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Champions-rules RP - Ark City Character Thread

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Chief Spam Hunter Why Are You Making Me Do This
Former Moderator
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Here's a spot for posting completed characters, and giving any backstory that you wish to.

Please Note: This RP will be set about 40-50 years *after* my related "Battle of the River" story.
Re: Champions-rules RP - Ark City Character Thread

"Toxsyn" - Character Sheet

Freya Brandt

VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes
30 STR 20 15- HTH Damage 6d6 END [3]
20 DEX 20 13-
20 CON 10 13-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
15 EGO 5 12-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
9 OCV 30
5 DCV 10
5 OMCV 6
8 DMCV 15
4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
5 PD 3 5/10 PD (0/5 rPD)
5 ED 3 5/10 ED (0/5 rED)
5 REC 1
50 END 6
20 BODY 10
20 STUN 0

Movement Cost Meters Notes
RUNNING 0 12m/24m END [1]
SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1]
LEAPING 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward

Characteristics Total: 169

Cost Powers
50 Poison Claws: Multipower, 50-point reserve - END=
3f 1) Lethal Toxin: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 2d6, Constant (+1/2) (45 Active Points); No STR Bonus (-1/2) - END=4
3f 2) Paralytic Toxin: Drain DEX 3d6, Constant (+1/2) (45 Active Points); No Range (-1/2) - END=4
30 Entangle 3d6, 3 PD/3 ED - END=3
22 Life Support (Expanded Breathing; Immunity All terrestrial diseases; Immunity: All terrestrial poisons; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum) - END=0
12 Clinging (35 STR) - END=0
5 Mental Defense (20 points total) - END=0
65 Regeneration (5 BODY per 5 Minutes), Can Heal Limbs - END=0
54 Resistant Protection (5 PD/5 ED/15 Mental Defense/10 Power Defense) - END=0

Powers Total: 244

Cost Skills
3 Linguist
0 1) Language: Danish (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
2 2) Language: English (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
3 Scientist
2 1) Science Skill: Biology 12- (3 Active Points)
8 Survival (Arctic/Subarctic, Temperate/Subtropical, Urban) 13-
5 Tracking 13-
5 Acrobatics 14-

Skills Total: 28

Cost Talents
28 Danger Sense (self only, any danger, Function as a Sense) 13-
3 Lightning Reflexes (+3 DEX to act first with All Actions)
3 Resistance (+3 to roll)

Talents Total: 34

Value Complications
20 Vulnerability: 2 x Effect Heat or Sonic (Common) [Notes: Also reduces STR and END]
20 Hunted: Slathi Infrequently (Mo Pow; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Harshly Punish)
20 Social Complication: Public Identity - Freya Brandt Frequently, Severe
15 Hunted: PRIMUS Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Watching)

Complications Points: 75

Base Points: 400
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 475

Backstory (TL:DR - Girl Venom)
Freya Bradnt is a Danish-born, USA-raised biologist who was studying micro-organisms in the arctic tundra when an alien escape pod crash-landed near her research site. Inside the pod was an amorphous biomass - a creature known as a Slath in the distant reaches of the galaxy.

The Slathi as a race are like the symbiotes from Spiderman (Venom, Carnage, etc...). They merge with a host body, greatly strengthening it while they use it, but eventually devour it for nutrients shortly before moving on to a new host.

This Slath is special. It's a mutated version of its own kind. The other Slathi want to recapture/kill it, because its individual nature and enhanced toxic poisons represent a threat to the Slathi hive mind.

Critically injured and desperate to find a host before the other Slathi found it, the symbiote permanently bonded with Freya, who was the (un)lucky person to open the pod.

The symbiote fought for control of Freya's body, leading her out into the arctic during a terrible snow storm. The two creatures survived only by helping one another, the symbiote providing resistance to the extreme cold, while Freya provided energy, and the natural life support systems that allow a Slathi to survive in Earth's foreign atmosphere.

The other scientists at the station were not so lucky. They were all taken over by the Slathi search party and eventually devoured. Freya managed to avoid capture, wandering the wastes for weeks until she reached civilization.

Due to its injuries, in order to survive, the symbiote had to permanently become a part of Freya's biosystem, altering and merging with her DNA to create a unique, alien-human hybrid. They are now inseparable, and the alien intelligence has become a part of Freya's own personality, though there are occasions when alien emotions do overtake her, for the most part, Freya's human personality is dominant.

The symbiote forms a midnight blue, form-fitting layer over all of Freya's body. She can never detach it completely from herself, but she can alter its shape and have some of it hanging away from her to reveal 'human' flesh. (Technically even her white, human skin is now alien and has similar resistances and weaknesses, although it is not fluid like the symbiote biomass).

Freya has superhuman strength and agility, as well as resistance to environmental factors like extreme cold. Most notably, she can emit two types of toxins upon contact, one being a paralytic, non-lethal attack - the other being an extremely caustic and deadly substance.

It has taken Freya a while to come to grips with what she now is and what she wants to do with her new-found identity.

(How she has come to be a crime fighter is undefined at this point, and I will fill it in as I become more familiar with the campaign backstory. I imagine that it will come from a combination of her human nature to do the 'right' thing -to protect those who cannot protect themselves; and the results of her alien frustration at being unable to bond with a more perfect fighting host and thus constantly seeking to prove itself in battle against powerful foes despite being anchored to a sub-par human specimen.

So... a protector/aggressive self-improvement dichotomy.

