... Tasha, you know we work well together as a community! You silly feline~" he chuckled.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha smirks, a bit of fang poking out from her half-smile. Perhaps she had underestimated the village. It wasn't the first time, she supposed. Sure, they may have had their... quirks, but once again, they'd been able to show great efficiency when they wanted to. She wasn't really used to seeing people work together so well. That sort of behavior was what she would expect more out of a pack of wolves. Then again, the cult was kind of into that sort of thing, emulating and screwing beasts. She wasn't an exception in that regard. "Well color me impressed," she chuckles, her wolf tail swishing from side to side, a bit more relaxed, "Most settlements I've been to can't agree on the time of day, much less work together for anything."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna nodded, listening. She definitely appreciated the efficiency. If she could temper the brainwashing a little, it would be quite the force. Just had to remove that tendency to ignore consent.

Meantime though, seems David was hard at work. Mostly. She blushed a bit when the goblin scurried out but waved it off. "Don't worry about it, I may not have seen a female goblin before her, but I know how the boys can be. I doubt it'll affect your work. In any case there is some things to address when we're underway."

She stretches a bit before continuing. "I want you to be the quartermaster, David. You're organised and you're good at fixing things clearly. When we're moving out on the road, we'll need to make sure everything is allocated efficiently so that we don't end up under supplied or what not. Before we get under way I want you to get a list of all our supplies. Wagon axles, food, weapons, ammo, clothes, all of it. Make sure the furniture is deconstructed as well, it'll save room and in case we need to turn it into firewood or fortifications on the way. We're going to be a big target so I want to be prepared for as many possibilities."

She mused a bit before continuing, "I should probably talk to the priests before tommorow though. Mmmf, not looking forward to that."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora nodded a moment as she listened to Denna speak to David and his new duties for their soon to be lengthy journey, especially if Denna hadn't really picked a new spot yet. "Might also be wise to find or acquire a map of where we are going and the path we will be taking. Will cut down on having to backtrack or the nasty surprises the terrain might hide." She the frowned a moment at the torn apart state of her armour and shrugged. Well as long as he was going to fix it she wouldn't have to smash his head off the wall.

Aurora turned to look at Denna curiously a long moment. "Why are you not looking forward to talking with the priests? Are they awful people or something? Or are the a little to hand grabby?" She then smiled a moment. "If so just grab them by the head and bash them together." Her smile making it seem as if such a thing was a common reaction to her, or acceptable. "If not, I am sure my presence would make them think otherwise. If you want me to come with you."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David smiled at Aurora, "Probably not. Aurora, you're scary to normal humans maybe, but to us, to someone like me... You're just really beautiful." he stated honestly. "I can go take stock of everything. I'll have to finish your armor first, hahaha! One thing at a time, Denna!" he declared with a bit of harmless laughter.

David also shined with pride at Tasha's surprise. "That's what makes us the best town ever! Despite all the shock, our growing community just shows how nice it is to be here." he nodded.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Or just how much you like fucking," Tasha chuckles back at David, her fluffy tail swishing from side to side. Turning back to Aurora and Denna, she sighs, I'll go with you. At least I got a reputation for violence. Or as I prefer to call it, playing rough. I doubt they'd try anything funny around the new boss, but as your security detail I should be present anyways. Even if I find them distasteful." Tasha was never a fan of religion in the first place, and less so of the clergymen and priests who lorded over it. It was simply a shepherd's crook with which to control the sheep of this world. Tell a man to do and he'll normally tell you off. Say it's in the name of a higher being and he turns into a simpering servant. Disgusting. Her nose wrinkles at the thought of it, her fur bristling and her tail suddenly going rigid. She's calm after a moment of realizing it, however, hoping no one paid much attention.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David proved himself far more observant than any expected, most likely, when he noticed Tasha, and everyone elses general opinion of the priests and priestesses. "Tell you what, what if I break the ice? If you ladies don't mind a bit of a wait, I'll finish your armor, you can get all dressed in my finest clothing, and I'll go with you to help you make the biggest impression ever! I'll roll out the red carpet with my words while you go see them in some fine, sexy wear. They will have no choice but to be humble before you!" he advised. Pretty much, he suggested he put himself between them and the ladies to allow for the best possible outcome.

Since, as David seemed well aware, everyone liked him. Even Denna and the others, or so it seemed. He smiled, his eyes shining with a pure desire for everyones best interest.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna listened to the recommendation, musing. "Mmm, I did say I wasn't going to wear clothes though... she bet me I couldn't do it. But then I didn't say how long and this would be silly to go naked going further north. Okay, sure, why not. I do miss pants and shoes."

See how well David could work out. She might be overreacting a bit, but if anyone could undermine her goals, it'd be the priestesses. They were controlled but to what degree was hard to say. She might need to take... heavier measures than she had with the chef. Pity she had no idea what those measures would be, this was all pretty new to her.

