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[Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Kachende smirked at the last of the options given. “I didn’t think you’d be for travel over water, though it doesn’t bother us. I still wouldn’t take that route just because it wastes time for no reason. And I don’t want to travel through some clingy dirt tunnel, either…”
Gahman nodded. “We’re mountain cats,” he pointed out, “We say go over.”
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Ryxis chuckled, keeping Rana glued to his side while he thinks things through. "I prefer the mountain route myself as well, though regardless, I want at least a full day, at least one Day, to make sure everything is sorted before we head out. We're close to the village anyway. First thing I'm gonna do is get some food, get some drink, and relax. We've earned it, and skipping out on our new friends proper welcome would be a serious and gross mistake. It's not fair to her." He said, still heading back towards the village, his mind made up
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

The group then headed homewards to their patch of the Tribegrounds, after their first task well done, and in order to prepare for the next. Rana would remain close to Ryxis, but wasn't shy about making new friends, and the younger ones of their extended family seemed ecstatic over having a second Tiger to climb upon, treatment that Rana didn't oppose but was a little confused over.

Once introductions had been made, and the food and beverage had been served, Rajak would in a well-timed fashion approach Ryxis, his mates oddly enough not in tow for once. "Ah, Ryxis, I see you're making yourself, and our new friend, comfortable. I can't linger for long I am afraid.", he frowned a bit, and glanced over to the prepared food, a brief look but no more. "I need to set out soon, but you still have time to prepare. Have you young ones decided on anything yet, about the journey ahead of you? And if there are any questions, I can do what I can to answer them, but be quick and brief about it, please."
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

As they arrive back at the camp, the cheetah-trio unstring their bows and scatter, with Hera lingering close in case Ryxis or one of the others had more questions.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Nerina stayed near to the tigers, her wings mantled up around her shoulders. She looked longingly out over the grasses, thinking over her family. The tome in her pack seemed to weigh more than ever. When Rajak approached her ears swiveled to listen, but that was the only part of her that moved.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

Ryxis just chuckled and slapped Rajak on the shoulder, before pushing a kit that had almost slipped off the top of his head, back into place with a sigh. "Hold on better you. And yea, we're taking the mountain pass if we can, after a full day to properly prepare and get everything settled. Don't worry about us old man, we'll be fine, but, that said, I have a drink to find, and maps to stare at with Hera until we have a route planned. Then I'll run it passed the Jaguars and see what they think, Nerina, I can see you listening there, I know you don't really care, because you can fly, damned unnatural if you ask me, but if you have anything you'd like to add, be my guest. Now, I'm off to my barrel. Take care of yourself Rajak" Ryxis said, smiling widely despite Kit-hat now swinging from one of his ears precariously.
Re: [Ch01,Battle] Riverside Ruckus [Post-Battle RP]

"Nothing from me, oh fearless leader. I'm quite content either way as long as we don't dawdle in those mountains. I've heard of some pretty terrible monsters living out there." she sat in the same spot, ears still pointed, "Have any reliable reports of what's there come to you, Rajak?"
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

As Helen and Penelope spread out, while Hera stayed by Ryxis side, the two would eventually find themselves approached by a pair of panthers, one male and one female, and looked to be around Rajak's age, the two panthers were donning simple hide armor, and had bows and quivers strung over their backs, marking them as hunters much like the Cheetahs themselves. The female was the one to speak up, "Greetings, you two are part of the group that will be heading east, to trade, yes? Rajak told us about this endeavor, and as we've recently returned from hunting in that area we might have information you young ones could make use of."

