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Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jack nods as Ian spoke. Trying to explain the black-eye away was hard. Most didn't believe him when he said it was a door that did the other day. But it wasn't like he could say he got it in a fight with a knight complete with a nice second degree burn. He shook his head and dropped his hand from his face and grabbed a bag on the floor next to him and head out going to class.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Jonathan ended his meal. It took him a while, considering that he was still hungry after the cereal - his ability forced him to burn a lot of calories when activated. Supporting it was easy, at least. After a few sandwiches he decided that he had enough, for now, and left the communal room. He had to hurry, otherwise he'd be late for class...
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

As the students begin to make their way from the boys dormitory and towards their classes the loud rumbling of an engine can be heard echoing across the school campus, gradually getting louder and louder until finally a delivery van screeches around the corner. With no sign of breaking several students jump out of the path of the oncoming vehicle, which only just manages to break in time to save itself from crashing into the boy's dorm.

"Righ', you sure th' kid will be 'ere?" One of the delivery men asks as he climbs out of the van. The van shakes wildly for a moment as its suspension is allowed a well earned rest from the man's rotund form.

"Well, Coraxus doesn't sound like a girl's name, now does it?" The second delivery man ask's the first as he too climbs out of the vehicle. In contrast to the first man this delivery man appears to be almost anorexic though he too has the same thick shaggy black hair.

"I' doesn' sound like any kinda name..." The large delivery man says quietly, making sure the smaller man doesn't catch him questioning him as he goes to open the back of the van up. "So where do y' fink 'e's from then?"

"I dunno. Prob'ly one of them Eastern European countries," The smaller man replies lazily as he flicks through the documents of whatever they were delivering. "Mus' be one of them posh twat's though, to come to a fancy school like this. 'Is dad's prob'ly an oil baron or something. "HEY Y' STUPID TWAT, GE' DOWN 'ERE!" The smaller man suddenly screams after several minutes silence as he hammers on the van's horn. "WE'VE GO' A DELIVERY FOR YOU! Fucking 'ell, kids these days mus' think we're made of time." Another pause then something dawns on the smaller delivery man. "Oh righ', 'e doesn' know we've go' somethin' for 'im. IT'S FOR CORAXUS KIAVAHR!"
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Corax walks out of the building to meet the men, ignoring the stares of other students. He got enough of them as it was anyway.

Oh god, they sent these cretins to deliver it? I hope they didn't break anything...

"I'm Coraxus. You have a delivery for me?"
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

"Yeah, it's in th' back of th' van," The smaller delivery man replies, and picking the clipboard back up he makes his way to the back of the van. "Jackson, ge' yer fatass ready to take this shit up where 'e want's it."

"Bu', i's 'is stuff, ge' 'im to ta- OWW!" Jackson yelps out as the smaller delivery man strikes him with the clipboard. "Wha' you done tha' for?"

"Because yur an idio', tha's why," The delivery man then turns back to face Corax. "Now, I can' turn this here delivery over to you until sign this." He then thrusts the clipboard and paperwork to Corax, and after fumbling around in his pockets he hands the boy a pen as well. "Jus' sign where theres dotted lines." Even before Corax begins to sign the papers Jackson starts work on the packages, carrying them with ease.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Corax looks over the documents and signs the papers, then checks the packages as they are unloaded. A large box, a couple of large bags and a series of smaller containers resembling those used to store and tranport organs.

"I think that's all in order. I'm sure I can take it from here, thank you."
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Taking the clipboard from Corax as he finishes signing them the smaller delivery man eyes him up and down for a moment before shrugging. "Well, if'n you feel like you can 'andle these, be m' guest." Walking past Corax he climbs back into the drivers seat of the van. "Jackson, git yer fatass in th' van once yer done unloading i'." The smaller delivery man then starts up the engine and begins tapping his finger on the wheel as Jackson finishes unloading whatever Corax had ordered. Once that is done Jackson waddles over to the passenger side, and with some effort he manages to squeeze himself into the vehicle, the suspension groaning under his weight.

"Well you 'ave a good day now," The smaller delivery man calls out to Corax, his voice bored and disinterested as he slams the van into reverse, almost crashing into the packages before screeching down the path and out of the school gates, narrowly missing several students as they leave.
Re: Boys Dorm and Communal Room

Corax facepalms as the two men drive away leaving chaos in their wake, but turns his attention to the packages.

Checking once again to make sure everything is there, he shifts the packages onto a flatbed trolley he'd acquired for transporting them and heads off in the direction of the science labs.