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Calgary Sanctuary, Canada


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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This Sanctuary is the largest, and most heavily fortified Sanctuary on the planet. Home to literally thousands of different abnormal species, it has stood as a beacon of hope to all abnormals since 1955. A normal day usually is quiet, but every now and then there is excitement. Sometimes a black market ring needs to be busted up to prevent innocent abnormals, or their body parts from being sold, usually something Kate Freelander brings up and tracks down.

Other times a new abnormal is brought in, and every now and then Sanctuary teams must go out into the field to recover an abnormal, or capture one so it does not harm humans.

The Sanctuary itself is comprised of seven floors, plus a basement, each with a unique layout. The ground floor consists of the main entry points, as well as a back entry point for bringing in larger abnormals, or more difficult ones. It also houses most of the main technical center, and control nexus of the Sanctuary, which is towards the central point. There are numerous offices as well, and a number of bedrooms for either guests, or residents. These bedrooms of course are present on all floors, though the seventh floor is reserved only for Sanctuary staff. It is also home to the Mermaid Tank.

The second floor is home to the bulk of the medical facilities, research labs and mechanical robotics labs. It is also sealable, meaning that in the event of a biological containment breach, such as a disease, the entire floor can be completely vacuum sealed away from the others, ensuring containment is not broken, and no one outside of that floor is in any danger.

The third floor is home to a back up lab, which can be used to digitally research all activities from the second floor, to help find a cure for those trapped if it ever came to that. It is also home to much of the redundant backups the Sanctuary has, and thus has very few people on it at any given time.

The fourth floor is home to the primary resident chambers. This is where most who live at the Sanctuary call home, and as such the entire floor is dedicated to living arrangements.

The fifth floor is home to both storage of goods, and secondary resident rooms, in the event they are needed. Usually this is only used for storage, but every now and then there has been need to open up these backup rooms for guests, or refugees who won't be permanently staying.

The sixth floor is mostly used for automated generators, which kick in if the power goes out. This is also where the main security systems are located, particularly the generator for the E.M shield. Due to it's size, the generator for the shield literally takes up half the floor itself.

The seventh floor is home to the Shoe. The shoe is a menagarie for all dangerous abnormals, those that harm humans because they choose to, or because they know no other way. For example, a few species, such as the Snilkara, are large creatures that literally eat humans as food, or any meat they can. As such, they are too dangerous to be allowed to roam free, and must have special containment. Another type of creature resembles a Plant Girl, who, while not exactly dangerous, seems to garner at least some of her sustenance by having sex with other abnormals. To that effect, she has evolved with a potent pollen that influences most abnormal species into desiring her, ignoring what she truly is. The pollen influences both Male, and Female, and the plant girl has suitable methods for pleasuring both. As far as anyone knows, her species is exceptionally rare, and has never killed another living being. However, to have her running loose would be problematic considering her inability to control her own urges, or stop her pollen from being released. In addition, her species has been hunted for years now due to the powerful drug like effects of their pollen. Some have sought them out, with protective gear on, simply to harvest their pollen to be used in creating one of the most powerful, and undetectable rape drugs on the planet.

The basement is home to backup medical facilities, as well as the old steam heating duct system, which runs through the entire building, and hasn't been used since 1977. It also connects to the Catacombs that run beneath the Sanctuary, into various parts of Calgary. These catacombs are documented by Sanctuary people, but are not present on any map you'd find at a store, or online, as the entry points were hidden well when Helen Magnus first scouted the area, looking to build a Sanctuary here. The Catacombs in actuality may have been constructed at one point by the Sanguine Vampirus, and as such were hidden in such a way that only those who knew them extremely well, or one of their own, could find them.

((Everyone will start inside the Sanctuary who is already a part, or, if you are about to arrive, this is where you will post by knocking on one of the main entry points.))


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael sat on the trunk that carried his few personal belongings, and looked at the bag he'd been carrying along with it. After the looking over the latest pass of "findings", it had become clear... he needed more resources than he had access to on his own.

After getting some help from a contact of his to get most of the way there, he had followed the four-year old directions carefully, and now was within sight of his destination. Of course, his own habits meant that he was now sitting under a nearby tree, waiting.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Winona was currently in the fourth floor common room, reclining on a comfortable chair across from Helen Magnus, a chess set arranged between them, half finished. "You mentioned you had some questions, Dear?" She asked softly of the other woman, leaning forwards to advance a knight.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Helen nodded slightly, pausing only long enough to move her own piece, a Bishop.

"I was curious, how exactly is it your people managed to learn as much as they did about the Cabal, yet never be discovered by them. Surely there's at least some kind of explanation you can give me."

