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Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Nothing could beat spending a night at O'Neal's Irish Pub with the lads after a long day of working two jobs. Kelly was there with his usual crew, and the place was packed to the brim. Of course it was; it was dollar drinks night! What could be better than beer for a dollar? You guessed it.

"Free round on the house!" The bartender cried out jovially, met with even more jovial and raucous cheers from the crowd happy men and women. It didn't even matter that the Eagles stunk like moldy cheese. A couple more beers could always drown the woes from a bad sports team or a long day of work. Everyone was singing songs and cheering each time someone got a free beer. Kelly's group was right in the center of it, arms around each others shoulders. The lads and lasses rocked side to side, pink in the face with big smiles and the smell of beer in the air. It was just a great night to be in the pub with quality friends and... well at least the beer was cheap!

Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly was almost ecstatic, a night out with the lads and a day off to visit his precious Maeve tomorrow. He looked around the bar to see all the bright smiling faces and he felt like a king. A poor king but at least he had a clear conscious about how he earned his living. Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" came on over the jukebox and he cheered even louder as the beer flowed like a river.

His crew and he were practically inseparable: Jimmy McGinty and Mark Callahan flanking him to either side, Jimmy's sister Mary and her friend Hailey beside Jimmy, Tony and Fredo and Dermot beside Mark. They all broke out into song right as Kelly did along with half the bar from the sound of it. Probably not the best rendition of the song ever but no one seemed to care as long as the beer kept coming.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly and his group weren't going to win any singing contests, but luckily they weren't auditioning. Besides, where they lacked in skill, they made up for with spirit. At the end, Jimmy raised his mug, shouting, "Cheers!" with the whole group pressing close to clink their mugs, beer dripping on each other as they drank it down, but no one seemed to mind.

While Kelly and his friends celebrated the happy times, a ruckus was starting to brew toward the back of the pub. A group of four rowdy drunks led by a large man with a denim jacket and a scraggly beard were shouting for more beer. "Hey give me that beer!" The man shouted as his group started to shove people in their way to get closer to the bar. Even more pushing and shoving started to erupt in the cozy pub with people stumbling and shouting in return. The ruckus hadn't made its way to Kelly's group just yet, but it was getting close. To make matter's worse the bouncers were blocked off by the huge crowd!
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly noticed the rowdy drunks heading their way and though he like his odds in a fight he was having to good of a time already. Besides he had promised Maeve he would be there by noon tomorrow to take her to the zoo and spending a night in the drunk tank would ruin that promise. He kind of signaled the rest of the crew to make room at the bar as best as they could in the crowded place.

After they had moved over as good as possible he ordered another round for the crew and proposed a toast. "To good friends and good times."
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Getting out of the way of belligerent drunks: Level 4 Social Action.
Roll 1: 9 (success!)
Roll 2: 9 (success!)
Result: Success!

The crew had already noticed tension in the air, everyone nodding to Kelly's astute signal. They'd all been here dozens of times and knew the drill. The group stuck together, shuffling away as best they could. There were a couple complaints from people in the way, but overall it was a success. Kelly and his group managed to get completely out of the way of the drunks.

Once they'd gotten their drinks, all eight of them pressed together with wide grins. After Kelly proposed the toast, Mark agreed, nodding "Good times!" Then Mary piped up, "Good Friends!" with Jimmy finishing "Good friend and good times!" They were all about to toast when Dermot exclaimed, "WOOHOO!!!!" Everyone had a good laugh and shouted "WOOHOO" in unison before clinking their glasses to drink.

Once Kelly took a nice big swig of his beer though, he noticed a woman with long brown hair and a loose t shirt and jeans leaning over the bar where they were standing before, trying to get the bartender's attention. The scraggly man and his group had pushed their way through the crowd, making it to their destination, and this woman was the last person in their way. The big scraggly man grinned like he was about to have some fun before leaning down and tapping her on the shoulder. "Hey cutie... what are you doing all alone in a man's bar, huh?" He asked gruffly as she turned around to face him, frowning at the sight of him.

"Didn't see any sign on the door that said it was a man's bar. I did see one that said no fighting though. Guess you didn't see that one eh?" The woman snarked back in reply.

"Oh yeah? And who's gonna stop me?" The huge man with the beard, leaned down towering over her, though she didn't seem afraid. "You?"

The man and his friends grinned at each other, looking like they knew what they were going to do... but what would Kelly and his group do?
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly notices the disturbance and sighs into his beer as he takes a final swig before signalling the crew to stay calm. Especially Desmond he has a hotter head than Kelly himself at times. Kelly decides to try and find a peaceful solution rather than ruin his plans however.

