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Blunt Horns, Lunkha's Tale (Smokefish) GM'd by Diagasvesle (Beta)


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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(GM1) Lunkha was traveling quite happily through the countryside covered in brozne plate armor that covered her tall form quite nicely.. Through the plates around her massive breasts seemed to be straining. (Description of how she is wearing her bronze armor if you will.) The big minoherm could remember the past few days of travel quite well.. She remembered getting in a quarrel with her mother in leaving in which she thought quite confidently that she won against her mother. Still the past few days of travel had been good to her as she managed to run into a couple bandits that she had bashed their heads in. The poor bandits seemed far more surprised to see her then her to see them! But she had managed to net herself some quite nice loot from them. Sadly they were both males and ugly males at that. (-Optional- Still she had used the collars she had found on them and all had them following behind her with quite brusied faces.)

(-Loot Found from bandit encounter (One Sided)
2 Leather Armor (Tearing 6/6/7 70/70/85 gv respectively
2 Bronze Daggers (S 30gv apiece each are in bad condition)
5 Cheap Food
5 Cheap Drink
2 Iron collars

Still as Lunkha traveled, she notice it was getting dark but she could see some buildings quite ahead of her. It looked to be a large home of sorts. Bigger then the tents of hers that was for sure. She could also see a barn along with fences that were tall enough to keep people in but looked to be easily climbable. It looked to be a good place to stop tonight, especially if the owner would let her in.. Not to mention it had been the only home of civilization she had seen so far in her journey. She could smell faint whisps of milk on the breeze coming her way from the area.. It smelled like a cow-girls milk! (Critical Perception roll for Lunkha here :V.)

(Well... Lunkha got some lucky ass rolls..)

(RK1) Lunkha had always been an easy-going person, but that came with her slightly dim-witted nature. She could be stubborn though... Very, very stubborn. She wasn't happy with the quarrel with her dear mother, even if she might've 'won' that arguement that day. She wanted to see the world, explore a bit... Find people to fuck, put a collar on and drag along for her adventures! She wanted to make her mother proud of her, some day. The bandits she had encountered was easily enough smashed aside, and everything of value and not-so-much-value was taken from them with joyous glee by the enormous Minosherm, and then she continued on, leaving them naked and defenseless, as neither of the two scarred males had caught her fancy. Her armor was big, but not quite as big as Lunkha herself, and it was more leather than bronze plates overall, but still enough metal to cover her important areas. Her breasts though, it wasn't quite bronze plates holding those jiggly things up, but rather small bronze shields, held in place with leather straps, and left much cleavage easily seen.

As darkness began to fall, she felt fortunate over finding a nice looking home... So big and inviting! She certainly didn't want to spend another night in the cold, especially if she had to do so all alone again. With a whiff of the air, something caught her nostrils... The lovely scent of milk, and it was a very, very familiar smell too... Little cousins. The very thought filled her with joy, and she began heading over to the place. She figured the Barn wasn't were the owner of the place would be living, even her slow head could figure that out, and so she made her way over to the door leading into the owners home, and knocked on the door. She had to hold back as she did so, not wanting to smash the thing in, but it was likely still quite loud knocking...

(GM2) Lunkha would see the main home even as she began to move quickly towards it, increasing her pace. As she got closer, her joy at the smell of her little cousins increased as she could definitely smell more and more of the milk build up even as she got closer to the main ranch house. It was quite big, but not big enough for her to fit in cormfortably at her tall height. Still the black minosherm would move closer to the door of the place. No one seemed to have noticed her as she got closer, heading around the wooden walls of the ranch entering an unlocked gate allowing entrance into the ranch.

Security of the place was shoddy through that may be because of how many fighters were here! Only for the minosherm to feel disappointment as she looked around. There were no wardens, and the gate was unlocked for the ranch. Why if she hadn't knocked those bandits out earlier, then they could've found this place and ransacked the ranch and scatter her little cousins before she had a time to play with them! Still knocking on the door with heavy fists made the frame itself shake even as Lunkha heard a scuttling from the other side with a loud voice calling “Coming!” Before she heard some low mutterings even as she heard steps getting closer to the door...

