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C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
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Choose Your Own Adventure! Diagasvesle Style 3!

Hello all! I’ve decided to try to do another CYOA! For all to know, this CYOA will a rogue-like set into the standard fantasy area with genericness! Also I am going to be using ideas from Smokefish and others that have made CYOA stories. If they want I will put up disclaimers for them here, also give them credit etc.

So here we go:

Character Selection!
Warrior Characters
Name: Aleka Rovineton
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Battle Starved Warrior

Description: A caramel skinned women with a set of hefty GG cups influenced by her muscled body. Most of the fat on her body is located inside of her breasts making them soft and not that perky and sagging a bit as soon as she removes her clothing. She also has quite a few scars on her arms, legs and stomach. Her face is no great beauty and if it wasn’t constantly kept stern or smiling in a blood crazed way, she would be quite pretty or almost beautiful if she took some time to apply make-up. Has darkish brown hair seemingly looking to be black as well as hazel eyes.

History: Aleka had a crappy town life and instead of becoming a prostitute she instead chose to became an adventurer by killing the man pimping her out and stealing his stuff and running and living. Amazingly she survived and thrived in her environment through she is still quite unknown. (More History Given upon being selected.)

Age: 32 – Getting on in the years through Aleka is not concerned.
Height: 5’08
Breast Status: GG Cup Size. Soft and saggy. Easily serves as good pillows.
Nipple/Areola Status: Large nipples, easily pinchable and suckable. Big Areola that is darker then her skin.
Pussy/Ass Status: Well Used. Especially whenever a fight finishes. Very Loose.

Fighting always gets her aroused.
Her First Options are always Violence
She does not notice pain or pleasure while in a fight.
Prefers using axes and generally up close and personal hacking weapons.


Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

History: Mara is considered young by her older racial members. Still Mara yearned to be out and doing something instead of settling into diplomacy or graceful magic as others of her race were wont to do. So instead Mara hired a passing human sword mercenary to teach her and in return she would pay him. (More History Given Upon being selected.)

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: C cups and very perky. (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Disdainful towards any that fight at range.
Does not like being the diplomatic one of any group she is a part of.
Somewhat Naïve of the world.
Prefers using very stabby weapons, rapiers daggers things to quickly stab in and out.. In and out.

Ranger Characters
Name: Saria Greennight
Gender: Female
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Ranger
Sub-Class: LongBow Artist

Description: The most important thing about noticing Saria is her green eyes. They shine like bright spring leaves and remind anyone of nice blooming forest. Other then that, Saria has a great face but not an all that curvy body. Her form is lithe and lacks cushioning. Still she has respectable B-Cups along with nice pale skin and green hair.

History: Born to a male human and a female elf, Saria is raised by her mother till the age of 40, wanting to put to practice her learnt skills and gain experience not to mention to get out from under her mothers shadow. (More History Given upon being selected.)

Age: 87
Height: 5’03
Breast Status: B-Cups, very perky. Also very nice to squeeze and squish.
Nipple/Areola Status: Small and always perky. Small Circles a light pink.
Pussy/Ass Status:

Likens the useage of longbows the best
Not that great of strength in using Mechanical bows.
Has a strangeness to watch mating creatures (non-elfin human humanoid.)


Name: Laurisse Naimme
Gender: Female
Race: Wood-Elf
Class: Ranger
Sub-Class: Natures Fighter

Description: Laurisse is a quite bountiful elf, with a a beautiful face and a very lecherous body to match up with her beauty. With hefty K cups that have began a descent into sagging even with her elven grace. She has dusky brown skins with tints green. Her hair is the color of wild grass with its greenness and her wooden brown eyes.

History: Laurisse was born in a wood elf colony and followed the similar path of many of her brethren. Albeit Laurisse would take it much farther. Still she wanders from woods to woods trying to eliminate as many ‘evil’ creatures as she can. (More History Given Upon Picked)

Age: 235
Height: 5’06
Breast Status: K cups that are heavy large, saggy and very fun to squeeze.
Nipple/Areola Status: Big thick suckable nipples. They can almost easily be grabbed once aroused. Her areola are big circles that can sometimes be seen peeking from around her clothing.
Pussy/Ass Status: Her pussy is extremely well used, can almost be termed gaping from its useage. Her ass is still reasonably tight.