Pushing away from the bar and his crew he stood tall and walked right over to the men interjecting himself as peacefully as a 6'6" redhead can. Grasping the leader of the ruffians hands as though he were an old friend he thought a prayer to the virgin for a bit of luck and perhaps the gift o' the gab as they said back in Ireland.

"Well I'll be, Sean right. I ain't seen you since what was it high school. How about a beer, lad?" Nodding to the bartender he adds. "A round of beers for my old chums here, my good man."

Hopefully his bluff would be enough for the wee lass to extract herself from the situation.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

When Kelly grasped the hands of the big scraggly man who was just as large as he but perhaps quite a bit more drunk, the man staggered back a bit but then turned and looked into Kelly's eyes angrily.

"Who the fuck is Sean?" He replied. Kelly could smell the reek of his breath, they were standing so closely. The scraggly man jabbed his finger on Kelly's chest. "And for that matter who the fuck are you, bitch? Why I oughta GLUH!!"

Before the scraggly man could finish his sentence he doubled over in pain, clutching his kidney. It happened so fast, Kelly hardly knew what was happening, but he got a good look at the wee lass taking a hold of the scraggly man by the hair and smashing his face onto the bar! The big scraggly man tumbled over backwards against Kelly, his eyes glazed over, knocked out cold. The big man's gang glanced at each other. "Holy shit! Nobody punches Harry like that... Get 'er!"

The small brunette was already in the air though, doing a backflip kick. She connected under one of the gang's chin and landed on top of the bar table with a big grin and her hands clenched into fists, one of them even had a pair of brass knuckles!

"Yeah that's right. You wanna fight? I'll give ya one! Come get some bitches!" The young woman taunted them, kicking one away with her boot as she stood atop the bar. The rest of the bar was in chaos. Most of Harry's gang was too distracted by the crazy little brunette to pay much attention to Kelly but one of them lunged toward him, and the rest of the bar started to erupt into a fight, pushing and shoving each other, beer flying everywhere. Oh no!

Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly just got a big grin on his face as the scraggly man breathed on him and jabbed his finger into his chest. The music seemed to break just at the right moment as Kelly's fist curled and started to come back.

However before he could even swing that crazy brunette was already slamming the scraggly fellas noggin into the bar just as the next song and the rest of the bar erupted simultaneously.

The rest of the crew were already involved in the brawl at large and the wee brunette could sure as shit handle her self. Of course this suited Kelly just fine since it meant he wouldn't have to worry about anyone else. Though the thought of disappointing Maeve did make him think of trying to make an escape before the cops showed up to ruin his plans for the next day.

Kelly gave the girl a wink and a wave as he realized it was too late to get out of trouble now. Ducking a beer as it flew over his head he readied himself to bicycle kick the first guy who ran at him.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

The brunette grinned back at Kelly when he winked at her, in the midst of kicking a drunken biker in the face from the top of the bar.

"Hey it was a nice try anyway, but that oaf was mine! I oughta thank you later on eh?"

She added with a wink of her own before picking up two pitchers of beer and dumping them on the people below her! "Haha, take that ya filthy currs!"

Meanwhile, Kelly saw his next attacker just in time, another biker with slick black hair and covered in frayed denim from neck to toes. He tumbled right toward Kelly, practically lining himself up for the kick, which Kelly was happy to provide! Kelly connected right under the chin with his spinning bicycle kick. The biker toppled backward from the bicycle kick (hehe) and crashed into a table, splintering it right in half.

Things were going totally crazy just like the fast-paced music blaring in the background. Dermot and Desmond got in a good one-two on their opponents, and the rest of the crew seemed to be doing okay too. Beer and bottles flew, chairs tumbled, and tables crunched, but eventually the tell-tale sirens started to blare. If Kelly wasn't careful, he'd end up in the slammer instead of with little Maeve! With chaos ensuing around him, drunks still fighting or trying to push their way to the exits, Kelly noticed the little brunette heading into bartender's offices behind the bar. Meanwhile about half of his crew was heading for the front exit with a few others heading for a backdoor, but there were a lot of people, and it wouldn't be easy to get out.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly couldn't help but wonder at his luck after the brunette's return wink and statement. True the plan hadn't worked exactly as he had pictured but if he could manage to not get arrested the evening might not be a complete loss.

However this wasn't the moment to be thinking things through as his kick caught the charging biker and sent him flying backwards through a table rather satisfyingly. Kelly turned to any of the other curs who might want some and pumped his fist while shouting. "Any other takers! Come on!"

