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Brotherhood of NOD base.

Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Gig easily dodges Burrito's second attack and flies even higher. "You maggots are annoying. Just point me in the right direction and I'll be out of your hair."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Siphon matches distance with Gig, and chuckles.

"Pity, or else you'd have stopped to think for a moment. Tyreal created this planet, possibly others, then purposely hid them from you other so called gods. And now, thanks to your help Gig, I've acquired his might."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Sin stood and looked up at Gig floating so high in the air.

"Seriously. You ask me to do something and I can't even reach the bastard. I'm only mortal," Sin said.

*Do not doubt our power, even on this world. This... creature oversteps his bounds. As did one before him* a soft voice whispered in her mind.

"Yeah yeah Freyja, I remember," Sin muttered, wondering when her time would come.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"I really don't give a damn about this Tyreal or your 'acquired' power. Hell, I don't give a damn about this planet except that it can become an unlimited supply of negative energy for me. After all, the pull of the darkness will attract more than just me here. Do you really think you can fight them all?"
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

There was a chilling laugh from him and a smile.

"I won't need to. Because you won't live long enough to get that far."

Off came his shades, which revealed the pitch black, almost demonic glowing eyes with red centers.

"Besides, if I'm right about TP, even IF you stood a chance of defeating me, he plans to release a similar virus into the atmosphere, ensuring complete, global saturation. Good bye negative energy source, because NOTHING will be left around to project it. But neither of you will reach that far, because neither of you will live long enough to see those plans come to fruitition."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"HAH! You think your faggoty glowing eyes is going to make me crap my pants? Bad news, pal, you've just fucked with the wrong God of Chaos." With that Gig's Shadow Judge armour forms around him and as he holds out his right hand a blade as large as he is appears. Grasping it Gig let out a high-pitched, maniacal laugh.

Lifting up his left arm Gig lets out a roar as a dark shockwave rips through the air, a force unlike before. The clouds themselves are wiped from the sky as negative energy rises from the ground and forms in the air, creating paths and ripples of darkness all over the place. It is as if space itself is slowly tearing.

"Come, if you think you can match the power of a God!" Gig rushes at Siphon, at a far greater speed than before, it's almost as if he teleported. As he comes to Siphon Gig swings his left fist at him, whether it connects is another thing. Though regardless of the punch connecting with Siphon or not the force of the negative energy after the punch most likely would.

((And thats me out for tonight))
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Siphon smiled, and never bothered moving.

With one motion, his own gloved fist came up, grabbing Oni's, and with the other he threw four incredibly high speed, HARD punches at the armor, the material giving a slight groan of protest.

What was a bit surprising was the fact that the energy crackled around him, and almost seemed to disperse, or be absorbed.

Where Gig was grabbed, a sensation not unlike light washing into darkness, burning came over the spot touched, and the gloved hand began to glow with energy, even as Siphon finished the flurry of moves by flipping Gig away, turning to face him.

"Things are really getting interesting now, eh Gig? Do you actually think you can defeat us?"

Either Siphon had gone nuts, or there was more to things than he'd let on.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Fuck... just get him down here to a level playing field. Fucking flying bastards," Sin groaned in annoyance, starting to pace back and forth, knuckles white as she gripped her swords.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

((Uh, I'm pretty sure saying that the armour gave a slight groaning sound isn't really something you should be assuming. And as far as I recall being told Burrito is the only one who has 'light' energy.))

The groaning sound itself didn't come from the armour, it was Gig grumbling to himself that his attack had been stopped midway. The armour itself was still in perfect condition, after all it is the ultimate form of defense, protecting Gig from anything and everything.

"So what? You're just as fast as me, what does that prove?" Fading into dark mist Gig reappears about fifty foot away from Siphon, darkness envelops him as a flash of blue-black light erupts from Gig's back and three pairs of wings made from pure darkness stretch outward, about thirty foot in length.

"Ah, it's been a while since I've had to use these," Gig mutters. "You'll see what happens when you mess with one of the Originals." Lifting his left arm up he lets out an almighty roar, the ground below and around the area of Sinfulwolf starts to quake before a geyser of dark energy erupts underneath her, if she didn't have time to dodge that is.

((Don't worry, that attack isn't meant to hurt her, not intentionally at least. It's just meant to try and fuck up Siphon a bit.))
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

((I Said SLIGHT, and it isn't technically light energy, I told you he has something of blessed armor before along with a few other things. I guess you forgot the MSN convo?))

One thing Gig had possibly underestimated with Siphon was that he was no longer the living, jump to the rescue of every person being he'd once been. Now, he was cold, calculating, and unpredictable.

"Amusing, you require an armor to even take me on. Your no god if you can't withstand a hit without it from what you assume to be a 'mere mortal'. Pathetic."

He was suddenly gone again, appearing this time directly over Gig's head, a double barreled hit coming from above that probably had enough force to push Gig towards the ground. With the armor absorbing it, it wasn't likely to send him all the way to the ground, but it was still heavy enough to move him due to sheer force, not to mention the fact he'd already done similar.