Only uses wooden bows, crossbows and found feathers.
Suffers penalties from being in towns.
Knows how to use her body to get what she wants.
Has a heavy animal fetish.

Mage Characters
Name: Arie Smith
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Sub-Class: Tantric Ritual User

Description: A voluptuous women Arie is most definitely. With a generous dose of E cups breasts that always somehow managed to seem to spill and attract attention even in the most dour of clothing. Her face always seems to be beautiful to the others eye even as the notable chararestics of her red hair and shimmering blue eyes. Or her enticingly creamy skin.

History: Arie was born to a peasant family but managed to show accidental magic at early in her life, marking her as a mage but more importantly as a sorcereress. She was recruited by a passing hedge mage and began her studies adapting easily to them.. (More History Given upon being chosen.)

Age: Wouldn’t you like to know?
Height: 5’07
Breast Status: E cups that almost seem to be defying gravity and bouncing at the most inopportune times.
Nipple/Areola Status: Seeing these plump big nipples is just delectable. They almost always seem to show even with the most restraining undergarments.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virginal Tight. Virginal Tight. Maybe even tighter.

Sex, sex and booze.
Always looking for a quick lay.
Hates being denied her impulses.
Likes to solve things with more subtle touches.


(Submitted by Kathy – Thank you Kathy)
Name: Allise Rifenton
Gender: Female
Race: Elven
Class: Mage
Sub-Class: In-Training-Researcher

Description: (Thank you to Kathy for allowing me useage of this.) Though she has natural elven flow of movement, she's only recently grown into her more mature form, still growing a bit, her attempts at 'elven grace' aren't quite as refined as her skill in spellcasting, often resulting in what should be the subtlest of flowing gestures and the kind of uncertain gaze that other species so often find transfixing, turning into her curvy hips and large breasts swaying as if she was a sleezy barmaid looking to pick up some work on the side, and gives every guy a 'come fuck me' look. (My Additions) Her enticingly plump breasts, , combined with her eye-catching violet eyes and raven hair does help either.

At least when she isn't actively try to flaunt her elven charms, she tends to seem more like a normal girl...

History: (Thank you to Kathy for allowing me useage of this.) A bright violet eyed elfen femme, considered far too young by her peers to do anything but remain in classes, but the long, slow studying process elves rely on has left her frustrated and thirsting for knowledge. Remarkably talented for her age, she instinctively casts spells to perform everyday tasks as many of the upper crust of elven society do, but is slightly lacking in the range of spells that other races consider more practical and useful. (IE attack magics or magic that performs tasks beyond the mundane. Though she can go from bed-head to beautiful in less than a minute with a few subtle whispered words of power.)

In her frustration over having practiced to near perfection her latest levitation spell (having spent over two years refining her technique on it), only to be told that there was a minor flaw in it that her teachers insisted she correct before she be allowed to continue her training, ordering her to spend another few months working out the (what she deemed insignificant) flaw. After uttering a string of profanities the likes of which most lesser races would not develop for several thousand years, in the privacy of her own room, of course, she filed for a leave of absence to continue her training privately as recommended by her tutors. Though against their knowledge, she decided to seek out spellcasters of other races, desiring to hasten the way she learns magic from the endless droning on of the elven methods of training mages. (Hmmmm has more history but will put more history in if chosen.)

Aesthetics (Thank you Kathy for allowing me useage of this.)
Age: 61
Height: 5’02
Nipple/Areola status: Larger than average, easily grabbable when excited, but don't stand out too heavily against her clothes even when she is (very soft and tender). Her areolas especially are quite large and 'skimpy' outfits are likely to show them off without meaning to.
Pussy/Ass: Utterly virginal, she's experimented playing with herself a few times, but climaxes hard in a fit of gentle squeals before she's ever tried anything... more. Always feeling slightly ashamed afterwards for having gotten such ideas out of biology books.

Although she's trying to fit in and has learned to attempt most things without magic, she often instinctively relies heavily on magic for things most people will consider mundane. From combing her hair or fetching something from across the room, to heating a tea kettle or guarding herself from the rain. This is due to elven methods of helping build magical stamina encouraging students to do everything this way, but may be viewed as 'showing off' in the outside world.