When the rest of the bar started making their breaks for the door to escape the cops he slipped back to reality and watched as the chaos of the fight took on a different note. Might as well chase after the brunette seeing as no one else was heading that way. With a wave to his crew he jumped over the bar and headed after her through the office. Even if he couldn't find her he still might be able to escape without any trouble from the cops so that he could see his little darling.

I think we're picturing different bicycle kicks, and yes that's going to add more silly wrestling videos to your suggestions.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly got a few more takers before he managed to make his way out. Belligerent drunks were always willing to take someone up on a challenge. With a few good punches and a timely bicycle kick to the chest, Kelly beat the crap out of the gangsters stumbling around him.

Eventually, everyone was either on their way out or too beat up to keep fighting, so Kelly keenly followed the fiery brunette into the offices in the back. When he arrived into the back hallway, he saw in the corner of his eye that the brunette was going out into the alley through a back exit. However, the area in front of him was strange. There was the outline of a door in front of him. Indeed, there was a door, but it was old and tattered with boards torn apart. Even more strangely, the opening was entirely covered with a wall of bricks. It was almost as if someone had tried to tear down the door, but was stopped in their tracks by the brick wall. Apart from the exit to the back alley, that was the only thing of note in the old back hallway of the bar other than the chipped paint of the walls and the antique smell.

Doh! Guess I'm too used to soccer. :)
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly ran into the back hallway only to almost barrel into the brick upped former door as he caught the brunette taking the exit door. He stared at the old door for a second and even put his hand out to make sure he was seeing straight and it wasn't just the booze talking.

Well that's weird he thought as he wondered what the old door used to lead to for a few seconds before the sirens brought him back to reality once more. He turned from the strange door and barreled down the hallway where he had seen the brunette exit. Hopefully the rest of the crew would get out without much trouble he thought as he reached the exit door.

Admittedly I always a bicycle kick was more like what they do in soccer, too. That's more what I meant for him to do though, which is more like a snap kick if you ask me.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Thankfully, Kelly managed to stop himself just in the nick of time before barreling strait into a brick wall. That would have hurt even more than a bicycle kick! It was certainly strange to see a bricked up door in the middle of an empty hallway. It was even stranger though, when Kelly put out his hand. The wall seemed to ripple, and his hand went right through it! When he pulled his hand back, the wall was back to normal again, looking like old wood and bricks.

Kelly must have been really drunk out of his mind. Or was he? He could investigate the brick wall some more, but maybe he just had too much to drink. If he waited too long, the brunette might be nowhere to be found... then there was also the matter of the police. What to do...?
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Seeing his hand go through the wall and then it return to normal just threw Kelly for a loop and he stared dumbly at the wall for what seemed like minutes before the sound of police officers trying to break up the fight woke him. He shook his head and turned to run after the girl.

Just the beer and the shots and probably the water he said to himself as he hurried out the door to try and make good his escape. The thought that something weird was going on in the old town this night but he refused to worry about that now. He would plug through it eventually he kept telling himself as he put one foot in front of the other. Like his ma always said slow and steady wins the race, even if the only reward is a trip through the pearly gates.

Aha, I knew there was a Ravnos around here somewhere. You'll have to tell me what was on the other side after we finish. Cause I'm a lot more curious about things than Kelly is.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

The wall stared right back at Kelly, figuratively speaking anyway. It remained right there, stoically taunting him that he didn't have access to what was beyond despite apparently having stuck his hand right through it.

Deciding he just had too much to drink, Kelly left the offending wall behind to try to keep up with the bar woman. The irishman followed the woman outside O'Neal's Pub, into the alley, down another alley, and inside a small storage room where she was standing against the wall, waiting for him.

"There you are! I was wonderin' if maybe the cops got ya. Guess not eh?" The brunette said with a wink. "The name's Brooke, and hey thanks for stickin' up for me there. He didn't have a chance against me unless his breath made me puke...which it almost did. But hey, it's always nice to have a friend in a fight. I said I'd thank you for it too didn't I?" Brooke added with a small smile. "Guess I could get you another beer...at a different bar I mean! That is... unless you're into other kinds of thank yous..." Brooke trailed off, slipping her thumbs into her jeans pockets and leaned back against the wall, a small smile curling at the corner of her lips.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Leaving the wall behind and heading through the twists and turns of the alleyways he reassured himself that he'd had weirder nights than this. He'd never put his arm through a wall that wasn't there but beer can do some strange shit to ya. For the briefest second he wondered if maybe he'd been slipped a mickey but then realized that the idea made even less sense than just being drunk.

Finally he caught up to the brunette as she seemed to be waiting for him in some kind of shed. She was certainly a looker but Kelly was starting to get spooked by this whole crazy series of events and weakly offered a wave as he slowed down and looked around this newest alleyway.

