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Brotherhood of NOD base.


Is completely fucking irrelevant. And he's a bitch
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Out amongst the vast wastes that are normally between forums and boards, there lies a destroyed old B52 bomber. But, appearances can be deceiving. Beneath this old war machine, there lies a massive underground network of tunnels and rooms which serve as a base for the Brotherhood of NOD. It is here that their bio-terrorism and vehicle research is conducted.

Slowly, the back hatch of the old B52 bomber opens, revealing a large ramp leading down inside of the bomber. Outside of the bomber, Burrito's group and a single NOD soldier stood waiting for it to fully open. "This base is top-secret. It's location is barely known to all but a few of our trusted allies." the soldier says, taking a step inside "Hurry. The prophet does not like to be kept waiting."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Yeah... I can see how waiting would get real annoying real fast," Sin muttered as she pressed against her forearms trying to dull the pain.

Though it didn't seem to work, the ink had stop spreading, leaving a simple series of swirls and rune like characters beneath her skin.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Shrike followed with the rest of the group, keeping a wary eye on her surroundings. If there was one thing she trusted less than true evil, it was fanaticals, and NOD certainly fit the bill.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Suppose we ought to be grateful they consider us worthy enough to know where this place is." Copper files out with the rest of the squad, hands stuffed into the pockets of her jacket for the time being. "Either that, or they're going to try and kill us after we leave." There's a bit of a grin on her face at those words, though her tone suggests she's not really joking around. "Let's get this meeting over with so we can get to slaughtering."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

“Looks like this is the place…” Host noted as the transport came into view. The satellites had shown where the transport had stopped at long before the Black Raven’s bird got there. It was an intelligent set up; they had a base in a place no one would go, in a scrap heap of a plane that no one would look at twice. They had even been smart enough not to put down those disruption towers of theirs, which would have only served to mark the landscape with an obvious anomaly… Host couldn’t have made a better set up himself. Well… not without a lot of planning. It seems that he had even managed to get there quickly enough that the group of ULMF members hadn’t even gotten inside yet. Well, that ought to help things go smoothly… hopefully…

The Black Raven’s giant raven thing came in to view, flying in and sitting on the ground a reasonable distance from the bomber and the group, but close enough to make out Host as he dismounted and approached.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Who the hell are these guys anyway?" Sin asked, as not being from this planet, she'd never heard of Nod.

Almost as soon as the question had left her lips though, her eyes shifted to a bright blue colour. She nodded her head a few times ever so slightly, as if she was listening to someone. Soon enough, the colour faded back to normal.

"Ah... I see," she muttered quietly.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Kane's as punctual as always, eh?" Burrito asks the soldier as he begins to enter the bunker, noticing Host out of the corner of his eye "We have company. I'll handle it. Siphon, take the others and begin the meeting with Kane." Burrito says, sighing as he begins to walk away from the old plane and the group, directly towards host "This way, please. And, don't touch anything green. You'll turn into an immobile living crystal." the soldier says, motioning for the group to follow him down the ramp.

Inside, the base was much larger than one would expect. There were long narrow corridors, large open hangers just below the surface of the earth, and multiple research laboratories for working on all of Kane's "pet projects". The corridors themselves were bathed in a strange red light, darkening most colors. And at the very end of the hallway that lead from the entrance, if anyone were observant, they would see the corridor transform into a massive room bathed in red light, and filled with multiple large, tall, red screens that displayed white Arabic letters slowly scrolling down. And in the middle of the room, a grand desk and throne, which was currently empty.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Nice throne... some one thinks highly of themselves," Sin muttered when she noticed the room.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Oh, I beg to differ. I believe a king should have a grand throne with which to rule the world from." a very gentle and calm voice says from behind the group, a dressed in a black leather robe says, his lips formed into a gentle smile "Where is your commander? Is he still topside?" the man asks, his hands coming together and the fingers interlocking as he looks over at Siphon "You must be his Sergeant. I am the one known as Kane. I have heard great things about you from your commander." Kane says, his eyes closed as green lights begin to flash throughout the facility "Dear me. It seems that Ajay has found our enemy's base." he says, stepping past the group and towards the large open room "It will take some time to prepare our army for mobilization. In the interim, please, let us begin the meeting."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Sin couldn't help but role her eyes. Arrogance... and lots of it. Just like Thor.

*and look where he is now* a voice rolled through Sin's head.

"Fuck... they can find me anywhere," she said, as she followed Kane.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Siphon nodded once.

"I am indeed. Yes, he's still topside dealing with a new arrival it seems, he's asked me to begin our meeting without him for now. I don't believe he has had time to mention this to you, but I have a request of you. Later, after we have finished this meeting, if you have any bio-labs here I would like to borrow them for a little while. I managed to acquire a sample of the enemy virus and I believe I can synthesize an anti-viral bomb to help out in the coming fight. It probably won't be effective on the two main bogeys, but it should prove effective on their gauntlet of minions."

