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C.Y.O.A.S Sci-fi setting.


Feb 12, 2009
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I havn't done anything even close to creative in a while so I am going to do this type of choose your own adventure story. It will be interesting and differn't, like any of the other CYOA storys that have been made here, I promise. Now lets get started.

The set up Choices:
1.) Male.
2.) Female.

Name Option:
1.) Jack.
2.) Nick.
3.) Drake.
4.) James.
5.) John.

1.) Celia.
2.) Scarlett
3.) Colette
4.) Sheena.
5.) Kim.

The breast Size if vote is female:
1.) A Cup.
2.) B Cup.
3.) C Cup.
4.) D cup.

Cock Size if vote is Male:
1.) 6 Inches Long, 2 Inches thick
2.) 8 Inches Long, 3 Inches Thick

The hair Color:
1.) Brown
2.) Silver
3.) Blue
5.) Blond
7.) Black
8.) Purple
9.) Gray

The eye Color:
1.) Amber
2.) Gold
3.) Red
4.) Blue
5.) Green
6.) Brown
7.) Purple
8.) Gray

1.) Good
2.) Evil
3.) Neutral
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Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

Sure, let's give this a shot!

The set up Choices:
2.) Female.

Name Option:
1.) Celia.

The breast Size if vote is female:
2.) B Cup.

The hair Color:
7.) Black

The eye Color:
1.) Amber

3.) Neutral
Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

The set up Choices:
2.) Female.

Name Option:
1.) Celia.

The breast Size if vote is female:
3.) C Cup.

The hair Color:
7.) Black

The eye Color:
8.) Gray

3.) Neutral
Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

Gender: Female
Name: Scarlett
Breasts: D-Cup
Hair: Other; Red. If Not; Purple
Eyes: Red
Alignment: Evil
The adventure begins! Part 1.

Here are te results.

2.) Female.
1.) Celia.
The breast Size :
2.) C Cup.
The hair Color:
7.) Purple
The eye Color:
1.) Red
3.) Neutral
There were a lot of ties that I had to flip a coin on.

1000 credit. (( In Gauntlet computer ))


Upper Body: Blue body suit.
Right: Suit gauntlet.

Celia felt her mind go into consciousness. As her mind began thinking again she became aware of her location and settings. She was face down in her bedroom sleeping in her ships bed. Her long and purple hair was messy and covering her head. The temperature control system kept her comfortable enough to sleep so primitive things such as blankets were not required. Celia pushed herself up and let out a soft yawn. rubbing her eyes she got up, stretching her arms. She noticed her blue body suits gauntlet. It was able to transact money and fire a somewhat strong laser.

Currently Celia's ship was on auto pilot. She had gone to sleep for a while after sixteen hours of flying her ship. As of now Celia was flying towards an uncharted and unexplored planet that an SOS signal had been sent from. The military had sent her to see if there were any survivors. If so she would contact the military and request transportation ships if her ship were not enough to get the people back. Now that she was awake once again she could continue her mission and navigate her ship through space.

Before heading out of the bedroom she glanced to a photo that rested on her night stand. It was of her and her twin sister together during a winter holiday a year ago. Celia's sister Scarlett... She was Celia's twin sister. She was much less daring and brave then Celia, some would say a coward compared to her twin. Anyone who met Celia or Scarlett then somehow met the other twin the person was always shocked at how different the two are. Instead of going into the field of combat and becoming a bounty hunter she had opened a small shop in the capital of Earth and had lived there, safe and quiet. Scarlett looked a lot like Celia, only she had a size bigger breasts and her eyes were Gray. Celia kept a good connection with Scarlett, as she was her only surviving family, calling her within a twenty four earth hour period.

Forgetting about her sister Celia left her bedroom, walking out to the hall and down the the control room. Celias ship was very small, it had powerful lasers but was very tiny and was really only fit to carry about fifteen people. Going into the small control room and taking a seat on the captains ship she began to switch the ship on Manuel control...

1.) A strange wormhole appears and begins to suck Celia's ship in.
2.) A rouge ship comes out of nowhere and attacks.
3.) Nothing happens and she makes her way to the unknown planet.
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Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

2.) A rouge ship comes out of nowhere and attacks.

Pew pew!
Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

1.) A strange wormhole appears and begins to suck Celia's ship in.

Let's make it CRAAAZY!
Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

3.) Nothing happens and she makes her way to the unknown planet.

just to be an ass :)
Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

Haha, I was thinking of doing that myself Shrike. Oh well, in with the tie breaker!

The adventure begins! Part 2.

Thanks xivvix.
You know I picked a piss poor title for this thing.

