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Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)


Alicia's blow kills the wolf heads but scylla is able to make her retreat with a bolt of lightning even though it doesn't connect. "I'm sure the one ahead will be glad to talk...." She grips her chest panting.

HP:38 MP:4
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...Indeed. Have a nice dream."

Curving her blade upwars, Alicia goes for the kill...

((Final demon hunt to top things off...))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(11 just scraped by heh)

Scylla throws her arms up as the weapon strikes her and she vanishes into thin air. As she vanishes Alicia feels strange, like she's even stronger than she was in her prime. Behind where Scylla was Alicia can spy an elevator she knows wasn't there when the fight started.

(think I'll pass giving a level this time because she might steamroll whats coming up right now, free to add a new ability though)
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

After slaying the guardian, Alicia once again feels a surge of power, similar to before. This time however, something was... different... rather than feeling better off the bat, she began to feel...woozy...and light-headed.

What...what's going...on...

Becoming short of breath, the girl was forced to use her weapon to support herself, becoming so dizzy, that she felt as if she could faint at any time. Then...came a sharp and piercing pain through her head, causing her to instinctively clutch at it, breathing becoming more ragged with each passing second... It felt as if something was trying to break out, as if something was trying to split her head open... Then, when she could no longer stand it...she let out a scream, and seemed to disappear, leaving in her place a multitude of bats, which then dispersed....

...Only to regather about a minute later, into a humanoid shape then...vanish, causing a bewildered Alicia to reappear.

What...was that?...It felt as if I...was split into...

Shaking her head as if trying to forget the experience, Alicia forced herself to pick up her weapon and head towards the elevator, believing that she'd go mad if she tried to remember too much.

((Alicia's new skill: "Metamorphosis"(Auto, 1 use): Once per battle, upon being forced to 0 health, transform into a swarm of bats and reform a distance away with 10 hp...))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

The small elevator seems to go up for an unholy amount of time, when the door opens she sees something that fills her with terror that would panic even her resolve......giant gears!
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

A sense of dread began to fill Alicia as she saw the gears...remembering memories of her last and horrible trip to the "clock tower"...

...Gods no...gods no...if I see any medusa heads, I'm going to skip the place entirely and see if I can't just bring the whole tower down...

The unholy memories of having to be patched up via healing potions after healing potions due to being petrified over and over to fall on pointy spikes had truly taken their toll on the poor girl...
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Alicia's trip up is much easier, her timing improved over last time, she does end up petrified at one point but is thankfully on solid ground and is unharmed when she regains her senses. When she reaches the top of the tower she hears a familiar cackle and death floats up in front of her. "You have come a long way child, your destiny is near. May I ask how you are feeling?"
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

The top of the clock tower...the highest point of Castlevania, one of the only places in the castle that allowed for one to look out upon the outside world...
Having made her way through the hellish medua heads, spinning gears, and spikes once again (with less traumatic incident), this was her reward... A beatuiful view, and a meeting with Death itself. And this time, brimming with power, she managed a smile.

"Fine...No... Even better..."
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"I wonder, have you discovered why absorbing dracula's power has made you healthy and stronger than ever before? Why you have been allowed to progress almost unhindered? Who gave you that cape?" He cackles.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...Are you implying you were the one responsible for my progress and cape reaper? If so, then I truly am curious...of why you opted to neglect your job to play 'dress up' for the person who is to slay your master...and what you could possibly be talking about in your claim that my power is 'not' my own...I am a child of a vampire slayer after all...is there any reason why my power would come from Dracula rather than my weapon and heritage?"

Despite the vain reply given, Alicia began to have some second doubts of her own within her mind, the experience with the bats earlier weighing heavily on her mind... But in front of Death, she would show no weakness..
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"HAHAHAHA! No dear child.....I was not the one who aided you in the garden or the mirror. Soon though you will understand all. For now however let us test our skills. I have longed to challenge a reaper of my caliber!" Death readies his scythe allowing Alicia to do the same.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...Fine by me...I'll press your master for answers when I greet him...En Garde!"

Weapon transforming, Alicia rushed forward to meet Death in battle, scythe against scythe, "reaper" against reaper.

((Demon Hunt!))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(Wow...thats sad...)

The two lock sythes until Alicia tears Death's weapon away and cuts through him making him retreat some and retreave his weapon. "Impressive you were the right choice after all...."

(you rolled a 20 ;) )
HP:53 MP:10
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

((Here's hoping for a natural 20 on this :V))

Not wasting any time on chatter upon disarming Death, Alicia literally hurls her scythe at death like a boomerang, using telekinesis to steady the aim and ensuring that it is brought back to her.

((Demon Hunt, AND telekinesis on the same turn.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

(15, good enough)

Death takes the full brunt and vanishes, the reprieve is short live however and his appears on the ground with a double scythe just like Alicia's. "It is time for the final test! HAAAAAAA!" Death leaps into the air new weapon ready.

HP:51 MP:8
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

"...Have a nice dream then."

Shifting herself into a counter attack stance, Alicia prepares to cleave Death itself in two as the skeletal figure came at her with a new weapon. There would be no mercy, nor hesitation in her strike...

((Counterattack with Demon Hunt.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Death shoots by Alicia as they both slash and dead silence falls as they both stand perfectly still
"She is worthy master...." Death cackles as he fades away leaving his weapon behind.

Alicia can now trade her scythe for the very touch of death itself if she desires.....
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Alicia was caught between a dilemma as she looked over her weapon...and that of the one belonging to the very embodiment of death, a weapon said to posses the power to cut through 'anything and everything'... Her family's heritage? Or unstoppable power? A difficult decision...especially after how addicting she had found power to be. Cutting through everything, dicing apart anything that came her way...

This thought process almost caused her to subconsciously begin reaching for the weapon, delusions of being invincible flooding through her mind...but then, just when she was one step away from claiming the demonic weapon, that her own scythe seemed to pulse with holy energy and burn her hand.

Awoken from her sudden lust for power, the pale girl was reminded of her true purpose in coming here... to slay Dracula. Power, despite being enjoyable, was a second priority. Not her main goal, nor should it ever be. With this in mind... she turned her back on the reaper's scythe for now, deciding that she would claim it only after her foe was dead.

((Refuse...for now.))
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

Alicia could see a bridge that went from the clock tower towards the throne room, she had outfought death itself and her goal was finally in sight. The single light in the window dared her to approach.
Re: Bloody Tears (Keylo)

...And there it is...where all of this began...I lost last time but...this time...

Tightening the grip on her scythe, Alicia took a moment to steel her resolve...then began advancing towards the throne room...