"Glad to meet you, Brooke. I must be getting old, the beer seems to be playing some funny tricks on my mind tonight. Starting to see things if you know what I mean." Seeing nothing to be worried about he relaxed a bit more and focused on her.

"He sure didn't have much a of a chance from what I saw, eh! Been a while since I got in a few good licks on their sort. Kind of miss it, to be honest, but I don't miss the cops. I don't really need a thank you to be truthful though, lass. If it weren't for you giving me the idea to escape that way I never would have gotten away from the police after all. Kind of important that I made it out tonight, too. I kind of promised someone I would see them tomorrow and all."
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Brooke arched her eyebrow as she gave Kelly a firm handshake... a cold handshake. Her hand was cold enough to give Kelly chills all the way up his arm. "Mind playing tricks on ya eh? Hmmm... I wonder... that sounds like Callista's doing to me. Damn little trickster tease that woman." Brooke paused, a small smile curling at the corner of her lips. "Not so tough once you get your hands on her though. Wriggles all around and... well anyway haha. The pleasure's all mine lad. Not sure I got your name though?"

She waited for Kelly's answer then smiled. "Yeah those blokes sure had it coming! It might not look it, but I've seen quite a few bar brawls in my day. Asshats never had a chance. This one was just a warm up for me," Brooke added with a wink. "I don't blame ya for not missing the cops either. Stuck up bastards always get in the way of good old fashioned justice... just like the cam."

Brooke stopped at the mention of Kelly's promise. She didn't say anything for a moment, fidgeting around against the wall before replying, a mix of curious and cautious but also genuine. "What promise if ya don't mind me askin'?"
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly might have noticed the coldness of Brooke's hand but the alcohol pumping through his veins simply didn't allow the feeling to register as he returned the firm handshake with a smile. "Yeah...It was weird. It was like I put my hand through the wall but it wasn't really there and my and went through it like water. That's what I get for drinking the whiskey before the beer I guess."

Kelly had to stop and think for a moment as Brooke mentioned it being the work of Callista. He knew a few card sharks who could pull off some mean tricks but this was something else entirely. His mind slowly realized that the girl was waiting for an answer and that he was still shaking her hand. He gave a good laugh as he realized he was standing there like some slack-jawed yokel and stopped shaking her hand as he answered. "Kelly MacMurphy at your service, lass. The drink must be hitting me a bit harder than normal but sometimes you just gotta live if you know what I mean. Same with the occasional brawl, you never feel quite so alive as you do in those little moments. Trust me I believe you after seeing you in action in there. Got moves I couldn't pull off if I tried, I'm more about the brute force."

Kelly was starting to relax a lot more now after all the weirdness had stopped and he grimaced a bit as he added. "Yeah the cops can get to be annoying especially if your just trying to do a bit of unwinding after fighting for yer slave wages. Only thing worse is the gangs trying to pull you from the other side. If it ain't one group trying to squash you it's the other when all you want to do is live your life."

Realizing what it probably sounded like when he mentioned promising to see someone tomorrow he gave an easy smile to Brooke and said. "It's not quite what yer thinking. I promised my little girl I would go and see her tomorrow, is all. Not that I'm married mind you, her mother and I don't really get along so well anymore if you get my drift."
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

"That so...?" asked Brooke, looking down as Kelly explained his promise and the nature of his relationship with the mother. She shifted around, thumbs in her jeans pockets until finally looking up with a predatory gleam in her eye. For the first time, Kelly got a chance to get a good look at his fellow bar brawler. Brooke cocked her hips to the side, tossing her unruly brown hair over her shoulder, bare from the tears in her t-shirt. She had intricate designs tattooed onto her shoulder and arm, two pendants laced about her neck, and piercings all over her ears. The vivacious beauty was small and trim. She didn't look particularly strong, but the fight earlier said otherwise.

Walking right up to Kelly, not the least bit perturbed about half of her bra showing through the tears in her shirt, Brooke poked her finger into the middle of Kelly's chest. "Sounds like ain't nobody gonna be missin' ya tonight then Kelly." The fiery brunette grinned up at him, suddenly pushing Kelly down into the chair behind him. "Cept me that is. I said I want to thank ya, and I ain't takin' no for an answer," Brooke declared, pouncing atop Kelly's lap, hands holding his shoulders, blue-gray eyes mischievously gazing into Kelly's eyes. "Kiss me."