It slowly opened as the women on the other side opened she was saying “Hello, how may I...” Her voice dying in her throat as she looked at two small bronze shields barely covering the massive cleavage before her. Lunkha could feel the smaller womens shock even as the short women slowly looked up, confusion on her face as she asked cautiously “Hello.. how may I help you?” As the human women, showing hospitality opened her door more, allowing Lunkha the ability to squeeze herself into the living room of the manor.

(Appearance of Nadia – She is currently dressed in what looks to be a sleeping dress of a blue color that speaks of her beginning her preparations for bed inside her own home.)

(RK2) Lunkha found the lack of guards curious, but she didn't mind; less people to deal with before she could have fun with her little cousins after all! But they would have to wait... Her target was the owner of the place, she had to introduce herself after all! As soon as the door opened, revealing a small, but very nicely curved, human female Lunkha could only smile with glee. "Hello there~!", her words cheerful and friendly, and as the woman kept the door open as an invitation, the large minosherm was happy to oblige and crouch, scooting into the home, hopefully the ceiling was a little taller than the doorframe. Still, as the woman asked how she could help Lunkha, the minos grinned gleefully, a hand reaching back to push the door close behind her, while the other reached out to take a 'gentle' hold of the womans arm, or try to at least. "Thats an offer~?", she grinned widely, a longing look to her eyes. "Mmm... And just about to head to bed too, weren't you...? Wonderful... I could use a warm bed... And a soft female...", she coo'd the words out, shuddering. Tonight would be a good night. And she was awfully blunt about her intentions aswell. Her multi-plated loincloth would poke out and forward, as her two enormous shafts began to stir from the anticipation she felt. "Be a nice, pretty little female, and show me where we'll be sleeping tonight, please~?"

(GM3) The human women blinked at the way the person knocking on her door just entered. 'Not even a thank you?' She thought to herself even as nodded, looking out the door frame for anymore 'guests' before closing the door. As she just shook her head saying “Welcome to my home..” As she gave a look towards Lunkha as she said “My name is Nadia and well as I asked do you need something? Otherwise You can enjoy a stay at my home..” As the human women just smiled at the minosherm.. Through she looked a bit confused as to why a minotaur female was knocking on her door. Especially one that looked to far resemble a cow girl then a regular minos female.

As for Lunkha, the ceiling still held her needing to lean forward a bit. Her horns were rubbing against the roof when she stood at her full height. Not a good thing for her horns or for herself even as she could see the inside of the room. There looked to be a dining room or the main room for food along with a fireplace and she could see a hallway the ended with stairs leading upwards as well as a kitchen along the hallway and two doors that looked to be guest rooms. Still as she spoke her words.. (-Optional- Lunkha just picks her up, and carries her upstairs.. *Asserts a heavy handed dominance from Lunkha and she gets some flushed confused directions from Nadia)

(-If no Optionals are taken) Nadia blinked as she shied backwards stating “Wo-woah wait, wait.. That.. that isn't what I meant.. But if you need a place to sleep then you can use one of the rooms over there..” She pointed to the rooms that confirmed for Lunkha that they were guestrooms. “Now if you need a late night snack I can help make you some.” As the human women touted to Lunkha softly.

(-Optional-) Nadia blinked as she felt the grip on her arm, a flush as she stammered “Erm, I.. I didn't mean that kind of help... but if thats what you need then just follow me..” As the human women had a flush on her face even as she began to lead Lunkha up the stairs at the end of the hall.

(Only if Optional is Taken) Nadia led Lunkha up the stairs, a hand on the big minosherms arm as she led her to a room near the end of the hall, the doorway opened to show a nice big triple bed that held more then enough room for her and Nadia even as the women let out a huff as she said “Now do you really need my help.. in that regard?” Even as her face flushed as she asked the question, her other hand teasingly rubbing the tent of Lunkha's loin clothes.