Chances are that to become part of a team, some other superhero will have to come along, see her in action at some point, and recruit her. It'll probably be in Ark City, where she grew up in her late childhood and teenage years, and to which she has now returned.
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Re: Champions-rules RP - Ark City Character Thread

"The Conductor" - Character Sheet

"The Conductor"
Mozart "Mozzie" Newgate

VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- HTH Damage 2d6 END [1]
10 DEX 0 11-
20 CON 10 13-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
20 EGO 10 13-
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
5 OCV 10
5 DCV 10
5 OMCV 6
10 DMCV 21
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
5 PD 3 5 PD (0 rPD)
5 ED 3 5 ED (0 rED)
8 REC 4
55 END 7
20 BODY 10
35 STUN 8

Movement Cost Meters Notes
RUNNING 0 72m/144m END [7]
SWIMMING 3 10m/20m END [1]
LEAPING 5 13m 13m forward, 6 1/2m upward


Characteristics Total: 154

Cost Powers
45 Killing Attack - Ranged 3d6 - END=4
15 Blast 3d6 - END=1
15 Dispel Sonic Powers 5d6 - END=1
15 Hearing Group Flash 5d6 - END=1
30 Luck 6d6 - END=0
60 Speed of Sound: Running +60m (72m total) - END=6
117 Teleportation 112m, x4 Noncombat - END=12

Powers Total: 297

Cost Skills
3 KS: Music 12-
0 Language: English (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
3 Charm 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 Persuasion 13-
3 Streetwise 13-
4 PS: Musician 14-

Skills Total: 19

Cost Talents
3 Perfect Pitch
2 +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. females)

Talents Total: 5

Value Complications
15 Social Complication: Secret Identity - Mozzie Frequently, Major
20 Hunted: PRIMUS Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Watching)
10 Distinctive Features: Red Irises (Easily Concealed; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
15 Psychological Complication: Womanizer (Common; Strong)
15 Social Complication: University Student Frequently, Major

Complications Points: 75

Base Points: 400
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 475

Backstory: (TL;DR: Can manipulate sound.)
Mozart, or Mozzie as he prefers, has been an orphan since the age of 4. When his parents were taken from him in a car accident, he was one of the many children sent through the foster care program. He's been through half a dozen households, and called half a dozen couples mother and father, the last of which he still maintains contact with to this day.

As long as Mozzie can remember, he's always been special. From his near-perfect skill with almost any instrument, to his......."unique" application of music and sound, to his red irises, he's always been different from everyone, and has always hidden as much of his special gifts as he could.

For most of his early life, he kept it rather well-hidden, going through life as just an ordinary citizen of Ark City. That is, until he began to experiment in his high school years. With practice, and experimentation, he discovered he could manipulate sound to do whatever he wished. Since then, he's taken it upon himself to act the hero when he can find enough spare time to do so.

Mozzie is now in his second year of college, and survives off of his best skill: Music. Be it playing music at the Broken Shillelagh Pub, or out on the streets with his saxophone, Mozzie scrapes by earning a living off of his music, and when he's not in classes or performing, he dons a theater mask, and takes on the role of The Conductor, the Master of Sound, protector of the innocent. At least, that's what he tells himself.
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Re: Champions-rules RP - Ark City Character Thread

The Shapeshifting Alien

VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes
30 STR 20 15- HTH Damage 6d6 END [3]
20 DEX 20 13-
20 CON 10 13-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13-
20 EGO 10 13-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
5 OCV 10
5 DCV 10
5 OMCV 6
5 DMCV 6
2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12
5 PD 3 5 PD (0 rPD)
5 ED 3 5 ED (0 rED)
10 REC 6
50 END 6
40 BODY 30
30 STUN 5

Movement Cost Meters Notes
RUNNING 3 15m/30m END [1]
SWIMMING 3 9m/18m END [1]
LEAPING 3 9m 9m forward, 4 1/2m upward

Characteristics Total: 168

Cost Powers
110 Shape Shift (Sight, Smell/Taste, Touch and Hearing Groups, any shape), Cellular, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+1/4), Time Limit (6 Hours; +1 1/2) (110 Active Points) - END=10
10 Stretching 5m, x2 body dimension - END=1
80 Regeneration (5 BODY per Turn) - END=0

Powers Total: 200

Cost Skills
13 Acting 17-
13 Disguise 18-
0 Language: English (completely fluent) (3 Active Points)
13 Mimicry 18-
13 Shadowing 18-
13 Stealth 18-
13 Contortionist 18-
13 Analyze: Style 18-

Skills Total: 91

Cost Perks
10 Anonymity

Perks Total: 10

Cost Talents
3 Ambidexterity (no Off Hand penalty)
3 Absolute Time Sense

Talents Total: 6

Value Complications
55 Accidental Change: 6 Hours Formless State 14- (Common)
20 Hunted: Project Stargazer Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find; Watching)

Complications Points: 75

Base Points: 400
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 475

Back Story
Æthæyhiæ was grown in a lab from the DNA of aliens and a few super powered beings. The sciencetists were using it as a template to create the next stage of human evolution. Unknownst to them, it had grown sentient, the alien DNA housing bits of still intact genetic memory. As it's intellect grew from the knowledge hidden with in it's own cells, it came to realize it's situation and what was happeneing.

One day, the formless blob broke out of it's prison using the very same powers that it had been given from it's DNA. Sliding and melting through a drain, the large formless blob escaped. It has been on the run for the past 20 years. Fleeing from a group seeking to capture and study it once more. Fortunetly it has acquired the ability to change it's shape into things or people to hide.

It's Various Forms

The bioluminescence is a pale blue. It's skin and chiten a void black. It's eyes an unsual purple.

It's skin is a void black, the armoured chiten a dark grey, and seems to shimmer faintly of metal.