He didn't have time to even think about the words, so simple yet so powerful before Kelly felt himself leaning up to kiss Brooke, obeying her command like his life depended on it. Brooke locked her lips over his own, caressing his cheeks with her hands roughly. Soft breasts pressing against Kelly's rippling, firm chest, Brooke kissed Kelly like a passionate wild woman. She sucked on his lips, pulled with her teeth, and triumphantly pinned his tongue with her own.

Brooke kissed Kelly for quite a while, so long that he gasped when she finally pulled back. Brooke, however, was not tired at all. No breath escaped her lips, not even any breath at all! The brunette hissed in primal desire, her blue-gray eyes gleaming lustfully, as she bared her fangs for the first time. Brooke held Kelly's head back, exposing his deliciously pale neck for the taking. Try as he might to wriggle free, Kelly was no match for Brooke's overwhelming strength. Giggling gleefully, hissing and moaning in pleasure, the vampire lunged forward for the final blow on her prey.

Kelly felt a sudden sting as Brooke's razor sharp canines tore into his neck, a sudden sting that was no match for the rapidly soaring pleasure that rushed through his body when Brooke sucked the delicious scarlet nectar from his neck. His heart fluttered, pumping furiously, in a mad rush to feed the woman on top of him. It was like he was designed for her feasting pleasure. His own pleasure was paralyzing, his body only barely able to squirm as she sucked the life out of it, growling, wriggling, and thrusting against him as she guzzled his blood.

The next thing Kelly knew, there was a burning sting in his neck as Brooke withdrew her fangs. Clinging to life, he watched helplessly while the woman bit into her own wrist. One hand wrapped around his head, Brooke pressed her bleeding wrist to Kelly's lips, feeding his needy tongue with her exquisite vitae. Brooke massaged the back of his neck as he drank the otherworldly fluid. Kelly's head spinned, feeling like his was floating on air. He could just make out Brooke's toothy grin, bloody fangs bared in their full glory just before he passed out.
Re: Bottoms Up: Kelly MacMurphy

Kelly was hardly one to object to what the vivacious brunette seemed to have in mind as a dopey grin started to spread over his face. It remained even as he felt himself effortlessly shoved back onto the couch. Hardly a thought crossed his mind as she told him...no...ordered him to kiss her and felt himself complying even before his brain told his body to do so.

He hardly seemed to be in control of anything as he felt himself being practically ravished by Brooke not that he wanted to get away but something in the back of his mind seemed to prick at him. This wasn't exactly how he had envisioned the whole thing going down but he was too locked up by his inflamed passion to do anything but kiss her back as best as he could under her amazingly strong grip.

The fangs hardly registered in his alcohol and passion imbued mind but when she hissed and turned his neck with her vice-like grip he suddenly started struggling. Though try as he might he couldn't seem to do anything about his predicament as her fangs clamped down on his neck. A brief prick of pain followed by the most delirious high he had ever known. His mind reeled as that one little piece of him telling him to fight seemed to be drowned out as his very life was sucked from his veins.

"NOOOOOOOOOO." He suddenly screamed as he found one last reserve of strength in his rapidly dieing body. He balled up his fists and started pounding with all the might he could muster against this evil creatures face. He kicked, punched, wiggled, and shouted as though his very life depended on it, which of course it did. One of his blows actually dislodged her fangs for the briefest of moments causing a sudden paralyzing pain from the blood loss to sear across his mind and body.

Brooke hardly noticed the temporary lack of blood flowing into her throat as her fangs were soon embedded once more in Kelly's throat to finish her latest prey off. The rapturous feeling soon replaced the searing pain causing Kelly's mind to practically break down as he realized that he was going to die here in this alley at the hands of this wretched she beast.

It seemed as if her floated out of his body and watched the flashes of his life as it fled him so quickly. What couldn't have been more than a few seconds seemed to last an eternity as he saw the defining moments of who he was. His dad's funeral so long ago, perfect little Maive being born, and all the times he had shared with the one thing he hadn't messed up in someway.

Then just as quickly all the scenes were gone only to be replaced by the blurry image of the ceiling and that wretched monster who had taken his Maive away. He managed a weak fuck you though it was largely inaudible with the utter lack of any strength in his quickly expiring body.

She did something with her wrist and pressed it to his face. He felt the first few warm drops of coppery tasting fluid force their way down his throat, unaware of what it could be. The only thought in his mind was not being able to be around to protect his precious little girl and with his last breath he lurched forward and spit as much of the fluid right back in the little devils face before everything faded to black and Kelly was no more.

I hate to break up your wonderfully written embrace by being stubborn but hey you got to admit it fits my character. And where the hell did the chair from, I thought we were in an alley? Also don't forget Brooke's going to be drunk since she just drank all of his 100 proof blood.