(RK3) Lunkha was a little occupied with taking in the sights to really listen to the woman who so graciously offered her hospitality. She likely could've overpowered the human then and there, but she was being nice after all, so Lunkha might aswell be nice in return. The Minosherm would give Nadia a curious look, as if not quite understanding what she meant with 'thats not what I meant', but she merely shrugged it off and grinned as she as grabbed the woman as gently as possible in order to not harm her. "Oh, I definitely need it... Last night I slept outside, cold and lonely... I'd rather not do it again.", Lunkha had a carefree tone to her, but all the same urged her host onwards. She'd change her grip to instead hold onto Nadia's hand, coo'ing as she felt her loincloth get patted. It didn't take long before the plated cloth simply got pushed to the side, as the enormous cocks rose proudly, each one large enough to impale the average human female almost obscenely, and both were oozing with pre. "Mmm... Nice place you have here... Nadia was it? I'm Lunkha~", she coo'd the words out, whistling likingly at the sight of the large bed. "Nice and cozy, huh? Can't wait to blow a few loads in you...", she groaned longingly, looking down at the human, and gently moved her hand, letting go of Nadia's hand to instead give her ass a soft little slap and nudge forward, and then Lunkha began to strip down, loud thuds and clangs heard as she just let her heavy armor drop down on the floor, piece by piece revealing more of her extraordinary physique, and more than once making a slight pose and flexing her muscles, as if wanting to give Nadia a good, long look at who she was going to get fucked by.

(GM4) Nadia held a deep flush even as she heard Lunkha's words. “Thi-this is very forward.. I don't think its proper of me.. But.. Ah.. well I will try to help you not be so cold tonight then...” As the human women was nudged forward, keeping her moving forward even as she climbed the stairs with the minosherm following behind her..

Through Lunkha had quite a bit of trouble going up the stairs due to her height but it only was some trouble. And it had mostly to do with the stairs being a bit too narrow for her size, especially with her hand on the human womens arm. (-Optional- Lunkha's breasts and cocks are quite easily pressing against Nadia.)

At finally entering Nadia's bedroom, the poor human women having quite a flush even as she said “Ah er, nice to meet you Lunkha..” Even as she seemed somewhat mesmerised.. Her hands touching upon both of Lunkha's impressive bull cocks. She licked her lips unconsciously even as she said “These.. these are quite big.. I'm not sure.. well not sure I could erm.. take them.. But I will help you..” Even as Nadia began to uncover herself, her dress being unbuttoned from the front, all the buttons being popped allowing her undergarment body to come into view. Her heavy breasts, much smaller then Lunkha's but far bigger then a normal humans were covered by a chemise, a soft pink one and.. Lunkha could smell the milk that came from Nadia's breasts.. It almost smelled similar enough to her little cousins milk even as she could see how plump Nadia was. Her plumpness through hid her muscles that told of her using to work long and hard even as Nadia began to lower her panties, which were mimicing her chemise in color as a soft pink. (-Optional- The milk reminds Lunkha very much of her little cousins.)

The human women flushed at seeing Lunkha's physique even as she smiled, leaving her chemise on before she asked coyly “Do you mind.. ah helping me keep you warm?” As Nadia laid on the bed, inviting Lunkha.. Through there was clear nervousness at well.. Sleeping with a virtual stranger to her...

(RK4) Lunkha just smiled happily. "Nadia is nice, so Lunkha is nice back. No sense wasting time, Lunkha needs this so very, very much.", she smiled, beaming happily as Nadia confirmed she would willingly help with keeping the Minosherm warm, and even as they were in the middle of the stairs she leant forward, wrapping her large arms around the human, hugging her firmly, but made sure it wasn't too powerful... Her large breasts and throbbing cocks pressing firmly against the womans body for a few long moments before she were put back down. ( Optional: Y )

Lunkha shuddered, giving a happy little groan as her cocks were caressed by Nadia. "Mmm, big and strong... Just like the rest of me...", she licked her lips, grinning as she hungrily stared at Nadia as the woman began to undress. When Nadias breasts were uncovered, Lunkha could feel a scent that reminded her of her smaller cousins. It wasn't quite the same thing, but pleasant all the same. ( Optional: N )

As they both stood there, almost completely naked, although with Lunkha keeping her collar on with the magical gem in it, the Minosherm gave Nadia a questioning look upon hearing her words. "Mind you? Haha, silly female... How do you think I was supposed to keep warm?", a predatory gleam flashed over Lunkha's eyes, as she began to approach the bed, leaning forward to not have her horns or head hit anything. Perhaps Nadia would now understand that she didn't have a choice from the beginning... Regardless of what she could've done, she'd end up fucked by this enormous hermaphrodite all the same. But as she had been so willing and hospitable, she appeared to be on the creatures good side... For now, at least.