The young Kityan boy ontop of Ryxis head would do as ordered by the large tiger, and clambered onto his head with all its tiny might, while purring happily at having gotten the best spot to overlook the camp at. Rajak would grunt lowly at the friendly slap he recieved, but wouldn't return it as he nodded slowly as Ryxis spoke of their chosen plans. "The mountain pass? That would be your best bet, yes. Quickest route to your destination, and while I would like to say the safest, none of the options are entirely safe. I found some of my old friends, a pair of Panthers, returning from a lengthy hunt, they might have information to share.", Rajak paused briefly, and would sit down opposite of Ryxis and his tigress companion, and help himself to whatever beverage was within reach. "Good to see you are thinking things through, there will be plenty to prepare for. I've already spoken with our traders, they will help you out stocking up on goods, but what you bring out there is up to you. The traders will go into more detail about that business."

The older Lion smiled as he was wished well by Ryxis, and would wave the boisterous tiger off. "You do the same, Ryxis, I expect to see you and your friends return in one piece, you know?", as Rajak got off the ground and rose to his feet, he turned to Nerina, a less than pleased grimace set upon him. "You'd be correct about there being rumors about monsters in the mountain, Nerina, but that is all I've heard. As for what I'm dealing with?", Rajak would pause briefly, as if thinking it over, and then frowned displeasedly.

"A bunch of small prides that think they're tough stuff, they've been fighting violently and bloodily as of late, and some of our traders and hunters have fallen victim to them. Me and some others are being sent to deal with them, and I have every intention of doing so.", the Lion groaned lowly, finding no enthusiasm in this task set before him by the looks of it, but it had to be done, much like the battle against the ragtag gang of runnaway kits earlier. "You take care of yourself, Nerina, and the rest of them. Especially the Jaguars; I doubt they could take care of themselves, given how readily they get into trouble."

As for Kachende and Gahman, they had been largely left alone to do their own thing, given their generally grouchy or unsociable attitude, or somesuch.
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

Javelins didn’t grow on trees – not ready-to-use, anyway. More often than not, the weapons were one-use, and the pair of big cats needed to replace the ones they had lost attacking the kittens. Ergo, Kachende and Gahman's immediate stop after returning was to the traders.
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

She grinned, "You know me, I'm more that willing to take care of my friends and family." then her smile faded, "You're the only ones I have left, after all."
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

"Yup, and we're not going anywhere, knows not the time to think on the past Nerina, but the future! So lets get this little venture properly sorted out so Rajak can go thump some upstarts without worrying himself to death" Ryxis said brightly, ushering the panthers to join him, eager to hear what they had to say. The large tiger had been hitting his barrel since morning, but there was plenty left to offer everyone a drink, and he spread his paws out wide, inviting the information. "Well, best fill us in, we've got to cover that ground as efficiently as possible and every little bit helps. So what can we expect?" Ryxis asked.

As for their resident jaguar spear tossers, he was pretty sure they were seeing about either getting new weapons, or fixing recovered ones, but he was certain they'd catch on quick with a short recap, they always did.
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

Helen and Penelope start gathering needed supplies - more arrows, some spare bow strings and other things - while Hera stays with Ryxis to listen to the panther hunters and what they have to say about the route.
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

Kachende & Gahman would be joined by Helen & Penelope as the two groups found themselves heading the same direction; towards the large village's crafts area, where dozens of men and women were toiling away at making goods for the village as a whole. It wasn't so much a trading area, as a place to recquisition necessary tools for ones trade. They all knew who they were seeking; Arjani, a cheetah woman in the later end of her prime years, and the village's primary supplier for all things related to hunting, such as bows & arrows or javelins. As was a common occurence, she were busy fletching arrows together with her two sons and a daughter as the two Jaguars and two Cheetahs approached her wide-open tent. The tent was as much her home as it was her workshop, with tools strewn about high and low, and raw materials and finished goods stacked in rows and columns all over.

Lowering her tool and the arrow she was working on, she would look up to the two brutes and slender huntresses as they approached her. "Here already, kits? I didn't expect you to be this diligent in carrying out your old man's task.", she turned her attention to her two sons. "Boys, go fetch the quivers in the back, the ones Rajak ordered.", the two cheetah's nodded, and carefully put their work down before heading over to the back of the tent. Five minutes later, the four kits would find themselves given a generous supply of both javelins and arrows, all of robust craftsmanship, far more so than what they had been using up until now. "Now, go back to the old man, tell him that he owes me...", her lips curled into a wry, teasing smile as she looked to the two Jaguars. "Perhaps he'd let me borrow you two for a day and night? Three kits are barely enough to keep up with all the work I have.", and then she would wave them off dismissively, returning to her work.

