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Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

As Yukihime entered the village, she saw that some posts on the Quest board had been updated; besides that, there didn't happen to be any new quests available either. She sighs, about to give up, when a voice speaks up behind her:

"Miss Yukihime?

Lenaea, Supposed Descendant:

Turning around, the Descendant sees one of the prized possessions of the village: Lenaea, a supposed Descendant of Aedus. The wild haired woman looked at Yukihime with bland expression. After a few moments, she scratches the back of her head, looking up at her.

"...I know the village is in danger... I would like to help."
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

A quick look at the boards revealed that little had happened in the way of new things, though some of the missions on there had received updates of some type. Not that they were too important, for Yuki had no way into any of them. There were other people taking care of the duties, and would not be needing to look for further aid in all likelyhood. It appeared there was nothing further to do for the girl. Maybe she would just go chop firewood or something simple.

But suddenly, there appeared to be some new movement in the cogs. The one that Yuki recognized as Lenaea seemed to be having some desire to get in and do something to aid the village. "I'd love to be of use. Though, I have to ask. Are you sure about your abilities?" she asked from the fire descendant, if they even were one. She was not going to opt out from any ideas the other girl had in mind, but still wanted to know.
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

"No." The woman says, rather simply, in response to Yukihime's question, "But, if I am as the Elder says I am, I must do my part.

"...Isn't that what Descendants are supposed to do?"
She asks, seeming unsure, albeit still muted. Lenaea didn't seem to have any weapons on her, and without some sort of powers, she would most likley be a hinderance out in the forest. It'd at least be nice to have someone to talk with, or to run back to the village if Yukihime was captured...

[Lenaea's Stats]
Strength: 8
Stamina: 10
Dexterity: 10
Agility: 8
Intelligence: 12
Will: 8

BP: 14
FP: 20
PP: 13
MP: 48

[Take her or leave her?]
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

The reply that was presented to her appalled Yuki, and she could not hide the fact. "You admit that right away, and still intend to come along for something that will likely be dangerous?" she asked the supposed descendant. But as she had no real reason to turn her down. The other girl just might end up saving her life somehow, if there was a really sticky situation. "Fine, you can come. What I just heard from an outside source tells me that there is a village somewhere nearby and they need aid in some combat function. While I am willing to aid them, we still better pay careful attention and not trust them blindly. If something happens to me there, do not try to rescue me by yourself, run back here instead and get a bigger party." the Light Descendant told her unlikely companion, fully intent on making for the demon-eyed stranger's village as soon as possible. There was still a lot of cause for carefulness, and they would keep an eye out for possible dangers.
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

It's hard to tell if Lenaea is listening intently to Yukihime, or if she's just completely disinterested. After the Light Descendant ordered her to come back, should there be any trouble, the younger woman nods, her poofy, red hair bobbing with her head. "I understand." Comes the simple reply. Apparently Lenaea wasn't one for many words.

On the way out of the village, they stopped by Linaea's hut. Yukihime didn't know much about the wild-haired girl, but it all came back to her as she peered into the tiny structure; Her parents had died when she was younger, and since then, the woman had been considered more of a pariah of the village. Judging by the dilapidated hut, the way it leaned to the side, and the fact it seemed too small for even her bed mat, she must have built herself when she was much younger. Grabbing onto a small, wodden dagger, the woman walks out, looking at Yukihime with bright eyes.

Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

After seeing what little reaction there was in the other girl, Yuki became even more unsure of what would become of this. Linaea was clearly not listening to her all that much, and that was not a good thing in the slightest.

They managed to make some ways towards the entrance of their village, just before having to take a brief stop at Linaea's home. The little shanty could barely be called a home, and there was further thought presented about where more work could be put into. No one should be living in such a decrepit thing. "This shack will have to go. Once we come back, something will be done to make it better. Even if only myself will be of use, it is going to be fixed into something more accomodating." the descendant thought as she watched her unlikely companion get herself a weapon, something that was basically a fruit knife. Again, more doubts were added to the gathering pile. Regardless, they would move out as planned afterwards.
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

Lenaea catches Yukihime's somewhat disapproving look as she leaves the hut. There's a twinge of sorrow on the woman's face for the briefest moments before she regains her composure. Letting a long, drawn-out sigh, she nods to the Descendant, before following after her.
Thankfully, Lenaea didn't make much noise as they moved into the trees; in fact, she seemed to be much better at avoiding the random twigs that snapped and cracked beneath their feet than even Yukihime. Whenever the Light Descendant looked back at her, she still seemed emotionless - but attentive, her eyes glancing to and fro, keeping a look out for any sort of threats. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad with the younger woman?