Loves a good book, something that will actually teach her something new acts as a perfect distraction for her, the entire world melting away around her often for hours once she gets into it.

Generally naive. Having lived the sheltered life of elven aristocracy in magic training, she's experienced things such as fine wines and social gatherings, but only on her society's terms. Getting plastered, attending a 'common' party or a tavern social, and countless other things in the daily lives of others are simply beyond her, and without someone to directly teach her proper ettiquitte (or a book on it), she will find herself at a loss for picking up on the way of the world.

Other magic quirks:
Knowing limited combat magics, she tends to rely heavily on the few spells she does know. She may attempt to use other magics to aid her, but most of her spells are utility magics, giving very little use in a fight.

If entering combat after having rested, her magic reserves are much higher than mages that haven't had her style of training, however as she tends to frivilously expend her magic doing every mundane thing, she may easily find herself drained over the course of a day, not giving pause to worry about keeping a high reserve in case of needing it.

Those are the characters and to vote for them..
A. Aleka Rovineton – Blood Starved Warrior
B. Mara Naaaskein – Graceful Duelist
C. Saria Greennight – Long Bow Artist
D. Laurisse Naimme – Natures Fighter
E. Arie Smith – Tantric User
F. Allise Rifenton – In training Mage

On a note – Characters not selected will still be in the CYOA, but in different places.

Styles of Voting:
Main Style of Voting will be for the main character in which every person can vote. (IE A – Do this, B do that etc.)
Secondary Style of Voting will be where each voter can effectively try and influence npcs and others around the character to do things. The voters can only influence 1 being. As for how the voters can do this, that will be a secret :p (Thank you Rk for the idea.)

There will be a stat system in this but it will only be shown at the start. Don’t want people picking for strongest character.

Additional Votes: The variances of the world is basically Hard, Easy, Medium or Insane
1. Dark World
2. Light World
3. Normal World
4. Insane World

A/N – I will be making things up as we go along.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

E because...tantric! and 3
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

A: axes, big weapons and loose pussy :3

4: 'Cos I wanna a fun and difficult game, for once.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B3 do you not see they always bounce no matter what clothing. Bouncing boobs 24/7 not to mention jiggling at every move
-virgin in at least one hole
-good fighter
-boob candy
-what's not to love?

Lolz 3 way tie?
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

D1 for the huge boobies. ;)
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B3 do you not see they always bounce no matter what clothing. Bouncing boobs 24/7 not to mention jiggling at every move
-virgin in at least one hole
-good fighter
-boob candy
-what's not to love?

Lolz 3 way tie?

Well what do you know, it is a tie. Through I will be updating in a few hours (hopefully.)

Vote Tie
B - Miss Constant Jiggling (Her breasts will always jiggle but only as long as she is actually moving. )
D - Miss Mega Juggs and beastiality. ( She will have trouble in cities but otherwise then that she should be fine besides her huge breasts attracting attention.)
E - Sex sorcerores (Kinda of eh for me but if you want then I will do a cyoa with her.)

Voted Locked
Dark World difficulty
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3


Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B. Nothing like seeing a stuck up prim and proper get it, also interested to find out why her arse isn't quite mint condition.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B Jello Top -4 Mr.Me, Bloodshifter, tentanariX, Genius700
D Agent K? -3 Mind Flayer, Caramoor, Plmnko
E Sex N' Rum! -3 GargantuaBlarg, Nightshade99, Sturm
Don't bother double voting Unless its to change vote

Count as of 1hr after notice *updates hourly depending on my time off TGIF*
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Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

If we are still doing tie-breaking I will change my vote to D. Though I wouldn't mind either of the others.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

I'm gonna change my vote to B1 from my original vote.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

B. Jiggle physics ahoy.
Re: C.Y.O.A.S Diagasvesle Style 3

And waiting out a bit longer got more votes. Please expect an update from 2 to 8 hours now. If I do not update, send me a pm to remind me.

Vote Locked
B. Mara Naaaskein.
1. Dark World.

Edited in:

Difficulty: Dark World (Hard Mode.)