Michael hadn't been sitting for terribly long before he heard noise. A quick glance would show three people coming up one of the walk ways, two men and a stunningly attractive brunette. As they drew closer, he could see that two of them, the girl and the shorter of the men, were obviously quite close. When they spotted him though, they slowed down, and the taller of the two men, whom he couldn't quite make out features of at this distance, seemed to say something to the other two, who in turn nodded to him and then kept walking back towards the Sanctuary.

In the meantime, the taller of the two began to jog slightly over to where Michael was, and as he got closer, his features became apparent.

He was tall, probably Six foot Eight, and built strong. He had brown hair, and seemed quite familiar to Michael. It might take him a moment to place how he'd know the man, since he'd never actually met him, and then it clicked.

Christopher Andrews. He'd seen intel files on him before. It seemed he'd finally caught up to the man.

Chris finally got close enough to be heard, and slowed to a walk.

"Can I help you sir?"

Well, at least he was polite.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

As Christopher neared, Michael stood up. Interestingly, the slightly shorter man's expression seemed to be almost hidden in the shadows of the tree as he answered. "In a way. I've gathered some information about the plans of a group of mutual interest to us... The Cabal."

A breath, then: "We've got at best forty-eight hours to work through it, by the way."


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Winona chuckled, leaning forward once again to advance a rook. "There's an old wives take, says you're never more than four feet away from a spider." She answered teasingly, letting a wolf spider crawl from her sleeve to her palm, reaching over to let it drop to the table so it can perch on her own king.

"It's not entirely true, but the concept is close enough. There are a few issues with using spiders as spies. Finding one of us with the local breed. The long walk in crawlerling to remain undetected. Trying to sneak past biometric scans and into clean rooms. And the crawl back to report. But in the end, even when a few are caught, nobody suspects anything. Just a spider, right?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

In the laboratory area of the Sanctuary, some of the smaller machines were working, sorting and sifting various chemical compounds, slowly working on some form of strange concoctions. Standing before them, Sarah waited, a toe tapping as she glowers at nothing in particular. Idly, she dragged the syringe case out of the well-worn carpet bag next to her, sorting through them. Right now, she was working on diluting many of them- considering her hasty use earlier, the worse thing she needed was an unneeded hour dose to happen again. Some more smaller doses could suffice, muses the woman as she returns it, blowing some of her sandy bangs out of her face as she awaits the process to complete.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Helen smiled slightly, nodding.

"True enough. Ingenious too, a natural evolutionary trait that's almost perfect for recon. It of course has it's drawbacks, but the advantages to it far outweigh them. So tell me though, what was the deciding factor for your people to come out of hiding, or at least enough to work with us?"

If the news affected Chris any, he didn't outwardly show it, though he did seem to speak a bit more slowly when he replied.

"I see. How did you come across said information, and how exactly did you find this place, and know you'd find the right people to tell?"

Sarah's musings were cut off by a sudden light knocking on the door to the section she was in. A quick glance showed it was the lone resident Medusa, Miranda, who slightly waved through the glass, seeming to be asking if she could come in to talk with her.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael shrugged. "Beginning of the year, four years ago, I was in an alleyway in Istanbul. I'd just dealt with a Cabal team that thought I'd fallen into a trap they set. Turns out it was the other way around." He paused long enough to give a slight chuckle, then proceeded. "While I was gathering their carried items that I was after, a man appeared and spoke with me. During my short discussion with him, he mentioned a Cabal project I should look into, as well as giving me directions here and saying that I'd find help here if I ever needed it."

What he said next would likely get some kind of reaction from Chris. "Given that he identified himself as one 'Gregory Magnus' who was the father of one 'Helen Magnus', supposedly a key figure here, I decided that the directions were likely valid."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

There was no visible reaction from Chris, at least not until the elder Magnus' name was dropped. That caused him to blink slightly, though he was polite enough to allow Michael to finish speaking first.

"Gregory Magnus? Well at least that means as of four years ago he was still ... never mind. Yeah, Helen Magnus is his daughter, and the head of the global Sanctuary network. I think she'll want to see you right away, especially if you had contact with her father. She's not seen him in ... some time. Follow me ... I'm sorry, what was your name?"

Clearly, something had gone on that Gregory hadn't told him about.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah looks up at the sound of knocking, red eyes focusing on the glass that seperated them. She shifts from the table she was leaning on, giving a nod and a wave to the medusa to allow her in should she wish. Far as she knew, stuff wasn't too contagious anymore and it was all still sealed in the centrifuges, should be fine.


Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Michael paused a moment in thought, then replied. "I believe that the name I used the last time I had significant contact with Sanctuary personnel was Michael Umbral, so we'll go with that."

After popping some retractable wheels and a long handle out of the trunk he'd been sitting on, he made a slightly dismissive wave of his hand. "I've had reasons over the past ten years to stop using my original name, so don't bother asking about that."

((Probably ought to give Shrike a chance to reply to Helen before moving the guys in there.))


