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Cell W


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Cell W is just another one of the various cells in the hall. This one is currently occupied...
Re: Cell W

I move in closer to the bed and land on the wall observeing the person on the bed for now...
Re: Cell W

The person barely shifted, the lump under the blankets not moving at all...
Re: Cell W

Hmm he thinks to him self might as well make the first move. Shadow Transforms into a Falcon and lands on the floor some ways away from the bed it mostlikely couldn't hear him as a moth if it did then he might actually be in trouble or it could be friend one never knows. The sound from his wings would have no doubt made enough noise to alert the person...
Re: Cell W

A small grumbling growl came from the blanket as it shifted, with the sound of shifting rock sound...
Re: Cell W

I let out a Cry As I take flight in the air a few feet off the ground. Looking at the bed watching waiting...
Re: Cell W

The bedsheet rises in a somewhat humanoid pattern as the creature underneath sniffed around, trying to find the source of the flapping noise. Probably the only comforting thought was the sheets were in a somewhat female-like shape...
Re: Cell W

Shadow Keeps moving but stays in a single general area it was never his intentions to seem hostile he lets out an out cry looking at the figure.
Re: Cell W

With a silent growl, it suddenly leaps upward, the blanket flying off, rocky wings spreading!

Capture attempt!

Difficulty: Hard
Stat Used: Agility
??? Roll: 3+4-4=3

The creature's attempt to grab him fails, and she ends up landing on the wall behind him with a thump!
Re: Cell W

With a loud cry as he evaded the attack he transformed into a Jet black Dragon of his own creation. It was clear that this would be a fight. Flapping his wings he Scanned the woman trying to see what she was as he darted at her...
Re: Cell W

The sudden transformation surprised the girl, making her not move from the wall and look curiously at him with her ruby-encrusted eyes.

The creature was slender, seemingly rather skinny, probably to make up for the weight problems. Her wings were currently folded, seemingly to keep her protected, as they covered much of her torso the way she was sitting. Differing types of runes go along her body and wings, glowing in a candecent calydoscope of colors. Her eyes glowed with a ruby light as she looked at the dragonman through blackish hair.

She didn't shift from her position, but looked at him, trying to gauge what he was doing...
Re: Cell W

He landed and stared at the girl and started to laugh that same laugh when Molly ran in fear. "Am I that scary yes?" He said he took a single step towards her. "Not want to fight any more yes? Perhaps talk yes?" he said staring at the woman.
Re: Cell W

She cocks her head at him, odviosly considering his request. She leaped off the wall, still looking at him with that wierd look.
Re: Cell W

"Can you speak yes? Or perhaps you prefer to play yes? I can get you out of here yes. If you come with me yes." he said takeing anouther step toward her.
Re: Cell W

With a playful "RAWR!" she pounced at you!
Re: Cell W

"Hmmm A bit playful now arnt you yes?" He said as the woman lept at him he of course fell backwards with the woman ontop of him. "I take it you like me then yes?"
Re: Cell W

The gargoyle gave a rumbleing purr as she rubs up against him, her hips raised and her stout tail wagging.
Re: Cell W

His wings folded around them as he placed his hands on her waist. "You want me to play yes? Or perhaps you want something else yes?" he said glideing his hands down her body.
Re: Cell W


Her voice sounds like a hyperactive 3-year-old, but she continues to pin you with her surprisingly light weight.