Character Chosen
Name: Mara Naaaskein
Gender: Female
Race: Elvish
Class: Warrior
Sub-Class: Graceful Duelist

Description: A goldish colored elf. Mara is by her standards of her race pretty while by other races standards she is seen as beautiful. Her body is muscled nicely to inspire those looking to think of her swift and strong. While she lacks scars to symbolize her experience, her eyes tell enough that she knows how to fight. She has a quite nice breasts of C cup, very perk and firm through they always seem to bounce no matter what she does. Nice shimmering bronze hair with darkish brown eyes.

History: Mara is considered young by her older racial members. Still Mara yearned to be out and doing something instead of settling into diplomacy or graceful magic as others of her race were wont to do. So instead Mara hired a passing human sword mercenary to teach her and in return she would pay him. (More History Given Upon being selected.)

Additional History: Mara while traveling with the sword mercenary continually made him angry with her disdain towards his species until he got to the point where he was no longer willing to accept her money and quite willingly going to leave her where she was. Mara of course challenged him to a duel to force him to continue to server as her instructor and help her throughout the world! The mercenary answered her challenge that if he succeeded then she had to sleep with him continually throughout her training till she managed to defeat. Mara scoffed and fought him, believeing she would win... Mara did not of course, through older then him, she had not nearly as much expierence nor willingness to fight even after a few superficial cuts. Mara ended up waking with her ass on fire more then a few times as the mercenary took her ass for his own, not wanting to get her pregnant and deal with a half-elf child. This continued for a few weeks before Mara finally succeeded in defeating him and as a spiteful women, killing him. With this Mara began her adventures, taking all the money on the mercenaray as her own.

Age: 132
Height: 5’11
Breast Status: C cups and very perky. (And unknowningly cursed by one of her admirers to always bounce and jiggle at her movements, no matter how restraining her clothing.)
Nipple/Areola Status: Small nipples that needs to be drawn out to play. Small Cirlces on breasts that are more dark golden.
Pussy/Ass Status: Virgin, she does not even masturbate, seeing it as somewhat uncouth. Very tight but not virginal her ass is.

Disdainful towards any that fight at range.
Does not like being the diplomatic one of any group she is a part of.
Somewhat Naïve of the world.
Prefers using very stabby weapons, rapiers daggers things to quickly stab in and out.. In and out.

Vitality: 15 (HP, Resistence to Disease and Poisons.)
Spirit: 13 (MP, Focus and Resistence to distractions.)
Strength: 16 (Physical Output, weight carrying and damage resistence. (Harder muscles mean harder then iron, iron breaks.)
Dexterity: 18 (Reflexes, quickness and escaping from entrapment.)
Intelligence: 12 (Ability to learn, adapt and resist enslavement and notice illusions.)


The world of Kryiola, a strange world set on many axises and different planes. This world was known to many dwellers and walkers to be the utmost strange and yet, very boring at the same time. This is of course ignoring the general wars going on about and the distinct smell of death permeating here and there. Still this is where the adventure starts.

Now my spectators, I am known as the narrator and I welcome you. You see, you have been pulled from your worlds and given the ability to influence 1 creature or person around who our story focuses upon. Of course all of you are able to focus on the person in question but that person is exempt from the one rule. She won't notice your meddling as she will fully believe she is doing this herself. But the choices offered will be only ones that she could think of.

Now Mara, as you can see, has a simple sheet of stats. You won't be able to see her lifeforce or spiritual force. Or in lay mans term her HP and MP. These will only be shown while in combat. Of course you will be told.. sometimes when out of combat but for now, we will check in upon Mara.. But where shall she start? This world is a dark world after all.. Will she be started from when she just left the mercenary and started her journey? Will she end up naked in a dungeon? Capture in a town for the murder of the mercenary? Or even worse, on the running from a goblin horde? CHoices or so many choices... now choose..

1 - Starting from when her history (additional) ends.
2 - Starting naked in a dungeon. (She will have no clue as to how she got there. BUt pros is that it starts actiony.)
3 - Captured in town. (Can expect to lose her virginity almost immediately if she doesn't get out quick.)
4 - Running from a goblin horde. (High chance for a GO. This is also needlessly cruel.)
5 - Other (Must be similar to the ones posted above.)

Secondary Voting
Note if picking 3 or 4 you can influence one prisoner/guard/goblin.

Edit: Just for all to know, some of my primary fetishes are pregnancy, lactation, and breast expansion so those will be my primary focus. (As well as exhbitionism.)
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