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Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

"Yes, please girls, no fighting. The priestesses have an important role and we need their support, not to marginalize them. After all this is going to be a very hard trek and their magic will be critical to solve situations.," says Denna, trying to calm the twin warriors.

She blinked in surprise when David brought their equipment over, picking it up to look it over. And a second set...?

"Oh, David, you didn't have to go that far for me. I'll pay you back for this, I promise. This couldn't have been cheap. Thank you.," says Denna, looking rather flattered. She didn't want him to pauper himself over them though. He had to live a bit for himself too after all. "I could probably pay you back some of the cost... Well... I mighta been able to if my coin wasn't lost to god knows where. Well I'll make more."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

David smiled at Denna. "Give me a kiss on the cheek, and we'll be square, okay?" he said with a chuckle.

David then looked sad at Aurora. She was the one who looked the least satisfied with her gift. "Oh... I didn't know that... I'm sorry, Aurora. I'll try to do better next time. I'm very sorry." he said, as if Aurora just filled him with inconceivable guilt. He looked like a failure who just let everyone down and couldn't handle the weight of it. Despite Tasha and Denna being so happy, as well.

"We can go see them whenever you're all ready..." he said, trying to smile but clearly bothered at how Aurora wasn't that pleased. No doubt, killing this man emotionally wouldn't be hard at all. One insult and he might sulk for the whole day.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha frowns, noticing David's distress. She'd forgotten how fragile he could be at times. It was one of the qualities she'd hoped she could help change a bit through example. At the same time, despite wanting to help harden him up a bit, she could understand why he'd be that soft. Tasha coughs, "Are you alright, David?" She knew the answer already. He'd insist on everything being fine, but it would be difficult for him to hide it to anyone paying close enough attention. Perhaps asking and noticing would help alleviate some of the discomfort. Besides, he'd done a wonderful job on her armor. It really brought out the warrior part of her character while allowing her to still feel dead sexy.

(The natural attack in humanoid form comes from her being a kitty. Su-ku-ta get Natural Attack as a racial mutation.)
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

(Since she already has it, then just add to her armor that it gives her +2 attack and damage when using unarmed attacks)

Just as she expected, David would nod his head. "Oh, uh... Why would you ask such a thing? I sacrificed nothing precious to make these. Just whatever I had on hand. That would explain the poor quality, wouldn't it..." he stated, immediately sinking back into self loathing mid-sentence while trying to explain that he was better. He seemed urgent to go, regardless.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora simply gave a small shrug once she had slipped into her modified armour. "One should not rely on magic, but on yourself." Seeming to have missed David's change of demeanor after her comment about the armour. She reached up with her arms to stretch them and her back out, which quickly resulted in a couple loud cracks. "I am ready to go when ever." Her wings flexing and tail swaying as she headed towards the door. Seemed she was expecting to find trouble with these priests, though whether she was looking for a fight or still a little angry about being drugged was a little hard to say for sure.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna rolls her eyes a bit with a smirk and leans up and kisses David's cheek, "Yeah no, we're not square, I'll just find a way to pay you back later. Consider that a down payment."

Seeing David's sudden poor turn of mood, she walked over with a frown and prodded Aurora's arm. "You're being ungrateful. He worked hard, so tell him the truth, it's good. Besides, mobility protects people too. Most couldn't get your armor to do all three at once. So fix this.," she mutters quietly and firmly.

With that she nods, "Yes, let's go say hello to the priestesses. And please, no violence. I need their support, not their antagonism. And that means I need to make sure they accept me as the prophet everyones saying I am."
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha follows Denna like a guard hound, keeping her imposing figure one pace behind, and two to the right. With the custom armor that David had built for her, she probably looked even more dangerous than usual. Good. While she wouldn't antagonize the priests, it would help Denna's cause to have them see that their new prophetess had a strong right hand one that already had a fierce reputation. Respect and fear, weren't so different from one another if one could inspire both. Hopefully, it would help to strengthen Denna's authority.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

One woman walking with a dragon and a rather deadly looking sukuta attracted attention indeed... Their intimidating trio was met with smiles and waves, complete with compliments of how beautiful they were looking today. Everyone was really happy to see them and their intimidating nature was completely lost on the villagers.

Then, they came upon the priests talking together. Their conversation was briefly heard by Tasha alone, their words unheard by the other two. They quickly hushed upon Denna's arrival.