But violence would probably not go well. One did not just anger mages casually after all.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha smirks, her moodiness disappearing for a bit as she hears David's suggestion, "You know, normally I'd rather go naked than decorated like a breeder. But if it's your sexy-wear, David, I guess I could wear it. You know my preferences best, after all." He put the most effort into making her clothing too. And he tended to add additional touches depending on who was wearing it. She never could say no to a bit of personal attention, probably due to the fair amount of cat in her. She was confident he could make her sexy without making her seem weak or vulnerable. Look like prey, get treated like prey after all. And around mages, she'd make every effort to appear as dangerous as possible. Looking to Aurora, she smirks, "You know, it's a good thing you're here. Less likely for anyone to do anything stupid with me and a dragon at boss's side." She would hope her reputation would keep the priestesses from doing any of that magic crap. The last time someone had tried to enchant her, people found out why Tasha tended to identify with wolves more than her cat side. It had been a long time since she'd wolfed out, involuntarily. It had also been a while since anyone had tried to use magic on her.
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Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora thought a moment and shrugged at the man's suggestion. She figured he likely knew the priestesses better then anyone, he seemed like he had been here a long while. "I suppose that would make things easier. Though so does picking up people and klunking their heads together. I find they are often quite co-operative after such a thing." She decided to let David do his thing, though she would not feel bad if they had to rough up the priestesses in the end. With the nature of the town, she figured she would be quite immune to whatever charms they might try on her once she was raging. They better hope nothing too flammable is near the priestess building if things do go sour.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Carefully, and with a worried expression, David rose his hand to try and urge Aurora to calm down. "Please, don't klunk people, if you would." he chuckled nervously. "If any of the priest or priestesses get too frisky... Just say you're with me. Everyone is respectful here when it comes to taken mates, nobody wants any in-fighting, and I'll be there to back you up. Okay? Just say, I'm with David, and you won't be touched by anyone." he said, before shrugging. "Not even David, since I doubt anyway that a dragon would settle for a little ol' human like me." he said humbly.

It took a while, and the girls were offered refreshments and snacks before David would be done. Once he was done though, he brought his naked self in, giving armor and clothes back to their owners, now with brand now comfort features.

Tasha felt her attire snap on like a second skin. All the pros of being naked, combined with the way the outfit compressed her breasts enough to prevent bouncing from bothering her movements, aligned with some new additions of what seemed to be spiky spines along her outer arms and legs. Truly discouraging a bear hug. (Tasha can make an unarmed attack as if she had Natural Attack while wearing this armor. This armor does nothing if she turns into a werewolf. Update her armor in your char sheet to show this) It clung to her skin as well, leaving very little to the imagination while discouraging foolish behavior, what with the spikes. "You look like one of those amazing characters from my books." David declared. "The kind that never lose to anyone, of course, and look good while doing it~"

Aurora got an update to her basic clothes as well. It did show more skin, and it did pronounce more her cock hidden between her legs, but it was perfectly made with a zipper on the back to allow Aurora to slip it right on and then zip up the back so that her wings were a non-factor. In addition, there were some kind of strapped padding around her joints. "In case you need to make a rough landing while flying, I put some adjustments to the joints of your sleeves and pants to help your joints absorb the impact better. In addition, I cut off some bits of clothing that would get caught in the wind, to allow more speed while flying. It's not much, but the wind can slow you down!" (Aurora's outfit helps with flying and general movement. +3 Speed)

Denna's armor in general just seemed like a second layer of metal skin, matching her small boobs, and abs. (-2 EV to her armor). It was more comfortable to wear overall. David even made her an alternate set, a whole separate armor... One which had a large, pregnant belly on it. Perfect for fitting her large, pregnant belly into. "The other girls clothes can deal with pregnancy, but yours it a little too firm. So, I bit the bullet and bought you a whole new armor and crafted it so when you do get pregnant, you don't have to go without protection!"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha shows off a truly delighted smile at her new armor, looking almost giddy as she puts it on. For those who'd been around her long enough, the sight would be about as rare as a double rainbow. The wolf girl gave the occasional smirk, and smiled softly, but rarely did she ever show this much outward glee. She flexes in her new armor, purring as it hugs her like a second skin. And one with spines too. David had more than outdone himself this time. Her tail swishes from side to side happily and she nearly skips over to David. Grinning somewhat giddy, she leans in and plants a kiss on David's cheek. "David, you're amazing, did I ever tell you that? Thank you. Gods this feels wonderful. I could kiss you again and more." The and more part would probably have to wait until after the meeting with the priestesses, but Tasha was sorely tempted to pounce David right there and then. Screwing the second of the two men she liked most in town would be a lovely way to end the day.

(I checked the sheet, and I think she already has the Natural Attack mutation in her humanoid form XD)
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

(What I saw was a racial mutation for natural attack that belong to werewolves, as to be expected. I didn't see anything that suggested she had it outside of werewolf form, just from the racial mutation due to the talent.)
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora chuckled softly and shook her head. "I can make no promises." Shw then followed him and the others to where they would wait for him to finish up. Though seeing the food and drink she decided it best not to eat anything in case she had a repeat of earlier. She wasn't about to trust the food here just yet.

Getting her armour back she looked her armour over curiously and shrugged. "Thank you David, I am sure it will be quite helpful. Though it was made to protect me against spell and sword, not to fly quickly." She wasn't exactly run and help sort of gal. Usually when she fought it was until she passed out, or what ever she was fighting was turned to ribbons. "Still, thank you." She then went off to find a private spot to slip into her armour, making sure to strap on her plated gauntlets just in case.