All of this is said while he follows Kane, hos pose revealing nothing more than what he had spoken. He had kept on his shades for now, unsure of how Kane's men would react if they saw his viral transformed eyes, or if Kane himself even knew yet.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

As the group was lead into the main chamber, Kane assumed his seat at his desk, leaning forward onto his elbows and covering his mouth and nose with his interlocked hands "You may. But, our soldiers do not like the use of biological warfare aside from our Tiberium research. The materials here might be somewhat.....lacking." Kane says, a soldier walking up behind him and handing him a folder, looking over at Siphon with green eyes, and, if one looked closely, they would see a barely visible green mist coming from his skin. The soldier would nod to Kane, and then walk away "As I stated before, it shall take some time to prepare our forces. This meeting is so that we can discuss what information we already know." Kane says, sitting back up and opening the folder on the desk and turning it for Siphon to view "We know they have made an Adbot army. And we know this army has much strength. We also know that they have a beast with them, capable of strangling eight of our men at once. What the beast looks like, we don't know, but we found the bodies of a scout team strangled to death. There were no traces of any humans, and their weapons had been fired. I can only surmise that the beast is heavily armored." Kane says, looking down at the folder, then back up at Siphon "What does your group know of their leaders? their powers?" he asks, the scrolling letters turning from white to green quickly, then turning back to white, all within a split second.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Both of their leaders appear to be gaining their special abilities from a viral weapon they self injected into themselves. As for the beast you mentioned, there's two possibilities. One is that it was Supermeme himself that attacked your men and killed them, though unlikely. The second is a beast we've already encountered before that was called a Thembrihkal. It's heavily armored and quite large. If you have a projector I can show you an image of one. Ah, tell me, were they simply strangled to death or were their sucker marks on their bodies as well as signs of ... well .... decomposition?"

He seemed willing to say more regarding the two leaders, however the other question seemed to garner his attention more for the moment.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Sin cocked her head when she noticed the green tint to the soldier's body... much less the mist in his eyes. She followed him, curiosity over coming her. She quickly caught up with him and got his attention.

"Hey... what the hell are you?" she asked cocking her head to the side, like a dog would.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"There was indeed signs of rapid decomposition. As for the marks, there was one large one on the front of each of their throats. Are these beasts vulnerable to flame-based or laser-based weaponry?" Kane both answers and asks his question.

The soldier stops, turning to look at Sinful with his green eyes "I am one of Kane's Ascended. The power of Tiberium flows through my veins. It prevents disease, allows my body to withstand the deadly Tiberium radiation, and regenerate minor wounds." the soldier says, his right hand reaching up beside his head as mist flows from it. "It has it's bad side-effects, but the benefits far outweigh the costs."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

Siphon frowns.

"Thembrihkal then. Your men were literally fed on, their life force drained from their body in much the same way a vampire drinks blood. Only in this case the victims usually take a bit to expire due to the nature of the beasts. As for flame based weaponry, I'm not sure, but a cutting laser in theory should be enough to punch through their armor."

He pops up a projection of a large beast, complete with multiple tentacles and heavily armored.

"This is a Thembrihkal. As near as we can tell it was created using a mixture of squid DNA, viral weaponry and wraith DNA, possibly vampire DNA since it was reported by several who survived that when the beast feeds from you, it inflicts 'great pleasure, like that of a vampiric kiss, only a thousand times more potent.' They also seem to have magic dampening fields that they generate, so that will be rendered all but useless against them. If I could get a sample of one's genetic structure, I MIGHT be able to create an anti-viral bomb that would weaken them, or some form of gas, though I can't be sure until I look at the coding."
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"A tissue sample? Would an entire tentacle do?" Kane asks, snapping his fingers as a projection on a holographic screen shows up next to his head "One of our Commando's was found near the firefight, clutching this. We believe it to be a premature tentacle." he says, an image appearing on the screen of a jar with a foot-long tentacle held inside of it "I would very much like to see these beasts in action. Marcion." he says, the name at the end of his sentence being said into an intercom "Have your Black Hand troopers carry recording equipment with them when we storm the enemy stronghold." he says, the man on the other end saying yes and Kane releasing his hand from the intercom button "Now, as for the virus that they are infected with, please, tell me what kind of powers they have. I understand one of them can teleport?"
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Side effects? Like wha-" Sin was cut off by Gig's second shockwave, which drove her to her knees, though she knew it was more than Gig's power pushing her down.

She let out a scream and clutched at her face. "What the fuck is this?" she yelled to no one in particular.
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Brother Marco. See that she's taken care of." Kane says to the soldier whom Sinful was just talking to, the soldier kneeling down on one knee and offering her a hand up "I felt whatever it was that just hit us. It felt like a wave of anger and hatred washing over me." he says as he looks over at Kane, the leader sighing as he stands "Let's take care of that pest first." he says, looking over at Siphon "Can you and your commander handle him?"
Re: Brotherhood of NOD base.

"Yes that should do nicely. Though I've not seen a premature one before, perhaps it was a flaw during creation. As for the enemy bosses, well ... yes Toonpimp is capable of teleporting, and appears to be an avid sword fighter, Supermeme appears to be infected with a less stable variant of the same virus that grants him the ability to stand tall during hailstorms of fire fights and not be harmed. He also considers himself a god ...."

He cut off as Gig's second wave of energy ripped through, growling slightly.

"As for THAT, Gig is something of a reality destroyer. That said, we may be able to do something about that."

He hesitated a moment then asked, "Kane, you said your men frown highly upon viral weaponry. How would they feel about working with someone who the enemy tried to forcibly convert by injection of a virus?"