Stealth/Default form
With black skin skin, and purple eyes. Light blue bioluminescence. The form being small and thin, well as small as shapeshift will allow it to be. Meant for hiding and stealth. It's only other advantage is being strangely cute.
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Re: Champions-rules RP - Ark City Character Thread

Captain Extreme
Captain Extreme

VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes
17 STR 7 12- HTH Damage 3d6 END [2]
17 DEX 14 12-
17 CON 7 12-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
15 EGO 5 12-
17 PRE 7 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
5 OCV 10
5 DCV 10
3 OMCV 0
3 DMCV 0
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12
3 PD 1 3 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 1 3 ED (0 rED)
5 REC 1
40 END 4
40 BODY 30
40 STUN 10

Movement Cost Meters Notes
RUNNING 2 14m/28m END [1]
SWIMMING 0 4m/8m END [1]
LEAPING 2 8m 8m forward, 4m upward

SWINGING 10m/40m

Characteristics Total: 126

Cost Powers
6 Capcorder: Nightvision, Telescopic: +1 [Notes: Head-mounted camera with night-vision mode] - END=0
15 Flashbang: Sight and Hearing Groups Flash 1d6, Alterable Origin Point - END=1
10 Grappling Hook: Swinging 10m, x4 Noncombat - END=1
23 Grappling Hook Pull: (Total: 60 Active Cost, 23 Real Cost) Stretching 7m, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Always Direct (-1/4), no Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4) (Real Cost: 6) plus HKA 1d6+1, Constant (+1/2), Penetrating (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); STR Minimum (-3/4), No STR Bonus (-1/2), No Knockback (-1/4), Required Hands (-1/4), Real Weapon (-1/4), Linked (Stretching; Lesser Power need not be used proportionally to Power with which it is Linked; -0) (Real Cost: 17) [Notes: Captain Extreme shoots his grappling hook at an enemy, pulling them close] - END=0
4 Knucks: Hand-To-Hand Attack +1d6 (5 Active Points); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4) - END=1
3 Regeneration: Healing BODY 1 point - END=1

Powers Total: 61

Cost Martial Arts
4 +1 HTH Damage Class(es)
3 Basic Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +0 DCV, 6d6 Strike
4 Choke Hold: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab One Limb; 2 1/2d6 NND
4 Counterstrike: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, 6d6 Strike, Must Follow Block
5 Defensive Block: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +3 DCV, Block, Abort
5 Disarming Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +0 DCV, Grab Weapon, 27 STR to take weapon away; Target Falls
4 Fast Strike: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +0 DCV, 6d6 Strike
5 Grappling Block: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, Grab One Limb, Block
3 Grappling Throw: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, 6d6 Strike; Target Falls; Must Follow Grab
5 Joint Break: 1/2 Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, Grab One Limb; HKA 2 1/2d6 , Disable
3 Legsweep: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -1 DCV, 5d6 Strike, Target Falls
5 Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, 8d6 Strike
4 Reversal: var Phase, -1 OCV, -2 DCV, 37 STR to Escape; Grab Two Limbs
4 Sacrifice Disarm: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, -2 DCV, Disarm, 32 STR to Disarm
5 Sacrifice Strike: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, -2 DCV, 8d6 Strike
3 Sacrifice Throw: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls
3 Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, 4d6 Strike; Target Falls
3 Flying Tackle: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, -1 DCV, 4d6 +v/10 Strike; You Fall, Target Falls; FMove

Martial Arts Total: 72

Cost Skills
1 Language: English (imitate dialects; literate) (6 Active Points)
3 Language: Spanish (fluent conversation; literate)
9 Acrobatics 15-
9 Breakfall 15-
9 Climbing 15-
10 Gambling (Sports Betting, Blackjack, Poker, Roulette) 14-
6 Survival (Tropical, Underground, Urban) 12-
3 Tracking 12-
9 Interrogation 15-
8 Navigation (Land) 15-
10 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Agricultural & Construction Vehicles, Parachuting, Basic, SCUBA, Small Motorized Boats, Small Rowed Boats, Snowmobiles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles
9 Analyze: Combat 15-
7 WF: Common Melee Weapons, Fist-Loads, Handguns, Small Arms, Unarmed Combat, Inertial Gloves, Thrown Rocks, Vehicle Weapons (group)
5 Combat Driving 13-
16 +2 with HTH Combat
9 Streetwise 12-
3 Shadowing 12-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Tactics 12-

Skills Total: 132

Cost Perks
1 Vehicles & Bases (0 Active Points) [Notes: Armored motorcycle named B3]

Perks Total: 1

Cost Talents
2 Resistance (+2 to roll)
2 Environmental Movement (no penalties on)
3 Bump Of Direction

Talents Total: 7

Value Complications
15 Social Complication: Secret Identity Frequently, Major
10 Psychological Complication: (Common; Moderate) [Notes: Risk taker, daredevil. Little concern for own well-being.]
5 Hunted: Frequently (As Pow; Watching) [Notes: Shady Men In Black are monitoring Captain Extreme's performance. Very, VERY skilled at evading capture.]

Complications Points: 30

Base Points: 400
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 399

Back Story/Description
Like so many kids from impoverished homes, Cap joined the military at a young age and quickly got the attention of a secret government agency looking for "exceptional talents." He was recruited and trained under the guise of a "false flag" operation in South America. However, as soon as he landed, Cap's squad was ambushed and knocked out. He awoke shackled to a steel table, all manners of tubes and needles stuck into him. Without anesthetic, without drugs of any kind the people behind the two-way mirror started to pump Cap full of a chemical cocktail that burned like fire in his veins as they turned him into the specimen of peak human physique he is today. However, the scientists failed to account for Cap's increased strength - he broke free of the shackles and proceeded to completely and utterly wreck the laboratory. As far as he knows, he is the only one they managed to turn.