1000 credit. (( In Gauntlet computer ))


Upper Body: Blue body suit.
Right: Suit gauntlet.

Celia continued on her journey, sitting in the control chair, as her ship continued to fly through space. It was only a matter of a few hours until she got close to the planet the SOS signal came from. Celia had attempted to establish a communication with someone on the planet a few times but all attempts had failed.

Celia's ship began approaching the planet, getting close to the gravitational pull. Suddenly there was a very light shaking. The ship began vibrating. Celia was surprised at this and checked her computer screen, seeing if anything was happening or wrong. As of now everything was fine, nothing seemed wrong with the ship... Until the ships lights shut off. The entire ships power system failed and everything went black. The shaking became more violent. Celia fearfully said " W-what is going on?!" Still sitting on her chair she felt her heart rate pick up. She felt like she was about to start panicking. Suddenly the ships backup power system kicked in. Red light from emergency lights activated. The computer went back on.

Celia knew she would have to handle this situation fast or she would die. Setting her ship on auto pilot it began zooming towards the planet. Is was going to make an emergency landing. At the last minute, while the computer was still on Celia sent out an SOS signal. She hoped someone would get it.

As the ship began shaking ever harder and the red lights went out Celia knew here ship was about to crash. She hoped she would survive the impact. The ship went into the atmosphere of the planet within seconds it hit the ground, making a small crater. Celia was still clinging to her chair, alive.

Climbing out of her ship and getting out of her emergency hatch Celia crawled out her ship. Her red eyes examined the entire area around her. It seemed she had landed inside some odd jungle. It looked similar to an Earth jungle, however the grass type plant on the the ground were a light blue and the trees all around her were odd looking and shades of blue and purple. Standing up and getting her wits back Celia wondered on what to do next.

1.) Random encounter.
2.) Celia goes off and investigates the jungle.
3.) Celia stays put near her destroyed ship.
Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

All of that noise and sprayed earth (er, alien dirt) is probably going to scare the crap out of anybody... or at least give folks cause to wait for a little while to make sure the ship isn't going to explode.

Let's go with 2. Celia can grab some supplies from her ship and... if the SOS is coming from the planet anywhere, maybe she can try to track it?
Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

All of that noise and sprayed earth (er, alien dirt) is probably going to scare the crap out of anybody... or at least give folks cause to wait for a little while to make sure the ship isn't going to explode.

Let's go with 2. Celia can grab some supplies from her ship and... if the SOS is coming from the planet anywhere, maybe she can try to track it?

I am lazy so I am going with Wallpaper's vote.
Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

Edit: Haha, vote invalid. Question remains.

Question: Does she have some sort of tracking device, so that she can make her way back to the ship if she is lost?
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Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

To answer your guys questions Celia has a tracker in her gauntlet. Her gauntlet has a computer system in it that can track things, transfer money, and other such things. It is also her main method of combat, being able to fire lasers and charge up blasts.
Part 3.

Ok I think it's time to continue.

1000 credit. (( In Gauntlet computer ))


Upper Body: Blue body suit.
Right: Suit gauntlet.

Celia had sat down on the light blue grass, calming herself down. Her blood was rushing and her heart was pounding after she had somehow survived the ship crash. The soil on the planet was very rich and much softer the Earth soil so Celia figured that's why she survived the crash, or because of advanced ship crashing technology, it was anyones guess. While she did survive the crash her ship was totaled and would not be operational, or even usable ever again. She could try and get scrap parts or supplies from it, if she really needed to. If help was not found before dark she figured she would use her broken and totaled ship for shelter.

Celia had also been using her gauntlet, while she calmed down, to try and locate where the SOS signal had come from. After a few minutes of her gauntlet computer scanning the area it had found the location. Oddly the SOS signal had come from only a mile away, north from Celia's location. It seemed that it wouldn't take to long or be that difficult so Celia decided now would be the best time to go to where the signal came from, possible find survivors or something.

Standing up, feeling calm, and after a quick stretch Celia began walking north, avoiding tree's and the strange light blue bushes that grew from the ground. Looking up in the sky with her red eyes Celia noticed it was green. Very weird looking.

Some time passes.

After some time of walking and going through this very mysterious, odd, and silent jungle Celia was halfway to the location where the SOS signal was created and sent. As she continued to Walk Celia couldn't help but feel that she was... That she was being watched.

1.) Encounter a stray animal.
2.) Encounter violent plant life.
3.) Encounter nothing and Celia makes her way to the location.
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Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA

3, but only if you're planning on building up the 'someone is watching me' feeling into the future -- I definitely don't want to discard that as an option, but I'd rather see it drawn out a little longer! Tension can be good! >:D
Re: Such an odd adventure. CYOA