A small amount awaited them. Three men and two women, all of fairly attractive nature. As if they were hand picked by the kitsune to be the best mates for her.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha's ears perk up as she hears the whispers. Dammit. Not a good sign. Her new boss would have to put up a good show to convince the priests. And with David sulking the way he was, their chances of making a good showing were starting to fade. She holds back a growl of agitation with how poorly the plan was already going. Leaning over nonchalantly with an expression cool as an ice statue, she whispers quietly, "They suspect you. Prove them wrong. " She eyes the gathered priests coolly, knowing most of them at this point. While she'd avoided interacting with them much, contact was inevitable. Her wings stretch out behind her for a moment, showing off her considerable wingspan for a moment before folding them in and draping them across herself like a mantled cape.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Aurora followed along silently, not bothering to apologize, especially after having thanked David twice for the work he had done on her clothing for her. Seeing the attention that was being directed their way she gave a small frown. Her frown only deepened when she noticed the huddle priests grouped together and whispering, which was definitely not a good sign. Seemed they were likely to have some trouble in the near future with them.

She laced her fingers together and let them give an audbile crack. Her fingers and claws flexing afterwards as she relaxed a little, though her eyes began to look about them warily. Her wings flexing as she prepared to move should things go south.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna sighed a bit at Aurora's stubbornness but moved on. Hopefully this wouldn't turn into a thing eventually. Soon enough they found some of the priests. They were whispering amidst each other. And then Tasha confirmed her fears. Yup. More suspicion. While she had imagined such would happen, they were afforded more leeway in their mind control she gathered, it was still a significant issue that she wasn't sure how to deal with. Would what worked before work here? Could she even keep up with them? Least she couldn't get even more pregnant. Probably. She didn't think she could grow a tail either but here she was.

Well, she had little to lose right now. She strolled right over with as much confidence as she could muster. She smiled at them as she groped one of the females by the chest and one of the males by the crotch. "You five, walk with us, I want to talk with you and make sure that we're all on the same page. You obviously have reservations, so I want to put them at... ease." She let go and kept moving, observing the preparations. Confidence, confidence and control. She had to be it. Be Kyubi, be in control of her own emotions damn it.

It worked on the chef after all. Hopefully it worked just as well here. Otherwise Aurora might have the right of it. But she needed their support.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

The priest and priestess both gave a start at her touch, but didn't shy away. Then, with just a suggestion, Denna had the five of them following her. "Yes, um..." one of them spoke up, one Denna wasn't distracting with her hands. "It's about you... You're now in a position second to Kyubi, and you just got here... It seems like yesterday. If I might ask... What are the dreams that you hold while acting in our lady's place? And... Who is this women?" one priest looked back, examining Aurora. "She also appeared one day, and now she is asserting herself. Her unfriendly demeanor is not at all like the previous bodyguard. I feel, I wonder..." he leaned in to whisper to Denna. "Did you invite a non-believer into our midst and not baptize them?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna walks with them, listening as they went. "Me? Very simple. I wish for this towns safety and happiness. We are going north after the goddess Kyubi. And I will do all within my power to ensure we reach there safely, all of us. But to do so, I need your support. You are the primary source of magic that we have, and it is almost certain we will attract attention. Especially if we're bringing the animals with us. The remnants of the Inquisition will be on us sooner or later, and that's ignoring bandits, aliens and worse."

At the reference of the timing and Aurora, Denna sighs and answers. "First of all, it's not like I chose to be the prophet, Kyubi clearly chose me. Tail's a little inconvenient, can't use chairs anymore, needed all my pants fixed. While I can understand your misgivings, this makes your support all the more important. If there's something I'm not informed of, then inform me. The village looks up to me as a symbol and I wish to be it for them, a guiding light. And this means I need to know things. Whatever your worries, you can count on this. I am going to do my utmost to ensure everyone is safe, protected and shown the path forward."

She then looks to Aurora. "As for Aurora, you're likely unaware of my background. I was a mercenary, and I traveled often. You've been up until now insulated from danger by Kyubi's blessing and your remote location. But the outside world is dangerous and if we try to pretend we're still here in the village, people will die. This is unacceptable. As such, we need strong individuals who can protect people, and we need to adapt to our situation. After all, a beast who cannot change to his new home won't thrive and breed. And we both know how important that is. As for her demeanor, she's very protective of me. And well, you made her worried, whispering about me. I'll try to help her warm up a bit, but she is a dragon, and they tend to be potent and prideful. She wouldn't follow me for no reason. I'm sure once she sees we're all working together for the good of our people she'll open up a lot more. Besides, a bodyguard who isn't alert is not a very effective one, right?"