Meanwhile at the kits area of the village, Rajak nodded knowingly at Nerina, he weren't too happy to see her so solemn, but Ryxis boisterous speech made the old lion smile warmly. "Words of wisdom from a drunk kit, what is the world coming to?", Rajak chuckled lowly, and slowly shook his head. As Hera joined the gathering with the two Panthers in tow, the lionman nodded slightly as he got ready to leave. "I have places to be at, I am afraid; You kits are on your own, so take care of yourselves. And don't forget to seek out the traders, Ryxis, you will need goods to trade with in the desert after all, and the only thing you oughta protect more than them is the lives of you and the others, understood?", Rajak would linger just enough for the kits to say their farewells, and then take his leave.

As Rajak headed off, the two Panthers would speak up, the female one doing so first. "We shall, Ryxis, and I will begin; heading eastwards will be a simple journey to start with, as it is naught but plains and hills, and a thin line of jungle, before you reach the mountain pass. You are unlikely to get into trouble before then...", the Pantheress cleared her throat, and looked to her male companion, whom readily stepped forward to continue. "The mountain pass itself is fairly easy to navigate, and have been built upon in the past to make it all the easier. There is a straight path right through it, with a large bridge connecting the main path. However... We spotted a few golems when we were in that area, and they didn't look like they were there to reinforce the bridge, as shamans from the eastern desert sometimes do every few years. They might be exiles, bandits even, so you might want to tread carefully.", the female Panther once more spoke up, cutting off her partner. "If you're feeling adventurous however, there are side paths along the way, leading into caverns that snake towards the east; they are marked, and hard to miss, but we found large webs in there; great spiders no doubt. Their chitin and venom sacs makes for excellent goods to trade out in the desert however, if you're interested in working for something to call your own.", with the moderate summary of the situation and the options available to them, the Panthers would wait for them to discuss with eachother, remaining nearby if there were more need for information.
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

Helen quickly conceals a smile as she and Penelope take the offered quivers and check them. "I'll be sure to pass that on."

Meanwhile Hera listens to the panthers along with Ryxis before turning to face the much larger tiger. "The caverns sound a bit too claustrophobic for me."
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

"Me as well Hera, but we'll keep an open mind and consider that when the time comes. For now, we should focus on the pass itself, the journey, and these Golems. I don't like the sound of impending trouble, but I'm also not all that worried." Ryxis said, scratching his arm for a moment as he thought about things, least it was safe to assume he was thinking, he was too busy with his mug to speak immediately.

Looking at the panthers, Ryxis rolled the empty mug around in his hands for a moment. "That's all we need for now, Thank you for the information. I need to go speak with the traders we'll be escorting I think, and get their take on everything as well. Hera, could you go get the others? I'd like everyone present for this, and then we can properly get everything moving." He rumbled, before setting his mug down and heading off, setting any other tag-a-long kits he was carrying off along the way.
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

"I don't feel at ease without at least six javelins..." Kachende admitted, when praised on the combined diligence of the Jaguars and Cheetahs converging before her.
"...and you'd probably be making quivers from our hides if Rajak caught us under-equipped." Gahman finished.

Hearing that Rajak would owe her, Kachende already had a mild grimace, and Gahman also lost a touch of his happiness. Arjani didn't even need to suggest that they would be the ones compensating her - for their own javelins, and likely the arrows too. The old lion hardly missed the chance to put the pair to work, not that they couldn't handle what he tended to throw at them. "If that's all we end up doing, Rajak would be letting us off uncommonly easy." Gahman mused, though Kachende partly rebuffed him a moment later. "Well, it's hardly as easy as you make it sound... being strong doesn't help much in making arrows that fly and bows that shoot straight."