Lunkha would slowly crawl up on the bed, looming over Nadia and grinning with glee, lust shining in the minosherms eyes. "Mmm... Female quite small, but hopefully it'll fit without too much trouble...", she licked her lips, and reached down, grabbing hold of Nadia, and with quick, if kinda clumsy, movement the Minotaur rolled over, landing with her back with a heavy thud down against the bed, while placing Nadia ontop of her stomach and cocks, the two throbbing shafts pressing against Nadia's chest and between her breasts. "So, little female... This is nice and cozy... Won't squish you like this either!", she beaming happily, as if proud of having figured out, all on her own, that her sheer size would prove hazardous if she laid ontop of the far smaller human. "You can ride my cocks like this, will be easy for you to take it nice and slow to start with, to make sure it fits before we begin the real fun. Sounds good, yah?", there wasn't much choice being given to Nadia, but... at least she had some time to steel herself, and get ready for what was likely going to be the biggest fuck of her life so far.

(GM5) Nadia blinked at the minosherm, a fluttering in her heart even as her nipples stiffened even as her face showed displeasure. “Now now.. This is my home and my hospitality. Would you want someone entering your home and ruining your stuff after you had given them entrance? That just reeks of bad honor.” As Nadia gave a stern lecture towards Lunkha, not truly seeing what Lunkha meant be her words even as the minosherm could see the stiffening of the human women's nipples, their thick plump lengths just begging to be grabbed and squeezed.

The human women looked up at Lunkha as the big minosherm crawled atop of her, minos's breasts rubbing against the bedding and then squishing heavily ontop of Nadia's breasts as the curvy human women just smiled a coy smile up at Lunkha, through her face held a tinge of embarressment making her seem a bit more uncertain at this then what the blunt minos herm was. The human women shifted her hips upwards rubbing them against the two big cocks that were just at her entrance, teasing the big thick lengths to be plowed into her. But Lunkha had other ideas the minosherm flipped her over, Nadia letting out a yelp “HE-hEY!” Even as she found herself, her heavy tits bouncing against Lunkha's own heavy breasts with the minosherm's cocks rub against her trimmed hair of her pussy, both thick cocks rubbing against her flower.

“Uh, I..” Nadia spoke softly even at Lunkha's blunt words even as she said “Ah.. I won't be squished like... this hopefully.” Even as Nadia gave a hopeful smile of Lunkha even as she heard the big minosherm words before she asked “Ah well.. thank you?” Even as Nadia smiled at the kindness that Lunkha was giving her as to deciding the pace. The human women would began to work slowly.. She moved her hips placing herself firmly between Lunkha's cocks, her ass-cheeks feeling the sliding cock between her ass-cheeks even as Lunkha could feel the warm and damp pussy against her other cock.. This was already far better then before even as she felt two hands grabbing her arms, as Nadia spoke softly “Do you mind..?” As she lifted Lunkha's hands to her breasts, placing both hands of Lunkha on her own large tits even as she used her own hands to move towards Lunkha's own big breasts, her hands squeezing and rubbing Lunkha's big nipples, and breasts beginning to massage them.