She smiles at the priests, "This will be a growing experience for all of us. A chance to put faith, ingenuity, power, and skill and love against the hostile world around us. This does mean we may need to show more restraint than usual to avoid leaving an obvious sign above our heads, but the reward in the end is worth the journey is it not? Plus, I'm sure you're curious what kinds of animals live so close to Crolia right?"
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha disguises her breath of relief as Denna slips into the role well enough for now. She wasn't sure how the newcomer would do, acting like she was Kyubi's prophet. Least, it seemed to not give her away. Tasha continues to follow Denna, her expression aloof and stoic. Her ear does twitch slightly as the priest asks his questions, especially when Aurora was brought up. Tasha was fine with working with her, but she had only just met the dragoness, and didn't have much to go on yet either. Tasha almost opens her mouth to respond, when Denna gets there first with the save. Tasha inwardly sighs with slight relief. Her pale slit eyes move to Denna as she hears her feed the line regarding Crolian animals. Well played, she thought with a barely perceivable eyebrow raise.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

The priests seemed to give some thought about that, their eyes warily examining Aurora. Though Denna's speech was moving, Aurora's unapproachable aura seemed to speak more strongly. "But, to restrain our natures... Many simply cannot. Many thrive on the act, Kyubi even declared that there are some among us that must thrive on it to survive. As if they were born in need of love and cannot exist without." an attractive male with short brown hair declared.

One of the large breasted, beautiful females nodded. "Indeed, like when you first arrived, revealing our nature is unwise. We must clearly do what awakened you to Kyubi's light. I was there, watching the entire population of men spill their seed in you. I watched the heresy fade away in your eyes as you too started to succumb to the pleasure, and you didn't even experience the best cocks in the village." she declared zealously.

The man who asked her about a non-believer wavered a bit. "I am afraid. Even if I must say it in her presence, this... Beautiful dragon seems to not be friendly or desiring of our protection at all. Rantia would watch over us, she tended to us just as she did Kyubi as we were her special chosen... Not to mention..." He looked around at their lesser numbers. "With only five of us, we need four more to be nine again. Who will be the four new priests to be your brides and husbands? If you are in Kyubi's image, who will satisfy you when we tire? Who will tend to our needs? So diligent was Rantia's work that I do not know if someone who does not share the baptism can truly understand the weight of her responsibilities... or even truly respect them." he said nervously.

That was when stepped forth, with a full body and long, beautiful black hair. "Lady Denna, Lady Aurora, may I put these questions to rest?" she inquired. "I think we are talking too much nonsense. Our faith is wavering with Kyubi gone, and of all people, we should have the utmost faith in her light. Lady Aurora, I sense you are indeed much like us. You are a woman, but you also possess the lustful part of a male. If I may, I'd like to volunteer myself to receive your cock. I will feel your intentions first hand and squelch any further argument. You boys should offer yourselves to Lady Denna as if she were Kyubi as well. Time to stop slobbering about and start acting like true priests and priestesses of Kyubi." she declared stoically.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Tasha narrows her eyes as she watches the exchange, keeping quite tight lipped about everything happening. Great. They were going to try and put Aurora through the "Baptism". That could only end terribly. When she herself had gone through it, there was a bit of an incident where her wild side was let loose. Aurora may not be a werewolf, but an angry dragon wasn't too far off in terms of the disaster radius. The standoff with Aurora and the remaining priests was certainly troublesome, but thankfully the black haired woman had stepped in to try and quell the dissent. Her gaze fixing on the new woman, she tries to use her keen nose, seeing if she could recognize the woman by scent, if not by sight. Was she vying for candidacy of being a priest?
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Denna wasn't sure to be thrilled or terrified to have such a dutiful priestess in the midst. She seemed responsible, which was great. But that also meant she was possibly more vigilant and aware than the others. She'd need to watch her step for the time being still.

"Yes, I appreciate that. I understand everyones concerns, but clearly actions speak more right now. Though before we begin, could I get everyones names? I don't see much talking being done in the next while so I figure should know the name of the priests who will be aiding me first."