"Yukihime." She says quietly. Turning quickly, Yukihime expects to see some sort of threat - but instead, Lenaea is looking past a tree. Following her gaze, she sees the small pool of water, hidden deep in the grove of trees. Lenaea smiles a little when Yuki looks back at her, before the two start towards the pond, taking as much water as possible.

[+5 water found. Do you want Lenaea to carry it, or Yukihime?]

[Current Position: -1, -1]
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

"That face... maybe we can fix that later... You don't need to be sad anymore..." Yuki thought as she saw Lenaea's expression, most likely a result of her own dissaproval. She was not sure if it was that visible, but it did appear that the other girl saw it as such.

At the wilderness, the more prominent skill Lenaea became apparent. Most likely she would make for a decent scout or even ranger. She was really good at keeping the surroundings in her vision and had a decent way of maneuvering around the wilderness as well. And there was some good news for them too, a whole lot of water in a nice pond hidden within the trees. The ladies collect some of the water, Yuki feeling like she should leave carrying it for her companion. "I'd have no problem against carrying it if I didn't need so much freedom of movement to use this weapon of mine..." she told the other girl, now feeling like they should just go back and bring the water into the village.
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

"I do not mind carrying the water." Lenaea says, offering to take the water bladders from the Descendant, "It may come in handy for the other village we are going to. Right?" The girl looks up at Yukihime, apparently waiting for a reply. She seemed to be looking for any help or tips on becoming a Descendant. It reminded Yukihime of herself and the other younger Descendants in the village; they had always looked up to, and tried to emulate Shania and the others. Now, it was her turn to shape the view of another Descendant.

That's when the severity of the question hit Yukihime: She honestly didn't know. While there were rumors of other villages in the forest, she had never seen any - and had only heard of others finding villages, or villagers. What was the proper way to greet others not from the village?

[Current Position: -1, -1]
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

Getting the water had managed to briefly divert Yuki from her usual train of thought. She had actually planned to take the water back to their own village, but Lenaea's words snapped her back into the proper line of thinking. "Indeed. Even if they are asking for warriors, it should be a nice greeting gift for them and make some kind of impact on future interractions with them." she told the possible descendant, berating herself mentally for having fallen so off from her usual mindset with the introduction of water. It should have taken much more than that for her to get out of her way. When it was all said and done, she would have them continue along their way towards the instructed direction where the village should be.
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

Finally, Yukihime saw it: A smile, brief and smile, slips across Lenaea's lips, happy her suggestion was taken up. It was gone almost as soon as it appeared, however, as the girl went about collecting the water in the leather bladders, storing them in her sack. When she finished, she slings the sack onto her back. With a quick nod to Yukihime, the two are on their way to the Southwest.

[Current Position: -2, -2]

Lenaea had taken to walking alongside the Descendant now, still glancing around; but Yuki noticed, every few minutes or so, she'd be the under the fleeting gaze of the girl, as if she was being studied, judging for the right time to speak - yet nothing came; no questions, no statements... just more awkward glances. Until, that is, Lenaea gasped.

"Do you see that?" She asks, pointing ahead. Yuki's gaze follows the sharp-eyed woman's finger, stopping on a fern stained red. Lenaea starts towards it without hesitation as Yukihime gets her spear ready; this was usually never a good sign of things to come. Stopping at the fern, Lenaea looks at the blood, then around the area quickly, before pointing further away.

"Over there!" She says rather loudly, before bounding through the bushes and past a wall of ferns; for a moment, there's silence, followed by a short, high-pitched cry.
Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

With their water containers full of the precious liquid, the two picked up where they had been before and headed further away, towards what had been their initial goal. Along the way, it almost appeared that Lenaea was trying to confess love or similar towards Yuki, such were the shy looks that occasionally came towards her."Should really come out with it, whatever she wants to ask." the oddly dressed descendant thought about her companion's behaviour.

But before that could be addressed any further, other issues came up. The sight of the red-stained tree was enough to make Yuki enter a state of alert, and soon enough Lenaea was going off on her own. "So reckless... i should have known this earlier." she thought, quickly moving after the would-be descendant as she heard the noises.