Cap trekked through the jungle for days before reaching civilization and bartered several of the goodies he salvaged from the lab to a smuggler for safe passage back into the USA. During the trip back, stuck in a metal container with a dozen other people, Cap had a lot of time to think. He couldn't go home. The lab may have been destroyed, but the people behind it were still out there. If he would tell anybody what had happened they would surely eradicate him and everything in a mile-wide radius. No, he had to start over. Go to a place no one knew him and put his new-found abilities to good use.

Captain Extreme wears a zipped up, sleeveless leather overall. Underneath it are remnants of a black T-Shirt, which are only noticable by the few shreds that poke out of the armholes of the overall.
The upper part of his head is covered with a black leather mask. In the middle of its forehead sits a red E with red skeleton bat wings going off to both sides, engulfing his skull. A similar E is imprinted, slightly askew and surrounded by a circle, at the back of the overall. Another smaller version of that insignia is sitting on his right chest. Four red stars form a line underneath that one.
The lower part of Captain's face is unprotected, and covered in stubbles. The only exception for this is a long, straight scar that runs all the way from his jaw up to the eye.
On his hands he wears long black leather gloves with a red bat wing pattern. His feet are protected by black working boots, worn under the legs of the overall.

Captain Extreme is a "working man" superhero, standing up for the poor and the downtrodden against those that would prey on them - from thugs and drug dealers to corporations looking for cheap test subjects. All the while he comes off as confrontational and dismissive, cursing and chain-smoking all night, every night. More often than not, he grumbles his sentences past a cigar. Cap is happiest when the problems he faces can be punched in the face. Anything that requires more effort will be done - eventually. Or, if it is important, immediately but with a lot of grumbling and cursing.
Re: Champions-rules RP - Ark City Character Thread

Dr. Eliza Grant PhD
No super alias.
VAL CHA Cost Roll Notes
10 STR 0 11- HTH Damage 2d6 END [1]
15 DEX 10 12-
15 CON 5 12-
50 INT 40 19- PER Roll 19-; w/ Glasses 25-
20 EGO 10 13-
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
4 OCV 5
5 DCV 10
5 OMCV 6
7 DMCV 12
4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
2 PD 0 ??
2 ED 0 ??
5 REC 1
30 END 2
15 BODY 5
20 STUN 0

Movement Cost Meters Notes
RUNNING 0 12m/24m END [1]
SWIMMING 2 8m/16m END [1]
LEAPING 0 4m 4m forward, 2m upward

Characteristics Total: 133

Cost Powers
32 Googol Glasses (Design note: Should also have Unified Power, but there's enough messy decimals there as it is...)
2.4 Multispectrum Laser Rangefinder: Absolute Range Sense: Active Points 3; IIF (-1/4)
2.4 Internal Atomic Clock: Absolute Time Sense: Active Points 3; IIF (-1/4)
2.4 GPS Uplink and Compass: Bump of Direction: Active Points 3; IIF (-1/4)
9.6 AR Overlay: Enhanced Senses: Enhanced Perception +6 Sight group: Active Points 12; IIF (-1/4)
4 Automatic Tinting: Flash Defense 5: Sight group, Active Points 5; IIF (-1/4)
8.8 Variable Vision Modes: Multipower, 11 point reserve; IIF (-1/4)
.4f Infrared Perception (Active Cost 5; IIF (-1/4); Real Cost 4)
.4f Nightvision (Active Cost 5; IIF (-1/4); Real Cost 4)
.4f Ultraviolet Perception (Active Cost 5; IIF (-1/4); Real Cost 4)
.72f Microscopic (x30, visible light only, Active Cost 9; IIF (-1/4); Real Cost 7.2)
.48f Telescopic (+4 vs range, sight group, Active Cost 6; IIF (-1/4); Real Cost 4.8)

122 DAMOCLES: Multipower 130 point reserve; OIF (-1/2); Unified Power (-1/4); Charges: Framework Only; 8 Uses, 8 Clips (+1/4)
6.5f Regenerative Nanites: Healing 4d6+6; Can Heal Limbs (+5 CP); Variable Effect: Any characteristic that's currently below starting value (+1/2); Ranged (+1/2); Subject to Range Modifier (-1/4); OIF (-1/2); Unified Power (-1/4) (Base Cost 60; Active Cost 130; Real Cost 65)
A small cluster of nanites swarms the target, patching wounds, removing fatigue toxins, or whatever other remedial actions they were programmed for for that firing.

3f Defender Swarm: Resistant Protection 14 PD/14 ED; Protects Carried Items (+10 CP); Allocatable (+1/4); Usable on Others (One recipient, Standard Range, Grantor controls power) (+1+1/4); Time Limit: 1 minute (-2); Perceptible: Obvious (-1/2); OIF (-1/2); Unifed Power (-1/4) (Base Cost 42; Active Cost 130; Real Cost 30.5882352941...)
The nanite cluster spreads out in a cloud around the targeted ally to protect them. The nanite swarm detects incoming attacks and forms a solid barrier in the path of the attack. Can be customized to detect and defend against different damage types, but the number of nanites is unchanged, meaning a split defense will be less effective against an individual attack. The nanite cloud requires communication with the DAMOCLES and the device can currently only handle commanding one Defender Swarm at a time. The nanites have internal power sources that last for one minute.

6f Booster Cloud: Aid 8d6+6; Variable Effect: Any characteristic that's currently not below starting value (+1/2); Ranged (+1/2); Subject to Range Modifier (-1/4); OIF (-1/2); Unifed Power (-1/4) (Base Cost 60; Active Cost 120; Real Cost 60)
The nanite cluster makes subtle changes to the target's biochemistry, enhancing reflexes, strength, or even eyesight. Each cloud can only affect one area of the target's physiology. The changes to the target's biochemistry wear off with time as the body purges the nanites.