Carrying enough equipment to hopefully last them through the journey, the Jaguar pair headed back in the direction of Ryxis.
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Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

Arjani smiled appreciatively as the two Cheetahs said they would tell Rajak that he owed her. She would grin amusedly at the two Jaguars conversation though, but otherwise wouldn't interrupt. She had said her piece, and they had other places to be at.

The two Panthers that Ryxis and Hera had conversed with would nod as they were dismissed. "Good luck on your journey...", "... and in what battles that may be found along it", with that the two Panthers would turn to leave. With little else holding them back in their homegrounds, Ryxis and his friends could make their way towards the traders section of the pridegrounds.

Along the way they would bump into the two Jaguars and two Panthers, now carrying quivers big and small with Javelins and Arrows. And once they all arrived they would see a sprawling marketplace spread out before them. It was along the edge of the pridegrounds, with two roads leading out of the village. And despite how young the day still was, it was already bustling with activity. There was many Felyns like themselves, both from their own pride and from the many other ones out there, but they could also spot a few individuals from the Reptyl Tribes from the west, and some from the Desert Clans from the east. The latter where they would be heading to as part of their task.

At least in the Reptyl Tribes, their people looked like eachother to varying degrees, much like the Felyn Prides themselves did. The Desert Clans however, was all sorts of walks of life; from little rodent-like people that were often as small, if not smaller, than the Kitnyans, to creatures of tough hide, ridiculously long noses and great tusks, that dwarfed even the mighty Tigers. And that was just mentioning two of the races found among the Desert Clans. It was about then that a thought crossed the many minds of the group, or some of them at least; they hadn't been told who they were supposed to meet.

"Oy, big guy, I'm down here!", a small, a little squeaky, voice announced. It was one of the Vernim, the little rodent-like people from the desert, that had managed to sneak up on the group. A small male that was smaller than even the Cheetahs of the group, with pristine white fur and red eyes, rounded ears and a long furless tail, and a big pair of upper teeth. He was adorned in bleached brown and poofy pants and a vest of the same color, with a small bright red fez on his little head. It was a mystery how it managed to stay on his head though, as tilted as it was as the small mouseman stared up at Ryxis. "Yer Rykses, rite? Rayak told me about you. Yer the ones that'll escort me and mine back to the desert, ain'tcha?"
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

Nerina followed the group quietly, musing about her past. As the sight of the small Vernim though she grinned. "Oh look, dinner." She laughed, elbowing Ryxis in the ribs.
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

Hera shoots a suspicious glance at the vernim and seeing her sisters she almost starts towards them, but then decides to stay to follow the discussion while Helena and Penelope slip away with the arrows, stashing them in the trio's hut before going to fetch early lunch away from their sometimes overly bossy sister.
Re: [Ch01] Riverside Ruckus

The jaguars, not knowing exactly when they would be leaving, opted to carry the javelins with them for the moment. Not getting to see Rajak - finding that he had left already, before the big cats could inform him of their new debt - put a light dampener on their combined mood. Him having a debt was one thing... surprising him with a debt, or hearing about it from someone else; that was just another level worse. Hopefully, this journey wouldn't take so long that the pair of predators couldn't pay their debt to Arjani before Rajak got wind that they had left it outstanding.

When they met the Vernim, Nerina's joke got a slight grin out of Kachende; a bare shadow of the mirth that Gahman took from the quip. Guffawing, the slapped the sphynx on the back, a not inconsiderable blow given his species.

Kachende, on the other hand, was more willing to deal in faith with the tiny creature. He hadn't missed the fact that it had snuck up on him, despite his profession as a hunter. Besides, this was his first real act as a cerimonially certified adult! He didn't intend to joke around too much. "You're correct, he's Ryxis and we'll be part of your journey, this time. You'll have nothing to fear with felyns to guard you... other than Nerina's appetite." All said, the Jaguar couldn't stop himself from getting off that much of a joke, at least.