(RK5) Lunkha snorted a little, chuckling heartily as Nadia spoke of 'bad honor', but apart from that she kept quiet, grinning with glee as the woman was moved into a more suitable position. And as Nadia began to shift and put herself right where she belonged, she wouldn't have to ask before the minoherms large, strong hands reached up to grab onto the humans breasts, fondling firmly but gently, making sure to not be too rough. "Mmm... Bad honor, huh? What do a little female like you know of honor?", she grinned, giving the rancherwomans breasts a firmer squeeze each, thumbs pressing and rubbing against her nipples. Lunkha's own nubs were stiff and perky, almost teat-like in their length, and completely black just like her cocks. "You smart female, playing nice like this... But I am strong! Might makes right, and I think I'll like this place...", she smiled with glee, staring up into Nadia's eyes. There was a commanding look to the minoherms eyes. "I think this'll be my home from now on... And don't you get any ideas of struggling, I am far stronger than you.", she groaned the words out, making a small buck up, her impatience showing as she tried to plunge her two cocks up into Nadia's holes. It was only a small little buck, hopefully not too rough for the woman. "Mmm... Gonna fill you with so much of my seed... Make little ones with you...", she grinned, her eyes a little dreamy. "And tomorrow I'm gonna have fun with the little cousins you had in that other house... I could smell them... I'm sure they'll love cocks as big and strong as mine... Just like you do, eh?", she grunted the last few words out, staring into Nadia's eyes. The human wouldn't have much time before the minoherms patience ran out, and the real fucking would begin, not unless she could convince Lunkha otherwise... But the chances of not ending up bloated with cum was a slim one... But... What had the minotaur said? That she was going to make little ones with Nadia? Surely a Bovinian Rancher like her would know of the incredible potency of Minotaur seed.

(GM6) Nadia looked down at Lunkha from her seat between the minosherm cocks as she said “That there are different honors for different species... Ahhhnnn..” She moaned out at feeling of the hands squeezing her breasts even as she looked down at Lunkha her own hands squeezing those near teat like nipples through Lunkha could feel this seasoned girls hands easily coaxing droplets of milk out of her breast even as her own hands fondled firmly Nadia's breasts, easily getting out soft droplets of milk as well. The women flushed as she said “No this is my place! You can stay but this is my place.” The rancher women said forcibly. She smiled as she felt the bucking minosherm, teasingly keeping the womens cocks from spearing and entering her even as she giggled softly, getting more into the mood “If you want to make a home with me then you will need to understand a few rules! No messes outside the bedroom..” As the human womn flushed at her own words even as she gave an aggressive rubbing of her pussy and ass-cheeks against the double cocks from Lunkha's body. Through Nadia paled as she heard the words... “Lit-little ones? I...” There was a furor into Nadia's eyes now even as Lunkha looked into the human womens eyes Nadia spoke “You promise me children then? You promise with all your strength?” As Nadia began to squeeze and bounce Lunkha's tits even more before she began to lean forward, her breasts pressing against Lunkha's as she cooed “If you promise me children then I promise my ranch to you.. just please..” There was desperation in Nadia's voice now, Lunkha's words bringing up a deep insecurity of the women even as the human women raised herself, her pussy and ass feeling the large heads of Lunkha's cocks even as she teased out, through her voice felt a little desperate “Oooh.. these are far too big... maybe I.. should just rub my luscious tits around them?”

(Rk6) Lunkha groaned in pleasure, Nadia was definitely doing a good job in pleasing the minoherm, but she wasn't one to lose out like this. With a coy smirk on her lips, she continued to squeeze and fondle the humans breasts, and while she likely wasn't as experienced as Nadia, she knew more than well enough how to make a female feel good... She did after all, have some practice in the past, both with herself and her dear mother. Lunkha snorted, grinning mockingly at Nadia's attempt to stay in charge. "You are small and weak, but very pretty... I don't think you can stop me from making this my home!", her triumphant smile faded a little as Nadia questioned her about little ones. She gave the human an odd look.

"Yes, you are pretty, you got nice, big breasts... And little cousins! All the milk little ones could ever need to grow big and strong! Of course I'll fuck you time and time again, to make sure you'll carry my children!", she frowned, giving Nadia a questioning look, as if the rancher was a little stupider than Lunkha herself was. A challenging gleam crossed her eyes as Nadia mentioned strength... "My strength? I'll show you my strength! I swear on my honor, and the honor of my tribe, I -will- have little ones with you, I -will- make this ranch mine, and I -will- make -you- all -mine-!", she grunted, her hands moving down to Nadia's hips, taking a firm hold of the woman.