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Miranda nodded, smiling slightly before entering the room and closing the door. What might take Sarah by surprise though was that the usually quiet, but friendly Medusa jumped right into her reasons for being there, something clearly bothering her.

"I need to ask you a favor, but first, a question. Do you have any of those serums of yours, or know how to make one that might influence Medusa physiology, if you knew what you were aiming to accomplish?"

Oh yeah, something was definitely up.

Chris nodded to Michael.

"Yeah, I can understand that. No worries, I wasn't going to ask. Anyway, let's get inside, and once we're there I'll page Dr. Magnus to meet us at the main foyer. We can head to her office as a group after that, unless she has other ideas."

((Give a reply, and a chance for Shrike to get a post in before we kill their chess game :p))


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah pauses, thinking of the best way to word it. Sure, her little... experiments were a happy accident of her own search for a cure, but she had gotten to a somewhat refined form. Perhaps it was time to try and spread out the potential?

"Weeeell... The only one that's really stable for normal human physiology may also work for medusa, or trying to tweak the basic serum so it can work with such different biology... May I ask why however? What's happened?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Miranda hesitated for a moment, seeming to be trying to figure out how to word it appropriately before she responded.

"My people ... around the time of our 25th birthday, we undergo a radical bio-chemical change. This change essentially forces us to mate once a year. If we don't, the build up of the chemical reaction builds to a toxic level, and ultimately ... Well, first it starts as insanity, we lose our ability to reason, and our strength is dramatically enhanced by the changes in our physiology. Once this stage is reached, unless the Medusa in question is subdued, or is able to maintain enough of them self to attempt to ... well, rape someone ... It goes from virtual homicidal tendencies, to paralysis in some, but the end is always the same. If within two weeks of the changes beginning, and the first urges becoming notable we have not mated ... we die. Tomorrow is my 25th birthday, which means ... this could begin any day now."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah blinks a bit. As always, she has been trying to get used to the strange perks of the creatures around her, but the oddities always did throw her for a loop, especially when they went to areas she... didn't have that much experience in during her time in quarantine. "Oh... I see..." she mumbles idly, face flushing a little lightly. "So, I'm to assume you're primarily looking for a counteragent to the hormonal switch just in case... Or perhaps a way of a synthetic surrogate to calm it when it draws itself out?" She tossed out ideas, even as one of the centrifuges gives a loud ding and halts, her rebalanced chems ready for use at a far less inhibiting timing.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Miranda paused for a moment, considering.

"Synthetic surrogate? If you mean an artificial life form, I'm afraid that wouldn't work. A counter agent to the trigger though ... yes, that might be useful. Even if it only delays it, at least to give me time to perhaps find someone again. Though ... I don't know if that will ever happen. It took seven years to find my first mate. I'm not even sure after what happened that I'm really truly ready for a permanent thing with anyone, despite some of my other feelings. However ... I may not have a choice in this, unless ... well, never mind. Is there anything that you have that would help, that's already made, or that might not take long to manage?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah pauses a little, shaking her head. "Nonono, by surrogate I meant something like my mutation serums, something that adds enough qualities of your race to help quench the heat," she suggested, though a bit of pink did reach her cheeks. "I suppose finding something to act as a suppressant may help, but hell, the stuff I do have seems to only work and play nice as a corpse. I'd hate to see what those odd side effects do to something not, well, human in nature..." She nods slowly though as she listens to the medusa's plight, a concerned frown on her face even if the subject matter did embarrass her slightly.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

That actually drew a laugh from her.

"An animated Medusa is a handful enough. I don't think Helen would ever forgive us if we accidentally turned one undead. I can think of all kinds of ways that might get awkward."

She did turn serious again after a few moments though, seeming to consider the other approach.

"To be honest, I don't know enough about bio-chemical reactions to know if that would even have the desired effect. It might work, or it might make it even worse, Helen's probably better to ask about those things. Or Chris, the man's an absolute genius with those things. I was however, hoping to at least avoid mentioning it to him. I just ... I don't want to go bat shit insane and hurt someone you know? My options are like ... non existent."

As she finished speaking, her hands began to shake slightly, and she glanced down at them, frowning.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Calgary Sanctuary, Canada

Sarah sighs a little, giving a slow nod. "I expect that any solution I do think of probably will require some form of oversight. I admit, my own... research was mostly a happy accident plus whatever my mom did to me earlier during that whole mess. Certainly wasn't planning it. Still, if I was to create a serum with medusa DNA laced in it, based off the mixture from Eldrich, even if it was only temporary..." she muses softly to herself. She pauses as she notes the shaking of her hands, her expression flashing between concern and panic. "It's already started... hasn't it?" she asks, with a slight gulp. She just realized how vulnerable she was- small laboratory room, decently strong individual of a mythical race, standing in the way of the door and about to have hormone overload...