3f Nano Wall: Barrier 5m long, 5m tall, 1/2m thick, 50 Body, 8 PD/4 ED; Non-Anchored (+10 CP); Mobile (+1/4); Dismissible (+5 CP); Opaque (Sight) (+10 CP); Percievable: Obvious (-1/2); Subject to Range Modifier (-1/4); Time Limit: 1 Minute (-2); OIF (-1/2); Unified Power (-1/4) (Base Cost 79; Active Cost 130; Real Cost 28.888...)
A stream of nanites fill the targeted area and form strong bonds with eachother. The wall resembles a network of slightly glowing orange hexagons. Like the Defender Swarms, the nanites have a limited power supply.

6f Molecular Inhibitors: Drain 6d6+6; Variable Effect: Any characteristic except Stun, Body and Endurance (+1/2); Subject to Range Modifier (-1/4); OIF (-1/2); Unified Power (-1/4) (Base Value 80; Active Cost 120; Real Cost 60)
A booster cloud run in reverse. Because the body is more vigilant about attacking harmful invaders, the inhibitors aren't as powerful as the boosters.

2f Disassembler Spray: RKA 1d6+1 Against PD; AoE: 8m Cone (+1/4); Damage over Time 1/turn for 6 turns (+2); OIF (-1/2); Does no STUN (-3/4); No Knockback (-1/4); Unified Power (-1/4); Doesn't work when wet (-1/2) (Base Value 20; Active Cost 65; Real Cost 20)
Eliza was hesitant to add such a dangerous addition to DAMOCLES, but after a close call with some muggers, she decided it was necessary to have a more potent weapon. Eliza specifically designed the disassemblers to self-disassemble after a short amount of time to avoid a grey goo scenario. She also programmed the disassemblers to initiate their self-destruct when contacting water, so as to both limit the lethality of the attack, and as another measure to prevent the nanites from 'going rogue'.

2.5f Tranquilizer Burst: Blast 2d6+3; AoE: 16m radius, Selective Target (Special effect: Requires configuration beforehand) (+1); NND: Life Support: Sealed (+2); Damage over Time 1/turn for 6 segments every segment, One use at a time (+1); OIF (-1/2); Doesn't work when wet (-1/2); No Knockback (-1/4); No Range (-1/2); Unified Power (-1/4) (Base Cost 15; Active Cost 75; Real Cost 25)
After building the Disassmbler nanites, Eliza quickly realized she could easily make some nanites that put a target to sleep instead of trying to eat them alive. Figuring it'd work best as a last-ditch attack, she designed it to release the tranquilizer nanites in a cloud around herself. It doesn't take much effort on her part to specify people (including herself) that the nanites shouldn't attack, but she needs a small DNA sample (a hair, drop of blood, etc.) so that the nanites can identify friendly targets.

50 Nanoweave Lab Coat: Resistant Protection 20 PD/20 ED; OIF (-1/2); Allocatable (+1/4) (Base Cost 60; Active Cost 75; Real Cost 50)
A labcoat with nanites similar to the Defender Swarms embedded in the fabric. Using a small interface in the wrist, the wearer can customize the kinds of damage the nanites protect against. When not active, it looks like a normal, full-length, white lab coat. When active, faintly glowing orange hexagonal 'panels' are visible and the rest of the fabric turns black. This last effect was just an aesthic choice by Eliza. The nanites in the coat are powered by the body's bioelectric field and don't need recharging.

20 Heimdall Suite: Power Defense 20 (No modifiers, applies to all of her devices)
The Heimdall Suite is a series of protective measures to protect electronic devices from outside interferance. They include EMP Hardening, Burst transmissions, and encrypted communications. Not invented by Eliza.

Powers Total: 224

Cost Skills
3 Analyze Tech (Design, Construction, Etc.) 19-
7 Bureaucratics (PRE) 14-
16 Combat Skill Level (Specific: DAMOCLES) x8
3 Computer Programming 19-
10 Cramming x2
3 Crptography 19-
3 Deduction 19-
3 Electronics 19-
7 Fast Draw 14-
3 Inventor 19-
2 Knowledge Skill (Motorcycles) 11-
0 Language: English (Native)
2 Language: French (Fluent with Accent) (Active: 3)
1 Language: Latin (Fluent Conversation) (Active: 2)
3 Mechanics 19-
4 Movement Skill Level (Swimming) x2
3 Paramedics 19-
3 Professional Skill (Nano-scale Manufacturing) 19-
3 Scientist
2 Science Skill: Biochemistry 19- (Active: 3)
2 Science Skill: Biology 19- (Active: 3)
2 Science Skill: Chemistry 19- (Active: 3)
2 Science Skill: Engineering 19- (Active: 3) (Yes, I'm aware Engineering is not strictly a science in the classical sense. For the purposes of the game, I think it fits best as a science.)
2 Science Skill: Mathematics 19- (Active: 3)
2 Science Skill: Medicine 19- (Active: 3)
2 Science Skill: Nanoscience 19- (Active: 3)
2 Science Skill: Physics 19- (Active: 3)
2 Science Skill: Quantum Physics 19- (Active: 3)
3 Tactics 19-
3 Weaponsmith 19-

Skills Total: 91

Cost Perks
2 Access: Avalon Corp Laboratories
4 Computer Link: Avalon Corp Servers
0 Vehicle: Standard Motorcycle
4 Contact: Publican (Former employer); 11- Contact; Good relationship (+2)
2 Contact: Dr. Stanton (Patron); 8- Contact; Good relationship (+1); Offers limited help (Only provides information; subject to Wolf's descretion)
2 Positive Reputation: Academics in Ark City, 11-, x2 (Her quick rise caught the attention of a lot of the city's scientists and researchers, but she's kept a low profile since)
0 Money (While she makes more than the 0-cost Money perk, most of it goes to charities and her parents. What's left is effectively the amount of the 0-cost perk)