While the human was being uncertain, Lunkha was only being determined. "No, not the time to waste seed like that. My seed belongs inside you!", she grunted, and began to push down, slowly but surely... Nadia wouldn't be given a chance to protest or struggle, and Lunkha would push her newfound plaything further and further down her cock, until there either was no space left, or until the woman was crying in more pain than pleasure. Big cocks and small females could work, you just had to make the small females used to taking big, strong cock first... And Nadia's training would begin right then and there this evening. Her body would learn in due time. Or perhaps, they would both be pleasantly surprised, and Nadia's body would end up being more accomodating than she had initially believed herself to be.
Re: Blunt Horns, Lunkha's Tale (Smokefish) GM'd by Diagasvesle (Beta)

(GM7) Nadia began to release more moans at feeling the more.. forceful grasping at her breasts by Lunkha as the human women could feel those squeezes much more. The brown haired women flushed at hearing Lunkha's words again calling her weak as she huffed saying “I know how to get you out of my home! But that would be impugning on my honor for offering hospitality..” As the human women said that she made sure to slip a hand from Lunkha's breasts to her cocks, purposefully rubbing the big length that was nearest to her pussy.

The rancher just kept looking at Lunkha even as she said “Truly? You won't stop till you have me with child?” the hopefulness in that voice.. The desperation underlying it.. And the far more lusty glimmer in her eyes.. Nadia smiled, no beamed, brightly at Lunkha as she reached her arms, trying to give a hug even in her position, her arms barely able to reach Lunkha's sides with her position, especially with the big minosherm holding her up.
The female rancher kept up that uncertain face but there was determination to take those two big thick cocks inside of her even as she nodded to herself, keeping it from happening by her will by just teasingly sliding her pussy and ass against the cock heads before Lunkha had enough... The big minos herm would slowly shove her thick cocks deeply into the human ranchers body.. Nadia letting out a sudden gasp even as she shudder upon that length as her eyes rolled up into her head as her stomach bulged around those thick cocks even as she lewdly slid down... Lunkha would feel the pleasant surprise as she managed to fit both her big cocks in Nadia.. But Nadia did not seem to feel that pleasantness.. Well not in Lunkha's way as she gasped out “So...big..” As Lunkha could feel Nadia's pussy spasming and clenching around her cock.. (An orgasm... Mmmmm.)

(RK7) The Minosherm only grinned as the little female tried to act big and tough, groaning softly as her large cocks recieved some attention. As Nadia questioned again, Lunkha merely nodded, she certainly wasn't going to stop, but the humans constant questions was confusing her... She figured if she stopped talking, so too would the human, hopefully. The attempts at hugging amused her, but the minotauress had other plans.

She groaned out as she began to impale the tight, small female upon her two big cocks. So wonderfully snug! She continued to steadily, if slowly and carefully, push Nadia deeper and deeper down the large rods of flesh, groaning in delightful pleasure. It didn't surprise her much that the human orgasmed this soon, after all Lunkha was a really, really big girl. The clenching and spasming around her upper cock was very pleasant all the same, but not enough to bring her over the edge. She would hold back, she wanted this to last, she wanted to hear the humans wails and moans for a long, long time.

Lunkha's hands would alternatingly grip at Nadia's hips or thighs, and squeeze at the womans perky buttocks, pushing the small female effortlessly up and down her two cocks, while bucking a little from time to time when getting a little too excited. This was great, so very, very great. A tight little weak female to fuck and have fun with, who even wanted to have Lunkhas children? Not to mention those lovely little cousins waiting outside... Lunkha shuddered, and angled Nadia down, putting the human well within reach of the minosherms large breasts, while continuing to rock her back and forth on the two, throbbing, black cocks. She'd fuck this woman until she learned her place alright.

(GM8) With no answer from Lunkha, the human women Nadia prayed inwardly even as the human women felt those thick cocks inside of her body.. Her pussy and ass stretching barely to fit both of those massive cocks inside of her. Her stomach bulged outwards with the cocks within her even as her cunt twitched and spasmed around Lunkha's thick meat... Lunkha could feel the tightness of Nadia, her squeezing walls desperately trying to squeeze out any of that precious seed from Lunkha even as the women gasped, feeling those two impossibly thick cocks had somehow managed to fit within her!

