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Calgary, Alberta - Canada

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Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek paused as he watched the door. It didn't look like anything special, but he knew that it was a tough barrier. This reminded him of one thing - right now, the creature was probably incapable of leaving the Catacombs because of the door. The ghoul would have to close it after entering. This was a good moment to attack someone, he knew it. Adrenaline surged through his body as Przemek moved towards the door. Keeping his guard up, he prepared to open the door and enter the Catacomb, then close the entrance... And begin the hunt.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek made it through the door without incident, and the only thing he could see was the long network of catacombs before him, though a single rat scurried away from him in terror.

Miranda smiled.

"Alright, lead the way, and if it needs cooking I'll do my best."

She seemed quite happy now.

Chris didn't give Zaleia any trouble, simply nodding.

"That much I can definitely understand. I've been there myself, not knowing who to trust. I came to trust Dr. Magnus, I'm hopeful you will too. Ah, one moment."

A beeping sound alerted him to the fact the tests were done. After a moment, he nodded.

"Well, good news is your not infected with Lazarus, which is good for both of us really. The bad news is that I've got some form of anomaly within the area it appears you were shot in. Still some kind of residual trace of ... well, honestly, I'm not sure what the hell it is I'm picking up. I don't think it's immediately a danger, though with over exertion it could potentially become a problem. If you don't mind, I'd like to keep this on file and show it to Dr, Magnus, she may be able to make more sense of it than I can with the limited information on you I have to work with. I have a feeling you'll shrug me off, but would you at least be willing to wait here until she gets back, just in case?"

On the last comment, he seemed slightly hesitant, though Zaleia would likely get the impression it was more so because he didn't want to scare her off or anything.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*raising an eyebrow at what he said she leaned forward to see what he was looking at...as if it would make any sense to her*

"wadda ya mean residual trace? i dont feel nothing...and exactly how long is it going to be before the doc gets back? I can get antsy sometimes..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

" 'Kay." Mikki says as well, heading off in the general direction of one of the kitchens. She was quite for a fair time, looking to be in a general thoughtful mood. eventually, she opened the pad again and wrote a short sentence.

[Do you have to feed your hair too?]

((If you had a general idea for something and I've sidetracked you, feel free to lead over to it again, I really have no plans ;) ))
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek sighed. Hunting was not a relaxing activity, even if it was very rewarding. Right now, he faced the hardest part of it - finding the prey. Using all of his senses to their full potential, he moved forward, seeking the monstrous serpent. The Catacombs were quite complex and looking for a single being in the network was not easy. However, the ghoul knew that the enemy was huge. This meant the number of places it could use to hide itself was limited. Przemek tried to move quietly - stealth was important now. He had to locate the serpent before alerting it to his presence, then look for a way to deal a killing blow. He tried to recall any areas suitable for the serpent and for himself. If the thing wasn't dumb, it'd be in one of the former. If Przemek really wanted his new shoes, he'd have to draw it into the latter.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Przemek went on in silence for some time, before hearing a faint smashing sound somewhere ahead of him. A more concentrated effort would pinpoint it in the northeast branch of the corridor he was currently in, which as he recalled should dead end, so what the noise was ...

And then it hit him. That area also had been resealed after minor flooding last month had caused the walling there to crack and destroy an old tunnel system leading to the surface, and eventually into one of the more populated areas of the city. It seemed his prey was trying to escape from this place.

As he walked, he discovered a crate that had been brought from South America that was smashed from the inside out. Perhaps the serpent had been 'born' from this?

Miranda smiled.

"No, they gain nourishment whenever I eat, but that actually is something I should probably have Helen put in my file come to think of it. Wouldn't do any good if you folks came across one of us and had to take care of them because they couldn't, and you not know how to."

((Nah, she's just killing time. Somehow I don't think Miranda is going to exactly be the type who can recruit well given her actual appearance.))

Chris actually shrugged.