Perks Total: 10

Cost Talents
5 Eidetic Memory
3 Lightning Calculator
6 Speed Reading x20
3 Light Sleep

Talents Total: 17

Value Complications
15 DNPC (Parents, Normal Competence, Infrequently)
10 Rival: Dr. Sam Michelakos; Professional, Superior Rank (Name kept androgynous so that Wolf can make the character male or female as he wishes, if it ever becomes important)
20 Hunted: Dr. Stanton; Watcher, More powerful, Frequently, PC's easy to find, NCI.
20 Hunted: David Grant, her older brother; As powerful, Frequently, PC's easy to find, Harshly Punish (he wants to ruin her, not necessarily kill)
10 Social Complication: Public Identity; Frequently, Minor inconvenience (for now). (She doesn't try to hide her identity when being heroic; She doesn't broadcast herself either though)

Complications Points: 75

Base Points: 400
Experience: 0
Experience Unspent: 0
Total Character Cost: 475

Description and Personality
Eliza looks rather plain. Black hair with chestnut-brown eyes. Average in height and a little on the slim side, she doesn't stand out, but could be called pretty. She seems to have a compulsion about wearing her lab coat, and not just for practical reasons. She sees her coat as being something of a badge of honour and despite her humble personality, can't help from wanting to show the world the results of her achievements. Under her coat she usually dresses as the situation demands. She prefers function over form, but will wear business or formal wear as appropriate. She dislikes skirts, simply because she isn't used to them and finds they feel strange. Though she has 20/20 vision, Eliza wears glasses (See Googol Glasses below). She's grown so accustomed to wearing her glasses that she feels a bit naked without them. She keeps herself fit by swimming regularly.

Eliza is humble about her achievements and abilities, for the most part. She can't resist correcting a mistake in casual conversation, but will refrain depending on the situation. She's a little socially awkward, having had few friends going through school, and completely unused to men taking an interest in her (In school they've either been intimidated by her intelligence or resentful of her for it, and in her professional life, any men keep a, well, professional distance). While a stranger to intimacy, Eliza is privately something of a pervert. Without any personal experience in the area, pornography has become her only source of information on the subject and that's tainted her view of it somewhat. She keeps this part of her life very secretive; Her porn folder is encrypted more heavily than her DAMOCLES plans.

To call Elizabeth Grant a genius is like calling the sun bright. Technically not a superhuman, Eliza's intelligence stems from simple neurobiology; somehow her brain cells arranged themselves such that they put even powerful supercomputers to shame. This brilliance was, however, squandered in her early life. Her parents barely had enough money to put food on the table, never mind send Eliza to a school where she could prosper. Even in the public school, her teachers either thought of her as a smart-mouth or simply as being wrong whenever she corrected some fact that (to her) was blatantly wrong. The other children were even less supportive. They stopped bullying her when she started to fight back with her intellect.

Even after graduation, Eliza's genius went untapped. She got a job waiting on tables at a local pub, the Broken Shillelagh. It was here that she was discovered.

Eliza had a habit of doing mathematical calculations on the backs of her order slips the same way anyone else would doodle. Most customers saw these as just curiosities, few being able to even comprehend them. One day, however, she served a young, professional looking man, and on his order slip, inadvertently solved the Navier-Stokes existence and smoothness problem. This man happened to be Doctor Nathaniel Stanton.

It was a month later, after Dr. Stanton was able to confirm her solution, that he approached her. Under his patronage, Eliza quickly realized her potential, completing several doctorates concurrently in record time. It wasn't long before she received a job offer from Avalon Corp., care of Dr. Stanton, which she immediately accepted (Well, she did read the fine print first). With access to the high-tech labs and with an income far in excess of anything she had ever dreamed of having before, she was quickly able to set up her own nano-tech lab in her office, which she uses for her private projects.

Shortly after starting her job at Avalon Corp, Eliza became worst friends with a more senior scientist working there. They both respect eachother, but seek to outdo eachother. For Eliza, she wants to prove she's not just a living computer. For her rival, it's to prove that experience trumps talent and training. They'll often try to sabotage the other's projects, but in a good-hearted manner; if the project is vitally important, it's left alone, but if it's a personal project, some of the data files might go missing, or the lab required for testing might be booked up for the next month. Sometimes their rivalry devolves from professional interference to childish pranks, like opening a flask of Fluffoam in the other's office when they're out. (Fluffoam expands from a small volume of liquid into a large volume of soft, cotton-like foam that decomposes into fine sand-like particles in an hour. Was intended to be used in emergency equipment, but it was never able to expand fast enough.)

Having grown up in poverty, and seeing the effect it had on people, how some would turn to crime in desperation while others would be the targets of said crimes, Eliza always wanted to do something to help people. With super heroes doing the big jobs, she had satisfied with helping out where she could. Now, however, she had the means to make a real difference.

Her first invention towards that goal, the Googol Glasses ("They're a googol times better than those other ones!"), was just something to cut her teeth on. Her pride is the DAMOCLES (Dynamic Arm-MOunted nanoCluster LaunchEr System). Using this and an armored labcoat that came as a spinoff of one of the functions of the DAMOCLES, she seeks to 'get in' with a super group.