Just as fast as the attack happened, he was gone again, reappearing a good thirty feet or so from Gig, seeming to sit there for the moment with an amused smile on his face, almost tauntingly.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

((Hrm....there is a slight possibility that I have a terrible memory and that I did forget that XD ))

"I don't require the armour, but it allows me to get in some hits without me having to reform myself. Every. Fucking. Time. Someone. Like. Yourself. Comes. Along. After all I may be the God of Chaos but that doesn't automatically mean I'm the 'greatest fighter that ever lived'."

The attack would've connected, if it wasn't for the fact that Gig anticipated this and teleported just as Siphon attacks. As Siphon reappears Gig would reappear too, this time a blindingly fast slash attack targeted at Siphon from behind.

((I'll give it one or two more posts then I think we should really wait for Sin/Burrito to post))
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

((I'm assuming slash meaning he's using the sword, so playing it that way.))

The slash connected, though it hardly seemed to affect him at all. The blade seemed to bite into the armor, only to meet forceful resistance and be pushed out once it touched skin. Siphon turned, a bit of a surprised expression on his face, and faced Gig.

"Hmm, wasn't sure that would work."

He then made a blindingly fast attempt to rip the sword out of Gig's arms, and return the favor of the slash, only as a stab to the chest.

((Out from posting for a bit, College Football time.))
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

((Yeah it was a sword attack))

The sword was pulled out of Gig's hand though as Siphon thrusts it at him he'd find the sword had disappeared, and Siphon would be thrusting with just a half clenched fist.

"You really thought you'd be priviledged enough to wield MY sword?" Gig let out a laugh before gliding backwards a good twenty foot away. Concentrating for a couple of seconds he then lets out another roar and five Gig-clones appear one by one at his side.

"Time to put an end to this fight, and get what I came here for." Gig and the Gig-clones all rush at Siphon at once, wildly attacking him whilst teleporting to make sure they were all out of the way of Siphons attacks.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

The geyser of energy tossed Sin aside. She smashed her shoulder into a rock and let out a scream of pain. As she got to her feet her hand went limp and the sword clattered to the ground, her arm unable to move.

"Mother fucking dislocated," she winced, and slammed her shoulder in the rock once again, screaming as she felt the shoulder snap back into place.

Biting her lower lip, and pushing the agony out of her mind she stooped down and picked up her sword once more.

"Okay... seriously. Any fucking time now, or are you going to make me do this all by myself... again," Sin muttered angrily to the voice that had been talking to her, as she turned her head back up to the fight too far up above for her to make any difference.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Burrito had been intrigued by Siphon's new armor, and stood there watching the fight, then chuckled as he began to fly towards Gig and stop directly in his face "Am I going to have to burn your armor away? Or are you going to try and kill me as well?" he asks, his arms crossed as he stares Gig directly in the eye, a cocky look on his face "Even if you do try to kill me.........You'll die." he says, moving back away a few feet and stepping into a fighting stance, his blade still clenched his his hands "It's inevitable. Not even your immortality can stop me from killing you until you run out of juice."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

After entering the transport, Host soon began humming the tune to , and quietly muttering some of the lines, eyes closed, foot tapping and head bobbing. It looks fairly comical on his form, which makes up for how off key and just plain bad at it he is. He stops halfway through the second run through of the song (if no one stops him first) to state an observation.

“Burrito certainly is a very generous individual, isn’t he? Going from his exceptional tendency to pick up all sorts of” - he paused intentionally - “good people and add them to the squad… wealth, personality, background” he says, giving a dismissive hand-wave for each item “– none have held any sway over Burrito’s ability to” - another pause - “help people.”
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"God damn cocky arrogant flying mother fuckers," Sin fumed on the ground, not hearing Host's comment as she paced back and forth, staring up into the sky.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

((OK I'm pulling a rabbit out of my ass for Sin here.))

Siphon massively dodged the majority of the attacks, poofing back to the ground in an attempt to lead at least several of the Gig clones or Gig himself to the floor.

That likely failing, his eyes began glowing, even the black parts, as a surge of viral energy collected from within him.

He turned to Sinful now, his voice having taken on a strange sound to it. It almost sounded as if thousands of voices were speaking at once.

"Would you like to be able to temporarily fly and deal with the coward?"
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Sinful smirked, and cracked her neck.

"Oh, damn straight I would," she said, stopping her pacing.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

He said not another word, tendrils of viral energy, and ... good god they were physical as well, wrapped around her, pulling her close to him.

A sudden kiss broke her thoughts, and she almost would begin to wonder just what the hell was going on, when suddenly some form of energy ripped through her, the pain almost overshadowing everything else.

Soon enough she'd been released, and roughly twenty seconds after that, black wings erupted from her backside. The wingspan was easily six to seven feet, more than enough to grant her flight, and each had a curved talon on them that could be used to swipe with. If one didn't know any better, one might even swear the wings were similar to that of a succubus.

The energy released during the transformation was so intense, it was felt for hundreds of miles.