"Well, I'm glad you don't feel anything nasty from it, almost surely is a good sign. Helen should be back soon, helps having more than one person who can teleport at your disposal. If it really comes down to it I suppose I could take you to her, but then you wouldn't be here where the results are. Suppose I could load them to a port device, but ... well, the UK sanctuary isn't this one. Truth be told ... I've never been comfortable standing in a place almost as old as Helen. London's Sanctuary was built sometime back in the eighteen hundreds, late age. So you can probably guess how old Helen is roughly by that."

He continued to squint at the screen, pointing to part of the genetic readout being off key.

"That section of your genetic structure, it seems to still have some form of residual ... echo to it. I can't tell if it's natural for you, and being's I don't know what your capable of, I can't really guess. Plus, I'm willing to bet you won't tell me anything more about yourself, so it severely limits what I can understand and do for you. If I had to guess, I'd be inclined to think that this echo messing with the scanner is residual effect from being shot, almost seems like they were trying to ... well ... Liquify or break your body down in some way to contain it in a small object, and it didn't work like they thought, but it's just a guess. Though ... if they were wanting to experiment on you like they usually do with others, doing such a thing to an abnormal other than a shapeshifter would outright kill them. Unless ... your one?"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"No offense Chris but I don't know much about you and this sanctuary place or people..orbthe cabal for that matter. All I know is I have seen a lot of weird stuff happen today the majority of which I didn't think possible...I figured I was one of a kind till today. So until I learn more I'm gonna have to keep a bit of my personal info just that....personal."

*she offered a small half smile and a shrug*

"Tell ya this much though..ill stick around and give you all the chance to convince me though"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

'Oh crap.'

Przemek quickly put things together. The snake probably figured out how to leave this desolate place and if it somehow managed to reach the tunnels, then it wouldn't take long before it realized what kind of opportunity awaited it. If it managed to reach the city, no one would be able to stop it. The agents wouldn't be able to locate and neutralize the creature before it killed someone. The thing was a vicious beast that probably came from a place where even the smallest things can kill quickly, and there was a chance that it would adapt well to the urban jungle. This monstrosity had to be captured or killed before it got out... And the ghoul knew he had no chance of doing the former on his own.

The scientists would probably like to have it alive, but Przemek didn't care. He'd give them the biggest pieces later. Knowing where his prey is most likely heading, he began to move at a quick pace. Hoping that Sally warned someone above as well, he ran towards the breach. It was a race against time - fortunately, the ghoul's enhanced strenght and speed gave him a chance of catching up. He couldn't move as quietly as before, but he still kept his guard up and senses sharp. Perhaps he'd detect a trail on his way...
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Once more he nodded.

"Fair enough, and perfectly understandable. Hell, to be honest with you, there are some things about myself that I don't even know. Truth be told, I'm a little afraid of actually finding new things out about myself you know?"

A slight smile then he added, "and I promise we'll do our very best to accomodate for anything you need while your here. In the meantime ..."

He trailed off as a radio beeped.

"Excuse me one moment. Chris here, go ahead?"

A rather deep, gravelly voice came over the radio.

"Chris, I'm to inform you Helen should be on her way soon. We had a bit of a run in with the Cabal, chasing down a group now that confronted us. Be advised they've devised new pulse weaponry, seems to act on a sub-sonic level."

"Copy that big guy, anything else?"

"No, that's all. Gotta run now, still hunting to be done."

Chris closed off the channel then looked to Zaleia.

"In case your wondering, we call him the big guy because his name is really hard to pronounce. He's ... well, don't be alarmed, but the big guy is a yeti, and a friend. In London right now, at least I think he is still, and he's got even more reason than any of us to hate the Cabal. About ... oh, I think four months or so ago they attacked a group of his kind outside Siberia and murdered his mate when she refused to go with them and work for them. He's been itching for some payback ever since then."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*gave a shake of her head at his last little bit of information* "sorry to disappoint you but i wasnt wondering..just figured he might be big? but a yeti now too huh..today has been a hell of a day...cyclops...vampire dude...mermaid...now a yeti...what else can you throw out there to test my sanity...hypothetical question dont you even dare try and act on it!"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

This time Chris laughed heartily.