Her devices
The Googol Glasses
A set of glasses that has many different functions. To anyone not wearing them, they look like a normal pair of corrective lenses. Anyone wearing them, however, sees the world through an extensive augmented reality overlay. Various alternate vision modes can be toggled on or off using eye commands.
Eliza considers the glasses to be useful, but far from complete. The DAMOCLES has just been taking up her time and resources for the moment.
Some features she has in mind to add at a later date: Enhanced microscopic vision, enhanced telescopic vision, various 'active' senses such as sonar or radar, the ability to use spectrum analysis to determine an object's chemical make up, and X-Ray vision. It's not a weapon, so laser eye beams are not in the cards for it.

Eliza's main project and tool. It consists of a high-tech looking glove that fits over the right hand (Eliza's a righty), and small cartridges of 'blank' nanites.
The glove has several preset 'configurations' that it programs into the blank nanites, specializing them for particular tasks. It then launches the programmed nanites in a small cluster at the intended target using compressed air. The clusters look like small, one inch long black pieces of chalk.
Upon striking the intended target, the nanites activate, forming into a cloud around the targeted area/person (or forming a physical structure, as with the Nano Wall). When active, the nanites give off a soft orange glow, about as bright as a firefly. The more nanites are in a particular area, the brighter the glow, but they never get bright enough to cause damage or even to illuminate an area.
The blank nanites are easily manufactured by Eliza. She usually only carries eight cartridges at a time, but each cartridge is good for eight uses, giving her a total of 64 uses out of all eight cartridges.
One thing Eliza hasn't thought of yet is what were to happen if someone else acquired the DAMOCLES. It has no 'lock' on it, so anyone could use it, if they had access to the cartridges.
(Expect a biometric lock of some kind to find its way onto the DAMOCLES at some point)

Nanoweave Labcoat
No fancy name or anything, just a regular labcoat with nanites similar to Defensive Swarms sewn into it. The nanites also keep the coat looking new and repair damage done to it over time.

Her family
Eliza's parents are alive and she visits them from time to time. A part of her salary she sends to them. They aren't aware of her aspirations to be a hero, but she won't hide it from them if they ask questions.

Harold Grant: Eliza's father. The stereotypical blue-collar working dad. Although he had to work long hours to feed his family, Harold loves them deeply (being a man's man, he'll never admit it, of course). He still acts as though Eliza's still his little girl, but inside, he's proud she's been able to pull herself out of the poverty she was born into. He's worried about David, but is confident his son will come back around eventually. The only person he opens up to emotionally is Sarah.

Sarah Grant (nee Winslow): Stereotypical housewife. Harold was her high-school sweetheart and they married shortly after graduation (neither came from a family that could afford post-secondary education). Sarah handles all of the day-to-day running of the household, cooking, cleaning, shopping, and the finances. She's got a good head for numbers, and probably would have done well in college, if given the opportunity. She sees Eliza's success somewhat wistfully, but is very proud of her. She's more worried about David, as any mother would be. Now that her two children have flown the nest, and with Eliza's financial help, she's started taking night classes.

David Grant: Eliza's brother, older by two years. Unlike his sister, David is fairly unremarkable. He was on the school's football team, but never in any starring role. After finishing high-school, he got a job working in the same factory as his father.
David had always been jealous of Eliza's gifts. To him, everyone treated her better than him, just because she was smart. This jealousy festered all through his life. It didn't help that Eliza was constantly correcting him on his homework. His jealousy exploded into outright anger once Eliza started going to university and only got worse as her fortunes improved. While Harold and Sarah graciously, if quietly accepted the financial help from their daughter, David saw it as an insult and broke ties with the family, quit his job and disappeared.
Eliza cares for her brother, but is hesitant about trying to find him, worried it might provoke him further. Under advise from her parents and other people in her life, she's currently just letting him take his time. While openly, she says she expects him to come back any day, she's actually very worried about him either falling afoul of some bad characters, or worse, falling in with them. She should have knocked on wood when she voiced that worry...
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Re: Champions-rules RP - Ark City Character Thread

The Bum
Other Alias: Slave, Bastard, Demon, Devil, Shithead, etc.

10 STR 0 2d6 +5d6 Killing Damage +6DC if First Strike with"Tool"
25 DEX 30 +5 to act First with "Killing Attack"
20 CON 10
10 INT 0
20 EGO 10
25 PRE 15
15 OCV 60
3 DCV 0
3 OMCV 0
3 DMCV 0
2 SPD 0
22 PD 20
9 ED 7
25 REC 21
50 END 6
45 Body 35
50 Stun 15

Running 12m 0
Leaping 4m 0
Swimming 0m -2

Total Stat Cost: 227

+5 Defense Maneuver 2
+3 Breakfall
+3 Survival
+2 Weapon Familiarity: "Tool Weapons"

Total Skills Cost: 13

Destitute (10 point complication)

+1 Lightning Reflexes (+5 dex for all Killing Attack First Strike)
+12 Deadly Blow (Only when First-Strike)
+12 Weaponmaster (Only with "Tool Weapon")
+3 Striking Appearance (Frightening)

Total Talents Cost 28


Killing Attack (Vital Strike)
Type: Standard Power
Perceptibility: Obvious
Duration: Instant
Target: Targets DCV
Range: No Range
Cost END: Yes
Cost: 75cp/ 5d6 Killing Attack
Constant (Addon .5)
Reduced END-0 (Addon .5)
Range Based on STR (Advantage .25)
Active Cost: 95cp

Regeneration (Supernatural Recovery Rate)
Type: Special Power
Perceivability: Imperceivable
Duration: Persistent
Target: Self Only
Range: Self
Costs END: NO
Cost: 32 (2 Body per Turn)
Always on (Addon -.5cp)
Can Heal Limbs (Addon +5cp)
Active Cost: 36.5cp

Total Powers Cost 131.5

Total Hero Cost:399.5

+20 "Cultist" Facial Branding Distinctive Features
+20 Ruined eye
+20 Cut out Tongue (Can make primitive sounds)
+10 Destitute Perk
+20 Extremly bad reputation (Visible Cultist Markings)
+30 Hunted Persecuted (Law Enforcement + Cultists Alike) Easily Found, Weaker Power
+15 Social Complications (People frequently try to inform as to his whereabouts)

Total Hero Complications: 135

Bio/Appearance tl:dr - Vagabond Damage Sponge
The Cult of Depths, focused on breaking a persons very soul through physical and mental torture. Feeding their dark god Ynn'ub with every ounce of anguish extracted.

