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Budapest, Hungary

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Budapest is rumored to have once been home to the lineage of Vlad. Some say this means Vlad the Impaler, though others aren't so certain of that. In actuality, Budapest was once home to a large vampire society, hidden away from the world. Over the centuries since the extinction of the vampires, this ancient place has been lost in time, and while many would be adventurer's have searched for it, none have ever found it.

((You're up Wolf.))
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Victor dodged into the shadows of an alleyway. Whether he'd been found again or not, he wasn't sure... But sticking to darker spots had become something of a habit since his escape. Fortunately, given some of the popular legends about Budapest, he might have a chance at being less obvious in a place such as this... at least for a while.
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Victor's suspicions were confirmed when a moment later several men came around the corner, one of them carrying a big assault rifle.

"Well, don't you move fast. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be."

He could probably take this guy out, but it was unclear if he could take them all out before they took him down or not. Above him though, something moved, something big that looked like it was stalking the Cabal soldiers...
Re: Budapest, Hungary

'Damno meus fortuna.' Victor quietly muttered, eyes flicking up towards a rooftop behind the Cabal grunts.

Let's see how good their briefing was... With that thought, the man that the Cabal soldiers seemed to dissolve into the shadows of the alley suddenly...

...Only for thin strands of dark smoke to zip past the group at astounding speeds, and the man to "re-solidify" on the rooftop he'd glanced at. Dodging back into the shadow of some of the architecture, Victor trailed a hand along the darkened wall behind him, crouching.
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Gun fire erupted, a curse spilling out from the man as they started to give chase, though they didn't have a prayer.

Inside the building though, the lights suddenly came on, and a few more soldiers appeared.

"Thought you might try that stunt, we were ready for ..."

About then, the wall exploded, and the roar of a Yeti filled the room. By the time Victor could see again, the Soldiers were dead, the Yeti turning to him.

"Be calm, I'm with the Sanctuary."

Before he could reply, a tall, bald man appeared in a snap of red light, and the Yeti quickly added, "and so is he."

The newcomer looked at Victor for a moment, seeming to recognize him from the look on his face.

"More of them are coming this way. Perhaps you'd like to get a little further away and confuse them so we can talk without being rudely interrupted?"
Re: Budapest, Hungary

By the time the Yeti was addressing Victor, what appeared to be a black gauntlet had already formed around his right forearm.

While he'd made no move to attack either the Yeti or the other newcomer, Victor had made no effort to hide the fact he was still ready to do something.

"I... suppose so."
Re: Budapest, Hungary

The bald man nodded.

"I can teleport us out of here, but I need to have a hand on your shoulder or some form of contact to do so. Are you OK with this?"
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Victor gave a quick nod as he glanced around again. Probably expecting either more Cabal or some other kind of trap, then.
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Nodding once, the bald man stepped forward, placing a hand on both Victor and the Yeti's shoulders, and with a loud snap, for the briefest of moments, Victor felt like his mind was drifting without a body. Then suddenly, he was looking at some place on the other side of the city, standing outside of a large building with an impressive looking gate.

Stepping back, the bald man spoke again.

"There, they won't follow you here for now at least, and even then it will take them some time to relocate your position here. At least though we can talk and you can make a decision on what you want to do. My name is John Druitt, welcome to the Budapest Sanctuary. Have you heard of the Sanctuary, or Helen Magnus?"
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Victor seemed to relax, slightly, after the shift. The gauntlet seemed to dissolve into smoke that drifted away when he did.

After Druitt asked his question, Victor's eyes narrowed slightly and his brow furrowed. "Vaguely, in passing..." A brief pause followed before he shook his head, adding, "Nope... I can't seem to recall any more than hearing both mentioned before."
Re: Budapest, Hungary

John nodded.

"Most have heard of the name in passing. Helen Magnus is the global Sanctuary network leader. She founded the Sanctuaries over a century ago, building on the work of her father. Yes, she's still alive. If you'd like to meet her, she's due to arrive here for an unrelated matter in about an hour from now. I'm sure you must have a lot of questions, some of which we can answer, some may be better for her to answer for you."
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Victor shrugged. "I suppose it couldn't hurt. If nothing else, might find a way to handle some things I... acquired previously."
Re: Budapest, Hungary

John nodded to this, half chuckling.

"Is there anything you would like in the meantime, or anything you'd like to ask the two of us? If not, perhaps a tour of the place?"
Re: Budapest, Hungary

A slight frown, then... "Thinking about it... Some food doesn't sound that bad."
Re: Budapest, Hungary

"This way then. There's just about everything available in these pantries."

Soon enough, Victor found himself in a large pantry, filled with so much food and materials to cook it with that one might not even know where to start!

((Leaving it up to you what to make, and that will ofc take up some time which is perfect for this.))
Re: Budapest, Hungary

After getting something that fit his interests, Victor got around to eating. If Druitt or the Yeti might pick up on the fact that their "find" was still on his guard. Of course, he might not even be fully aware of that. It might strike one of them that there could be a reason beyond him being an abnormal behind why the Cabal was after him.
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Neither one said anything about Victor being on guard, perhaps they were used to it, or just too polite to say anything. A short time later, the big guy excused himself to go meet up with Magnus, informing Victor he'd bring her here so he could finish eating.

After he left, John spoke to him.

"So, out of curiosity, what did you do to make the Cabal so angry with you?"
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Victor held off answering the question until his mouth and throat were clear. "A couple of things, really... They'd decided to experiment on me, and when things apparently didn't turn out the way they'd wanted... Well, I wasn't exactly co-operative about the whole 'Get rid of the mistake' issue. Also, I kind of left with a few items of theirs... Including a few USB drives. Haven't had a chance to see what, if anything, is on them."
Re: Budapest, Hungary

John nodded slowly.

"I see, well anything that ruffles their feathers so to speak is a welcome thing. With any luck you stole something vital. It would be nice if it was something on Lazarus."
Re: Budapest, Hungary

Victor shrugged. "No idea. I was in some kind of office when I grabbed them. No labels, and no one to ask about them. Not that I'd likely have gotten a useful response if there had been."
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