Nine people who were supposed to be her lovers? Geez, she wasn't sure she could handle two of them, never mind three. And lord knows what she was supposed to do with a woman.

Regardless she moved up, grasping two of the men by the cocks, steeling her mind and will for this part. She couldn't falter now, she'd do as she did last time. Hopefully it would work out.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

Watching the exchange between the new priestess and Aurora, Tasha weighs her options. Seems Rantia's space needed filling since she had left. Tasha herself held no real love of leadership positions, but Rantia seemed to be a bodyguard mostly during the times Tasha had watched her. Rantia's position seemed to have a fair bit of weight behind it. Perhaps it would involve her taking on more responsibilities than her current role, but with Denna in the lead position, perhaps it was a good time to take power.

Tasha watches as Denna takes the two priests by the cock, her eyebrow raising in surprise. This could work after all. Denna seemed to be getting better at acting. They had were close to getting the priests, she felt. Even the dark haired newcomer had helped neutralize the dissent caused by Aurora's disposition. Maybe, a little nudge was in order.

"If it is Lady Rantia's position you were concerned with, I may be able to help. I'm not as familiar with what her exact duties were, but to my understanding she was to thank for our security. Protection, is something I'm familiar with, and I may be able to help fill the position, if Lady Denna would allow me," Tasha says coolly, maintaining her stoic demeanor, though trying to be a little less wintery than normal.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

The busty woman nodded. "That would be wonderful. With those two gone, to so quickly have their positions filled should put everyone's minds at ease, as if they were never gone, and her light is still with us." she said encouragingly. "Tasha, thank you for your courage. Her task wasn't a light one. I hope you remaining priests of Kyubi will welcome her fondly." she motioned to the three previous nay sayers. Though with Tasha coming forth to be their protector, whatever Rantia did, it made them pleased to see Tasha willing to do it. "If it's Tasha... More than willing." one said, and another nodded. "I didn't expect this. I accept." the second acknowledged. They all came forth, and as they did... Tasha would recall each man around her during each individual moment they had caught her and raped her. Now, clearly they were wanting to play with her again. Their erections shamelessly visable through the thin cloth.

Though Tasha wasn't alone, Denna's touch earned their attention, and the third man merely smiled at Tasha to acknowledge her, before coming forth and getting on his knees to give Denna's pussy a kiss and lick. "I accept you as Kyubi's messiah." he said, before the other priests and priestesses did the same. Each passing lick serving to get Denna a little more riled up. The black haired woman came forth. "Who will you bed, milady? We have all kissed your folds, and excited you. Satiate your lust on one of us, please!" she begged, the two girls willing, and three men of inch cocks ranging from 11 inches, to 9, to 8. All fairly long and thick, but David simply stood on the side, boasting his own half equine cock with humility. Meanwhile, all Tasha would know is that Denna's leftovers that she didn't want would come towards her, eager to pleasure her.
Re: Bloodthirsty Idealism (Zilrax, Rath, Paramort) GM'd by MAF

A growl in her mind issues, but she quiets the thought for the moment, giving a short but respectful bow to hide her inner turmoil. Yes, she recognized each of their faces. And had not gone through the brain blender enough to forget what they had done. A cold fury wells up in her head, like a growing blizzard. To make matters worse, the snowstorm had something else lurking in it. The bestial half of her nature that demanded to be let loose. Seems the big bad she-wolf hadn't forgotten either. Thankfully, Tasha had a pokerface of stone and plenty of experience with supressing her emotions. She'd already taken her side in this endeavor. She wasn't about to throw away what ground she'd gained for her grudge. Thank you. I'm honored to have such glowing approval. I will do my best to fill Rantia's position and keep everyone safe," she says with one of her rarer smiles, a technique she'd found was actually pretty effective at plying people to her side if she used it rarely enough.

She watches the priests and priestesses go over to Denna, breathing a mental side of relief and getting her inner wolf to back down. She watches the exchange closely though, knowing that whichever of the group Denna didn't choose, would come back to her. Tasha was hoping Denna would take the men, since her grievances against the priestesses were less severe. Perhaps she'd been too good at hiding her emotions. If Denna preferred the girls, then so be it. Hatefucking was hardly something she was unfamiliar with. Her relationship with half the people in the village had started that way, until she figured out the brainwashing trick.