And there was nothing but anguish.

I can no longer remember the face of my parents, nor any of the names that should be important, but I know I had a brother, I can remember his screams, I can also remember the sickening relief that it was HIS turn once again for the fire.
We were taken from our home village as they burned it, slaves. A wanton act of destruction that lead to us both in chains, or at least I'd hope so. The alternative would be we were sold into hell willingly.
Regardless, our new keepers made sure their new toys didn't get lost. I still have nightmares sometimes of the branding iron thrusting into my face, feeling my eye singe and boil into uselessness, marking me as one of their own. And that was only the first taste of what was to come shortly.
Fire, blade, screws, drugs, toxins... I was put through so many different experiences, but a persons body can normally take only so much and so a different chain of experiences began, the Cultists began modifying my body to handle higher dosages of punishment, and recover even faster from "sessions".
Unfortunately, it worked and soon I had nearly three times as many trips to the furnace as I used to.
Time had no meaning, only a ever lengthening cycle of painful and less painful.
I woke one summer evening to the smell of smoke and charring flesh and blood, and thought somehow, I'd wondered where the pain was, soon the door to my cell swung open. A cultist drenched in the scent of blood unlocked my bindings, I awaited my next command as he left, unsure as to what was happening. Sheepishly leaving the room unsupervised for the first time ever. I followed the man, and even had to defend myself with a torch made bludgeon as we made our way out of the burning stronghold.
As we both exit I finally broke my silence, and asked "Why?" only to be slammed into the side of the building, a dagger thrust through the base of my jaw, severing my tongue. A cruel look as he withdraws and tightening his grip, stuffs my mouth with the embers of the torch, cauterising the freshly severed tongue with only the short explanation "You shall not expose me!" before disappearing into the night.
I was left confused, lost, and in more danger than I could possibly ever know.

In the years I was held there, the world had learned of the cults existence, as their influence slowly grew, the whispered rumor began into feared conversations until even officials could not deny a lack of action, placing spies within the cult, with sabotage comes mistrust, and soon many of those spies were rooted out and executed. As I left, it was decreed by law, anyone with known relations to the cult is to be arrested and held for later execution, this was something I had to learn quickly when the simple act of replacing the tattered rags I've worn for years with something damp and hanging resulted in a mad scramble through the forest with a crossbow bolt sticking out my side. Reduced to the outskirts of society I lived in the forest till winter.

Frostbite was a new sensation. Somehow familiar yet totally new, never had he been numb yet searing as well, I took refuge in a barn during the heaviest snowfalls... It wasn't long before I was discovered however, and I fled back into the forest. The next day I found a small offering of food, and then another the next snowfall.

The winter was harsh, but passed quickly, thawing into spring and I began watching the farm work as planting season started, I watched which tools were used for each purpose, and in the night, I mimicked as I saw, soon expanding the fields well beyond what was normally tended, and soon the fields flourished.

My gesture of thanks is also what sealed their fates, a jealous neighbor curious as to the expansion in a recent visit didn't buy the explanation "The Spirit of the Forest" and began surveillance on the farm, discovering my tending during the night, and confronted me about it, chasing me back into the woods, hoe still in hand. It was less than ten minutes before I noticed the carnage, screams and the smell of fire. The barn was ablaze, the family impaled, and watching as their livelihood were trampled underfoot... The Cult had survived, and it clearly wanted it's toy back. They turned towards the woods, to hunt me down. And this was their last mistake, as it turns out flesh is easier to till than soil. And the pained screams they loved so much, did well to allow ambushes against them. I slew them one by one before I left this massacre behind me.

An unfortunate encounter with a mugger resulted in unneeded death, my inability to properly communicate and my lack of funding eventually led to violence, believing I was dead after being stabbed he surely realised I was also adversed to dying as I managed back to my feet and introduced his knife back to him. His clothing however I took, a hooded duster I figured might allow access to some places I might not normally be able to visit.
But, new areas, new dangers... More people means more chances of getting caught, and a larger city means larger angry mobs chasing you, eventually leading to my leaving the city before the rest of it suddenly mysteriously bursts into flames. I eventually began drifting, finding my way into the next country. And then the next, I'm sure of it now, they'll follow me to the ends of the earth. And though I've no qualms about showing them what comes after, the people who are getting in the crossfire are growing in number. I know I'll have to come to a decision soon, but aside from the odd ambush or bounty hunter I'm enjoying this small freedom.

Appearing to be in his mid twenties despite knowing he must beat least 38, 6"8' with a slender build, a faded tan duster sporting deep brown stains, a grey hooded sweatshirt, a few sizes too small, sporting similar patterns of stains as the jacket. beneath that is a "suit" of rags, barely dregs held together by loose stitches and clearly showing parts of his person beneath. His hair a wildly unkempt greasy black mop, broken at unnatural parts where deep scars and burns can be traced along his scalp, his facial hair never grows further than "Week old scruffy". His surviving eye is a clear azure.
Though slender, the definition of a fit musculature can be still be made out under his scarred hide, aside of his dirty appearance and frightening figure, his bright almost gentile personality doesn't get much credit due to his inability to enunciate, and the situations he frequently finds himself in.
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