"I was just about to say, do you really want me to answer that question? Between you and I here, there are beings I've seen that creep even ME out, and that's near impossible to do. So anyway, I was wondering here, it may be a little bit before Helen gets here, do you want a tour of the place, or something to eat? Starting to feel like a bad host here."

Przemek didn't take long to pick up a trail, his prey wasn't exactly bothering to try and hide. Though it did seem to be faster than he gave it credit for, and it did have the advantage of a head start.

It wasn't long before he came across a spot where the creature had to have been only a short time ago, the floor was still slimy, and stank awful. He also, just a few feet further into the tunnel, came across the half devoured corpse of what might have once been a person. Only the lower half remained, and it was still oozing blood, so the kill was recent.

Assuming he could easily pick up the scent of blood, those senses would lead him closer still to the creature, giving him yet another clue to tracing it.
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*rubbed her hands together and grinned*

"oooohh food definately! i could use a burger or something...anything really i'm starving to death! you would be surprised how hungry ya get making the trip from newyork to here...where to? lead the way oh host extrordinaire"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Shaking his head in amusement, he led her off to the closest kitchen, for there were in fact several of them in a place this size.

Soon, they were standing in one, Chris rummaging through what they had.

"Alright, we have burgers, hot dogs, chicken, sea food and a bunch of other stuff that I don't recognize. Pretty much take your pick."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*giving her hands a calp she leaned in next to him to peer at the food and made a small joke*
"well i would ask for the biggest one ya have but with a yeti i could imagine e would eat a pretty big one himself..so just a good one for me! surprises even me sometimes the amount of food i can eat without ever gaining a single pound....i'm special"
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Chuckling, he nodded.

"Alright, let's see how this turns out then."

Grabbing some hamburger meat after putting on some gloves, he began to shape a rather impressive looking burger out of it, then seasoned it with a number of things Zaleia didn't exactly know of, but had seen be used before. Then, he pulled out a pan to cook it up in, and lit the stove.

It was a few minutes later when he pulled it out of the pan, and set it into a hamburger bun.

"What do you usually put on them? I'll bring them over to ya."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*smiling she felt her stomache grumble at the idea of food she was definately hungry.*

"ooohh a little mustard and mayo actually...anything else is just based on whats available..but the burger and those two there and i'll be a happy camper."

*living on her own with no legitimate source of income usually had its way of leaving her without food on a day but she usually made it up in her sneaky ways. she would be afraid to admitting to being a thief on occassion to get something to eat*
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

He nodded, then passed them over to her.

"We've got ketchup, pickles, might be some tomato's and lettuce in the drawer there. Just let me know, and if we have it you can use it."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

*shook her head as she had everything before her she really wanted and taking up a conveinently presented butter knife she began to spread a little mayo and then some mustard onto the bun of her hamburger before closing it back up and chowing down*

"mmmm thats a good one...too used to just fast food...the only thing that ever keeps up with me it seems..."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

Another light chuckle as he set about cleaning the pan and putting away the rest of the stuff.

"Yeah, fast food sometimes is a saver for time. Though I generally prefer making stuff here, quality of food is better. Not entirely sure where they get it all from, but it's always good food, sometimes the meats make me wonder if they got it from a longhorn's steak house or something though."
Re: Calgary, Alberta - Canada

"keep telling me things like that and i might stay just for the food alone..trust me my choices arnt the best when i'm on the road alone..but i get by. so what else is interesting here? like what is your tour gonna show me hmm?"

*taking another bite of her burger she took a little look around quick and tilted her head some*

"canf i haf somefing to drink?" *swallowing the bite she grinned a bit* "sorry bad habit"
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