Nadia's breasts bounced and jiggled with each thrust from Lunkha, the big minosherm cock sliding along the wetness and warmth from Nadia even as the human women gasped and moaned feeling the sliding.. Her voice hadn't recovered as she felt those thick thrusts.. Lunkha could feel kisses at the tip of her cock that was buried within the women's pussy, the girls cervix hungrily grasping at the thick cockhead, begging for a release of cum from the minosherm even as Lunkha pushed the women forward, making her angled close enough for Nadia to grasp and suckle on those breasts.. Well what was Nadia suppose to do? Deny such succulent mammeries before her? As the brunnette women, reached, stroking those thick plump stiff near teats before teasingly running a tongue around one, wettening it before hungrily placing her succulent full lips around it, beginning to suck at Lunkha's breast..

(Rk8) Lunkha groaned with every thrust delivered into Nadia, grinning with glee. If the human so desperately wanted children, Lunkha wouldn't disappoint her... Not at all, not in the least, she had been wanting for a chance to cum one time after another into the same female, to fill her plaything to the brim and beyond with her potent seed. And this time, she'd go through with it. As Nadia began to pay attention to Lunkha's thick, black teats, the Minosherm groaned aloud. It wouldn't take long before her thick, creamy milk began to flow into Nadia's mouth. And if the woman had any experience with personally tasting for quality assurance, she might be in for a surprise.

All the same, the treatment of her stiff, milk-spilling nubs spurred Lunkha on, and she began to thrust in earnest, bucking back and forth while her hands firmly held onto Nadia's hips, keeping the woman in place. She was in for the ride of her life... Lunkha wouldn't just -give- her seed to the woman, as she would try to hold out for as long as possible between every climax, making sure Nadia would be wailing in pleasure and crying for each filling of seed!... Hopefully, that is.

(GM9) Lunkha could feel this pretty curveacous women atop of her cock, her breasts bouncing and jiggling with each thrust into her each time.. Nadia could feel the strong thrumming cocks within her even as she tried to keep up, trying to make it to where she felt that big minosherm cumming in her... And yet Nadia couldn't, the human women could just feel those strong cocks, each one slamming into her ass and even as she gasped moaning out lewdly, her nervousness from before gone at the thoughts of a possible child growing inside of her even as she let out a startled moan at feeling a partcular hard thrust at her womb entrance as she shudder, spasming around the cock. Her mouth releasing the milky nipple that released such strong and delicious milk as Nadia shuddered atop of the big minosherm.. But the human women Nadia wasn't out yet as she moaned.. Her hips moving on their own even without Lunkha's help as the human women began to work herself upon those big thick minos herm cocks...

All throughout the course of the night, the cow girls and bull boys would hear their mistress crying out in ectasy from the big home in which she resided along with the thunderous cries that had the different bovinians shuddering as they heard one of their bigger cousins giving their mistress this pleasure... The joyous cries from their mistress finally quieted when the shadows were beginning to lessen as a new dawn came....

When Lunkha woke.. she found herself in an empty bed, the covers drawn up atop her supple form through her massive breast and nipples were easily showing up as bumps against the covers … Through she could smell something delicious cooking in the downstairs.. It smelled of a warm broth being heated... (-Optional- Lunkha awakens to feeling Nadia atop of her.. The human women still sleeping with both of Lunkha's semi-hard cocks in her.. The womens belly quite plump looking with all of Lunkha's deposited seed.)

(RK9) It would be such a wonderful night, with Lunkha for once able to go all out on her playmate. The night would surely be filled with nothing but cries, grunts and groans of pleasure as she had her merry way with Nadia all night long, only to finally drowse off, likely some time after Nadia had done as much. This would be a nice place to live at, she figured, and those were the last thoughts she had before darkness took her.

When she next awakened, her arms were cradling around Nadia, holding the human close, and the minosherm let out a loud, drowsy, yawn as she blinked her eyes slowly. It took some time before she realized where she was, and when she did she only held Nadia close, stroking the humans back with one hand, and her little head with the other. It was a fond kind of caressing... Like an owner would to a beloved pet. Whether Nadia was awake or not, Lunkha would soon scoot off of the bed, drawn by the wonderful scents of breakfast... And to put it plainly, she would carry Nadia on her half-stiff cocks downstairs and to the kitchen, sniffing loudly every few steps. It would likely be easy to hear her coming, and if Nadia had been asleep at first, she'd likely wake up by the time she was getting carried downstairs.