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Cell W

Re: Cell W

With a small groan, she orgasms, her body shuddering in his grip, eyes closed tight.
Re: Cell W

He grinned withdrawing from her slowly... "Shall we go then." he said grabbing her by the waist and holding her tightly to him...
Re: Cell W

The light little gargoyle giggled a little bit, her runes starting to lower in intensity a bit after her orgasm hit.
Re: Cell W

"I'll take that as a yes then Yes?" He said shifting back into his normal form.
Re: Cell W

She nodded. "Yupyupyup!" she said as she clinged onto you.
Re: Cell W

"Then lets join the others yes?" Then He said jumping up the wall waiting for the vent to be removed so he could rejoin his other "team mates"
Re: Cell W

She nodded with a smile, as Pierce removed the vent. "Now I'm jealous," Onyx said with a smile.