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Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

Ties prove ineffective for being able to update the thread. :|
Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

Well then... I'll go with B because we barely beat a slime.
Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

You're scared. You look between the cultist approaching you and Dan. Dan looks like he's struggling with the cultist holding him, but it doesn't look like he's about to win, he was caught off guard. You look back at the cultist, he's still stepping closer. You takes a small breath, trying to swallow your fear. "O-okay..." You start, quietly. "I'l-I'll come along qu-quietly." You submit.

The man advances. "Good." He says in a rough voice. He gets closer and you tense up, but don't try to do anything. You're submitting, worried about what they might do if you don't. They technically both have Dan and your father held hostage. Dan struggles more, you can see him trying to fight free, but he's not having any luck, and seems a bit stunned when you seem to submit. You've little time to think about that though. The cultist next to you grabs you, spinning you around and grabbing your arms. You feel your arms pulled behind your back, as your wrists feel something rough on them. You realize just now that he's tying you up. You struggle just slightly, but he growls and scares you back into submission. Shortly your wrists are tightly bound with rope, and you feel your elbows follow shortly after. A cloth is tied around your head, a blindfold as the world goes black.

"He-" You open your mouth to protest, but feel a cloth stuffed in as you do. A cloth is tied tightly as a cleave gag, though you wouldn't know the term for that. As you protest you feel yourself receiving a slap, quickly shutting you up. The last thing you feel is being picked up and put over the mans shoulder, carried away.

You realize now your father was calling out for you, but something silenced him, you hope it was simply fright. You haven't heard Dan say anything, but it might be because the same thing happened to him. You have no idea where you are now, but can tell you're being carried underground somewhere. After what feels like forever, you feel yourself put down. You cry out into your gag in small complaint, but nothing changes. You hear a door close, and suspect you are now alone.

Voting Zone!
What do you want to do?
A) Escape! Let's try and get those ropes off.
B) Escape! But let's try to get the blindfold off first.
C) Escape! As above but the gag.
D) Wait, this isn't the best time to do something.
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Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA


Maybe if we can see we'll have an easier time with the ropes.
Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

B. Lets take a look around before we do anything too drastic.
Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

*the64bitbot casts Create Greater Undead on the topic.

It's dark. It's scary. You're worried, frightened. You don't know what's going to happen, and honestly, you don't want to find out. You feel lucky that you're still alive almost, and hope that Dan is too. You need him to be, there's no way you can fight back against these cultists without him. But first you need to escape. You hope that you're alone, you suspect you might be. It's quiet, and maybe they don't have enough men to spare to guard a single girl.

You're not some hero, you're not skilled in fighting, or able to do amazing things. But you don't have to be. You only need to be clever, you only need to be smart. It's up to you to stop whatever is going on here.

You're scared...
But you're not going to let that stop you.

You know your position isn't great, you need more information, you need to be able to see. You feel around a little, you know there has to be a wall, and shortly you find it, it's not far behind you. You work carefully, slowly, rubbing your head and shaking it just lightly to try and loosen the knot.

You manage to get it off. It took some effort, but you did it. It takes your eyes just a moment to adjust, the room is fairly dark, no source of light except through a small crack under the door. You're alone, you know that much. And from the light you can tell there's no one standing directly on the other side of the door. That doesn't mean anything for either side, but for know, you think you might be alone.

Voting Zone!
What do you want to do?
A) Escape! Let's try and get those ropes off.
B) Escape! No, the gag!
C) Pause...maybe you should wait for someone to return.
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Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

Certainly A. The only choices are "try to escape" or "wait, and hope rescue comes before rape". Given that there doesn't seem to be anyone standing outside to punish us for a futile escape attempt... escape seems to be it. And in that case, freeing our hands first will let us free everything else faster.
Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

You need to escape. You know this much. You can't afford to waste time, but you can't afford to waste your energy on a failed escape either. You know you have to take your time, do it carefully so you don't tired yourself out. You've never been tied up before, it's an interesting experience. Although it might be one you've entertained in your head before in an erotic sense, you've never considered it like this.

You take your time with the bindings, carefully thinking through each move as you work your hands and body to loosen the bonds. It's hard work, and even as you try to conserve energy you feel yourself tiring. But you're making progress, or at least, you think so. It gives you strength, helping you in continuing your struggle.

In the end, your efforts bear fruit, it was not hopeless. The ropes slide off your wrists and you can feel them free. They sting a bit, as the ropes had bit in, but you don't feel burdened by it. You're not injured, for that you're glad, and it's a simple thing to remove your gag from there.

You're free now, but you need to consider how to advance. You could leave the cell...or maybe try and wait, see if you can ambush someone who comes in.

Voting Zone!
What do you want to do?
A) Ambush a guard when he enters the room.
B) Leave now.
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Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

Gotta go panickedly flee into a situation we are unable to deal with fast WHAT COULD GO WRONG.

Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

Ah, this one is more difficult. Ambushing a guard would give us a major leg up in the "weapons or keys" department, but it also makes certain assumptions. If two guards come, we're screwed. If they come in cautiously, knowing that we might have escaped our bonds, we're screwed. If we don't beat them instantly (likely, given our experience at knocking people unconscious with our bare hands) then we're screwed. Probably literally, in all cases. High risk, high reward... but too high risk, I say. B.
Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA


Ambushing people isn't nice.
Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

You decide the best course of action is to leave as quickly as possible. There's the chance you might be able to ambush a guard if one comes in to check on you. But that would require first that a guard comes in to check on you, for all you know, they might have just left you in here to starve. The other problem is that you'd need to actually be able to beat them.

You take a deep breath, calming yourself, it's no good to be worked up in this situation. You listen at the door for any sounds that would indicate someone standing guard outside. You don't hear anything, just the faint sound of torches flickering. Hopefully there isn't someone standing at the end of a hallway or something.

You try to gently push the door open, though you find it's locked. Curses! Of course they would lock it, wouldn't they? You sigh, thinking it over, it's unlikely you could break it down...but maybe if you fiddle with the door just right, you can unlock it.

You try, at the very least, because the only other option is to sit back and wait. You try working the door as best you can from this side, nudges and bumps. It's hard and you're not even sure on your progress, but the lock was apparently a simple one, as after a few tedious minutes you're rewarded with the sound of a click from the other side. Trying the door again, you find you've managed to open it.

The hallway beyond seems to be circular, and it doesn't look like there's any guards down here, perhaps they don't have enough people to spare. There's a total of three more doors down here, and you find at some point stairs leading both up and down. It seems like you've got a few choices to make.

Voting Zone!
What do you want to do?
A) Check out some of the other rooms.
--How Many?
B) Use the stairs up.
C) Use the stairs down.
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Re: Cecilia's Tale - A Bitbot CYOA

A - open all the doors!